The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 December 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 1524 1 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal Food Luxury hae been a topic of the week in many thoughtful families. Others are puzzled by the old argument that if we don't live as usual many deserving tradesmen will be deprived of a living. That, of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 156 1 GOODRICH TYRES SAFETY TREAD RAFFLES HOTEL. X'MAS AND NEW YEAR DINNER AND DANCE Monday (Xmas Eve) December 24th Monday (New Year s Eve) Dec. 31st. Patrons are requested to book tables for the above dinners early. EUROPE HOTELS Monday (Xmas Eve) December 24 Wednesday (Boxing Day) December 26 Dancing after
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    • 51 1 Christmas Presents BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS KELLY AND WALSH, LTD. INCORPORATED IN HONGKONG^ IS li IF i i aw |MH|P*^^fe W |^k in 1 JmSI „>-* FOR EFFICIENCY BRINKDAANN Co. Singapore. Estate Supplies ALWAYS IN STOCK Sodium Bisulphite Burgess Tapping knives Taylor's Disinfectant Hand Mangles Momi Chests 4nti Corrosive Paints Sandilands
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    • 87 1 H7FST ADVERTISEMENTS The merits of Metros—Page 1. Presentation books at Kelly and WaUh'e —Page 1. Powell's sales of liquors, tobacco, etc, and sugar—Page 2. Change of Secretaryship of Priority of Indents Committee—Page 5. Boustead's are despatching a steamer for Hongkong and Shanghai—Page 8. Ching Keng Lee's sales at Fairholme and
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    • 2 1 Martell's Brandy
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 85 1 THE WEEK Sitnrdij 22nd. High Walet-«4-!7 a.m.. 4-3* p.m. Glenealy meeting, Derrick's noon. Tientsin Ktliei Fete. Sunday 23rd. High Water- 6 )2 a.m ,6 00 p.m. 4th Sunday in Advent. Tientsin Relief Fete. Monday 24th High W»»f»f-6 li a w 7-3E p.m. Lodge Bt Creole Regular, 9 p.m. Tusstis} 25th.
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  • 296 1 There is more talking aboot war (and peace) than actual fighting just now. A few figures are useful as indicating that submarinißm has strict limits of success Page 7. The British food situation is admitted to be far from satisfactory, but the nation will endure it resolutely
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  • 168 2 In a side street off Ludgate Hill a mishap occurred to a van driven by a pretty Red Crass motorist. Without hesitation several well-dressed business men gave their ac tive assistance in repairing the tyre. One enthusiast discarded his great coat, and was busy on his knees oblivious of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 518 2 WISHING YOU X MAS CHEER AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. j DOLLAR DIRECTORY Co. J. R. Fly on Inderson, Proprietor. j TIENTSIN FLOOD RELIEF. In aid of the above A GRAND FETE will be held Under the distinguished patronages cf H. the Governor and the Lady Evelyn Young. H. Vice
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    • 1012 2 AN ALL-FEATURE PROGRAMME AT THE ALHAMBRA The Hall For Music. The Pioneer Premier House The House of Quality Beach Programme for the Week commencing Monday, December 17th 1917 The Hepworth Film Company Presents One of The Two Greatest Plays ever Written by Sir Arthur w j f neo Being an
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    • 51 2 AUCTION SALE OF it Messrs Chlng Keng Lee Co s Saie-roon Raffles Chambers, Rafflt- Place. On Saturday, 22nd Dec, at 11 a. m. One two ton Motor U)rry \h J over han'ed and repaiuted, guaraoto to g°°° running order. Trial solicitkii CHINC KENC LEE Cc Auctiv>ni c-i> Esta uents. 1912
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  • 1911 3 from Our Ovon Correspondent a market for Rubber Rubber Planta DM Tru-.:— The Company's Sumatran -i— Hevea Rubber Trust— North Hum totk's good dividend North Labis' Pro London, Nov 9. The market for plantation rubber has -•ioued tirm arou i2s 8d per lb. Several^ Miu che ener
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  • 448 3 American Official Statistics. So much interest is taken by the market and by the investing public in American rubber consumption that, as the figures' have not been published elsewhere, I give below a summary of the official return issued by the U S Department) of Agriculture 1914
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 Largest .^^^tockersPAINTS AND OILS HW WATT Co. Telephone 428. 102, Market Btrett PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND THEM I Of all Chemists Made in London I Haunted by Pain Are your waking and sleeping hours haunted j by the awful dread or the worse reality of bodily pain Headache, backache, toothache, neuralgia, sciatica,
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    • 362 3 t CIGARETTES NO. 555 Virginia Packed in Patent Vacuum Tins Quality counts in all things but more d especially in cigarette manufacture. Men of discrimination find that after Jj *^^jB smoking "State Express 11 inferior brands ytf7\ are more of a misery than a pleasure. State Express are Qaality's Limit."
