The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 July 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. Martell's Brandy TEN CENTS NO. 9,102 SINGAPORE FRIDAY, JULY 6 1917.
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  • 272 1 A Renter analysis of Germany's manpower resources makes encouraging Allied reading, especially at the moment when the new Russian offensive is said to be already weakening enemy resistance on the Italian front, with a corresponding weakening in the west inevitable Page 5. The great battle in Galicia
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  • 1644 1 I. Fiora Bishen Singh Saktawut, Subedar Major 275th Indargrab (Todd'e) Rajputs, now at Lyndhurst, Hampshire, England, to Madhu Singh, Sawant, Risaldar Major (retired) 146th (Dublana) Hort-e, on hit fief, which he holds under the Thakore Sahib of Pech at Bakani by the River, near Chiturkaira, Kotah,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 202 1 GOODRICH TYRES SAFETY TREAD RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER ON SATURDAY. RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. daily j ftUFFLES BIKER Y AND CONFECTIONERY The best in town Upcoontry orders promptly executed Bread delivered at private residences daily. I RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE "ST French and
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    • 205 1 i' THE only tyre which has won the R.A.C. certificate of 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures. OlCiaSllC 1 yTCS I *^P-^ 'jß&m Made in Britain m '"X* r "^'/tzjk from Rubbcrt International Trading Company, Limited. Your Bab^s -Health I depends onJts nourishment. i I In nature's original plan, infants,
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    • 133 1 latest innTnUifwrrT^i Charity Ann and "The Better Woman 1 at the Alhambra Page 2. A Stranger from Nowhere at the Palladium Page 2. 11 A Child of Mystery at the Harima— Page 2. Bettina Loved a Soldier" at the Gaiety Page 2. Goldin's last two nights at the Theatre Royal—
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 89 1 THE WEEK Outward mail due (train). High Water— o-:-9 -w 1.13 p.m. Ulu Pandan meeting, Evatt's, noon. S.G-C. Bogey Competition. Harmston's Circus High Walei-l 26 a.m., 1-50 p.m. sth Sunday after Trinity. B.G.C. Bogey Competition. 'ltg}> Water -2 15 S 2-30 p.m. Dungun, Ltd, meeting, noon. The Cameos, Vic. Theatre.
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  • 179 2 News From Neutrals. The Norwegian newspaper Tidena Tegn reports numerous cases of German sub* marine3 being disguised as fishing boats Th« captain of a Norwegian etearaer Etatee that a vessel waa sunk off Brest by a disguised submarine The Amsterdam Telegraaf secured an interview with one of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 674 2 HARMSTON'S CIRCUS AND ROYAL MENAGERIE. Grand Opening Night Saturday. 7th July, 1917. at 9-15 p.m. Location :-^BEACH ROAD. Return of the Popular Favourites Bigger, Better, Brighter than ever. HARMSTON'S The Apex, The Crux, The Acme, The Alpha ft Omega Of all that Stands for Perfection in the Circus World. A
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    • 535 2 Say, Our New Orchestra has arrived-" 06ME, LISTEN TO THE BAND and laugb at the Biggest All-Comedy Programme ever Presented. A STRANGER I FROM SOMEWHERE! A moving pictnre version of Willis Wooa's popular Ftoi> He has a Granger." An Original BLUEBIRD Comedy-drama tilled with thrilw and Laughs. Featuring Agnes Veinon
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    • 690 2 STRONG DOUBLE ATIRICTION AT THE ALHAMBRA The Pioneer and Premier House. The House of Quality Beach Roetj THE LONDON FILM CO. PRESENTS A Production of Unusual Power "CHARITY ANN" in 3 acts. A vivid ar I powerful scroen htory, abounding i' ujalic »tion* :i 'fl realism reveaiog pathos that tugs
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  • 430 3 The Morning Post thus doughtily trounces the last Wells book, "God the Invisible King."— f History can teach Mr Wells nothing at all he long ago disqualified all those of j his opponents who attach any importance to the past experiences of mankind or think that traditions may
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  • 377 3 Manchester, May 0. Fluctuations continue p.nd this week we find cotton values on the easier side owing to better weather news. The other bullish arguments still hold good, bat it is hardly necessary to point out that prices are high enough to stand reductions without any very
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  • 85 3 j v- His many friends in China will regret to hear of the doulh of Mr JUR Grave, the well known engineer, 6aj6 the Peking correspondent of the P T Times. He was only 87 years of age. An engineer of exceptional ability, )ie was first connected with the representation
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 793 3 GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE PUBLIC WORK3 DEPARTMENT. Tenders are invited for the purchase and removal of the old Electric Generating Plant, Johore Bahru. The Plant may be eeen on application at the Office of the Public Works on any days, Fridays and Holidays t xcepted, between the hoars of 10 A.m.
