The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 July 1918

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1918, No 1,614,
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  • 184 1 LEADERS. PAOK On IVacfl Propnguntla [l Austria Nibbling 2 Military Service Bill 2 Noteq oa News 2 Points in the Bill 2 Our Treasury 3 Iftiket Prices g Tbri Se>» War and Secrr^y i 3 Proportion of FightiDK Men 8 POLICE AND COURT NEWS Jobote Court of Appeal 5
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  • 35 1 3B»4offeTo cr VO July 8J 8-4 8 82 iimaa^ Btu*.! 816 T 147i ftimani 41|%p««i» AMA, (ismoni 108i ■gmn Aanaad 66i »Bi, Bank UugFliki «8.64 •I ai l&glaai £ate 5% liandaw 48 18- 16
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 68 1 Pash —On July 1 at the Nursing Home, Singapore, to Mr. Mrs. R G. Pash, a eon. Lawford —On the 30th June, ai Penanc, the wife of D. R. 0. Lawpjr Kulim, Kedah, of a daughter. Duff.— At Batu Gajah Hospital, on June 3<\ to Mr. ami Mrs R.
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    • 81 1 Mabe>i ROWELL.-On July 3rd at the Presbyteriau Charch, Singapore. Mr. Thomas MORISOM M.4BEN, to MiRS HILDA MARION, younger daughter of Mr. end Mrs. W. A. Rowell, of Western Australia. Vyner Daly.— On June 2\ 1918, at St. Andrew' r Cathedral, Singapore, by the Rev. B. O. Robertß, Chaplain to
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    • 62 1 On tl e 29tu, Jane at 17 Rt Michael Roa3. Julian Kdouard Hinnbkindt, age d 59 yearp. Roper— u the Penang General Hospital, Hospital, en Jane JBth, H. H. Roper of Kedai> Rnbber Coy. Ltd., Bagan Serai, aged 29. Marjorie Whiteaway Van Vooght (Peggy) —At the European Hospital, Koala
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  • 242 1 The Im| mail from Home arrived to day with dates to May 17fch. Saturdey, June 29, wae Women's DEy in Singapore and collections were made for a Rift to H M Queen Mary, on the occasion of her Silver Wedding D-*y. Over £7,000 was realised. An '*.U
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  • 150 1 July 8 Tin (buyers) I*s? ro Gambit* M GaiaV!/ (Mi tic 1 22.0t fl— Mil fnii Hi f 23>)0 Pappy* Black ori/c. i port 8 2 50 VafPtli Wl Hi lais) 4 3 O'j Httf.mif (11Q lo fee >» 1 O jr» Mtaigfl <;<0 ?o lh« Ifcj L
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  • 1090 1 •ee. aka )> tee fay^g. t y^, p 4 ri>: ■rteaa-a* Leaa| i T raJaVae* r j lalalWl l*f K are T*x:V. im ftarJaai mM«U AW:^ f e* BarJaa. :-*re:ty ard June 18 What an enormous number of lessons have been taught us (and the rest of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 181 1 «'t-il)ers to the "Singapore Free Press" wekly returning from Europe to the Straits by any of the mail lines, a re invited to send to Manager the name of their steamer and aat( of arrival in Singapore. Copies will then Batted to meet them at various ports of call. bubsenbers
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  • 929 2 June 29 And so Si;ain is to mediate between the warring powers. That is the infer ence which is intended to be drawn from the Madrid wire published to day. We cannot thin>c that much importance will be attached to it. There have been too many exposures
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  • 871 2 July 1 Rumour has for once spoken aright, for to-day, at the meeting of the Legislative Council, a Military Service Bill will be given its first reading Under this title it might mean anything and it will quickly be given popularly the more definite description of the
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  • 557 2 July 2 The vast flood of political telegrams that is coming through just now is in marked contrast to the scarcity of "news of battle." Until lat^ Sunday evening very little was sa?"" of any activities on the Western Fron^ These now appear to have been ra*
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  • 542 2 Various points in connection with the Military Service Bill which was before Council yesterdxy have been threshed out tha f ihe position il now fairly plain. Tho Bill enforoei con eion on all A Class men. lobjeot examination. T-»c Govnrnmen*" thu3 at last found courage to
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  • 689 3 Juiv 8 Some call it unpatriotic, miserly, grasping, onheroie, debasing, and worm like ksthink'aboot financial matters, when, to use ft doubtfully true phrase which was worki'd to boredom, the call from the dead ramp to the living to go and fight for freedom. The prosaic truth is that