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  • 824 4 Success of London's Defenci. An impression of aeroplane raiding deriv td solely from London's experiences last week would fall far short ot the possi bilities often realised behind the battle lines in France and Flanders. Londoners have been agreeably surprised that anti cipationa based on the period
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  • 93 4 The woman commercial is rapidly estab JishtDg herself "on the road Where there was one before the war tbf-re are twenty today Manufacturers deciiue to accept the dictum of local tribunals that the commercial is a luxury they know the value of the personal call. So woman is having her
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 158 4 1 'fQiyl ESTABLISHED -j #Lf! ,J < AOJlrff 100 YEARS M.7r'L.-& Export and Import Agents, S > For ONE HUNDRED YEARS in the CITY OF < J LONDON we have acted as Buying and Selling 3j S Agents for Storekeepers, Traders and Growers S S of Colonial Produce. Are you
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 520 5 «pP^Tg» ESTD s\ v 1 872. H. R. H. THE DUKE OF CONIAUGHT. B. I. THE KING OF SI AM. PRINCE PRINCESS OF TECK. H. H. THE SULTAN OF JOHOHE. WHO IS THE LEADER IN XMAS PRESENTS First in Field First in Design First in Quality that has retained, the
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    • 27 5 BULL So6> LAGEE I $24 gk $20 PER CASE Bg^Bßg PER CASE 8 DOZ. PiNTS &T^^^ I 4 DOZ. QUARTS. DUTY EXTRA Sole Importers Huttenbach Bros. Go.
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    • 1409 5 PRIORITY OF INDENTS COMMITTEE, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Notice is hereby gives that en or after the 'ft January, 1918, ta-r H A. Sta lwood, Public Works Department, Sing<t».o r < > *iil be Honorary Secretary of the above Committee in (succession to Messrs. Evatt Co.. Chartered Accountants The next Meeting of
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 492 5 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. 4th SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Dec. 23rd. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL, x .m. Holy Communion. iis a.ta. Holy Communion (Choral). 10 a.m. Matins (^horal) p.aj, Sunday School and Bible Classes. u tl, Evensong Serman. ST. MATTHEWB, SEPOY LINES. i-5 am. Holy Communion. 50 Evensong ind Sermon. RE3BYTERI4N CHU!
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  • 957 6 The Singapore Free Press. Saturday, December 22, 1917. If it were not part of the political game to figure in the House of Commons as representing the Government and answer questions, one might pity the spokesmen of the Ministers for the badgering they are having just now over various delicate
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  • 341 6 The Hongkong Rope Manufacturing Company Bend as their desk monthly calendar for 1918. The FMS Government printing office courteously forwards a copy of the manual of statistics of the F M S for the year 1917. The Malay Mail states that the wedding of Miss Ena Gertrude Harper and Mr
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  • 360 6 Land Restrictions Bill From Owr Own Cwrespond*it Kuala Lumpur, Dec 21. At the Federal Council, in the discussion on tbe Land Restrictions BUI, the legal adviser, introducing it, said that the inconveniences foreshadowed by the looal press were in the main correct. He thought there might
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  • 461 6 The Hon Mr W F Nutt is leaving for Singapore next month on transfer. (M M) Bishop Brent has definitely decided to accept the bishopric of Buffalo upon the completion of his duties with the Y M C A in France. The Pinang Gazette understands that Messrs Sarkies Brother! have
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  • 260 6 FREN CH CONSULAR TELEGRAMS. By Ooobtbst op thh Frbrch Coskl u Paris, Dec 19 620 p.m i n submarine torpedoed and br; lU( cru eer Chateau Renault, carrying OD Vr porl work in the Mediterranean Itae passengers were tared; ter A i: crew are missing. The iubn ftr e destroyed.
