The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 24 July 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. Xt> r CENTS SINGAPOKB TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1917. NO. 9,117
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  • 253 1 Germany is being forsaken by the whole world. Siam's declaration of war, with the seizure of shipping and the intern* menfc of Germans (thus keeping them out of mischief) is a real contribution to the Allied cause Page 5. The Kaiser has brought himself down to the
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  • 1718 1 8. SOME SOLEMN NONSENSE. Having looked at the literature and language of the seventeenth century I lawyer Jet us examine this morning into his mind, and his quiddits, quillets, caeca and tricks, as Hamlet called them. Law, says Professor Maitland, one of its high priests, is
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 155 1 Kelly Walsh, Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN HONGKONG). THE WORLD'S DRINKS! new fiction AND I HOW TO MIX THEM i J Usr RECEIVED. $1.50 |.t "7i T a j?° the Year of Waiting, Winning Post Annual y $1 «o SUMMER 1917 The Rattlesnake, SO CentS. By Katharine Tynan $1.50 FOR FRANCE lonesome
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    • 79 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Kelly and Waleh'i latest books— Page 1. BafjarJjFqtor Garage— Page 1. New programmes at the Harima and Gaiety— Page 2. Ching Keng Lee's sale of safes Page 2. St Andrew's Society meeting Page 8. Gargoyle Mobiloils Page 8. New millinery at Robinson's Page 5. Uniteet stocks Page 8.
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    • 2 1 Jeffreys Beer
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 148 1 THE WEEK, Tnesdaj 24th! High Water— l-» 5 a.m., 1 49 p.m. Singapore Assizes. Wednesday 25th. High Walor— 2-28 a.m., 2 21 p.m. St. James. Tbaradif 26th. High Water— 3-24 a.m., 3fi9 p.m. Frldaj 27th. High Water -4 56 a 356 p.m. Moon First Quarter. St. Andrews House Concert, 9
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 161 2 KNIFE-LIKE PaINS. The sharp, scooting pains, the intense agony of Sciatica, often make death preferable to life. The fiery darts that ran fiom hip to heol, the sleepless nights, the cheerless day t— why not stop all this and get back jO health and comfort again. Little's Oriental Balm is
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    • 813 2 EATING WHAT YOU LIKE. Not to be Jimir rd m one's diet but to eat whatever one vie *ses without discomfort is the dream of every dyspeptic. Nobody can honestly promts* to restore any stomach to this condition, because all people cannot eat the same kind of food v ith
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    • 1349 2 Pictures of Great Topical Interest and of a Host Attractive NatTw AT THE Ufe I ALHAMBRi The Pioneer and Premier House. The Hocse of Quality B e2cfc PATHE PRESENTS A POWERFUL GOLD BOOSTER i LAY I "ARFi«S AND THE WOMfJ IN 5 AC7S M l It is api tare of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1014 3 AUCTION SALE OF ujgh.grade Wax-polished Teak Household Furniture etc. 0 To be held at No. 18, Race Course Road, On Saturday, 28th July 1917, at 2 p.m. very handsome Europe made spring-seated drawing room suite upholstered m ComPJr 08 lrv Excellently designed wax-polished teak wardrobes and almeirahs with ...otn bevelled
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    • 573 3 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LIFE INTEREST OF SYED OMAH bin ABDULUH AL JURIED IN THE ESTATE OF SHERIFF! SHAIKH binte OM4H AL JUNIED (deceased) At Messrs Ching Keng Lee Co.'s Sale-room Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place On Monday, 3Oth July, 1917, at 2.30 p.m. All that one twelfth part or share of
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    • 886 3 IN THE ESTATE OF MOHAMED KHALID BIN HAJI ABDULLAH DECEASED. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of Mohamed Khalid bin Haji Ablnilah deceased, late of Johore fiahra, who died on the 17th May, 1917, and of whose estate Letters of Administration with will annexed were granted by
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    • 586 3 SIKGAP3RE ST. ANDREWS' SOCIETY. Notice Is hereby given ifcat the Annual j General Meeting of the Society will be held ia the Cricket Club oa Tuesday the 31st mat. at 5.15 p.m. BUSINESS. (1) To receive Acoconts and Report for the year. (2 To ele*ct Office-bearers for the ensuing ytar.
