The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 July 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 223 1 Monday's tennis ties will be found on page 12. Details of the visit of the Argentine training ship Page 12. The Italians are pushing the Austrians steadily backward— Page 7. Mr Lloyd Oeorge has been appointed Secretary for War Page 7. Admiral Jellicje's official despatches have been
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  • 1151 1 Qulcijuid agunt homines nostri esft farrago libelll. Juvenal. No doubt about it The British Empire* neede better organisation aDd the various dependencies thereof* The which is quite plain from a comparison of the air of last Sunday and that Black Sunday which brought the first news
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 83 1 WHITE AWAY LAIDL AW Co.,| LIMITED. 1 (INCOKPOKATED IN ENGLAND). fl m J5 i BREAT SALE j Pairs J OF J will I Boots J j be I J Messrs KATZ BROS. Cram- I Shoes nnnT med I of all B UI with Makes j and §||Q[ a new I
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    • 167 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. State Express cigarettes of all dealers Page 11. Shipping P and O, KPM, S SS, latest sailings Page 8. Swee Lee and Co. have a fresh stock of Italian vermouth to hand Page 1. Guthrie and Co. advertise Solignum the British wood preservative Page 6. There will be
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 112 1 XJDLJEj WJSjJBjAi Saturday Bth! High Water 2-4. a.m., 321 p.m. First Quarter. Ula Pandan, Evatts, noon. M.M. homeward mail expected. Sunday 9th. High Water— 8-42 a.m., 4 8 p.m. 3rd Sunday after Tiinicy. Monday 10th, Btgh Water-4 58 a.m., 5 4 p.m. Central E. W., Laidlaw Bgs, >2 31 pm.
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  • 422 2 The London Magazine for May contains another instalment of Miss Edith Keen's story of life in the inner circle of the Hobenzollerns. The Kaiser is no spendthrift; indeed, the writer of these chronicles of Seven Years at the German Court" plainly says: The Kaiser's meanness in
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  • 182 2 In a recent number of The English Mechanic, it is stated that the firing of big guns affects the landscape like an earthquake. Hence it is suggested that a seismograph may be used for locating the positions of the guns, and, according to an account
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 702 2 THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Hongkong). THE Chief Importers OF British Pianos FRENCH PIANOS Italian Pianos ORCHARDING IN TASMANIA SADLEIR KNIGHT Orchard Agents and Attorneys LAUNCESTGN, TASMANIA. We plant and manage orchards for Absentee Clients, with graduated payments, and under Government Expert supervision, until it suits them to
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  • 1287 3 How Calcutta People are Victimised. The wiles of the Calcutta taxi-cab driver, and the tricks he will do to swindle either hii fare or his employer he is quite indifferent who pays, so long as the money gets into his pocket are euch as to make
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  • 462 3 The Export to Japan. The following information is published in the Manchurian Daily News (Japanese). From May, 1915, up to last March, altogether 18,652 tons of copper cash arrived at Seiton from the interior of Shantung. During last April the arrivals amounted to about 5,000 tons, and
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  • 186 3 When Clarence first accosted me With aspect all severity, Regardful of his single stripe I 'ported arms and ordered bipe With that respectful zeal in which My nature is so very rich. Accomplished in these arts of war (I'd learnt them of c and oft before) By Mighty
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 186 3 J^^Cake making\ J ?*£s' with Corn Flour. vS^yfj i N A' Xt n T you want a Socially nice cake for tea m^t/ V- ™> k to n ke Brown Poison s V S^X 7 Ho aranJ f»a»or,l:nary flour, in 1 "Imt *^V or(iinary Hour. 1 Wj >V The Co
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    • 164 3 ARE YOU PUTTING YOUR BOY INTO THE NAVY? In any event you will need some money to give him a start in life and there is probably no better and sorer way of saving it than by one of our "Educational Endowments." SUN LIFE OF CANADA, S. J. HOWE, Manager.
