The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 31 July 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Sinsraoore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. PEN CENTS SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1916. NO. 8,817
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  • 268 1 The feature of the wire 9 to-day is the successful Ruasian action on the BrodyKovel front. It seems Hkeiy to dangerously weaken the Austro German line m Poland Page 5. The latest communiques from Sir Douglas Haig report a lull m the proceedings since we have consolidated
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  • 1355 1 The author of the monkc; crouch has found his Botwell m the person oi Mr A ])ick Luckman, SfiMt of the Daily Express racing column, woo after v trood introduction lets Tod *;ei w> ..i ajpaf and tell his own story. 1 i js early yt m m
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 275 1 RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE JUST ARRIVED "NEW COMET" MOTOR CYCLES FOR SALE 2 H.P. Motor Cycle, two speed 4 stroke, Pego Engine, $370--2j H.P. Motor Cycle, 2 Stroke, Pego Engine, $320--2 i HP. Motor Cycle, 2 Stroke, Pego Engine, $420Above includes Tool Bags. Tools etc. I Telephone No. 491. INSPECTION INVITED.
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    • 377 1 Regesan Nerve Tonic Food It nourishes the nervous system, brain and spinal cord, builds up shattered nerves, and has the property of increasing the number of red corpuscles m the blood hence it gives wonderful and proinfkt results m Anaemia, as well as m Best and Cheapest {fel £Tfl Perfectly
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    • 75 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Two notices of removal Page 3. Auction sale of hides at Sabang l'ago B, Auction of a r>elai/.e Car Page 3. X P !\I new sailings Page 6. Little's for rubber estate supplies .Page 4. LPfl.i)p.dirn rck progrem'tne— Vage VM C A spacial meeting—Page 8. JUST RECEIVED A
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 133 1 THE WEEK. Monday 31st. High Water— li-M a.m.. 1110 p.m. Tuesday Aug. Ist. High "Water- 01? a.m., 1 4 6 pm. Hari Kaya (ilohomiu?dan Fo-tival.) j No S.C.C. gsDaes on Ksplanade A.D.C. matioee, Vie. Theatre. 5. 3D pm. BaDk Holiday. Wednesday 2nd. Htfh Water— 0 39 a.m. j Church W.A..
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  • 158 2 :iere m the east we are m a Bituation that will change, let us hope, soon, writes a French officer stationed at Salonika to a French journal. For the moment there is no action on either side. The adversaries look at each other like China dogs,
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  • 252 2 It has been brought to our notice the slips of our Sunday issues of telegrams are sold by natives m town. These slips uro net for sale but are issued for the benefit of subscribers and m cases where more than one slip is required we should be obliged if
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 870 2 1 STUDY AND EXERCISE. I Stuay does Bd us hurt a child at .school unless the ftudics e< cnpy time that should be tpent m oat-door exercise. i Overstudy and lack Of exercise wake thin, bloodies-* children. It is a combination that provokes St. YltaB 1 Donee, especially m the
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    • 628 2 I Hp^^flp 9^^k cflK sv AS i. *'"^j BP7 U I B& wßr A Hi w* y^ii IB IBS MB TBtollii ■^hlKii wKI ill SPECIAL HOLIDAY SELECTION 15 REELS OF FEATURES 15 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT FOR FOUR NIGHTS ONLY We ara Showing a Programme which has never been attained Sterling Good
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  • 493 3 Dues Narrowly Averted. iima 1 ■••ir;s says I between Mjjot St. 1' Rudin- lawyer, and Buron <r ,ii Santop, a Portuguose attorney, MMEVSti !y averted. i Umeui.i said m reply to a ilieutf thd i? w»s imposßible for him > acce: to placp the matter before
