The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 January 1918

Total Pages: 16
17 32 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 305 17 CSADERJ PAOE Lac^ Property Restrictions 17 Russia Disillusioned 17 The Boishtvik Claims 18 Peace Tsrrus 18 India's Upheaval 19 Tb s 1017 Campaigns 19 POLIC2 AND COURT HEWS. Irqniry into Loss of Laertes 22,24,27 Rochore rd Double Murder 22 bankruptcy Court 26 The Absizes 28,29 REPORTS AKD MEETINGS The
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  • 59 17 (Cobbicbid C'» co Jan. IJ Ba&& 4m I w 2419 82 N dsmoiid 2-4 782 P»/.f a-M ar^dun m 3 4f Fn6nc# damand Bant 818 tane, T r, 168 i IlGr»&z -*-*—«m-f 82f%Prem TOSOBAVA, fl-fl-mmf 108 li a djxra 126 leaaxei, famnnd v 66 J BoTIHUM, Bnnh Bu. <;»
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 108 17 Phillips.— On Christmas Day, st Daiblate Private Hospital, Manly. Sydney, N 8. W., to Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Pbiiaips, of Kqngkai, a daughter (stillborn). Fbnwick- Wright.— On the 31st of December, 19 tf, at Oroydon, Surrey, the wife of Sydney G. Fbnwick Weight, cf Tanah Gemok Estate,
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    • 73 17 Wee Kah Kiat— Khoo Homo Keng Neo— On January 8, 1916, at Ben Nevis, Thomson Road Singapore, Wne Kah Kiat, only son of Mr. Wee Kay Siang, to Miss Khoo Hong Keng, sister of Mr. Khoo 800 Gay. Penang papers please copy. Holland— Wald —At St. Andrew's Cathedral. .Singapore,
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  • 258 17 Thc last outward mail was received yesterday, Jan 9, with dotes to Nov 20. Thie weekly leaves to day. A Marine Court of Inquiry was held this week into tbo collision between the British steamships Warrimoo and Laertes on Dec 15 m the Straits of Malacca and
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  • 141 17 Jan. 9 Tin (buerfc) 1128.00 Qnmhi 15.60 Semi i U*ne 1 28. 00 0 i I s fee h 21. CC Pepoea Block <•*- polo 80.60 Pei fWUltl l»i 42,00 Ketcoeii (lIC lal uom Rntmefi IsO to ihi norn id«:c<» {fronftr* uoui Cov«£ tim i. >j.x aoru. < Iji
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  • 880 17 c*< i afcafl t _*s. On tt tc*/< t riCfti MAtaaCA btM-j M.**aet u^. ntofett bf **V«?--7 v *-v«>, T-%\.\ 'if- a **r_ir. •>*¥■ tn <* j.m k ;.*j.»_.^. tm* mOs eetl *s.**. N Jan 1 There is likely to be au outcry I before the local
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  • 859 17 Jan 5. If M TROTSKY'S pronouncement on tbe sort of peace tbat tbe Germans are offering to tbe Russian Delegates is not a part of tbe game, tben a speedy disillusion waits on tbose ignorant people wbo bave been allowed by the Russians wbo ought to hava known
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 28 17 INSIST ON Cutler Palmer Go. Sherry Port Madeira. Recognized as the Best Obtainable only at: SWEE LEE CO. WW AND SPIRIT- MERCHANTS. 15, Cross Street, Telephone No, 1749,
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  • 982 18 Jan 7. With the exception of Palestine, where more favourable weather and compara tively free area of manoeuvre allow a continuance of campaigning, the fighting has settled down largely to winter conditions which generally imply minor activity bnt no great movements. Pro b.ibly as a ccE. c
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  • 909 18 Jan 8. There has been much said of late on the terms on which peace can be made, so much that it is difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. Much of the talk it is possible to dismiss at once, which we proceed to do with
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  • 1108 19 Jan 9 It is an eld saying containing a good deal of truth that no religion is ever deeply rooted unless it is pereecuted. Similar'y very few improvements of an character aro made unless mght about m answer to ration of fanaticism. 1, imethiog startling to ro S
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  • 966 19 Jao. 10 Th,' despatch of Field Marshal HAIG review ing* the military operations of 1917, particularly as regards the part his command played m it, is useful as again demonstrating how success at one part of the Allied lines around the enemy was discounted largely by failure
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  • 690 19 In a casualty list publi&bei ou Nov 12 appears.— R F A— Terrell, Cap^ A X a'B, wounded. An extraordinary meeting of shareholders of the Siam Electricity Co, Ltd, agreed to increase the nominal capital of the company, and aleo adopted the revision of the artioles of assoeietion which this
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  • 1273 20 (From our Special Correspondetit at the Front Somewhere m France, Nov lst. Life m France must be qoaint for (he South African Natives, the climate mast be so dissimilar, the location ib very unfamiliar, the conditions of work entirely strange. Take for instance one of the
