The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 June 1918

Total Pages: 16
401 416 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 401 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1918, No 1,613,
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  • 252 401 LEADER'. PAGB lh« [ttUtfl Front 401 tarmacy'l (ibaatiy Gamble 401 tflack Outlook 402 D and Siberia 402 I Austrian Ketreai 408 f.ulation 408 [ritfa Problem 408 POLICE AND COURT NEWS. a Saeeattfol Appeal 4C5 Bankruptcy Court 405 1-uibl Motor Smash 406 •adlccifd Stowaway 4jO Convict! on a raft 410
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  • 32 401 BUS I* M June 26 I 2 4 15 82 I I 5 4 11 16 wt flwnanj /itou)i 817 Umwal 40}%P«» iosi 106? M 66 B«fll t ♦8.54 lo« 48j
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  • 46 401 June 26 poi 88.00 Q3IX 11.25 DOfli norn 7.00 6 60 1,41 0 213 808 2*o ",om i 1 no.*) M 4. 50 n pat: 3 t^ni *.7C pcs 2 i6O pcs 3 .I 4.56 pd 2 4,40 a sa:- 5 gallon* 4, C0
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  • Domestic Occurrence
    • 59 401 At 46 Coni&ton Drive, Edinburgh, April Cth, the wife of the Ret. Gborqb M. Reith, m.i., of a to.'j. Oliver —Oa the 18th June, at Pendamaran Estate, to Mr. and Mrs. E. N. W. 'Oliver, a daughter. Sims.— On 23nd lnst., at Lancarfe, Slnga pore, the wife of W.
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    • 20 401 Kybhb— April 12, at Upper Bedford- place, Arthur John Norton Kyshs, lao of Malay States, m his 38th year.
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  • 374 401 A mail from Home arrived hera on Monday June 24, with dates to April 26. This weekly leaves to morrow. There has been a dull tone m ii rubber market this wet k. *.nd only a few of regular buyere attended iba unctione, at which the demand
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  • 915 401 4 c» Mm, L*\-v^w r,~^ l -„v. Jane 21. A careful study of news from all sources makes it plain that as far as tho mountainous region, that 13 to say the northern flank of the Italian position, is concerned the Austrians have scored no material sneoess
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  • 1107 401 Germany 's Ghastly Gamble. June 22. The new German attack on Rheims was an cbvioustemptatiou, and measures to meet it were no doubt prepared with French thorougbuesa. Ii is only a few days ago that there was foreboding as to the evacuation of the martyr city. The position, it wm
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  • Page 401 Advertisements

  • 1196 402 June 24. It is almost possible to feel compassion for Germany. Only a seeming miracle prevented her from winning the war m the first few months whioh was her programme. Tben, after several years of varying fortunes, she manoeuvred Russia, after the great revolutionof March 1917,
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  • 883 402 The indications are tha-j Japan is about to embark upon the lons anticipated expedition into Siberia. Britain, her chief Ally, has so far as the public can judge exerted no pressure, but bas left Japan with absolute discretion m a matter which involves delicate pro blems of
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  • 435 403 Jane 2S on to doubt- thab the vf ally driven back the the Piave with grc-:tj the defeat niiiy assume of .i. catastrophe for the tbat v, I '.acking the he flat land on the m provokingly or, and net vmih that which is nsualiy forth, general.
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  • 685 403 Hopes and fears animate and depress our spirits out here, since we fall back on a moderate supply of telegraphic news, selected by the news department under the control of the Censor at Home and further censored here, till the miik and water becomes water and milk, supposed
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  • 816 403 The I rish Problem. J'ine 27. The cynic who as a remedy for the Irisli problem twenty four hours submersion beneath the Atlantic and the novelist who devised the plan of towing the whole island to America and mooring it off the statue of Liberty, were as near success m
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  • 314 403 Gsraas Railway Sfation n to *n built on a lilt comparing over 98 uree, aod «;hfi neeottarj land has o?ready been resumed, iroM.) At Port Diuks -n a pirce! of grcund, only 3 roods 15 perches io ar,^, hat bean reserved for a lite for a Government Sanatorium. (T O
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  • 1161 404 SITUATION IN WEST [By Babmarin* G»bl«] [lUater'i B«rr;c«] London, June 24. In tbe Houfo of Commons, Mr Lloyd George, replying to questions by Me Aeqaith m the course of tha debate on June 18, eaid tbafc Me Asqaith had aeked for more information regarding the wee situation,
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  • 440 404 A THIRD DEATH THE INQUEST. The Coroner, Dr Murray Robertson, yesterday concluded hiß enquiry into tho circumstances attending the death of the wo Hylam firemen who met tbeic deaths on board the e s Anjou when, as reported, itß boiler blew up whilst tho bhip was under
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  • 131 404 o* Oaa doss not look fcr humour m such prosaic documents aa tbe Defeuca Corps Orders, but tha order 6 p.m. Swimming: fall m at, Blake Pier did rafqe a query as to whether there would be a large attendance of spectators to witness the splash, cays the China Mail."