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 16 4 Lamboubbb.— On July 15, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Lambourne, of Teluk Anson, a daughter.
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    • 85 4 McCreery Lambert.— On the 21 at Fay. at Savoy Chape), by the Rev. Hugh Chapman, Major A. T. J. McCrebrt. m.c., r.a m.c., eldtbttonof Lt -Colonel B T. McCreery, R p., p.a.m.c to Nora Evelyn, daughter of the late Colonel P. 8. Dxuitt, Koyal Minister Fusilier b. Hicklino-Portal.— On
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    • 51 4 A Beckett Terrell On the 10th June 1917, of wounds recrived a few days before. Acting Captain Claud Homako A Beckett Terrell, r h.a., the dear youngest son of Georgie and Arthur A Beckett Terrell of 12 Fit z james Avenne, Barons Ccnrt, S. W. aged SS
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  • 950 4 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, July 24, 1917. If ever there was a case that calls for realisation of the poet's words "Hope springs eternal m the human breast," it is the Russian situation now. It is not the fact of the Revolution that troubled the Allies, but the military
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  • 1103 4 w Mr F G Gorton has gone to Singora tp relieve Mr Dunn as British Vice Consul there. (P G Mr T E O'Doherty, of Bruseh Tin and Rubber Estates, Ltd., Bidor, is leaving immediately for Home to join the Army. The Uon Mr F S James, c m g,
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  • 736 4 The many friends of Major F* M den, bm A, who for a i ou v -^1 jeral Staff Officer at Heacquar^^ pore, will read with great pride uL cf eupetb gallantry t ho* u Vs hi r^l the operations iv France. d SB Tbere was an idea
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  • 65 4 A fire broker out aftMf fl ing m a t»w mil ov.j-if->! dj ffj! X mpong Bugib and the woi** t barut. Ttt iLc b l^ coy. ted o lßfcUr^ The owner has a unall fireeDgio e 8C kept the fire m check un il tb*
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  • 29 4 Owing to the rough weather m P*^ Harbour on Friday morning, tnr f C $t loaded rice lighters wen| do D ?i |l occupante managed to save them* 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 126 4 JUST RECEIVED A SMALL SHIPMENT OF AUeno Cigars HAVANA LEAF SUPPLIED TO THE SPORTS CLUB, LONDON. OALDBECK, MAGGREOOR &CO. GARDEN ESTATE IMPLEMENTS The Straits Low Catting Lawn Mower as Beit Quality 4 prong tigging* supplied to Clubs. Forks at Pre- War ffic* s 14 inch. $27.50 18 inch. $32.50 $2
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    • 63 4 G. R. Lambert Go. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS Si Orchird Road, Telephone Ho. 1055. TIM Oldeit 114 Leading Stadia. First In 1879, Foremost In 1917. Unequalled Facilities, Ample Resources, and the Requisite Experience, are all at out Command, thus ensuring always the production of only the best results In Studio Portraiture,, Child
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  • 461 5 puisTLY SLAUGHTER ON SH CHEMmPES DAMES French Stand Superbly [lUotWi B«rtic«J Tu j v v —Semi official Tho Zd .VmioVes Dames of July 20 operate and murderous. The commacd displayed tbe same !e*gnecs of life a* at Vardun, n>: rA after regiment of pick d a; v fti^btfu!