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    • 139 3 -WHITEAWAY'SNEWEST STYLES BENT'S WEAR JUST RECEIVED BY POST. GEI'-T'S PYJAMAS in all weights. Large variety of colonred stripes. Prices $3.50 to $8.50 per suit. 1 > M '^W^** ft \m '^^^^^^^^^S Gent's all Wool Goat Swea- m ,S^~~- ters. Bt^le exact as illustatf, Terr, MM Ml Bobes Fast colonred block
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  • 44 4 Domestic Occurrences BIRTHS. Anderson.— On July )Bt, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, Sungei Dangar Estate, Johore, a daughter. Baker.— On July 4th, at Kuala Lumpur, the wife of 0. J. Baker, of a son. Japan papers phase copy.
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  • 1291 4 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, July 6, 1917. The loni: continued struggle between the French and the German forces north of FJheircs. stretching from La Fere almost to Verdun, certainly to the left bank of tha Mouse, has probably set many readers wondering how our Allies are progressing on this
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  • 803 4 Volunteer Tennis Rivalry. From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Juiy 5. At a Cricket Club "at home," there was a lawn tennis competition between pairs repret* nting A Company vs the Maxims and Veterans combined. la six events tbci^ were three wins each, A Company ginning the verdict by
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  • 148 4 CHINA'S NEW S REVOLT SOUTH TO FIGHT FOR REPUBLIC Coming Military Operations [By Submarine Cabl«] Ratter 'g R*rrio«j Sbanchai, Ju'y I Vrv prwUtaj f Kuo Chung, Whom mi In minaUd V i roj of Inipen CoamiMtaQet u ind'fc"-*'iti> denies that [fir cillftt auddeciu: 8 that hefit possible me ment to
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  • 198 4 TURBULENT AMSTER DAM Mob Get Out of Hard Amsterdam Ju!\ I.- g^l soldiers vrbo r. fused to C t pct^ rioters was niM ch lofl the cbeere of tbe croud. I irfcetm guarded by troops u- t tt4tfaat%| turbunces wer-< cot ml lf< q| g dockers struck Hi a pi
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  • 103 4 Serbian Alliance Not Forgotten Athens. July 4 Telegram? Lave bet: exchanged between M Pashitch acd 1 Venizeloe. The latter 6aye tLat the u reel nation ienowfree and considers tbat its firs' care is to execute faithfully fLe obligation of its alliance with Serbia London, July 4 Loid
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  • 26 4 London. July 4 Renter learns 'b fc Spain ib now quiet Thirt nr» no fu:CfStrikes and (joveiunui: 1 *.re mifti W c :li situation.
