The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 September 1917

Total Pages: 16
193 208 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 314 193 LEADERS PAGE Submarine Failures 193 The Ypres Ridge Battle 198 Housing Possibilities 194 War Newa 194 Military Service Bill 194 Public Opinion Lacking 195 Commerce or Battle 195 The Case of Argentina 195 Germany's Hypocrisy 195 POLICE AND COURT NEWB. Stranding of the Brodholrae 197,201 AnIOU Trickster 198 Corrosive
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  • 178 193 Sept. 26 Tin (155 ton.) 1112. T5 Sarafctes 17.00 flfMes Uti-ee Lo. 1 24.00 fl— eMes o**« No. I 28. 0 C Peppei ftiack ordln. I pore 29.50 Peppee, '* falsi 87.00 Nth.ncg!? '110 s.Ue I norn Kataege tBO Co <v»« lb norn Uzoti (P-indu) nom. Clovf? lArabotiW* oom.
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 47 193 Mowe-Xavier.— At the Church of the Assumption Penang by the Rev L. Perrichon on September 22, Charles Herman Mowe of the Straits Trading Co eldest son of Mr. Charles Mowe, of Singapore to Wilhelmina Aones, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Xavier of Butterwoitb.
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    • 21 193 Dove.— On the 22nd inst., m The Nest, Botanical Gardens, to M .rj irio and Archie Dove, a daughter (Rosemary).
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  • 315 193 The last outward mail arrived on Sept. 17 witb dates to Aug 8. This weekly leaves to day. In the Marine Court this week, a Court of Inquiry was held to investigate the circumstances of the stranding of the steamship Brodholme, on the sunken wreck of the
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  • 64 193 OoKi-H'^Twc r-r to Sept 26 I **•< les 2 4 1 |#IBSM_4 2-4 J i »<.**»•* .tr-tdUf 8 m t 24 27*82 France demand Bant 618 FaoiA, T. T. 155 is. i«a xo a*, daman d 874%Pr»m Yokohama, demand 109} 1 Java. demand IB2i fi Ch li :.*r\ tsl
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  • 942 193 ttaril imi a-. >>- -o:r Bad *r mli I *< hf Asm _ftt_. k%x t -fieet Sept 21. A feeling of cheerfulness comes over the reader when he finds that the week's sinkings by submarines are not so bad as he expected. Something like exhilaration is produced when
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  • 526 193 Sept 22. It is full early yet to do more than mention the present stage of the Fourth Battle of Ypres, for though tbe taking off point of the present battle is three miles to the east of that historic town, it is still the battle
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  • Page 193 Advertisements
    • 41 193 I SINGAPORE Shipchancilery Co SKIPCHANOLERS PROV»DOR**» CONTRACTORS. _*bt) (.'ompanv'a Lanool- nee** (n-ooming ships. Offloe*:— lS BATTEHS 80AI TA-*.K> LIFT TO TOI FI-QCli TelepboL^ N.O. 433. Orders promptl) attended to fo daily aud bmh «toek anppiitf* \t H STEVENS. Moi 1 o.<
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  • 985 194 The Rent Assessment Board having been appointed, it is possible that the oversight of dealing with tbe case of those landlords who are charging rents thirteen months to the year, by making the tenancy according to the Chinese or Mohamedhan years lunar months that is will be brought
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  • 770 194 The later accounts of the battle of the Ypres- Menin road (a part of the Fourth Battle of Ypres) indicate that the action developed normally, new methods of attack having been devised to meet the open method of defence adopted by the enemy by means of fortified machine-gun
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  • 460 194 Sept 25. At the unanimous request of the Unofficials m Legistative Council yesterday the Government agreed to drop the Millitary Service Bill m its present form. Our report of the meeting gives the bpeeches cf hon'ble members, which, as was becoming on such an occasion, were marked
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  • 504 195 The Premier of New South Wales, Mr W A DOLMAN, has addressed a letter to the home papers the text of which is "more trust m the public," pointing oot that the people of the Empire, as a whole, are prepared for every t ffort and for
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  • 852 195 Sept 26. Both His Excellency the General and the Government will we think on reflec tion find that the debate on the Military Service Biil has made the position a good deal easier for satisfactory handling than was the case before. The position now is that Government
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  • 647 195 Germany's climb down to the Argentine, effected m the usual way by disowning its credited agent and throwing him overboard, is dictated by the very material consideration of fear of tiie economic policy of the Allies after the war. Tbe first move after tiie Paris Conference
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  • 1407 195 bept. !_<. Tat key as an element of tbe Enemy Powers has not attracted much attention lately, Ler state cf vassalage being now generally assumed. We find that the Turks have been stirring up trouble m Tripoli and have met with well merited punishment irom an Italian expedition,
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  • 298 196 Provisions Aoainbt Hoarding and In a Government Gazette Extraordinary issued yesterday appear "Subsidiary Current Coin Regulations, 1917." They provide that Except under the authority of the Colonial Secretary no person shall after this date acquire or, having acquired before this date, shall after this date keep m his
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  • Correspondence.
