The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 May 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN* CENTS SINGAPORE FRIDAY, MAY, 4 1917. NO. 89,749
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  • 254 1 Latest rubber and tin returns on page 10. Latest changes m the 6hare list on page 9. Report of the Straits Settlements Assn Page 10. Results of yesterday's rubber auctions Page 10. There are hints of eeriouß political tronble m Germany Page 6. Late wire news dealing
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  • 1090 1 iThe passing of the latest of the Roma noffe ha 6 about it all tbe elements of conventional drama surprise, the clash ol 1 personalities, the swift logical climax, and the promise of eventual happiness. An<F J drama has been the normal environment jof the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 222 1 GOODRICH TYRES SAFETY TREAD I RAFFLES DAY mmamamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmaaaamSLmma In aid of our Blinded Sailors and Soldiers. A GARDEN FETE WILL BE HELD AT RAFFLES HOTEL COMPOUND SATURDAY. MAY 5 Commencing at 4 p.m. THERE WILL BE Merry-Go Bound Fortune Telling Branpies Aunt Sally Fishing Ponds Hoop-La Jumble Sale Switchback Wheel
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    • 101 1 TH E only tyre which has won the R.A.C. certificate of 5,000 miles without cuts'or punctures. "Stelastic" Super-Cyres Stelastic Tyres are All British ram /Jw Made m Britain from Plantation Rubber. *«i /j*^^ mmmm^ SOLE AGENTS: International Trading Company. Borden's Condensed Milk Sales Co., OF NEW YORK. > m <
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    • 103 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. European accountant wanted Page 9. Stamp collection and album for Bale Page 6. Notice by United Engineers re their delivery orders Page 4. Notice re meeting of Straits Settlements Association Page 3. Fresh films at the Harima Hall, Alham bra and Gaiety Page 2. Auction sale of valuable
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    • 3 1 Hartell's Brandy see
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 93 1 THE WEEK. Friday 4th. High Water— B 39 857p m. Homeward mail closes (by train), 4 p.m. Saturday sth. Illgb Water- 9-23 a.m.. 9 If p.m. Race Entries close noon. Raffles Garden Fete. S.R.E. (V.) concert, Drill Hall. Snndai 6ih. High Water— lo 4 a.m., 9£6 pm. 4th Sunday
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  • 396 2 Tbe Fight at Girba. The armoured cars led the wry towards Oirba, and the whole cf them got into action within 300 yards cf the enemy's position by 10 o'clock, with the exception cf two which were bogged m the trencher ous su:: I. The other;
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  • 195 2 In his review of tbe situation when epeaking on the Army Estimates on Mar. 1, Mr Forster described how glycerine was now being extracted from the waste fat found m camp refuse. Figures showing the extent of this industry are now avail able. During tbe month of
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  • 64 2 The Svens&a Dagblad of Stockholm,' 6tates Lb.: the Russian Government has! taken mnu he large waterfall on tho Up j per Wtioksen R .ver m Finland, together' with a geueratiug station dtbigued to de ▼clop 800,000 boree power, which will be ready next year. The works
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 686 2 The Gay, Happy, Successful World Turns Its Back On The Thin Folks The thin Johnnie above needs Sargol which would help him to draw every atom of strength, blood snd nourishment from the food he eats. Sargol, to our mind, is the most wonder c ful Flesh-Producing and Weight-Increasing treatment
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    • 1244 2 TO-NIGHT QUALITY COUNTS To to Universal Films Predominate m To night's Programme AT THE ALHAMBRa THE PIONEER AND PREMIER HOUSE OF QUALITY. Acp 1 athe Present? A Delightful Ftory Kep'et; with A WIFE'S FORGIVEMESs IN 3 AC T S Portraying li s passion, lov?, gretd, hatred fiom the brea h
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1172 3 ESTATE OF SYED HASSAN bin ALWEE bin SHAHAB, Deceased IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD LEASEHOLD TOWN PROPERTIES (forming part of tne above Estate) TO BE HELD AT THE SALEROOM OP POWELL CO., LTD. 0/ TUESDAY, Bth MAY 1917, AT 2.30 P.M. Description Area Description of Title Monthly Lot So.
