The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 October 1917

Total Pages: 16
209 224 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 194 209 LEADERS p IOE lorniloff Affair 209 Our Man Power 209 Enemy Supplies 210 The Menin ridge 210 The Colony'a Proaperity 210 Man- Power: A Suggestion 210 The Ramadie victory 211 Italy m the War 2JI POLICE AND COURT MEWS. Motor Cycle Fatality Jl6 Unlawful Society 219 Tbe Aesizea 212,
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  • 152 209 Bubsorlbers to tbe "Singapore Free Press" weekly .dialling from Europe to tbe Straits by any of tbo mall lines, are invited to send to the- Manages tbe name of their steamer and date of arrival m Singapore. Copies will then bs mailed to meet them at various ports of call.
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  • Domestic Occurrence.
    • 95 209 Karl. At the Maternity Hospital, Penang, on the 25th inst. to Mi, and Mrs. Louib V. Karl, a daughter. Steen Sehested —On Oct. I at Maternity Hospital, Madame Steen Sehested, of a son. Taylor.— On March 12th at WaltondeDale, England, to the wife of L. H. Taylor, Lieut. R.A
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    • 86 209 Nauohton-Wadh:.— At \delaido on September 26, Thomas Oolb, only surviving son of tbe late Thomas Naaghton, of South Australia to Mary, younger daughter of William Wade, Panaramltee Frome Towns Stations, South Australia. KinghcjßN— Niven. At Kelvlnalde United Free Church, Glasgow, on 16th August, by the Rev. P. D. Thomson,
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    • 18 209 Earl —At tbe h*. O. Hotel, Penang, on Saturday, V9tb instant, Flora, widow of Percy William Earl.
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  • 79 209 STRATTON.— On August lltb, killed m action, Major Geohgr Bernard Stratton, Duke of Cornwall' 8 Light Infantry, el eat eon of tbe late T II M Stratton, Cramlington House, Northumberland, and very dearly loved husband of GlaJye Stratton, of 30, Nightingale road Sooth sea. Pattbk son. —Killed
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  • 56 209 Gok*botbd o*» Tr Oct 8. KfctU 4 r. B 2 t| issann4 2-4t v'rali jjui.lL*.*. IB'I i 4 27-82 Vianos dsuiaud Bank 818 Ibdia, T. T. 158 BOBBKOBB, dsmand 28|%Prem Yokohama, dimp-rJ 109J Java, Asm and 182-J Baiiokoi. demand 66} SovBBBiBBi, Bank Bnyms 18 r 4 Bask Bl Bngland
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  • 615 209 _Wm WSSM Idm Xtftu the FaovL right *m.r*rt<n *»•*••<» fc«r rnncc »rd «rbvTh«d *•>» r*l* I Km* fSSdm ">nth ker c'orlost oitcnpti i*v< '•> mtmi tn n Mm. Lfi-rftity mad l^.*». Sept. 28. The extraordinary story wired to day as to the events that led to the
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  • 384 209 It is a matter for the greatest regret that the two most important statements regarding the military service question should have come to hand after the conclusion of the debate. At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce the hon'ble Mr DARBISHIRE stated for the first time
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  • Page 209 Advertisements
    • 146 209 OT the Blood is the Life. I Mm YOU ARE! i ILL I j 'V.Ji jiy tllocfcto duoto impuin tlcod I i EpHmei Scrofula, -curv», Bid I' Jlc«r. G:anuuiar E __roi.-, PimplerK, Sores of any I .1 MfßJood PoiBon,*.r»«umati«m, I ulc > til your time and money V ts which
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  • Page 209 Miscellaneous
    • 259 209 THE WEHt'S NEWS. The last mail from Home arrived on Sunday with dates to Aug 23. At the Legielative Council meeting on Monday Hie Excellency reviewed the fin* ances and prospects of the Colony. The tone of the rubber market at tho opening was fair bnt aB the sales proceeded
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  • 780 210 Sept. 29, It is now two months since the United States placed an embargo upon all cargoes for neutral ports. On Jaly 24 the Exports Council refused to grant further licences until guarantees bad been given that none of the exports would reach Germany. The decision of a
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  • 773 210 Oct. 1. The week's doings on the Western Front have been mainly devoted to tbe conclusion of the task begun at the end of July, interrupted early m August by shocking weather, carried a further stage the week before last, and still further during this week. Amid
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  • 546 210 Oct. 2. His Excellency's annual speech m Council on the position of the Colony whilat it records a year of satisfactory financial results considering war conditions also gives us an idea of the extent to which the Colony is assisting the Empire m the prosecution of the
