The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 29 November 1917

Total Pages: 16
337 352 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 151 337 LEADERS PAUB The Tanks Battle 337 Rubber Priceß 387 disorganized Russia 388 Week end War Newd 388 Food Economy 389 America's Internal Troubles 389 The Acch Plotter 389 POLICE AND COURT HEWS. Court of Appeal 342,844,846,348 Foundering of the HoDg Wan Court of Inquiry 848,848 REPORTS AND MEETINOB. Chinese
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  • 100 337 Nov. 28. Tin (Buyer,) J i^J-g S^STi COM NO, 1 W.M y>pOre bUyerß 2 o 12 Pew. <"**'"• lail) t rim m Abe U > norn ion fe,t th* Jfc norn Clov«l iAmr»oin»' Bill flrffo" (4% Blacks norn T^ioca, .mail pearl (I.U qa^lilf U. 60 a«dinmp«m>i 76 5 C^
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 176 337 Clfmenti BMITH.-Oct. H, at Kirby uodsb, Hungerford, of Lieut Col. Hubert Clemrnti Smith, D.8.0 Royal Engineers, daughter. FisHER.-Oct. C. at Lame, Ireland, w,fe of F. C. Fiiheb, of Allagar Estate, Peiafc bod. Owbn.— Oct. 15, at London, wife of Donald A. Owbn (of Barawafc), Bon. KENNEDY.-At Gala on the
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    • 73 337 Atkin-Bebry South.- On the 9tk Oct., at Holy Trinity Church, Bloane square, Capt. H. O. Itkinßbrrt, m. c eon of Mr. and l Mrs. XtHin-Berry, of Woking, to Edith Mary (Duvfib), daughter of the Rev. E. W. ana Mr^SODTH; of Beepham Rectory. Norwich. POULIBR— GiMPBii— On November 8, at
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    • 41 337 Gum __A.t his residence, Watten, Bukit Timah Road, on the 27th Nov., Alexander Jambs Gunn. EATON.-On the 24th inst., at the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Josephine Elizabeth Boughton. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. EATON, aged 6 days.
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  • 209 337 The last mail from Europe arrived on Thursday with dates to Oot 18. At the Victoria Theatre last Thursday, Nov 22, the National Amateur Society save an exhibition of boxing and athle letics m aid of Our I ay Fund. A Marine Court of Inquiry into the
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  • 21 337 O*s»Cf*W 99 •< Nov 28 .> ill 24§ F,i»iict d«mAnd Bank lou Java. A»m»d I** d.caftiift ™>* bmJl ol Ungiwid KaU BUvo Londoo
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  • 831 337 m c L- The sceno of the British advance chronicled m some detail to-day by the Field Marshal, who does not usually descend to such length, and by the more graphic account of Reuter"s Correspondent, is m the Somme district which has not been the
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  • 487 337 Rubber Prices. Nov 24. The local rubber market is looking mything but prosperous at present, recent auctions having shown a decided [all m price, the top price for sheet being $104 this week as against $120 four weeks ago. There are too many experts m the market for us to
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  • Page 337 Advertisements
    • 149 337 Subscribers to the M Singapore Free Press weekly returning from Europe to the btraits by auv of the mail lines, are inrited to send to the Manager tho name of their steamer and date of arrival m Singapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet them at various ports of
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    • 30 337 KILLED II ACTIOI Walter.— KiMed m action, on Oct. 6, 1917, Lieut. Cecil Walter, Devonshire Regiment, beloved youngest son of Major Frederic Edwa?d Walter, M.V.0., late Royal Artillery, aged 35.
