The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 August 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 222 1 The Italian attack on the Isonzo, briefly mentioned yesterday, is wired today as farther developed, on a front of sixtyfive miles, and has been attended with success for our Allies thus .far— Page 5. The French have initiated another operation on a front of 14 miles, north
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  • 1616 1 The Military Attache was bo unlikely a person to be found washing down a thre a coarse supper with non alcholic orangec up that the Private Secretary crossed tha restaurant to institute enquiries and bor* row a match. As he approached the table his wonder grew (or the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 213 1 GOODRICH TYRES S'-ETY TREAD FOR SALE LINDE ICE PLANT. 1), Linde Compound Ammonia Ice making or Cold Storage Machine complete. Direct coupled with steam engine. Diameter of Compressor Cylinders sin. Shin. Stroke Bin. of Steam Bin. Stroke lOin. Capacity about 2 tons of ice per day. ■2), Crompton Dynamo with
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    • 116 1 TH B only tyre which has wen the R.A.C. certificate of 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures. "Skiasiir Supcr-Cyrts S irJBJR Made m Britain /<r;> -f.] from antat on Rubber. w BOLE AGENTS: International Trading Company, Limited. IT IS REAL ECONOMY TO BUY A CANADIAN FORD IT IS LOWEST IN
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    • 29 1 TRY Cutler Palmer &Cos. SHERRY PORT MARSALA MADEIRA. RECOGNIZED AS THE BEST. Obtainable at:— SWEE LEE GO. 15, CROSS STREET. Wine Spirit Merchants Wholesale and Retail. Telephone No, 1749.
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    • 2 1 Kartell's Brandy
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 183 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Bankruptcy notice re T C Tan Page 8. Meeting of Ratepayers Association Page 8. Tenders wanted for coral for sea wall Page 8. Caldbeck Macgregor for B L whisky Page 9. Whitea way's bargains this week Page 8 Wedncsdaj 22nd. High Walt;?— o-34 a.m., 0-64 p.m. Thvidai 23rd.
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  • 129 2 It ia bad luck (reflects "Dagonet for the old folk* who bore the burden of the last three >ears and did not live to see the days when peace will bless the land again, and there will be no more air raids, no more waiting m lines for sugar and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 386 2 Dodge Brothers koto r car, JtJjißaksJorJtsei Central Engine Works, Ltd Haunted by Pain Are your waking and sleeping haunted by the awful dread or the worse reality of bodily pain Headache, backache, toothache, neuralgia, sciatica, rehumatism, sore throat, and other external aches and pains are quickly soothed and cured by
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    • 672 2 IP^I mII r I m m M 1 flrjil if HEm^SmtM To morrow, as to day and yesterday, when you hear t v e remark ITS A PALLADIUM PROGRAMME", You can say with certainty "THEN ITS GOOD". WE SHOW ONLY THE BEST To-Night 9.15. A BEAUTIFUL BLUEBIRD PHOTOPLAY To-Night 9-15.
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    • 546 2 LAST TWO NIGHTS. SPECIAL QUALITY FILMS Something New. Something Different. Something our«#« AT THE S^Wthea^ ALHAMBR& The Picneer aid Premier House. The Hocse of Quality B Special Ince Kay-Bee Production Presetti, a Miss BILLIE BURKE Europe's Strong Favourite, Queen of the 6i eot Dra,»ra, Idoltied by who have Re* n
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  • 793 3 From Owr Own Correspondent Soerabaya, Aug 17. Local trade conditions, which have for the past two months been fraught with many difficulties, have now somewhat improved, though shipping conditions still give cause for complaint. A public meeting of exporters was recently called to consider what steps should be
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  • 116 3 An observant man, just back after c long epell at the front, is indignant witl our military critics. They repreeen Fritz as so enormously clever m his me thode, infallible m bis ruses," he grumb les. The simple fact is, says our man who covers much ground at the front
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 980 3 00^Z^M TO NIGHT Two Serials. BAT THE POPULAR PHOTOPLAY HODSE ■HHBB mpirE I Tacjong Pagar Road. Trams Pass the Door. HHHHHBB SECOND SHOW 9-15 SHARP Feature Corporation present the most gripping serial j» eS THE IRON CLAW s tP fefeode THE COGNAC CASK 2 parts gpTsode 4 THE NAME AND
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    • 759 3 NOTICE. Tenders required for the supply of a quantity of coral, m sizes suitable for building a sea wall Foil particulars may be had on application to THE STRUTS TRADING Co., Ltd. tuiau Brani. 22-8 28-8 SINGAPORE LANDOWNERS AND RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION. Notice U hereby given that a Special General Meeting
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    • 48 3 AT WHITEAWAY'S During This Week Ji Uw Selection of Goods FROM ALL DEPARTMENTS AT Half usual pro TO CLEAR Do not miss this money saving Opportunity BUY MOW Large Stocks of New Goods will be opened Next Week WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW $L LIMITED. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. Singapore and Branches.
