The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 July 1918

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TE^ OIfiNTS SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 9 1918. NO. 9,410
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  • 294 1 The chief war news to day comes from the Italian Front. The position between the Old and New Piave has been re established, and a goodly list of prisoners and booty is published— Page 5. On the West Front raids and some air work continue. Telegrams are
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  • 950 1 Humour gleams frequently through the grimness of war, and mncb of it comet from the negro eoldiera from the United States. A particularly dark skinned private waa overhauled recently by a military policeman. It waa on a country road, and the soldier was ambling along with
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 146 1 GOODRICH TYRES SOLIDS AND PNEUMATICS RAFFLES HOTEL. Afternoon TEAS will be served m the hotel lounge and on the lawn every Thursday from 4.30 p.m. Music m Attendance Cinema Show on the lawo, especially for children, at 6.30 p.m. (weather permitting). fe^^r*:' > W^- *r^ \> I i l T3
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    • 257 1 Kelly Walsh Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN HONGKONG.) NEW NOVELS BOOKS ON MJSINESS ClOth BOlind Company Management by H C Emery $3.75 Banks and Banking by H T Easton 3.75 Mercantile Practice by G Johnson 2.00 Lord John m New York by 0 N and A f n&i f 88 OWlzaslon by
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    • 81 1 LATEST ADVEBTISEKEKTS. Italian Opera Co returns to Singapore Page 2. Irieh terrier tost Page 8. Cashier wanted— Page 9. Structural steel for sale Page 9. A bunch of land auction sales by Ching Keng Lee Page 8. Shorthand typist wanted Page 9. Commercial Rubber Co sail household furniture Page 9.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 87 1 THE WEEK Tiaaday 9th. High Water— l 50 a.m., 0-57 p.m. Rent Board, 2. 1S p.m. Vadnaaday 10th. Hari Raja Fnasa. Bank Holiday. High Was&i- 0 27 a.m 11-39 p m. Hlgbwlter-l-l I Hati Raya (Mohammedan Festival.) G G C Ladies Medal. Friday 12th. High W*t*»— 0-8<» a.m., 1-32 p
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  • 43 2 Orders for week ending July 18th, 1918. Monday July 8. Band Practice, Malay Volunteer Club, 5.15 p.m. Tuesday July 9. Signalling Class V M Q A Ground, 5 15 p ra, Friday July 12 An. balance Class, YMCA 5.15 p.m.
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  • 649 2 An artillery officer tells me of another Boidiec's leave incident. A gunner came to him acd asked for leave because a new bahy had arrived at home. The officer telegraphed to tho local police for verification. Reply 'No baby. 1 Professor Osaka," the world'- champion j.-u jiisu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 366 2 j NOW O^/a^l SALE Hj (Cloth Covers $1.75) Ijl DOLLAR DIRECTORY QFHCS, 16 CHAN6E ALLEY. I wa— i m im iiii iiw mmnn i aaa j THE SOCIAL BOTTLE JOIN ME IN k 1 JEFFREY QUART" NOW IN STOCK JEFFREY'S PILSENER QUARTS ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Co., Ltd. (incorporated m England). Victoria
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    • 385 2 t IjHBBH t nights; Uftfflßaa^a^aaßamffla nights; To-Night To-Morrow. Positively Last Two Nights of FEANCIS FORD -IN-^ "John Ermine of Yellowstone" Commencing Thursday, July 11th. Mrs. Henry Wood's Immortal Story "EAST LYNNE." A Beautiful Screen Version of this World Famed Novel FEATURING Miss Blanche Forsyth Late Leading Lady of The Bandman
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    • 327 2 REMEMBER THE BIG, SPECIAL ATTRACTION On Tuesday. July 9, 1918 IN AID OF FRANCE'S DAY Under the Distinguished Patronage and m the Immediate Prefcotce tf Hi* Excel Governor and The Lady Etelyn Ycacg the ALHA M B R 4 An Excellent Programme generously contribute d by Messrs Pu oonalsting of
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  • 479 3 v v rJinfZ to some muaical writers, the and not Ihe bigpipe is the national ol scoilaud II the matter ,ht to a vote, it ia probable tbe ../would carry the day. Tha pipes jrc'ureeque than the fiddle, and !v b-flti cur kilred wainora. |o IS* opeu
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  • 195 3 lines clear, save tbe big gun*; j :-I .y everything." These were ratraiaaaed to a C madian Overseas Coostractnon unit when the attacked ca the Somme, Bays |j 1 Hill, w:>o ha^ been specially Btribe the work of various l! behind Ibe hoes. baj gone b
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  • 50 3 WHAT NEXT Be B Mr Uo V J Otorn 0 b as B tD a book m aat i i SB nave never believed m dh atari war." On B* II observed m tho B contemplated that' ''-Jot years." In the I ,ir ;yd George advised B'C:.-. ths p-ospects c!