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  • 961 210 Oct. ft. Two references to tho man-power question which came to band yesterday induce us to make a farther plea for a definite attempt to be made to reconcile tbe honest differences of opinion which exist between the commercial and military authorities m this Colouy. As
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  • 415 211 Sir Stanley Maude seems to have caught the Turks napping on the Eu phrates, for there is little doubt from tbe accounts that the enemy commander was quite unprepared to meet such a vigorous attack as that which was delivered. When the advance on Bagdad was completed
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  • 1131 211 Uct. 4. It is perhaps rather unfortunate that the geographical position of Italy is such that throughout the war her action m concert with tho Allies has been insufficiently appreciated, but a careful study of ber campaigns will show that the influence they have had on
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  • 29 211 Yap Hian Siew was arrested for being asleep while driving bis bullock cart m Stevens rd, and was yesterday fined by tbe s.-iond ssagtftrate 18 or seven days imprisonmeut.
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  • 83 211 Mr iJarison Cook, son of tbe Rev JAB Cock, who bas been principal bass of the Carl Kosa Company, his now joined up and is m the artillery, irhiltl his wife is iv the War Office audit department. At Mr Lean Chong Hi Vs auction sals Homestead Penang was purchased
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  • 793 211 For many years beVore tbe war the German mark h"3 practically Ih* fame vaiub as tL'e hirj^iisu b'uLlicg, Thrro were of course flue.cations, bnt these c Lcorned c'-'fTT the leaders of high fi cc and Interna local bankers Private pei ons and ttadara
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  • 1015 212 f Tbe dates given are those of the tele* grams from London.] Sept 25. Germans make powerful attack on British positions on ridge between Tower Hamlets and Polygon wood south of latter and north of Ypres Menin road. They penetrate short distance on narrow fronts, but later
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  • 351 212 The Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, X c) yesterday passed sentenced of seven years rigorous imprisonment on Neo Bah, a Hokien, who was convicted the other day of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, along with another man who was acquitted. Hia lordship commented on the cowardly use
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  • 100 212 There are two divorce cases m the Supreme Court list of cases for the pre sent month. The first is tbat of Maria Teresa Jackson otherwise known as Maria Dolores Jackson v Joseph Stanley Jackj son, to be beard on the 1 lth, -and the second that of
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  • 19 212 -p Dr Gilmore Ellis, Principal Civil Medical Officer, underwent a severe abdominal operation at the General Hospital on Tuesday.
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  • 342 212 KEM PAS, LIMITED. The following is the report to the seventh ordinary annual general meeting of the Company to be held on Thursday, 11th October, at 12.30 p m., m the Registered Office 4, Fort Road, Malacca. Tbe Directors have pleasure m submit ting tbe balance sheet and Profit and
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  • 136 212 The following properties were disposed of by auction by Messrs Ching Keng Lee and Co at their sale room on Monday afternoon 999 years leasehold land and house No. 177 Rochore rd, area 1972 sq ft bought by Shaik Saleh bin Sabib bin Alley Altway Basalamah for 12,600.
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  • 117 212 The following is the Directors' report to the shareholders to be presented at the meeting on Oct 9. at Derrick A Co The Directors beg to submit herewith the Company's accounts for the year ended 80th June, 1917. The accounts, after providing for directors' secretaries' and auditors'
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  • 183 212 RUBBER. The quantity catalogued for the Aue tion this week amounting to some 1264 tons created a new record. The tone of the market was weak with only a few Buyers operating, and demand was poor. Prices all round show a considerable dec line on the week
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  • Correspondence.
