The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 December 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 1543 1 It ie no longer possible to tak-> si lj'g. eye view of life. Like a dog in a crowd, we must be content to follow our noses till destiny may deliver us. la ordinary times we do in some hypothetical sense foresee the future. We know, of
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  • 272 1 The Premier's exhaustive Btimmary of the present position, with some r. vela ticne, is given on page 10. On page 7 a special on Merchant Ship ping. French Consular telegrams, the Rubber Restrictions Bill and correspondence on page 3. How Rasputin's body was burned Page 8. The
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 274 1 GOODRICH TYRES srtn tread RAFFLES HOTEL. X'MAS AND NEW YEAR DINNER AND DANCE Monday (Xmas Eve) December 24th Monday (New Year s Eve) Dec. 31st. I* Patrons are requested to book tables for the above dinners early. 5_ J. Crowther Shaw Co. |L Vl SPECIAUTE 4«flf J EVENING DRESS ■j|
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    • 81 1 THE only tyre which has won the R.A.C. certificate of 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures. g "Srelastic" Super-Cyres I Amm{^ Hk Stplaqtic Tvrpfl §&W% *a oieiasuc 1 yres I y&W Made in Britain f£^ 9(f*7<\ P^Sjfr from Plantation Rubber, SOLE AGENTS: International Trading Company, Limited. X WTt'^l-W II ALLIES
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    • 82 1 IA FST ADVERTISEMENTS French official films will be shown for the benefit of the French Wai Relief Fund ou Jan 4th. Assistant wanted. Also stenographer Puge 9. Ching Keng Lee cell unredeemed pledges and a motor car—Page 2 Whiteaway'e have a fall line of carpets and curtains—Page 3. New Cinema
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    • 2 1 Jeffreys Beer
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 122 1 THE WEEK MOBdBi 24th. Blgn W»Jpr-611 a ,7 33 p.m. Lodge St. George Regular, 8 p.m. Tnesdej 25th, Hl«h Wate» 7li a.ia., 8- 5 pm, Christmas Day. Vednesdai 26th. High Wnist 8 8 ».m 9-?5 p.m. St. Stephen. No Issue of Singapore Free Press. Tborsdaf 27th. Hlfh Wate*— B 5d
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  • 293 2 The Premier (writes Dagonet may always be relied upon (or a rousing speech with plenty of verbal torpedoes in it for the enemy. His War Economy Bpeach may be classed Al at Lloyd's*, to say nothing of the stones for the German Go* liath in David's sling, or George slaying
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 579 2 WISHING YOU X MAS CHEER AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. DOLLAR DIRECTORY Co. J. B. Fiynn Anderson, Proprietor. i Victoria Theatre FRJOAY, 4th January at 9,15 p m. FRENCH WAR RELIEF FUND 1 Under the iiispieea of the French Consul) OFFICIA L WAR FILMS The only authentic pictures taken by
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    • 967 2 Wishing Our Patrons a Merry Christmas and a Bright Prosperous New Year BDI and BIGGER, AND MORE BRILLIANT PICTUREK AT THE ALHAMBRA The Hall Fop Music. The Pioneer Premier Rouse The House of Qaalitv SECOND SHOW AT 915 p M Lt The Initial Presentation of Metro Pcatur* W A Film
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  • Correspondence.
    • 409 3 To The Editor, Dear Sic, As one who takes an intense interest in everything done on behalf of the men at the various fronts, it seems to me, that the local organizers cf the Army and Navy Dept of the YMC A do not realize what
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  • 121 3 Paris, Dec 21, 6.30 p.m. An important thrust of the enemy east of Fay, in the rtgioo of St. Quentin, failed. The artil lery was active in the eectore of the Meme and Upper Aleace. On the Italian front, in the region east of the Brenta, we
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  • 268 3 The Government Gazette contains the text of an ordinance to amend the Rubber Lands (Restriction) Ordinance, 1917," which is about to be introduced in the Legislative Council. It ij\bereby enacted by the Governor of the Straits Settlements with the advice and coE&e^ of the Legislative Council thereof
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1175 3 B. R. H. THE DUKE OF CONHAOGHT. H M. THE KING OF SIAM. PRINCE ft PRINCESS OF TECK. H. H. THE SULTAN OF JOHORE. WHO IS THE LEADEK IN XMAS PRESENTS First in Field First in Design First in Quality that has retained the Confidence of the Public for HALF
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    • 441 3 -CARPET'SCurtains, Cretonnes etc. I AT KEEN CASH PRICES <. Raperior quality velvet pile carpets square. English mafle vei vet file squares self I colour, d in green with effective floral border and all over floral design; wear beautiful] y an! always look far superior to any other make. f ize
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  • 18 4 Domestin Occurrences BIRTH. Nfavb —On December 19, at Bata Gajata, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Neave, a son.