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  • 148 5 Airmen Still Fighting Hard L c F U !y Ji —Field Marshal Haig cmutaN last night, IMB faronr. We slightly son:b mil of Mcnchy vax Thr boatib artillery was active A: n '-ci anJ on the coast. F.s'i BUnkal Haig Hprtlli raiders east of Lever Her y
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  • 21 5 SI AM IN THE WAR 11 oTg."^ y2? Siam h declared N? 4n and h a«ested Ger•jfc, llPzad tons of German
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  • 433 5 AM HOUR'S BATTLE OVER ESSEX Visitors Turn Tail [Center's Service] London, July 22. There was an hqnr'e air battle m Essex this morning. Seven German aeroplanes appeared at 8.&0 a.m. from the south-east, going west. British aeroplanes compelled them to turn east. The rattle of machine guns
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  • 106 5 British Empire United London, July 23. The papers cordially approve Mr Lloyd George's ruthlete analysis of Herr Micbaelis' subterfuges. Melbourne, July 28. Mr Hughes, interviewed, said I entirely agree with Mr Lloyd George that Herr Blichaelis* honeyed mouthings are hypocritical cant, intended to soothe the unfortunate masses
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  • 60 5 Zurich, July 23. For the first occasion since the establishment of the Empire, the Kaiser mat the Socialist leaders at an informal confeience. He told them that submarining was succeeding beyond nil expectations and was bringing ruin and destruction to Britain. The Emperor emphasised tha connection- between cub
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  • 77 5 Shanghai, July 22.— Admiral Chen PinKwaDg, ex Minister of the Navy, m a manifesto on behalf of the Navy, de manda the maintenance of the provisional constitution, the reassembly of Parliament, and the punishment of rebellious provincial Governors, and declares that tbe Peking Government is illegel. Chsn
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  • 33 5 Athena July 24.— The King baa tola graphed to the King of the Belgians on the occasion of the Belgian Independence Anniversary sympathetically conveying Greece's hope for the Allied triumph.
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  • 14 5 Copenhagen, Jnly 22 The Kaiser has gone to the East (rout,
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  • 771 5 GOVERNMENT'S MANIFESTO 10 THE ARMY Stern Measures Against Traitors [Bevter't Bcrvioe] London, July 22. Wireless The Russian Provisional Government has issued a manifesto to the army saying Three weeks ago, m accordance with the War Minister's order, the armies on the southwestern front took tbe offensive with a
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  • 245 5 Germans Claim Farther Succesi London, July 28. Wireless. German Official We, despite bad roads, pressed on and reached the Brzezany-Tarnopol rail* way at several points, every where defeating 1 the newly brought up Russians alter del- perate encounters. The seventh Russian army near Brzezany is also yielding
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  • 38 5 London, July 24. Reuter's correspondent at headquarters Buys thut news from Rumania is that the army is thorough ly prepared to renew tbn war. Ie is thoroughly re armed, re equipped and trained under French direction.
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  • 162 5 Why Record was Touched London, July 19.— Silver is at 40 3 8d and there is no demand. The market is quiet with an easy tendency. London, July 20. Silver 1b at 89 15 16d. There ie no demand and the market ia dull. London, July 19.
