The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 July 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 175 1 The French have resumed their advance in the Sommn region in determined and successful style, and they have also progressed at two points in the Verdun zone The British also continue to move resolutely forward Page 7. Apart from actual gains of territory, the British are developing
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  • 1315 1 Quicquid agunt homines iicmtri eso farrago libelli. Juvenal. Touching the matter of locally sub*cribing more for the expenses of the war, the Topici6t has beard one or two opinions of just men and true tbat voluntary contributions ehould be made, on the lines of King George's
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 328 1 m! I BOOT SHOE STOCK j KATZ BROS. I at j WHITEAWAY LAIDLAW CO., LTD. TAN GLAC KU 0P BOOTS Black Glace Boots I i |L KATZ PRICt $10.50 OUR PRICE $6.23 Wn 75 PaiPS f§ 1 jgSfiifct _w j^ S KATZ PRICE $10.50 fc i_H _Hh_Sb?^^9^__Ht E_B_k I _______£v*_H_'v9llJ_Bfi_l^__fc.
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    • 112 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Boot and ehoe bargains at Whiteway'e —Page 1. Powell's forthcoming auctions Page 2. Palladium and Casino programmes Page 2. Dunlop repair processes Page 5. Steam launch for sale Page 5. Shorthand typist wanted Page 5. Violin leesons Page 5. St Andrew's Society A M Page 5. Ocean S
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 142 1 THE WEEK. Saturday 22nd. High Water~3-iO a.m., 8-BS p.m. Last Quarter. Lodge St. George Regular, 9 pm. Sunday 23rd. High Water— 4-20 a.m., 4-20 p.m. sth Sunday after Trinity. Monday 24th. Bigh Water— 6-44 a.m.. 1-17 p.m. Tuesday 25th. High Water— 7-30 a.m., 6-18 p.m. St. James. Singapore Assizes open.
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  • 150 2 A good beginning has been made in ithia Presidency in the direction of pencil -making. Some pencil -making plants were recently taken over by the Department and placed under an expert. In a short time the plant was got into working order and reasonable well -finished
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  • 131 2 Th* annual report of tha Sanitary Commissioner with the Government of India for 1914, shows perhaps for the that time the manner in which the war affect ed army strengths in thia country. The average strength of European troops in India daring 1914 was 60,500
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 587 2 THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. (Incorporated in Hongkong). THE Chief Importers OF British Pianos FRENCH PIANOS Italian Pianos ORCHARDING IN TASMANIA SADLEIR KNIGHT Orchard Agents and Attorneys LAUNCESTON, TASMANIA. We plant and manage orchards for Absentee Clients, with graduated payments, and under Government Expert supervision, until it suits them to
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    • 1194 2 TO-DAY AT 5 P.M. SHARP TO-DAY SPECIAL MATINEE Of Selected Pictures to suit all Classes, including Charlie's Elopement Charlie Chaplin King, of Comedians in a 2 Reel Mirth Provoker LAST NIGHT To-Night At 8 P.M. TO-Night We are not given to Superlatives but we unhesitatingly announce our present Programme the
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  • 1115 3 Government Action. Lhe •■overnment have taken definite ucn in regard to the vary large German "■ade to palm kernels, which chiefly come 'rom Kritish Colonies in Africa. The prolimn takes the form of an export duty Ixti provisionally at X'2 per ton, to be re■uitted
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  • 263 3 The loyalty of the Colonies is taking tangible form. The latest to show prac ticftl sympathy with the cause of the Empire and of the Allies is Hongkong, which announces that a recommendation will be made for a direct contribution to the Imperial Government. The little islnnd
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  • 158 3 Oue of tbe bills which came befoie the House of Corauionß Examinerß of Private Btl!s we.s oue to revoke a codicil of the will cf tho Right Hon. Cecil Rbodss under which the Rhodes Scholarships were founded. An adjournment was agreed on in order that the question whether
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 223 3 m These high-class Cigarettes are something entirely distinctive, something absolute- i ly unique, at the moderate 1 price charged for them. CIGARETTES NO. 555 VIRGINIA LEAF PER TIN OF 50-70 CEN!S They have to the smoker (including dutto. fee iing of pleasure and Packed in P*^ vacuum tins ensuring the
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    • 244 3 ARE YOU PUTTING YOUR BOY INTO THE NAVY In any event you will need some money to give him a* start in life and there is probably no better and sorer Bjray of saving it than by one of our Educational Endowments." SUN LIFE OF CANADA, S. J. HOWE, Manager.
