The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 July 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. ;'EN CENTS SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26. 1916. NO. 8,813
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  • 210 1 Results of the first day's racing at J'enang Page B. The report on Tingkil tin mine ie given on page 7. Details of local property sales will be found on page 7. At the Assizes yesterday the case of the SCC clerk was decided Page 12. A
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  • 1375 1 i'ur neveral days the tunnellere bad neent busy day aud night putting m the charge of explosive to blow the mine. It was no email undertaking, for the gallery iv which it was laid was over a hundred yarda from the shaft or outlet* and only measured
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 200 1 RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE JUST ARRIVED "NEW COMET" MOTOR CYCLES H.P. Motor Cycle, two speed 4 stroke, Pego Engine, $370--2\ H.P. Motor Cycle, 2 Stroke, Pego Engine, $320--2\ HP. Motor Cycle, 2 Stroke, Pego Engine, $420Above includes Tool Bags, Tools etc. Telephone No. 491. INSPECTION INVITED. I i I Of Whisky
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    • 163 1 Formeloids are fatal to all disease germs, and hare n most beneficial Contains no carbolic acid and does effect upon the vocal organs, hi not burn or roughen the hatids. As composition they are an enact replica I 7 7 n L r I used m file leading hospitals, 1
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    • 152 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. For eale. cottage piano by Garcia Page 5. Tenders wanted for Government works —Page 5. Four patent medicine substitutes for German drugs Page 1 Svee Lee and Co have fresn deliveries of Wilkinson's tansan Page 1. New pictures are being shown at the Gaiety and Casino cinemas Page
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 120 1 THE WEEK. Wednesday 26th. Bifh Water— B-CJ a.m., 7-23 p.m. Thursday 27th. High Water— fl-4« a.m., 20 p.m. P. O. outward mail expected. Penang Races. St. Andrew's Society, S.C.C., 5.15 pm. A.D.C. performance, 9.15 pmFriday 28th. High Water— lo-31 a.m., 9 9 p.m. Homeward mail closes (train). Ting Kil Mines
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  • 407 2 The New \ork Evening I'ost pokes some good natured fun at the difficulty the war correspondents are finding m getting interviews from commanders m the field. It takes as its text a two column conversation with Sir Douglas Haig* that appeared recently m "Le Petit Parisien." This consists of (a)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1765 2 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT" ■^^BHBJBHBnBHBHSaBHBaB«BHpBHpB|M| THE C INEMA nAnIiIAAII niI II A Ittvi I W ti &jBJ&I^MmM W is offering ROBINSON PIANO 1 1 w I Wg !jj j|.| 1 1 1 PlI Rev C¥BUS ssb AD^ s rniiP&Nv iimited I M MllfWWVy< s All^ THE BETTER MAN uUmiHUii Limiltu. sso^ m
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  • 1452 3 Valuable Services. mi the Kupresenfcative of tbe British li'resa with the French Army.) itn the French Army m the Vosges, 11. ureat Britain's command of the sea has a ltd troops from every part of the .orld to assemble m France, m order to iefecd
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  • 231 3 Men of military age wishing to leave !EJ jaie to return to their employment i abroad or m the Colonies have to be i provided with a ;jreen form" issued by the Foreign Oiuce, to be certified by a magistrate, and then exchanged for a passport. Apparently
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  • 262 3 The Board of Trade Labour Ga/ette states that retail prices of food on June 1 were higher than on May 1 by aboir 2$ per cent. British and imported meat advanced on the average about id to Id per Ib. The increase m the price
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  • 208 3 Captain Scott, of the Straits Steamship Company's Hebe, which plies between I'enang and Teiuk Anson, on arrival at Penang handed over to the Harbour Authorities four Malays, a Fishery Inspector of Lower Perak and three lascars, whom he picked up at sea. it appears that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 589 3 r 1 1 1 Discrimination is l| necessary m hot climates. I j "^L yTOU are far more discriminating over your whisky than most people at home you have |l X. to be. A pure, honest Scotch Whisky is ft 1 1 a fine drink anywhere, but an inferior quality
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  • 514 4 Last Resource of Tyranny. The Foreign Office publishes the following His Majesty's Government have been notified by the Belgian Government that Belgian subjects who have resided m Germany for three years are bsicg compelled to carol m the German army. The Belgian Government have,
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  • 278 4 Germany's Latest Scare Iv the Berne newspaper Bund there appears a description of Germany's newmonster airship, the latest thing m Teutonic scares. This airship hfis not long left the Zeppelin works at Friedriebshafen. and it was seen flying over Lake Constance. The length is declared to be 7
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 65 4 MARTINS i JPT^|forLadies.] grli ILlldig M French Remedy for all Irregularities Tbouandsef mI« k«-e[ a l>ox ol Martin's I'ills ta the I.o>:se. so that on the 'irst si^'u of any. Irregularity <>t the System d timely ilo:»e may be a.l:ninistere<l. Th ■■,<- vho u-.e tbetn recommend them, henrc'theu eiiunnons salr.