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  • 111 4 Limited Racing Progra r.n :c London, July 4. The War decided to allow linuud' v f of the nation al las port I breeding They :>ih suggi stewards of tfa rk< f > ftrriuice approKiini Ibrty d baCwNS th^ midi Jol; H of the fl«\t
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  • 56 4 There has just returned to the CoUM after an abtente of about eight em mOU Mr R W Cbater, of Messrs Kelly Walsh, Ltd. Mr Chater, the popular C S p of the S R B (v), was transferred to Sb»£ ghai, and later went Home oo leave Canada. He
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 165 4 JUST LANDED i A SHIPMENT OF AMSTEL Pilsener Beer Ouarts and Pints. w SOLE AGENTS: CALDBECK, MACGREGOR GO. Wine Spirit Merchants. Ladies 1 Fashionable Shoes. NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED. Dress Shoes. No. 1404. Finest English Chrome Patent Court Dress Shoe. Paste and Sliver Ornament Price $12.75. Jit S*^* INCORPORATED IN
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    • 67 4 G. H Lambert Co. PHOTO6RA?HIC ARTISTS Si Orchard Road, Telephone 10. 10SS. The Oldest and Leading Studio. First In 1873, Foremost in 1917. j Unequalled Facilities, Ample Resources, and j the Requisite Experience, are all at oat i Command, thns ensuring always the prodnc> tion of only the best results
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  • 353 5 GALICIA N BATTLE RUSSIA'S FINE OFFENSIVE DEVELOPING Over 18,000 Prisoners By ffobmariae Oablel R«nt#r'i Btrviotl London, July 4. London and Paris arc taJbtaiSSMd an4 Petrcgrad ablaze with en".iiU;ia -ui at tbe it.umption ol th-i Russiao uffeJßSJrt!. with it9 already briiliant 3 promise ol qrcater to follow. bad pta sllj daraOwlß
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  • 367 5 A Striking Analysis LMdn J iiy s—Ranter's5 Ranter's correspon* )onden: headquarters, examining the Get:::r.;. :uaa pjwer, concludes: At the >eginning of 1916 tha army reached it3 naximum effective strength. Compulsory nobilis&tioo or civilian labour last winter >o*-.-'.v beju^htche army numbers an the |»eg!c^.: 1917 campaign to the MM
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  • 27 5 London, July 4 -The Admiralty statef »*at a Brnißh destroyer of old type wai ■^aed and sunk in^he North Sea. Then ■*we 18 survivors.
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  • 299 5 BRITISH AIRMEN REPEL GERMANS Few Casualties: Little Damage {By Submarine Gable] £B««ter't Bwvioe] London, July 4. The Press Bureau sayi that enemy aeroplanes appeared over the Essex coast au seven in the morning. Antiaircraft gnus came into action Some bombs were dropped but details hava not yet.
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  • 43 5 London, July 4. The Admiralty reports that on the night of July 2 8 we carried out raids on Bruges docks and on Lichter velde ammunicion depots. Several tons of bombs were dropped with good results. The machines all returned.
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  • 310 5 French Resist Great Attacks London. July 4— A French corumuniqutsays: The German? yesterday evening attempted a strong offensive which was prolonged all night against the whole of oar position* north of Joay, as far the eastern edge of the California plateau. On this immense front they laooched
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  • 62 5 Ponta del Garda, July 4. A submarine bombarded the city. A girl was killed and other persons injured. The forts fired on the submarine. Lisbon, July 5. The Minister of Marine i announced in Parliament that a German i submarine bombarded Ponta del Garda at four o'clock fn
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  • 366 5 FRUITLESS ATTACKS ON U S TRANSPORTS Destroyers Outfight Germans (By Bnbmaria* Cable] [Renter's S*rrkeJ Washington, July 4—l. is officially announced that German submarines twice attacked in force the tranep. t ts containing the first expeditionary lores but were outfought by American dor 4 rovers anl at least one
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  • 217 5 Honour to a Gallant Ally Paris, July 4 Ad American battalion baa arrived to participate in Independence Day celebrations. General Petaio, in an Army Order to the French troops on tha occasion of July 4, greeted the American troops who are passing through Paris qn route for the
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  • 106 5 The Round Up Continuing London, July 4. East Africa Official The enemy evacuated a strongly held position south of tbe Ngaura river, retreat ing southwards nine miles. We advanced west and Bouth west of Lindi and engaged a strong enemy detachment. We com pelled a considerable German
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  • 47 5 London, July 4. Mesopotamia Official Turkish irregulars attacking a convoy dom Baqoba were driven off with Joes. A great improvement is reported in the comfort and health of the troops. No effort has been spared to render life bearable and possible during the hottest monthi.
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  • 294 5 NEUTRAL FOOD EXPORTS TO GERMANY Limitations to Allied Action [By Bubmarine Cable] [Renter's Service] London, July 4. In tha Hou.-p of Lords, Lord Mil tier, in an 'otece|tiLt; statement on the much d: cussed quet-tioD of t- 4 ip plies to neutrals, uaid that foe many months there
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  • 197 5 British and Italian Figures London, July 4. Tho Admiralty 6ays The arrivals during the week were 2,745 and sailings 2,846 (If teen over, five under 1,600 tonß, aud eleven fibbing vessels were sank; Sixteen were unsuccessfully ut tacked. Rome, July 4 Duriug the week ending July 1 the
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  • 97 5 ENEMY'S DUTCH COURAGE A Hindenburg Inspiration Amsterdam, July 4 It is annouuced from Berlin that Gecerals Hinderjburg and LudendorfT have arrived at Austrian headquarters, anol have bsen received in audience by the Emperor. Siaroltaneouoly, the Austrian and German papers publith n statement, inspired b~ Hindenburg, obviously denigned for Austrian consuiijptiou,
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  • 46 5 Amsterdnm. Tnly 4.— A significant appeal ie it sued by a number of leading German Conservatives ur^inß the Govern- 1 rnent t-pc« dily *o carry out electoral reforms in Pfutpia Jn accordance with the. Imperial I Easter mess >?», irc-uding eecreJ and equal fiaochibe.