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  • 1037 404 The fourth annual general maetnig of tbe Jesselton Ice and Power Company Limited, was held on June 28th at 64 Market b!". There were present Bfeeeri A E Bad deley (Chairman) Chee Srcee Cbenf, A W Cabhin. W Webster, DireetOfl E A Bliat, Ong
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  • 229 404 BARLOW'S REPORT. Singapore, Jqqi 26 Rwbber.— There hos btet, very activity m the market since cur i- s r pott dated the 80th Initant, aod fc, tions have been imftll. R acPD t iifh from London indicue l lightly f irraG] tone with the Quotation for Ribbed
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  • 165 404 Mr W Lowther Kemp has given notice that at tbe ordinary meeting of the Com missioners to be held on Friday he will move the following resolutions 1 That a statement giving the f allowing particulars be circulated to the Commissioners prior to each ordinary meeting of the
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  • 46 404 H E Sir Arthur Young $800 Lady Evelyn Young 200 Mrs Niesim 80 Mr Camiade 10 Messrs Schmidt, Shudel Co 150 W M Blake (per A W Still) Un pari 5 Mr Poulou (Tekbab) 98 7 v (Mra) J B Wishart Hon Secretary.
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  • 165 404 The Rev Keppel Gamier returned to Penang after his trip to Ceylon, much the better for his brief holiday. Mr Justice Sproule also returned to Penan?, leaving The Ceylon Independent, of Colombo, of June 4 says that Mr Mobumedbhoj Allibhoy has boon made a Justice of the Peace for the
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  • 759 405 Three month* leave to Mr R Scott from May 13 is approved. The rubber doty from June 21 to June 27 will be calculated at one price ol 181 for all grades. The Klocg military tournament concert and dance iv aid of Queen Mary's hospital for
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  • 125 405 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association 851 st Auctian. was held on 19th and 20th June, when there waa offered for sale 16,188.20 pikuls or 2,158,427 1b Tons 563 58. Prices Realized. Sheet Sm. Fine Ribbed 573 to $80 N Good 85 72 i, Fine Plain
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  • 259 405 Rubber. Singapore, June 20. There is practically no change m tbe market since we reported on the 18th in6tinfc. A very dull tone prevails, with still only a few of the regular Buyers m the market. The Auctions which concluded this morning again witnessed only a fair
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  • 171 405 Singapore, Jane 20. At the weekly robber auction held yea terday and to day there was only a very moderate demand, and prices show a farther decline. Fine Ribbed Smoked Sheet sold tip to 180 per piknl (a drop of 91) bat only a few lots of
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  • 107 405 In the Appeal Court yesterday, before the Chief Juttice (Sir John Bucknill, 1 c\ Mr Justice Woodward and Mr Justice Sproule, the case was hoard m which S N S N Narayanan Chitty appealed against the decision of Mr Justice Ebden m tbe suit brought against him
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  • 118 405 Whilst engaged m shovelling saw dust at the Guan Guan Saw Mills, Kallang rd, at 11.80 a.m. on June 19, a Chinese named Low To rig a bricfc kiln coolie em ployed by Chop Tong Eug Tye of GayJang rd, waa suddenly buried under a heap of saw dust at
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  • 236 405 Singapore, Jane 20. The past has just been a doll week for which V.Vek was parti ally res poc&ible bu fc as m fcdditiou njovtmenis m both commodities tin and rubber have been scarcely ptteeptftbU it ia not mrpri sing thai a gfaeial tons of lethargy
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  • 301 405 18th— 19th June 1918. The past week opened very dully owing to Races etc, but cloeed with aa ituptoved tendency. Auction Result 12ib to 13 June. Total offered Tone 947 Total cold 818 Top prices Crepe 179 Sheet $81 London Equivalent Is 9§d Is 9} (This
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  • 51 405 The Borneo Company have received a cable from the Secretary of the Ipoh Tin Company m London advising that an interim dividend of t% (is per share) free of income tax has been declared by the directors m respect of the current year, payable m London on 9th