    • 188 196 To the Editor. Sir, I feel sure that I shall have the support of both Europeans and Eurasians when I say that Mr Darbishire was too sweeping at the Chamber of Commerce meeting when he said that the idea of employing Eurasians as substitutes for
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  • 187 196 Rubber. Singapore, Sept 26. At the usual weekly Auction which commenced to day, some 1,112 tonß were catalogued for sale. The tone of the market was decidedly weak and competition, except for good parcels of the standard grades, was poor. Prices realized, with the exception of that
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  • 92 196 The mortality returns for Singapore for the week ended Sept 22 show 242 deaths, a ratio per mille of 85.1. Chief causes of death: malarial fever 35, phthisis 26, convulsion 25, fever not specified 22, beri beri 18, pneumonia 17. A Bangkok telegram to the Pinang Gazette says Siam proposes
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  • 899 196 [Ranter's Semce] London, Sep 25. The Press Bureau announces that aeroplanes attacked ths south east coast m the evening. They came m different places m Kent antEssex and a few followed tbe Thames and attacked London. Bombs were dropped at several points. The casualties so far reported are
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  • 277 196 The list of those from the Straits who have laid down their lives m the Great Cause is steadily growing. Iv a Casualty List published on Aug 31st appears the name "Flower, Major VA, Londons." This is m all probability the former commandant of the S
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  • 141 196 THE ACCUSED ACQUITTED. Yeßterday, before the Chief Justice, Sir John Bucknill k. c and a special jury, the hearing of the charge of murder against Puay Cheng Hong concluded after three days, during which many witnesses were examined. The case for the prosecution was that the accused
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  • 162 196 Owing to the impending departure on transfer to Penang of Dr S Mohamed Baboo, Assistant Surgeon, Tan Tock Seng'* Hospital, the members of the Moslem Institute, Dr Mohamed Baboo being Vice-President of the Institute, assembled at the Institute, 28 Race Course Road, on Sunday last to wish him
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  • 72 196 Dr S X Lim who has just returned from Java has started tbe Lim Dispensary at 36 High Street where be i§ practising. A charge waß made to see the drawing of the Sarawak War Relief Lottery, of which twenty five per cent was given to the Brit ish Red
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  • 875 197 STRANDING OF IHE BRODHOLME. FINDINGS OF COURT OF INQUIRY. Hastes's Certificate Suspended. In tbe Marine Court yesterday, the findings were delivered of the court of inquiry, comprising Mr W Langham Carter (presiding), Commander B A Cator, m Capt George D Rushton (pilot) and Capt H J Henderson (of the Glenartney),
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  • 717 197 From Our Own Correspondent —_—_—_> Death of Mr Beckbtt. Soerabaya, Sept 20. It is with the deepest regret I have to report the death of Mr Walter Ralph Durie Beckett, c if o, British Consul General at Batavia, which occurred yesterday, after a short illness, at the Private
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  • 73 197 Mr R H Onraet, Superintendent of Police, Penang, with Mrs Onraet, leaves for Singapore, on transfer. (P G). Mr C W A Carpenter will be leaving Kuala Lumpur at tbe end of this month to rejoin the Singapore office of Messrs Drew and Napier, who are having to cloee their
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  • 1189 197 S S RECREATION FUND. The Committee of the Soldiers and Sailors Recreation Fond have pleasure m submitting tbeir second Rpport and Balance feheet to the subscribers and to the public. While thanking thoso who so generously supported the Fund, the Committee feel they must aguia record their sincere thanks to
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  • 221 197 War Bonus Decided On. It will be good news to the members of the F M S Government Service, says the M Times of Malaya," to hear that there is every probability that tbe long expected increase of salaries which the Service, both individually and
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  • Correspondences.
