The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 June 1918

Total Pages: 16
353 368 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 353 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER THIRD SERIES THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1918, No 1,610,
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  • 146 353 PAOB The \it-ne Bittle 858 i'-r Discrppunciye 358 ma a ;vßuce Ch< ck«d 854 i *te| i* Possibilities 854 IB Morale 854 Tbf D eeepit Poor 855 POLICIi AND COURT NEWS. ia- m Daly Appeal 368 Fariuut Driving 860 Criminal Apptftli 861 LETTKRS TO THE EDITOR. l'h« Onteuary of
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 39 353 Morrison —At Batu Gajah Hospital, on iilay 31, to Mr. aLd Mfb. J. Napier Morbibon. a son; both well. Sharpe.— At Holmaene, Scotland Road, Penang, on the 31st May, to Mr. and Mrs. VV. X- ouahpe, a son.
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    • 34 353 Hollo =viY.~On May /6th at 236 Gaol Road, Kuala Lumpnr, Mrs. L. J. Holloway, aged Gamble.— At the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on May 296h, I9iB johs Gamble, of Bnkit Panjang Estate, Jeram.
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  • 57 353 COMBao^»D uf ro June 5.« •*r*& 4 r s 3.4} r?!T»U c^iifii E m 1 2 4 23 82 Ftsndt !f..-n.ind Ban! 817 I^DIA, T. T, w 146 K-::;e«r««« i* ii 86i%Prsi» Vj.:;-.a/, /a. inniftoi losf Java, J^mnnri HCf Biaasos. rftcißcfi 66 B{mißm&a*, Bank B^Ttnt $8.6 4 Haak of
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  • 150 353 T n Tic (buyer*) 6.. 50 Gimltei 0 r e I 28.-L I GMBfctel C*t* Nc, |0 -;o fj|,ip*D ISifrill oedifT, J pore 85 00 Ptijgtti. tWjiLt t**'iV> 49 00 KvtaMga (110 10 tLe qoc Efctaagi (P0 to *h* it v qjcc Olovtft (Amfcoiaid o -jrs B-»li GoSfti BladU
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  • 583 353 *■< !tfiv«. 4,QTt v .t» ir,:id tmm. The Aisne position—or aa we apparently must call it now, the Vesle position, tbe enemy having also crossed that river which lies considerably south of tbe Aisne is to-day somewhat clearer though taken on the whole there has been a
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  • 445 353 The correspondent who wrote yester. day referring to our leader on the robber position, took up a perfectly sensible attitude m his letter though the particular point we disagreed over is a matter of opinion. Bat we refer again to the letter because it was written by one
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  • Page 353 Advertisements
    • 214 353 iberstothe M Singapore Free Press" jf returning from Europe to the Straits ol tin- mail lines, art; invited to send to {er the uaiuo of their steamer and arrival m Singapore. Copies will then mailed to meet them at various ports of call. J-u^cribers m Europe wishing detailed injcrruatHn as
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  • Page 353 Miscellaneous
    • 198 353 THE WEEK'S NEWS. We have not received a mail from Home ainca thu week but one is due to morrow. The annual exhibition of the Singapore Art Club was opened by Lady Evelyn Young m the V M C A Hall thia week, m the prei-once of a large and
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  • 12 354 Hi _F^T^____r______l HI HI L__/ t* 1^_^_^__m ________H ____________H
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  • 829 354 The French writers m dealing with the present offensive nre, it seems to us, on perfectly sound ground when they emphasise the comparative speed with which a check has been imposed on the German advance compared with the conditions which pertained m the March offensive. In the present
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  • 1067 354 June 4 The events of the pa9 t few have constituted one of thoc e u times the advent of which man thinking men have persists fl. T us lor the last six mot The Premier is only told us at tbe b >ginnic 0 f tf| that
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  • 1044 355 V^edo not know whether it is imdion or merely fortuitous chance t has certainly appeared to us of i thai there are a few more poor i 1 needy persons to be seen about the &ti than used to be tbe case. In *ory of course this
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  • 798 355 The figures of trade of Malaya— im. port and export— just issued, are a marvellous tribute, not merely to the soundness of the business built up here but also to the ability of British trade at Home to meet the urgent demands of the East despite the tremendous
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  • 487 355 Information baa been received that the lights at Kuala Sapetung, Tanjong Krang and Kuala Latufc have been discontinued. Officer Now, supposing the patrol sent out didn't return at the proper time what would you do Corporal (after deep cogitation) Sell their kit, sir An interesting and lively eoccer match was
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  • 1173 356 From the fulminations of Juvenal, and the airy, graceful satire of Horace, 'tis but one step back to this gem of the Augustan Age, Virgil' 6 poetry. £nter a tall, shy, ruGtic looking man. The Emperor's wife hae begged to bear a portion of bis latest po^ro, the Aeneid.