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  • 113 405 The SCC soccer team which turned out last evening to meet the S R C, on the SRC ground, was a weak one, a number of regular players being absent and the side a8 a whole being disjointed. The full penalty of this weakness was exacted by the SRC,
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  • 84 405 The freehold land and house known as No. 27 Lavender s' Singapore, area 743 square feet, was Bold b> auction at the saleroom of the Commercial Rubber Company on Wednesday af'ernoon and was bought by Mr Tan Cheow Pin for 16,900. Charged before Mr Sugars m the second court yeeterday
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  • 473 405 Saturday, June. 22, 1918, "WOMEN'S DAY FOR SINGAPORE. WAR GIFT FOR QUEEN MARY. A xreeting of the woman of SlfifipoM was held at the YW O A yp^ l rAay to discuss thfl qufe&'icu of a (o £i M tee Queen on tbi oocm oo of bet ailver wedding,
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  • 111 405 CASE OF MR SHAFTO STEVENS. Before Mr Justice Ebden m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, Mr V D Knowlea mentioned the case of Mr Shafto S Stevens, m bankruptcy, and said that as there was a caee against his client pending m another court he would aßk that the
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  • 185 405 H M the King baa apnroved the appointment of Mr A Ag.»ew aa an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Conn MI for a term of three yearß from Jan 18 last. Mr RC Cuteen, Clasa V, F M S Civil Service, is appointed to act us D O Bindings, m
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  • 444 406 THB ENGINE DRIVER'S EVIDENCE. An inquest wa§ held iv tha Coroner' 6 Court yesterday afternoon on tho victims of ths r^li^on on the railway line cpros'ie Mr Eiiaa'B house when m at t<s£Lj; i r to crois the line m (tout of the 1 15 fO3Jd train
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  • 272 406 The following abbreviation of a message from Field Marshal Htß Royal Highnees the Daka of Counanght and the Marques 3 of I.'iu-do7::j ha 6 badn telegraphed by the Right Honourable tho Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor and is published m Lhe
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  • 25 406 Piny foe Urn LadiM Medal resulted as follow b Winaov, Urn Pniuif*er 60 —10 50 Rttnner- op, Mrs Pog3 69 —12 67
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  • 98 406 o— Tho local offl?o of khe Songkong and Si ingha] Backing CforporaUon bai received a Mtgrsm from tho London ofiQce itmUnflhal it it topotrltd lhal Mr C T a BobaHlQO, cf tbo hank's staff (Major, QOBfldn Sighland«rt) di«l of wonai3 oa Hmu Iti An interattinffgams.oiflQOoOr.wM witD^qg •d on Saturday evening
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  • 1502 406 Quicquid agunt homines nostri ett farrago libelli Juvenal. The Small Boy does not wan*] to fight h3 wants to go and look for something to eat bu^ the Big Boy eyya that he must flght. Hero are some knuckle-dusters," Boys bp. Sail m and give him
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  • 164 406 The annual meeting of the Singapore W C T U was held at the V W C 4 en Thursday, with a good cumber present. After a social half hour, the President took the chair and introduced Mi^B Siroufc who Baid a (ew words
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  • 97 406 Ifc if likely thnt the Ipoj po':'cj .tM take definite action ibortiy >gn' «f v ce< j motor eeorchers, fp.ys the T.O.M. 3 trb«n, a JiV«xos3 tapper woik'tng on a rubber eatato at t;iß 9th mileatoiie, Yea Obn Kiog'rd, reporta to fchs police about 11 p ra. ori Jane 20
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  • 435 406 STRAITS TRADING 0 The report of the directors to U>. m bare of the Siraits Trading C Limited, to ba submitted at the c, general meeting on June 29. t, as foiled Tha directors now eubmit the tea Q q the half year end^i 31st Ylarrh
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  • 162 406 EXPLOSION ON A STEAM ER. IWO KtLLED: TWO INJURED. At about 4 pm. yesterday there v»as an alarraiog occurrence m the road« just outbide the breakwater when an oinlosion occurred aa board the s s Anjou whilst leaving the harbour bound for Muar and Malacca. It appears th^t deuly the
