The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 November 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 244 1 Latest changes in the local share list on page 9. Willison Wirth's circus opened to a large house last evening Page 6. The SVG Our Day smoker last evening proved a great success Page 6. The Municipal Commission considered the 1918 budget yesterday Page 12. An interesting
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  • 901 1 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal. The Topic of the week has been a sad one, since it has Been Italy, one of our earliest and moet gallant Allies, lose at one blow the whole of the hard won gains of nearly three years
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 223 1 GOODRICH TYRES 3 FETY TREAD JUST LANDED I A few famous American GRANT J> 6 Cylinder Touring Cars, Model K 1917, fitted with Magneto, Speedometer, Electric Light, Demountable Spare Rim and all Accessories. Colour Brewster Green. On view at our Garage. Raffles Motor Garage, Raffles Hotel Buildings. f RAFFLES HOTEL,
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    • 316 1 Kelly Walsh', Ltd. (Incorporated in Hongkong USEFUL GIFT BOOKS IWtTII7 l*Jf\\Ti?¥ €5 to send home Ft £i W Pi UV El LiX FOR XMAS. JUST RECEIVED MALAYAN MEMORIES &1 5O Earh by R. O. Wlnstedt with illustrations in v*»«cw s_«^##. colour by Dorothea A H. Aldworth. THE BOUL OF A
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    • 157 1 L&TEST ADVEBTISEHENTS. Jongkeena for toothache Page 11. Kelly and Walsh's latest list of new books Page 1. Swee Lee and Co for Cinzano's ver mouth Page 1. Notice re Licensing Board meetings in Johore Page 5. Police notification ie-motor licences and tests Page 5. Notice re Hindu Association's Oar Day
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    • 2 1 Jeffreys Beer
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 129 1 THE WEEK. Satnrdiy 3rd. High Water- O-fk a.m., f 8 p.m. Pulau Bulang meeting, Evatt's, noon. Singapore Boy Scouts Sports 8 pore Family Benefit So'ty mtg, Vic Hall S.BCp Masquerade ball, Adelphl Hotel. Willison Circus 5 9.15 p.m. Sunday 4th. High Water— -33 a.m., 0-46 p.m. 22nd Sunday after Trinity.
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  • 523 2 Mr Bsxendale in a letter to the Bishop ct Singapore says Please convey our most grateful thanks to the people of Batavia, Malacca and Perak who have subscribed for a Church Army Recreation Tent on the Western Kront These tents have already bsen forwarded to our Commissioner
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  • 242 2 Singapore, Oct 31. Industrials have again been tba most active section of our market and Tnited Engineers were taken very readily. Ia local rubbers there is little change to report, and jubt a 6teady bu ice -a prevails in most companies. A substantial advance is shewn in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 728 2 HONGKONG DIRECTORY NOW ON VIEW SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Kelly_&_ Walsh I Singapore $1 Directory in course of preparation. OUR DAY. Under the auspices of the SINGAPORE RECRFATION CLUB a DANCE will be giv^n at the Victoria Memorial Hail on Friday, 9th November. 1917 at 8 p.m. in aid of the
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    • 288 2 A DELIGHTFUL PICTURE STORY 1 Bosworth's Attraction Shewing Bosworth s Ingenuit I AT THE The Hall for Music The Pioneer and Premier House The Ecuss Qn a t J t|J IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9-J5 P y S: lAr j Hobart Bosworth ELSIE JAN i;j I in 6 acts.