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    • 364 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. ■AT RICE MEETING. 1917. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Hay 15, 17, 19. Tickets ot admission to the Grand Stand can now be had at Messrs. John Little Co. Dally Tickets 4 Season $10 Note:— Visitors' Tickets may be had upon payment of the charge made for Daily
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    • 286 3 (SINGAPORE BRANCH TRAITS" SETTLEMENTS ASSOCIATION. The anneal general meeting will be held oa Saturday May lK> 12.30 p.m. m the Exchange Kooms, Singu^o:e. bUSIh^SS. 1. To consider the Oci^mittae's Rtport and the Hon. T»easurer's accounts. J. To Elect Officers for the ensuing year. 3 General. G. R. K. MUGLISTON. Hon.
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    • 981 3 REGISTRATION OF ALIENS. ORDINANCE 2 OF 1917. The attention of all keepers of hotels, ints boarding houses and lodging houses is drawi to the provisions of iha registration of Aliens Ordinance, 1917. Inder tbe provi ions cf this Ordinance tbe keeper of every hotel, inn, boarding house and lodging house
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    • 903 3 REMOVAL NOTICE The Holland Trading Co. fHsmh Is vereeniging Holland has lejroved from 8-b I Malacca Street to No. 4 Cecil Htrei t. GodownsI also at 4 Cecil Street. 1-5 M i STAMPS i Collector desires exchange Write to P. H. Cobb, 6 Queens building*. Hongaong. 80-4 NOTICE On and
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 18 4 Newman.— At Kuala Luiiirur, on the Ist May, to Mr. and Mis. James Nlv, man^ a son.
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    • 16 4 WmmfJiFfMEjD. Suddenly, Rt his office on May 3. Frederick John Ben ia meld, aged 55.
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  • 866 4 The Singapore Free Press Friday. May, 4. 1917. May Day has come and gone, and the great festival of the Socialists has had very little effect where they might be most expected, m Germany. At least so far as the war is concerned, for the recorded events arc not favourable
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  • 348 4 Persistent reports are coming m of a coup d'etat against the dynasty m Greece. (Hague wire.) A man who was charged at Kingston (Surrey) with being an absentee said be could neither read nor write and when be was arrested he did not know there was a war m progress.
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  • 870 4 [By Bubmarin* Cable] [Renter's Serrioe] London, May 3. The Colonial Secre- tary has issued a statement respecting the work of the Imperial War Conference now approaching the end of its labours together with some of tbe resolutions. He 6tates that some matters are of a mo>i confidential character
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  • 254 4 DEATH OF Mr. F.J BEJA FIELD. The death occurred w Uu ness yesterday morning 0 f viV l0 «*J fl«U.cfthernited Maiax^^S Ltd.. vi,. .p-^^s assistant. Mr J eb u«-ual about n:n. o'clock the paper for a while j u walled Bcrc J J J wbce there tM a*|y v ;a;
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  • 103 4 The Hon Treasurer. Mr A W Cbarttered Bank of India c Australia ai China, .Singapore, begs to sckoaaaj with many thanks receipt of tbefaaaj further contributions Already acknowledged aj J Received through A W Sail Ho Hocg Steamship Co, ffOO F George Penny lOC L E P
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  • 129 4 WA R LOAN PREMIUME TICKETS. Attention has already been called tea Anglo Chinese Syndicate of tbe which takes up War Loac- Mlwtaam sums of HO, and drawt every su aaw for premiums 63 m number, raajfajal 1,000 to $10 for even serie ticket* sold Tbe point cf this fi tte*
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  • 22 4 franc We Dity wb iatag ol m Mm poits m Am sf laoaojy i b* r aaai ter of
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  • 5 4 A I rt***\ of firms.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 195 4 i rr ti c V-tL-^ Hif /fIN M E (fejg^^t^ i A BL B s SCOTCH WHISKY J? ,/Z.s prepared for <$xporL \J EXTRA SPECIAU GOLD LABEL- Q SPECIAL VERY OLD. WHITE LABEL. jj Proprietors t% Bulloch, Lade C 0. Ltd.. Distills** M G1.000.v. i».»t. and C«x.ul«osn. i OmtZS: GLASGOW
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    • 120 4 G. R. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS Sa Orchard Read, Telephone Ro. 1035 Tbe Oldest aod Leading Studio. First In 1872, Foremost m 1917. Unequalled Facilities, Ample Resources, aod 1 the Requisite Experience, are all at ou Command, thus ensuring always the produc tion of only the best results m Studio
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  • 97 5 TH£ PROBLEM BEFORE US Ssa Position Explained fßt Bubmeime Cable I Rater's Service] .;av 2.— The first formal British Mission with n aaViali discussed the food and iUHLnff p-obiein. 1 that at the present -.ruction and the pre rir American construe •atlOl.l pa would be insufficient to
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  • 205 5 In the House of Com Cj.i2?tioa Sir Edward there waa ground submarines got out ;tral waters. The JereJ. Sir Edward Qgamm to consider the sugges information at the chei aiaa, aajasiiag aVi a aafi cf British allied D o aad the estimated ammmj submarine losses. He
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  • 150 5 Loadoc May I —In the House of Com aaaCapt I .enounced the War -sidering compulsory ration improved local authorities will be established the aacaatarj aaaiasry. Loadoc, May I—Tne1 Tne Press Bureau •aai that Lord I>>vonport restricts the barley and oats to seed or taaan or animal
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  • 17 5 .lian mission is •'.te, headed by :he Duke of Genoa, Marquis Borsarelli, Marconi and
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  • 26 5 1 —Mr WiHon has I t-usorship of all cables besides telegraph M xico. The object i of the transmission of wl I tueroy.