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  • 1099 4 The other day a friend pot the question, The Reconstruction Committee, What on earth's that?"— a question which must have occurred to many who have little time to read the more solid newspapers and magazines dealing with the subject. Well, it is
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  • 116 4 Lim Hock Lai, of 87 Seah st, reports the thefc of* a motorcar tyre whilst at Raffles Hotel. A suspected man is under arrest. A Hokien boy aged 14, Wah Lian San, of 852 East Coast rd, has reported to the police that whilst oarryiog water m front of the
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  • 130 4 The following ii the list of gentlemen who have consented to serve on the General Committee for "Our Day," 1917. Messrs Andrew Agnew, R J Addie, Roland Braddell, J A Ellas, G U Farrant, F J Hall if ax, Lira Peng Slang, G Moglieton, Manasseh Meyer, J R
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  • 18 4 Farther contributions Field glasses from G P 0, Telescope from F C W.
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  • 62 4 On behalf of the Committee of the Children's Aid Society Mr W H Macgregor (Hon Treasurer) begs to acknowledge the following farther subscriptions Previously acknowledged 19,714 51 Kuala Lumpur District, per Mrs Eyre Kenny 1,025.00 Kajang District, per Mrs ROM Kindersley 189.00 i Batu Tiga District, per
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  • 584 4 Mr F B Gougb, late of Sarenggit Estate, now m the I A R O, ie training at the Depot of the 75th Carnatic Infantry, to which regiment he has been attached. (M M). We have received from the Boekhandel and Drukkerij Han Po of Batavia a copy of the
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  • 54 4 We are officially a^ked to fln iye P lytoane Eq uuvf ro^^ the Secretary to the Govern Revenne Department. telL? o^^ 17fch inetant that the n ri Phld *s Bnrma i 6 at preßent beiow't? lCf rate, that etock* are amnu prospects of the forthcominp v
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  • 70 4 From Our Otrn Corrupt A wedding took place "a'Vr^ 1 Church, the Rev Keppel Gai cier J cot MrRCW Rowland.. ace J 8 ft:ia the Malay College, Ko^ kZ'***** son of Mr Rowlands of KendvoT ld mirried to Mibb Claries k•. Mr C P Harding of Segar, Estate
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  • 467 4 RECKLESS MOTORIST? To the Editor, Dear Sir,— l think jou are adopfc course agreeable to the interemV 1 general public m reporting 60 fntt, police court pCQoeediafi m mUz. motor car cases. We, poor devils, who are at the of tucee native road hogs art g W efo you,
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  • 158 4 Sir,— With reference to a letter re *J above, addressed to you by Sagging I was a witness of the Oa fGt land fail to gee whr r^ as f "Objectionable." The film^ referred was featuring one of London's befit kn^ movie comedians m the role of a
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  • 46 4 Prince Mimer, tbo smartest pon.^ has ever raced m the Strait* to Java for 110,000 and tbue J good horse Great Sbct, *bo there after last meeting. Prince one of the few poniefi wbo wt race alongside horsee with eocc 0 a Uinh hnft nrODerlV w
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 169 4 Rainier THE FAMOUS American Beer SHIPMENT JUST LANDED Per case of 4 Dozen Quarts $20.50 Per case of 6 Dozen Pints $18.50 DUTY INCLUDED CALDBECK, MCGREGOR CO. England's Finest Cycle .______l___________fli__P^tf^__feMß-H------_r^?^_bb__2___Sl^R» _*^_____C^~™-s___l __^B^^^__nV__dr SHORTLY TO ARRIVE SIX ROVER MOTOR CYCLES 1917 MODEL 3 speed counter shaft Model complete with Lucas
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    • 64 4 G. R. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 5 1 Orchard Road, Telephone 10. 10SS. TIM Oldest ud Leading Studio. First In 1872, Foremost In 1917. Unequalled Facilities, Ample Resources, and the Requisite Experience, are all at ont Command, thus ensuring always the prodno> tlon of only the best results m Studio
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  • 750 5 FOURTEEN MILE FRONT [Btntar't Serriotj ln 01.— Renter's correepon r onion. Ang French Headquarters says AS dawn Fr ench began another battle on neid Verdun. For over a ►k o hatteriaa on both sides of the ceLl hammering the German .-n fiie- of the river, from ,j
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  • 158 5 ANOTHER GREAT BATTLE More Prisoners IBy MmarfiM O»bl«] [Renter's Service] London, Aug 20.— Wireless Italian Official. Northward of Anhovo we overcame the enemy's resistance and threw numerous pontoons across the Isonzo and orossed Ito the left bank. We orossed the enemy's i first line between Plava and
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  • 282 5 London, Aug 20.— 1n the House of Com- mens Lord R Cecil announced the Allies would confer before replying to the Pope's peace note. London, Aug 20. Delegates from 3QO trade unions have met m London to sup pore the decision of the Seamen's and Firemen's Union