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  • 907 4 MEREDITH AND A MORAL. Not George, let me at once explain, but another. Meredith is only a little furry I black-and white bundle of dignity and impudence, of vast activities varied by! magnificent somnolence. She is scarcely three months old when I last saw her she was curled up, asleep
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  • 1749 4 To Deo. &i June To date 1915 Abaco 3,349 6,493 Allagar, Dec 266,800 82.5C0 A.Gajah.Sep 29,790 11,000 58,800 Alot Pongsu 22,415 97.08E Alma, 23,000 121,300 Ampat, Sep 36,054 51,812 An- Johoie, Mar 177,249 20,591 120,311 An Malay.Dec 1,507,847 150,510 796,866 >n-S'tra.May 473,623 372,410 Aeahan, July 93,736 106,990
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  • 270 4 tn hbovf- list the totals hi tt».-t ooit.; i. <• Jiiciiiily toUlb for .iavD< c. Ittft Thi- u>< I in L i t tin i ,:j,;-:in> j tar vud± i* ir.du i' after the r;.mt 2 bud column show- 1916 total to date uud srooii.i column th< it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 13 4 Most Certain Cure. jB Phyaicians recommend them. B jjflj Of all Chemists. B^|
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  • 617 5 FOOD DEMONSTRATIONS IN HOLLAND. Kig popular demonstrations at Amsterdam aud Rotterdam on Jane 13, accoaipa■iti in the latter city by police charges *itb drawn sabres ani the smashing of -hop windows, furnish farther evidence, f such be needed, of the serious stage *iiich the dear food problem has reached hi
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  • 156 5 The price of cod-liver oil has reached a eiEiirkab'e level. Its value is now at least eleven tiroes the normal figure, and ti advancing almost every week. Before UN war II ceuld be bought at from 60s to 70s a barrel of 36 gallons, and now
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  • 79 5 Baoogk for me (a year ago) A tropic sky, the China sea Green p.uli field aud rubber tree. I tulni !eave9 flapping to and fro about my shady bungalow Enough for me. <* To-day a dugout on a height Above a sbadeleaa plain its three By eight and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 265 5 By tbe way here is a etory told by a Divisional General against himself. There is a stringent order that no officer 'or man must separate himself from his gas helmet either by day or night. In hot weather when in the reserve or support trenches one often goes about
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    • 725 5 WANTED NOTICE. Competent Shorthand Typist; Apply Office jobi little ft ca. Ltd. THE ALIEN ENEMIES ENACTMENT JOHORE Incorporated in England. inic 22-7 n.c. 1910 MOTOR MR wmED ESTATE mwUBM 20LLHKR. 8 Two Beater Car wanted 2nd hand. Ameri- J^J©'^ I. the undersigned, have been duly can make preferred Full part
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    • 739 5 SING WOBE ST. ArJOREW S SOCIETY Notice Is hereby given ibat the 1 Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held in the Cricket Clah on Thurtday the i7th insf. at 5-15 p.m. BUSINESS. To receive Accounts and Report for the year. (2) To elect Office bearers for the
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    • 457 5 TOUT. Laidlaw Buildings, Offices 01 2nd floor, connected by lift SO-7 tths M TO LET i No. 31, Newton Boat I, New House, Bpacioni groonds. Immediate ontry. POWELL ft C« Auctioneers 21-7 n.c. TO LET No. 13, Lloyd Hoad, Compound Boaae. Apply to 8. I. ALMGOnr A Co. 7*B, North
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 573 5 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES 5tH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. JILY 13BD. BT. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. 7 am. Holy Communion (Plain). 7.4-1 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). Hymni I a 6 338, 3/0, 182 10.80 a u. Matins (Choral). ,4pm. Children's Service. ;S p.m. Kvcnsong and Sermon. Hymns 2 5. 8.7, 81 Dally Services Holy
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 41 6 Highet.— On the Bth Jqne, at Glasnevin, i Barnes' Close, Winchester, the wife ol Temp. Captain H. C. Highet, r.a.m c, of a daughter. On the 16th at Batn Gsjah to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Matthews, a daughter. j
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    • 39 6 EcCLEi.— On June 20th, suddenly, at Borstal, Re cheater, Captain William Vebnon Eccles, late Bifle Brigade, Governor of Borstal Institution, eldest son of the late Capt. W. H. Eccles and of Mrs. Ecclea, SO, Clifton-gardens, Folkestone, aged flftyfoor.