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  • 1097 4 War saw ns unprepared on land, and 1 but partly prepared on sea, but mechanical gamut and general adaptability have made tip for our unpreparpdnesß to an f extent thai oue only realizes after a visit to the East Coast defences*. Before the war a fishing town
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  • 1819 4 In above list the tota'* id first cuiuuiu ar monthly totalfi for JanlJt c. 1616. The mom in which the- Company h year ends Is Indic&t after the name. Third column shows Mm 1916 total to date and second column the tola of the part month. Every
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 235 4 SEVE VEGETALE DES ALPES Nourishes the roots and produces in a short time a lovely head of invigorated hair EUROPEAN Hair Dressing Saloon GRAiQ HOTEL DE L'EUROPE .jflgjpyigx Vhbhv TttC Patent Automatic a V3F* P 9 iJ~3l r MWM fTH-N fiusl 1 ImHßw Bf *wi™* M SIU j JJESjI I
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  • 1002 5 My predecessor has now gone on leave ,j i mm again in charge of this lone little billhead. Imagine an English country -tation considerably smaller than Martin Mill on oue side of the track there is he station huildiag that houses the chef > g.ire and provides
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  • 226 5 Walking on water was tbe easiest thing in tbe world at one of the lakes iu the Boie de Boulogne, on the occasion of a j demonstration by Sir nor Ritto, an Italian engineer, of tbe capabilities of his bydroI ski. The name is well chosen, for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 68 5 I SEYENTH-DAY ADYENTIST CHAPEL, I PEHAffQ LANE. Missionary ServicPfSaturday) 8 a.«. 1 Sabbath School (Saturday) 9 a.m. P 3 Malay Servlct (Saturday) 0 a.ja. t HamPreaAUg Service (Saturd») 2.15 pm. l Toecbew Preaching Service (Saturday) 8 30 pm 1 En#h Preaching Service (Saturday) 5p m. Engr^h Servioe (Sunday) «.15 p.m.—
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    • 565 5 $1,000 REWARD WHEREAS certain ill-disposed persons have maliciously made and published statements to the effect that Francis Graham, who since the l!)tb day ol November 1011 has carried on and still carries on business as a merchant and manufacturer of rubber at No. B Boat Quay, Laidlaw Building, Battery Road,
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    • 600 5 I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Notice Is hereby given that Reformatory Road from Its junction with Ayer Rajah Road to the Ula Pandan Road will be closed to all trafflo from Monday the 10th July until further notice H. V. TOWNER. Assoo M. last. C.E. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER. 8 7 tth 13-7
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    • 824 5 GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Tenders are hereby invited for the CONSTRUCTION OP BANQUETING HALL, ISTANA BESAB. JOHORE BAURC7. Plans and specification may be seen at the P.W.D. Office, Johore Bahra, on any day, Fridays excepted, between the honrs of 9 30 j a.m and 4 pm. I All
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    • 507 5 TO LET The Commodious Premises at present occupied by THE PHARMACY. 2, battery Road, old < hartered Bank Baildiog*. Furniture and Fittings may be purcbatea at valuation. Apply on the premises or to CEO. W. CRAWFORD, The Medical Ball. 27 6 ttha u.e TO LET. "BACHELORS" HALL (Orange Grova Road).
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 557 5 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. 3rd SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. JI'LY fin. BT. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.43 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). Hymns Ps 4i, tIS, 318, 558. 9J5 a.m. Matins acd Litany 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes. ,-i 3j p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Hymns 8. 26^, .0:. St.
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  • 23 6 Wagner.— To Mr and Mrs Here ward Wagner, at Dour Estate, Batu Oaves, F.M.8., on 6th July, 1910, a son.
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  • 33 6 Slate iWil i'az Press the Peopfc': rifht milf fr, $aavt<! Vr inSu-rnce and unbribed Vj> gala J Mere patriot Truth her glorious pracaptt inw» t» Uzioa. LoTwltT and I**,
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  • 912 6 It is now seven days since the Allied advance between the Rivers Ancre and Somme commenced, on a front of something less than twenty miles. The British part of the line is from Gommecourt, south of Arras, and extends to about midway between the Ancre and
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  • 468 6 The next Singapore Assizes open on Jnly 25th. The Adelphi Hotel ace giving a special dinner followed by a Ball tonight. Major Sir E Ellis is allowed to retain his rank and wear the uniform of the Singapore Volunteer Corps on retirement His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to
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  • 119 6 We should be glad if those possessing suitable glasses and who feel they can apare them would forward them to us as Boon as possible. A good few have been already received but it is hoped many more will come in. As long ae they
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  • 765 6 Mr Victor Deacon, formerly of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, and now a member of the Sportsmen's Battalion, has been wounded at the Front. Fortunately his wound is not serious. The Chief Justice (Sir John ttucknill kc) left by train yesterday for Malacca where he will hold an Assize
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  • 676 6 How She Helped to Sink the Hndeiburg South i. oasr. Three men who were in the greal tm battle are here on short leave. One w uin the Malaya, the other two in different torpedo boats. Thpy are positive that thfHindenburg wa« feuok, that
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  • Correspondence.