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  • 285 3 .ndrew's >eh io! Sporta will be belt u th f Sekflol cJrouni Ibj kinc dol the Principall ou Saturday lexl,commencing al 9 BC p »n. Although 10-nonO" If Urn II iri Riv> i bolidav, and Ihe Banks close, then ueiial issue of the Singapore ree Preea. There will be no
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 522 3 WANTED. A C! ic- i iU rk with a knowltdgt- of typowriting. Apply W. MANSFIELD ft Co., Ltd. 29 7 1-8 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Applications will be received at ihePiincipal j Civil Medu al officer's Ottice up to and in- ebulve of the ISth August. 1916, for the post ,of Steward
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    • 632 3 ANNIVERSARY OF THE DECLARATION OF WAR. NOTICE. A Public Meeting of British Subjects willbeHelo under the auspices or the Straits Settlements Association, oa Friday. August 4. 1916. at 5. 15 p m.. In the Victoria Theatra. Singapore, for the purpose of passing the following resolution: That on the second anniversary
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    • 796 3 NOTICE. In connection with the Y. If. C. A. Special Building Fund a meeting of Active and Ah- sociate members will ba held iuthe V- IL c. A. hall on Wednesday, August 2nd at H«.ip,iu, sharp. A full attendance is very desirable. 31-7 S 8 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. t On
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    • 502 3 TO LET KENILWOKTH, Barker hoad, now btinf repaired and painted throughout, occupation immediately. Apply SWAN A MACUREI. 4 4 mwf uc TO LET No. ?2/74 An son Road a^ ovo store. wo storeyed, groondflo^r Bpa<e about six I :honsand fquarr foet. Can be altered to mit t< i nantK e'juiieujcnt^.
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  • 1126 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday. July 31, 1916. The war news from both Western and Kastern fronts continues to be perfectly satisfactory. To deal with the Russian front which is more specta Oolar and has more spacious possibilities owing to the different conditions compared with tho western area, where the
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  • 1045 4 The leave of Mr A B Voules has been extended to six months. Mr C M Henderson is appointed a member of the Penang Harbour Board. The Gazette contains a new scale of fees for use m the inferior courts of civil and criminal jurisdiction. Sapper H M Sopei is
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  • 467 4 By BabnuuriiM < Bttaagtai Mf W.— Toe bays that an i. ■>■ ptptnn I twili 88 and 89 it Eaptu Austro (iermatih I guns, includiu^ I Btj D of UMM tweir MM five marhir;, g«M v, ttt Lechitrk-. 1 1 |89 pdflOD jGenerHl S.iKhoroi! m V jat
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  • 135 4 A t-pecial service was- ht id at Jrew'e Cathedral on morniDß i memory of the lati- .Mr tiold whobf I m action m Franct on .lui\ i waen announced. There itm t ~*Tf large b tendance including Kicellenr\ 'lovernor and L;nj\ Bfalyn liishop of Singapore Msisted
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  • 16 4 LADY ROBERTS FIELD GLASS FUND. A fattl M pail Df pricra fiia been Bteafi idfcoat Mgw
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  • 125 4 The marriage took place I Cttlnfllli, Hongkong, on July IS, of tain \'t-u i V and 111 Florence Stevenson, daughter of Un B J of "Torre! Point. The B«T. I Oopl i«3 eJ. Tht bndr PM w tafthei v i L ■at man. A."reception was subsequu. held M the H
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 189 4 PETER WALKER BRITISH BEER Now Obtainable In Quarts (Sb Pints FROM THE i AGENTS:GALDBEGK, MAGGREGOR Co. Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants. If M| B 9A SINGAPORE LI I I LEh V KUALA LUMPUR INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND FOR RUBBER ESTATE ijurrLiJutji WV^^^ raHrJwß^^y h^^'^Trii"*^™ I f m m A