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  • 544 3 A Peoang paper the other day was saucy enough to say that Penang had got thirty three years ptart in life of Singai o, and S''n<?anore bad been vainly endeavouring ever since to catch up. TLi3 instance was that all houses in Ptnang had electric light and fans
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  • 794 3 July 4 It hardly needed the deviltry of the sinki-^ cf the hospital ship M L'andovery Castle to remind us that the submarine danger 1 as not passed either for merchantmen, war craft, or those devoted to Red Cross purposes. We have had many cheering
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  • 351 3 A generally accepted fignre of merit in connection with the number of men conscription can supply the army and navy is twelve per cent of the total population of a country. Under peace conditions ten per cent was taken roughly as the probable numbers of the
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  • 147 4 The Colonial Secretary has requested us to pritit a verbatim leport of the Attorney Geu< L-rrtl's speech on the first reading of this Bill oq Monday last. The verbatim report is made on slips from the Free Press by making a few verbal alterations which do not
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  • 214 4 MABEN— ROWELL A very pretty wedding took place at the Presbyterian Church yesterday, between Mr T M Mabeu and MUI Hilda RawelJ. The bride, who was given a^sy by Dr Serle, wore n )>;ajdf-ome drese of Burmese ci6pe de chine, triramad frith hnnd made net lace, georgette and
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  • 328 4 Mr R N Goodwin, of the Pinaug Gazette, has left for India on n short holiday. Mr A Lewis, of the Bangkok Dock Co Ltd, is going to Mesopotamia on military service. Mr F Kempton has undertaken the duties of hon. secretary of tliu Bangkok Oar Day million tical lottery.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 474 4 To the Editor. Sir, There are many questiDns that might be aeked about the Military Service Bill, and they are not all covered by OE P in his letter in thiß morning's paper Perhaps those redoubtable Unofficial who ar* Buppo?ed to represent us on Council bave tbem
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    • 357 4 To thh Editor. Dear Sir, As you are aware, a joint meeting of the leading commercial, profeßaional, mining and agricultural interests was held on May 29th to consider the conditions of Government Service in Bri tish Malaya. Before terminating, the meeting expressed its earnest and well considered
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  • 583 4 1 Huve 70U ever eeen thie 'No Sir.' Well, this is what is kr --wn rs the Southern Lights. You don't e'etbtm very often down here, but they r^ seen in ton north a great c and f.r called tbp Northern Lights." I am Purser on boar
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  • 140 4 BARLOWS REPORT. Rubber. The practice of fceJiiug rubber in the auction room ai cents per pound instead of dollars per pikul was initiated at the auctions which commenced this morning. There was a much better attendance of active buyers than has been tbe case recently and demand
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  • 113 4 To thb Editor Sir. With reference to the reply made to Mr Darbieh ire's questiorj (l) bt the laet Legislative Council Meeting, viz: that! Government bad discontinued tending Eurasians home at its expense, may I enquire, in view of the Secretary o? State's telegram stating that it
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  • 538 4 THE WEEK'S WARRIN G. [The dates given are those of th* grama from London.] he :el June 25.— Announced that thi a there will be 800 000 U S troops p including 550,000 i D fl r i D g n ne nCe Great enthu^i.^ i n Anicd over Austriana*
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  • 91 4 Already acknowledged Messrs Weill and Zarnar Per Melle Lovy Towkay Tan Kali Kee Qaak Nam Seng Eng Guau Swee Siang and Co Kwang Sin Chieng Guan Mong and Co Sim Ghee Seng Koon Yik an! Co Swee Heng and Co Quak Khye Seng and Co Seng Yee
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  • 19 4 The community of Kobe has acbie the wonderful feat of railing *l uu to war da the Tank Fund.