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  • 802 3 [To the Editor of the "Pinang Gazette."] Sir, Since the revival of the question of Chinese claims in the Legislative Council, there has been much sophisticated talk and writing about "claims," "rights of representation" and "satisfaction of hopes" of those desirous of higher education. No
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  • 99 3 A eorreapoDdenii of the Japan Gazette" writes: Quite a serious state of things has arisen in Yokohama owing, it is to the people storing eilvar coins, and thus compelling persons to pay any Bum in actual exact cash or failing such to visit an exchange ehop.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 711 3 For Wasting Diseases. iP5^ Bmlds op Weight Strength. p^Ko\£*JCji3«B Angier's Emulsjon is widely and successfully used a *2s*'Jß in consumption and in all formi of ill-health ia E^s£^ >^^ which tKere is loss of weight. Pleasant to take, and r^£ssLg,^B agreeing perfectly with delicate stomachs, it promotes -w' i42> |H
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    • 560 3 CIGARETTES No. 555 Virginia Per s T i n of 80 cents. Packed in Patent Vacuum Tins Quality counts in all things but more d especially in cigarette manufacture. IT^^ V Men of discrimination find that after N^^ smoking "State Express 11 inferior brands yff\ tl.^^W are more of a
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    • 52 3 Cbc Perfect Cyre DUNLOP Dunlop Tyres cost less in the long run in addition to giving trouble Free Service. will 4 MATERIAL AND ■f 1 /^ife^\ 4'l WORKMANSHIP B- BmT^ THROUGHOUT B|[t^flP^*i '^r ARE OP THE PBJ^.-" l^''' i; HIGHEST Quau. l|u-,', |#1 r H nnyi nn 1 1 nto.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 204 3 STRAITS SHIPPING PARCELS AND SHIPPING AGENCY, 33, Robinson Road 25/27 Japan Street, SINGAPORE. REMOVAL s\.LE, owing to action of landlord we are compelled to remove from above promises so will dispose of the following wines 'spirits, etc., etc, Ports, red white. Dow's very old bottle In London 1863. $8 Quart
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  • 358 4 Widespread Devastation and loss o! life. Tokyo, October 3. Official reports from the prefectures of Central and Eastern Japan give details of loss of life and damage to property caused by tbe typhoon. In Shizuoka ken the coast villages suffered greatly from tidal waves and the
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  • 60 4 Captain Weber, of the City of London Volunteer Regiment, stated at the Shoreditch Tribunal that the Army Council would shortly ieeue to commanding offl cers cf volunteers an order giving them power to deal with men who do not carry out their drills as absentee soldiers and
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  • 199 4 Fiduciary circulation in France is practically of one kind, the note of the Bank of France. Bank notes circulate everywhere, from the l,ooof note to the 6f coupure or fractional note. This paper money is tbe universal form of legal ten der. The cheque system of
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  • 182 4 Proving the Absence of Life in Tissues. A discovery of great vilue for testing with certainty 'whether a person is dead has been made by Dr Shiro Tasbiro, Pro feseor of Physiology at Chicago University. As described in the Lancet, it is too technical for the
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  • 79 4 Germany believes in looking ahead. The Imperial Clothing Office is already occupied with the problem of civilian clothes for the troops when they come home and has given an initial order for 500,000 suits. Io order to distribute the profits and wages among the country's tailoring trade, the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 134 4 -f7 5 -.rTT-I^Z'^ a ■"■->-"■• C > J a '&&''< Z. 1 -GLASS AND PORCELAIN RUBBER LATEK GUP. IN HALF LEMON AND FLAT BOTTOM SHAPE. SAMPLE FREE ON APPLICATION. APPLY TO G. OTOMUNE <8S Co. ?Psk Lunc-rniit Juice, L___— /k to your lips the juice^^^ ik^fc rYf*^A^^ o/" Me /imc
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    • 686 4 By Order or the Custodian of Enemy Property nursuAn* t A a """^l Excellency the slnnSrh! Sff MONIr «J In the matters of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance 19 a 1 of the Allien Enemies (winding up) Ordinances 19 14 t« ion 1111 J IMPOHTAN^UCTION SALR OF A Valnabe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 563 5 SUNDAY CHURCH SERYICBS. 22nd SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Nov. 4th. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. »30 aG2- Litany. VZ m Hly Communion (Choral). fl dymns. 4»«, 438, 47. 447 a V i, Ma' ins followed by Holy Com. cnildren's Service V- Evensong A Sermon. Hymns. «JT, Antbem, 488, 437. B MATTHEW'S, SEPOY LINEB.