    • 47 212 Sir, It will be remembered that so after war broke out a large number?* men of the Eurasian Community petitin ed the authorities for a Eurasian Corns Matters resulted m a hitch, but i 8 th' not the time to revive that petition Yours etc.,
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    • 141 212 Dear Sir,— Your correspondent ''Bin cults" says that the term "Eurasian misapplied when referring to Half codes' In India where tbe ward Earastsa' wad first used, it invariably implies a mixture of European and Asiatic blood not necessarily a half caste. The term "Anglo Indian" is used when speaking
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  • 166 212 Autograph collectors will be particularly interested to learn that a draft telegram written and signed by the late Lord Kitchener is for sale on behalf of the Penang Red Cross Fund. Offers will be received by Mr A Cavendish, Land Office, Penang up to noon on
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  • 268 212 MESOPOTAMIA H EAT-WAVES. Simla, 17th September: The following telegram, dated 17tb September, 1917, bas been received from Eye witness Mesopotamia Baghdad, 15th September: 1917 io Mesopotamia has been the hottest season of which a record exists. Bagbdadis say they do not remember a worse summer; and at Basrah, owing to
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  • 141 212 Batavia, Sept 28. Rubber. Tbe Rubber Market is weak and prices for both First Grades and Out^ puts have fallen down by two and a half guilder cents since last reported. First Latex Crepe per half kilo P. M Ribbed Smoked Sheet do Outputs (75% First*,)
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  • 1543 213 X. IN LAWYER-LAND. 1 Shadows we are and like shadows depart says the old sundial m Pump Court above the staircase on which I used to read. This morning, then, let us take our last stroll amongst the departed shadows of lawyer land. There is no
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  • 1029 213 Lies d d lies statistics is a familiar and suggestive method of stating the positive, comparative and superlative of human mendacity. ''You can prove anything by statistics" is a cynical pro verb expressing instinctive distrust of the tabular method of dealing with fluctuating quantities. It betrays
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  • 175 213 One ot the sweetest singers that Ireland bas ever produced has fallen m action m France m Lance* Corporal Francis Ledwidge, Lord Duof-any's great discovery, who was killed while serving m an Irish regiment m the buttle of July 81. Tbe usefulness of the Business Names Act m England m
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  • 163 213 A fine mosaic of the early Sixth Century Christian Church has been discovered m Palestine north-west of Beersheba, under works recently occupied hy tbe Turks. It bears a Graeco Syrian inFcription referring m superlatives to a Saint George, whose bones were found beneath the mosaic. Viscount Morley, far from being
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  • 656 213 From Our Own Correspondent Soerabaja, Sept 27. Trade Returns. Trade conditions during the week continued much the same as wben last report* ing. The Rubber market during tbe week 15-22 inetant also remained m tbe same quiet state as tbe previous week, though there was good enquiry during
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  • 776 214 Mr Justice L M Woodward and Mr H H Hoeden bagged twenty-two and twentyseven snipe respectively on Saturday afternoon at Penang. The subscription of £1,800 m April last for YMCA Hongkong Huts has been utilised to open one hut at Chiseldon (near Swindon), one at Murren
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  • 896 214 Final League Match SCC v SRC. On the SCC ground last evening, before a large crowd, the last match m the league competition which has been m progress during eeveral months past waa played, between the SCC and the SRC. The ground waa m good condition, nn circumstancea generally
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  • Corpondence.
    • 269 214 To the Editor. Sir, Mr Darbiahire'a remark m bis speech at the Chamber of Commerce that the idea cf employing Eurasians to fill posts p-eviously occupied by Europeans »ou'd r-ot commend itself to anyone witb i or practical experience of local conditione, raises more tuan one interesting point,
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  • 345 214 Singapore, Sept 26. A moderate amount of business bas been recorded during the week, although the market waa singularly without feature. The demand for local rubbera has been well spread over most of the dollar com panics and aa these shares are moatly strongly held as investments
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  • 87 214 OUR DAY. The Committee acknowledge with thanka the following subscriptions to the above Fund: Previously acknowledged 958,858.12 Collected by Mrs A W Bhan. Robinson and Co 9500 do Staff 176 A W Bean 500 Mrs: A W Bean 100 Dr Serle 50 J Crowther Shaw 10 J L Campbell 10
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  • 15 214 w Mr S H Langston haa been appointed an Assistant Registrar of Imports and Exports.