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  • 1268 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday, December 24, 1917. The Premier's admirable snmming np of the situation at present does not leave much room for general comments on the events of the week, which have nevertheless not been entirely unfavourable. The emphasis put upon the food and shipping problems is due
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  • 805 4 I I Amsterdam, Deo 22.— Aa unconfirmed bat circumstaafcial report is (bat Kropps is afire. London, Dec 22. The Daily Mail cor [respondent at Petrograd says that German 1 soldiers in Poland are practically unaffect ed by fraternizing, Individual soldiers refused to carry out orders but examples 1
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  • 214 4 Ad order of the Governor in Council published in Friday's Gazette makes the following rates of postage applicable from Jan 1, 1918.— Lettehs For F M S, Jobore. Kedah. Kelantan Perlie, Trenggauu liDcloditig Kemaman/ Britibh Nortb Horoto, Sarawak and Brunei— 4 cte up to 2 oz, 2
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  • 507 4 The following information regarding paetportr is published for the guidance of travellers to the Countries mentioned Greece By an Order issued on 19th August last entry into Greece ie forbidden to arjyoce whose paeeport has not been vised b\ competent Consular bulb since Ifrd July. China. The Government
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  • 10 4 Bukit Jelotong, 8,057 6 moe 41,431.
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  • 67 4 The next AftiMf at Singapore optr January Bth Messrs Jitte and Co send ud their pM H desk calendar. Mr RC Sansom. who joiued thp K E left for FraDce eaii\ in Ja:-t month. H passed ae an Bicac Mid go! hit wing within a perird ol him (M M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 135 4 Galdbeck, Macgregor Go. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS ESTABLISHED 1869. JUST THE STUFF For Christmas Champagnes Sherries Port Wines Whiskies Liqueur Brandies Liqueurs Beer Havana Cigars. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SPECIAL OFFER XMAS O(]7 Cash LU/o Discount OFF ALL TOYS FRIDAY, SATURDAY MONDAY NEXT ONLY JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND)
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    • 36 4 LAMBERT CO. i Photographic Artists. i Orchard Road— Telephone No. 1035. (Same Address as Wilson Co.) For the past 45 years and TO-DAY The Leading and ONLY First Class Photographic Studio in Singapore. GEORGE MICHAEL, Manager.
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  • 302 5 CONSIDERABLE ACTIVITY (By Buamaris* Oabl«l lUaUr't Barrio*] ,adoc, Dtc 21. (1.30 a.m.) Fitld y shal Haig The enemy raidad a pott BOCftlMMl of Hargicourt and also under cover of- fog captured au advanced poet ea -:.vard of Masaines. We drovt off I re northeast of Arrnentiaras aad Cw
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  • 392 5 Winter Setting in L:"ijn Dm II. Ranter's correspond en: a: French, headquarters in Italy, wine* oa tha 20th, says that the situs turn is still anxious, but further snow storms may any day stabilise the front for the s.n'.ir Tha enemy's recent gains were dearly bought by
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  • 17 5 'Jut Oven CorrespGr.der.t Koala Lumpur, 23. !i» idends declared are :—Petalcly 52^; Oriental f. Final
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  • 332 5 THE SILVER MARKET (Jts bnbmmrinm Oafcte) [Bautmr'g lerrioe] London, Dec 20.— Silver ig at 45id with small offerings. The market is steady. London, Dec 20.— Montagu's lapoit ■tatas that, as usual at this season, the trade demand is inactive, to pending fresh developments regarding important purchases projected by
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  • 91 5 The Palladium new photo play is Should a Woman Divorce. There is also a pretty Blue bird "Southern Justice'* produced in Old Kentucky. There is a special matinee for the children on Boxing Day. The Alhambra special announcement for the Tientsin Relief Fund on Dec 81st is made.
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  • 52 5 The Committee gratefully acknowledge the following additional contributions to the above fund r Previously acknowledged $25 0 Mrs Julian Frankel 5 Rev W Cress 5 Mrs Scrymgeour 10 Mrs Chen Su Lan 3 Mrs Dewar 5 Mrs Doughty (Labu) 5 WLBT (BNB) 10 Anon
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  • 39 5 Major General Dudley Uidout, Honorary Treasurer of the above Fund, acknowledges following donations: C W A (per A W Still) $25 Blake, w m. (per A W Still 2C V M Grayburn 50. Total $100.