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  • 486 338 When Russia fell to pieces after the lamentable failure of the Provisional Government to realise that the primary function of a Government is to govern, we formed the opinion thaf, as far as helping the Allies m the War, the beet that could be hoped for was that
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  • 1054 338 Week End War News. Nov 26 The military news of the week can be i isified under three heads— fair, very I the fields to which they being I\,i. S^ me. Before r rem i b A field may tlif l °P Ba Africa i proow^ m« r Fret b
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  • 811 338 There was a certain sub flavour of acidity m the remarks of th<? President of the Municipal Commissioners last week m referring to a leading article m tbis paper on tbc subject of tbe assessment and the probable olashing of the Municipality and the Rent Board
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  • 884 339 Pood Economy Nov 28. The local Food Reform Society is reported to be vastly jubilant fnon a!coholioally) with the heading m the Sunday Observer Food Strategy The F.icts m a Nutshell. The article, however, does not go on to expound nut cutlets and delicacies of that sort, bnt to point
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  • 628 339 America is beginning clearly that m addition to her external war preparations she has to carry nn a campaign at home against iuflaeocefl which arc? inimical to the A'iied interest?. The vagaries of S^nßor La FOLLETTE tho champion of democracy from Wisconsin have for many months
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  • 919 339 The Arch Plotter. Nov 19. I< is quite conceivable that the German politicians aad leaders consider that their plane of interforicg with enemy oountriea hy means of bribes and urul'M'har.d method are a success, and up to the present there 13 justification for bhii belief. Every day fresh revelations of
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  • 42 340 The hearing of the appeal m the case A J Luckoey va H S Kirwan was resumed yesterday before Mr Justice Ebdeu, and counsel* apumenta od the point of law were concluded. Uia lordship will deliver judgment on Tuesday next.
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  • 70 340 The inquiry into the foundering of the eteamehip Hong Wan was reeumed yoster day before Mr R Scott (district jud«e) Commander Cator, m Capt A Snow and Capfc H I Henderson. The captain, the gunner and the cletk were recalled, and other witnesses examined. The hon'ble Mr
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  • 467 340 Messrs Chin* Keng Lee and Company have sold Vindobona." Orange Grove Road, privately to Mr Sect Tiong Wah /or v 1 8,0( 0. Hoaffkooi Legislative Council has pass€d a vote of sympathy with the Chinese Repablic on the Chihli floods and a con tnbution of »100 COO to the relief
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  • 806 340 THE ANNUAL MEETING. Company's Sound Position. M T.nPK '64 66 Market Street. to 516 B S n P h nOd UD der feWew amounted to 516.850 lbs, wh!ch quaut.ty very conn have adopted a modified form of JoV.tei? tapp.Dg, according to which each tapper paid on the basis
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  • 544 340 Bo d'akeon para thiaa polyphloitboic thalatses. Hosier. Ib is only a wave— to a titanic eve fixed a mile tovrard heaven, it would seew a scarcely perceptible wavelet— rippling round the ramparts of the laud. (There is a small hill m a f rfw miles south -west o!
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  • 87 340 RUJiBER. Singapore, No? 20. *or this week'o Auction tome 1226 tOLB were CEUIofUtd. The j ooly ib »od p rtot for mo.t gr^ei bow a farthar decline. Ribbtd Smoked Sueefc. Pci,^ o ti -Id up to 5103, Adeelioeo! |3. Filo Pale Crtpe. The bi B best paid
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  • 46 340 A new me has been found for the Get man naval flag m china although prohibited from beiug flown from any man of war. A captain of a Yangtze river steamer en passing by Nanking recently caw a Chinese sampan rigged with the Gtwmo n.g for
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  • 1031 341 What a morning wo have had; *A deuce oj a time" as the ship's parruc said Little heaps of the various types of thn British Empire's coinage (or thp East lie before us, all collected within a few ruouthii. Each coia represents a c»-i tain
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  • 1008 341 alo^Jy through the darkness tLe \gv% line of dhorilif.s winds up the tortuous mountain path, tbe g'sre of torcbei catt ing "\n unearthly ligbi over i\m taoci of .he OCCUpantt, und on the swarthy (c »turo« Df tl"j itraiaiof ber\ier6, who tvcry now J then give
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  • 1101 341 Jan And Hek Job (Mrs Allen Harker Murray's Imperial Library) A pleasantly written, tale of an aunt who haa to take up tbe responsibility of a sister's two children m India and bring them home The colouring of the two pcenes of action ia faithfully observed and
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  • 30 341 In a fast game of hockey on the S C C ground last evening, the Club defeated an eleven of the R G A by five goals to one.
