The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 July 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 14 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. UEN CENTS TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1916. NO. 8.794
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  • 146 1 Late war news items on page 10. Latest rubber and tin returns on page 4. Special article on Indian trade after the war Page 7. The report of Central Engine works is given on page 5. The Italian attack is being pressed home on the retiring Austrians
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  • 1821 1 If you consider the matter you will perceive that as the main defence of this country resides m the Fleet at sea its outposts are its bases on shore. The Fleet being the centre, wherever it may be, the coast must be the circumference
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 206 1 IWHITEAWAY LAIDLAW Co., LIMITED. Great Half Price Sale I OF I Messrs. KATZ BROS. I RETAIL DRAPERY STOCK LrNOW ON^ I ft 350 PAIRS I ladies' 1500 PAIRS HOSE H$ LISLE In Tan and ac^ rr»nr DAATC Jb CUAF/C LACE EMBROIDERED FEW DUUIO (X bHUhb AND also plain I M
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    • 242 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. mains at Whiteaway's sale today Patio 1. chipping P and%3, KPM, S S latest -a l l my lists Page 6. Xo::re re indisposition of Secretary of ch Cricket Clvb Page 4. KobiLson and Co have a fresh shipment of Satton'fl seeds Page 5. Fresh films at the
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 136 1 THE WEEK. Tuesday 4th. High Water— l-10 a.m. Wednesday Sth. fVlfh Wafer— o 30 a.m., 1-39 p.m. M.M. outward mail expected. Thnrsday, 6th. Hitfh Water -i -9 a.m., 2-9 p.m. B I, outward mail expected. Bib. and Lit Research Soc, T.M.C.A.. Lecture, Rev. J. A. B. Cook, 8.45 p.m. Friday
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 626 2 THE ROBINSON PIANO. i COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated m Hongkong). I i i THE Chief Importers OF 0 British Pianos FRENCH PIANOS Italian Pianos AUCTION SALE OF Freehold Land and Houses Situate at River Valley Road and Lorong 14 Gaylang Road TO HE HELD AT Messrs CHING KENG LEE ft Co
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    • 581 2 A crowded* House on Saturday night testified to the excellence of our Programme Follow their lead and visit the PALLADIUM ORCHARD ROAD Singapore's Premier Theatre ORCHARD ROAD To-Night 8 p.m. For 3 Nights only To-Night 8 pm. THE ESSANAY COMPANY PRESENT ii l ark M^%. MM/ aO IDeHghtf ul and
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    • 742 2 TO FINANCIERS, COMPANY PROMOTERS, AND OTHERS. If you have not yet been to the Coolest Hall m Eingapore, make up y »m v.m: TO LET yourselves have a good time thif week by string the great pro .i anu: tl "^P AOTMn BY-THE-SEA CINEMA VliOliN KJ OFF BEACH R; TO-NIGHT
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  • 286 3 Whatever their mental capacity or noral squint, pacifists would indeed be greatly daring who would •at present venture to publicly advocate peace on any IsjtsM ''«it those of the complete destruction of ilermany's power for evil. The latest revelation of the treatment of our :en whom the fortune
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  • 132 3 I'Lie Registrar of Patents, Ceylon, has ueepted a specification from Mr Thos. jckenli embodying improvements m ipparatus for estimating tht* airount of ndia rubber m mbbci lat* x. In a for2^r speciticutiou. the tame inventor dee ribad apparatus fur the Mtmu purpose, a tf pnrt ci
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  • 427 3 The prices quoted are generally those current at Clyde Terrace Market. Al the other u*arkets there may he aiLAll variation*. Singapore. July frd, 1916. Baaas»EOß| i>er catty f*s Jo. French do 14 Bed per lb. -'0 t f Steal do 2'» 'Vau Sprouts ptr catty h BHMtbOQ
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 519 3 The Gay. Happy, Successful World Tarns Its Back On The This Folks The thin Johnnie above needs Sargol which would help him to draw every atom of strength, I blood and nourishment from the food he eats. Sargol, to our mind, is the mos"t wonder* ful Flesh- Producing and Weight-
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    • 900 3 GOVERNMENT OF JDHORE PUBLW WORKS DEPARTMENT Tenders are hereby invited for the CONSTRUCTION OF BANQUETING HALL, IST ANA FESaR. JOHORE BAHRO. Plans and specification may be seen at the ?.W.D. Office, Johore Be lira, on any day, Fridays ex cc pied, between the hanrs of 9 30 i.m and 4
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    • 533 3 TO LET No. 12, Mount Elisabeth Roar*, S3 8, Raoe Course Road, Apply tc LOH Lam, 601. North Bridge Road. 15-9 nc TO LET The Commodious Premises at present occupied by THE PHARMACY. 2, Battery Road, old bartered Bank Buildings. Furniture and Fittings may be purchased at valuation. Apply on
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  • Domestic Occurrence.
    • 42 4 Harvey.— Ou 29th June at European Hos- 1 pital. the wife of J. G. Harvey, of a daughter. Grenikr.— On the evening of the 80th June, at No. 13, Daiuansara Terrace, Kuala Lumpur, the wife of Walter Grenier, of a daugher.