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  • 23 5 Keuter understands w ha? invited General A V r iHan front. aaaa made whereby 4^ l*« the freedom of ia London.
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  • 434 5 HUGE LOANS TO ALLIES No New Taxes [By Submarine Gable] [Beater's Service] London, May 2. Mr Bonar Law stated that the estimate of advances to Allies and Dominions had been exceeded by a hundred millions, but he was glad to say that the Dominions had both the will
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  • 358 5 Regrettable Incidents m Russia Petrograd, May 1. The Executive Council of the Workmen* and Soldiers delegates have placarded a proclamation Several regrettable incidents occurred yesterday. An unknown youth killed General Kashtalinski. Shots were fired at political demonstrations m the Yas siliostroy quarter. A number of indivi duals claiming
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  • 470 5 ARTILLERY ATTACKS IN THE WEST Turks Again Beaten [By Submarine Cab!«] [Renter's Service] London, May '2. Fie*d Marshal Haig We drive off a raid north of Arleux en Gobelle. There was recipn c A artillery! fighting, active north of the Scape ar.d m the neighbourhood of Ypres.
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  • 91 5 London, May 2. The Times says that if Sir E Carson leaves the Admiralty, which is likely enough, it will be m con sequence of attacks m connection with controversies not concerning sailors. There has been no difference of opinion between Sir E Carson and his
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  • 45 5 Amsterdam, Miy 2.-- A telegram from Berlin says that the Turkish grand vizier, Taalnt Pasba, was everywhere feted m Germany and Austria. He visited tbe fetaiser and was the guest of Hindenburg nt headquarters He was banquetted by the Austrian Enipetor.
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  • 49 5 Washington, May 2. The Government! is prepared to send a small expedition to France as soou as the Allies consider that ships can be spared from the transportation cf foodstuffs. Mr William McAdoo announces that the first loan to France and Italy will be JC20.000.00C each.
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  • 47 5 London May 2. At Newmarket the result of the Two Thousand Guineas was as foilows: Gay Crusader 1, (9 to 4) j l Magpie 2, <6 to 1); Atbdara 3, (25 to 1) Fourteen ran. Won by a head with thiee lengths between second and third. _^>
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  • 29 5 London May 2.— The engagement is announced, with the King's entire approval, of Pritce Alexander of Battenburg and Lady Irene, daughter of the Earl of Loudeoborougn.
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  • 124 5 GERMAN POLITICS A Storm Brewing IBy Submarine Gable] [Renter's Bervioe] i Amsterdam, May 2. German papers chronicle rumours of a crisis m high: Goverumi-nt quarters. Amsterdam, May I Vorwocrts m its May Djv urt:cle rr minds the governing classes of Germany that with the over! throw cf Tsarism
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  • 36 5 London, May 2 ln the House of Com mons Mr Bonar Law suid he had seen conflicting reports of the situation m Greece but any public discussion would be contrary to national interests.