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  • 43 406 A telegram received m S n<?:«po"e en SiturcUy tftorniog gavn the foHowJDg nu:nbtrfi as winners of the thrte obief ptiiei m tba Hongkong Sd Gtorge'e War B I Drpwing First prize 1 1 8 20 Seconi ***** Third 804 1 C
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  • 51 406 The Ghartftred B*nk inform v* :kmt they oro m )t;vipt of thy following I a l ho:n their Lund on office "Shell Transport and TI; r o v(> acclerfd Vnd Intetiui tli vi deud fete of income tax looovnl p yejxr 5a p3c tjpari p^yabl^ 6ih July coupon
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  • 71 406 Germani m China irill bi pi > ri learn, enys the North Chin. Dfttly that two ship? n>* h'.in-g bra:: (fall as triiEsr^r'o, <. ;^.r dettiOAtiOfl hfcinp n Biit I onv. No return tlcUp's irlll bi aod tbo d&le of the ie(? ,is for iptaeat to the F.t>h nlar.J depemla
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  • 1962 407 1 Thank the Lord it haa stopped rain ing," Rftid Jackson, looking op at the sky, I'm about fed up with washing my feet m plueh." For thn first time for three days the eun bad iison bright and clear, and there Itemed ?ea of a fine day.
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  • 813 407 [Tbo dates given mre those of the telegrams from London June 11 Rate of destruction of sub marines has still further impioved. British minefields m North Sea are proving very effective. Over 700 000 U S scldiora have be far bp,en sent to France. Casualties m seven
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  • 426 407 Separation Allowance and Compensation Proposals. At the meeting of the Hongkcag Legislative Council on Jane 10, tbe Con* ecrip'ion Bill was finally passed. Ptior to tbe Bill goiog into committee, tbe Hon Mr Holyoak caked leave to discues tbe three resolutions sent m by tbe Chamber of
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  • 121 407 The purchase of Faimouth Docks by the P and O S N Co, us reported recently, is a noteworthy step m the important scheme cf reorganisation recently under* takfo by the P and O and Briti 1 India S N Companies together, m pn '.ration for afier war conditions, says
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  • 3311 408 ,T A N— JUNE 1918. [NOT INCLUDING THIS WEEKS.] LEADERS. PAGE Air reprisals 1 Colonial trade 2 Australia and Conscription 2 Week end War Positions 2 Restricting Rubber Production 2 Bolbhevik Peace Folly 8 Land Property Restrictions 17 Russia Disillusioned 17 The Bolshevik Claims 18 Peace Terms 18 India's
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  • 408 409 The directors' teport to the bbareholdery of Ting Kil Tin Mines, Limited, to be presented at the annual meeting on July 2, ia as follow! Gentlemen, Your directors big to mbrait the audited statement of accounts and directors' report for the Company's sixth year ended 80th
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  • 332 409 The folio .ving properties were disposed of by a^ccton by Meisrs Ching Keng Lea and Co? at theic sale room on Monday afternoon Freehold building allotment off Kadi pong JftTfrd, nrea 16,541 tq fS, bought bj Mr Yeo Wbang Nan at fit cents per &q ft. Freehold building
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  • 77 409 Iff Vivl< a k'a, of M«;gr9 Freamr.n r.-1 Madge, ig rjrosi-". ding Houjo to j:>in up. (M M arkUb crr-rcr Itodjidieh, which itc '\jk Sea and we? fly cif o baa be^n gW«I Dsme i mi i v of t i« tufk dii-.-* !-i J M lal '.he long d.farred
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  • 309 409 That Siugapoie id at last awake to up to date methods of building construction entirely fire pnof throughout, the re inforced concrete floored and framed boililog DCV 7 ne» rjg eompl«Moa m Scuth Brtdf id i« V2i ,;ooi: exuinpie. Thii building, 6i:aa*.fcl at the corner ol South Bridge
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  • 136 409 The wedding o( Capt C Vyner, cf the Johore Military Forcesand MUg Vara Helen, youogest and only unmarried daughter of Capt. Daly aad Mm Daly of Dalydenp, Singapore, was celebrated quietly yeaterday. no invitations liciinr* issued, but many of the friends of the bride and bridegroom attended
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  • 397 409 -<►- Liru% Masterman, formerly of the Siampee Survey Deairtroenf, haa been awarded the Croir da Guerte. We regret to Joara af tho death of Lieufi Francis Icglehy HarrUon, late of Biudar Eatat*?, Klaog. He )«ned the letßattn, Rcy^l Weßt Kent Regfc, and proceeded to France some 2j yeari aj;o. Recently