    • 97 197 To the Editor, Si*. Referring to the above question, which you mentioned m your is-iue of 22nd inst wouldn't it be possible for the Government, at the instigation of the Municipality, to take up the question of making a new residential quarter with markets Ac laid out
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  • 210 197 It is reported from Kobe that the German Club there which is now cloi-ed, will be sold by public auction m view of the fact that tbe Germans are no longer able to support it. The building is offered at V *****0. Mr Justice Farrer Manby has delivered judgment m
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  • 821 198 News has been received that Mr Danson is engaged to be married, and that tbe wedding will probably take place at some point on his return journey to the East. The bride is m Red Cross Woik m some part adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea. We
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  • 335 198 PERFORMANCE FOR OUR DAY FUND The Blighties get better for wear, and when they faced a crowded Our Day audience m the Victoria Theatre last evening they were a vastly improved party of entertainers as compared with their first appearance m the same piece several months back. It
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  • 379 198 SIKH MONEYLENDER'S FALSE CLAIM The Chief Justice, Sir John Bucknill s c, gave judgment yesterday morning m a district court case which had come be fore him. The plaintiff was Joliah Singh, a money lender of 95 Bukit Timah rd, and he sued two Malay
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  • 36 198 A public meeting of Indians m the Penang Town Hall, with Mr Sharma m the chair, has passed a resolution to petition Government to abolish passports to India, instancing the abolition of pass ports to Ceylon.
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  • 735 198 [The dates given are those of the telegrams from London.] Sept 11. Kerensky orders Korniloff's arrest. Soldel supports Kerensky. Attrition process m the west is progressing "m greater measure than ever." Prisoners taken by British are less than on Somme, but casualties inflicted on Ger mans are
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  • 317 198 At the Assizes, yesterday, before the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, k c) end a special jury, the cose was concluded m which a wonmn named Kong Tua Moi was charged with tha abttment of voluntarily causing hurt, m the throwing of corrosive acid, by a man
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  • 114 198 The Licensing Board sat yesterday m the senior magistrate's court under the presidency of Mr W Langham Carter, there being also present Dr Glennie, Commander Cator, a h. Messrs A Agnew, R J Addie, W H Hennings and Tan Kheam Hock. The Court heard an application by Phua
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  • 314 198 mp A Chinese woman named Lim Loh was found by Acting Chief Inspector Cuckney at 22 Club st to be m his opinion a leper. He had the woman examined by Dr Glennie, who certified her to be a leper. Inspector Cuckney made an application yesterday to Mr G L
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  • 133 199 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's usual auction wno held on Wednesday and Thursday whin there was offered for gale 18,458.25 pkis or 2,460,888 lbs. (Tons 1,098.08). Prices Realised. The next auction will be held on Wed-net-cl-iv. Sept 26. Sheet Sin. Fine Ribbed $128 to 0127
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  • 298 199 BA RLOWS PRODUCE REPORT. RUBBBB Singapore, Sept 20. At this week, a auction, which occupied two days, the quantity catalogued amounted to some 1,130 tons of which 1,099 tons were offered and 805 tous were Bold. A steady demand was experienced and p ites generally were on a higher level
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  • 105 199 Singapore, Sept 20. Tho weekly rubber auction held yesterday aad today was marked by a good fSOeral demand and au exceptionally large clearance, 8f 5 tons having been sold out of 11 JO tons catalogued. The top price for Fine Ribbed Smcked Sheet was fll up at