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    • 610 5 MORGAN'S AGENCY Oar Offices hare been removed from 2, Battery Bead to No. 1, Whiceaway Laldlaw's Buildings. 311 g.u WARNING. The number plates of Bnllock Cart No. ISB3 (red ground and white figures of 1917) are reported stolen. W. E. HOOPER, Registrar of Vehicles. 811 7-11 THE MALACCA MINES, LIMITED.
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    • 385 5 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders^ will be received at the Colonial j Secretary's Office up to noon of 14th November, 1917, for the supply of Rations and Sundries for Hospitals for the period Ist Jann ary, 1918, to 31st December, 1918. Tenders should be on the authorized forms obtainable on application to
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    • 382 5 SINGAPORE and STRAITS DIRECTORY, 1918. All papers in the hands of the public referring to the Directory should be returned to the publishers at once. Firms, Planting Companies or indi viduals whose names were omitted from the Directory for this year, and who desire their names to appear in the
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    • 575 5 NOTICE. Signor Marco Bentivoglio from let November is no more Assistant Manager of oar firm and the power of attorney is withdrawn. GAGGINO ft G* 2nd Nov., 19.7. 211 511 NOTICE. Mr. Slow Choon Foh left his position as manager of the S.B. and F.M.S. Commercial Press 102, Tank Road
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    • 627 5 WANTED. Dresser for Johore Estate, good salary and prospects to competent man Apply c/o Singapore Free Press. 311 16 11 WANTED Smart junior Chinese clerk for shipping firm. Apply O.C.M. c/ Free Press. 1 11 7-11 WANTED By the Government of the Federated Malay States a competent translator from Dutch
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  • 734 6 The Singapore Free Press. Saturday, November 3, 1917. We now know the main circamatance6 of the Italian defeat on the eastern frontier, the missing link, as to the fate of the Carso armies, being supplied by the capture of 60,000 of them with out fighting near Latieana, which is on
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  • 625 6 Rules under the Secondhand Dealers Bill are published in the Gazette. Mr A M Poutitney is appointed temporarily a member of the Legislative Council. Mr TR Davidson is appointed temporarily official censor of Cinematographs. 2nd Lieut H C Butler has been transfer red to the active list and has been
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  • 463 6 London, Nov 2. The Brazilian Minister lecturing at King's College paid a tribute to the BritUhers in Brazil whose name he eaid wae tynonymoas with reliability, sound workmanship, good faith and straightforwardness. Brazil has ectered war at a eotnewhat critical moment, I am confident Chile and the Argentine
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  • 31 6 OUR DAY FUND. The total for this fund yesterday morning had reached 1178,295. Owing to pressure on space the full list together with other local news has to be held over.
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  • 100 6 The Volunteer Oar Day Smoker last night, presided over by LtCol Derrick, t d, and attended by H E tbe G O C, Major General Ridout, and many officers of the garrison, was a very successful affair. The attendance was large and the audience keenly appreciated
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  • 194 6 There was a very fair attendance at the Casino Our Day performance on Thursday evening, the proprietors of the Hall pro viding a very enjoyable entertainment and working hard to make it a success. Medal lions and mementoes were sold and con siderably helped to angment the receipts whilst the
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  • 215 6 THE PALESTINE^ CAMPAIGN Beershaba Captured ißy fcabmaruw Gabls) floater Berri<»] London. N JV 1 Ejlspt Official Afl a main inarch w fc a:ucked beereh teidas moraine While the i Q( '*> tacked tbe *?-u ra aud I B| fence* Mm ouiKed troop. tt4 rn de turnire r« IBM|
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  • 69 6 Christienia, Nov I.— The Governmect has strongly protested to Germany agai C6; the sinking of the convoy cabled on Or 20. It reminds Germany of tbe former protests and says that the continued gink ings of neutral ships carrying no contra band, disregarding the fate of their crewE
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  • 67 6 Washington, Nov I.— Mr Hurley chair man of the Shipping Board addressing i meeting of ehipbuilders, Government offi cials and labour representatives convened to diecnsa the acceleration of ehipbniid ing said the American shipyard) ware Able to complete a million tous by Mr.rch 1. They meant to build
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  • 50 6 Washington, \ov A Japanese finance commission has arrived at a Pacific port. The formation of a Japanese Amen can chamber of commerce is announced as one of the probable results of the mis sion. The Italian ambassador conferred with Mr Lansing. The situation in Italy was discussed.