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  • 842 5 RESULT OF CAMPAIGN. A largely attended meeting of the ladies of Singapore was held at the Y M C A yesterday morning to ha&r the result of t he Women's Day' 1 campaign held on Satnrday In aid of a gift to H M Queen Mary on
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  • 42 5 The Pioueer understands that the question of njinutuJwaiiFig ia India drugs which c\a be more cheaply produced in the country than imported from abroad wag diecuased and it was decided to make a recommendatioa on the eabjeot to the Government ot ladia.
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  • 560 5 The following summary of this Bill will probably ba of more general use than the text of the Bill itself Section 2 makes it obligatory on every person classified in Category A under the Registration Ordinance to serve in the Overseas Force, and every person ehall be
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  • 172 5 At the Y M C A en Saturday there was a pood attendance, nt the invitation of Mr A W B.aan (president) and Mrs Bean, to an "At Home to welcome back Ml* L Gordon Cranua, eecretary i.i the Y M C A, and
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  • 77 5 It wii b.i good y...w i to cnaoy (saj9 the T O M) to hear that there is at last a likelihood that a Tamil platoon of the Malayua Volunteer Infantry will be formed in Ipoh in the nenr futnre. The keenest interest is being taken in the quf-.~tr.iu bv
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  • 766 5 The annual general meeting of the Hotel van Wijk Co, L*d, was held at the resietered offices, Chartered Bank BuiUiug, on Saturday. Me J W van do Stadt was in the chair «nd there were al?o present were Messrs J C Koopmmn, W Schr^uder, A
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  • 136 5 Bc'oio the Chief Justice, Sir Johore BnckaiH, K C, (presiding), Mr Justice Woodward and Mr Justice Ebden, in the Johore Court of Appeal, which was conc'uded en Thursday las:, their lordships dismiss iC .he appeal of Malay who was ccnvicted )f the murder of a compatriot
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  • 602 5 Mr H C E Zachariae writes News has been received from England by letter amplifying th« fact which wag known early in April thas iltiy are cf the Cturch Array Huts Tents were destroyed in the first teu days of the German a'tik in March. (The
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  • 137 5 Before their lordEbips the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K c), prebiding, Mr Justice Woodward and Mr Jnetice Ebden, in the Supreme Court on Friday, the last case in the list of appeals was coocluded üben the court, after heating Mr Smith Marriott for the appellant;, without
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  • 139 5 At the P A M meeting at Sertmbnu on Wednesday last, the Chairman (the hoc'ble Mr R C M Kindereley) said be should like to mention the question of Man Powor. This qu^etion the Chairman eaid be rhou J like to mention, because there waa a
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  • 771 6 Provieion If being made for the conlin nance of tha study cf hookworm disease ic Bengal. A report hoa been received that the Hedjaz Government is mukicg excellent arrangements for Mecca pilgrims* The death ha9 occurred at Cannonorc in hie sixty- sixth year of Mr Tobias
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  • 1058 6 Tbe Appeal Court at Johore opened its Session oa Mocday tha 24th instant the Judges on the Beech being the Chief Jattioa 'Sir Jrhn Bucknill, e c) Prtsi dent, Mr Justice Woodward and Mr Justice Ebfleu. The p n*b case heard waa th9 Rpp«^! of 2
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  • 541 6 10 No 19 of Das Freie Den ftd i Wort, o Hun p^p^r published In Geneva, freie apostle ot Kui ur expresses b-e Dpi ns on the eoudiiicns ai they nro io d^r \d, in r>u crdcie entitled The Americi i Will fa War," quotes a c<jur.r\'c<