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  • 112 5 London, July 20. The Timee Bays A telegram from New York bankers states that the Indian Government has at ranged to take any shipments of silver from the United States, paying m sterling drafts, and also to buy gold imported from the United States under licence
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  • 209 5 Churchill-Montagu Red Rag London, July 20— Several Unionist commoners have written to the Chief Whip, declining to support the Govern ment owing to the appointments of Churchill and Montagu. A meeting of protest cf the Unionist Bueine-H Committee, presided over by Mr H8wins, sent a deputation to Mr
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  • 20 5 Amsterdam, July 22. The Reicbsfeag has adjourned till August 26 against tbt TOttl of the independent Socialists.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 ROBINSON Co. NEW SHIPMENT OF \Ej^ MILLINERY LADIES MOANING .J& AFTERNOON HATS H\^ «T WEDNESDAY /r V^o^\ and following days. FRASEIi NEAVE, Ltd. Printers. Office: 13, COLLYER QDA.Y. Works. SIAK STREET. Magazine, Book,' Commercial and Miscellaneous Printing of every description carefully expeditiously executed on Moderate Terms Fraser Neave, Ltd., Singapore.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 742 6 "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND, FOR LONDON. For particulars aa to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTSJ KOMNKLIJKE PAKETVMRT MAATSCHAPPSJ (Incorporated In Holland, Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. I—B, ColsiYbr Quit, CBDBB COSTKACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS IXDIA GOVKRNMEKS
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    • 629 6 Mr. \3. m Oritish India AND /\pcar Line (Oomp antes Inoorf orated la England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract wltn His Majesty's Government.) Far: China, Japan, Pamui|, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. HOUEWABO (FOB BDBOPl). I OUTWARD (FOB CBWA)
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    • 596 6 N» Y li. JAPAN MAII STEASSHBP Co., Ltd. WtteaifOHifcH la J*faa). EUROPEAN LINE. A BervloG 1b maintained between Yofcahann via ports to Marseilles. London, acdci mal contract with the Imfeiiai Japanese Ooven ment. The New *wln screw Steamet) maintaining this seivtoe have been eyeciaUf deslgnefl and eonstr oted, and ate
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    • 310 6 M. M MESSAGERIES MiliJ < IHOOBPOIUTED I» V^l^m "*"0« l I **IL LIHI, Fortnightly service b. tw^ BRIMCH LIKE. rortn»«htly service between Ru,^ For farther information apply J- A* COURTOII J Hi TO MOTHERS: A simrj EKMEDY. If you are livi^J tancc from Town, you shc^-1 boUle of thi6 wonderful
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  • 1166 7 Harassing the Enemy. British Front, May 80. Although the land armies are stationary again, there ia do blacktmng of the fighting m the ait. Same of the most deeperj ate battles of the war have taken place daring the laet few dajs above ourc?w (trenches on
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  • 520 7 Bombay, July 5. On a modest computation seven thousand people went away disappointed from the vicinity of the town ball thiu evening when the drawing of the WIT Club war loan lottery was concluded. Every one of these were people who eince the com netice
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  • 146 7 Lemonade and Barley Water. At a food economy campaign meeting at Melroee, addresutd by Dr Chalmers Watecc, Edinburgh, Captain Swinion, Gattou Bide House, who vui f ia attendance on the Colonial Premiers duntig ihtir three u>octU6 Btay if Ibil rou:,tr\ gave several ineSancee of how ihote m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 555 7 vV^. or Peace. Faminb or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN BTRAITS SETTLEMENTS). jIKAB OFFICE Winchester House. 9iagtpore. LONDON OFFICE: Old Jewry, ILG. >oisfftM/ i» 3 W.OOO ieporttea with tike Sayveme Court of Siglud,
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    • 504 7 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. Incorporated m Japan Capital Subscribed Y. 48,000.000 Capital Paid TTp y. 80,000,000 Beserve Fund. Y. 11,300,000 PrtHdentt J. Inoaye Esq. Vice President Y. Taaakawa Ea«. DIBECTORS. J. Inoaye Esq. Y. Yam&lcawa Eaq. N, Boma Esq. M Odaglrl Esq. K. Sonoda Esf T. KawaehlmaEeq. K. Klmara
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    • 445 7 ZEIU^D IK3UMNCE Co.. lit. Ql~ t t-- mLmet gi^tJ mi and mm. ainsoDors bo u (lpoorporat&d In New ZolMifl,! wiiiq*«|»wi V »»w*t. TIK9.TSZE INSURANCE 1880 C. lU. Ct A nni<A On I*« marine btOPagfi UO,, LtO (Inooiporatea In Hongfconf W HIM FIRE INSURANCE Co., Ltd Eitnaetf to Borno t fet-pf.