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  • 24 6 London, Oct 31. Silver is at 46$d more is offering and buyers are satisfied so that the market is quieter. m
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  • 15 6 Madrid, Ncv 1. Sr Maura hat beic *sked tc form a Cabinet
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  • 161 6 The Willison Wirth Circu6 opened their season on the Beach rd, eite last evening with the encouragement of a HP bouse, both the boxefi and the cheaper seats being filled. They provided a realiv entertaining evening on conventional circus lines, with numerous skilful act* coupled with plenty
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  • 91 6 1It was reported to tLe Tee* i"on^ -rvaccy C6mmi66ion on Sept 3 that UoN has completed the purchase t; I :ei reclaimed land on the north bank of tbe I Tees as a eite for the exteneu of I W9 building yard dry dock6, and M gineering works. On Monday
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 143 6 BDLLOCH LADE'S 1 BL m 1 B SCOTCH WHISKIES. M It^s^l GOLD LABEL s^Toj fey WHITE LABEL. \sgg\ Sole Agents: GALDBEGK, MAGGREGOR Co. °se.t FURNITURE Made in our own iw u I, />y II f^ ==s^t Up-to-date Dining ani P^^fVn^j] Drawirg Room Suites. If^- Verandah Furniture of Special Quotations for
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    • 64 6 G. R. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 1 1 Orchard Boad, Telephone 10. 1035 ThelOldest and Leading Stndlo. Pint In 1872, Foremost In 1917. Unequalled Facilities, Ample Resources, and the Requisite Experience, are all at out Command, thus ensuring always tbe f*oduo> lion of only the best results In Studio Portraiture,
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  • 617 7 SIXTY THOUBAND SURRENDER Official Reassurances The Times Opinion {By Submarine Oahlel [Inttr'i Berrieel LooJon, Nov 1. Wireleia German OfflWe stormed bridgeheads at Dignano j Ljdroipo psnatrated rearguard posi rard of the lower Tagliamento. i Liua3 Brians advanced from the i^iiosc ilia lis- enemy crossing batfwr Sixty thousand
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  • 108 7 I Local Actions B^ Njv I—trench1 trench communique I raiVj :he German lines in the direo lr aa ot Bethencoarfc, eoatheast of St I la the sector Sonaio, in the i >fafM region, Bolande in the Argonne, iUnj in the Woevre. We took iKtj and inflicted serioa9
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  • 23 7 t^ lhici ?*°Q. Nov I.— Two railway piers a <j'->mcra have been destroyed by fire a »mage amounting to -«iin-.-
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  • 363 7 BIG ATTEMPTS BUT SMALL SUCCESS Waves of Raiders IBj Submarine Cable] [Renter's Service] London, Not I.— Official The total of casualties in all districts in yesterday night's air raid waa eight killed and twentyone id jured, The material damage waa the slightest. No naval or military or munitions
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  • 389 7 Failure of Italy's Second Army London, Nov 1. Mr Ward Price wiring from the Italian front on Oot 80 says What happened waa that some troops on the left wing of the seconi army failed in their duty abandoning their positions before the very violent attack on their
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  • 27 7 Amsterdam, Nov 1— The Weser zeitung states Count Hertling has reconsfdered his decision and has now refused the Chancellorship owing to objections from the Lafc.