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    • 427 4 The Micheiin Bolt ai»e it great /'v^j?/^! msls\\\ V' 1 improvement ovrr the cumbersome a :ci super- /*v \\®^'i\ I fiuous security holts whidi it has reudc.-rJ we- Mwf/ v^. V less. It also make? poss;L'e a new method of /'s&/>'' /^'W^ \%*V\\ V fitting and detaching Mtchdin lyres with
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  • 441 5 t Impression of Visit to Sofia. '••a weeks ago an American journalist at i>y the Retch to various .m countries, including Bulgaria. Hia to Sofia is especially interesting, as it •,nov>- i that iiulgaria is already becoming landed. Hia atory runs 0M -'ation m Sofia, contrary
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  • 403 5 lid you rousider rae presumptuous asked you for a kiss? 1 inquired the arrival m the hospital. That depends, replied the nurse. 1 we you iallen m love with me t say that I have m this short! Lime, fc'ut I've uever had a sterilized tIBS. Mr Mtrcoui authorised Mr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 776 5 A WOMAN'S WORD. If yon do not know what all-overishness means you art- not a woman. At all events, if yon do nor kDow the tensation which it describes you are either not a woman or a very unusual and ;>rtunate one. All-ovt i ishm'Hs la what women call il
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    • 555 5 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. MOTOR CYCLE TYRES M\ N0N Combination Non-Skid. Rubber Stud. Rubber Bars. Rubber Bars, Steel Studs. Non-Skid. Non-Skid. MEYER BROTHERS, Singapore. SOLE AGENTS FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND F.M.S. WANiEO E\|>prlenced European to take charge of new I\M S. branch of a Rubber
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    • 830 5 1 NOTICE CF REMOVAL On and after the 31st July, 19 6, :be busi ness of The Waterhouse Co Ltd., i Incorpoi at od in r.B. A.| will be carrion on at Chartered Bank Chambers, (tod Floor.' Battery Koad. j 26-7 30 J. 6 6-* j GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will
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    • 515 5 TO LET FURNISHED AdvertlMr, occupyiL^ Hp eu^itl l.uu^e, fully furui.%hc<3, offern Beparat9 pßrt, witb or with oat board, to two ci tbr^e K«Dt)f'iut j n wanting a }ileasant and coiufoi tabu 1 home. < .an, v ater, Hlabling. telephone. Replies to RESIDENCE c/o Fr««e Ptvhk. •2.*) 7 :>" -7 TO
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 19 6 BCABERETT. On July 25th at the Nursing Home, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Hcandrett a sod.