    • 185 6 To Thk Edjtok, Sir, It would appear freaa the Colon ial Estimates for 1916 that the Poet Office of the Straits Settlement*, will, for the first time in its history, be ran at lose. It ie interesting to find from the International Bureau Statistical Return that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 181 6 i i —*-T> I i ft BL I SCOTCH WHISKY E Jls 7>r**red for export EXTRA SPECIAU COLD LABEL VT SPECIAL VERY OLD. WHITE LABEL O Proprleton: Bulloch. Lade Co.. ua.. •MTIiUM M O>.>MO«. ISWk«i MO C««#in'O«. O p OfncES: GLASGOW «i LONDON. 1 SOLE AGENTS. HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED MILK
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    • 24 6 ROBBER AND TIN RETURNS Agents Batsman kQo Titi Tin:- 171 7« Agentß Evatt ACo Kelemak: 7,86 V Tehran 82,288 12 mootke «5a,04l against 646,48a
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  • 260 7 GERMAN ADMISSIONS. Heavy Raids in the North. [Bj Submarine Cable] [Heater's Service] July fc The German official ;i tuuaique grudgingly admits British mttgmm ne& r Thiepval, the evacuation of Hjo rdJ Ike French capture of Belloy. fog for Kstreea is proceeding. The jJuU Q:qoe also e peak
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  • 381 7 kFurtber Points Captured ice July 5. The slower British =6 is explained in a French eemi- jiticial on the ground that the Germans expected the British anil not the French to attack them, thinking the latter were "\hau*t«d by Verdan. Accordingly they »ssed their best troops against the
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  • 100 7 f "arts. July 7.— The first stage of the battle on the Somrae has ended and the. .v.l has begun at least on the British tor where according to the semiofrnal reports methodical bombardment f the eaeray'a lines has recommenced. The report re emphasises that
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  • 48 7 I -ondim. Jaly 6— In the House of Lords,, «rt New too said the German reply to tee British request that the prisoners at 'uhlebeu should either be fed or released u »d beesi received. Germany has cate<onoeiljr refused the request. Their reply *^o« btadied.
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  • 479 7 MARLBOROOGH'S FEAT AT JOTLAND. Tin Enemy Losses [By Submarine Cable] [Rooter's Service] London, July 6. Admiral Jellicoe's despatch will be an historic document in the annals of the Navy. It appeals rather to students of sea warfare than to the layman, who does not find it easy
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  • 83 7 London, July 6. Ik is stated the Cabinet has agreed to Mr Lloyd George's Irish proposals with additional safeguards providing for Imperial control of the harbours and strategic points and protection ,of the Unionists of the south and west. A bill is being prepared to give
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  • 104 7 London, July 5. In the House of Commons Mr Chamberlain said that negotiations were proceeding with Travrfhcore State for remedying the grievance of a double export duty on tea. He had communicated with other departments of the Imperial Government which used indigo and hoped that after the war
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  • 33 7 London, Jnly 6. An Italian official report says Oar offensive between the Lagarina and Sugana valleys continues. Our pressure on the Adige and Astico has obliged the enemy to withdraw.
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  • 14 7 CASEMENT 'S APPEAL. London, July 6. Casement's appeal will be heard on Jnly 17.
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  • 16 7 London, July 6. Viscount French has been mads Colonel of the Irish Guards.
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  • 21 7 London, Jnly 7. Sir Edward Bock i c 8 1, (Indian Civil Service retired) has died in hospital at Borne.