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  • 1283 6 The Singapore Free Press. Saturday, July 22, 1916, fl«i« «WJ t« ?r**s the "PnopsV: right tfoaved in in£u-nce and anbribed by gtJa| Mar* pfttrfoi Trath her glorious pnc«ptt incm. on the day the mail left London the Board of Trade published the recommendations of the Economic Conference held at Paris
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  • 822 6 Messrs. Powell sod Co's sale of furniture announced to be held at No. 4 Oxley Rise on the 22nd inst baa been postponed to the 29tb inet at 2.80 p.m. At tbe Palladium matinee to-day besides other good pictures will be shown a rollicking Charlie Chaplin film Charlie's Elopement/' In
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  • 152 6 Success in Privy (Y>unr,! lenang, ,h;!v The Privy Council has revetfc.-d thi judgment* of tba I'.-m-g court in th,appeal, the defendant being oppuJlau: Croai the judgment of cbe ourt ot Appea, at J'enang affirmi^ the ju(ip.neot of Mr Justice {-erconibe Smith iu the action which wa« btought
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  • 139 6 [By Coubtesy of the French Con hula k Paris, July 19, 6.50 p.m. -The KrencL 8 per cent bonds are at f ranee 64.65 and the 5 per cent at 90.50. Rubber is quot ed 2s pound. Yesterday, we drove the Oermans fror the few houses they
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  • 70 6 Already acknowledged 116.27 P H Karri p re Broseard and Mopin'g Staff C J Sauuders 10( V D Knowles 1 C H Allen (Kuala Lumpur) Collected Bf Distkk t Oittceb, Km Chong Vong Kim, Teb Seh Song each |15, Lim (boon, Teb Khin, Tan Toon, Lim
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  • 39 6 Further received yesterday field glat-sf-from I). Others who are intending t< contribute are asked to send in soon. a° every glass at the fcont if a help to MM men who have to fight.
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  • 376 6 At the Boustead Institute on Sunday at 8.15 p.m. a gorpel temperance eervirt will be held at which there will be eoloc by Mies Abrams Mrs Williamson and Lc< Cpl Yaughan. a quartette, and addressee by the Rev W E Horley and Mr I'ringle In the third police court yesterday
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 206 6 BL I SCOTCH WHISKY E EXTRA SPECIAL, GOLD LABEL. I* SPECIAL VERY OLD. WHITE LABEL. O Bllloch. Lade Co.. Ltd.. orncES: ciASCow »i London. j solb agenm JOHN LITTLE'S (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). "SPECIAL" SEWING MACHINE NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED. Entirelf owing to the exorbitant AAA !freiiht rates from America we
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  • 96 7 FURTHER IMPORTANT ADVANCE MADE. Progress Near Verdun. !'.y Submarine Cable] [Hunter's Serrioe] aly 20 A roramunique sa>s carried tbr MWSJ trenches between Harden HIM and the Somme, and ex* H line eastv.:i-d of ilardecourt a :i-uterable distance along the narrow gauge railway from Combles to have so far
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  • 52 7 B Still Moiing Forward. 80, July 20. General llaig in a BU u> pays that a little more ground V1 trained at l>elville Wood and Longueva. M*ust> of Lor.gueval and Ba/entin out line vra<s pushed forward. F.aet of e p ig i:edoubt. u substantial advance ade by
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  • 100 7 German Losses Much the Heavier. LoJon .In'> -0. Wounded Kritieh officer!* r-mphaaise that though our casu ticv a-:- ore big we are gaining on the kIM aB the time, not only ground but enorrac::Biy in wan power and morale. *Om tbuf* Are m better heart today t; pvr.