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    • 106 5 c Lme Moves Westward I the whole Urn f IBS) ■i I !.1 mi .t. The! i.rcth. -:s have also hrok.n the mf;- t, -i.vird of Lotsk, Urn ate*. KUm (aaaeaad aftV ratten ilk forty I July "29. —The communique isd i tills h frout \kc i mntaj
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    • 78 5 R ;-un 'A ;tr MIUM SIOTO .1 The ex m; alongside the products with the Germans. ghting ha- been the Allies Urn spirits of -tops are the highest bal then prolonged Btrngg I t tfore the niqaa is tin I -The comrr.uniuu tetSagC aud tiJds
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  • 24 5 F IGHTING IN ITALY. Is Rentei says the "lunuiuir *iate.-> h strong oight osina valie-y md ou >etti Cm* re repulsed with buavy loss
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  • 34 5 Satisfactory Settlement agton, i!. 29 The Mexioaa ibassadur indicate :bat a satisfactry of the di >of Mexico and states baa been reached It i arran H agreed Id join -:on,
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  • 304 5 fcITS n RAI I LE9 DAYS DOmbet of the Stnitl f'ranch f the Royal Asiatic >o:iety con i extremely interesting reprint ol n bj H Uliam .Jack r Wailiob. director of the Calcutta at ween 11m years Jack was Ml hiinhur^li scho went out to
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  • 464 5 LONGUEVAL AND DELVILLE WOOD OURS. [IJy 8ubmarine Cable] [Reuters Service] London, July '2*.— General Haig'scom tnuniqut says: I >elvilla wood is now wholly mm. Further progress was made at Longueval and near 1'o/ieres. After severe fighting we drove the fifth r.randenburg division from their remaining positions in Delville
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  • 206 5 The Verdun Region Paris July 28. The com m unique says A derman attack west of Thiaumont was completely checked by heavy artillery fire. a Hnssian reconnaisance at Auberuk m Champagne cleared an enemy treuch with grenades and took prisoners. Than were numerous aerial tights and tvvo
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  • 69 5 Korogwe, (East Africa), July 28.— The Belgians have occupied Mariahilf, a hundred miles southwest of Muan/a on Lake Wctoria, after successful progress west of the Lake, where they a thousand porters and an enemy convoy with loads, rifles, munitions and supplies. They defeated an enemy force of
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  • 361 5 ANZAG VIEW OF HUDDLE ENQUIRIES. Payment of Indian Officers. [By Submarine Cable] [Renter's SwTk*] London, July 27. The House of Commons has adopted an amendment to the Mesopotamia Commission motion first to enquire into the provision for the sick and wounded and report on the result before
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  • 119 5 Australia also Preparing. Wellington, July 29. —^A compuUory eer vice bill has pa6eed both fconees of Parliament. Melbourne, July 28. Mr Pearce aays Australia m the future must be prepared for war and the whole national life must be organised. The Government proposed to establish a
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  • 51 5 London, July 28. Replying to a mes sage of congratulation from the <Jeueral Federation of Trada I'nious, General Haig telegraphed his warmest thanks saying nil ranks realise how much their success is due to the patrioti«m, self denial and wholehearted cooperation of their brother workmen at
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  • 50 5 Loudon, July 29. The Kitchener Memovial Fund has reached over a hundred and fifty thousand and is already being distributed. Sic F Treves is supervising th 9 equipment of a bouse m Regent's Park as a home for disabled officers. Later The Kitchener fund is now £164,000.
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  • 33 5 London, July 28. Mr Ginnell, accused of giving a false name m order to visit a prisoner, has been fined a hundred pounds with the alternative of six weeks imprisonment.