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  • 112 5 The following list of holidays in the Colony during 1918 ispubliehed for g&ueral information in the Gazette New Year, January 1, public holiday, Thaipusam, January 26, bank holiday. Chinese New Year (2 days), February 11 and 12, bank holidays. Good Friday and following day, March 29 and
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  • 496 5 RUMOURS AND HOPES £By Isburiu Oabk] {iUiHr 1 •errioel London, Deo SI. German anxiety regarding Germany's economic future is being comtantly revealed. Lecturing at Bremen, Dr Kaiefcadt, one of Ibe best known epeaken ol the German Colonial Society, said: "When our millions of soldiers return from the war
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  • 88 5 Rome, Dec 21. la the Chamber, there was a debate on the case of Cavallini, who is alleged to have been an intermediary between Caillaux and the Germane. Deputy Pnrolini described Caillaux as the Gioletti of France." An uproar ensued. Subsequently Sr. Gioletti declared that he conld not
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  • 216 5 These authentic war films are taken on the battlefields of the Western froute by the cinematographic service of the French Army, and under the auspices of the French Consul, on exhibition will be given at the Victoria Theatre under distinguish ed patronage on Friday, 4th January,
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  • 577 5 THE PIECES SHUFFLE The Peace Shuffle £By Bvbeaaime Cable] [Renter's Service] London, Deo 21. A Pettograd telegram j ■aye it is unofficially reported tbo Ger mans have refused oha Russian pe^je terms. Petrograd, Dec '21. The Ukrainian Re j p-ib!ic replying *o the Maximalist ultima I luai
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  • 201 5 Oil Saturday afternoon a fate organized by the Chinese community for the fund j for the relief of those suffering from the Tientsin flood was opened on the Raillte! Reclamation ground. It was for two days, Saturday and yesteiday, in the afternoon and at night. Oa
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 104 5 ROBINSON Co. ppl Just Unpacked I 5iL ladies' White #Voiie Btouses Silk Sports Coats ROBINSON Co. NOW READY The Singapore 8c Straits ROUGH DIARY for 1918 Publishers: FRASFR and NEAVE, LIMITED. LAMBERT BUTLER'S G G pg~ l M -_.^-3=f~^: ik r llHllll R R IpARETTE Y f Ugl R 111
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 638 6 N. Y7K JAPAN MAIL STEAHSSIP CO., Ltd. (Ineorfotated la Jayaa). EUROPEAN LINE. Ftr aosfkoal, Saastfhal, fttbt ft YftkOßtai Ftr lalecca, Penang, Coiombt lid England if a TBt Capt. a service is m&lntaiaed beiwaea YofcoH4&.» v.a ports to Marseilles, Lon&on, on-ler m%» eoatraoft with the Imperial Japanese Govcw moat. The Hew
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    • 377 6 M. M. MESSIGERIES MARITIME Incorporated in Fhancb MAIL LIHf, 1 Fortnightly service betweea loao-Cai»M China, Japan, Ceylon, Djibouti, Egyvt a>« Marseilles. BRANCH LINE, Fortnightly service between BalgOM-Tco* a» t Haiphong. For farther Information apply to J. do COURTOIS, Aa»* StoomYaart Maatse&appy "NederlaDA* and M Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland). gOYIL
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    • 623 6 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVMRT MAATSCHAPPIJ (Incorporated In Holland, Rby*l Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. a— 3, Ool&tbb Quay. H«DBB OOHTKAOT WITH THE NETHERLANDS IBDIA GOVRfcNMENTS Melohiok Teeub Belawan-Deli ...Dec. 24 Van Hbembebbk Riouw, Billiton, Batavia, Gheribon, Tegai, Fekalongan, Pemarang. Bourabaya, Macassar, Boeton, Baha, Amboina, with transhipment at Sourabaya to Boeleleng, Amp man,
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    • 616 6 P. O. EaWnsH NDIA AND /Ilpcah Liinf (OompanleE Incorporates ta Engtand.) Mail and Passenger Sbrvicki peninsular and oriental s. n. ca. (Under Contract wltb Kia Majestyi OovernmeL. The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST |OF BOMBAY are a: r r Ccrv pended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROy )ndqn at present
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  • 965 7 From Our Own Correspondent London, Nov 7. One of the most interesting documents dealing with the Merchant Service during the war ha? juet been officially published. presumably by Sir Norman FIJI, on be- I ba'f of tbe Liverpool S frame-hip O *upib' < Association. It is really