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  • 775 410 Sir Herbert Dering, io British Minister at Bangkok, on Jnnel3 celebrated the third anniversary of h arrival m Bangkok. The hundred yards nneh'cap raca r,t Urn Swimming Clnb on Sudr.y reaulted aa followß C Salter, J Bsgnall, 2 M Schwarz, 3. Charged before Mi H°m m
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  • 2060 410 Will Japan Intervene In Russia. From Our Chen Correspondent London, April 25. Er^on- remains divided into pretty well two equal re&ardicg the ei*u«.ticn m tLe Far East, one considering that conditions are now raore or Itei tfttisfafl tory B7>d that further developments should be avoided and
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  • 160 410 It transpires that the lady wbo met with such a tragic foftth M her MtldtMl m Gopeng Road, Ipob, on Thursday room ing, wig Mies Van deer Meer, daughter of the lata Lieut, Colonel Van daer Mtttol the Dutch East Indi*?* Array. She h«d been a
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  • Correspondence.
    • 156 410 TO THE EDITOR. Sir, On Saturday lust I was Q6ked to meet a certain fellow as No. 10. Hcug Hin Court. I turned up at the placa and was utterly surprised to note that there was more thah one hou&o No. 10. It it hadn t been
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  • 113 410 Before Commander Cator, RN Marina Court on Saturday, I Randall, of the Marine Polic charged a Hokion with 6to,i. ship m harbour. Whilst represantatives cf the ment Monopolies Department were ing for opium on board the chip a tv officer came acrois a large ten chest
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  • 52 410 Before Mr. Ham m the third co Saturday, three Annamites wb picked upon a ruffe at Bea four da) from Singapore by a Hhip bound I port, were chaiguJ with being abac from the French Penal SeStlemen Pulau Condor. The accused guilty and were remanded m
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  • 748 411 RAILWAY CHEATING CASE. On Monday last, the June Assizes comlanced with Mr Justice Earnehaw preeidia g, and the DPP, Selangor, Me McCabe v proteeoiiiiff. The list is a heavy one, and will have to be r>n:ioued next week, case of iniereßt uing that In which Mrs D M
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  • Correspondence.
    • 359 411 To the Editor. Sir, —If I remember lightly there wa? once advocated tram lines along Orchard rd, and the -strong objection which came from oar City fathers was that it would depreciate the TftHe of the reeiden* tal quartere, mostly ccc "d by the Tuan Beear?. m the
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  • 304 411 A pretty little caremony wa3 performed at 8 a m yesterday at lha pntrarjc* of tbe police courG when Mr J N Mihalingim, Tamil Interpreter was prteentpd with the Imp-rial Service Medal h? H E the Governor. II E who was accompanied by Mr Sherwood, p b
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  • 191 411 A new induct! y, the manufacture of mutcheb, In Cejiotj, will b* started very shortly. Tb9 requisite material, labels, wrappers, che.mic.iie, and sj forth, hive arrived from Japan. A disastrous flra occurred at B< noar Bidor, a few nighta a§o The only two rows of shop houses m the little
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  • 448 411 The following result* of tbe 1917 ci amination are forwarded to us foe publi* cation Raffles Institution, Seniorß. Ara thoon S M, Evans S N, Foo Hpo S?ng Lea Kacg Ann, Tan Cbong Kew. 'inn Giok Tjhwan, Tan Joo Cheng, The™ Ying Thira, Wee Thiam Hock, Apparajoo
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  • 289 411 Fifth List Bmm preTloutly acknowledged $4,9 73.00 Ma C arathoon '25.(0 Aooajmoat 25.00 D Maura 25.00 W Ooorabei 10.00 M R W 10.00 W T 'iv.on 10.00 Fiiuk A i j ni 50 00 Afn BraebthaiMf 10.00 Met Mji: < 6 00 M^ Lflrnv't.] 6 CO
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  • 751 411 In the darkness we slipped out of oar tiench, the Sergeant and I, and wormed through our wire into the murky space beyond. Stoop:rg en 3 crawling m the altercating blackues* of thd night and ghostly glaum of star shells aod flares we moved and peered, crept
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  • 25 411 Among arrival from Australia are Mr anJ Mra L O Ceaaaa. V M vJ A, Mr and M;i J D I'ierrepon tiud Mrs PSA GeorgefiOD.