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  • 87 5 The F S Old lioys at Hongkong University presented the Penang Free School with a very handsome silver challenge cup on an ebony stand m commemoration of the Centenary of the School. If the donors agree, it well be held each year by the 11 Champion Division." The School is
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  • 581 5 THE "PIRATESTERROR" EXECUTED. Another Black Mark. [By Submarine CaU%] [Renter's Service] Amsterdam, July 28. A Berlin Official says Captain Fryatt of the Great Eastern Company's steamer Brussels, which was captured by the Germans, has been shot for attempting to ram eubmarine U 33. London, July 29. The
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  • 187 5 Against German Atrocities. London. .July 29. The correspondent of the Times at Madrid says an address of Spanish Catholics to Belgium with four hundred distinguished signatories has has lean published and demands an io teicational commission of i j i quin into German atrocities. 16 Condemns the vio
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  • 47 5 The Chinese Emigrant? at Muar have sent a telegram to Li man Hong, the President, expressing their satisfaction at the re constitution of the Republic and the punishment of the Monarchists, and asking (or the discharge of Libcki, the Hokien Governor, nnd Lungchi Kvang, Governor of Kuangtung
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 662 6 ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. INCORPORATED IN' ENGLAND. FOR LONDON. s s City of Bombay lue about Aug, 9. Hor particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to IticALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS. KONINXLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPM Incorporated m Ilollaud,) Roy*l Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 2
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    • 820 6 %J m Oritish India AND* Apcab JLine (Companies Incorporated In England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract wltn His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about HOMEWARD (FOB EUROPE). OUTWARD (FOB
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    • 527 6 M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINE. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON and MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD me 3 816 Atlantique Ang. 2 A. Behic Log. l Polynesien Aug. 16 PordKM Au^. Lf Athos Aug. :*0 A Htoauuer kuf, H For all particular* apply to J. de COURTOIS, aoent. PACIFIC SERVICES. FOR VANCOUVER
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    • 470 6 NY X JAPAN MAS) STEAMSHIP Co I iDCorporati'd In Japan EUROPEAN im A service 1p malntaiLOu \,< tv., via portß to Marsfcillew Loodoi contract with the Imperial Ja I ment. The New Twin Kr< maintaining this nrvtoa bwn I dehipned and conßtracted n i with all the lateet Improtm safety
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  • 791 7 Salonika Forces Keeping Cool. London, July 10th.— Tbe Balkans are the only stationary front. Me Ward Price's latest report seems designed to convey the impression that the Salonika forces' sole concern is keeping cool, despite the weather. London. July llth.— The Central News correspondent says that, according
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  • 633 7 From Out Own CTretpenfani Weltevreden, .July It. Trade conditions during the past fort night have continued to remain difficult, j though m a few articles there wa< some brisk busineee done The coffee position is still unchanged, hut as a result of cer j tain rumours being current
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  • 285 7 A French soldier wounded m a n <tjt attack on the German U;iiCh*t df^cribee a touching and itMMtk) experience m an Amiens newt-paper lie Hiyi Qnitfl near me lay two soldier* moitally wounded one, a !>avari:m, younjj aud fairhaired. with a gaping Papal Xl bis stomach, was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 446 7 i Was ©r Peace, Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP HE •'.SEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). BAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C •awse* *>.»i £90,000 aevoslted with the Sa»»eme Court
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    • 458 7 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated m New Zealand.) j FIRI Insurances effected on Building*?, Rent and MerchacJise of overy description. 0 MARINE Insurances accepted to all parts ol Hrn world at lowest rates. j i lARTIQOAKK BUka accepted. J. HENRY, Local Manager. Offices 2, Fioiayson Green. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Co.
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    • 298 7 THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROVIDE NOW FOR YOUR CHILD'S EDUCATION. A small annual premium makes certain a good education for your child. By no other plan can you make so sure a provision for a child, as an Educational I Endowment with the Manufacturers Life. U the parent dies
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  • 529 8 Ireland is a pastoral, agricultural count t try with no coal, metals, or oil. There- j fore Ireland must always be eubject to the dominant Sea-Power of Europe. Ire land has neglected her fisheries. Her seafaring population contribute nothing, or next to nothing, to the British Fleet.!