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 618 7 Wab or Piaci. Fahini or Plentt, Lifk Insurance is wobth too cents on the dollab. I WHAT OTHER PROPERTY I S P 111 GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAINS SETTLEMENTS). €£AD OFFICE: WtethMttr Bonsa, flS&tfapore, LONDON OFFICE i SI, Old Jewrj, E.Q. r%« hm ffSO^DOO ifiyosftefl wltfc
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    • 480 7 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. INOORPOH ATKD IM JAPAN Capital Subscribed T. 48,000.000 Capital Paid Up Y. 80,000,000 Reserve Fund .Y. 81,300,000 PreiidenU J. Inoaye Esq. VioePrtrtdent. Y. Yamakawa Esf DIRECTORS. J. Inocye Esq. Y. Yamakawa Esf N. Soma Esq. M. Odagiri Esq. K. Sonocla Es% T. Kaw&shlmaEsq. B. Kimara
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    • 378 7 NEI ZEIUND INBURINCE Co., LM. FISE IND URINE. (Incorporated in New Zealand.) TINI-TBZE INSURANCE ISBOC. 111. URINE. (Incorporated in Hongkong ssiki hre Insurance Co., iw, FIRE. (Incorporated in Hongkong.) LONDON lUIRINTEE I ACCIDENT Co. ltd. RUIRMTEE. (Incorporated in England.) Fire and Marine Risks of every descrlyfTcHi underwritten at lowest current
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    • 125 7 Gaggino&Co Established 1876. Merchants and Commission Agents PUKET HOUSE Pharmaceutical Drugs Dept. ESANOFELE Jost received from Bordeaux, table claret in bulk and bottle also light dry white wine. Vichy Gelestins Table Water (for tbe kidneys) Vichy Grand-Grille (for liver complaint) Vichy Hopital (dyspepsia and digestive organs) We have always steamers
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    • 444 7 AUCTION SALE OF Excellent Teak Hotel Furniture, Cottage Piaoo, Electric Fan, Lamp etc. TO BE HELD AT "ANDERSON HOTEL" 96, ROBINSON ROAD On Saturday, 29th December, at 70-30 a. m. Comprising A.n Excellent toned Cottage Piano by John Brinsmead Co London, handsome polished teak sideboard with bevelled mirror panel, large
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  • 1016 8 The following article by Mr Herman Bermtein, the New York Herald's spe cial correspondent, is the last chapter in the story of Rasputin. His influence outlived him, so that it was found ne ceasary to destroy the body. How this was done is shown in the concluding
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  • 407 8 More than once recently I have referred to the difficulty of getting in the wounded from these dreadful battlefields, and I have told how the Germans in various ways take advantage of oar humanity and the respect we show for all Red Cross work. They have invented
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  • 282 8 A Sweepstake Drama. To relieve the tedium of a recent homeward voyage the smoking- saloon habitues of a Cape steamship invented a new sweep* ■take. The bright idea originated during a de bate as to the age of one of the women passengers. Let's take all the women
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1 8 rv*Ti7rr~i
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    • 476 8 Overland Light Four-Cylinder Touring Car Overland "Country Ciub'* A New Achievement— and j I Its Value to You From motor cars that emphasize the Heretofore this policy has benefited utmost economy without sacrifice of certain classes of buyers only. But now quality, to the very highest type of car there
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    • 120 8 STAMFOBD HOUSE, PRIVATE HOTEL Brat Baian Boad. CENTRALLY SITUATED always cool and exposed to sea breett FURNISHED APARTMENTS with Beard. comfortable Booms with Bathroom* attaofced Electric rittlngi througboat Large Reception Hall and Biiliardi Separate tables In spacious dining cTERMS nost ittioaible In Tot r For farther particulars, apply THE MAhAOBI*
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  • 1431 9 lasaed by FRASER Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, Dec. 22nd. OAff, Ibbos Paid. -jui# Di*1 3irraa.« 1*00,000 If li AUagav 15% 1 8 8 0 870,180 Is IB Anglo- Java 85% 5 0 6 0 110,000 IB IB Anglo-Maia? m int 10 6 3 C •0,000 Is
    1,431 words
  • 51 9 COBBicrsry vr? me Dec */2 4^B 2419 32 ita«o<l 2-4 7 p PbIt»I« cjrftdtit Bmi *****6 Fisnoa damand Bank 818 (a&u, T, T. 160 XOaoe&MA, dwr»Hr j 108 Java, demand 1-7 b±M>*&^ &hmm**& 6ri jrvi^i:?, Baal fivin $3 f 4 r-«wk ji, Auifiajnd &*>t« 6% '1*» miv«r "Lnwi^tsr* 4Hw