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  • 23 5 Stockholm July 4. The Russian dele I gates to the international conference have arrived, and conferred with the German Socialist minority.
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  • 41 5 New^fork, July 4.— The casualties in East St Louie will probably never be known, as many were incinerated. So far 24 bodies of negroes and three of whites have been recovered. The situation appears to be in hand.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 783 6 "ELLERMAN" LINE. SLLERMAN ;f% BOCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. 't *___r____t V*~ Jp^CORPORATBD IN ENGLAND FOR LONDON. For particulars aa to rates of freight and passage apply to SfIcALISTER Co., Ltd., agents; $CQ*IMXLit)KE PAKETVAAUT HMTSSHA^-.* (Incorporated In Eclland, Roytl Packet Navigation Co,, ot Batavia. I—3, OOLbTEB QUAY, UMDBR OOHTKAOT WITH THE
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    • 600 6 ST. CJ« British India AND Apgab Li inf. 1(OompanleB Inoorporatefl Englanfl.J Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For; China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Idea, Egypt, Mediterranean. Ports and London. MAIL LINES. HOMBTf&BD (FOB EUROPE). I OUTWAHD (FOB OHMAj INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE
      600 words
    • 575 6 NV IC JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd (ißKtrporatefl In Jspaoi EUROPEAN LBNE. A service la maintained between Yofcobfcnu via ports to Marseilles, Lonfion, nnflev xztl oontraet with the Imperial Japanese Qovew ment. The New Twin screw Bteame>> maintaining this set vice have been special)* designed and oonstraoted, and are fttftt
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    • 271 6 MESSAGERIEB MARITIME. < Incorporated in Fbakci i MAIL UMB. Fortnightly service between i Q r r> China, Japan, Ceylon, Djibontj, rlv^" 4 Marseliies. i>?l 'h BRIMCH LINE, Fortnightly service between Bai£ jn- t Haiphong. 10^^ For farther infer rut.: 'on apply J. da COURTDiS RANGOON. One of the Company 's
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  • 443 7 Reference was made in two or three weeki ago (says a recent Adelaide observer) to the proposal by Mr H W Harrison (editor of The Australian Motorist and The Motor World) to construct or otherwise provide a great interstate roadway as a lasting monument to the memory
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  • 235 7 The announcement of the War Department that the first American troops to be sent to France will be nine regiments of engineers, aggregating nearly 12,000 men, ib welcome news to the British and French Missions and the public generally, which has insisted that an Army detachment
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  • 190 7 Apropos of Russian matter^ it is interesting to. note that the Orund Duke Nicholas has sent to Prince Lvoff, the Russian Premier, the following significant telegram I salute with enthusiasm the Government of Russia. I shall be happy to serve my native land in Russian Turkes
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  • 385 7 Besides these massed attacks there have been many bombing tallies from the Hindenburg trenches still in enemy pos* session. The enemy could send his grenade parties from the north and alao from tne west through a network of ditches that led into Bullecourt. On the eastern
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  • 290 7 Colonel Cl°>on Lane announces in the hjpan Medical Gazette tbat of 11,148 persons examined in the Darjeeling district 7,356 were infected with hookworm. The proportion of infected persons is so -high it is stated to be still greater in the plairs that it is a temptation
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  • 106 7 Tiie second series of official films of actual scenes from the western front authorised by the War Office were shown at the Globe Cinema Rangoon and these pictures are well worth going to see. The programme opens with glimpses of the British Navy in war
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 639 7 aqCP S Oftß Wml §y Appointment to Jf&wfc* \J^y V-/ 06 tJ «Si§l» H.M. THf KING T_ *¥aL'' MIDLOTHIAN "ROLLED OATS A clean, tempting food, giving stamina— unrivalled for Breakfast 4^ A GENTS FOR LEA A PERKINS* WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE k*VS »EST PREPARATION 0* 1::: :!;i;;;;:i!!;i!;i;;i!is;p^ j > The vronderfu! Life-giving