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  • 225 8 The report of the Changkat Salak Rubber and Tin, Ltd., for 1915 shows a profit of £43,441 after allowing for all estate aud borne expenditure. To this has to ba added £3,487 brought forward, making a total of i' 45,939. The directors recommend a final
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  • 98 8 Amsterdam, July 16. A cricketing enthusiast on the staff of the Amsterdam Telegraaf tells me that from the British interned at Groningen the beat Dutch cricket teams have obtained some first-class members. One of the best teams, the Haarlem 11 Red and White," played five Englishmen m their
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  • 1740 8 Shai Malay, S'hai Kel'tan Mil 5 S'hai Pahang, 3.1 S'hai Stra 41 Shai Seremban Shelf ord. Dm 1 4: M I Siak, Dec MIS Sialang. .>ati 7b I > Si gen tin. '4, Sporel'ara. June- i« Spore l"nit..lune'J r I 14,9 Straits. Dpc J Str'mora, Dec 58,601
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  • 167 8 I*ng Kinte, 867 Aver Wecg 94 I)eebook 40* Helat. Mar 1916 BrtMeh, Jnlf MM I I is* I rhend^riang. 4,980 (9» Qopeng Oonaot, II 670 (ll) 7,90: BMWOOi, 2,791 (ll) 259 1.44 Urii Ipob Tin, Dec 1,5^7 I S5O I Kanuboi, 1,1 «0 g ]QU Kuttnning Camimttng
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  • 88 8 In above list the totals iv tir-t column ar monthly totals fur .lan Dec. ISIS. Tin nioi m which the Company's yrar ends le indica'! after the nami Third column show- t 1916 total to lafta ami iooohil c< i;ji.:u the tot of the pant mouth. Lvcry tnkavonr m* made
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 396 8 Health for Infants I F. <•■. a"• r' n Sarorj Moore Pood has been m i both bjSOM md fcbto I. It haa lhe reputation of being a t.. table t<.t«i for Infanta Savo v Pood pplies j t the nourishmei m infant needs, i r- c md en datable
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    • 761 9 Oaf, Ih3C». Paid. Tiaot Di? £ut»bs. Bb&lbrb. 100,000 fin Si Allag&f J2i% 23 3 S 379,930 18 28 Angio-J»Ta 30% 4 0 5 0 160,000 So 9a Anglo-Malay 63* 10 0 12 0 60,000 2a 8b Batang Malaka 10% 3 0 3 6 80,000 1 1 Batu
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    • 295 9 .HO, OOO I 1 Alor Gajah 40% int 8.23 350 150,000 i 1 Ayer Kuuluf I X, Jut l.iG 1.40 200, C~i 1 1 Ayer Molek 20% int 2, C0 2.25 TSCOOO ft I Ayer Panae 35% 9.25 y,50 100,000 1 1 Balgownie 75% 4.10 4.35 400,000
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    • 258 9 53C0.000 h> lv Ampani; (Kinta) 5.00 6.00 "5100,0.0 1 l Ayer Wcng .35 .53 $3<h,too 10 10 Belat 6% 1.86 2.00 srjC,o 0 10 10 Kanaboi ,85 I.CO t 0.000 10 10 Kinta Associ&tton 5, C0 Efl ,0(0 1 1 Kinta Tin >M l 0 i! 3 »2\QCO 1
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    • 200 9 1 'All ißOtotlOM 1 Sl«rttßg BhAite moil is refolded v puelf nominal tot toe preMßl. £250,000 1 1 Eastern Smellg o»d 10% 8.00 8.15 fie! 5% Int m 1 4 0 15 0 9360,000 10 10 Fraaci and KeavG 30% 48.00 49.00 1300,000 60 50 W. Hammer AOo Ltd
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  • 60 9 (COBBKCTED DF T3 July 29.) Bauk 4m§ 2-4 18 82 n damand a- 4 782 FliTßtt credits 8m a |«42T-83 1 France demand Bank 8 25 Ihdia, T. T. U4\ Hcbokono, demand M ];i l Yokohama, demand Uo| Java, demand 13« Biusaiios, demand 65i Sovbhbiqsb, BanK Buying $8.5 4
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  • 138 9 July _>9. Tin 120 tons t-ii.OO Gambler 10.75 Gaxnaias Cube No. 1 20.00 Gambler Caba No, 2 is. 00 Pappas Black ordin. S'poit buyers 26.00 Ptppei, (YvVte fair) 84.00 N^iuiega (110 ta tbo lb. 80.00 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) nom. Mace (Banda) 7 5.00 Cloves (Amboina) nom. Bali
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 152 9 f IT W A Qf^rt Supplied with patent "KANT LEAK" KLEATB which do away with the necessity ot using sticky cement at the overlaps. m ■—^h— c -X--.V. .s^, >.., v v v v v -•>■■■*■- ■:-KvX<s-^-c^ GENASCO is the result of over 1 years experience m the manufacture of
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    • 167 9 Largest Stockers OF PAINTS AND OILS HIN WATT Co. SHIP-CHANDLERS Telephone 428. 102, Market Street. MARTINS jn^|*ori.adies.{ fi Lifl* J A French Remedy i"cr»!i Irregularities I^iviit:. kecj! a\ox if Mail t :le fast si, n ci any lr« rity of the Sjrsti l i se io use i .em recmimiend
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 741 9 DAILY SHIPPING REPORT Chamber of Commerce (to I a m July 29 ARRIVALS. July 18.—- Hai Xam, (imDK Ann, Pembrokeshire. Hong Wan 1 Clir i? Kmile (Dot) Hinode Maru (Jap). July 29. Abbotsfotd Soon Ann ■an \Vhatt m, filenoale, Ivrak Kaka I aty| Agapanor, BonfWaii (Bri< Kmm I Pontianak (Dot).