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  • 129 341 Government schemes are m hand for the provision cf 500 semi permanent and 500 permanent houses at Barrow in-Fur-nees, there is a great dearth of accommodation. It i« expected that the semi permanent houses will begin to be ready by Christmas, and will probably be finished
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  • 271 341 Sir Edward Letchworth, for many years Grand Secretary of English Freemasonry, died m London, on Get Bth. in^his 85th year. Rear admiral F A Gaunt, c M o, has lauded m Colombo m succession to Vice Admiral Wemjee, Commander m Chief of the East ladiea Statioa. The Times of Ceylon
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  • 456 342 Friday, Nov. 23, 1917. BOXING AND ATHLETIC EXHIBITION. At the Victoria Theatre last evening, the National Amateur Society gave an exhibition of boxing and athletics m aid of 11 Oar Day" Fund. There was a moderate attendance. The evening opened with an excellent overture the popular "Poet
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  • 359 342 The distinguished Head of a House at Oxford hae perpetrated the following con plet: The Tank triumphant wanders o'er the fields And living pills the oaptured capsule yields." Prince Tranak of Siam, cousin of the present King and nephew of the late King, visited the Central Criminal Court on 15th
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  • 999 342 A Tin Plate Deal. In the Court of Appeal, yesterday, before the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, k c Mr J'l&tice Woodward and Mr Justice Ebden p conclusion was reached m the hearing of the appeal of Chop Kwong Van Heng, m the cuee of Chop Tack
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  • 385 342 la Round tha Erap iv Note* cf United Empire the following appeuit. According to a Tctaturj minute pob lished on July 28 the Straits Sotticinent having already undertaken to pay from its revenues a war contribution ct £sQI ,(\OO a ytar for five yniacs from July 3,
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  • 185 342 At tbe time of the capture of the Rumanian petroleum fields much was made m the German Press of the great accession which this represented to the resources of the Central Powers. At the present time, however, one of the cotamonest questions m Germany is:— What
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  • 192 342 Wo are informed by tbe French Consu late that Mr J Mainguet or Dupire Brother*, ha 3 juet received an honorary decoration and been awarded tbe Croaa of the Ord*e dv M*rite dv Cambodge. Particulars received of the wounding of Cnpt Gilbert Carver gtate thai be was with bis battalion,
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  • 645 342 rA NAVAL ACTION. Italian Cnlser on Fire. Rome, Oot 4.— The "Tribuna" states-^ The Italian destroyer Aquila,' wbila scouting ahead of a deetro s er equadron m lh« Adriatic on T»«t4», ,fghted two Au S tr^ destroyers m th ffoiimj of Catt arc Tua Aquila Mlack j
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  • 75 342 Singapore, Nc7 2J. The Auction was continued today but not concluded, and will be resume'J tomorrow. Prices sbow a fur.'ber decline, $104 being tea top price for sheet. Messrs Barlcv nni Company ie;;rtt that a mietako was naJe m tbo prices quoted m their rubber market report yesterday.
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  • 25 342 Mr A MacLeau of Kimp )O| .'av:vri has been granted tbe patent foi un invention for a rattan and cane drying curing ami smoking process,
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  • 1232 343 MARINE COUNT OF INQUIRY. A. Marine Court of Ir.qulry into the foundering cf the Hong Wan wag held veßterday, Mr lUlph Scott, district judge, presided, P-til with him eat Commander or r If, Capt A snow aod C.ipt H J i je K~n ble Mr
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  • 352 343 The Imperial Japanese Railwaya set out eight years ago to compile an Official Guide .:i K/'K'fit-li) acid the last of Qve volumes oti Eastern Asia now reaches us the E r-- Indies, la noticing the tarmac volumes we commented on the handsome format and wealth of information
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  • 155 343 Mr Cyril Baxcnda'.e writ«e r* foliom to Mr H C E Zxcharias, Kuala Lamport Barclay'" Baok ndviso two farther te raittancce £900 from Kuala Lumpur. Pre bandary Carlilt o^ks rue lo tbifJi y>u again Bed Eaj9 Mhlaya mutt b>. m gc« place trhen eurh f#BMOOi peop'o
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  • 519 343 Mr W Lowther Kemp is appointed a Municipal Commis&iorier for Singapore. Rules governing the award of the Edward Medal are published m the GazeUe The fee to the colonial revenue under the Alien Enemies Winding up Ordinance •4 a quarter per cent. Mr W F Barns,
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  • 101 343 "O UR DAY" FUND, 1917. Prpvi iii-ly »ckoowMged $265,133.59 Su.j»sp'>.-« Rt-ct eatioa Club. Pioceed* of Dunce 2207.33 D)ttHtioo f;om SRC Mem bef»s 2 25 DjOfttion from J L Scheerder 25 2 .857.38 t'er O»«^rf nmnher of Corame.reft. (Hokien Contmaoity, 16th Mb!). TL« )v v Mi 1-in Jiuk Ki:d, C M
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  • 22 343 Th«:> SVC Smoking Concert held reot Dtlf rrtultt;'i iv the iiand«om« eurn ol |',710 beh^g nvail'ib'e for th^j Our D:« 7 Food.