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  • 469 20 American Protest Against German Looting. It bas been generally kuo*-n tbat Major General Chaff oe, who commanded the American Force m the Allied advance against Peking at tbe time of the Boxer rising seventeen years ago, protested to the German Field Marshal, Count Walder
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  • 525 20 LECTURE AT THE Y. M. C.A. PHYSICAL CULTURE IN SINGAPORE. On Tneeday nitfbt, m the YMCA Hall, Mr E E Bounders, a V M C A physical director, who is on his way to Australia, delivered a lecture on Physical Work and its Possibilities m the City which was both
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  • 170 20 STRAITS CHINESE LIT ASSOCIATION. The annual report of the above Association shows that at the beginning of 1917 there were fortyeight members on tbe roll, but by the end of the year, the membership was raised to seventyfour, the highest namber of members since the inception. Daring the year five
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  • 112 20 Rubber. •Over I,UOC tons were catalogued for this week's auctioa. There was a slightly weaker tendency m sympathy with easier advices from London and New York. Ribbed Smckad Sheet Ab the ccm mencement up to $105 was paid, a decline of |1, but later m the day
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  • 20 20 Mr D S Barclay, formerly of Eng Joo Estate, Perak, is now serving as an officer m German East Africa.
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  • 288 20 Lloyd's Opinions. Underwriters at Lloyd's do not appar* ently anticipate an early cessation of hostilities, as they were quoting the low rate of ten guineas per cent to piy a total loss m the evont if the war comiDg to an end or on before December 31st,
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  • 252 20 Strength of Allied Position. Paris, December 7, Le 'Temps'* writes that President Wilson utter a formidable menace when he says that if the Germans after the War is over etill continue to live under their masters interested m disturbing the peace of the world, it might
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  • 116 20 The installation meeting of Negri Sembiian Lodge No. 5552 E C was held at Seremban on Saturday, when Wor Bro H Redfearn Shaw installed Bro G H Harrop as W M for the ensuing year. The other officers for the year are I PM, Wor Bro V A Tayler
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  • 135 20 Mrs Rupert Manasseh acknowledges receipt with thanks for the Belgian Children's Fund of $500 from tbe Singapore Cptholic Clvb proceeds from tb... Children's Xmaa 1917 entertainment. Pastor Fulton of Shanghai (China) is m attendance at the annua! session of the Executive Committee of the Maluygian Union Conference of Seventh* Day
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  • 1006 21 There is a picture m o friend's house which annoys my eyes m much the same ft v as the average novel of to day irritates roy mind. It represents a meadow, fringed with wood, through which winds a brosd, placid etream that reflects the hirk- snd
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  • 695 21 WHAT THE GERMANS ARE SAYING. Germany is being ravaged by political troubles which assume many phases but which throw into prominence two points of great importance both to the Allies and to Germany herself. The first point is that the German Government iv no sense represents the people of Germany,
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  • 49 21 The engagement is announced of Miss Ada Scully to Mr Andre Bobn, cf the FMS Railways. The wedding will take Some members of the Singapore Police Club formed a syndicate and invested a substantial sum m the Penang Lottery. They secured the handsome and consoling return of $81 1
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  • 1125 21 BRITISH GERMAN TRADE. THE TRUE COMPARATIVE POSITION. [Sj.ceial for "The F.ce Proas") There exists a very genera! impression thst German tr*d* ba? for some years past, and before 1914, been ousting British m the markets of th« world. This is by no rueuns an accurate concep t.on cf th** position,
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  • 518 21 China, by E H Parker (John Murray 10.6 net), Mr Parker has had a long experience m China and has now revised his book of sixteen years ago and brought it up to date. In this part of the world we have a particular interest m China,
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  • 84 21 Th", Proteß'ant sesseols m Penang, m corr.L.-.nL with those m tb.i Peniusula, are sufferiog tioia dearth of teachers, with the rcfcuifc thai recourse has now to be made m many instances to thoEe of Roman Catholic faith, of whom tbe supply appaais at the momnnt to be greater. Until, how.