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  • 93 7 WAR' S ENORMOOS COST Hope of a Decline. ■dm faly 20. Iq the House of < ommoaa, Mr Mckenna said the rise io the me of national expenditure daring the %n sever, weeks was due firstly to the •overcment's purchases of American secnritfea and secondly to the rate at *h;jh
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  • 41 7 jpechagea, July '21. It is believed that there was a naval battle on Wednee tej night in the Baltic. There was canno casing all night long, disappearing south w»rdg, indicating that the Russians are kivia| the Germans.
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  • 42 7 Union, July 20. Mr Fenwiok Harrisou has given to the Kitchener Memorial •:J fifty thousand pounds, to be pat at ibe digital of the Ked Cross Society to M I wounded officer? and men in the form of c^dh.
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  • 22 7 '•union, July 20. The situation in Mesopotamia is unchanged. The temperature is a hundred and twenty in the shade.
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  • 26 7 arn, July 2C. A frash contingent of has landed at Brest and goes to ;<r '.oc tuujp-t and thence to the front
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  • 133 7 1 ti to tha liberal financial support hy a!! classes* of the community derated Malay States, the Com Management ct the Military J .i established by these States at Ml Ki:d. Kircpton, Herts, has been BCtiMt the accommodation from l§i b<i>. Two new wards,
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  • 28 7 'ia/ette notifies the grant of rights Ka*par Kottmann, of Labocan Bilik, Coast of Sumatra, civil engineer, e »peeting an invention for improvements 10 r ofiB tor tropical countries.
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  • 360 7 INQUISITIVE CARSON MOST -WAIT AND SEfi." No Booming of War Blinders. IBy Submarine Cable] [Beater's Set-rice] London, July 20. The House of Commons was crowded in expectancy of a possibly critical debate on Sir E Carson's motion asking for a select committee to enquire into the conduct of
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  • 82 7 11 Strength of Britain Memorial. London, July 21* A memorial from the Strength of Britain movement, unconnected with the temperance movement, appeals to Government to institute total prohibition for the period of the war, and thus raise a new fire of resolution among the people, following the example
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  • 331 7 London, July 19.— Mr C C ilcleod detailed the Indian Chambers of Commerce objections to the Government of India Amendment Bill to the joint committee which is considering the measure. i^^^^n The Municipalities in the Colony are to take all fines imposed under certain provisions of the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 419 7 TO THE EDITOB. Dear Sir, The Free Press of yesterda contained a short paragraph quoting tb Hongkong Telegraph on Food Before in Singapore." Almost any attempt t break away from orthodox habits, whethe in thought or deed, has to pass throng] three different stages, which somebed, has called
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  • 379 7 Sergeant J R Brown, Penang Volunteers, has been promoted second lieut. and attached to the Chinese Company. Mr O T Dussek has been appointed a member of the Board of Examiners in Languages for the Settlement of Malacca. The local Registrar of Imports and Exports (War Powers) Amendment Ordinance 1916
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  • 312 7 I On Monday July 10th a Chinese defcec I tive on duty at Whiteaway Laidlaw's during the sale, saw a Chinaman steal a pair of socks from a counter. The detective waited until the man had walked down the steps and out of the doors, when he accosted
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  • 143 7 Notification appears in the Gazette that the following regulation made by the Governor in Council with the sanction of the Secretary of State for the Colonies is added to the Regulations made under section 4 of the Pensions Ordinance 1887 14.— (1) Any period during which
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  • 357 7 H M Minister at Bangkok has forwarded the following particulars, furnished by the Acting British Vice-Consul at Pnket (Mr O A Veeej Fitzgerald) after a tonr undertaken by him in the Taknapa and Pangnga districts of Southern Siam in February last At present tin operations in
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  • 10 7 Agents Bateman and Co. Semfcrong 1,933
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  • 36 7 Dating from yesterday, a Money Order system comes into force between the Colony and the British Administration of New Guinea (late German New Guinea) through the medium of the Postal Administration cf the Commonwealth of Australia.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 612 8 "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. FOR LONDON. ss. City of Bombay hle a])OUt An 14 Por particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Incorporated In Holland, Roy*l Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. t— 3,
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    • 866 8 IT O« British India AND /Vpcar Liine (Companies Incorporated In England.) j Mail and Passenger Services. i PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediter--1 ranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES.