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  • 117 343 In tbfl Mincir v, 'j\no Lift of subncriptioi ;.> X m^ «jt.o r t?e*B Fu;>d foe Sailors, whiota w j did not feel Justified jd reo<»m ending for ths S:r iits. vrbere the field of giviu^ li-itr b-^a intensively c.iUivateii, r.)iern Appeal :i J^t»ge Dumber ol OOOlribU ticn*
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  • 651 343 The inquiry into the foundering of the Hong Wan was continued yesterday, the court consisting of Mr Ralph Scott, district judge, who presided, Commander Cat or R N, Capt A Snow and Capt H J Henderson. The Hon'ble Mr F M Elliot appeared for the
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  • 168 343 A trßgedy oceuried en Tnosday at Malacca street. Lim Pi 1 Cboon, a wriphirg cleik to the firm of Guan Joo m thai e'ee^t. hud tendered bis resignation on Mood ay, urid wished to bitid the k^y ot tb9 h^oth" to Lira Tian Cho. tlie c
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  • 124 343 Sappoted to hnve b*6O *!ir»ed np by ?^orn;is from the *r.>A bed, over 20 hogEhaadf, holding so galloni of wine, w rt' reoOTered recently by southBait coif, iisbermfn m BnglandL Mr Tsu T?un, whn nrrivod hcie recently with Me Ka Cbih at d Mr Wong Sish, is laid to
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  • 1671 344 Ivwyuiu agunz nomine* nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal The Toploiet has not much doubt ad tc the Colonial Secretary s ambition fco have a total for the Our Day fuud higher than laBt jear (excluding tha lotteries) being realised. Already m Singapore we are within a
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  • 105 344 s beos gorca rather Tagna talk ibont tbaei abllebraenl of a Pastier iD tnta ia RuaU Lnmpac and, if taken i- ii no! allogetbei tarpriiiofl hat the authoritiee have nob received the v^y favourably. But, a 9 there i already on loititate ut Medical Research t doe 3 not leeoi
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  • 397 344 FRASER'S SHARE CIRCULAR. Singapore, Nov 21. Rubber at the local auctions has been depressed over the past tew weeks and m consequence shares of this lection bftve been more', freely offered, although at the time of writing there id no serious Bet bick m puces mainly owing to the fa?t
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  • 400 344 THE YEARLY TENANCY CASK. Id the Court of Appeal yesterday, before the Chief Justice (Sir John Buckuiil X c Mr Justice Woodward ami Mr Juetica Ebuen, the hearing was resumed of the appeal frora the district; judtfe lv the case of His Hi*hce*6the Sultan of Siak (owner)
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  • 40 344 TheC antryClab, M tregi ration; alsotl C nFootfa r Cml ifa v; >■ P*. Aa a pr p n f cs on the pai fcl to Dghlloi on i". Idk tifl s. will wfci dC pt Hji-ua retn at fn ..vo.