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 769 3 'SHERIFF'S SALE Is ths Supreme Court of ths Straits Btttlameats. settlement of Singapore. IN THE CAUSE OP Chop Kwcng Bam Ke«» Plaintiff VRRBUB Joseph Alfred de bouza Defendant Messrs Chins] Heng Lee At CO. will sell by Public Auction at their Sale room Baffles Chambers, Raffles Place, I On Monday,
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    • 621 3 AUCTION SALE OF Excellent wax polished and walnut stained teak furniture, His Master's Voice gramophones with records, rubber mangle, crockery, glassware, etc. etc. TO BE HELD AT Our Sale room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place. On Friday, 12th July, 1918, at 11 a.m. Full particulars see catalogues issued. Now on View.
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    • 573 3 Lost on Saturday morn ng m Paterson Boad an Irish terrior pup two months old with white patch on chin. The finder will be rewarded. F. M. ELLIOT, V, anrow H Paterson Boad. 9-7 11.7 FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE SINGAPORE MARINE INSURANCE AGENTS' ASSOCIATION i j The offices of
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    • 726 3 Government Notification. Tenders will be paostre* at th« r oionial Secretary's Office, uptoroon cf the 15' h July, 191 d for the following *oikr 1. Additions and alterations to the Beach Boad Police Station 2. Alterations to at Bochore, Kandang Kerbau, Beach Koad, Orchard Boad, Kampong Bahru, Havelock Road
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  • 27 4 Domestic Occurrences BIRTH. Oliveiro At 17 Race Course Road on the 99th of June at 1 p m to Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Oliveiro, a boy.
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  • 1225 4 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, July, 9 1918. In considering the man power pro posals now on the verge of crystallising into definite aotion m the Colony, it is interesting, if not helpful, to observe how other similar communities have tackled the question. Hongkong's Ordinance and snndry incidentals there to
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  • 95 4 At next Monday's meeting of the Legia lative Council, the Military Service Bill will be submitted for eeeond reading, committee stage and third reading, aa also will be tbe Currency Notes Forgery and Municipal (Further Amendment) Bills. For committee and third raadinga there j are the Singapore Railway
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  • 747 4 His Excellency the Governor and Com mander m Chief, Sir Arthur Young, G c G, I X b B, will present the Badge and j Saanad of tbe title of Rai Sahib to Lala lehwar Dae, interpreter, police court, to morrow at 4.15 p.m. m front
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  • 105 4 Already acknowledged A W Owen ,2 Baiqie de 1 Indo-Chne (per Mm Lecot) N Chun Seng's family Lim Peng Siang Tong Hup I Seata Bag Hint I Sefi Ycng Gubo C V Mark I Lee Ch.ion Guau dicing Haa Yet Hiug Hong I Seah Eng Kung Tan
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  • 242 4 The Local Fete on 18th July. ]gu 'France g Day). To the Editor Sir, You kindly inserted i later j mine dated the 6ib June with at jbjbbj eive appeal from the Director BaBBJ of The British Commit r- of tbe Frerg Red Crocs asking for tbe
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  • 257 4 The Committee acknowledge rd thanks the following eubecriptione toil above Fund Previously acknowledged $25.1511 "Abet" "HEB" per X W Still Collection at St Andrew's Cathedral on March 80 laet MJ Singapore Sporting Club 20 Of IbbVM J C Petek, Hon Treasurer A local resident, says tbe Malay
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 50 4 Wilson Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS ORCHARD BOAD. TELEPHONE 1080 6 Cabinet Portraits $6 (12 do $10) Note the conditions of our offer BJ "Wo satisfactory Proof, No Payment." No better guarantee of the high quality of our work could be given or demanded. Mrs. H. A. MONRO p.p.c. ass g ;b
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  • 598 5 WEST FRONT [lUnt^'s Service] Wa m.*m*tm. OaftJe] ir i ily 6 —Field-Marshal Haig Tba Au-'ralians on the night of r por Bdvaaoed our line north east RR ,ux on a front of 2,000 of aairea made a ?nccete v bringii g back f i .Id Marshal Haig There
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  • 32 5 r m v —Congratulationa i v: Wl, »on on the 4th :e: ra,n f ™m Sr Carronza *<*ican n lU 9t fetveat *>•*•• ol the T,rv^rl,ad ited S ,eB and the
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  • 777 5 EMBARRASSED IN RUBSIA Moscow, June 28.— (Delayed) Seventy five thouaand well armed revolutionary troopa are marching on Kieff from Faatoff, forty miles distant. The Germane are retiring on Kieff. Tbe communications between Kieff and Odessa are interrupted. Vladivostok, June 80. The command ant of tbe Czechoslovaks yesterday sent
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  • 193 5 AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE rßantar'a Bervioel [By Bubmariae Oa.ble] London, July 6. Rautar's correepondeni at American headquarters, wiring yeaterday, aayi Mr Lloyd George, addressing the Amerioan troope after a review, said Germany can have peace to-morrow with the United States, France and Britain il ehe accepte the conditione voiced by
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  • 563 5 London, July 6. Al a Government dinner to the International Parliamentary Commercial Conference, Mr Bonar Law, referring to the coming blow, said that it wouid not bs less dangerous because time was being taken preparing for it. The Allied high command wae confident as regards the result.