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  • 184 6 The Banks will be closed duriog thf coming year end on Dec 2b, 2 6 11, anc January 1. The Insurance Association* offices will also be closed on the tame days. The Shipping and Import and Export offices will be closed all day on Dec If, open from
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  • 97 6 In reference to the Marine Journal statement that there it a Dumber of flshee capable of making a noise o( some eort or other (ste Free Press Dec 17 the Oorni," a small Kuala fish follows Malay praue between the fifteenth and seventeenth days of Mohomedan months;
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  • 263 6 At the Mixed Court, Shanghai, before Mr Grant Jones, British Assessor, aud Mag istrate Kwan. the bearing of the cleiru filed by Heath and Co agaiuet Sbon Lee and Co for 180,000 for breach of contract. arising out of the chartering of the steam' ship Alma, was heard aud judgment
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 110 6 Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS ESTABLISHED 1869. JUST THE STUFF For Christmas Champagnes Sherries Port Wines Whiskies Liqueur Brandies Liqueurs Beer Havana Cigars. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SPECIAL OFFER FOR XMAS ft pi o cash U/ 6 Discount OFF ALL TOYS FRIDAY, SATURDAY MONDAY NEXT ONLY JOHN LITTLE CO.,
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    • 31 6 LAMBERT CO.; Photographic Artists. Orchard Road-Telephone N0.' 1035. (Same Address as Wilson Co.) For the past 45 years and TO-DAY The Leading and ONLY FirstClassPhotographic Studio in Singapore. GEORGE MICHAEL, Manager.
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  • 508 7 BRITAIN AND AMERICA HAND IN HAND The League of Nations [By Submarine Cable] [Renter'! Service] London, Dec 19. In the House ol Com mons Lord Robert Cecil Mated thatht had no official information thai Rmsia had re-' pudiated her financial obligation*. L ndi Dec 19. la th»
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  • 225 7 British Air Successes London, Dae 20.— Field Marshal Haig We drove off raiders south east of One mappe. The enemy raided two posts in the neighbourhood of Avion. There was considerable hostile artillery firing in Ploegateert wood and Polygon wood. London, Dec 20 —Field Marshal Haig: There was
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  • 36 7 latest fdsbians in masculine hati bi fonnd ia Paris, whare, in a lead- 6Oioe rather quaint male L sears are on view They are labelled v 3 The Llojd George," 'Sir <■- cd Carson," "The Balfour," "The
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  • 297 7 STATISTICAL COMFORT TO ORDER The Bag of U boats (By Submarine Gable] [Bettor*! ierriee] London, Dae STC. An official diagram ■hows the British, Allied and neutral merchant tonnage loesea quarterly from the beginning of 1916 and date. The quarterly losses progressively rose between th« and oi Saplember
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  • 194 7 Britain Helping Her Allies London, Dec 20. In the House of Com mons, on the motion for the adjournment, Mr Lloyd George, reviewing the war situation, dealt first with food. He said that two circumstances had recently con tributed to the gravity of the position, namely, the
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  • 22 7 London, Deo 20.— Official An explosion wrecked a building at an explosives works north of London. There was no fatality.
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  • 9 7 London, Dec 19. —The silver market is quiet.
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  • 116 7 In selecting for eulogy the "braver 4 and endurance" of the Irish troops, Mr Balfour has hit upon the very qualities for which they were commended to an ancestor of his, Robert Cecil, first Earl of Salisbury, in 1594. A recruiting officer of that period, Capfc Dawtry, writing to advise
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  • 115 7 Lord Farrer, at the annual meeting ol the Surrey Publichouse Trust Company, said that people had reached the astonishing belief that the world could always go on being at war. They forgoc that there was one absolutely certain limit to it— that of finance. Evidently that limit waa not so
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  • 341 7 CIVIL WAR SUSPENDED Partitioning the Country IBr ftabsnaito* Oabtoi Uaertsr'a ferric*] Pstrograd, Dae 17.— The People's Com miasioneri, on behalf of the various Soviets, have issued a statement recognising the right ol the Ukraine Rtpublic to separate from Russia but dsmaudiug that the Ukraine Rada, or
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  • 344 7 At Kowloon Docks, on Dec 12, a new vessel was launched for the Siam Steam Navigation Go. Ltd., Bangkok The Sndhadib is a eteel single crew steamer of the as-tjiag^jfljjjjjjpe, with raised fore deck, aod boat deck am/Sfchips and aft. Her principal dimensions are* Length overall, 284 ft.