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    • 568 8 M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES KAIL LINE. Fop GIIRI. JftMM CETLOH art MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OT7TWABD IBIS 1216 A.ndre Lebon Jnly 8 Athos Jaly 20 atlantiqae Aop. 2 Cordtlltre Aag. 1 Polyn6sien Aag. 16 Portbos Aag. 15 Athos Aag. 30 A steamer Aug. 29 For all particulars apply to J. do GOURTOIS,
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    • 618 8 N. Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd (.Incorporated tn Japat EUROPEAN LINE A service Is maintained bctwocc y > ▼ia ports to Mareeilles, London, under »tJ contract wiih the Imperial Japanese GorI,J ment. The New Twin scVew 4* maintaining this service have be<n -w^u designed and constructod, and arc ttZ
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  • 1158 9 A Lesson to the Hun. Tarnopol, Eastern Galicia. We are in Austria here, but no one who was plumped down into Tarnopol, eay from an aeroplane, would ever guess it. Not only are the streets fnll of Russian soldiers. All the names on the shopfronts are in Russian
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  • 538 9 The Officer's Eyeglass. There are many amusing anecdotes told of tbe late Lord Kitchener. A pet aversion of hie was effeminacy. It is said ibat an officer came to him with hie eyeglass fix«»d aud was promptly aeked "Is it necessary for you to wear
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1242 9 Wab or Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP M GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, EX. m omf »E7 haa £20,000 defoalted with the Safieme
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    • 26 9 VEGETALE DES ALPES Nourishes the roots and produces in a short time a lovely head of invigorated hair EUROPEAN Hair Dressing Saloon GRAND HOTEL DE L'EUROPE
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  • 205 10 Attempt Staged,, Is Report. London, June 13. Despatches from Athens report that a revolver shot was fired at King Constantino on his arrival at the Stadium, where a great festival bad been organized. The man who fired the revolver was arrested. A despatch charges that the
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  • 131 10 British Empires Opinion. Parie, June I3tb, The British Ambassador, yesterday, welcomed the Marquis of (Jrewe, Mr Bonar Law aud Mr Hugbee. l.ri fcieh Deiegatts to the Fijcnomic Coafererce. Le Matin states: In desiring an immediate grouping of economic forces against Germany and the denial of economic equality to
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  • 1064 10 Issaeiby FKASER& Co., Exchange and Share Brokers 1 •All tmtatioas of Sterling Saire* aasi fce fegarloa a* patelj aomlati tot the picita* 1**. IBSDS. PlTO. T <40V j> f 3CTBB8 100.000 t* t* AUagat i2i^ as 879,889 2s 2s Anglo- Java 20% 130,000 Mb la AngloM&iftf 63
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 200 10 2 '"m-!M The custard that p goes best with O stewed fruits is a ("urn Flour custard. v\\ It blends well with the >V fresii {lavour of the fruit, i V/; and is nourishing, rich 'y// and creamy. v\ j It has the real egg \W flavour, for it is
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1166 11 Alter a recent Air Raid the following unsolicited testimonial was received r Minimax Limited:— On Wednesday evening last an incendiary bomb dropped on our remises, crashed through the roof breaking the rafters and fetching down the ceiling, and set fire to the sitting room which is In the occupation of
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    • 580 11 THE Singapore Free Press MORNING DAILY To Our Readers. The Singapore Free Press is a mornlni Daily, and is on sale at depots, from an earl j hoar each morning (Sundays excepted). Cash price Ten Gents a copy. Subscribers' copies will be delivered at theii private residences, (or town offices
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    • 663 11 EXCHANGE. (COBBEOTBD Vt T) July 21.) Bank 4 m/i 2-4 1982 demand 3.4} Pilvftti credtti Im'i I4 i France demand Bank 826 (HDIA, T. T. 174* HOHOKOHS, demacd n£~ Tokohama, demand no* JAYA, dsmtmd 185 4 BASSKOK, demand 65? 80V1SHIQH8, Bank Bnying 98.64 Bank of England Rats 6% Bat Silves
