The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 July 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 164 1 Charles II does not seem to have appreciated bid wife's dowry any more than he appreciated his wife, for it is on record that he granted Bombay to the East India Company at a rent of #10 per annum. If he could see it now, with
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  • 98 1 The British have made a marked ad vance south of Lens, entering Avion, a suburb of the town and taking important positions on the Souchez River —Page 5. Severe fighting has taken place on the southern line, the French claiming bloody repulses at Cerny and the Germans
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 741 2 A stoat young Chinese of about tbe age of 21 was charged before W Langbam Carter in the District Conrt on Saturday with the theft of a bicycle belonging to a boy named Yusoff. Th"j complainant stated! he went to Beach vd and placed his: machine in tbe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 43 2 AUCTION SALE It Messrs Ching Keng Lee ft Co's Sale-room On Wednesday, 4th July at 10-30 a m One Triumph Motor Cycle 8) H. P, Free Engine, Bosch Magneto, in good running order. CflllG KENG LIB ft Co., Auctioneers Estate Agents. SO-6 7
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    • 446 2 i Victoria Theatre LAST TWO PERFORMANCES I OF THE NEW BANDMAN OPERA GO. TO-NIGHT 4 Last and Farewell Performance of the Bandman Opera Co; GRAND PATRIOTIC VARIETY PROGRAMME. In aid of the Blinded Soldiers' and Sai'ois' Fund. Booking it Moutrie's Prices as usual United Engineers, Ltd. Clients ara re3paotfuily requested
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    • 1094 2 SOME SPLENDID EATUBES. A Prograaime of a Hi^h Dcgm>f Eicellenc; AT THE ALHAMBRA The Fioncer and Premier Hcuse. The Hoi of Qualily Beach. Fuc PATHS PRESEV A FriUiant Pbo'oM MAOELKI^E I IN 3 ACT'I i very fine film play enacted amid tne n:f? f »p": ounilßg jffecte, teeuing with intense
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 939 3 To Night To Night 1 EAT THE POPUL6B PHOTOPLAY HOUSE ■■■HM mpirE Tacjong Pagar Koad. Trams Pass the Door. IHWBWfIHHi SECOND SHOW 9-30 SHARP Bluebird Photoplay Present THE GRE^T DRAMATIC INNOVATION tc s r OVE'S LABIAT i rea.; rbable aaventtues o 1 a Young Rancher In New York Society i
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    • 697 3 THE ULU PANDAN (SIN3APOKE) RUBBER ESTATES, LIWITED. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that at the Annual General Meeting to be held lon Saturday, the <th July > 17, the Directors Will recomn, end that a Dividend of 7% free otWr Tax, on account of the year
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    • 135 3 NEWEST STYLES IN GENTS WEAR. /^l^Jl^ 3 r -...7"."-^fe|f|§|§^\ 8 GENI'S WHITE HELMETS, good V fj protective shape. Exceptional Value. /&**Ok I PRICE $10.50 EACH /^g>/^ CENTS STRP23 ZEPHYR TUNIC Sof i SHIRTS. Prk* $2 50 each. GENT'S TERRY TOWELLIIG BITH GOWiS, with wj*?* coloured stripes. Price (8 50 ea^,or
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  • 21 4 BIRTH. Cumming At Ja'an Acob Estate, Kapar, on the 2-th iCßtant, to Mr. and Mrs. F.'Btuart Cumming, a daughter.