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  • 654 8 Dlfflcaltles of the Allied Armies. Salonika, May 1. It would be well for the public at home to realise under what difficult conditions the operations on this front are being carried on. One has sometimes felt that Salonika was rather the Cinderella of the British forces in
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  • 190 8 It is an open lecret that considerable disappointment has been felt at the com parative inaction of the Board of Trade with referenoe to the growing of cotton within the Empire. Early in February, it appears, a deputation from the British Cotton Growing Association waited upon the Board
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  • 71 8 At an Anzao Day sports meeting in France an Australian brigade had a Hin denburg race, confined to men who recent ly reached the Hindenburg line. The man etarted from a trench \n full kit. and had to struggle through a wire obstacle half way. By arrange
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  • 475 8 The report of the Oriental Telephone and Electric Company for 1916 states that the gross earnings for the year, including dividends and interest from enb sidiary companies, amounted to £138,990, to which should be added amounts received in respect of fees payable by subsidiary oompaniee, £4,344, and
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  • 272 8 Four Children Trampled to Death. A panic, which occurred at the Electric Picture Palace, High street. Deptford, re* salted in the death of four children and injury to 16 others. About 1.000 people, mostly children, were in the theatre, and shortly after 4 o'clock, when the performance
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  • 116 8 Sir Frederick Nicholslfi Scheme. Cftluxit, Juried, Sir Frederick Nicholson* J^bn Director, Madras Fisheries Department, 1 ianfrghis personal assistant, Mi V V Gtyrindan, ftre about. to inaugurate an inteftesting experiment by taking over couple of Malabar fishing Dtats to the Madras ooaat in order to d 3 monstcate
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  • 227 8 French Docoments Fabricated Calcutta, June 11th.— The Deputy Ma gistrate of Hooghly is engaged in hearing a remarkable case, in which one Raraanath Roy, a contractor of Dacca, is charged with forging official documents in his attempt 1 to get possession of French territory. The caee for the
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  • 91 8 A Berne telegram to the Agenzia Libera states (says a Central News Rome telegram) that since the beginning of the war Field Marshal Hindenbnrg has been ill four times. On the whole hie health is fairly good, but he has lost a lot of hie
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  • 447 8 Singapore, Jnly 2, 1917. Beans, Long per catty 08 do. French do 16 Beef per lb. 26 Beef Steak do S I Bean Sprouts per catty 03 Bamboo Sprouts do 04 Blachan do 1? Brinjals do OS Cabbage, Eat ay la do nil do. China do nil
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 233 8 I PROGRESS ■SB jj^ ImKANSPOKTATION has always been r' 1 closely linked with progress a step in advance of it, leading the way. lho looomo. live and the steamship made possible the tremendous strides civilization has taken in the past hundred years. With Hie dawn of thd new century came
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    • 373 8 NOTHING IS MORE EIKBARgj J THAN EXTREME THINMES^I It is the plump, we:: a ve; ow who Ctlia lilu UiC.CLc socially. Scrawny, 6kinny people are popular. We all admire fine figure*]^ dressmaker can hide a bonny, gkincjl You ought to test the ore p G J reliable treatment uhicL hae
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  • 131 9 July 5, 1917. The following are the shares M to which changes are notified in Messrs Eraser anJ Co's yesterday's share li^fc: Buyers Sellers Alor Oajah 4 f 5 4 25 Aytr Kuoiog 1.25 1 35 AyerMolek 2.35 2.50 Ayer Panas 10.75 I0.S3 Bukit K B 1.00
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  • 51 9 ('Jon ft MONO 9tm July 5.) I '.*n*. ■< -r» c 3 4§ d mturc; 2 4i T«t^ IBtitii 5 m 2 4 18-16 fr&cna dtmand Bank 818 [SOU] T. T. SQMtSBO, 3«nac 9|%Pre» T.Vi; flaprnj. I (84 6A5&5O5, ds aacd 65f E*ak o! ■■tiaal Belt 6% Btt Whm