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  • 493 7 I GERMAN'S PERILOUS POSITION IN THE EAST. Austrians Cot Off. I'atrograd, July 6. The general staff estimates the Austrian losses at over half a million a month. Military writers are most optimistic at the prospects. The Russians guns are pounding at Baranovitchi on three sides at
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  • 76 7 London, July 7. In the House of Commons Mr Tennant said it was undesirable to give information of the strength and movements or intentions of the British force on the Euphrates. Reports have been received of a rising at Kerbela against the Turks who sent a force
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  • 37 7 London, July 6. An Army Order ha« been issued that woanded officers and men henceforth wear a gold braid strip on the left arm, and an additional strip each time they have been wounded.
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  • 23 7 London, July 6. Official Mr Lloyd George has been appointed War Secretary. Sir B Grey has been granted an earldom.
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  • 33 7 Petroprtd 1 July 7. A Rosso Japanese convention has been signed which provides that the two countries will unite in their efforts to maintain a permanent peace in the far east.
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  • 28 7 London, July 6.— The following are notified in the casualty list Killed Brigadier G B Prowse. Wounded and Missing Captain C Craig, u p.
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  • 42 7 <♦— Another phase of Messrs Whiteawnv e great tale commences on Monday, when the whole of the acquired stock of boots and shoes will be offered at great reduction on the original price. Whiteaway's will close to day to prepare for Monday's •ale.
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  • 435 7 The ordinary general meeting of the Kinta Association Ltd, was held at Chartered Bank Chambers yesterday afternoon.' The Hon'ble W W Cook in the chair the others present being Messrs W H Macgregor and W Lowther Kemp (directors,) O A Kimmel, J H Maonaughton, and S Whitaker (representing
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  • 223 7 [By Courtesy of the French Consulate] Paris, July 6, 10 p.m.— The French 3 per cent bonds are at francs 68.10 and the 5 per cent at 89.60. Rubber is quoted 2s 8d per pound. Yesterday, on the south of the Somme we captured a wood between
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  • 72 7 London, July 6. Montagu's report says the heaviness of the market is mainly due to selling by 'the banks dealing with China which with normal supplies from America have met the coinage demand. The size of the London stock, over ten million standard ounces, has discouraged outside
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  • 105 7 Yeo Keng Heng, the Hokien rikieha; puller who was eeen by Corporal No. 21 Rikisha Dept, to pat his hands in the pockets of Thomas Thompson, ship's officer, in Middle Road at 9.55 on Sunday night last, and appropriate a pair of spectacles value 15, again came before the second
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 201 7 ROBINSON CO. MILITARY BOOKS PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Garrison Artillery Training Price 35 cents. Manual of Coast Defence Range Finding Price 55 cents. ditto Addendum s cents, ditto Amendments s cents. Plymouth and Isle of Wight Handbooks for Coast Defence Guns and Range Finders Price 60 cents. Wrigley's Chewing Gum /J\\
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 592 8 "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. INXORPORATED IN ENGLAND. FOR LONDON. s.s. City of Vienna due about July 10. s s. City of Bombay Aug. 14. Por particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART HAATSGKAfPSJ Incorporated in Holland, Boynl
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    • 217 8 STOOMVftARTMAATSiHAPPIJ (STEAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND) Kail Service between Java and Amsterdam via Singapore, Belawan-Deii, Sabang, Durban, Capetown, Las Palmas and vice versa. 6tearnorB are dae to sail on the onder mentioned dates UTWARD. HOMEWARD i9>6 19L6. P. Juliana (via Koningin fl. Suez) Aug. 1 Ned. July 20 Rembrandt
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    • 857 8 P. CK Obitish India AMD Apcar Ljine (Companies Incorporated In England.) i 1? Mail and Passenger Services. i PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract wltb His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediter- ranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL
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    • 567 8 M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES KAIL LINE. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLOM ted MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1916 1916 Magellan Jnly 8 Polvnefiieu July A A. Lebon July 17 jAt how July 18 Atlantique Joly S I riordill^ro Aug 1 Polynesien July 31 Porthos Aug 15 For all particulars apply to J. do
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    • 592 8 N. Y. K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. Ltd (Incorporated In Japan* EUROPEAN LIKE A service Is maintained bctwr cc kuti& ▼la ports to MarselUee, London, r;odir ton contract with the Imperial J apace -c Gove ment. Tbe New Twin screw R^aoje^ maintaining this service have ix en specUOj. designed and
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  • 1043 9 ■ILES OF COUNTRY IMPREGNATED. Remarkable Discover! An interesting and important development has recently taken place in the investigation of the radium deposits in the Singar estate near Gaya. Some four years ago Mr H E Tiery, prospecting for radio active minerals, which are known to exist in
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  • 419 9 $20,000 Worth of Jewellery Gone. Xow that the revolutionists hereabouts are disbanding their forces, the man who left Shanghai a few months ago to join the rebels In the expectation of getting op portunities to loot, are again in the Settlement, says the N C
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  • 233 9 For at least ten years bee fore the war the Germans were causing anxiety to patriotic Britons in China. They seemed determined to do everything possible to fasten their commercial tentacles into tin couLtry. ft goes without saying that they did not play the straight game.