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  • 279 5 In the Supreme Court, yesterday, the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill k o) dealt with the claim of a workman named Teh Ah Kok, 6uing m forma pauperis, for damages Rgainst hia employers. Chop Tiong Sau, of 154 Cross st, m respect of an arm injured ond
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  • 120 5 Before the Chief Justice (Sir John BacknAl, k c), sitting m the Supreme Court as district judge yesterday, the case was mentioned m which Alex Williamson, Ltd, sued C M van Cuylenberg for $450.05, for goods sold and delivered and work done. The matters at issue were
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  • 235 5 Dc Norton, tbe American Government expert, asserts that Germany's hold on tbe dye market has vanished. The domestic output to day m the United States equals the couutry's consumption. Lord Weardalfl stated at tbe meeting of the lloyul Litetary Fund that grants had increased owing to the position m which
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 174 5 ROBINSON <Sb Co. NOW SHOWING c«4aaaa! N at. ff new Millinery IMP' Models I 1 P 2 V RACE AND AFTERNOON WEAR. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaai aaaaai EVENING AFTERNOON GOWNS Etc. THE SINGAPORE STRAITS HOUSEKEEPER'S DAY BOOK. Namov of A-tic't s n E* |tl«a with paaaatta I quivaient m Ma!ay Contains— Bazaar Aaoount
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 793 6 "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUGKNALL STEAMSHIP'CO., LTD. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND, FOR LONDON. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS! KOMNKLMKE PAKETVaaRT iaaTaaWftj (Incorporated In Holland, Roy*l Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 3—3, Colltkk Quay. C9DBR OOMTRAOT WITH THE NETHERLANDS IKDIA COVEKBMKH Van
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    • 550 6 It IJ# British India AND Apcar Lime (Companies Incorporated la England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsulas and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) Fori China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. HAIL LINES. Homeward (for Europe). j Outward (fob Oaraai INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE
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    • 658 6 N. Y. K. JAPAN MAII STEAMSHIP CO., Ltd I (Incorporated In Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A service Ib maintained between Yofcobaai j via ports to Marseilles, London, ander mat contract wltb tbe Imperial Japanese Goven ment. Tbe Mew Twin aorew Steamert maintaining thle service have been Rpec.eJJf designed and constructed, and
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    • 207 6 M. m tfESSAGERIEB MAPmi Incorporated n Y*!?*h *A«L LINI, Fortnightly service be^«^ Japan, Ceylot Marseilles. W •RASCH Lim. Fortnightl y service bet we<» c-i Saiphong. weeB 6%t.^ For further information s Piay fc COURTOii Gaggino&c, (KaTABLMRFE 18^, 6. 7, 8, MALACCA Sfc* VICHY SPRING] Property of the French S The
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  • 973 7 Jeers for British Workmen and Soldiers Information which has reached us i (Morning Post) from various sources indicates that tho lot of the German prisoners of war m this country is a singlarly fortu- J nate one, especially when contrasted with the treatment of British prisoners m
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  • 308 7 Ah, not unfortunate, to find thy rest Somewhere upon the trackless Ocean's breast, For ever undisturbed by praise or blame, Though ghouls exhume the casket of thy fame. Though politicians thy dead laurels take And of the withered leaves an apron make 1 In life to work, clear-eyed
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  • 203 7 Mr William Duncan probably knows as much as anybody m the country about the Europaan man power question m so far as it affects local agriculture. He is also a member of tbe Penang Advisory Com mittee and when he declares that it is impossible to judge
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  • 140 7 An American Society. America possesses a society of seaweed enthusiasts who bold periodical dinners at which nothing bub seaweed is served. One of its members recently published an article m the Technical World Magazine iv which he stated tbat on tbe sea beaches of the United States sufficient
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 725 7 I i^JIII^ 1 15 vARIETIEs/lk km^K W% POTTED 1 I i rw t I ajx DELICIOUS AND APPETISING. JaLaaW MEATS. I GAME, HAM f CHICKEN AND TQNGI'E, ETC, ETC SL«Baa»8BBBB^ aalalßalaal ßOßHaaJ Prepared by a celebrated Chef under ideal _JmWT^ conditions of cleanliness and selection. IN GLASS, TINS AND WHITE
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  • 683 8 The Lack of Clothing. Budapest, Feb 27. Probably tbe industrial famine m the Monarchy is even, more stringent than the food ecarcity, fcr even absolute neces caries of life m the wny of manufactured articles, and more especially clothing, cannot be procuied by ordinary people. Let us
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  • 284 8 A private m the Middlesex Regiment with an unusually vivid imagination and no regard for the truth writes home to his mother the following wonderful account of the tanks They can do up the prisoners m bundles like etrawbinders, and, m addition, have an adaptation of a
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  • 1739 8 To Deo. 51 Mar. To Gate 1918 Abaco 37,452 iAilagar.Dec 300,400 23/00 88,300 A.Gajaii, Sep 189,600 9,882 35,540 I Alor Pongsu 288J81 44,040 Alma, 870,700 22,000 68,400 jAnipat.Sep 155,580 16.C00 £0,984 An- Johore, Mar 251,256 26,210 78,409 !An Malay, Dec 1,782,986 125,085 897,242 AnS'tra.May 848 693 7«,495
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  • 145 8 Ic a»r vc Met the I J 1 monthiy totalF for Jao I htheCompa name. 1 1817 total tc date and *i cftht past month, ilverj a 5V- #3 to get the Genres sccc» guaranteed, alanagere and Ajej^ by supplying correction* Mine return* are Irregular. A. Kinta June
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 434 8 The Big Gun of the Commercial World Scientifically constructed by first-class workmen from highest grade materials. It is made true and sure, never misses fire and is always ready for immediate service. ImW l al^ PM. Standard Pattern Safety Pattern with Slip-on Cap. with Screw-on Cap. SOLD BY STATIONERS IMPORTERS.