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  • 139 9 July 5. Tin Z* no market OacikU* 14.60 Gbtnkiaf Cb*jc Nc. 1 26.26 Gfkmklm Co»« No. f M 26.00 Pappcx Black arJtn. S'psvt 26.r0 Pappsx, (Wfcita fair) 40.00 StU.C2<stfs i .10 ftfl Ik) M 42.00 t«lirnnn -P0 la th» EkJ iijKja (Hanila' 80.00 novm (A^r.oina) M nom. SftU
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 594 9 IWa« h Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP 1 :n\ mm EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, UMIUD. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). OF AD OFFICE: Wlocboffter Bon»e, Slngtswre. LONDC ?7FICE 22, Old J v/rj, f,c. T-r-pnj* has £30,000 ieaofdtefl wttb Iba
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    • 506 9 THE! YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. Incorporated in Japan I Capital Subscribed Y. 48,000.000 Capital Paid Up Y. 80,000,000 Reserve Fund Y. 91,300,000 Preiident, 5. Inouye Esq. Viee-President. Y. Yamakawa Esq. DIRECTORS. J. lucaye Esq. Y. Yamakawa Esq. N. Boma Esq. M Odagtri Esq. K. Bcnoda Bafi T. KawushltnaEsq. B. Klmara
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    • 456 9 Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd ttsir Eitrifics to Bonac Ilirf. Telephone 1261. Bea stocks of all kinds of Frc sen Maftts etc.. oan be deliver* < to shipping at ths Wharves* or U the Singapore Reads on shor aotice. OFFICE HOURS. 8 a.m. to 5 p.s f irtW 1 2
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    • 335 9 FOR SALE. One 1916 model Studebaker Motor Cav'complete with all accessories. In perfect condition. Owner leaving Colony. Apply Box No. 191 co Free Press. 5 7- 117 FOR SALE. Large Steel Roll Top Desk $ICO or nearest bargain at No. 66 Club Street. 5-7 187 A VERY GOOD INVESTMENT FOR
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 114 9 SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. ENTRANCES— TAN JOSG PAGAR. Wharves fiect Godowns Gate Entr Bon.k'd Warehouses, East Trafal Reclamation gar St Storage 2&1 (T Pag Ah P S Ea-t East 1 <ft 2 iO/23 Storage 3 1 (Whsrf-rd Sheers 3 19 1 do (Dry Docks) 3 Dock Store, Head C Tower Office,
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    • 473 9 MAIL TABLE To-day. lntet mediate and local malle, wu be toond to list below Pasang, Malacca, F.M.B (by Trala; f w Iftily (except Busday). Jonoie. 8. v.oO, 11 a.m., lS.iii-, S, 4 A 8 p.tu P. Batam ft P. Bnlans Hock Keng 8.80 am Cucob- Hock Oan 8.80 ku Kerimon
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  • 1109 10 REVERSE SIDE OF MESS-UP PICTURE India's War Effort [Bj BabmaruM Cable] [Renter's Barrio*] London, July 4.— The Times saysthatths well filled benches in the Honae of Lord?, no less than the crowded galleries, showed the depth of feeling aroused by the Mesopo tamia Report. Although Lord Hardinge's statement
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  • 127 10 Useful Agreements Concluded The Hague, July 4. Ic is reported that the Anglo-German war prisoners conference resulted in agreements which will be most beneficial to combatant and civi lian prisoners. The result of discussious which included the extension of the system of internment in neutral countries, punishments,
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  • 96 10 How Mr Law Made Money London, July 4. Mr Bonar Law, replying to complaints in the House of Commons, that the Government was ruining shipowners, said that it was abeo!utei> disgraceful that any claes in war time should be able to make such profits as he was about
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  • 49 10 London, July 3. The cotton trade is very satisfied with Government control. The general opinion is that as there is plenty of cotton abroad the Government should make a big effort to provide ships to fetch it so as to keep going 830 cotton mills, employing 300,000 hands.
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  • 41 10 London, July 8. Silver is steady and the market is featureless. New York, July 4. The exports of 1 silver to the Enst for the mocth of May were 4,334,000 ounces. Weekly returLS I are unavailable at San Francisco. I
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  • 29 10 j London, July 5. The House of Com j moDB rejected by 201 votes to 169 a proposal to adopt proportional rcpre6enta- tion in large constituencies.