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  • 59 199 The International Banking Corporation (according to a wire received m Singapore from the Head office) has declared a dividend (payable ou let October) at the rate of tie 6 per cent per annum for the half year ended 3 th June 1917. G5838,500— ha^ been added to the
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  • 34 199 The Manager has received cable advice from tbe London Office that the directors have declared an interim dividend for the half year of 6 per cent actual, less tax. m
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  • 63 199 Ismail was charged before Mr Ham yesterday with attempting to land m the Colony without a passport. The accused came from Balik Papan. He waß fined f 10. Pind was similarly charged he had come from the same place. He was fined 12. Said Mohamed bin Ali Alkoff, and Said
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  • 1928 199 London Financial Letter. From Our Own Correspondent London. Aug 6. Planta f ton Rubber Btcadi r The Cheapest shares Fader at ed j mgor's Record- Perak's extension Policy— Two Borneo <Lmnani<>« Rim's Improvement. Tbe i >rket m plantation rubber has been I_.v-ly preserving a good tone a*: slightly under 2s
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  • 466 199 SCC BE'.T THE S C F A. The biggest crowd seen on the Esplanade for a long time watched the soecee league match lait evening between the SCC and the Straits Chinese F A. The Club won ty two goals to nil, and were well worth their success. The
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  • 51 199 His Excellency the Governor, has ap pointed tbe following to be members of the Rent Assessment Boards for Singapore town and island. The Hon'ble Mr C J Saunders (Preeident), Messrs AMS Angullia, R 81 J Braddell, H Carpmael, Gaw Khek Khiam, M Meyer, E W Tessensohn, S
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  • 182 199 Capt W A L» Bdwardes, r f a, bas received his majority.-- D** Braddon is now a Major m the R A M C ai_d has gone to the Near East. tU M Mr Justice Sproule and Mr 9 Sproule left yesterday for lot g leave. Mr Justice Edben is
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  • 689 200 OUR DAY. IMPORTANT CHINESE MEETING. Yesterday afternoon at the invitation of the Chinese members of the General Committee, the hon'ble Mr F S James met the hon'ble Dr Lim Boon Keng, Messrs Lee Choon Guan, Lim Peng Siang, Tan Jiak Ngo, Tan Ka Kee, Lim Chin Chien, Sect Tiong Wah,
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  • 59 200 Saturday, September 22, 1917. WAR TAX. A HANDSOME REMITTANCE. We are informed by tbe Colonial Secretary that £200,(00, the prooeeda of tbe War Tax, bas been remitted to tbe Imperial Government. The Collector-General estimates that the total collections of 1917 War Tax will enable remittances amounting in all to JE300.000
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  • 326 200 Singapore, Sept 19. Industrials and rubbers were responsible for the bulk of the transactions during the week, although some mining shares were m demand, In rubbers Pajams when it became known that there were prospects of the Company purchasing a large additional acreage, quickly responded m value
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  • 90 200 f vMacphail A Co's daily report.) Friday's Business. ThePajamboomlet terminated somewhat abruptly early this forenoon, when profit takers started trying to sell at $28.60, and the price dropped rapidly until late m the afternoon there were no buyers at even 822.25. Other rubber shares were steady but
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  • 329 200 Prophetic The German Chancellor opened a declaration to the Munich press with: 'The tasks of the Press have enormously increased. The result is now that we are all hanging together." Messrs E Macfadyen, T G Treadgold, D Campbell (of Messrs Paterson, Simons and Co.) and J H Logan (of Messrs
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  • 1562 200 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli Juvenal. There are all sorts of suggestions for temporarily replacing our lost subsidiary coinage, lost through hoarding, not because the metal is wanted. Bank notes of ten and twenty cents but precautions to be taken against fraud go back