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  • 99 344 At. ho P, D2rt p 3C Chnniber ofComiMw. Rubber A«Mci.Uon .notion „n Nc, Mod r,rd 23rd There «m s oj-red or Prices Reauzfjd. Sheet Sid. Fine Ribbad |I CO to s ir« uood 7fi fe^ h m F.ce Plain 7s Unsrn. Fine Plain Q CrepgFiLe }>iln Thiu
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  • 175 344 KUBRER. Sioga pore. N". w 28. For Khi« ,re^'. AaoMon, which o, copied t^ree J,v,, the record qnantity of era cue was catalogued. The t OD Wnued Tery with lml b capacity JU evidence and price* forthe? declined. 01 1,828 ton. act»al!j offered Olilj 480 ton« told.
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  • 188 344 Singapore, No? 23. for the weekly Robber Auction »bich comraaccFd o» Wedneeday tLe record quantity of 1,600 O ni w« catalogued and, foe the first time, the sa'o citeoJed over three d*ys. The large Q uan tv on Offer had a depressing effect On the marked and
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  • 178 344 Government's Scheme. The Times of Mila?* g F€i pi icu arß ct the appointment! co which it bai bee a d.cded to promote Malayi whose flcationi entitle them to teke i m re pro mioeot place m the adminifrtratire loch of the F >I S Government Service.
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  • 53 344 A private letter d perib 'l kI A B olf o, v H(J paeeed up bit ko< c cap and tro I h. Ii missed his 1 eh. Ihe nhola Pjuce of 1 1 careful r€r l oto i i v iv ill right now, bat bag a good >n
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  • 1500 345 From Our Oum Correspondent Kdicburgh, October 9. Sip Auckland Gsddes. Sdinbargh rbvo a cordial welcome to Uc AnekUod Qeddei ou tb 9 occasion of flrfl ipeeeb us M Bitter of National Service Hi! oVJ friend I were pleased to leethmi he hi* obatged ret y little tince bi,
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  • 117 345 Tho deH'li occutrt-o la r.r. im on S f p' 29th of Gunner R W B Gcehrao, R G A tbe eldcbt pod 'f Mr FT Corb^an, of Aberdeen. Mr 2ochre.a iree !fi ibe em ploy of Oei*brl#i n*"c! Co Strgjeporc -a 1916 to 19 14. v>"*-:, b went Home
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  • 712 345 Ha Ah Lye, a brickkiln coolie, wa6 the other day found haugiog m the kitchen of house Xo 122 Lorong 17 G*slang rd. Mr A Colledge, of Ipob, who recently left for Home to join the Arr?!*, ie now m the Royal Fiyiug Ccrp3, haviug guined
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  • 69 345 Spowerg bpats Tbrelfall. from Our >' ;rn Corrfi ?>tnd»r t Inob, Nov 10. Thp f>;r D»»y r i i s mateb between ?p-»wpr-i i<nd Tb re I foil fPeoftOg), pottpODed v n yin« to very bp'«vy r^in, wm a momingf Theto wti a i■' ioc!adiog iron 3
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  • 23 345 From Our Own Correspondent London, N v F t 1 diviJoi (1r Trermlb '5 rents Singapore J ara 10 ?:er cent.
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  • 267 345 Perhaps the rao6t trying time m the trenches is tbcee few moments waiting for the guns to stop, and for the command to go 'over ''into God alone knows what," Extract from a letter.) A cave of Eodden earth, a trench kneedeep m tnud. Above, a sad
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  • 116 345 There was an enjoyable fate on the Raffles Reclamation Ground on Saturday, under the auspices of the Mobamedan community of Singapore, oa behalf of Our Day." The meoibere cf the com mittee were Incbi Ambak Karmirdin (chairman), Imam Haji Mohamad Yasuff, Syed Mohamed bin Agil, Syeri Moha.ned
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  • 174 345 Results Fop 1917. London, Nov 5. The National Rifle Association has issued the results for 1917 o£ lbs Imperial Challenge Shield Competition, which have been held nnniri I throughout the Empire since 1910. n»ctl team ibootiog with a miniature rifly en itf own raoge. 6CB teams entered
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  • 127 345 Ctnool Piai w«it for tba Dew docks wntii there ara likely fo he IQfficifot bhipa to use them aska ?vlr H N Ftrrera m a letter tc tas BfsUy Mail. Which reminds us ot a Itoty to!d about Mr X N l^acd, 0 M G, who vrhtn
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  • 39 345 Colombo, November 14. ft If y (tnnour.cul >ir John -m Jctfeou \ins drfiuitrj y deei< r:i to i^ave CeyloD ai t«ooa a3 hi-* health will permit. He wa« medically aivised to !< laet •September.