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  • 219 356 A Gratifying Statement. At tho meeting of the Legislative Council ou May 23, the Colonial Secretary, m laving upon tho table tbe Financial Returns for ibe year 1917. and the Report on the Finances for the year 1917, said Sir, m your uddress to thia Ccuncil last October
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  • 139 356 Tbe Report lor 1917. The report *of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China for 1927 shows a net profit, after providing for all bad aud doubtful debts, of JE560.261 inclusive of £157.466 brought forward. Final dividend at the rate of 14 percent per annum, together with
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  • 182 356 Conspiracy 'Charges Withdrawn. One phase of the Million Dollar Opium case at Hongkong was completed on May 17 when the Attoruey-Gereral informed Mr J R Wood Lt tho Mag?6irucy that tha Crown had decided to withdraw the charge of conspiracy which has bstn hailing over
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  • 959 356 In epite of a general opinion to the contrary, it must be confessed tb'.t tbere i«? hardly n huniiD characteristic lev* wide ly diatribated than tke perception of hum tur. One wbcle id ii alleged cj he wholly destitute of ifi. Tha Litter statement is as
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  • Correspondence.
    • 282 356 MALACCA FETE AND RUBBER EXHIBITION. To the Elitor. Dear Bir,-Tb« Bnal muU j EircuMvs Conn, ttee o f the waa held at the i en Thursday May 80th at 6 p I the final accoun s wf-rc, W bmitl passed. The total n«tirecf to ti7.919.02 equally to the 81
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  • 108 356 The billiards matches at the V M C A last evening between V M C A and Midleeex Regiment players resulted iv two wine to one for the former, ard the YMCA thus won the rubber of the three meetings. In the singles matches, A D Bak<?r d feated
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  • 60 356 You dear Slacker*, What are you wait-ire: for? juat got back— broken ll tin Can you imagine Paris- Jn«r no Paris and all the dear ladies -Buck boys you are wanted aid ba assure you that you will b* welc and if you can 6hoot--BO much 1
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  • 88 356 We have received (writr« the < Observer) from the Departtnes culture a leaflet dealing Giauca tree, which thoulJ lo< planting reader?. There have roue requests for informnt this plaa^reppecting its value manure rtad fuel, and the I this m concise f Jim. ThepU producer of green mwiura, n are rich
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  • 771 357 Mr G L Ccllenette, late of Penaog Vol untt?pr«-, had patsed the examiontior.e for a corLiiHssion m the Tank Corps, early m March. H E -he High Commissioner has, sub npnrovftl of His Majesty the I Kr, P fc o nom.uite Hi A N I lr
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  • 2020 357 THE ANNUAL EXHIBITION. The tisnui! exhibrficn of tbr? ?ing'<pore Art Club was opeoed m the V M C A Hall yesterdiy afcernoon, and continue*? to-day The BCJseue and tab-s are w( 11 adorned I with works of art Ol v*ryi^g tyre and merit, thoogta m the latter
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  • 308 357 Singapore, May 30. The past has beta, rnjrcj cr lest a featureless week with operations Laaicly ard to Mining share". The pvica of tin fell about 83 v p;kui and f bis brought out a few profit- takeci In tin sharpy but on the wholo pncto
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  • 358 357 Speoking at the Serbian Red Cross I hraJquarcera on March 8, Father Nicholai Velimiron:e eriid that Serbia has sacrificed 1 300.100 of her 8,000,000 people. A Gover ment Gazette Extraordinary, issued yesterday, ghos a revised liil of fir;ru> and persons with whom, ucdar the Trading with the Enemy Act, business
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  • 286 358 Rubber. Singapore, May 80th. There has beer, very little change m the market since the close of the auctions on the 24th inst. The usual weekly auationa, which concluJc-d this oicrninß, were well attended at the opening hut only b few of the regular buyers ware operating,