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  • 225 5 COUaTBSY OF THS FBBNCH CONSULATE. Paria, July 4, 620 p.m.— All France celebrated to day the United States National Fete. The cermonyg, of the opening of Preeident Wilson Avenue took a oharacter ot grandiose manifestation ia the presence of an enormous assembly of people. Preeident Polecats tbe
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  • 404 5 London, July 6. Their Majesties' silver wedding waa celebrated simply but event fully. The chief ceremonies were a special thanksgiving service at St Paul's, wheie the Imperial Conference representatives were among those present, and the pre sentation at the Guildhall of an address. The Royal procession consisted
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  • 173 5 The following story of heartless trifling with all the finer feelings of the German soul is told by the Chemnitz VolksbleU":— Herr Franz Hochheimer leader of the orchestra m a famous Berlin cafe, has just celebrated his professional jubilee, m honour of which one of his admirers
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 134 5 ROBINSON Co. Boxing 6 loves, Punching Balls, Sandow 9 s Developers and Spring Grip Dumbbells. @l SAHDOWS DEVELOPER] 9 Z IMPROVES: as body Exenctsea 7 jj\ 111/ EXERCI^FRSI The "Perfect" Gold Tan Cape Glove* Fandow's Own Developer for physical stuffed best horse hair, side pads and culture at home one
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 746 6 P. &0. British India AND iluPCAfi JLIINE (Companies Incorporated la England.) Mail and Passenger Services peninsular and oriental s. n. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Qovernment.) tlie Company's MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY are at present pended. Voe Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are at present suspended.
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    • 623 6 N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP C 0... Ltd. (Incorporated ta Japan*. EUROPEAN LINE. for Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobo ft Tikihm Hi Balicct, Ponang, Colombo and England ill The Capo. A service Is maintained between Yokohama ports to Marseilles, London, under mat' contract with the Imperial Japanese Govers ment. The New
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    • 300 6 M. M. MESSAGERIEB MARITIMES (INCOBPOBATESD IM FBAMCE) MAIL Llll, Monthly service between Shanghai, Honi kong, Saigon, Singapore, Columbo, Djibout Egypt and Marseilles and vice- versa. BRANCH LINK, Fortnightly service between Saigon -Tourani I Haiphong. For further information apply to 1 J. dO COURTQIi, Agent. SAIGON, HONGKONG ANO SHANGHAI A large
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    • 715 6 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CQrViPaii (INCORPORATED IN TJ fi.A.) REGULAR MONTHLY TOANS PACIFIC SERVICE Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco oo* uIWS^ 9 1400 tonBfrom Hongkong on or about -7 1 1 SS. "ECUADOR". 14 000 tons do do v I SS. COLOMBIA", 14,000 tons do do i|- and
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  • 633 7 I Captain F R Whitten, HG.RE, died on April 18 of wounda received m action. Captain Whitten was a surveyor io tha Federated Malay States Civil Service, and on coming home ohtained a oommieeion m the Royal Engineers. He waa the eldeat eon of Mr and
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  • 294 7 The German Club on Call* San Matcn linn, once nlrandy closed tampornrily aince tha breaking off ol relatione bstwaan the United States and the Imperial German Government, wae closed again, this time permanently, so far na its character as a retort tor members ot the local German
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  • 350 7 The Bavarian soldier had done a hideoua I thing and they were showing bim over the Palace m Berlin as a special mark ot approval. He was come to the Imperial Chamber itself, vacant now. but familiar, aa tuny assured him, with the War Lord's frequent
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  • 188 7 Well knows American Drowned. Mr Frank N Meyer, agricuUural£explo rer for the United States Department ol Agriculture and en expert of world wide reputation, mysteriously disappeared from on board the N V X river boat Feng Yang Maru on the Yangtsze recently. It ia believed that he
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 494 7 Assets over $2,000,000 Assurance m force over $9,000,000 I TH GRMT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICfc: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. v;.paryhas £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and oompi/ea with the BrliiahLife Chmjialas Lot iv every particular.