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  • 14 7 London, Nov I.— The Press Bureau states The National Board of Seamen's
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  • 1467 7 NAYAL AND MERCANTILE MEASURES Sir E Geddes Speaks [By ■■bmarime Cable2 XReuter's iervioe] London, Nov 1. Sir Eric Gsddes' maiden speech in the House of Commons this afternoon was the oooasion of a long and important statement in vbicb he reviewed the naval situation and said that the
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  • 104 7 Amsterdam, Nov I.— The Telegraaf publishes details of the utilisation of tbe sand and gravel transported on Dutch waterways from Germany to Belgium The cobble road from Middelkerke to the west was broken up and smoothed with sand and gravel from Weetende. The Germans have broken up
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  • 106 7 London, Nov 1. In the House of Com mons Mr Maepherson, stated in the debate on the vote of credit be was hopeful that by the end of November there would not be a soldier on the western front with more than twelve months service who bad not
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  • 5 7 T J wr'-_
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 158 7 ROBINSON Co. Gauze Silk Veils HW^fll^tiffa* Colours White, Sk s Pick, Saxe, H 1 1 ™I! Datk Gretn av^ and Old Bose fsHfl «rifl JEvi' 9 '^Bb l I Ililil Ladies Motor Veils Colours -Sky, Pink, Saxe, Violet, /b^U M; ib ■b\ > SHIBnBR Dark Green, Navy and Old Rose.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 568 8 P. O« OfiiTisH India AND Alpcar Ljine (Oomyaniea InoovfOtatefl la England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental s. n. co. (Under Contract wlta His Majesty's Government) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST |OP BOMBAY are at preaent suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE^ SERVICES TO AND PROM LONDON are at present suspended.
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    • 741 8 ELLERMAN" LINE. BLLERHAN AND BOCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND FOR LONDON. Wot particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER 80., Ltd., I AGENTS J (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS.) XONINVCLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPM (Incorporated in Holland, Roytl Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 2—B, OOLLTBB QUiT, I
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    • 520 8 I^# JL JKsl» JAPAN. MAU STEAHSHIP CO., Ltl! Uneorpcratefl In Japan EUROPEAN DNE. Ftp Bcogkoßg, Sbaogbal, Kebi A Ttnobsßi Par Itlitta, Penacg, Colanbe toes England fia The Cape. A service Is m&iiatalned bstwoet Xo%of*t,u,i via ports to Marselllee, Lender:, cnaer %Ml fioutrapt with la o' lmperial 7 afaceer, Oovn»? meet.
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    • 334 8 M. M. MESBAGERIES MJJRltihr. I Incorporated in Fhkc/, "AIL LIHI, Fortnightly Bervlee betwees u* China, Japan, Ceylon, DiJbonw r Cfcl BRANCH LIKI, Fortnightly eer?liM- between 6 2 D-r Halphorg, For furthet Infcruation ap^ij C «l. de COURT3IS IWDMSIOHSTEAMSHIi CO., LIMITED. S!n_apore to lautta, Cber:tics IBlM|| Mi Tv7icc- a Week S!c_apert
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  • 424 9 Singapore, Oct. 2rth,*1917. Beans, Long. per catty 8 do. Frenoh do IS Beef per lb. 34 Beef Steak do 15 Bean Sprouts per catty 0 Bamboo Sprouts do 05 Blachan do 16 I Brinjals do 08 I Cabbage, Batavia do 36 t do. China do nil do.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 659 9 Wai m Piacb, Famini or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. WHAT' OTHER PROPERTY ISP [HE GREAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). &EAD OFFICE! Wlacbester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICES U, Old Jewrf, E.O. M :.v napaa* Mt #20.000 tflpcHilefl wtlSi tke Supreme