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  • 892 6 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, July 26, 1916, B«n ia«ii Ehfl Pk»M the Fecp'-e':. right ».*iae*!& Osawad by toflwoce and tnbrfbed fcf *%ln J H*fe Ruth hrr plorious precept* «fc»W 4 Sir PBANCIB, the retired Chief Justice of Hongkong, has returned to his former choice of professional and advisory
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  • 566 6 'I he Municipal Commissioners meal on Friday at 2,:50 p.m. The Agenda comprises the usual routine business. According to despatches from The Hague, the German armored cruiser Von der Tann 18,700 tons, which took part m the North Sea battle, was recently towed into Wilhelmshafen and placed i %i irydocb
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  • 173 6 The Income Tax Question, PfftMH Cur Out, '<•> respomli I'enang, July 8 i The Committee of the Chamber of i urn merce has issued a report that ha\ iv« carefully considered the iI)COBM*ftU a? means oi raisiDj? revenue it concludes the time is inoppottuae for it* introduction The
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  • 706 6 From ('in Oven CwntpenmetU i Pen an g. July M Tiie hearing of aa important suit com raenced to-day, the plainttKi being the Shanghai Klabang < o. m liquida tien and the defendants the Banking and Trading Corporation N'audiu ten C'att The hon'ble Mr A
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  • 201 6 Tberr w,u food itftl fa first diiy'e racitj'-. of t).. the IT— tbf t was good. N'llllo i.vt.^) 15 lac I. s.. 1 Wlefc a* (I iticr.nt Wi'i, a jj^t Time U49 I 8, Mikv Way and WmU -ne v.e> lott< i> favouriio Ui tfcil rac* rOWS
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  • 199 6 Xt tlu a:.'i;;a m eaJ rueotiU^ Chi: laMßteg lub held at the Club Flo— M tl.v the eapttl of tin leu Itet hment of accountb for the year indinj BOtk FofM iOli v ere read ai: ousi> adopted AoooriUog to the repori of thr Comi'iitteie the Club
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  • 139 6 FRENCH CONSULAR TELEGRAMS. teCOUBTEKV 01 TH JUS, July 23rd f;.2C p on the npbt bank of (i gressed m ti n c jd of M 70 prisoners. The Bril aeroplanes to day, on tbp front of Somme, we repulsed at. of Soi ecourt. [a the region of H»fi: drove back
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 612 7 UU NOi TO PROCEED. Cirriculty ot agreement otl I the H(-r. ol If titta announced the M (OBOOe to introduce ■Uiob there did net I ,-t st ol substantial ;>a r t t >. minoimceinenl Mr UB Mitri to move the adtiJtf tal call attention to urov. unrest
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  • 318 7 PROGRESS AT POZIERES Emeny Attacks Beaten Off. [Ely Submarine Cable] [Rputer'g Berries] London, July 24. General Haig'c com* muniqu* cays Some ground was gained near a high wood and towards C uillemont. A large portion of Pozieres is now m our possession. Our troops secured important advantj
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  • 234 7 All to be Consulted London] July 24. —In the. House of ton, uioc?. m reply to a Beriefl of questions by Sir 0.-ren Phillips and others regarding the representation cf the Dominions en the Committee considering ouv industrial and commercial policy aliqt tbe war, Mi' Asquith
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  • 115 7 London, July 24. A report signed by the American ambassador m Berlin on the housing of prisoners at Kuhlebeu constitutes another indictment of German cruelty. It is intolerable, it days, that educated people should be herded six m a horse stall. The conditions m the lofts are worse
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  • 77 7 German Destroyers Driven Off. London, July 24. The Admiralty annonncef that some of our light forces •a: midnight on Joly 22 sighted three of the enemy*! destroyers near the Xoordhinder lightship. The enemy was repeatedly hit but succeeded m reaching the Belgian OOait Oar casualties
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  • 37 7 Stockholm, July 24. A general order has been issued to the Swedish forces that foreign submarines m Swedish watere j should be attacked immediately unless they are recognised as neutrals or mer chantuien. i
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  • 277 7 BRITISH VALOUR. Utilising all men m the Empire. [By Submarine Cable] [Renter's Service] London, July 24. la the House of Commons, Mr Churchill complained that Mr Aequitb bad not reviewed the military situation, Mr Lloyd George You cannot review the military prospect m the middle of a
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  • 76 7 London. July 24. -In the House of Commons Mr Asquith moving a vote of credit of 450 millions stated tbe average daily war expenditure was £4,950,000. The six millions mentioned by Mr Mckenna represented all the outgoings. The total expenditure from April 1 to July 22 was ">5V>
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  • 92 7 Petrogiad, July 24. The days of Er. ingjan are numbered. The Russians are steadily advancing thither from tbe south and north while eastward of the town their vanguards, are only fifteen miles off. Petrograd, July 25.— A communique says: on the western front affairs go on quietly.