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  • 87 10 By Submarine Cable] [Renter's Service] ADVANCE FROM SALONIKA Serbians m the Field July Official. S.ubian troops have driven b*ck the Kulgarians m <Jreek territory north of Vodena after sharp engagement. Salonika, July 29 The Serbian army km be.en recently le«ring for the tront. wheu it arrived ;u
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  • 64 10 CayUiiii. Tnlj 28. Tlfioiisiuids of Mosiem women domoDotr.ttid .i^a::ii: the wti ia front of the palace al Conslwitinople. Tha police dispersed them. CboleoH m rife ;n tbe city an.l at Sarrmm where thousands of refugees are m tbe utmost misery. The authorities have sei/.ed all from 18 to
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  • 18 10 Efckharest, Jaly 29- AU Turko Rama■an conver.-at[ou> ivgnrding exchange I supplies hare beet, broken off.
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  • 40 10 Jul| 88 General take report? the situation m Xesoposamia unchanged, except thai fcwa gHkboats were fired on oa the Eta rates to Ihe neighbourhood of r.hi.i-. T;. yi ed inflicting oasnalliee (Hu lossec :..tvu! officer and fivt men
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  • 105 10 t Promotion and PnzMnoney ..ndon Uily 38 —The PriSfl Ooort ha? :t-.vard>.-d bounties of JL 4 300, 61 ,000 and X^'2') respectively to sunmarin*- 1 E»l 1 [com manded by LI \n?mit''; S X:>. and KIS fur the sinking of a Tutkish battleship a-.i- -at and lorpado
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  • 122 10 No Material Damage. London, Inly 89. Official. Oejhimii airt-hip^ raided the east coast earl; today. The numbei is as yet unknown. Report?; hav^ been received frdfn fork tihire onJ Lincolnshire whK'h state bombs wpr t J.ropp-'J. Later. Official. Three airebipa raided the cistco.hi between midnight and l
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  • 53 10 Norfolk. Virginia, July, 30. Keuter's oorreepoDdtnt wires that tbe Federal ourt hOjfl ordered tha re-toration of ttie AppuM t > her BrHith owners. Ir deciuad thai prize ciuaot be brought iuto nential water? unconvoyed m tbp manner tb« \pparn was brought m, as it is a vkdalion
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  • 71 10 London, Jn'y 28. The importation of up aim and coeaioe is prohibited. Luter. Tbe objtct of tha prohibition of the importation of opium is to check ■mvggliog frcm the United Kingdom east ward and towards America. Booa tide medical preparations containing opium nre exempt bat all
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  • 45 10 Amsterdam, FOI9 2*. The Handelsblad aayi the Mia iter of Agrienltore b-)-; m timated it i> uHce?s.vry to ieiz€ all wheat, oats ;md barley for feeding pnrpoB9S and hM ovdoced the purchase of a.ll c >m the Beldfl at t\\id prices.
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  • 29 10 1 Receipt is acknowledged of the bound volume of the return of imports and xporfcs during the year 1915. Tbe figures contained therein have already appeared m annual reports.