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  • 141 9 Oath Held Binding bj Tribunal A singular caee has been decided by tb< Kaugor Military Service Tribunal. A (iihertccn named T E Price applied for exemption on the ground that he was or. j the Appam when she was captured by the iCiertnan fluxiliary ctuiber Mowe, and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 564 9 I Wab or Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. J WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP m GREAT EASTERN HE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). G£AD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE I 52, Old Jewry, E.C. thi Comaaaf baa £20.000 deposited with
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    • 431 9 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated In New Zealand.) FIRS Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description. MARINE Insurances accepted to all parts ol the world at lowest rates. IARTHQUAKS Risks accepted. J. HENRT, Local Manager. Offlcaa 2. Finltyson Green. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Co. Ltd. (Incorporated in England.)
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    • 302 9 THE Manufacturers Life Insurance Company. (Incorporated in Canada) A WONDERFUL TRIBUTE TO THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE. According to the official statement of the Superintendent of Insurance for the Dominion of Canada. "The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company Is one of the larger Canadian Companies, strong, well established and prosperous. Its excellent financial
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  • 688 10 A writer in (he Sarawak Gazette eays j To (hose interested in rabbet the following may be of some interest. I am not a gardener and know little or nothing about robber. I planted some trees a few years ago on the site of some abandoned
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  • 1286 10 Issaedby FKASER& Co., Exchange and Share Brokers \U I k^. *All isolations of Sterling Shuts mast fee tegaviea m porei? aoaknl Ht Mm ptwast RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. -\at. lesoa. Paid. *ab»Di* Bur»RB. 100. mo f» AJiaca* 3 2** a o ,e 879,933 2s 2s Aagio-Java b% int
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 62 10 GREATER MILEAGE WITH AVON TYRES AT LESS COST. STAMFORD HOUSE, PRIVATE HOTEL Bras Basah Road. CENTRALLY SITUATED Always cool and exposed to sea breeze, FURNISHED APARTMENTS With or Without Board. Comfortable Rooms with Bathrooms attached. Electric Fittings throughout. Large Reception Hall and Billiards Separate tables in spacious dining room. TERMS:
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  • 57 11 iCOBBBCTBD OP VO July 7.) Bank 4 m/s 24 19 82 m demand M 3.4} Pvivaft credits Bma s 4 1816 France demand Bank 826 Ibdia, T. T. 174$ HOBSKOHO, demand M laj Yokohama, demand no-. Java, damand 135 Bahakok, demand 65| Soviameßß, Bank Buying 18.54 Bank ol England
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  • 138 11 July 7. Tin (buyers) 184.00 3amteie> 12.50 Gambits Cnke No. l m 20.00 Gambia* Cuba No. 2* 18.00 Ptppti Black ordio, S'pori buyers 26.00 Pappai, (Wi'te fail) 86.00 Nutmegs (110 to the lb. 30.00 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) nom. Mao« (Banda) 75.00 Cloy 88 (Amboina) ncm. Bali Coffee
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 506 11 After a recent Air Raid the following unsolicited testimonial was received by Minima* Limited:— M On Wednesday evening last an incendiary bomb dropped on our premises, crashed through the roof breaking the rafters and fetching down the ceiling, and set fire to the sitting room which is in the occupation
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    • 581 11 THE i Singapore Free Presg MORNING DAILY To Our Readers. The Singapore Free Press is a morning Daily, and is on sale at depots, from an early hour each morning (Sundays excepted). Cash price Ten Cents a copy. Subscribers' copies will be delivered attheti private residences, (or town offices or