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  • 145 200 A further Currency Note Amendment bill is m the Gazette for introduction, providing that if notes of small value are issued silver may not be. demanded for them, if tbe Governor m Council ha? so ordered it. The mortality returns per mille, m Singapore, during the week ending Sept 15,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 250 201 To the Editor, Dear Sir, In your leader of Tuesday lHth you say it has to be remembered thot the bill affects no one over 41. The draft ordinance reads however that a person shall be deemed to be between the eg*B of 18 and 41 who
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  • 584 201 A Foreign Office cable to Bangkok dated Sept 7th announcea that one million Americana are now fully armed and equipped. B Rent Boards conetituted are as follow Malacca, the Municipal President Mr E E Smith, Mr Tan Cheng Lock. Penang, Mr Peel, Mr Duxbury, Mr Lim Cheng Teik. Capt S
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  • 2118 201 RAM ON THE GLENROY WRECK. Marine Court of Inquiry. In the Marine Court, yesterday, Mr W Langham Carter (presiding), Commander B A Cator, R n, Capt George D Ruahton (pilot) and Capt H J H n «rson (of the Glenartney) eat as a court ot inquiry
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  • 453 201 The old ADC haa ceased to exist and m its place the new Amateur Dramatio Society stands. The ADC waa founded m 1906 under the presidency ot the late Mr E F H Edlin, and for ten yeara worked aa a small committee with great
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  • 120 201 The General Officer Commanding has received the generous donation of 955 from Monsieur Camilo, who gave an entertainment at the Adelphi Hotel, half the proceeds of which are to be given to the British Red Cross Fund. Monsieur Camilo has been invalided out after service with the French Army at
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  • 480 202 EASTERN UNITED. ASSURANCE. The fourth annual general meeting of the Eaetern United Assurance Corporation Ltd. was held at the registered office, IA Malacca Street, Singapore, on Saturday. There were present Mr Tan Kheam Hock (Chairman,) Dr S C Yin, Messrs Koh San Hin, H J Fougere (general manager), Ong Soon
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  • 85 202 Two Useful Contributions. From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Sept 22. The Committee of the Turf Club have donated $B, COO to M Our Day from the profits of last meeting. A successful concert was held last even ing m the Town Hall m aid of Our
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  • 91 202 Past Year's Results. From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Sept 22. The Malayan Collieries fourth annual report ptates that the prospecting haa been continued with satisfactory results. The total area is now 2,027 acres. The report refers to the labour difficulties. From experiments at home it seems certain
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  • 113 202 There is at present m Spain the largest holding of gold m its history, report Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co m a re cent weekly bullion letter. M Great Britain ia not parting with any gold except to that country. Gold is flowing to Spain from New York aa a
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  • 446 202 Mr X L Wocdhouse, of Scudai, Ltd, Johore, Las gene Home lo join up. (M M.) Miss M Dougal, a nurse at the General Hospital, reports the theft of her silver watch valued at 920. A merchant of Kualn Lumpur was I v Saturday morning offered
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  • 170 202 A casualty list of Aug 22nd gives the name of Stratton, Major D C L I, killed. We are afraid that this refers to G B Stratton, formerly of the Straits Civil Service, who subsequently took up rubber planting m North Johore, and went Home to
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  • 140 202 Batava, Sept 1 1 Rubber. Tbe Rubber Market is un changed. First Latex Crepe per half kilo F. 1.45 Ribbed Smoked Sheet do 145 Outputa (7 5% Firsts.) do 1.40 Coffee There ia nothing to report on the position of this market. Robuata old crop per
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  • 5189 202 Ordinary Meeting, Monday, Sept 24. Present H.E. the Governor (Sir Arthur Young HE ih< Geaera' Offloer Commanding the irooph i. jlajor-Gen. )> H Rido O.M Q ILe Hon ihe Col. f?e IIL Jame ,cm g Tho Hon. Att. Gene al (G. A. Goodu_an.) Act. Treasurer (H. tlar.iott.)