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  • 763 22 Dr T 8 Macaulay of Seremban has left for Lome to join up L;ent A B Slee. of Kuala Selangor, han been appoiuted to act as Major m tbe R F A. r Ong Peng Hock has been elected a Vice President of the Straits Ch
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  • 1992 22 INQUIRY INTO THE STRAITS COLLISION. Conflicting Testimony. In tbo Marine Court, yesterday morniog, an icquiry was opened iuto the eoUislou between thc British steamships Warrimoo and Laertes, at about 2 a.m. oo I> c I near the Brothers Lights m the Straits of Malacca, and tbe
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  • 301 22 ROCHORE RD DOUBLE MURDER hgea double mv Jer cf 1 en P Tan Pow See wee opened > the second court. Lim Teow the accused. In the absence Deputy Public Prosecutor, Court I tor Bourne conducted thc i».;q... Mr Battenborg watched thi c behalf of the prosecution. Tan Teng Whs
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  • 151 22 Rusher. Singapore, Jan 8. The quantity catalogued for this weeks auction was about 966 tons. There was a good demand and prices all round show an improvement. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Thore was good enquiry for prime parcels up to SlO5 an advance of $2, and off qualities
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  • 93 22 Owing to the shortage of good coal for transport and other Government purposes connected with tbe prosecution of tb.; war, the coal controller w.&bes to warn electric and gas lighting companies municipalities and tramway companies that economy m coal consumption is of the greatest importance ai
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  • 115 22 The Malay Mail il officially infoimed thi Mr P A An:hooy, Qeneral Maneg r, F M Railways, has been appointed a Compar; ion of the Order cf sc Michael and S George. Some time ego some well knov. n I nese towkays ol Ipoh stalled a fund m order to
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  • 2130 23 From Our Own Correspondent American Discrimination Against Malayan Rubber. Soerabaya, Dec 27. Tiade throughout ttie Island has continued disorganised to a large extent, fln j what with the oable interruptions, a*:d the scarcity of tonnage, combined fvith the ever increasing difficulties that diily srlse, little if any business
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  • 374 23 Official Sanction from the Munitions Minister. In reply to the Automobile Association the Mini, ter of Munitions states that, so loog as the gas is conveyed m bags at or Blightly above atmospheric pressure and not compressed m steel cylinders there is not at present any
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  • 53 23 The discovery of the body of a female Chinese was on Thursday reported to the Assistant Health'Oificer, who had the body removed to the mortuary at St John's Island. Tbe body was not that of any person detained on the island. It must have been washed ashore. It was too
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  • 790 23 Problems of Food and Religion. One of the commissariat problems ol the war, which has been solved -satisfactorily, was the question of Native mesi or the ration of meat for ths In.' dian troops sei ving -n Europe. The solution hes been found m tbe institution ot
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  • 122 23 The following names are added to the local commission of the peace Messrs J A Elias, W P W Ker, Dr N V Samy, Vadilal Purshotumdas, Haji Mahomed Said bin Haji Hassan, Lim Chwee Chian, Tan Chen Siong, and Tan Kab Kee. Information has been received tbat Lieutenant James E
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  • 752 24 Mr A McLean of 6 Kampong Java road ia authorized to file Bpeciflcationa of an invention for all weather waterproof rub'fer tkpping covers. Tha Ending of tho Court of Enquiry into jyio loss of the Hong Wan, reported m our golumna early m the month, is
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  • 2918 24 ENGINE ROOM EXPERIENCES. Wabimoob Captain's Tueoby. In the Marino Conrt, yesterday morning the inquiry into the collision between the British steamships Warrimoo and Laertes, at about 2 a m on Dec 1 5 near the Brotherß Lights m the Straits of Malacca, and the subsequent foundering