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  • 94 358 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's usual auction was held on Wednesday and Thur=dny when there was offered for Bale 13,288.85 pikuls or 1,771,847 lb, Tons 791. Prices Realised. Sm. Sheet Fine Ribbed 988 to 994 n Good M 71 87 Good Plain 65 68 Crepe
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  • 230 358 Kuala Lumpur, May 30. At a meeting held here yesterday, called by the PAM, representatives were aleo present from the Society of Estate Doctors, the Malacca P A, the F M S Ponang, Selangor Chineße and Pecang Chinese Chambers of Commerce, the F M S Cham ber of
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  • 154 358 Singapore 80th May. The weekly rubber auction which com menced yesterday disclosed a somewhat weak market, and although the top prices are not much below those paid last week, only the very best of the lots on offer were taken at or near these prices lots which
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  • 1458 358 FINES OF 1114,180 TO BE REFUNDED. In the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday before the full Court of Ap peal coufistiog of Mr Justice Innes. Acting Chief Judicial Commissioner, F M S. Mr Justice Earnshaw and Mr Justice Fm-er- Manby, the appeal came on j of
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  • 384 358 Some interesting work was done at the Race course yesterday morning. A haz'3 was over the back stretch. The turf was m good condition. Playmate had no trouble m running 8 furlongs m 45 sec. Good Omen and Kitty made their way over 8 furlongs m 46 sec.
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  • 692 358 [The dates given are those of th grams from London te April 20.-Fr fe nch seaplane di 8a hu boat, which takes refuge m Bp.oUh8 p.oUh and is interned. d Port French carry out sncp^fnl n oq 4,000 yards front, eo*t Rnd Z?^ of Locre, gaining all
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  • 685 359 In connection with The kerosene oil Mftrdtyi it is understood that stocks io jarroa Lave never been *o plentiful, but that owing to freight difflcuties oil canD 0: exported. Tbe shipbuilding industry is being re vived at Moulmein as well as at Rangoon. I'je course of
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  • 1950 359 From Our Ow% Oorrupondmt London, March 21. The commodity matket haa displayed a stronger tone m the last few da?§. This has surprised the market apparently. The average investor (ails to realise the im portant part the restriction of output must have eventually m raising the price of
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  • 555 359 The following report is scot by the secretaries, Messra McAuliffe, Davie and Hope, for publication The statutory meeting of the But it Rbona Limited was held at the legistered office of the Company, Government Buildinge, Penang, Mr James Cruickshack presiding. MrFHGrumitt, a c A, having read the
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  • 139 359 The ten-day Libatty Loan campaign m Shanghai result3i m 5618,900 gold being subscribed by 965 inve?tord. Two Arabs who were charged before Mr Ham yesterday with landing m th« Colony without passports pleaded guilty and were fiaed |20 each. The engagement is anooucced cf Mies Olive Tou<r3aint, sister of Mra
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  • 2909 360 SINGAPORE'S HIGH DE VTH RATE. Mr Braddell Urges Action, An ordinary meeting of the Munioipal Commissioners was held yesterday, there being present Messrs F J Hallifax (Preei dent), W A Simp, W Lowther Kemp, Roland Braddell. M A Namezie, J A Elias, A W Bean, Sect Tioog Wan
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  • 160 360 A joint meeting of the Local Committee of the Rubber Growers' Association and the Standing Committee of bhe Planters' Association of Male y a wtia held on May 29 at Kuala Lumpur, when after a consider able discussion the conclusion was arrived at that, on the information available,
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  • 111 360 Before Mr Ham yesterday morning, a Malay chauffeur named Ahmat bin Omar was charged with the rash driving of motor car ***** at Grove rd at 5.45 p m on May 14, colliding with a rikisha and causing injuries to Mrs Foster, of 184-1 East Coast rd. Tbe