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    • 483 9 YOKOHAU SPECIE BANK, LTD. INCORPQBITKD IN JAPAN Capital Subscribed Y. 48,000.000 Cafital Paid Up- Y. 50,000,000 Reserve Y. 81,300,000 frmi&emk i. Inocye Esq. Fice-Prstident. Y. Ysmakawa Es^. DIESCTOU3. j, i. laoaye Esq. Y, Yamakawa Esq. N, Soma Eeq. M. Odagiri Esq. K, Sonoda E s*. T. KawaehimaEs^, B. Klxnara
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    • 293 9 NEW ZEIUKD INSURANCE Co., LM. FI3E IND lUIHE. Incorporated in New Zealand.) MKB-TBZE INSURANCE *****. Its. MIRINE. (Inooryorated in Hongkong.) 68INI FIRE INSURXHGE Co., lit. FIRE. (Incorporated in Hongkong.) IGSDQfi 6UIRINTEE I ACCIDENT Co. Ltd. GUARANTEE. (Incorporated In England.) Fire and Marine. Risks of every desorlpt'ot aadovwritten at lowest current
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    • 1192 9 Penang Auction Mart, The Estate of Lim Leng Cheak, Deceased TO BE SOLD DY PUBLIC AUCTION By Mr. LEAN CHONG HIN At Logan's Buildings, Beac'i Street. Penang On Thurs., 15th day of Nov., 1917 and following days, until sold or withdrawn, at 11 o'clock a.m. each day PARTICULARS. LOT 1.
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  • 296 10 Menu. Barley Soap or Broth. Savoury Roast. Spinach. Potatoes and Brown Gravy. Cheshire fritters. Leckie Cream. Recipes. B ablet Soup. Two teacups of pearl barley, 6 small carrots, lb potatoes* chopped parsley, 2 quarts of water, 2 ok of butter. Wash and soak the barley all night,
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  • 572 10 By a Cadet. 11 I duDQO wot'd the matter with you chop- to day." taid the sergeant, bat as I ave remarked more'n once bifore, thark Gawd we got a Navy. '()w the 'ell you chaps think you're goin' to whack the 'Uns when you don't
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 213 10 LATEST MODELS EXPECTED SHORTLY INDIAN MOTOR CYCLES AT POPULAR PRICES 9 7 h.p. Twin Powerplus Model $800. 55 h.p. Colonial 650. 2; h.p. Lightweight,, 520. All INDIANS are complete with Lamp and Horn i and ready for the road. Central Engine Works LIMITED. SINGAPORE. GUAN KIAT COi, LIMITED. (Incorporated in
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    • 301 10 H ®V jiHr I\^ #11 £l 111 B a^^^^R^ With LEA PERRIMS SAUCE a f**> S H|^^^^^^^^^ drops sprinkled over the meat, fish H f rP^SS^^^ or cheese, &c, are all that is required *B wk lkcP to impart the most delicious piquancy The QUALITY and concentration of its 5j
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  • 1444 11 Issued by FRASER Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, Nov. 2nd. Cat. ißßun. Paid. _-_fl_* dh Buvajut. ga__nn&a 100,000 Bl BB AUagar *5% ...9 8 SO 879,980 IB IB Anglo-Jars. 35% -50 60 160,000 8b 8a Anglo-M'/af 85% 10 6 > 14 9 60,000 88 Be Batang Maiak*
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  • 41 11 OBBIOVBO UF BJC Nov 2 B«3-. 4 f» t 2 4| I, J HlUtfS^ 'I 4$ Mritl B3«d£Bfl Btu a 4 27-fc'/ F^artc* dftcnaad Bank 618 [■Dzii T t T. 155 J/17A, dsraand 130 B x S«T«i Lnnr!o^ 4^l j
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  • 180 11 Nov. 2. Tin (100 tons) Hlb.sC ?%*a*l«« 18.0( V. BbgaKfUil ClkM ->u. i Of Swtthicv Ctafct No. r 25 Oi P»^si*> Black ordia. pore 81 50 Ptpptf, (Wbii? t*li) 89 0( 9«IDUJgI (11D t3 6re !H I nom Nwzmtg'} (80 «o She It nom l£j»co {3&nia) uom OU>TM (Acidoina)