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  • 78 7 London, July '24. As Dutch tithing vessels are selling 90' of their herrings and quantities of other fish direct to German buyers, Britain has placed a number of Dutch fishing vessels m the prize court and has detained others for persistently fishing m prohibited waters, despite
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  • 44 7 London, July 24, Tbe Prize Court has awarded <£0,500 to Lieut. Commander Holbrook and the company of submarine E 11 for sinking the Turkish battleubip Mesudieh m the Dardanelles i a December. 191 t, after diving through five lines of
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  • 44 7 Amsterdam, July 24. Tbe hutch steamer Maas was mined and sunk near the N'ourdhinder lightship. Tbe Government vessel Zeehond left to assist, Hague, July 24. Ten of the crew of s Dutch lugger attacked by a German sub marine were drowned.
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  • 25 7 London, July 24.— In the House oi [Commons Mr Asquith introduced a Bill tc constitute the Dardanelles and Mesopota' I noia Commissions.
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  • 23 7 London, July 24. Sir W Caird of Dun dee, jute manufacturer, has left a mi! Ho; j sterling.
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  • 22 7 London, July 24. The Attorney Genei al has refused to allow Casement to ap peal to the House of Lords.
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  • 251 7 The following is the Directors' Report for the year ended April 30 to the shareholders for the meeting on Friday, After making allowance for depreciation on the Suction Plant, Light Railway, Buildings, Flood Banks, etc., providing for Directors' and for Auditors' Fees, there remains a Profit
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  • 220 7 The following properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs (.Ling Keng Lee and Ccs eale room on Monday afternoon Agricultural land 'partly planted with rubber) situate m the district of Linggi, areas 2,187 acres and 78 acres. 1 rood and 10 poles respectively bought by Sect Tiang
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  • 44 7 Already acknowledged f 18,956 Per Mb J Feinbbbg F K Htron $50 W B Sutherland H (i Hodder 10 Hugh Tregarthen .1 Keiuberg F W Smith A E Lick fold 10 K F Santos A A Hart F Dettmaii 140
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  • 40 7 LADY ROBERTS FIELD GLASS FUND Any further donations of glasses to be -sent to the troops at thtj front should j reach us as early as possible this week for the next parcel. Received yesterday pris niatic glasses from H
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  • 123 7 Mr Jean Saustine, viee-Consu! m Tchefon, has been appointed Consul it Foutchevu. to replace Mr Leon Doire sent to Lisbon. P Ratnam of 225 Tanjong Pagarrd, i Tamil at one time employed m the Muni cipality, who has been arrested on a war rant dated December 1915, was charged it
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 680 8 "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. FOR LONDON. ss. City of Bombay about Aug. 12. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS. KOWIHKLIJKE PAKETVJMRT MAATSCHAPPIJ Incorporated m Holland, Roy*l Pacttet Navigation Co., of Bat&via. 3—3. COLLYKB QUAf
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    • 808 8 ST. CJ» British India AND Apcar Lime (Companies Incorporated m England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. HOMEWARD (FOR EUROPE).
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    • 540 8 M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINK. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON lid MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1916 1916 Atlantique Aug. II A. Erhic Aug. 1 Polynesien Aog. 16 Porthos Aug. 15 Athos Aug. 30 I A stumer Aug. 29 For all particulars apply to J. de GOURTOIS, a &bkt. PACIFIC SERVICES. FOR
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    • 594 8 N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd Incorporated m Jaj EUROPEAN LINE j A bt rvlce ie maintained betw via ports to Mareellles, UmOtm contract ulth tbe lnaperialJapntx ov il ment. The New Twin ncr. w t hr TT maintaining this Bervict have rx^n r^^tMj' designed and constructed an,
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  • 934 9 Racing Crooks of 1844. Dagonet has the following interesting notes m the "Referee of mail week I passed along St James's street the other afternoon, looked u'j at a window, and saw a man m a white hat— it was before the cold snap came and tbe
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  • 28 9 li Isu't it ridiculous, wiraen bring ifrft&d of mice f Yes. but what of the raeu They're afraid of the women who are afraid of th< I mice."