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  • 282 360 Information has been received that 8 cases of Jelutong rubber marked M RCT 86 New York were picked up at eca off tbe East Coaet by one of the Jj'uore Government's launches aDd are now lying ia the Harbour Master's office at Johore At the meeting of fch& Hongkong Sanitary
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  • 1547 361 Quicquid agunt homines nostri ett farrago libelli Juvenal. The topic of the week is not a pleasant one for it is the *uccesa which has bttenced the German Uial m the Rheinis ifo a wbero by a cleverly worked up mrpriee be deprived the Allies of
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  • 172 361 There will be a dollar B^eepstake Bosey competition at the Garrieon Golf Club on Monday. In a casualty list under missing ia the name cf Cnpt B Cuibill, Norfolk^. We are afraid thin refers to Mr Cutbill, of Malacca Rubber Plantations, who a\* a member of the M S V
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  • 837 361 Tokyo's population at the end of 1917 iB put at 2,949,880, nearly 70,000 more than m 1916. Capt P F Warner, the famous cricketer, has resigned his commission, owing to illhealth, and has been granted the hon rank of captain. The second Indian War Loan is
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  • 435 361 CONDITIONS IN A GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL. In the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday, before Mr Justice Innee, Acting Chief Judicial Commissioner, F M S and Mr Justice Earoshaw, with Mr H B Shelley, dpp, of Perak to support the conviction, the appeal was heard of Hassan bin Kechil,
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  • 314 361 The following ia the thirty firet report of the directors to the shareholders to be presented at the annual meeting on June 11 at Barker and Co, Ltd The directors beg to submit a duly audited statement of accounts for the twelve months ended 81st March las!;. After
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  • 53 361 A correspondent of the Times (May 6) learns that an intense, almost house to house, canvass of workers of both sexe* is proceeding m Germany, with the object of encouraging people to hold on. Informers are invited to denounce pessimists and the authorities promise stern measure against those circulating reports
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  • 1085 362 THE ETHICS OF OUTPUT RESTRICTION The fourteenth ordinary general meet ing of the Sandycroft Rubber Co, Ltd, was held on Saturday at the registered offices, Chartered Bank Buildings. There were present the hon'ble Mr F M Eiliot (preeid ing), Messrs W Lowther Kemp aud W A Sims (director?)
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  • 371 362 There was a crowd of interested spec tators on the course on Saturday, the trainers sending their horses along for good work m view ot the closing of entries. Playmata and Milky Way were the first to appear. They ran m at a pretty smart pace for
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  • 123 362 Age Limit Fixed at Forty. Hie Excellency the Governor of Hongkong hae received a telegram from the Secretary of State for the Colonies stating that the proposals of tho Colonial Government with regard to conscription are generally ap proved but that the age limit is reduced to
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  • 196 362 The Tokyo Foreign Office on May 8 announced that tue authorities were m receipt; of a communication from H E the U S Ambassador iv Tokyo, to the effect that Japanese desiring to go to tho United States or her over Eeaa territories may do so by eimply obtaining a
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  • 786 362 A poor Japanese cake seller woo the big sweep of Tie 30,000 at the Hankow races. We regret to hear that Mr Jules Matt m, who is m the General Hospital, is not making the progress that had been hoped for. (P G.) Mr and Mrs
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  • Correspondence.