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  • 609 346 Recently tha film hiring office of tbe Universal Film Co at Soerabaya was burnt down. The cause of the fire is unknown. Neither films nor office furniture was saved. Nobody was injured. The Singapore Harbour Board team met the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank team m a
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  • 225 346 luce Judgment! wfcrs delivered yeetsr day by the Chief Justice (Sir John Buck nil). X c.) Ml- JotUce Woodwuid *ud Mr Jattice Bbden. la the »«m Toog Elia and Co, v* LiUiff Haji Sheriff nu appeal otninst •be decision of iLe dielrict ju kh, fbo judges uuoni
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  • 359 346 The Secretary sends minutes of the fifth annual Reneral meeting of Shareholders held ou Saturday at noon. Present Mr Lee Choon Guan (Chairman), the Hon Dr Lim Boon Kcng, Mr Lim Peng Siacg (by proxy), Mr Tan Siang Chin (by proxj), Mr Kboo Kok Wan (by proxy),
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  • 465 346 DEACON CONVENER. UCKSO\ T MILI,\R. (From Our Scottish Correspondent). Edinburgh, Oct 16. Tbe Fourteen Incorporated Trades of Glasgow have eh cted as their Deacon. Convener Mr Jcckson Millar, of Glasgow and formerly of Singapore. He is the 35th member of hie Corporation, the Maltcnen, who has
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  • 1714 346 The Flanders Campaign. From Our Own Correspondent London, Oct 17. We are once again face to face with I tbe worßt enemy we have m Flanders, namely, the weather. This has spoiled one attack after another until our ill luck m this respect has become a by
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  • 112 346 Sir Ricbftrd Winfrey, Secretary ro ibe Boi rd t< so akin* At Hanttftntoii N i.l inquiry mtde of a r o f rm v m tlui Army s-lu »,1 (bal 17 p. r cent, coutn.-ii plated leUlioß en tbc i m the Dooiioiom aft^r Vw,-. w
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  • 717 347 Lancashire Holding Its Own. The latest official figures dealing with trade m the Straits Settlemeute published on the day before this was written are cheering to a Briton m one respect They chow that Britain is holding her own m i ill lo Malnya, m most dues, wop/p war
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  • 240 347 No High Htels or Fancy Tops. The fl tt *«tppti*« of r rr.t-A< t controlled bo itt for cmn.iij* hbjut 1,000,000 pu ill be put on to the market m fotlt or live v/ttka says the Daily Mul Oet 16. All tbeso will be for men and
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  • 223 347 2.000,0001 b. a Week For France. Very nearly 2,000,0001 b of jam m papier mache containers are sent to France every week, and m April this year the Coutracts Department bad ordered 260, 000,0001 b. Twelve vßrietiea are issued, amoc which strawberry, it ia stated, largely preponderates.
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  • 181 347 An:" Our: Day Secret. "Our Day" for the British Rod Cross m London wae on Thursday, October 18. Orderß for flags cairo m millioas. India, which will keep the day m December, has ordered five million?, nn4 the pins for the flags will weigh l£ tons.
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  • 116 347 11 A Social Bengalee" writea to the "Pattlkft" criticising n leUer that appeared m a contemporary. Of the author Of tbo epUtln criti-i.ed fee Patnk* 8 correspondent observes: In hi* utter oßony, hn If nov7 n.ter in* Icuil hravn HIM 0D« wh3=e bark ha? Roneinthft mira or lik« frank carter
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  • 888 347 A Check on Unneutral Acts. TC expended the privilege of usirg B.ilUh OftbUl for commercial tnosaage*-, hitherto enjoyed b? the N«th«tl*edt, bee »u*e ih-y »l!o f tb« -ieinaaua to dispatch ctttaia matoriali for military pu 1 tosea kbrovgb l> iteb T»tr-xr,v9 At th? br^in uic g
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  • 266 347 Friday Ny 23 was Br» d let- c u :v n the annal* of the Fenacu B.y Sc I m vement, for it war thoocc^. a on k\ i h ibe hiyhept a^ard* tbftt mtnibtr i :hi« organization can *t« prawnted by the Hon Mr W C
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  • 44 347 The Manager of Singapore Para wires us Singapore para report; and balance Bheet has been issued. The directors recommend a final dividend of ten per cent. The annual meeting will be held on thirtieth November. Warrants will be posted on fourteenth December.