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  • 172 9 May 3, 1917. The following are the shares ac to which changes are notified m Messrs Fruser Co.'s yesterday's chare list Buyers Sellers Aloi Q jVi 4 GO 4.20 Ayer H.tam 14 25 15 25 Ayer Molek 2.00 2.75 Balgownie 5 80 6.00 Bukit X B 1
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  • 46 9 CoiiBBCTBD UP TC May 8.) 4 mi I 4| dimanc 24} > ..^adiUUo mm 2 4 29-82 -.a demand Back 619 T r., demand 2i%Prem ,ua£A, demand 109 fata* demand 185 IaNBQBk demand 66i SuiaaWOSl, Bank Bayirg 66.34 iBl Busland Bete 6%^ i tataee London 87i
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  • 149 9 May 3. 11l (bu> II 06.75 m aaaaa M 15.6 C 9aßßaalal Colte No. 1 26. 2f y:i» Ca*e No. 21. 0 C err*' B^ack crdin. S'poae 80.76 a, (White tali) 67.76 attnaga (110 lo aba la) mm. 42.00 (80 lo Ihe la.) M 52.00 I i Brnda) 60.00
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 491 9 I#;,, Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollab. WH a r 0 r*iL I PJKM> IR I I J EAT EASTERN UFE ASSURA J CMPatt LIMITED. (INCORPCSATBD IN STRAITS iaUXLSafBXTS). j ll OFFICE Wincbaster House, Singapore. LONDON TITICE: 52, Old Jtarrjr, E.C ami C3O.COC
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    • 503 9 HO HONG BANK, Ltd. Head Office SINGAPORE, RAFFLES CKAMD^S,S &6. Branches Malacca. 155 First Cross Street; Huar, 77,79 JaLn Suleiman CAPITAL. Registered «5.C00,000. Ist-utd M v aVf 1 l 00. Subscribed 53,500, 010. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Lim Pen,? Slang Esq Chairman. The Hon' Me Dr. Liin Boon Kong. Lee Choon
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    • 666 9 WmmmmmmmmmmmVmmmlßXrr-- j f_ I ___B_— SOUTH BRITISH !ABGE assurance 00, Ltd, UUUill Ulil I IUII (Incorporated m England.) INSURING? CO LTD Accumulated Funds exceed m. 117,000,000 (Incorporated In New'zoaland. KOTOR CAR RI3KB. Insurances effected at rates of premium lIM Insurances effected on Buildings, Kent which will bo found favourable to
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    • 451 9 WAR WH PREMIUM TICKETS PRICE $10 SERIES 10,000 TICKETS $3. 000 aYill be distributed m Premiums every six months by the ANGLC-CHJNESE SYNDICATE First Premium $1,000 Second $500 Fourth $200 .hird $300 Fifth $100 H Eight Premiums of $50 Fifty Premiums of $10 Svery Dollar received is invested n the
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    • 62 9 Ships m communication w;ti; !he r crs mercial Wireless Station h— Mil. Time-balls on Fort Canning a^fl y. Faber drop dally at 1 p.m.. Slngapor fefteadXrd i time, corresponding to 8 a.m. Greenw'ct j mean time. The tloie gun Is Orel at 5 'noon, inlloatlag Singapore et* 1 tue, at
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 213 9 MAIL TABLE To day. Intern 'cuiate and looat caaUu VBu tc Couac tn list below Pe-iartg. Malacca. FMS (by Ttait l|t Juwlly (except Scsuay). Jchoie. S, 8 SO. 11 a.m., v.d* i 8 p.m Jucob Soon Hong 8.80 am P. Br.tam AP. Bulaue Hock Lim b.BO am i P. Samuu,
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  • 687 10 IMPORTANT JUDGMENT IN SUPREME COURT. In tbe Supreme Court, yesterday, the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, k c) gave judgment m an interesting case relating to a contract for the sale of house acd premises No. 252 Teluk Ayer Street, between Sheriff* Zeinah B'.nta Alwee al Junied
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  • 103 10 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Singles Handicap. Mr? Braddell rec 30 beat Mrs Blair rec 15 w o. Ladies Doubles. Mies Po!gla9e and Miss D Polglase rec 1 Mrs Mar&h ocd Miss Naughton rec 4 by 6—4, 9—7. Mixed Doubles A Class. Mrs Maiden and Mr Oldfi^ld rec 3
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  • 36 10 Ladies Doubles. Mrs Wreford and Mrs Maiden rec 15. 3 v Mrs Salzmann and Mrs Vowler scratch. Mixed Doubles B Class. Mr and Mrs Thomas, scr v Mrs Glennie and Mr Holden scratch.