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  • 407 214 Singapore, Sept 27 Rubber. Some 1,127 tona of Rubber were cata logued for sale at the Auction which cor menced yesterday and waa concluded at mid day to day, of which 894 tons w eP offered and 451 tone Bold. Tbe tone f the market waa decidedly
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  • 123 214 Singapore, Sept 27. The weekly Rubber Auction opened yesterday with a fair demand at about last week's prices for Sheet, and a reduction of about 94 for Crepe. Aa the sale proceeded demand fell away and prices Buffered m conaequence. On the resumption of the Bale today
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  • 99 214 From Our Own Correspondent Ipob, Sept 27. At the Ipoh Gymkhana Club half-yearly meeting tbe accounta were adopted. The balance showed a credit of 9779 after the payment of 9800 towards the Red Cross and 91,680 to the up keep of the course. The chairman mentioned tbe
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  • 81 214 ENGINEER'S FATAL BURNS. On Monday last, a steamer of tho Blue Funnel line waa taking oil at Pulau Bukom. Arthur Black, the second engineer, and a fireman were working m the engine-room, where a light was burn ing. A fire broke out, and tbe engineer and fireman
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  • 38 214 At a meeting of the Penang Veterans Company a Shooting and Sports Committee was appointed. Ie was decided to pre sent a Challenge Cap open to Volunteers m the Straits Settlements conditions win be publiihed later. (P G.)
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  • 263 215 MOTO R-CYCLE FATALITY. RIKISHA PASSENGER KILLED. An inquest was held yesterday into the death of a Chinese who waa a passenger m a rikiaha, which vehicle collided with a motor cycle ridden by Mr J Tinaley, of the Chartered Bank, on Tuf sday night. The p.sserger
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  • 109 215 In the Gazette appears notification of the promotion of Pee H F Monk, S V C, to be 2nd Lieut. He is Lieutenant while attached for duty with the Malay Coy S V I. 2nd Lieut W Bart.ey becomes temporary captain whilst m command of the company. Various
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  • 82 215 A New St Andrew's Society. From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Sept 28. A Perak Scots' meeting formed a St Andrew's Society, and appointed a provisional committee to frame rules. The meeting decided to make a special effort of the Scottish community on October 13 to raise funda
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  • 273 215 Tbe leave of absence of Mr Justice Sproule ie for four months, from Sept 22, on full pay. The Selangor Club to meet the email change difficulty haa introduced five, ten aud twenty-five cent tokens. Mr F C Robertson is recognised ac Vice Consul for the U S A m
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  • 2107 215 UNVEILING OF MEMORIAL TABLET Yesterday afternoon His Excellency the Governor m the presence of many prominent persona unveiled a tablet m the Victoria Memorial Hall m memory of all who lolt their lives through the emeute of the Fifth Light Infntry m February 1915 m Singapore. Ow
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  • 53 215 m. Sole righta relating to an improved package for the packing of goods for transport have been granted to A J Plumb, Penang Harbour Board. A Maclean, of 6 Campong Java-rd, Singapore, is given leave to file a specification of an invention for a rattan and cane drying, curing, smoking
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  • 237 215 League TrhlGame. The first of the trial matches to assist m the selecting of the Rest XI to meet the S C C m the Our Day soccer match waa played last evening on the SCC ground, between teams of Whites and Colours. Tbe Whites won by two goals,
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  • Correspondences.