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    • 493 7 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. Incorporated ih Japan Capital Subscribe^.... ....._.Y. 48,000.000 Capital Paid Up ,Y. 80,000,000 Beservo Fund... .Y. 11,800,000 Frsnidsnt, 3. Inonye Ea«. ?ioe President. Y. Yamakawa Eat. DIBSCTOIS. I J. Inonye Esq. Y. Yamakawa Esq. N. Soma Esq. M. Odaglrl Esq. K. Sonoda Esq. T. Kawashlma Esq.
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    • 480 7 "feym a mmmmm-mmmmmmmmmi mmmm mmm m— Nfl ZEIUND IHStinaHGE Co., LM, FIRE m MABINf. (Incorporated In New Zealand.) UM-TSZE mmm iseoe. ni?. tIRINE. (Incorporated In Hongkong.) MM F!SE INSURANCE Co., lU. mt. (Incorporated In Hongkong.) ItHM iUIMNTEE A U6IOENT &c. Mi. fiIURHTEE. [Incorporntaal ia Inghini] Fire and Marine Risks of
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    • 120 7 STAMFORD HOUSE, PRIVATE HOTEL Bras Basah Boad. CENTRALLY SITUATED Always cool and exposed to sea brer FURNISHED APARTMENTS with Board. comfortable Bccxna with Batbrocxnt attached. Eleotrlo Fittings throatfbooi, Large Beeep'ton Hail and Billiard a Separate tables m epaoious dining room FEBMS: rnaaanaWa la Toara, For'turther ?arr»cs!ar£, apply THE MASAGB* Singapore
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  • 844 8 PRUSSIANISM REVOLUTION THE COMMONWEALTH. Three doctrines ot society end government are fighting for mastery in the world today, says a writer in the Match V Round Table." They are the principle ot Prueeianiem the principle ot Revolt! j tion and the principle ot the Common- j wealth. Ea?h aspires to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 326 8 NOTICE THE MOTOR DEPT. OF THE I WILL AS FROM JULY 1, 1918 jPENTRAI AND WILL BE CARRIED ON UNDER TBE SAME MANAGEMENT AS FORMERLY. j-m-jjjjjjjpjppjjßaannnanjcn^^ Satisfied f^**^ 4^-? B J^::::'- j^\ fAv mm *> "V" It is a common experience for a mother to try several >J :A%/ >A.-.
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    • 387 8 Tiis First Line o! Defence against Ii!-: Only about one man or woman m a hundred is perfectly healthy. The digestive trouble, and perhaps more than 50 per cent cf these could trace thei tr< evil- -constipation. It's a simple thing of itself, but like many simple things, il ma
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  • 1387 9 Usued by FRASER Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, Julj Bfch. all irjotattoßß ol Sterling Sbaaat mast ie tegerded aa pnreljr aomlaai for tbe paeteai. f W ioo.oog la la Aiia^t iei stows, s 5 879 BBP IB 2a Anglo Ja?a 85% fi J IS ifiO.OGO M J*
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  • 53 9 OOfiaa^a^ 9§ ac July B m a4* aaiaaid 1.4 tl6 ft£?»a« iic 412a a m/a 2-***** aaaaani B;ma gig frou, T. T, 147^ 5025X5H0, lata**! i2|%F«tsa Zcsoa&am, tasaani 1-3 i>-/ A iamand 107 J •Ussr-us, £asiaaid 68j 3i FSSU&S*, 3*o* Baa-laf §8.68 ;-•>.-; :< i i^lana Bala 6% I'
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  • 146 9 July 8 Pin (bayere) SlGl 00 12 00 B 1 22. Ci *s i 'sz C»*a Na, I 19.00 Dl&ei jrdin posa 82.50 ?sp? [WfciSafai*] 43 00 i [110 lo re mm 3 c;; BSD i n [4 I oin ,R oii small paai] (taU (sail?? nom to Kaka
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 244 9 SUPPLIES FOR Estates Mines Etc cia. 09 per cent pure. Lh( Fumlgators ("Four Oaks") an. Mr Powder. ir enit? ot Soda for killing out lalan* Best Copal Varnish. jj S of Soda (Best English). )q Nobel's own loading with sport tllistite which holds more pigeon ing records than any other
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    • 599 9 n J?u! ted ftBhl er, good salary, .state age qaallflcatlcn etc X Chinee preferred. Apply Bo 118 9 7 B#i hingapoie Free Press. uc WANTID fi f or^ If mo.cantile l r c f BB PP V Xo I7M c/ fci^*POto Free the 187 WAWTEO A Clerk for a lea'
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 409 9 DAILY SHIPPING REPORT. [AU British vessels unlaws otherwise marked.] Arrivals. July 6.— Sri Patana; Emile (Dut); Kuching, Rajah of Sarawak (Sar) Boribat (Siam). July 7.— Abbofcaford Singaradja (Dv:). July B.— Baa Poh Guao, Giang Ann, Parak, Ipoh, Calypso, Lady Weld Miet saycksr, Van der Para, Melchior Treub (Dut); Asdaug (Siam);