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 125 11 GORDON'S The Oldest Established London Gin Distilleries Famous for the Furity and Flavour OLD TOM" DRY GINS." OF ALL DEALERS THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) SOLE IMPORTERS. Buchanan's Black and White' j There is no better value on the Market than this old and perfectly blended Whisky-A Fancy
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    • 139 11 AND DIARRHOEA BROWN'S MR To be hn<\ tki tht WNMMSB DUMMfr 8A8?, ftrd.tJt MIEB BHOWR, CvrtetaAie, Ktvui wUley Hc&i, bir2»]po>e.* .■> m -ii i i<m^^im^^»-m am ■■av^^^^w r«EW FRENCH KCmciO rSERAP^ON NB.*l THe'RAPtON 'KS3.' 'J f HERAPIp^ "Hi 3 REFCHR' Sl' »KU' i SE.S r. AI S L'>T J I
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 314 11 x MAIL TABLE To daj. intermediate and iooal m&n«, ww t»e toxxvc to list below Penang, Malaooa, F.M.a. »by l i p u daily (except Saaday). Johore, 8, 9.80, 11 a.m., ll.ftO, I, a 8 r« u Pnlan Soegi Hong Aik 8 ah Rerimon Sanifi 8 30 am Cucob Hock
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    • 209 11 KAILS FOR EUROPE Left Blrgapore Doe \c London Mn«i Mh i. Uct b V^J» 29 P. SO, m M ing U h I SpC 7 M.M. 23 Sept 6 B I, ..47 FeptlOP, AO. S? Sept 1 8.1. 27 VEftlWB B? HORT. K*^ 4^ kflß^*a i^ »ltal, Nov. i 9
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  • 1724 12 THE PRESIDENT'S REVIEW. What Singapore Owes to tbe Navy. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held in the boardroom yesterday. The President (Mr F J Halifax) was in the chair, and there were also present Dr Veerasamy and Messrs Roland Braddell, W A Sims, E Tessensohn,
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  • 1306 12 (Fbom Our Own Correspondent.) Soerabaya, Oct 27. Cable Ibolavioh. The Archipelago has since Monday laei be.en entirely isolated from the outside world. The first intimation that "on instructions of the British Government all cables for the Netherlands Indies, except Consular and Government messages, were held up" was received
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  • 157 12 Yesterday Mr W Langham Carter heard a case of hoarding subsidiary coin amount ing to 9920. of which 9270 was in copper and 9650 in silver pieces. The defendant. Mohamed, a Chinese converted to Moh ammedanism, of 780 North Bridge rd, was summoned bv Detective Inspector Lan
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  • 130 12 Interesting experiments are now being conducted by Med6rs Ilcken and Down, in conjunction with the Economic Gardens, I in connection with the coagulation of latex, by the use of a process invented by j Messrs Ilcken and Down instead of the i ordinary acetic acid treatment. The experiments
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  • 147 12 The greatest aggregate rainfall in Perak last month was 496 mm at The Cottage" but Kan. par was a good second with 459, whilst Maxwell's Hill had 488. The greatest rainfall in 24 hours was 123 mm in Ku&la Kangsar, Kampar again taking second place with 104. Ipoh seemed comparatively
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 163 12 9$ Lactogen jj jj The Natural Milk Food 8 p£ FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS Ji S Obtainable at all Dispensaries. fj YAMATO CoT PAone 432. 41, High Street, i New Goods New Goods Just Unpacked A very large variety to select from An inspection solicited. ADELPHI HOTEL I "OUR DAY"
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