    • 297 215 To the Editor. Sir, I cull the following from the published report of tbe hon'ble Mr Darbiehire'e speech at the half-yearly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce "He (Mr Darbishire) was nware that there had been a suggestion tbat highly paid Eurasians might be employed aa aubßtitutes
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  • 696 216 The usual meeting ot this Board was held m the offices yesterday afternoon, Mr Mr F J Hallifax presiding. Other members preeent were Dr Veerasamy, Messrs Sect Tiong Wah, W A Sima. E Teaeeneohn, A W Bean, M A Namazie, J A Elias, Tan Kheam Hock, J Polglase
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  • 182 216 m News haa been received of two Penang Free School Masters at the front. Snd Lt L W Arnold (R G A) waa at the time ot writing iv hospital m London. He was struck by a splinter from a shell while coming out of the officers' mesa on that
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  • 1194 216 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal The war-weary ones who vainly endeavour to name a period for the end of hostilities, may console themselves tbat one consequence of the war will last even longer than the war itaelf. Rather alowly Britain suspected the Hun
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  • 364 216 Sir J Bucknill k c, Chief Justice writes as follows Duly instructed by Govern* ment I have the honour to forward to you for publication a second and concluding list of the results of applications made to the above Committee. Thia list includea the cases which
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  • 75 216 '~p A tramway conductor No. 161 waa pro eecuted by tramway inspector Sect Ban Jee, who found that a Chinese passenger had no ticket at Gaylang. Tbe passenger said he had paid 6 cents to the conductor, but the conductor did not give him a ticket. Tbe conductor said there
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  • 570 216 The Bishop of Singapore presided at th opening of a email ward at the Malacca Women a Miaaion on Tueaday mornin. The Biehop gave an address m which h referred to the pleasure which it w aB work with Asiatica for a good cause v was grateful
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  • 249 216 At the general meeting of tbe Malayaleea held on Saturday a new association by the name of Keraleeya Mahajena Sangham haa been formed, when the following members were elected as officebearers Mr V R Menon, President Mr R P Pereira, Vice President Mr Francis Neelankavil, Hon Secretary
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  • 35 216 m. Mr R A Covil, of tbe Asiatic Petroleum Co., and Mr H Tregarthen, of the Singapore Cold Storage Co.. have recently left to join up. Mr Tregarthen haa proceeded to his home m Australia.
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  • 781 217 The mail arriving yesterday morning brought advices from England up to Aug 28rd, and Paris newspapers up to the same date. Mr W Stuart, Genuang, Johore, ia short ly proceeding Home to jcin up. Mr A T M Corkery, of the P W D Johore, has
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  • 120 217 From Our Oum Corretpondsnt Penang, Sept 29. At the meeting of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, the hon'ble J Mitchell preaiding, he aaid there ia a alight decrease m output but an increase m value. Tbe former waa 4 945 pi feu la. The profit was $81, 8' 4. The
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  • Correspondences.
    • 87 217 To the Editor, Sir, It is far from my intention to lengthen discussion which invariably crops up whenever the word Eurasian appears m print, but it seems to me that "Biscuits" has intentionally misread my letter of the 27th instant. Men who Bneer at mattera serious are
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    • 222 217 To the Editor, Dear Sir, I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th July, enclosing draft £200. the amount received m response to an appeal made by the Rev JAB Cook on behalf of thia Institution, by means of subscription lists
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  • 95 217 With reference to the recent order re garding postal orders on India a special Gazette of Saturday notifies the amend ment of the order of Deo 8, 191 1 by adding after the figures Rs. 175 $100," the words but m the case of orders iseued on
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  • 236 217 I am getting a bit fed up with copybook sentiment, of irreproachable character, concerning the eternal principled of right aud justice. I want to know what it all means, translated into terms of practical policies. Jerome K. Jerome. Maurice McLougblin, one of the world's greatest lawn tennis players, ia joining
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  • GOLF.