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  • 350 10 [By Courtesy of the French Consulate] .hily '27, 6 15 p.m. The French 3 per cent bends are at francs 64.20 arid the 5 per cent at 'JO.SS We progressed on the south of the Sotnme; we stopped by machine gun lire tbe enemy's attacks on the
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  • 254 10 A very pretty wedding took place m Kuala Qmpur QO Thursday morning, when Mr Francis John lluett, of tbe Straits Trading Co., Selangor, waa married to Miss Ellen Marion Ford, eldest daughter of Mr T A Ford, Veterinary Surgeon, Medical Department, Selangor, and Mrs Ford. The ceremony
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  • 137 10 Tuesday Iht August. Tide 0 17 p m. Height Bft 6ia. Johnston's Pier, 9, 10 aud 11 a.m. 2.30 and B*Bo p.m. Club Bungalow, 930 nnd 10.30 am. i I 9 15, :> aud u.oQ p ra. Tifiin will be fcupplied. SATURDAY 'TH AUOUBT, Tide 1.57 p
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  • 47 10 A meeting of the Union Times Press Limited (m Liquidation) was held at 126, Cross Street on Saturday last to examine the winding up accounts presented by the Liquidator. After a few questions being put by a member present the accounts were finally adopted.
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  • 364 10 From Our Own Correspondent Penang, July 29. There was a large attendance for the laet day of the races the weather being fine and the going good. There was one sharp downpour during the afternoon when the Ladies' Cup was run. Eedab Cup. Six furlongs, Pretty Girl (Billett)
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  • 161 10 SCC BEAT M S V R. A fast and intereeting game of Rugby sab played on the Esplanade on Saturday 3etwe*»n teams of the S C C and an M S V R detachment. The play was watched with much enjoyment by a goodly ;rowd of spectators. The Club
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  • 119 10 A. D. C. ENTER TAINMENT. The second performance of the Amateur Dramatic Committee m the Victoria Fheatre on Saturday night was a great ■access from every poiut of view. The tiausfi was absolutely full, and the performance went with a swing all the way iihrongb tlie programme. The audience cvos
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  • 54 10 The Hon. Treasurer, Mr A W Vick, care >f Chartered Bank of India, Australia and }hina, Singapore, begs to acknowledge vith many thanks receipt of the followng further contributions Previously acknowledged $9,955 ECU Wolff 50 Manaßeeh Meyer 500 Revd W Murray 20 J D Pierrepont 50
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  • 215 10 On July 4, HIJ Ms. battleship Faja left Tsingtao for Sasebo with the Floating Dock, which was raised by the Japanese, m tow. The Germans did not believe that the Dock could be raised, but by dint of perseverance and patience the Japanese raised and repaired her. According
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  • 118 10 The China Press states that three Austrian steamers interned at Shanghai have been offered for sale to the China Mail Steamship Company by the Austrian Lloyd. The steamers that have been tied up since the war are the Bohemia, Silesia i and the China. They
    118 words
  • 123 10 By Courtesy of Francis Peek fcCo. Ratavia, July 28. RUBBBB Makkrt. The Rubber Market is 6till weak and tiret standards are being done at F. 1.30 per half kilo. Rick. The position is still quiet and no change to report. Krawarg Export Quality is nominally quoted at
    123 words
  • 103 10 TO-DAY. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall SVA Tuesday, Ist Aug. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hii 11 8 V A SR E v NC Ob «i .Maxim Co 5.00 Sepoy Lints S F A Co 5.15 Drill Hall S V C Cadets Wednesday, 2nd Au<;. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall SV
    103 words
    • 47 10 Championship. Manning beat Hartnell, 6 l, I—6,1 6, 6—l. B SINOLEB. Doig beat Cheek, 8— 6, 3— 6, 6—l. Wilson beat Webb, 6—2, 6—3. Veterans Doubles. Talma and Tyler beat Hooper and j Hallaway, 6—2, 6—3. Miles and Perkins beat Butler and Wreford, 6—4, 10—8.
      47 words
    • 35 10 B Singles. Winter v WHsod. C Singles. Croeeley v McKerrow. (if he wine on Saturday.) B Doubles. Gibson and Potter v Teale and Owen. Walker snd Orayburn v Palgrave and I Tyler.
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