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  • 292 9 Japanese Guns. Mention m made m three ruessag from difTerent placee of a new Ru§6ian she. of tremendous power to which no little of our Ally's sensational buccees m tl battering down of th* Austnau defeat is attributed. The Home correspondent of the entrai News telegraphs It
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  • 285 9 A Very Temporary Restoration. I'udapebt, June 8 The correspondent of A/ K«t at < -en.. wit/, telegraphing uuder >esterdav s dat^ gaye that the civil and military authoritiehave juet unveiled, unjidet great feet vities, the new double headed eagle on th*< City Hall which the liaekiunfe
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 528 9 I Wah or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. P (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32, Old Jewry, E.C. -my««y b&3 £20.000 deposited with Ihe Supreme
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    • 452 9 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated m New Zealand.) PIBI Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandine of every description. MARJNR Insurances accepted to all parts of the world at lowest rates. IiRTHQOAKS Risks accepted J. HENRY, Local Manager. Offices 2, Finlayson Green. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Co. Ltd. (Incorporated m England.)
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    • 314 9 imri Manufacturers Life Insurance Company. (INCORI'ORATED IN CANAI>A) A WONDERFUL TRIBUTE TO THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE. According to tlie official statement of the Superintendent of Insurance for the Dominion of Canada. "The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company is one of the larger Canadian Companies, strong, well established and prosperous. Its excellent financial
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    • 84 9 Office, 20 Raffiej Place Store, 25 Malacca Street Godown, Sambaw Street Lifeboat Yard, Tanjong Rhu We have always Life Boats well fitted as per Government Regulation, Life Buoys, Life Belts Rockets, Life Savers, etc JDST RECEIVED FROM AMERICA Family Salt Beef 50 Kegs. Mens Salt Beef 50 Kegs ASTHMA fe
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  • 295 10 Development that Puzzles Doctors. luless the war ends earlier than most people expect, Sir Thomas Beecham will have to find new tenors for hie English opera. The recruiting officer has hie eye on Sir Thomas's three trusty leaders of light and airy song Mr Frank Mullins Age. 30
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  • 855 10 Issued by FKASER Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, f. > RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES "All fuoftftHoDß of Sterling Smarts maal be vef&r? 3 ac purely nomtca! foi tbt 9" J daf. Ibboi. Paid. r tkm Dl? butbm F kul,, 100,000 it 8« Allagav 124% 2 g ™^i^ 379,983
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 384 10 IBS^jyj^Mrßli^MnMf^M^loMcpMcC i -&a Perkins's auce >McM'J^ i O|LCifI.C^CiA<DJl r JMP J BMl[ I Variety ot uses. I The uses to which LEA PERRIMS 1 SAUCE fe can be put, are innumerable. jo At Luncheon, Dinner or Supper, it is the gl ideal sauce for Road Meats, Fish, Game, dme, Salad,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 58 11 v^. W ■Off jm ■B^m^H^k^kmylß^^^^MM <^Bi iK«i9fluHl^afi^BlVl^R7 wl >m L »B 'flt a/ \9i^^B INtff^Sl^V 'Jr k>C»O*^ BLACK WHITE" ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY Tne Enormous Stocks held by BUCHANAN Co. at their Itlt dUKNeu IjUij LI III INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. SOLE IIVIPORTERS FINEST IN THE WORLD IGODILLOT'S BONELESS SARDINES SOLE
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    • 159 11 ■N V X JL ll* MALACCA SERVICE. The Steamers of the Euro pean Line arrive at Malacca on the day following departurt from Singapore, and sail the same afternoon for Penang Colombo, Marseilles London For Freight, Passage and further information apply tc the Agents $mt DARBY Co., Ltd. Malacca OSAKA