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  • 179 9 Dec. 22 LiD (75 tone) $139.60 3P'i3*»«« 19 0( attii-'.i«ei J«b* fcfoi i 28.01 3iinfei§,.»CiaW Ho. I 21. 0( v s?£&* Black ocditi. b pore 82 00 PBPF9I, (WoiU fail) 48 00 Vatmigs (110 fio the it > nom •Nasmnfi (80 to Cb* i*. oom !lusa (Bandit) nom Olcvtt
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  • 103 9 ENTRANCES—TANJOSG P4.GAR Wharves Sect Godowns Gate Enti Bonded Ware* houses, East Trai&) Reclamation gar 6t Storage 2& 1 T PAG At P B Eaet East i*a 20/22 Storageß UWharf-rtJ Sheers a 19 1 do (Dry Docks) 3 Dock Store, Head Towei Office, PoUce and Male Fire Stations
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  • 6 9 Tlme-baHs (,?J Fort Caonics &cd Moa»i
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 238 9 SUPPLIES FOR Estates Mines Etc. 4cetic Acid. 99 per cent pure. 4nt Fumigators Four Oaks and Sulphur Powder. irsenite of Soda for killing out lalang. \spinalls Best Copal Varnish. Bisulphite of Soda (Best English). Cartridges. Nobel's own loading with sporting Ballistite which holds more pigeon shooting records than any other
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    • 721 9 INSURANCE. Wanted by msrcbaDt firm A^istant or capable Clerk, p tftjabiy with ius<i ance experieL ce Apply B x 9, c/j Frte Press. T4-12 uc WANTED Stenograph* r unJ typiat wauteri for an office in Pinesp'jre. Clod salary will be paid to saittbltj apply in owa handwriting ssaiii g
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 244 9 MAIL TABLE Todaj. Inteimediate and local malla, betotur in list below Penang, Malacca, F.M.B. >bf Tvaia) f a daily (excef t Sunday). Johore, 8, 9.80. 11 a.m., 12.80, I, 4 A I u. Pulau Soegi Violante 8 am Medan M. Trenb 8 am Cucob Soon Hong 8.80 am Rerimon Hook
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  • 1701 10 SHIPPING LOSSES AND GAINS (By Submarine Cable] [Renter's Service] Coutinuicg the report of Mr Lloyd Georgia speech on the War Situation, the telegrams read. London Dec 20. Referring to shipping Me L!oyi George said that the margin of loss at sea was narrowed. The losses were decreasing,
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  • 22 10 Mr A M Smith, of Sime, Datby and Co, Ltd, has now completed his training and has been gazetted si Second Lieutenant!
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  • 992 10 GLENE ALY PL ANT ATIONS. COMPANY'S SATISFACTORY PO9ITION. i The annual general meeting of Olenealy Plantations Ltd was held on Saturday at the registered efflce, Gresbam House Bat tery-rd. There were present Messrs H Robinson (chairman), H Ashworth Hope and W P Plummet (directors), the last named also representing the
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  • 277 10 I The Banks will be closed daring the j coming year end on Dae 25, '26, &1, and January 1. The Insurance Associations' offices will also be closed on the eame days. j The Shipping and Import and Export offioes will be closed all day on Dec 25,
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  • 116 10 The following competitions will be held duiiig tbe holiday*. Nine Holes Eclectic. Competition Best Nine Holes Not more than six cards to be taken out. Entrance fee 20 cents a card. Handicaps, two thirds of Club Handicap Bogey Competition 18 Holes Club Handicaps Eatraoce fee |l. Taese
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  • 244 10 i We understaci say* the i'inaug Ga/oite that Messrs Fraser k Co have resigned the management of the Eastern Smelting Coy, Ltd, the duties of which Mr F G Penny has so efficiently discharged in Penang cince Sepiember, 19i6. The charge does not take effect until the
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  • 32 10 The War Tax revenue for Negri Serobi. lan for 1918 is estimated nt §1 012,e00, the ordinary revenue at $4.9*23,977. Ex penditure is estimated at 93,992.056, of which federal charges absorb 51,688,448.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 331 10 4 Bacchus Marsh CONCENTRAfED Milk in quarts, pints, and pints. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (Incorporatf d in Straits Settlements NOW ON SALE WHAT THING! I^ mm^ Bmamumm CONTRIBUTORS #1% Jk I VT B Roland Braddell, C. W. Har/iso b I|H I I Kemp," W. Arthur Wilson. P jyj I
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 76 10 SWIMMING CLUB LAUNCHES. X mas Day. I Jchnston'e Pier, 7, 9, 10 and 11 a.m 2 30 and 3.30 p.m I Club Bungalow, 8.80, 980 and IdSO a.m. 12.15, 3 and 5 30 p m. High Tide 7.11 a.m. Height Bft 8 in. Boxing Day. Johnston's Pier, 7, 9 and
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