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  • 287 25 h°. Victoria Theat.e last evening, 1 war films were Been m pore f^r the first time, and of auch a Ml tt men they that further batches bs eagerly awaited. The exhibition vris under the auepicoq of the French Consul, on behalf of the French War Relief
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  • 122 25 I paw the dawn of ninoteen-eighteen me o'er distant Kedah hills, faint gleams oil gold Passing to rose-red, as the sun grows gold. still the lone moon lingers while the night dies. Oh the gam and loss cf the year that flits, To the high cause
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  • 84 25 From Our Own Correspondent sng Jan 3.— The Hague telegrams m newspapers say that m Petrograd il wish to postpone peace negotiations till Jan 24 as the capital is tened with famine within a week. gram from Tcktc states that the ado held an audience of the
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  • 47 25 Lyall and Mrs Thomas made equal fhe January spoon shoot, the oing the tie. There were six tore. Tho following are the three 100 .50 Nett Total Score with h'ccp B« 80 63 67.48 rhomu 82 Bl 63 67.48 31 30 62 67.21
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  • 86 25 3 irasvak G izette welcomes back Mr Ademi who have returned from itbs leave spent in Australia. ths *r iUl look,Dg P itticularly fli but Psrt of their leave seems to have ■omewhot marred by the strikes in and a certain amount of unPore* a* n the voyaKe back t0
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  • 608 25 AN UNFORTUNATE DEBTOR. Before Mr Justice Ebden yesterday, Boey Chuan Poh petitioned the court for a receiving order againßt Wee Hean Boon. Mr Cooke- Yarborough appeared for the petitioning creditor. Boey Chuan Poh on b «og asked by his lordship what be had to r, stated that be
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  • Correspondence.
    • 194 25 To the Editor Dear Sir, May I encroach on tho hoa pitality of your columns so far as to ask any of your sportsmen readers for the temporary loan cf any tkulle of wild pig (boars or tows) m their possession from any part of the
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  • 1007 25 LAST EVENING'S ADDRESS. In his address at the Cathedral last evening, the Bishop, having read the King's Letter to his People, drew attention to the main points m it. The King had indicated the faith which we had m tbo justice
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  • 131 25 From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Jan 5. In the lottery the first prize %7«,C00 was won by ticket number 4,663 gl Kee Quat Seng, care of the Chartered £ank, Soerabaya. The system adopted m the drawing was that all tickets sold were represented m one revolving box
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  • 104 25 Singapore Jan 2. Comparatively little business was dpne at the close of the year and bo far ns new feature has been noticeable m tbe New Year. Rubber advices from London continue to indicate a steady advance end the looal demand is rather larger, so »rthber shares
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  • 282 25 Rubber. Singapore, Jan 4. For this week's auction, which concluded to day, the quantity offered amounted to 944 tons, of which 774 tons were sold. There was a good demand throughout and prices all round show an appreciable advance, closing at the eest. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Prime
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  • 117 25 Singapore, Jan 4. The weekly rubber auction held yesterday and to day was marked by a blisk demand and an improvement, m price*,, particularly m lower grade rubbers, The top price for Ribbed Smoked Sheet is $8 up at $106 per pikul, but the average advance m
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  • 73 25 Batavia, Jan 4. Rubbor. First Latex Crepe per half kilo F 1 15 Ribbed Smoked Sheet per half kilo F 1.15 Ootputs (75 at Firsts) per half kilo F 1.05. Coffee. Robusta ready per pikul F 21 Robusta new crop per pikul F 24. Sugar. 1917
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  • 27 25 Copies of the Consolidated Statutory List complete to 22nd December, 1917, are now on sale at the Government Printing. Office, at the price of 50 cents each.