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  • 131 347 It is notified for general information that the High Commieeioner informed the Secretary of State for the Colonies by telegraph that a resolution was unanimously passed by the Federal Council on the 18th November, 1917, approving a further war contribution to the Imperial Government from
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  • 130 347 Two amusing paraphrases, Bupposed to be by schoolboys, ate worth passing on. The familiar liner Can storied urn or animated bußt Back to ite mansion call the fleeting breath were held to mean that M if a man has druck a lot of beer, it takes a long
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  • 94 347 It is understood fchat h new bank, to be Balled the ThU Industrial Bank, ii to be regibtered m Bombay undec tho Indian Companias Act;. Vv'hile making Indnatrlal baiin«M its ipaoialityi *ke bt i k will al-o do other ordinary bankfog bntinata, m cliidiag axehanse.
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  • 63 347 The newly formc-il mounted BOTpi of tbr* Pennna Volnnleew my > tb« I In v Q ix«tt« hM mndo ■acptUtagls n with their training under S«r;; Charlei and promiea to ba a motl aiefni ftdditioo to tho JefeDce forcos of tbo c iC:i7. Tho men Ehowthe greatest hnennc^ and thtir
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  • 66 348 Militia Scheme Shelved, From Our Own Correspondent Via PeunD", Nov 27. The Dutch Imlife presu report ti^at instructions have teen received tn gtuy the prOTitiooal regulations for armicg miiit'M battalions. A ctxhle recaived by Ihe Department of Agriculture from tho Netherlands Coiikul m Mtlbourne itetci that tbe
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  • 512 348 We hear that Mr F Scarborough, formerly of Penang, is a prisoner of war m Geemany. (P. G.) Mr GDB Tornbull, late of Sungei R*ko Estate, Kajarg, has pasted for service under the Admiralty, aad hopes to be appointed to a bubaiarire chater. (m M.) The latest news of Inpectors
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  • 186 348 THE LATE MB A J GUNN. A very old resident of Singapore died last evening at his residence In Bukit Timah rd, m the pereon of Mr Alexander James Gunn, for many ypars secretary to the Chamber of Commerce and a well known man m Singapore.
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  • 575 348 A merting of this Board was held yesterday afternoon m the Municipal Board room, the hon'ble Me C ,T S*under3 being m tbecbair. The other members present were Messrs M Meyer, E TessenPobn, AMS Anjtiillie. H Carpmaei, R Braddell, 8 Tomlioeou i^.'\ Gaw Kbrk Khiam. Omar Roud
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  • 199 348 DEATH OF A GREAT EGYPTIAN SINGER Sheikh Salama Hegazi, the doyen of Egyptian singers and actors, died at Cairo recently after a long illness. Sheikh Salama, who had attained almost a Euro pe*in reputation for his singing, etsirted lifo eomo sixty years ago as a chanter of the Koran. So
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  • 65 348 The Proclamation rf the 19th tnat, pro aibitiEs tho conveyance from any port of :fco Colony of til articles consigned Co or persona or bodies of per-one mention* d n the Statutory List to The Trading with the Enemy (statutory List) Pmcla nation 1817," and m the variations and idditiona
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  • 644 348 MILK CASE. A J Cockney vi X S Kirwan. The appellant Mr H S Kir wan wae chared wirh selling milk by hia servant Oaj%r<ffl Sir K h of JLi Oichardrd to In*peetorGockoeyoii Aug 16 fo -hich milk vi i hHd been ad 1* a. 1b« tni ;k
    644 words
  • 104 348 New Zealand Airman's Si Hour Flight, The King haa approved of the award of the Military Croee to LieuteD&nt Wil liam Wallace Cook, New Zealand Forces and RFC, for conspicuous gallantry and skill m &n attack on a Zeppelin. Lieutenant Cook ascended from Mb station duricg