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  • 53 7 Washington, Nov 15. —The German under secretary for war, in replying to a complaint made in the Reichstag against the practice of making Belgian girls work near the front, admits the deportations, but says they were necessary in order to furnieb proper supervision over their 11 moral
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  • 56 7 A delightful addition to the lengthening liet of wartime legends A certain town which has enjoyed up to the present, immunity from "the cavalry cf the clouds," attributes this fact to the residence, just outside the town, of an old lady who ie reputed to be a distant relative of
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  • 642 7 MR MARCUS fcERNER CHARGED. The case against Mr Marcos Zerner, of Messrs Weill and Zsrner, High st, came on lot hearing before Mr Ham, third magis Irate, yesterday. Mr Zerner was charged that he, being an alien resident in the Colony, failed to register uudur the Rtgid
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  • 294 7 Arrangements >are well in hand in con neotion with thermal Tree and Social for the men of the Army and Navy, which is to be beld in the Y M C A on Thursday night, the i7th instant. The Ladies' Committee feel that they are justified
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  • 26 7 A new holiday scheme for the troops in j France was begun on Nov 2. Instead of ten days, men who have been a year on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 81 7 ROBINSON Co. B^jk Just Unpacked Ladies' White f\ Voile Blouses Silk Sports Coats ROBINSON Co. Mr. H. N. BUCKERIDGE (late of Messrs LAFAYETTE, Photographers to Their MAJESTIES) Begs to announce that he conducts the ONLY EUROPEAN STUDIO m SINGAPORE at The BURLINGTON. (100 Paces Norta of toe Adelpal Hotel). LAMBERT
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 597 8 N YK! JAPAN MAI! 3TEAJBS3IP CO., Lsd. Unoo*vo7&!ed In Jhf&a). I\WG?UH LINE. Fir Haagkaa*, Sbu^si, Robi A Tikob^a* Ftr la!ti«a, Pecaag, Cotsm&t lift England 1 1a Tbs Case. A aervtoe la maJnt&laed betweea Toftu&*~ via fortd to Mtoraelilos, London, an2ei mi oonttact wifth the Im?e*i%l Jnyanoee uoven ment. The How
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    • 347 8 65ESSAGERIE8 HARITIMB* INOORPORATBD IV FBASCK I MAIL Ull, Fortni<?htiy service betwwa laao Cbi»M China, JapaD, Ceylon, Djtboatl, Eg? Marseilles. BRANCH LINB, Fortuigbtly aervloo between Balgoa-Too»*» Haiphong. For farther information apply to J. do GOURTQIS, Stccmvaart Maatscbappy "ftederlaof and i( Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland). KOYJLL DUTCH MAIL GOMPAMBI Fortnightly Mail
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    • 633 8 XOMNKLMKE PAKETVftMT MATSCSWU (Incorporated in Holland, Roy*l Packet Navig&fion Co., of astavlm 2—B, OOLLYBiB QOAI. HSDRH CO*TKAOT WITH THB VBTUtSf&XkAUm fhUl.-» ttf»v« NMENT9 Van Hogbndorp Moeara-Baba. Simpang and Djambi Deo. 22 Singkara Biugkawang, SeJakau, Femangkat and Sambas Dec. fc2 BUYBKEB Bawean, Sourabaya, Baodjermasln stagen, Kota-^aroe. gamarinda, Donggala and Wani with
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    • 629 8 Jr Cl» British Ir ,> u AND Apcab Liim (Oompantee Incorporated is Englacfl.) Mail and Passenger Services peninsulas and oriental s. n. co (Under Contraot with fits Majestyi Government. The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST |OF BOMBAY are ai pret •6U pended. The Compaßy'B INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FBOM L at
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  • 940 9 The current number of the JB i !etin if the Imperial fot-titute, ja*t issued (Land r John.. Wur raj), coiiUius an article of r j pages oa the production aod uses of rica. Practically all the ric8-producing countries of tho rrnrlii uro rnnsi^pr^ crprvrl--,
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  • 546 9 IRevcutbns Reg icing Iron london, Xov 20— I i Lord Mocl«y*« o cf rt collections which Mt6t>rs Macmillan published on Nov I6ib. there are nearly trc L u p..« cs inuring to th« Tndiin B*C»< trytfaijt o( St l r m*de up iw/u v.c.L tu J«3rd
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 606 9 W*a a? Pbacb. Fahinf or Plenty, Lifk Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP r«E GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). J *£AD JFFICic WLB*bister Hoaae, Sin|as»ore, LONDON OFHCEi SI, Old Jew-y, E.«3. -oia-Baar h** logo mm me Paprame Omv% ol
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    • 480 9 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK. LTD. INOORFOP.AT2D IN JAPAN Capital Br»bserlbef3 Y. 48,000.000 Capital Paiil Up Y. 80,000,000 Reserve Fund Y. 21,300,000 Prorid&r.t, S. Inonyc Esq. nte- President Y. Yamakawa Ksa C2EECTQBS. J. Inonye Egq. Y, Yamakawa Es«. K. SomaEsq. M Odagirt Esq. K. Scnoda Ea«. T. KawashlmaEs^. S. Kimara Eaq.