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  • 2670 26 London,' Jan 5. Mr Lloyd George made an important statement to day, on behalf ot the Government, on war aims, before Che Trade Unions delegates at West minster, who are at present considering the question of man power. He began by Baying that when the Government invited
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  • 98 26 Two housen, Nob 220 and !t2l VictoriaBt, near the Victoria Bridge, collapsed on Saturday about one o'clock m the afternoon. The houses were occupied e» rikisha depot 9, but fortunately at Uxat hour all the rikishas and their pullej:a had gooe out, and no one was kiUftd. Three
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  • 68 26 Kuala Lumpur, Jan 5. The Selangor Chamber of Commerce gave a farewell dinner to Mr Nutt on Friday! There was a representative gathering over which Mr J A Russell presided. He eulogised Mr Nutt's public services, and Baid it was proposed to commemorate hia work by
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  • 76 26 Calcutta, Dae 25. The field for the Viceroj's Cup to morrow will be very poor, only five horses baing left m. Kihoi is the public fancy but many good judges give Magyar an equally good chance. The horses left m are Magyar, Kiltoi, Politian, Marcianus and Wolfaline,
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  • 432 26 Mr D S Barclay, formerly of Eng Joo Estate, Perak, is now serving as an officer m German East Africa. The Sarawak Gazette hears that a rub ber estate m the Siniawan District, Upper Sarawak, owned by Towkay Chan Kee Ong, has just changed hands. Tbe pur chasers are a
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  • 759 27 Private Millard, formerly a planter m Kurunegalle, Ceylon, and latterly of Singapore, is m the Machine Gun Com paoy m Palestine and is reported to be looking quite well." (T O M). >ir -\J*xander Wood- Ronton, Chief Jus tice of lj on, will leave the Island
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  • 325 27 THE INQUIRY CONCLUDED. The Marine Court; of Inquiry into the collision between the British steamships Warrimoo and Laertes, nt about 2 a m on Dec 16, near the Brothers Light! m the Straiia of Malacca, and iha subsequent founderio*? of tbe Laertes, was oontinued y ester
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  • 197 27 The following telegrams have been exchanged between His Excellency tbe Governor and tho Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies m connexion with the" Our Day move ment throughout the Straits Settlements and the States of Johore, Kedah, Kelantan and Trengganu Telegram from the Governor to
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  • 151 27 From the Federal Capital Bays the Strnitß Echo comes a ietter ingenuously and in^eoioubly defending tho General Maneges of tbe F M 8 Railways and averring that tue responsibility for the existing lamentable state of affairs re-ts not with him bus with some oi: hia
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  • 66 27 The Japanese Government is DLid to be Contemplating the setting up of com me: cial museums m Singapore and Harbin. Rossis needn't be discouraged, the Unit ed States once moved its capital to the back of President Madison's horse. (Boston Transcript). The Zeppelin is the only engine of war that
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  • 1702 27 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal Ihe humourist v< ths r;»vernmen! u'. home who decided to m the d^w Alr Council m the British Muaeom bit cl our oati m 1 rbao i t«r v. Uh curie, n, dei ghtfu Those who bai waudered
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  • 99 27 Japanese -.ilor named Tamashita, v/ho Was token prisoner by the Meowe, .•-jf-hed Ecgland m October from a Geri: io prison camp. Ho reached Norway Lie-den inside a piano. Ie is now officially announced thai the dispute as to the allocation of the seized German and Austrian steamers has been settled
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  • 824 28 Mr J L Sime, who succeeds tha Hon Mr W F Nuts as Manager of the Straits Trad log Co.'c Selangor branch, has arrived m Ku*fo Lumpur with Mrs Sime. (M M The Secretaries of the Titi Tin Co, Ltd, are informed by their Manager that
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  • 547 28 Tbe usual meeting of this Board was held 3 esf erday afternoon, Mr C J Saunders presiding. The other members present were M«ssrs H Carpmael, M Meyer, A M S Angullia Gaw Khek Khiam and S Tomlinson. 215.217,223,281 Upper Serangoon Road. Mr J C Cobbett (Rodyk and
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  • 274 28 The Our Day festivities m Bangkok, originally fixed for last year but unavoidably postponed owing to the floods (now fiudsided), are to take place on January 26. H M the King of Siam has been pleased to grant the use of the Saranrom Palace Gardens for
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  • 25 28 At the Sikh Gurdwaraeat Pearl'e Hill and Qoeen Bt, on Monday, prayers were offered for the success of the British arms. Large congregations were present.
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  • 952 28 Tbe Singapore Free Press of November 21, 1917, had tbe following lender übout The Defence of tbe Dutch Indies Absorbed m the »-olution of our o^n little question of how we cao best he.ip tbe Empire-, by sending men to Ibe front or preparing
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  • 530 28 AN ATTEMPTED MURDER. The first Assizes ofthe year wars coined yetitfrduy before the Cniof Justice 'Sir Joon Bncknill, kc There were 17 cases m the calendar. Sarmadl, a Javanese, was charged that on Dec 27, 1918, he attempted to commit murder by cutting Ayasamy with a parang, or
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  • 246 28 [To the Editor of tbe Pinang Gazette."] Sir, In the report of the proceedings at the annual general meeting of Alor Gajah Rubber Estate, Ltd, published m your paper I was eurprised to notice from the speech of the Chairman, Mr W P Plummer that the Directore
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  • 342 29 THK ASSIZES. INSURANCE FOLTOY CASE. The hearing of the ce?e against Koo Tiam Swee, *bo was churged with abet ment ol forgery by usin^ as genuine a forced document! was con'ioued yesterday before thi Cl let Justice. Sir John Bucknill, 1> P P, Mr A V
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  • 196 29 The following properties were disposed ct by auction by Messrs Ching Keng Lee A Co. at their sale room on Monday after* noon By order ol the Sheriff, Singapore, land off Gaylang rd, area 4,000 sq tt. Bought by 9 N s R M Ramasamy Chetty for $210.