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    • 197 11 BUY IT IN AMERICA. Codes Cable Iddress, Llebers. A.B.C Krubotako, Stb edition, New York. Western Union. W. F. BORN EXPORT CORPORATION. 27. Pine Street. New York. EXPORT AGENTS, BUYING AGENTS AND IMPORTERS If you are short of supplies from Europe write or cable us what you want. When making inquiries
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 748 11 DAILY SHIPPING REPORT. Cbanfcer of Comraerce (to II in., July 7 ARRIVALS. Jaly 6 Wollowra, Nyanza, Sri Muar. Hye Leong, Abboteford (Brit) Haiphong (Fr) Singkep, Brouwer, Ban Ho Liong (Dot) Canton Mara (Jap). Jaly 7. Salamis, Helenas (Brit) Mic keean Maru (Jap) Rumphius, Singkep (Dut) Agga (Nor) Yung Shing (ChiK
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  • 1944 12 THE OUTPUT OF MUNITIONS. From Our Oncn Correspondent London, June 8. One of the most striking acts of Lord Kitchener's career daring the war immediately proceeded his deatb. Vexed a little by the ill informed criticisms of members of the House of military matters, he decided to
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  • 50 12 Inspector Donovan, who was recently bitten by a mad dog and bad to leave foe India for treatment, has returned to Fort Dickson. Inspector Delamore, wbo acted for him, has returned to Kuala Lumpur and has been appointed to take change of the new police district of Kepong. (M M).
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  • 536 12 ANNUAL ATHLETIC SPORTS. Yesterday afternoon on the Raffles School ground, the above event took place. The clerk of the weather was particularly kind, j in so much that although tain was plainly visible oat at sea, when the sports were about to commenoe, not a single drop came
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  • 325 12 At the Casino this evening will be put on a number of new films of special interest including His Neighbour's wife, in which Lillie Langtry acts, a new series Lord Piccadilly of short episodes, latest Gaumont graphic and several very amusing comedies* In the senior magistrate's court yesterday morning, Mr
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  • 28 12 The M M steamer Magellan will arrive this morning from Saigon. She will leave at 5 this afternoon for Marseilles with the French mails for Europe.
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  • 276 12 About 4 p.m. on Thursday the Argen < tine training ship Presidents Sarmiento arrived from Manila, and on coming to anchor in the roads saluted the British flag with 21 guns, but owing to the war her salute was not returned from Fortj Canning, She is commanded
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  • 249 12 TODAY. 2.30 p.m. Balestier Range S. R. E. v. 300 Raffles Institution S.V.C. Band. Sunday, 9th July. 7.30 am. Baleetier Range, S. R. E. v. Monday, 10th July. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S. V. A. it «t Maxim Co. h it ti o. R. E. y. S.
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  • 60 12 mmmm^ mmmmmmmm MONDAY'S TIES. B Doubles. Tonkin and Davies v Smith and Wil liamß. A Singles. Tyler v Uterrnark. Stout y Nathan. B Singles. Jackson v Mamoli. Chaney v Hadden. Wodehouse v Lickey. C Sin«les. Palgrave v Croseley. Bell y Lyon. Parr v Wood. Newcomers Handicap. Wilkinson
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  • 39 12 Sundat 9th July. Tide 4.08 p m, Height 8 ft 2 in. Johnston's Pier at 9, 10 and 11am,' 2-80 and 8-80 pm. Club Bungalow, 9.80, and 10.80, am, 12.15, 8 and 5.80 p m. i
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 427 12 RAFFLES HOTEL SATURDAY, JULY 8. Special Dinner Cinema Show BROADWAY UNIVERSAL FEATURE "Business is Business" In 6 Heels featuring NAT C. GOODWIN in the famous French Tragedy by OCTAVE MIR ABE AU We can supply AISO Pads Any size to order Scribbling Paper (Foolscaps, Cream Laid, Folded) Suitable for Pen
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