    • 196 362 Sir,— l should b« much obli^a it would bring to the notice of tb* p-ihlic through the valuable medium of Journal, Che fact that a C been appointed by the Government report on a suitable ecbeme for comrm mjrating the 100 th annirrrsary
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  • 258 362 Rangoon, April 19. The Financial Commissioner of Burma has allocated farther concepsio^s :n con nection with the discovery of wolfram and moiybednite at Byingyin. All nppli cants for mining leases, approximating twenty, have been granted areas although not tbo6e originally applied for. Messrs B M
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  • 192 362 The Committee of the United Services Welfare, Alexandria, writes, cay* the Postal Express, ac follows 1 The Committee of the United Se» vices Welfare wish to thank you most sincerely for tho books, etc which ycvi pend to us from time to time. Thpsb bookf fire
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  • 86 362 In a lector from the Paleetina Iron! eold'tT d^eciibia a fltjhfc with oi'antfes between two email parties. Tlkv flung or&ngas at eßch otter." h« pnya, j 111 ne we used to tbro^ 6uowbi.ll!?." The accounts of laaia'e borne tr?\de during the official year 1917 -18 i bow thafs the valuo
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  • 811 363 SOME FACTORS IN THE SITUATION. The following information which we have obtained by enquiry m reliable quarter* give 6 we consider a sound repre aentation of some of the maic facts m re gard to tbe robber position, particularly locally* There are m London stocks of about
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  • 76 363 the BDleroora oi M(-;/-r8 Powell and L'~t od Tuesday afternoon, the follow of freehold building land at Qg and Grove rds were disposed of hy -luctjcjii Lot 1 (48,186 fc^ ft) 13,400; Loth 2 and 4 (82,722 sq ft) cold to Low TeogLeug of Chop Guan Cbin Hong
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  • 825 363 Ec Sang Kap, a rikieha owner, of 156 Qaeen a*, reporte to the police the theft of a rikieha valued at 11 10 at about 2.30 am on Juue 1. He susp^cta an unemployed coolie who has been atrested. Ey a Deed Poll duly executed m
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  • 551 363 The weekly meeting of tha Reut A6Besa ment Board was held m the Municipal Office* yestardi.7 Afternoon, thoee present being the bon'bie Mr C J Saucdeia (Pre&i deal), aud Me<?*ra S Tomliofton, A M S Ar>gu :ia, M ;.L yer, B A E.iaa, Gaw Xhek K'brn and
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  • 170 363 HANDICAPS FIRST DAY. Race Onb— (7 fur) Karl 10 5, Fallowland 10 2, Aringa 9, Floradora 8.12. Paul 8 9, Oh La La 8 9, Pretty Molly 8.5, Kitty 7.8, Bonnety Bob 7.7, Will o 1 the Wisp 7.8. Race Two. (Scurrj) Metthyr Boj 9.7, Blighty 9.7,
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  • 155 363 It is currently reported m Ipoh says the TOM that a Chine so towkay has made an important discovery m the last few days, m that he has found an extensive deposit of iron ore m the Kuala Kangear District. The story is that whilst prospecting
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  • 168 363 From Owr Own Corrttpondeni PeoßDg, June 4. Tba nralti of the Penong Bielcy on Saturday were as /oliow6: Moving Figure Event 4, Sergfc L M EvnDS, 4 hit* (l), Pte Lim Joo Be^g (2). Oa Monday, Event 5, Pte Chan Hock Seng, Pte L M Woodward, Sergt F
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  • 334 363 Them was a good attendance at the oourse yeßterday when eomn interesting work wss done. PJaymate spurted from 6 far to 3 fur, rod Milky Way from 4 far home. Tim ran 8 fur m 44 sees. Nullo who is ia good condition went three quar pace
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  • 165 363 A large and representative gathering of Singapore businessmen attended the reception given by the management of the well known Japanese shipping firm, the Osaka Sbosen Kaisha. yesterday afternoon on the occasion of the opening of their branch m Singapore. The new office, which is situated