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    • 316 9 NEW ZEALAND IHSURANCE Co, Iti, mi m mm. lncorporated in New Zealand,) UIB-TBZE INSURANCE ISSOC. Hi. MARINE. (lacQffOY&tea la noQg&ong am m muum Co., itt FIRE. 1 Incorporated In Hongko&2>) mm* mnmii usidekt so. iw. I BUARJINTEE. {Inoorporatod In England,) Fir and Marine Risks of every floserlpro* oafler^tlijon at lowost
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    • 126 9 Oaggino&o& Established 1876. Merchants and Commission Agents PUKET HOUSE Pharmaceutical Drugs Dept. ESANOFELE Just received from Bordeaux, table claret ia bulk and bottle also light dry white wine. Vichy Gelesths Table Water (for the kidneys) Vichy Grand-Grille (for liver complaint) Vichy Hopital (dyspepsia and digestive organs) We have always steamers
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    • 163 9 Get Health from FOOD— not »«<»H i^»j n^ t Vitafer m both Food and Force. SPENCER MOULTON TYRES. Sole Agents: Central Engine Works, Ltd. JQNGKEENA THE MAGIC HEALER. The following testimonial from Mr. Syed Ali Alsagoff of tie well known firm of Alsagoff Co Singapore, speaks eloquently for the merits
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  • 918 10 Nature in old age likes to ran on con eervative lines. In old age, it would seem that habits even some doubtful ones are better than no habits at all. Without them old people often drift aimlessly and with no guide on to tbe rocks. To sum up,
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  • 353 10 The visitor to China will not have been in the country very long before he diecovers that the great mass of Chinese, particularly the working classes, are very fond of garlic, the odour of which, genet ally speaking, is very offensive to all those who
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 961 10 Powell Co., Ltd FORTHCOMING AUCTION SALES. Dec. 24. Monday at our salerooms 16 and 17 Raffles Place at 1 1 a. m Bale of I Cargo (Ex 88. TyntfareuO viz Bisulohate of Soda. Soa I tfcd Enamelled Plates, Engine Inaicator-*, Rubber Cups, Tabi- R; ti: tsoda, Metal Gas Fittings etc
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  • 62 11 'Oo«unr;T»o up m Dec 21 Baat 4 e 2 4 19 32 N deruaod t-4 782 fciiiili I ait ..2 4 18 16 Fimnec demand Bank 818 ISDIA, T. T, 160 How«KOffc» Utriu^S 29%Prem iUa^bAALu, ianfl 108 JAT4, iemand li7 3AS&KOK, demand 6'* Soviauasi, Bank £ti>ir.a M 96 54
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  • 177 11 Dec. 21. Tin (buyers) 1140.00 Qamkiti h. 19.00 (J&mklgi Ceka Mo. 1 23 00 9ibMii Cvte No. f m 21.00 Peppei Black or din. Spore m 82.00 Peppii, (Wtelti fi&ii) 48.00 Nitmegl (110 to the II nom. Nvtmogt (80 to !!>• Ik.! nom. Mast (Bandft) nom OlOTtl (Axnkoina nom
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  • 29 11 DeCi2l, 1917. The following are the thares as to which changes are notified in Messrs Fraser and Co's ye'sterdty'e share list RUBBER DOLLAR COMPANIES. Bayers Sellers
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 125 11 GORDONS The Oldest Established London Tin Distilleries Famous for the Purity and Flavour of their OLD TOM" AND DRY GINS." OF ALL DEALERS THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) SOLE IMPORTERS. Buchanan's Black and White There is no better value on the Market than this old and perfectly blended
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    • 310 11 FRESH PURE CREAMERY BUTTER ALWAYS OBTAINABLE In 1 lb. and J lb. pats. Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). AUCTION SALE OF Excellent Wax Polished Teak Household Furniture, Cottage Piano, Hand Sewing Machine, Plants etc. To b3 held at Pair holme No. 45, Cairnhlll Road On
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    • 497 11 POSITION REQUIRED, Advertiser English, unfit far War Service, requires position from Ist January. Has experience as Kugirjeer's Storekeeper, Geae^ ral Office Assistant and ba<* been in cbarge of Timber Estate Outbide woik preferred. Address Rsjin c/o Singapore Free Presp. 17 18 2712 STORAGE WANTED. Tor 6' baVs cf pan*r. 4