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  • 1311 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday, July 2, 1917. Sir Douglas IJaig'k week-end comforter is the advance made by the southern crab's claw that is surely closing on Lens. By the capture of Vimy Ridge by the Canadians, now over six weeks ago, our army secured the do mination of the
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  • 985 4 London, Jane 80. Wireless Italian official Our advanced posts withdrew yesterday night from i-he Agnella pass on the Asiago plateau, owing to a prolonged violent bombardment. We occupy the eastern end of the paaa. An enemy at- tack on Piccolo Colbricon failed. London, 30. Field Marshal Haig
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  • 149 4 I The following list cf subscripts the Officers' Families Fttod is insetS Mrs Ridout, the Honorary Secretarbegs to thank the donors f Jr their k5 ness. Mrs Ridout will be glad to n j General Officer's House, Tangly 'either by monthly 6ub*criptio! tiore. Jv&l The DfCf» iff
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  • 139 4 h totting spent to I the Catneoe who have beta "The Fo«tter< m the |bow con*; its v.ii efined hui there will c:i program:;;, Mad m ad,: vatfet) pc |tu tbi C hmm i sect the Col] fo| irietq On Tna: and Th« Tiget God. tfa< Federated Ualftf
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  • 177 4 The match between the two Ciubs cr. tbe SCC ground on Saturday VM ar: interesting draw. Tbe home team i 132 for 8, wljile the SRC were 64 fora for five wickets. Scores. S. C. C. Dr Campb'ell b James l e A C Smith b Coelho I
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  • 129 4 Bat a via, June 20. EtOßMfc. The Rubber market is v.eufc wi h a downward tendency in prices. K:ret Latex Crope ptr Lalf kilo 1 1 Ribbed Smoked Sheet Ul Outputs (7 6 9 o Firsts) 1 Robustv There is nothing to Mf oa the CctU
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 65 4 G. R. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIBTB j 8 1 Orchard Bold, Telephone 10. 1038. Tin Oldest nd Leading Studio. First in 1879, Foremost In 1917. Unequalled Faculties, Ample Resources, and the Requisite Experience, are all at out Command, thus ensuring always the production of only the best results In Studio
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  • 354 5 THE SOUTHERN HOLLOW British at Avion London, June 30.— Field Marshal Haig We captured 247 prisoners and twelve machine guns in yestiernday nights' opera j tiocs in the neighbourhood of Oppy and south of Souchez River. We raided northeast of Croissilles and in the neighbourt |of Artu-nrieres. We
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  • 445 5 Attacks Centre and East trfmilon. J :ne '29. A French communigM say; [he UMB] was most active at night c i the Aisne front, following up a violec: biiubarJaieat by very lively at" tacks :ae region ol Cerny, southeast of Corbet northeast of Rheims. All attempt* were
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  • 528 5 SPAIN AND SUBMARINES* IBj Bubmarin* Cable] Uhwter'i Barrioe] Madrid, Jane 80. It was announced at a cabinet meeting that a German sub marine recently look refuge in Cadiz and departed after the Govt. had obtained Berlin's promise that the submarine should return direct to Germany without attacking
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  • 139 5 Petrograd, June 29. A private meeting of the Duma declined to comply with the Soldels demand for its dissolution. Petrograd, June 29. Helaingfors Soldel has passed a resolution by 17 votes to 18 endorsing Cconstadt's action. It records the necessary for extending support, and animadverts
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  • 133 5 LondoD, June 30. The Reichstag will shortly be aeked for a new credit budget of fifteen thousand million marks. j Amsterdam, June 80. The Austrian Emperor giving a 6peoial audience to the party leaders of the Lower House of the Reicbsrath, reiterated that he is striviag actively