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  • 82 5 If Not With, Against Us London, Aug 20. In the Housa of Commons replying to Col Norton Griffiths, Lord Cecil stated that neutral shipping persistently engaged m assisting our enemies would be treated after the war the came as enemy shipping. Neutral vessels lying up m ports would
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  • 194 5 London, Aug 20. Col Repington m the Times says that as a matter of policy and gratitude grants of the King's commissions to Indians muat come. Col Repington favours a careful system of nomination of members of ruling families, instead of examination, for cadetship, He suggests the
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  • 27 5 The Daily Telegraph publishes a fac simile of the now famous Kaiser's letter to Wilson, thus finally disposing of the frantic clumsy German denials of its 1:3:1—
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  • 511 5 MONSTERS OF THE MIST [By Submarine Oabl*] [Rnte'i Service] London, Aug 20. Beater's correspondent at Headquarters, writing this afternoon, describes the lateet feats of the tanks m the British attack m the region of St Julian yesterday. The uncouth monsters began to move m the darkness. The noise
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  • 151 5 Salonika Burnt Down London, Aug 20. Reuter learns that a disastrous fire occurred at Salonika on Aug 18. The city inside the walls was halt destroyed and 80,000 persona are homeless. The loas of life is unknown. By the evening of the nineteenth the fire was under
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  • 95 5 From Our Own Correspondent Serious difficulties are stated to have arisen between Britain and the Netherlands Oversea trust. The latter is not m a position to fulfil its agreements con* cerning trade and industry. A Note asserts that at present seventy ships are detained abroad and very serious
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  • 662 5 London, Aug 21 (7 a.m.) A review of' the situation says that with the opening o! the Verdun offensive the whole western front from the sea to the Swiss frontier, 440 miles, is now ablaze withunprecedent i ed gunfire and bombing. The unceasing night and day pounding of
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  • 215 5 London, Aug 20. The situation on the Russian and Rumanian fronts is generally satisfactory. The Germans are at present making no serious progress towards Poldolia and Bessarabia, while the magnifl cent resistance of the Rnsso Rumanians is holding the enemy m Moldavia. The Austro Germans have not
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 215 5 ROBINSON Co. mmb S3 flTß^ '^PlK^t '«ea.Nw bond street.*' Ml! i^aJj^ X *i IV Vf/^yfra j CIGARETTE SPECIALISTS CWKfjP^ A 2 Hand made Eg^yptiar, Turkish and Virginian Cigarettes No. 14. Egyptian Cigarettes m tins of 50 No. 16. 50 25 No. 11. Turkish 50 No. 7. Virginian 50 &25 "Abdulla
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 570 6 IT, fj« DeiTisH India AND /Ilpcab JLine (Companies Incorporated la England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsulas and oriental s. n. Co. j (Under contract wltn His Majesty i Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST [OP BOMBAY are at present suspended. The Compacy's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are at
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    • 641 6 4APAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., Ltd. (Ineoiporated In Jsfao). EUROPEAN LINL A eervloe Is maintalnea between Tofeob&a i via ports to MareeUles, Lonflon, andet mtr contract with the Imperial Japanese Govet* ment. The New Twin screw Bteamett maintaining this eervioe have been speptaUt designed and constracted, and ate fiHei with all
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    • 200 6 M. if MESSAGERIEs MiiZ < Incorporated ir? ll^ «HL LIU Fortnightly service h~J Haiphong. '"^vxhite. For further ln, Cltt tlo!l4W)it and Rotterta ffl W i|3 (Incorporated ln HoatM «om dutcb MIL to,^ Fortnightly Mail Betweeu Java, Singapore, Hongkong*^ Nagasaki, Yokohama, h3 and SAN FRANGISQ For freight, and passage pp:y k
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  • 263 7 Scarcity of Allied Tonnage. Calcutta, August 1. Regarding Renter's messages about complete control by Government of all shipping, one of Calcutta's leading shipping authorities said the news would not have a very great effect upon Calcutta or Indian trade overseas for the simple reason that most of
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  • 224 7 A Shocking Instance. London, Jane 29, Elder, Dempster Co's steamer Adansa (2,644 tons) was submarined yesterday. Tbe submarine rose to the surface, and fired several shots. After all the boats had been lowered, the captain, after making sure that there was no one left on board, jumped overboard.