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  • 179 203 Sea^Defences and S C F A Draw. mmmmmm m On the Esplanade last evening, the Straits Chinese F A and the Sea Defencea played a drawn game iv the soccer league, on a heavy ground, neither side scoring! The Chineae were much under strength. The Sea Defencea were much
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  • 2900 204 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. r HALF-YEARLY MEETING. Chairman's Review of Trade. The usual half-yearly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held yesterday m the Exchange room, the hon'ble Mr W W Cook, the Chairman, presiding. The following members were present The hon'ble Mr W W Cook,
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  • 1163 204 MR DARBISHIRE AND THE SERVICE BILL. Reply to General's Arguments. The hon'ble Mr Darbishire said that he would like, as this was the flret opportunity he had had, to thank the Chamber for the honour tbey had done him m electing him their representative on Council for another term. The
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  • 149 205 Middlesex v. Brookdalb Rovers. On the Esplanade last evening, the Middlesex and the Brookdale Rovers play ed a draw of two goals each m the soccer league. Tbe soldiers had the better of the first half, and scored after a quarter of an hour through their inside right In
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  • 111 205 At the Hongkong Magistracy on Sept 10, 1 amah was charged with the murder of -/.'J a second amah wae charged siding and abetting her. Only formal cv *dence of arreet waa taken, and the ar '-ah 6 were remanded m custody. It is a]1 eged that the two women
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  • 755 205 TReuter's Barrios] [By Submarine Gable] London, Sept 19. —The King to day toured the principal steel and iron works of Lanarkahire. He warmly shook hands with William Hodge brother of the Penaiona Minister, who N an employee m the same steelworks wb^e the Minister formerly worked. Conversing with a
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  • 51 205 It is said that large sums for military purposes will be remitted to Canton by the various Chinese federations io America. Dr Sun Vat sen proposes to borrow a large Bum from a certain Japanese firm for military expenses. The sum will be remitted after the Provisional Government has been
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  • 1543 205 SUCCESSFUL BRITISH ADVANCE German Driven from the Ridges London, Sept 20.— Field Marshal Haig reports We attacked, this morning on a wide front east of Ypres. Satisfactory progress ia reported and we have already captured valuable positions. London, Sept 20 Field Marshal Haig The attack this
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  • 4991 206 London, Sep!; 19 Field Marshal Haig Bays there is nothing special to report. London, Sept 19. Field Marshal Haig reports There was great reciprocal artillery firing m the Y'prea sector. Our aero planee on Tuesday! despico most unfavourable weather, continued to obaerve for our artillery. One enemy machine
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  • 1055 207 London, Sept 20. The correspondent of the Times at Rumanian headquarters says the enemy has been inactive for three weeks since his defeat by the Rumanians who have since carried out successful raids. The new Alpine battalion m one raid took 400 prisoners and buried 200 dead. The
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  • 33 207 w Mr Laing, who arrived m Penang some days ago from Perth, Weat Australia, with Mre and Miss Laing, has taken over the duties of looal Superintendent, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company.
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  • 485 207 Copenhagen, Sept 19. Thirty miles southeast of the She:; andean armed British steamer sank a German submarine which waß shelling a neutral Bailing vessel. A second submarine which attacked the steamer was sunk by a British destroyer. London, Sept 19.— The Admiralty states Tbe arrivals laet
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  • 3209 208 London, Sept 19. The German press continues to be agitated on tbe question ub to whether the Government has decided to surrender Belgium. The latest reports indicate the Government has not yet committed itself. It is noteworthy that the Koelniache Volks-Zeitung now withdraws its previous statement and declares
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