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  • 339 5 THE NEUTRALS, GREECE THE NORWEGIAN OUTRAGES [By Submarine Cabl«J {JUutor's Barrioe] Chrietiania, June 29. The Foreign Minister's statement in the Storthing con filmed the worst stories of importations of explosives. He stated that shells and other explosives were found in the lu^age of Baron Rantenfels, who was a German Imperial
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  • 287 5 Paris, Jane 29. Le Temps correspon dent a& Athens telegraphs that the govern ment has broken off relation! with the Anti Entente powers. Athene, June 80. The Greek Ministers at Berlin, Vienna, Constantinople and Soda have been recalled and a state of war virtually exists. It is
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  • 78 5 Theodore and Co, played by the Band man Opera Co on Saturday night at the Victoria Theatre, proved to be oue of their most successful performances. The piece abounds with real fun, and the most was made of this. To night the season closes with a variety
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  • 67 5 The following donations have baen received by Mr A W Vick at the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Already acknowledged 11,584.50 Direct to the Bank Mrs C Dalmegs (Seremban) 5 Capt G D Wilson (Lady Weld) 10 •1,599.50 1100 more will folly cover
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  • 800 5 THE COTTON QUESTION IBj Babmario* Oabto] [Renter's Service] London, June 29. The Board of Trade L&b prohibited dealings in raw cotton j except by licence. The conditions under which licences will be granted may include conditions regarding the maximum price, bnt tbe maximum p*ice will rot apply to
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  • 25 5 A Gazette Extraordinary dated Jane 30 extends for another six inontbi the proclamation under the Arms aod Explosives Ordinance, regulating the exportation' of many articles.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 201 5 ROBINSON ®> CO. NEW SHIPMENT OF "GEORGE COTTON" TOBACCO STOCKED IN 3 STRENGTHS MILD MEDIUM FU T $1.35 $135 $1.35 Per J lb. Tin. Rich Dark Virginia tobacco. $1.15 Per i lb. Tin. George Cotton Uirginia Cigarettes. $1 .55 per Tin of 50. ROBINSON CO. SOLE SCENTS Mr. H. N.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 733 6 "ELtERMAN** LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. INCORPORATED IN BNGLAND FOR LONDON. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Go., Ltd., AGENTS; KOHiKKLUKE PAKETVAART MAA7SO^A (Incorporated In Holland, fioy^l Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 3—3, COLLTBB QIUY. •JSDKK COSTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS iHDiA GOVlSlia!ittl
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    • 534 6 n^ Yo K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., Ltd. (Inootforated In Japan). EUROPEAN LINE. A ser vice Is maintained between Yokonaiu via ports to Marseilles, London, under mat oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Qoven ment. The New Twin* Borew Steamer rjnJnttining this service have been Bfeeiall| iloblgrpa und constructed, and are
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    • 301 6 M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIME* Incorporated in Franoe l MAIL LIMI. Fortnightly service between In<3o-Obt»t China, Japan, Ceylon, Djibouti, Egypt t>>« Marseilles. BRANCH LINE. Fortnightly service between Saigon Too r Haiphong. For farther Information apply to J. do COURTOIS, INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION Co, Ltr (Incorporated in England. DIBECT FERVICE TO Japan
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    • 286 6 SUPPLIES FOR Estates Mines Etc! Acetic Acid. &9 per cent pure. I 4nt Fumigators ("Four Oaks') .M Sulphur Powder. 4rsenite of Soda for killing out a i a j \spinalls Best Copal Varnish. I Cartridges. Nobel's owu loading with .j J(r ß ing Ballistite vhicli holds more jii&ol shooting records
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  • 55 7 tCoßßiosiD or tu June 80.? 3nat 4-i 'r 14 1 ImmhkJ J 24j crodite m g M 2 4 18-16 Fiance dsmand Bank 818 r BW4, T. 3R l«a«P« Bi%Prea ?OKOflA*Un 100 Java, dtma;.! .184 L/12.QKOK, dtmaad 65 1 3CVIBBI9FF. riaafc Ki>i*.f »8.64 Bsas of Bn 1 1 md