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  • 158 29 lne majority of winners to date m the lottery, says the Bangkok 1 hsve preferred to tol:e cash instead of War Loan bonds. Laang Ratuara attended at the office of Honorary Secretary of the Our Day v.ith him was Nai Keow, also Ratburf. The officer explained
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  • 90 29 r >ort on the work of the National JOietj of Scotland etateß that tb e yeei tbe issues of the Scrip"Wne totalled J 543,0f0. "it ■OedwrnT th 6 report 6ay8 "t ha th .<* Kjir Joae m China is reverberating eotom. betters received from oflicerß IIC l the ChiDt6e Laboa
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  • 1578 29 The annual meeting of this company was held yesterday m the office of the Secretaries, Messrs Evatt and Co, French Bank Bu.'lcings, Mv P M Robinson presiding. Others p.etent were Dr D J Galloway and Messrs Tan Kheam Hock (directors), C E Harston and E H Mills,
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  • 169 29 Messrs Fraser and Co have received c ibie advices from London that the annual repot and accounts for the year ending list August 1917 were iosued m London on (ho 7th January. The nett profit; for tbe year was .£19,931 which with the balance from appropriation account
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  • 63 29 The marrige tock place on the Bth inst of Mr Wee Kab Kiat, only son of Mr Vee Kay Siang, to Mies Khoo Hong Keng Neo, sister of Mc Khoo 800 Gay. The ceremony was held at the residence of the bride grootu'e father at Ben Nevis, Thomson rd. The
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  • 536 29 [By Submarine Gable] TBeutar's §ervioe] New York, Jan I.— There are a thousand dead m Guatemala. Martial law has been proclaimed and several looters Bhot. The inhabitants have been ordered to evaluate the city. Terrific shocks are continuing at intervals of five minutes. Washing, Dec 81.-— Another earthquake on
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  • 213 29 London, Jan 5. Reporting on aviation, Field Marshal H lig sass There has been great activity on both sides. On Thursday two hundred bombs were dropped on two hostile aerodromes, Ledeghetn railway junction, hutments m tbe neighbourhood of HouthuJat forest, and billets south of Lille. Six hostile aeroplanes
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  • 1470 30 London, Jan 2 Field Marshal Haij: say* the enemy's attempted raid early thlf morning nottheest ef Loos was re p-Ulejii. One thuusend cx.d eichtrea Ger taaSfc were tak.-.n priEoaer m December Inc^iding twelve officers, whilst fo-:~ i:v.oz ann 103 macbinp guns vrpre captured Our aeroplanes last night dropped
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  • 167 30 It is premature to say hew far sne new one rupee notes aro passing into circuit tion. but m Calcutta, at all events, o promising start appeal I to have been made. Supplies were issued to tha various banka and the demand for th ra on thc firßt day was
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  • 1086 30 London, Jan 1 Italian Official Owing to our energetic pressure sines J> c 27 the enemy abandoned his bridgehead at Zenson and crossed to the left hrn li of ihe P:*ve heavy 10-is. \V»j oow hold the wh i of rh-3 Z-n- v heud I '.-.Htiy bombed
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  • 6466 30 Petrograd, Dec 80. Be69&rahn has pro claimed itself a Moldavian republic. It is reportod that communications have been opened between Finland and Germany. Petrograd, Jan 2. Fighting has occurr ed between an Ukrainian lancer regiment ed and Maximalists between stations of Gjatsk and Smolensk. Two officers and a
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  • 427 32 London, Jan 2. The Admiralty ancouncee tbe arrivals during the past week were 2,111 and sailings 2,074. Eighteen over ond three under 1,600 tons were sunk and eight unsuccessfully attacked. London, Jan 8. The Italian ofl&oial returns are: Sinkings one over 1500; One sailingship under 100
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