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  • 162 10 The Alhanibra in its new programme offers a tine double attraction in Charity Anii (tbrtie reels) and The tfstter Wo man 1 (five reels), both of which furnish some brilliant acting. Horace Goldin is having a very successful stay at the Theatre Ro>al. Hie last two performances are
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  • 197 10 BY COURTEBY OP THE FRENCH COHSULATB Paris, July 8, 6. 10 p m. The French 8 per oent bonds are at francs 60. 20 and the 5 per cent at 88.35. Tha Germans deliveied a series of violent bat unsuccessful attacks on the road tt%ga Allies to
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  • 166 10 Rubber. Singapore, July 5. At the Auctions to day, some 698 tons were catalogued for sale. The demand on the whole may be considered good and prices realized were generally higher on tbe week but show a good deal of irregularity. Fine Pale Crepe and Fine Ribbed
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  • 144 10 The forthcoming race meeting to beheld a fortnight hence promises to be a very successful one. The sheets for the lottery J on the races, which were only opened last Monday, in some instances have already been filled and second lotteries have been opened on the respective
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  • 102 10 Hague cables to the Sumatra Poet state The steamers Riouw, Breroe, Banka and Kongean have been commandeered by the Dutch Government to bring rice from Burma. Not a single vessel of the Neder lands Company is able to proceed to Netherlands India. All have been chartered by
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  • 117 10 In the Cambridge Senior Examination in 1917 Penaug Gchools had 61 passes (of which fourteen were Honours); Singapore schools had 42 passes (of which one was Honours), All three Government scholar ehipa awarded iu that examination will i come to Penarg. Examination results ate j not
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  • 74 10 I! In April 188 4 khaki serge frocks and i trousers were issued to the 89th Foot at 1 Aldershot, and were taken into w,ear en June 1 that year. The iesue waa made J for trial purposes and report, hut the re- i ports were unfavourable, and nothing f
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  • 169 10 YESTERDAYS RESULTS. Championship, Hactnell beat Milligan 6—l, 6 2. B Singles. Paeh beat Bornemaa B—6,8 6, 6 4, 6 B. Pash beat Chapman 6 2, 6 2. Towillbeat Palgrave 3—6, 6—l, 6—B. Laybourne beat Elder w. o. Potts beat Wishart 6—2, 6—2. C Singles. Parr
    169 words
  • 123 10 WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS. Doubles Handicap. F A Peralta and E E Ryan owe 4 30*beat S D Gauder and E O Angus ecr. 6—4, 6—o. Mixed Doubles. T ie Silva and W D'Cruz beat J R Cock burn and DBoudewyn 6 2, 10—8. Championship. E W D'Cruz
    123 words
  • 65 10 A good sized crowd watched the eoccer league match on the SRC ground last evening between the Straits Chinese F A and the Brcokdale Rover*-. Play was keen and at times vigorous, with some good individual work too much of it, in fact, for selfishness spoilt numerous promising movemects.
    65 words
  • 44 10 Friday, July 6. 6.15 Drill Hall SV A Recruits. do SRE v. do Mnxim Co. T P Fire Station BVR.TPP, 5.00 Drill Hall SF A Coy. 6.15 do SVC Band. G G Wacb, Captain, Actg Adjutant, S. V. C.
    44 words
  • 44 10 Sunday, July 8. Launches will leave Johnston's Pier at 9, 10 aad 11 a.m. 2.30 and 8.80 p.m and leave the Bun^alowttt 9.80 and 10,30 a.m. 12.15, 8 and 5 30 p.m. High tide 1.50 p.m. Heigfit 9 It 2 ins.
    44 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 358 10 Veno's Is the Incomparable Remedy, Unfailing rrliaMlity has m:u]c V« no- T.' 1 t- 5 I v tin- Bnpremc remedy of modern titnea 1' i all cb throat trouhirs in <'!d or sroaag. rh« tort of ti this iriT.'it remedy; la Ml par's of die world it i efficacy, and
      358 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 158 10 TO DAYS TIES. Championship. Howe v Edwards. Sennett v Parr. Moss v Wright J. C. or Mcrrison. Hacker v Croseley. Williams v Gibson, to finish. Williams or Gibson v Wright T. A. Newcomers' Handicap. McCulloch v Chiisteneen. Jamieson v Hurst or Rankin. B Doubles. Barrett and Chaney v Zehnder and
      158 words