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  • 191 6 A Go^ornmeat hospital is io .rected at the 25th mi?e on tbe Kuala KUwang Tili Road, in Ne#ri Sembilan. (T O M.) A fatal nccident occurred on Tme 14 at tho Rubber Planters an-i Dealers Factory, Bitu rd. A Tamil boy employed in tho packing department went to the engine
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  • 583 6 [The datee given nre thoee of tw grama from London.] e te:e JunelS-Italy: Battle decree mountains but in-r^ing in intend n° P.ave front, Austr^- r Ort t D German tr.fflc under euepiciCD. to investigate. Bill approved p 9 i r: y u of Q S envy from
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  • 78 6 A despatch from Diiren owing to the shortage of bottoms quantity of goods awaiting iMOiportoW at the pier is 455,000 tone, which i record. Pleading guilt; b tow Mr Sugireecond court to n, caorgn of nilnfl BfM force to a compatriot Darned Khoo 1^ Malabar at, a Okiaatd named Ob
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    • 266 7 pore, June 27. Tliere has been very little activity ;n t/je market f ince cur last report tOSb in?.'.\<:t nod trmanctions i»aU. K i fill advices from :oa iodi-a'e a tlig ly firmer tona Qaotatioa ic Hibbed Smoked ex Go.iowu Sin.Lr I <re at Is 4jd per
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    • 111 7 Sicpspire, June 27. The weekly Rnbbec Auction opened ftttcrday to ft very weak market, and *hcw u fnrthat rf»^cline. The top pne d th« srUe .or H.bbed Smoked was $73 per pikul, which is $7 belov; Iml wetk'a hen, while for Fine Palp Crep*. vvhic* bai baan
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    • 241 7 business of the week baa again rlf clcjgfely coniincd to operations niag shares. Far eome hidden ce &Eon the price of Tiu over the paet week y bean worth at times several ton more in Penang than in iie and in Java av.d Australia an remium over
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    • 494 7 20th— 26th June 1918. Th Share market waa distinctly firmer during the past week excepfe a? regards rubb r chares. Auction Basalts 19vb to 20th Jane. Total c.ffered Tons 1,18 J *«1 Sold 623 Top prices Crep« 878, She. London Equivalent- 1b Bld li 9jd. (Th'3
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  • 191 7 The Department of s>tatistic3 has eol lected ha iateat statistical facte relating to Indi -v ducabion to sho?? the progre«3 that hp-i b-?i d made during t l ie quicquen nium reding 1916 17 and erp.cially the main f covrec'^d with th» giowth of schools. ccDegaa, ani
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  • 148 7 A report of *bo r''p^d theft cf ?t brilliant M 1 a quantity of gold ralaed at $325 ht.i been muda to tbe polio* by a gcidsrauu t Mned Cba Cxise Ohaon, of 652 N T o*.h. Btidgt cdg wbo laipeotl a Malay pu::.« worker naraed Ahmat who bas abaecad
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  • 651 7 I The second annual report of the direc tora of Sctsdai Limited, to be presented at the annual meeting on July 5, is as fallows Gentlemen, your directors have Dlpr.sure in submitting herewith a duly aniictd statement of the accounts of the Ccmp any for the year ended
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  • 126 7 A J ipanetc narnod Kosachu livios 1 p.'. 28, Crawford rd, repocli to the poiloe Ihfl theft at 10 ji.m on June 2»> of $75 in co'fcs. He has no turpicioa a& to the id jtility oi thi Ihieft Tvo proa^.outioiiS have taken p'ccc M)is mon.h ie Sarawak Gazette) in
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  • 763 7 Mr C H O Clarke is appointed to officiate as District Officer Bnkit Mertajam. Mr L C Taylor is appointed to be Lieut in the Coast Defence Volunteers. Mr Tan Sian Cheng is appointed to be a member of the Reformatoty Board of Visitors. Under the
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  • 868 8 The ordinary meeting of the Municipal CommUeiooeta was held juterduy afternoon presided over by Mr F J Hallifax ana b? Mesera J Polglase (Sec), E TctotineoliD, M A Namazee, J A Elias, W Lowther Kemp, Tan Kheam Hock, Roland Braddell, B Ball (Municipal Enginest) aud A W Bean.