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  • 338 10 Rubber. Singapore, May 3. The quantity offered for this week's Auction amounted to 831 tons of which 479 tons weie sold. O.ving to large in* creases m freight rates both to Europe I and Pacific Ports the demand was very poor throughout and prices with the ex-
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  • 386 10 Unlimited British Shells. The following are extracts from a letter recently received from Lieut. C H A Huxtable, RA, formerly on Kalumpong Estate, Selangor I have baen lucky enough to get through all the Somme offensive without a scratch, although I wa* m it from the initial
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  • 119 10 [Saunders and Macphail'a daily report Thursday's Business. The continuation of the Rubber Auction wae possibly a little duller than tbe open ing day, and it may take a few days before conditions* adjust themselves on th 3 basis of the increased freights. The share market is very
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  • 35 10 The May bogey competition of the Singapore Golf Club will be competed for on Saturday and Sunday next. The links will be closed after Sunday next until the conclusion of the Spring Race Meeting. I
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  • 278 10 I SINGAPORE BRANCH REPORT. The report to members of the Singa pore Branch of the Straits Settlements Association for the period from Ist April, 1916, to 81st March, 1917 reads. The Committee beg to present to you the Report and Statement of Accounts for the period Ist
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  • 233 10 Agents ludo Malay Co. Malaya General 49,800 Sedenak 48,845 Pontian 7,500 Agents Barlow a Co (Kuala Lumpur.) Ayer Kuning 65,500 Bradwall 88.(^9 Chersonese f 6,355 Denmstown 46,000 Highland A Lowlands 96,11*2 Klabang 22,606 Krian Rubber Plan. 24,400 Sungei Krian 47,798 Sungei Way 42,022 Agents Sime Darby
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  • 93 10 The Harima Hall this evening screens "The double room Mystery", a new Nestor farce, a new gazetto and other films. The final episode of "Liberty" is given m the fir6t show. At tbe Gaiety this evening the Gazette shows Portugal at war. There is A Woman's Fight," and
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  • 431 10 Yesterday morning, though slightly misty, was pleasant and cool. Much of the work gone through was more m the nature of short distance exercise than fast running, but a fair number of sportsmen witnessed it. Mystic and Manhattan went strongly for seven furlongs, and they did the last
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  • 108 10 The league soccer match on the SRC ground last evening, between tbe SRC i and the Wireless Station, was a painful exhibition, wearisome to watch. The defences were unsound, and only very weak forward play prevented numerous goals. Many easy chances were missed, and scarcely a player seemed capable
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  • 91 10 Sunday, Ma*. 6. Johnston's Pier. 9. 10 and 11 a.m, 2.80 and 8.30 p.m. Club Bungalow. 9. 80 and 10 30 a.m. 12.15, 8 and 5.80 p ra. Tide 10.4 p.m. Height 7ft 9 m. 75 yards Breast Stroke. This race will be swum off on arrival
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 187 10 S.V.C. DKILL PROGRAMME* Friday May 4th. 5.15 pm. Drill Hall S V A, R-cruits. m.. do S R E v. n do SV R. 7.80 do Chinese Co. 9.00 Bras Basah-rd Malay Co. 5.15 Raffles Institution SV C, Band. Saturday, May 6th. 2 30 p.m. Johnston a P, SV A,
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