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  • 771 412 Mr Nelson Porter is leaving Bangkok by the Saddhadib and intends to join up. Penang," Malacca and Malayan 2 were amongst the Church Army huts Icb: m the Marcb offensive. Mr E J Howley left Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday far Home, where he will jain up.
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  • 1009 412 The deepest regret was felt m Siugaoore and Johore yesterday at the news of the deeth cf Mr Douglas Graham Campball, of the F M S Civil Service, General Adviser to His Highness the Sultan of Johore. For only a week or so had
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  • 722 412 RUBBER TAPPER'S DEATH. Before the Coroner, Dr Murray Robertson, yesterday, Inep Caldwell conducted an icqniry into the circumstance attending the death of a Tamil named Arumo* gam a rubber tapper employed od a r ubber estate ut the sth milastoue on Tbompsonrd, who w&s alleged
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  • 52 412 A Peking message declarea that the East Asia Tobacco Co., connected with the Japanese Tobacco Monopoly, will become the cole organ to control tobacco growing m China, and that China baa been endeavouring to obtain a loan for the improvement of tobacco production, and this may farther facilitate Japan's peaceful
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  • 2385 412 i By Bnbwa*rUf Oablt} London, June 17. -Mr Devlin Bn ..w. aft Virginia on behalf of o h D? nationalist candid -*ta for Eist r, B On the Irish party Aid not lrtSi%J* the parliamentary weapon which hmSw^ one of the principle factors to J n n Irish freedom.
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  • 113 413 The total of German loeaee mounts colosealiy, bat as Mr Bonur Law remarked m the House recently uji autocracy dof;8 net care a democracy dccc. Wellington §aid the bnme m his day. He could conceive nothing great r than Napoleon at the head of a Ftecch army. But Napolecn had
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  • 3344 413 Paris, June 13 M Tardiru. French Commissioner to the United Siatea, haa returned from tbo front and states thai 80,000 Gertcana were put out of Bction m the offensive between Montdidi r and Noyon. Paris. June 15.— The battle be'nvaen Montdidier and Nuycn has bnn, i^e-ijite itr brief
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  • 4696 414 London, June 18. Italian Official The violence cf the battle somewhat decreased on the mountain front but id increasing along the Piave. The enemy's renewed attempts opposite Maserada and Candelu to establish new openings on the right bank of the river on Monday were Fanguinarily repulsed. The
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  • 243 415 London, Jane 20. The Timeß corres* pondent m Stockholm eayg that the Bolshevist Government m western Siberia has been overthrown by a counter- revolution which captured Tom6k, aided by the Czechoslovaks. Fighting it proceeding at Omsk, Ikaterinburg and Ufa. The Soviet commanders have telegraphed to Lenin that Soviet
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  • 2149 416 Louden, Jure 18. In the House cf Commons. Col Tate urged Me Balfour to order the expulsion of enemy subjects from Cue British concession at Shnmeen. Ha called attention to articles m the Hongkong press which he said showed the intense feeling on the matter. Mr Balfour asked
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  • 1038 416 London, June 19. A neutral correspondent givaa harrowing details m con nectiou with the destruction of oie of the largest &nd most recent German submarines near Zgebrugge lately. The submarine struck a mine and from the cce%v of forty only tv/o survived on reaching the surface
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