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  • 249 7 A BABY SUBMARINE. Mr Henry Ford has bean trying to invent a baby submarine and be thus explains i| 11 Yon people, with your big battleships, are workiDg on the wrong lines. I can build a little fellow, turning him oat "as fast, with a wave ol his hand to
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  • 163 7 Copenhagen, July 6th, The Swedish Foreign Office has ordered the prosecution of Baron Yon Koeen, the leader of the bomb expedition on the Finnish frontier a year ago. Von Rosen, who is an exofficer of the Swedish Guards, was also concerned m the Christiania ploti He fled
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 580 7 gSi "Before I Sit m a Chair I Like to Know Whether It Hat B WjX Been Polished with an Oily Substance or with IB I^h JHI ill l^p[>o wWi /J/Mf^Kl IH ifIES Jlt^^^B/tHi II liiH^v^^V/ vklh ißi^Kl v&^Mmi |fl| I lVf OST 10 POLISHES remain on the fl ym
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  • 343 8 An amusingly characteristic incident occurred during grandiose street demonstrations m Petrograd. A detachment about three thousand strong, composed mainly of Anarchists, marching under black barmen and, with the exception of sold* iers, dressed all m black, was proceeding along Sadovaja street to take its place m the general
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  • 314 8 How Home Resources are being Developed. The Press Bureau ieeuee the following statement "The development of the mineral re* sources of Great Britain and Ireland, now being undertaken by a Department of the Ministry of Munitions under the direc tion of Sir Lionel Phillips, is likely to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 750 8 FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. Subject to the conditions prescribed by the Straits Settlements "Alien Enemies f^f***"*) Ordinance, 1914," as amended from time to time by Ordinances t lof 1915, Aix of ivid, &vi oj 1916 and VI of 1917 and as adopted m this State All that land kno*n
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    • 445 8 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE N Paid to Policyholders by Singapore Office m 1916 $*****,. Paid to Policyholders since the Company's inception ***** Total Insurance m Force 31-12-16 $*****52! Total Assets %ld m All kinds of policies issued. For particulars apply to H. LACHAMP, District Manager for the S r
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  • 45 9 •aua 4a 2 4* ins 24i PiiV^ts mifli ltt« 2 4 27-82 Pr-i-flf dezsnnS Back 818 ISOIA, T. T, 160 gtfggkgpWh is^ft&a 28%Pr*m T 7 :.?n^siAi itanni 1091 jAVA, de&iuvjtd M 183SQV£s«m?a. Bank Buytaf 96.64 B&iik cf Sm^laod iibte 5% Bft* Sii?M Lacdnc 44^
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  • 170 9 Aug. 21 Tin (75 tone) till. CO (Hnfcta 15.60 BiTiMW Guh* No. 1 28.00 i :'?*faS'>.«» Gafe» N3, i 21.00 Pfcffptl Black crdin. B pore M 28.25 Pe^rsJ!, (Wtiie fifafl 88 00 Srsmigi: (110 fc c ifc nom. SlvtmeSK (8C m tha HbJ nom. %£*36 (Rands.) norn Clsvee (i.mb3inn)
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 606 9 or Peace, Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY 18 P m GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATSD IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). rI£AII OFFICE: Wiachtster Hooae, Slniiporc. LONDON OFFICES U. Old iewn, E.C. j c Qumpumw «30.000 taposlted wltn the Bopteme Oomrl
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    • 492 9 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. ISCORPORATHD IN JAPAN Capital Subscribed......... Y. 48,000.000 C&pttal Paid Up ,Y. 80,000,000 Reserve Fund... ,Y. 21,300,000 President, J. Inouye Esq. Vice-PrertdenU V, Yamabawa Esq. DISECTOBS. J. Inouye Esq. Y. Yacaakawa Esq. N, Boma Esq. M. Odaglrl Esq. K. Sonoda Es*. T. Kawashima Esq. R. Kimura
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    • 489 9 HEW ZEUIND mW&m Co., LM, I»«U REE IND MARINE, jj flfiSDOffl IjOfO VIM-TBZE INBUMNCE USOC. LM. Qf nnntin Pa 2 f«J iiiiie. otoragB bo. P Ltd (Ineoryorated m Hongkong.) ClilNl FIBE INSURANCE Co., LM. im Eitniot to Bonu Iktrf. «neo^o»£s|eong k ong.) Telephone 1261 LOHDON BUIUNTEE ACCIDENT Co. LM. sea