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  • 498 8 MISHAP AT THE LAUNCHING. Strength of Boat Demonstrated. The reinforced concrete ferry boat buiit by Messrs Broeeard, Mopin A Co was lauLched on Wednesday right at Tanjong Rhoo. All precautions had beon taken for a satisfactory launch and avorything went on Bfitisfactorily unti! tho boat wae
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  • 148 8 Already ackacwledged UB7O D^ad heat 10 Per Melle Lovy Mr Ornei 200 Mr David t d P Liuthier g Mr Logan 25 SGP 26 Tho Dippeußftry (Raffl?6 Pluce) 25 M\Bs Ole^n Noleon 25 Mr Aplelon 10 A Friend of the French 25 Mr Ohaa Ch?ng Bok (Kuala
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  • 127 8 We understand fcbafc 2nd LieuL R Sraiib, Singapore Volunteer Rifles, is leavirg in a fd<v (leys toz ludia, ba^int; received a re commf ndation from the Gc-:or:\l Officer Cjmnoaedicg for a c: mmiMion in the Indian Army ReeeiTe of OCiccrg. W« ft3knowledga receip 4 ol N T 3 78 of
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  • 1707 8 Quicquid agunt homines nostri ett farrago libelli Juvenal "WhaS a price The Topiciet hae often heard the expression in places not asu&'ly considered by the little world wo live in as abodes ot honour. He, with the deepest rEppect, nutes in one issue cf a daily
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  • 25 8 tody Tudor, te of the Nar»l Oomaiwi dec io Chief returned to Sinyaporn i>om Japftß on Thuta^iy nnd ha« fjono to AdmiraUy Hotlte, Duuearn, BarkarrJ.
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  • 627 9 THE CORONER'S INQUEST. Before the Coroner. Dr Murray Robert e3 d, on Wednesday, bo nquiry was begun c to tbe circnniitaooei lending the death c f f 4 nr:!e HokUo named Tan Quee, aged 2 e, who won allege! to have beeu stabbed B font places, by
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  • 33 9 RED CROSS WORK FOR THE WOUNDED. <r:2 littl tcr he Balloon Coy Brt vcr gratefully ac me records ttr^n Mrs Wolfkal. chiefs and 2 packs playWeai v G SWIHDBLL, 9, Fort Cauuing Rd.
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  • 27 9 R further ccntributiouß are 8r^ L edged:— i i iwledged §7,364.22 26 10 •1 to (3. 17.899. 22 V.* P W Kei, rion Treasurer.
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  • 12 9 b 1 P-jetrmßtsr General, I b ihorl hoHday, much 6! I U.
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  • 1431 9 AN INDICTMENT OF SINGAPORE. What the Steam Roller Man Said The Malaysia Message Nis N a journal otmi rionar> aod general religiouo infor mation for the MalayMa mission field; print J an 1 published iy the Methodist PaMlfthtog House Sia* "we." <u the Jane number
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  • 351 9 Tbe B!heme for affording officers and soldiera ia Mesopotamia a month's leave and charge by sending them to India in regul- r monthly relays ia, moso people will agren, bo excellent one on the adoption of which tbe authorities are to be cordi> ally congratulated, epys the Pioneer. Charged before
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  • 448 9 LONELY WIFE'S SUICIDE. A WALLICH ST TRAGEDY. Bftfori the Coroner, Dc Murray Robertscu, oa Friduy, bv. inquiry was held ioto the circumstanced attending the death of a Chinese woman named Tan Guat, aged 26, who was found hanging from the partition of her cubicle at 87
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  • 326 9 It is inmoured that the authorities are considering measures to control un necessary waste of paper in India. Capt R J Falgar, formerly of Messrs Rus6el) and Co, Kuala Lumpur, is now in the Supply and Transport Corps, Mesopotamia. Major F W Douglas, a former Chairman of the Kinta Sanitary
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  • 584 10 Ordinary Meeting, Monday, July 1. Present. H.E.the Governor (3ir A Young, K B B.) H.E. the General Officer Commanding the troops (Major-Gen, Ridont, c.m.g. c b.) The Hon. the Col. Sec. (Mr F. S. James, CM a.) The Hon. Att. General (G. A. Goodman Act. Treasurer (H.
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  • 3606 10 A Duty to the Empire The Attorney General moved the fhet reading of the Military Service Bill. The object of this Bill, he raid, is to give pow3r to the Governor to esnd overy available* C;abß A man ur»der 41 years of age in the Colony to
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  • 116 11 A Nipa telegram turn Amsterdam •Tm f.ay^ tbat Mr Lechaor haa bfen Con ul at Singapore (for tbe NV.herlands.) The Amsterdam Telegraaf ebatea that the Dutoh Cabinet intends resigning immediatriy afto: the ekctioae, whatever thp result o( tl-.c v^tinct May 27 being the annivoraary of the motabli Jan .»i S.