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  • 573 10 FURTHER DETAILS I My HubmariM Cable! [Reuter'a Service] London, July 5. The Indian report proposes that the provincee of India 1 shall bave the largest measure of inde- j pendance of the Government of Indie compatible with the letter's due discharge of ita responsibilities. Devolution thall take the
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  • 245 10 We live day and night too near the roar ot the trenches for great poetry to come forth— aa yet. Frederio Harrison. The tyranny, hypocrisy and boredom," which Mr Granville Barker says are tbe constituents of the happy English home," are not domesticity, bat the decay
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  • 555 10 Would Welcome Intervention of tba Devil An important personage ia among the recent visitors m Shanghai, saya the Shanghai Gazette. M Oatrogow, formerly bead of the trans Siberian Railway daring the most strenuous period of the war end Under Secretary of State m the Ministry of Communications
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  • 306 10 Penalty of Broken Faith. A message received by the Press Bureau from New York quotes the New York Times as enying Tha people of Holland muit see that m all probability there would have been no food riots m their cities last week if the Government, yielding
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  • 765 10 Before Mr Justice Ebden m the Supreme Court yesterday, Chop Yeo Long Watt! sued the Kirn Seng Land Co, claiming: 1800 as damages caused to their car S 162 by being run into by the defendants' car ***** at the junction of Cecil and Cross! streets on
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  • 91 10 To night is the special France's Day performance at the Alhambra, under tbe patronage of His Excellency the Governor and tha Lad; Evehn Young. Apart from the worthy object to bo served the whole groes proceeds going to the Fund, there is an excellent programmo of pictures arranged
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  • 71 10 i The. following cable has been received by tha general manager of Kramat Pului, Ltd, from the London office Deolared a dividend 1 6 less income tax 6b payable m London July 18." Shareholders, writes the general manager, will receive their] Jividends on arrival ot the list
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  • 144 10 YESTERDAY PLAY. A Single. ronnell owe 15.2 beat Bateman eec 6—l, 6—2. Stoul owe 5 beat Milligan acr 7 5, I—6, 6—4. Potts ecr v Sinclair owe 4, postponed. B SiNeiiE. Todd v Griffin, postponed Doig owe 4 beat Patterson ecr 7 5, 6—2. Allen
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  • 55 10 I Tuesday, July 9. 8.80 p.m. Drill Hall S R E (v) 6.15 Maxim Co SVC 430 Balestier Range SV R Details 5.15 Drill Hall SVC k A V Recruits 6.10 Chinese Co SV I 6CO SF A Coy 500 SFA Co Stretoher drill cancelled G
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  • 223 10 Agents, Barker aud Co. Alma 82,000 Atbara 18,095 Ayer Tawah 28 018 Batang Benar 23 049 Batu Anem 18,888 1 Batu Village 2.1C4 Batu Lintang 5,062 i Bintan 4,880 i Bute 14 780 Bukit Toh Alang 10,128 Cheng 15.745 Chemor United 18.245 I Cluny 15,69 3
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  • 122 10 There are probably no original jokes nowadays like the plots of stories, they are all variations upon staudard types. One of the new magazines tells how Mrß Jones rushed into her husband a office Oh John, Norah made a mistake and i tried to start, the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 863 10 Making children eat Nothing Is gained by forciDg a cbild to eat when it v !usif-f 0 y. 2 nothing la eaten between meals, and if yonr growing cLi.d floes not d&vJ T^l I oravlng for food at mealtime b there is somethirg wrong. A ritfui arm. r a ki
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