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  • 401 8 Nothing illustrates better the inexhaustible ingenuity of the enemy than the recently adopted method of painting aeroplanes with diverse crude colours. This shows that no lesson of science is being negleoted by an amazing cleverness m application, The oolonring of aeroplanes, airships, and observation balloons has for long
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  • 436 8 Germans Construct Their Tomb. Tyyical of the enormous power of the German defensive organisations m Champagne is the Mont Cornillet Tnnnel, which, after a resistance of waeke. fell to the French as the result of the last brilliant attack on the summit. The tunnel had been
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  • 334 8 German Writer's Panacea. Stockholm, May 29. The well known German journalist, Dr Hans Voret, who is now m Stockholm is; writing for the Dagens Nyheter a series j of articles headed The Way to Peace, which have excited great interest. The author pleads for an immediate general
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 510 8 PROGRESS TRANSPORTATION has always been closely linked with progress, a step m advance of it, leading the way. The locomo. tive and the steamship made possible the tremendous strides civilization has taken m the past hundred years. With the dawn of the new century came the motor car—the long sought
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    • 326 8 RHEUMATISM! LUMBAGO SCIATICA! M Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica are three oi \\c no t 3 painful complaints and practically arise from the same cause tod then J distinjJusS the location of the disease. If the arms and tc£g are affecteJif 11 H Rheums' ;m; if m the Loins, Lur.ibago and
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  • 56 9 (OOBBIOSIO UP TO July 28.) Bank i I 4f dimand J 2-4' i Pclrfcie «?«difii tmi 2-4 3b-i r Fianca demand Bank 618 Ihdi-i, T. T. HOBRKOSti dgra&nA 10i%Pren> YGsaaAMA, darnand 109 Java, demand 184 SAB3KCX. damaxid «si SovßßiiaMi, Bank Bt»iu i i-.. 4 Bank ul Sngiß :i fiftte
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  • 1468 9 Issued by FRASEK Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, July 23rd. »AU luownioaa of Sterling Sbam mum ie regarded m pwrelf ■omlau for tbe presort. OAf ißim. Paid. Bandit. Borne. bklbsr* 100,000 ts 8« AHagai 15% -18 8 0 879,830 ts SB ABgio-JfcVft 80% 5 0 6 0
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  • 154 9 July 23 Tin (IHO tons) 1108.75 Ot^abtas 14.61 (iamMai Cmk« No. 1 26.2 C Ca«#« No, t 25. 0 C Peppas Black ordta, >j'tj*» buyers 29 GO FspjpttM, (W2)i£t fait) 40.00 Haft&s£B (110 lo tb« R 42.00 Nataisga (80 10 ttie Ik.) 52. 0 C Mace (B&nda 90.0
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 141 9 koPICAL ROOFING applied with patent "KANT LEAK" KLEATB i^hich do away with the necessity of ising sticky cement at the overlaps. SENASCO is the result of over t) years experience m the manuacture of Ready Roofings. Its iurability makes it the most econonical of any roofing on the market. I
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    • 456 9 FOR SALE PRIVATELY ONE MOTOR LAUNCH Particulars approximately as under Dimen ioun 36 ft. toy 8 ft. by S ft. Engine 86 hp "Gray kerosene motor with reverse gear, air starrer, high tension Bcsc, dual igaition. For farther particular*, apply to POWELL Co Ltd Auctioneers. (Incorr; rated In Singapore.)