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  • 150 363 Isolation of a laeterlum The Timed of Malaya understands, on i excellent authority, ttat Messrs Pratt, Bartlett and Lame, of the Holland Ameri can Plantations Company, Medan. isolated a bacterium from brown baat some time 1 ago. Preliminary infection experiments succeeded m causing a similar app< runce to
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  • 1197 364 (By Hnbmarlßc Gable] T Renter's Service] London, May 25. At the annual meet; ing of the Rubber Growers Association m London, the Chairman, Sir Edwaid Rjsling, paid thut tho Association hr.d tnndo a proposal to tho Colonial Offi:^ which, if it materialised, would link up a)! existing rubber research
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  • 11283 364 I j London, May 2 8- -Renter's correspondent at French Headquarter, vcinng at noon on May 27, describing the German renewal of operations, says the Crown Prince's forces are probably commanded by Generals Fran* Von Below and Von Boehm. They Btarted at dawn and launch ed the attack
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  • 1320 367 London, May 27. I'.alian Official. Wo consecrated the dawn cf the fcuith year of war with a victory. The operation continued uninterruptedly on Saturday and Sunday. We stormed Z'golon and Mount Preeena m the lake basin and Monticello pass and inflicted severe losses. Prisoners hitherto number 870 and
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  • 703 368 London, May 29. A message from Cork gives detail* of tbe nrrest of the man who landed from a German submarine and is now m tbe Tower. It appears he was seen by fishermen on April 13 waving his handkerchief on a barren islet eff the coast of
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  • 1401 368 London, May 27. The Admiralty re ports that between May 2b and 28 naval airmen's operations were hindered by weather. Nevertheless we bombed Maria kerke and Zaebrugge gates and the canal derivation We dropped nearly three tons ot bombs on Bruges docks on the night of May 22
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  • 135 368 London, Msy 29. The Admiralty states The transport Leasowe Castle was torpedoed and sunk by a submarine m the Mediterranean on the 26th. Nine of the ship's company are missing, and are believed drowned, including the captain and two wirelasb operators; ilso thirteen military of3cerH sad 79 of other rank*.
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  • 166 368 Having carefully extinguighed the volua teer element m the British reserve forcee m li:di3 (eayg the Statesman) it would appeac that the military authorities, or end cf them, at least, m the person cf General RitiU, are strongly inclined to make a grievance of tbe fact that it has yielded
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  • 369 368 Elf tat j Hoars Adrift In Channel Washington, May 11 Eneign E A Stone, of the v 8 Nit Reserve, who was supposed to havp h p drowned, has arrived m London after ft weeks m hoepital. With a companion he clung fcr eight hours without
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  • 189 368 Spesking nt University College, Hear Admiral Mark Kerr, a member of the Air Council, 6aid At the present time, if corarnprcial traveller leaves Paris to go to Timbuctoo, the journey occupies four months, uit one of the first routes the Fieuch are going to establish after the war
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  • 127 368 H E the Governor (Sir Henry May, k c m g.) on May 24 unveiled m the hall of the Hongkong Ciub two teak panels, artistically de*ißo^d by Mr H W Bird, beating on one a scroll c-mtairine j.bcut 170 naraea of nofiiubora of fchi Olob
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  • 81 368 Washington. 9th Miy. The "Berliner Tngeblatt Ifl s^^' r daj'd issue paid that contin^D*.-* of Americ^c troops and ;i Bohemian Legion are now on the Italian Front Despatches yetterday said tliTit tbe American artiUecy has beea MtiTi on Picardy front The Ffpr.cb renc tla commend tfa
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  • 34 368 Alien enemy bu?irt'6sio? m the Philip pine Islands ara now being told by public auction. Tbe Campania Mercanti). Filipino concern, made the bigbt-st bid for tbe assets of Proelich and Kutiuer, viz, Pesos 1,454,000.
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