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  • 143 7 Jane 30. Tin (75 tons) m 1106.00 lacsfcius 15.00 BmaMm Ovfci Urn. 1 26.26 t«'.t^ s* O«V« «f t 25.00 revptf Black ordir:. B'pM 29.00 PeiTP«, (Wuite IV»; t.. 40.00 Iviuiigi '.no is 2* *ii.:io T&icLeeri "80 to Hm ii 62.00 Vwj«- ?anda) 90. 0r, li3Vfi (Ambotr.ii) DOm, C;:«
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  • 107 7 ENTRANCES— IAN JONG PAGAK Wharves tec Gcdowcp Gate Entr Bonded Ware houses. East Trafal Koclar^Ktion gar St. Bwrag 2& 1 (T Pagab P 6 Ea^t East 1&2 9C/22 Storage- B MWbarl-rd Sheers 3 ly 1 do (Dry Docks) I Dock Store, Ilea-i C Tower Ofiice, Police and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1787 7 I ;n or PeAojk Famswf or Plenty. Liff Insurance is wobth 100 cents on the dollab. I WHAT OTHtR PROPERTY IBP I mW EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LUTED. (INGOBPOHATCD IN STRAITS SXTTLB2H&XT2;. m-JL?) OFFlfl: f?Bft«ss!3-'t9P Honse, Singapore. LONDC^ G?FICE! SI, Old Jt*jtt, IR.C. i Oorc:?!*? ?n»9 P7''.OOT iepoalie^ wr^h »v
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    • 304 7 JONGKEENA Owing to the poor not being able to pay the prices at which Jongkeena is being sold at present I have resolved to r&duce the prices as from the Ist July as follows: Present seiling Prices. Reduced Prices 2 oz. bottles 60 cts. 40 cts. 3 85 60 4,;
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 334 7 MAIL, TABLIi To day. mticicredi&te -jl-J local mails, wilt be found o itst below Ffloang, Malacca F M.S. <bf Tratrj I l&l!y (except Sunday). Johoie. 8. S.BO. 11 a.m., 11.80, 1, 4 A 8 a^ P. Batam &P. Bnlaog Hock Ee &Sb am Cncob Hock Gan 8.80 am Medan
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  • 1931 8 A HEARTENING SPEECH What we have done (By Submarine Gable] Reoter'i Service] London, June 29. Mr Lloyil George, who was given the freedom of Glasgow in St Andrews Hall, was enthusiastically ovated especially by women munitioners. Responding the Premier sail the Ship of State was in a
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  • 73 8 The University of Hongkong has jnst completed tivo years of existence. It haß now live rebidential hostels. Of these, the one most favoured by Straits Students is Sfc John Hall of the Church Missionary Society. Thisiiostel was the first one to be opened in 1912 and it has
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  • 75 8 Result of Yesterday's Races. 75 Yards Novices Ten members entered, the limit man receiving rive seconds from scratch. Daviea won easily, Cherry beiug second, and AJcCall third. 50 Yards Team Race. Four teams entered, each of four men, and after a close race the team composed of Schwarz,
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  • 102 8 rb9ultB op friday's plays. Championship, W A Aeria beat T Leijabius 6 2, 6—2. A SINULEH. E E de Souzfi owe 40 beat E E Aviet owe i 15 6—2, 7— 5. B Singles. E O Angus owo 15 beat W D'Cruz owe fc 6-1,6-2. I
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  • 1 8
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  • 356 8 TO THE EDITOR, Sir,- From receut Home paper3 it ap^ peara that the Dean of Canterbury and! other learned and diligent men have con aidered the case of Charles Stuart. Olher wise Charlea the First, 1625 1649, surely the lowest and meanest thing that ever disgraced
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  • 546 8 The following is the directors' report to •hareholdera for presentation at the meet ing of July 7. Gentlemen, Your Directors submit herewith a duly audited statement of the aooonnts of the Company for the year ended 30th April, 1617. Accounts.— The net profit for the year
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  • 120 8 Wf MONDAY'S TIES. Hunt^Tjler. WodebiPM v Sinclair, postponed. A. SINCLKS. Todd v Vlsbart. Ho rid v j|: c on. Turner v«Thorneon, postponed. I Newcomers'. Savaga vfcmith. Sec v Sewbold w o. Wobb v .Yarsball. Lecot v Gordon. Evans v Hughes. A. Doubles. Denn and Oldfield v Tineley and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 42 8 IS. V. C. DRILL PROGRAMME. TO DAY. 6.15 pm. Drill Hall S R E v. n n do Maxim Co. I ii M do Veterans Co. I ,i do SVC Band, i G G Wace, Captain, Actg Adjutant, S. V. C. j
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