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    • 626 11 DAILY SHIPPING REPORT. Chamter off Commerce (to 1 1 i.b July tl ARRIVALS. July 19.— Aragae (Brit). July 20.— Hai Mod (Brit) Van Geoni, Jansaene, Singkep (Dot) Fionia (Dan) July 21.— Ban Wbatt Hin (J'.rit) Maur (Nor) Grotiue (Dat) Athoe (Fch). i^^^^» ii CLEARANCES. July 20.— K der N'laaden. Emila,
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  • 1323 12 TIE OPERATIONS DESCRIBED 1(0 Official t Opinions. The following is a full report telegraphed to a China papor under date July 6th of the interview accorded by Major General F B Maurice, Director of Military Operations of the Imperial General Staff, to the Associated Pre»a of America, portions
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  • 307 12 Another Loan. September has been decided upon as the time to issue the fifth German War Loan. Peace Talk. Under semi-official auspices a committee has been formed in Germany to propagate the idea of conclnding as soon as possible an honourable peace. A special cable to the Statesman
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  • 23 12 The newly appointed Rajah Beodahara will iborily take up bis residence in Ipoh, where an official residence is to be pro\iJeii fui him.
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  • 692 12 Steamship Laetzow (Part Cargo Ex). Judgment has been delivered in this case, in which claims were made to cargo ex the s.s. Luetzow. His Honour Judge Gator said These goods form part of the cargo of the German s.s. Luetzow and are now in course of
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  • 144 12 [By Courtesy of Francis Peek A: Co.] Batavia, July 21. Rubber Market. The position is still further weakened. First Standard Crepe and Sheet being quoted at F. 1.32* to F. 1 35 per half kilo respectively. Rice. The market remains quiet and there is no change to
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  • 73 12 The licv JAB Cook will conduct a service in English at the Johore Church on Sunday, July 23, at 9 a.m. Mr Marinua van Meel, the well known airman, arrived at New York by theNieuw Amsterdam, en route for Java. He baa been commissioned by the Dutch Govern ment to
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  • 211 12 The NYK steamer Misbima Maru will sail for Europe on Wednesday afternoon ■ext. The Singaporean, Gapt. Sanderson, arrived at Bombay on July 12th, alter a tremendous buffeting from the monsoon. She is to make at least one trip to the Persian Gulf. The P A O outward mail
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  • 197 12 The report of tbe Messageries Maritimes for 1915 states that the revenue from the working of the Domaine Prive (free ships, shipbuilding yard, ships used by the Navy and chartered vessels) amounted to f. 26,151,745, as compared with f. 20,168,--607, for 1914, while the working expenses were f.1
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  • 93 12 TO DAY'S TIES. Championship. Dean v Howe. Hartnell v Manning. A Singles. Utermark v Rochwaldy. B Singles. Cheek v Doig. If not playing in the Double. Wodehouse v Iladdcn. Wileon v Webb. C Singles. Calder v Potter. McKerrow v Gibson. Newcomers' Handicap. Meadows v Wedderburn. B
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 248 12 RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW UNIVERSAL FILM MANUFACTURING Go. PRESENTS THE GREAT BROADWAY STAR. HO3ART BOSWORTH THE WHITE SCAR Taken ia the Canadian, one of the m«»st lavish and picrnroqia photo play 8. 1. GREED AND GASOLENE 1 Reel L'Ko Comedy with Reggie Morris and Qer» Selby
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 126 12 S.V.C. DRILL PROGKAMME. TO-DAY. 2.30 p.m. Baleetier Range S V R, No. 4 Platoon 5.00 Bras Basah Road Malay Co 3.00 Raffles Institution SVC Band Sunday, 23rd July. 8.00 a.m. Johnston's Pier at 8 a.m, for transport to Fort Siloso. (Launch wjll call at Jardine's Steps 8-l«fc.m.) S V A,
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