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 145 11 SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. ENTRANCES— TAN JONG PAOAR. Wharves tied Oodowns Gate Enti Bonded Warehouses, Trafa) Reclamation gar St Storage 2 1 (T Pag At jPSEaei East 1 A 2 SO/22 Storage B 1 i Wharf-re Sheers B 19 1 do (DryDoofes) 8 Dock Store, Head Towei Office, Police and
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    • 356 11 MAIL TABLB Today. intei mediate and local mails, mil be toaoo in llbi below Penang, Malacca, F.M.B. (by TtalM) 8 pa dally (except Sunday). Johote, 8, 0.80. 11 a.m., iJ.BO, 8, 4A 8 Pulau Soegi Violante 8 am Cucob Soon Hong 8. 80 am Kerimon Hook Tew 8.80 am
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  • 1577 12 Tlit Pacifists' Campaign. From Our Own Cvrrupondent London, 7th Nov. Yesterday the time of the Hoasa was devoted to a Pacidit debite. We have one at regular intervals, raised and carried on by the earns men, characterised by the i same arguments and meeting with th« same
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  • 348 12 We shall have to say of the Boy Scouts fti Blake is Eaid to have remarked of his fl«et They can go anywhere and do anything.'* Tbe All clear" of tbe cheery j little buglers is as excellent as the Drums of the Fore and Aft." (D. C) Considerable comment
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  • 183 12 The following properties were disposed of by auction by Messrs Ching Eang Lee and Co, at their sale room on Monday afternoon, when there was a large attendance of purchasers Freehold land off Jalan Besar, area 5,850 square feet, bought by H Somapah fot 91,860. Five lots of
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  • 96 12 BRITISH FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY EMERGENCY FUND. i Previously acknowledged $243 97 A Christian Chinese 10 "ITC" 100 Per Mr Purdy Mr JRO lldworth 15 Mr A C Valpy 5 Aoonymoua 5 Total $378 97 (The Society's war circulation bas now reached 7, 000, C00 volumes in seventy different language". The
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  • 19 12 Further contributions to tbe above Fund bring the Johore total up to 1120,743 77.
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  • 135 12 Singapore, Dec 20. The weekly rubber auction opened yesterday rather quietly at about last wetk's prices, but the later part of the da; saw considerably increased competition, there being stveral buyers in tbe rnaikst for Dtcember shipment. The top price for Ribbed Smoked Sheet was 97 above
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  • 149 12 Karachi, Nov 21. A large three 6toreyed building which was in course of erection an the Bunder Road, Karachi, collapsed at noon to day. Some fifty persons were buried beneath the debris. Vigorous sfforts to extricate the victims were immediately made, the helpers including
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  • 784 12 Germany's Population. London, Nov 19. An alarming slump in the birth rate in Germany is checking the population by more than 700,000 souls a year. Figures published by a German weekly enow that the births in the Em pire fell from 1,800.000 in 1916, a decrease of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 198 12 |iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniininiiiiiiH r Economy. I U With LEA A PERRIMS' Sauce, JMIL difew drops only are necessar\ jfcjßyPß appetizing flavour to the ii ar ar^ er q uant ity of a U'lP^gZrt cheaper sauce fails to give the '^^^^&f?l same satisfaction. Observe f J .^i jT/ ST flB JV* across the
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 107 12 SWIMMING CLUB LAUNCHES. Sunday DaK23. Johnston's Pier, 7, 9 and 10 a.m. 2 80 and 8 80 p.m. Club Bungalow 8.30 and 9.30 a.m. 12.15, 8 and 5.80 p.m. High Tide SIS a.m. Height Bft Bin. X'mas Day. Johnston's Pier, 7, fy 10 and 11 a.ra 280 and 3.30 pn.
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