    • 303 217 The following is the result of the Fouraome Match played at tbe Race Course yesterday between tbe Singapore Golf Club and Garrison Golf Club. Potts (10) aDdHolden (18)— va Peikins (10) and Farrant (14L 8 up. Bateman (61 and Sibary (l2)vs Smith and
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    • 172 217 Mrs Gow and W N Masterton beat Mra Marriott and Dr Croucher, 1 up. Mra Holden and J Lornie w o Mra Stevens and Mugliaton. Mra Elder and Knox beat Mra Lyall and Raper. Mra Braddell and Buckland beat Mrs Griffith Jonea and Smith, 8 and 1. Mra
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  • 291 217 The Times of Ceylon may find it neceaaary to reviee ita estimate of the action of our Government on receipt of later news. Our contemporary writes. In energy and promptitude of action with regard to the war tbe Malayan Governments have from the first set a fine example
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  • 572 217 The Dutch Club Fete. No one ciming into town on Sa-urday cculd mies the huge intimation bung across Battery road that the Dutch Red Cross f-^e was to be held m the evening. SimiJut_7 the peßßimista might Lave gue6^J something exceptional waa en be cause of the
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  • 280 217 -> Abel Eliassen has just died at Chris tinia at the age of 121 years. It is remarked that he was a heavy amoker, and thia no doubt accounte for his "premature death." The committee of the French Socialist party met on Aug 9 to prepare replica to a series
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  • 1337 218 Tuesday, October 2, 1917. Ordinary Meeting, Monday, Oct 1. Present. H.E. the Governor (Sir Arthur Young G.C.M.G.) H.E. tbe Genera 1 Officer Commanding tbe troops (Major Gen. D H. Ridout, CM O.) The Hon tbe Col. Sec. (F. 8. James, cm g.) Tbo Hon. Att. General (G.A. Goodman.)
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  • 219 218 m m^^^ From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Oct 1. The M P A A meeting waa held at Parit Buntar, Mr J W Kennedy presiding, who delivered a lengthy speech. Regarding toddy shop oontrol, after discussion, it was resolved to urge the necessity of more responsible control,
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  • 75 218 The Fort Worth (Texas) Record doea not believe the American people are facing starvation. It Bays that Texas ia able to aupport a population of 60,000,000 while it haa lesa than 5,010,000. Our Penang correspondent wirea the death of Mrs Earl at *ihe age of 72, one of Penang's oldest
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  • 4670 218 The Governor's Address. Hia Excellency the Governor m hia annual apeech aaid Honourable Mem bere of the Legislative Council Addressing ynu, once more during the continuance of war, I am fortunately again able to record that the Colony has well main tamed ita Bound financial position. In
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  • 135 219 Mr W Langham Carter delivered judgment m the case of the Westminister Athletic Club of Kampong Java rd yesterday. Nine respectable Teochewa were sum moned by Mr Beatty. Protector of Chinese, for aaaisting m the management of an unlawful society and being members ot the aociety. The hon'ble
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  • 45 219 The long dietance awimming?race M on Sunday, from tbe Swimming Club to the Sea View Hotel, wae won by Capt [S A Vincent, of the Middlesex, who got home four minutes before J Bagnall, the Club Captain. There were eight entries and all iinished.
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  • 154 219 •"a* Mr A van de Sande Bakhugz3o, Consul General of the Netherlands, has returned to Singapore after a fortnight's visit to Mr Justice Ebden is expected m Singa* pore on Thursday. He ia to sit m the Supreme Court vice Mr Justice Sproule, now on leave. mmmmmmmmmmmmm Information has been
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  • 392 220 Wednesday, October 3, 1917, •"^^■-^-^-illl™l________» At tho Assizes, yesterday, before the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, k c) and a common jury, a Cantonese named Tham Loi wae tried on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt m committing a robbery. The prosecution was conducted by the D P
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  • 110 220 The following report of the Committee for the year ended 30th June, will be presented at the annual meeting to be held m the Cricket Club on Oct 9 at 6 80 p m. It was not found possible to bold any Club racing during the period
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  • 345 220 MOHAMEDANS AND OUR DAY." AN ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING. A largely attended meeting of representatives of the Mohamedan community was held on Monday evening m the Victoria Memorial Hall, m connection with the "Our Day" campaign. There were represented Malays, Arabs, Southern Indians. Bombay Mohamedana, Punjabia, Hazaraß, Bengalie, Ceylonese, Javanese and others.