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  • 110 348 The following nroperties wero disposed of by auction by Messrs Ching Krng Lee and Co, at their Sale room on Monday afrernocu Freehold land and house No. 23 1 Race Course rd, area 2716 eg ft bought by I Mohamed Ghose Maricar for 15,150. Four pieces of land situate m
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  • 570 348 Poßßibly after reading the f o n n notes of a receat voyage to Sir^p^T* Europe by a Japanese mail, the r r who are not absolutely compiled to L willtbink twice and then a^°tV 0 braying the very real danger* flf ih t DOftt campaign, which m
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  • 129 348 The official Italian Socialists ar* makiDg a more and more fiuecc-Bsfnl propaganda for immediate peace, nml at all costs, cays a Swiss correspondent of the Handel^blad. A leader has appeared m the person of •Signor GioliCti. Signor Giolitti hn-< been elected without a division Prf-;dent
    129 words
  • 89 348 Capt J C G Kpooner, R F A, has been wounded. (M. M Mr F St Batbo, Northumberland FoilHero (formetly of Kajaug), is cow attached to the Lancß. Fusilier?. Sir Frederick Bridg*, the gifted organist of Westminster Abbey, recently bad a charming compliment paid to bim. He had been epi^kiug
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  • 629 349 {■y Bubmarin* Gable] CR«uter'« Serrio*] London Nov 18.-A Gazette orders th< ranker to the Treasury of the R Hatch Petroleum Company ahares at th, :z t:;nV*irr d ttfcetliDg per hDa ThSSii Zisr**" i 8 at 43id London, Nov 21.-Tbe silver market I London Not *I.—Thf Report of th. .ommittee
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  • 155 349 Speftkfof at the meeting of the Kawie (Java) Rubber Estates, Mr R F McNair "if they had a watered ih\ would be bttttr ofT m regard 'Ibid ought to encourage impaoief m Singapore with the iuib!« :< iet of v/atered capital, peafed I t-foru the war, or acquired since. onbt
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  • 7298 349 Nov 21,-Reater'e correspon dent at British Headquarters writes: Rarely bag there been a more dramatic stroke m war than that dealt the Germans m our latent offensive. The great "impregnable" Hindenboru line has boen panetrated at numerous points. It W B primarily the tanks that did it. The
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  • 162 351 oda ol Dr W L Abbott, kn .9 collector 11 be i i to bear that ho bia, fa r iup reoently t montl m liuyli ed it fl mmdi i of the Malay PentaMi H€ rback t> V aaawa. BaviOß ualy one c: 7 :ow, lie quaint iuggaatt It
    162 words
  • 1321 351 London, Nov 2 1 -Palestine cJiciu! Th?> situation nrr.b^ord of Jnn*d i- yin < T Mg%d T*-. arried X •it el Eavib, six bb&lcs we&to? rerusalem t i i^.ay t tb^ biyonet's p Tha >ccun r .l k!.» i <. ivetl <:)-;i Tu'. j t oopi yetterdwy i
    1,321 words
  • 29 351 j t <-r a inti *uo. by the Dndet Sheriff I .d i tb6 oj Bi i r <':'ed i r to the In tho ilfciog Bate, ivfa Ijouvned.
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  • 2455 352 Petrograd, Nov 20. Troopa advancing against the Maximalifitß remain at Luga where apparently many were won over to the Maximalists. There is no further news of Kaledin's force m the south. Prince Yusupoff the killer of Rasputin, has been arreited m Petrograd for corresponding with Kaledin. The majority
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  • 794 352 London, Nov 21. Admiralty: Detai.a of Saturday's action m the Heligoland Bight cay that towards eight we sighted four light cruisers on a northerly coarse, accompanied by destroyers, mine sweepers or patrol vessels. The latter escaped to the northeaet one being euLk by a des troyer's
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