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  • 1208 11 At the Sungei Ujong Club, Seremban, on Wednesday, the general meeting of tho Planters' Association ef Milaya was held, xhe attendance was good there being preeent nearly one hundred members acd delegates. The chair was taken by tha hon ble Mr R C M Knderelty. The
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  • 203 11 The following, phjs the Cathedral Monthly Paper, id cm extract fcom a letter which the Biehop has addressed to his Clergy I have accepted an invitation to go to Mesopotamia let at leesfc four months and I hope to start as Boon after the September Ordination (Sept.
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  • 120 11 An ordinary general meeting cf the Straits Trading Co, Ltd, wae held on Saturday at the registered office, 11 Co!l yorQuay, Mr W F Nuti presiding Tuo statement of accounts and balance &hcot for the half-ye«r ended March 81, and the reports of the directors and audi
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  • 159 11 A Karachi message of May 17 says Iti i^ understood that a iarga consignment of American silver reached Bombay two day*, ago and that a further large consignment is expected in a f e v dayo while others are actually on their way. The eilvnr is already being made into
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  • Correspondence.
    • 408 11 S:r,--Whrn I tmw this h-adirp in your P p^r of Friday, Jane 28, I fully fxpsctad to read au Intelligent 6Ld broaimirded criticism, instead of I reed very nurro^iriLdi;d article. I am etil! at a iosa to knew whether the writer of the article published
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  • 249 11 THE LATE M. E HINNE KINDT We rrgrefc to annouuce the death on Saturday afternoon, at hiß residence, 17 SU ItiohaelVcd, of Monsieur Eriouard Hiun -.kii-idt, the doyen of the small Bel glan colony c£ S:ngapare. Born in Siugapjre in 1860, he was aped 58 years %h the time of
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  • 44 11 Messrs Macphail and Co. point out that tbe reference to the above Company in their weekly report, published on the 28th instant, should bkve read 1 The Ting Kil Report wag pood but not bettor than the market forecauu
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  • 115 11 The subscription list of the K'cove Company closed on Saturday, at 12 noon, and we are informed that tbe number of ebares offered to the public was oversubscribed. News haa toacbed Shanghai of I he death in action of Captain Q H Oxlmd of the Royal
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  • 779 12 Mr P W Lpp lie of Jaian Acob, is shortly leaving for Home to join up. (MM.) We bear tbat Inspector D Killourhy will be leaving for borne in tbe near future to join up. (S E Thieves entered tbe premises of tbe Kuala Lumpur Aerated
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  • 1111 12 The sixth ordinary general meeting of j the Tingkil Tin Mines L mited was held in the company's registered offices, Ore eham Horne, yesterday. Mr J M Sime was in the chair and those present were Messrs J W van de Stadfc, A E Baddeley, H
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  • 381 12 STOCKS PURCHASED BY CHINESE GOVERNMENT. Formation of Official Ring. Aa a climax to the various mports which have been coming in from ti Provinces, of the revival of opium culu nation and traffic, the payment of ti pa in opium, the brisk traffic in the C
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  • 226 12 Ex King Constantino has issued a note protesting against the accusations of treachery made by tbe Greek Foreign Miuister. TheGcvernmentof India have prohibited the import into Britiah India of Russian rouble notes. The export of such notes has also been prohibited to all destinations lince June 1. We offer our
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  • Correspondence.