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 456 9 MAIL TABLB To-day. intecroedlate and local man* mh be foacd to list below Penang, Malacca, F.M.b. (bj IrMai f p.n. dally (ezoept Snaday). Johove. 8, 9.80. 11 a.m.,, I, t A 6 p.u. P. Batam kP. Bulang Hock Keng 8.30 am Cncob Hock Gan 8.30 a* Eerimon Sanit 9
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  • 350 10 INDUSTRIAL TROUBLES Commission's InformatiVe Report £By Bnbmaiine Oablel [Renter's Barrio*] London, July 22.— The report is pob lished of the commission of enquiry into industrial unrest announced m the speech ol Mr Lloyd George cabled on May 25. Mr Barnes, summarising the reports of eight district commissions, says
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  • 342 10 Aga Khan's Statement London, July 28. The Aga Khan, m a long letter to the Times supporting Lord Hardinge, says If any Indian were now m either House of Parliament, no matter of what religion, province or poli tical complexion, he would have been eager to
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  • 68 10 The Empire should be well rewsided vsii'u i,o J hoatet for ccceening tuch a notable picure as Vendetta"— Marie Corelh's groti .tury filmed. The Gaiety haa a unique attraction m Crime and the Penalty," a four reeler m which a marvellously trained monkey plays an important part. The Hariroa
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  • 1183 10 Airraids on London. From Our Own Gorrttpondent London, June 14. The event of the week has been the attack by German aeroplanes on the "fort" of London entailing a casualty list of about 100 killed and 450 wound ed, though as is always the case, the latter
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  • 330 10 (Saturday 28th inbt.) The Hon. Secretary reports that the entries for the above Show to date are very gratifying, and that it is expected that the number of dogs which will come under the eye of the Judges on Saturday next will be over 160. Some
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  • 58 10 The Treasurer gratefully acknowledges receipt of the following donations Amount already acknowledged |425 Lady Evelyn Young 100 Mrs E F Howell 6 J R Nicholson Eeq c m g 50 'Anon per Mrs Nicholson 10 Miss Hughes 25 Total to date 615. Stanley G
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  • 58 10 Mrs Ridout, lion Treasu rer Officers Families Fund acknowledges with many thanks the receipt of the following dona tious to the Fund. Mrs Song Oog Siang (per Capt Song Ong Siang) s 20 Mrs Tan CheDg Siong (per Lee Guay Eng) 200 Tan Kah Kee 200 11
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  • 97 10 Batavia, July 20. Rubber. The Market is steady, and transactions for August and December de liveriee have been reported at F. 1.15 per half kilo. Frst Latex Crepe per half kilo F. I.4u£ Ribbed Sraokod Sheet 1.47$ Output (75% Firsts 1.42J Aug and Dec deliveries 1.50
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  • 264 10 Magisterial Conviction Quashed. Before Mr Justice Sproule, yesterday, the appeal of Chew Chuan was heard. Mr M G Johannes appeared for the appellant, and the DPP, Mt A V Brown, was for the respondent. The accused was charged with criminal breach of trust with respect to ten
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  • 232 10 Once more the large Hall of the T M C A was filled on Saturday eight on the occasion of a concert arranged for Ihe men of the Navy and Army. The large attendance was sufficient cvi dence to prove the popularity of these concerts
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  • 29 10 YESTERDAYS PLAY. B Doubles Final. Dr. Hunter and Moss beat Dr. Clarke and Zehnder, 10—8, 6—2. B Singles. Yen. Arch. Swindell v Thorougood, unfinished.
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  • 83 10 The monthly medal for July was won by F Tradewell 1 down' F Niblock and C D McLachlan 4 down. The draw for St James Cup is. C D McLachlan v G Chancy H I Jones v F Tradewell J Henderson v A Smith V M Grayburn
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  • 103 10 "'To God alone is it known how long the war will last," cays the Kaiser to bis armies. What a decline is here. In 1914 he promised that all should ba ever before the leaves fell. At that tim« everything j done had the approval of "our good old German
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 565 10 Weak Hidne^l and Backache I Dr. Cassell's Tablets Strengthen Youriiiti De l and Cure Backache and Urinary Troobfc 9 Yr.i euuoot l>e wei\ when yp«r kidneys HI must suiier, lvc<ause your blood \v;il d. Blied v vo'ii k;<ineys are too weak bo remove. W E| Tablet* to make yoni kidoej
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 46 10 Time-balls on Fort Canning ana Mou»i Faber drop dally aft lp.m,, Singapore standard lime, corresponding lo 6 a.m. Greenwict mean Hiae. The time-gun is fired at IS o'clock noon, Indicating Singapore standard time or every flay excepting Sunday, when It 1b flu i* a* one c'clook.
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