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    • 540 9 1 FOR SALE. One Buick 4>oylinder Motor Car complete with accessories and fittings. Quite new acd m good running order. Apply to 10. 17 c/o Free Press. 15 8 c.o FOR SALE. One 380 B H. P. Howden Vertical two H.P. Cylinder Steam Ecgine musing at 75 R.P.M. with steam
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    • 43 9 STOCKS AND SHARES. Aug. 21, 1917. The following are the shares ac to which changes are notified m Messrs Fraeer and Cj's yesterday* share list ROBBER DOLLAR COMPANIES. Buyora Sellers Ayer Molek $2.65 $2.76 Bi!go*rnie 6 0 6.80 Pulau Bulang 4.75 5 00
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 99 9 WEATHER KgPOBT tv*K^Bag Kerb&o Hoeplta. Aug. 11. 8 AM 8 P.M i i\k> Baxoia. Ai £%ti iB 741 »9 671 19.7C6 Temp. 860 89.0 63 0 Wet Bnlb Th«i 80.0 78.0 Dit.olWiMd 6 SE SE Max. Temf. i» *h%&c 89.0 Mil. do flo. 80.0 Max. 1b Sew iM 5
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    • 371 9 MAIL TABLE Ttdaj. lceei mediate and looal mails, «rti: be found lo list below Penang, Malacca, F.M.S. (by Tvai*) p,n> dally (exoept Sunday). Johore, 6, 9.80, 11 a.m., 12.30, 9, 4 Alp .c Cocob Soon Hong 8.80 am P. Batam k P. Bolang Hook Urn Pulan Soegi Saltana 9 am
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  • 820 10 SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUB. The following is the report of the committee for the year ended 80th June, 1917. The income and expenditure account v shows an excess of income over expendi- tureof 13,457 53 As authorised by the members m general meeting, the Com mittee made a donation to Our
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  • 28 10 The Palladium new programme feature ia the phcto-play of The Honour of Mary Blaka." Also there are the Screen Magazine, and a programme of cartoons and comedies.
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  • 14 10 Agents General Rubber Company. Holland American 504,146 XT* 4.1 i--
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  • 1029 10 The connection of German Socialism th the fortnoea of a political party has i reflection m Britain. Socialism m; 1 itain was of alow growth, and did not j come a force until the eighties; the, 1 asonß (or this seem to be two. One
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  • 844 10 BUKIT KATIL RUBBER ESTATES. (Tbn following report is forwarded for.] publication). The seventh annual ordinary general meeting was held at the Company's Office oa Friday, the 10th August, at 12 noon. Mr Tan Soo Hock (Chairman) occupied the chair. There were also present Messrs Tan Cheng Lock, Tan Soo Ghi,
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  • 155 10 [By Courtesy of the French Consulate Paris, Aug 20 6.10 p.m. The French 8 per cent bonds are at francs 62.80 and the 5 per cent at 87.75. We attacked m the morning the Ger man positions on the two banks of the 4 Meuee. j A
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  • 510 10 On Saturday afternoon Mr A W Bean, President of the YMC A, and Mrs Bean gave a garden party at their bungalow, Monks Hill, to the men of the Army and and Navy. All the conditions were favourable, and an exceptionally pleasant time was spent.
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  • 99 10 Profession Pairs Final. Kleinman and Griffith Jones had to meet Perkins and Upcott m the third and deciding Bet of this match. Some very close play was again furnished for the en joyment of a large company of spectators Kleinman and Griffith Jones won at
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  • 73 10 On the SCC ground last evening, the Club rugger eleven met a naval team, and won a keen game by 4 goals 1 try (28 pts) to 2 tries (6 pts.) The naval men played pluokily, though obviously they were not familiar with each other's play. The tries for
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 243 10 i FRESH PURE CREAMERY 1 j BUTTER I ALWAYS OBTAINABLE. J In 1 lb. and lb. pats. ft S SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE CO., LTD, I (Incorporated m Straits Settlements, -^^^^^^3Jwßi. "™^~f^' rr -J'^Kbi!^Py^~ ROY ■'v p) A FITTING OFFERING jN\ TO BEAUTY HALL MAEEED SILVER Qg QOLD HAND BAGS. QOLD
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