    • 249 12 Sir,— Would yon be good enon.K answer the tollowioß question,, in columns ot yon* vtfaable paper (n ,b to be understood Hut men n iip d s be drafted to I rapeiUl dn «H1 the authorities rr eboou \mT* will the men 0r,:., ,ba tt^^ send them
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  • 275 12 WOMEN'S DAY." Saturday was ll Womau's Djy i n Singapore. The Indies showed any amount of energy and NSOttret in a very worthy cauee, and the result will be a silver wedding gift which will ba very acceptable to Queen Mary, a substantial sum of money to be distributed amongst
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  • 65 12 The Penang Food Control Committee has fixed the following maximum prices.Beef Steak per catty locally elaught. Stew or Carry meat per catty Liver per catty *0 Pork per catty (without fat) Mutton per lb Fowl (full grown) each Fowl (balf grown) each Fowl (chicken) each Fieh (slangin) par
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  • 100 12 The railway service to Bangkok stir next week. What about passports? Siamese authorities expect p*opl< provided with eorae sort of P» fl9 Apparently they rely on passports t ieeued in the FM S. But there I Siamese Consulate in the F M S, i far as we know, does the
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  • 1847 13 By ttabmirin* uahi« j i JUvvi-'i tfcrnoij Rome. June 26.— Mr Lubin the Ameri can delegate who ii responsible for founding the international institute of agriculture now proposes that the allied countries should create an international re6erv< board on the American plan to requla'i! the ebb and flow of
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  • 4205 13 London, June 24. Field Marshal Haig reports In a minor operation on the night of the 23rd, in the neighbourhood of Meteren, we were completely successful, all objectives bning gained and our line advanced. We captured ten machis^gune. The French took a few prisoners in a successful raid
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  • 1281 14 London, June 20. A felegram from Copenhagen states that the latest new* from Russia, received vir HeUicgfors, describes the situation ac dtHperace It ig generally expected thai; the BolißOTikl will soon be overthrown. The greatest nervous ness prevails in P< troKred. R°d Ouird* are daily &nd nigh:iy pdCroiiiDf*
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  • 58 15 F'i?geEtp(i i Ifttaat monthly Ol L>r Stanley, thf Health Oificvr of that th m •pidemic irblek i in OOOanOO with many other been frxparieneinc lately is lm witij tho iniax Sb iQghai t| umber of Kuesian refugees. u 1 v oia^QoB'-;6 the outbreakn ne 'me luflaenzn Siberia ie the
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  • 3616 15 Madrid, June 26. The Austrian \mbas aador viaited the Foreign efiniatef and it is reported in the Lobbies that Govern ment is anxious to acjoutn Parliament in order to be at full liburty to intervene in international affairs of tht highest im portance. Madrid, later The- Foreign Minietlj
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  • 616 16 London, June 26.— The Admiralty announces that the merchant tonnage losses in the month of May due to enemy action and marine risk totalled, British, 224,785 tons, Allied and neutral, 130,959 tons, compared with an adjusted aggregate for April of 811,466, and compared with 630,886 in
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  • 425 16 STRANDING OF THE "TJITAROEM. Court Censures the Captain. At the Hongkong Marine Court on June 14, judgment was delivered in connection with the stranding of the 88 Tjitaroem on the Prataa Reef on May 29. The Court was composed of Commander C W Beckwith, r n, (President), Comman der C
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  • 198 16 ANOTHER OF MY SONS Orlando "Adopts" a Brave Boy. The war correspondent of the Giornale d'ltalia relates the following incident When the Premier, Signor Orlando, was recently visiting the Italian front he was acquainted with the story of a youth of 15, named Marcel lo Davide, serving with the 21st
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  • 182 16 Sir William Ball has secured the promise of a peer to introduce the Bill which he is preparing for the conecriptioo of unmarried women between the ages of eighteen and thirty one. 1 A great many people eeem to think that married women are to be
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  • 49 16 Charged before Mr Ham. third magistrate, yesterday, at the instance of lo6pec tor Hills, of the Traffic Department, with the rash driving of motor car 5619 in Cross Bt, a Malay chauffeur named Amat bin Adoon was remanded until July 11. Bail was allowed in the sum of 9100.
    49 words
  • 404 16 Waihington, April 29 While the eeriousneee of the ran,/ situation on the Western front is f understood in America, it does not d hearten Americans, but, on the contra stimulates them to greater efforts V 1 strengthens their determination to defAi Germany at any cost. This
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  • 194 16 Collision lo Ntgrf Sembilan A eomewhat serious motor laiebnp oc curred on Friday afternoon last, on the Ran'tauLineum Roade, a few mileb out of Bwfbifli Dr Howard, of Seremban, who had been oat visiting a number of rubber e6tatep, was returning home when, about 3 30 iu
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  • 219 16 Claim In Admiralty Court. Id tbe Admiralty Division, before Me Justice Hill, bitting wih Captain L H Crawford, 08, and Captain Owen Jonee, RN R. Elder Brethren of Trinity Hoaee, tbe case of a claim and counter claim for damages arising out of a collision in
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