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    • 573 11 THE Singapore Free Press MORNING DAILY To Our Readers, The Singapore Free Press Is a mornlni Daily, and is on sale at depots, from an early hour each morning (Sundays excepted). Oast price Ten Cents a copy. Subscribers' copies will be delivered at theii private residences, (or town offices or
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    • 154 11 Massage Hall (PATRONIZED BT UIIY DOCTORS MASSAGE MANICURE pATHS Mr. Fujita, Mrs. Haru and Two Asst. Masseuse. OPEN DAILY 6 a.m.— 9.00 p.m. No. 239, Bencoolen Street, Teleph. No. 1467. Singapore Gold Storage Co., Ltd. Near Entrance to Borneo Ibarf Telephone 1026. Sea stocks of all kinds of Fro zen
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 269 11 EXCHANGE. (COBBBCTBD UP TJ July 25.) Bank A m/i a-4 18 82 i, demand 2.4} PslvaU credits Sm a 14; France demand Bank 826 IHDIA, T. T. 174 h Hoh&koxo, damacd 12} Yokohama, dtmand w ||0| Java, demand 135 Bajsbkok. demand 55$ SOVBBHIQSB, Bank Buying $8.54 Bank ol Hngland Rate
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    • 772 11 DAILY SHIPPING REPORT Chanter of Commerce (to 1 am July 25 ARRIVALS. July 24. Cilenlojjan, Sandakun (Brit) Chefoo, Tung Wah (Ohd Tenahin Maru (Jap) arg (Nor). July S6. Katong. Saint liede, Sapplio Ilai Nam (Belli) Mishima Mnru Oap CLEARANCES. July 18. Vugala (Slam) July 21.— Melchior Tre-a' J>onggali Pontiacak, B
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  • 2753 12 SMART SENTENCE ON s C.C. CLBRK, TIIBKK YKARS fOm FALSiFK VHQN*. The fourth Assizes of the year opened m the Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr Justice Earnshaw. The calendar con tamed eight cases, bat m no instance was the capital charge preferred, which isi rather an exception to
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  • 136 12 Shaik Daud, a Hindoo, with previous convictions againsthim forsimilarolfeuces, for being found m possession of bbnng value eighty cents at his house m Kallang rd, was m tbe second police court; flaed 3250 with the alternative of four months rigorous imprisonment. In the second police court yesterday Inspector Costello of
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  • 85 12 The Kaebgar arrived at Suez on Sunday j July 23. The outward bound M M liner Cordil- lere, which was advised to arrive here j on the Ist pros., will be replaced by the mail steamer Armand Behic, due on the same date. The outward bound Dutch Mail
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  • 402 12 THE RED CROSS FUNDS. To the Editor, Dear Sir, I shall be obliged if you will kindly insert, m your next issue, the enclosed letter of thanks from the Collection Committee m London to those who have subscribed to the Joint Ambulance Fund of The British lied Cross Society
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  • 57 12 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall SV A 4.30 Balestier Range SREv 5.15 Drill Hall 8 V R 5.00 Thomson rd, P Station Motor Cyclist Section 5.15 Drill Hall Veterans Co ii Chinese Co 5.00 Sepoy Line 6 SF A Co 5.15 Rsffies Institution S V C Band F.
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  • 220 12 In the second police court yesterday, Inspector T Canuon m charge of Sepoy Lines police Etation, charged a Cantonese named Tang Ah Hing, with fraudulent possession of fifteen coils of galvanized fencing wire, value $20, the property of the FM S Railways. Mr H J Stafford, a permanent way inspector
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 238 12 BRITISH EAU DE COLOGNE Specially prepared for us by the Oldest Lavender Distiller m England and renowned for its STRENGTH, REFRESHING QUALITY, SWEETNESS and DELICATE PURE ODOUR One «il the minor but -till Important PCSttltl of tfeewil hM (tomutA tor Eau-dc- nlou'ijc. acc.Dtuatcd is bj i boj I Ibe Usnal
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