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  • 700 220 The mail haa brought welcome news from several former Straits men now on active eervice. C M Rogerson, formerly with Messrs Adamson Gilfillan and Co, ie a 2nd Lieut m the Machine Gun Corps and has seen some exciting times I have taken part m two
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  • 133 220 Mr E A Gardiner, of Upper Serangoonrd, was summoned by Acting Chief Sanit ary Inspector Creckney for selling milk by hia aervant Paramal to the Inspector which waa found to contain 16.f% of water added to it. The inspector purchaaed a sample m Aug 16, and had it
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  • 34 220 A pleasant game of bockey wa*? played on the S C C ground last evening between the S C C and a United Servicea eleven. The Club won by two goals to one.
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  • 19 220 Mr H M Cantrell, of the Neat!** and Anglo Swias Condensed Milk Co, reports the theft of a typewriter.
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  • 553 220 The following is the Directors' Report to the Shareholders for the meeting on Oct 6 at French Bank Chambers at noon. The directors have pleasure m submitting statement of the accounts of the Company for the year ended 30th June, 1917. The net profit for the year
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  • 144 220 Scholarships and Cash Prizes. The Senate of Hongkong University has approved of the following awards on the results of the Matriculation Examination held m July, 1917 King Edward VII Scholarships. Lim Keng Sim and Cheah Keng Seng, both of Penang Free School. President's Scholarship.— Ts'ai Pao He,
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  • 86 220 Tbe death occurred at Pangkor on Saturday last, after a week's illness, of Mr W A Seaton, late Bailiff of the Supreme Court, Penang, who retired some years ago on pension Deceased, who was for some time m tbe Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Coy., wae at the time of bis
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  • 663 220 The following haa been Bent to us republication. An extraordinary general meeting Qt Pajam, Limited waa held at the rsfistersd office of the Company, Gresbam Hou 8e Battery rd, Singapore, on Friday a t twelve noon, with tbe object of increaaina the capital of the Company m order to
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  • 131 220 FRENCH INTERESTS IN ENEMY COUN TR I ES. Tbe French Consul m Singapore has been informed that, following thn steps already taken by Germany, and willing to safeguard tbe French interests, the Krerch Government bas established a decree promulgated on September Ist last, oblig ing French people to rnakr. hf
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  • 43 220 m> 2nd Lieut H E Steele, of tbe P W D„ haa been transferred from tbe Royal Defence Corps to a Chinese Labour Corps m France. His son, 2nd Lieut H W Steele, is now attached to tbe Royal Flying Corps. (M M.)
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  • 255 221 (By Submenu* Gable] [Renter'! Bervioe] London, Sept 80. Increases m the army and navy pay are announced. Proficiency pay m the army at rate of threepence or sixpence daily will be payable after six montha service instead of two years. There will be an increase of a penny daily
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  • 6016 221 London, Sept 25. Field Marshal Haig Under thick mist the enemy made a power ful counter attack at dawn on the positions on tbe ridge between Tower Hamlets and Polygon wood. We repulsed him on the bulk of the front, but northward of the YpresMenin road and southward
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  • 860 222 London, Sept 25. Italian Official: The enemy exploded a powerful mine under our poaitiona m tbe Monte Nero region and subsequently conceutrated artilleryfire. Our prompt barrage prevented his infantry advancing. Our aeroplanes dropped four tons of high explosives and caused destruction and conflagrations ou railway establishments m the
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  • 2895 223 Washington, Sept 24.-- Mr Lansing makes fresh disclosures cf German iutri Si il publishes a rcpr.rt from the secret sry ol American Legation m Bukbarest revealing how Germans secreted m the German l-< cation at Rukhareßt, after the Onited States to^k charge of German affairs, fifty b'-*x«*.s containing
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  • 2784 224 London, Sept 26 Prees Bureau Gunfire turned back the flrst group of raiders approaching London yesterday night, only two penetrating the defencea. These dropped a number of bombs on the south eastern outskirts of London they damaged somed welling houses, killed six personsand injured aixteen. A second group
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  • 331 224 London, Sept 26. The Admiralty reports that arrivals m the past week were 2,775 and sailings 2,691. Thirteen over and two under 1,600 tons were sunk and ten unsuccessfully attacked. Two fishing vessels were sunk. London, Sept 26. For the week ending Sept 23 the Italian
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