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  • 2171 4 The Singapore Free Preas. Tuesday, July 4, 1916. Hne skall t\z Pros the ?eople': rlf ht walfla. Ca* ved by influence and anbribed by gmla f Mare p*irlot Truth her glorious praceptl <ny, 'Vt*{*t4 t» It Usdon. Lcyalty and Law. The Home authorities are apparently still undecided whether and how
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  • 149 4 The following Indian Army Order via,. issued from Simla on 14 th .Inne last bg H, E. tbe Concmander-in Chief m India Complimentary. The following tele grams are published for information From Hie Excellency the Commaudt i m Chief iv India, lo tbe Chief of the Itu perial
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  • 31 4 The Band of Hope will meet tie usua m the V M C A Hall on Wednesday at 4.30. Any new members wiehing t. join will be welcomed.
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  • 65 4 Agent 6 Bou6tead ft f,o Malakoff 41,700 total J46.600 aggr 249,000. Agents East Asiatic Co Mount Austin 9b, 3 2 Agents Evatt ft Co Changkat Serdaug l.'>,6tfO; o mo--72,643 I lv Pandan 7.622; two moe 15, 16. Caledonia Group Straits.— Ht.Hfl Penang:— 1*4.500 Rubana 50,000 Tali
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  • 138 4 The German Imperial Committee for Olympic Games, after consultation with all the afiriiated sports associations, is trying to promote a Bill which would make every German who ie liable to mill tary service liable also to regular phyei cal exercise up to the time of hie
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  • 375 4 The appointment of Mr P G Beal. As sistant Traffic Manager, to be Depurx Traffic Manager, has been approved On Monday last the annual prize-giving was held at the Malay College at Kuala Kangsar H U the Sal tan of Perak, wbc was accompanied by the British Resident the Hod
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 86 4 SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUB. NOTICE. Owing to the temporary indisposition of the Secretary it is necessary to make the following arrangements. (1) Any person desiring to see the Acting Secretary will be able to do so between the hoars of 12 and 12.30 p.m. each day. (2) Tennis tournament. Members are
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  • 382 5 BRITISH PROGRESS STEADILY. Haig's Cautious Report. By a»abmarin«* Cable! Kfuter's Service] lu^a, July 1 Pouter's correspondent tit headquarters writing at 1.15 tnis afternoon KitwrdjNJ says: Wp are making g-H-.J progress into the enemy territory btyoad tbe front Hue and have taken Strri and, important tactical points
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  • 112 5 Heai j Fighting oo the Stokhod. 1 etrograd, Jane 2. The communique vt ys that the enemy made desperate attacks between the Styr and the Stokhod and south of the Stokhod. The Russians repulsed enemy attempts to cross the Kiier Shara fifty miles north of Pinak, while an
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  • 127 5 Wild German Story. \ew York, May 29. A rather wild story published here to day on the authority of a prominent New York shipping man just returned from Hamburg declares that < iermauy is planning shortly to inaugurate regular service of her latest submarines a^ mail, cargo, and
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  • 131 5 I 'elective Inspector McAfee m the third noiice court yesterday, charged a Can tonese named Tan Luan with unlawfully returning to the Colony, after having been Vanished. He was committed to Atke bis trial at the next Assizes. Mr T Thompson, from a ship m port, was 'v a rikisha
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  • 382 5 NUMBER OF PRISONERS INCREASING. ■ore Villages Captured. [By Submarine Cable] [Renter's Service] Paris, July 2. The Communique says There was furious fighting north of the Somme during the night. There were ▼iolent German counter attacks against our new positions on the outskirts of Hardcourt which were
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  • 40 5 Rome, July 2. The official report says We continue a vigorous offensive between the Adige and Brenta. There was heavy fighting elsewhere, mostly to the advantage of the Italians, who have begun an attack on Vallarsa.
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  • 41 5 Havre, July 2. The Belgian official says that the Belgians continue to advance on the whole line m German East Africa, following closely on the heels of the retreating enemy, who are offering a feeble resistance.
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  • 236 5 In his speech at the National Liberal Club on May 10, the Home Secretary referred to a recent police discovery of a nest of treason mongers m a London public- house and the advantage of the Defence of the Realm Act m dealing with such cases.
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  • 61 5 As sensitive as a Conscientious Objector's is the conscience of David Masterton, who writes from Vancouver to the Town Council of Edinburgh enclosing a dollar, and expressing penitence m the matter aft an apple which he stole from a stall m the Cowgate forty years ago. This mutt surely be
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  • 308 5 MUNICIPAL RATE ADVANCE NOTES. The point which was raised the other day by a Chinese householder of Bencoolen street regarding deposits for water rate appears to have a wider application than was thought. In the particular instance the householder's average consumption cost was about a dollar a month. On June
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  • 222 5 The following is the Directors' Raport, for the meeting on Jnly 10th. The Directors submit the audited statements of accounts and balance sheet of the Company for the year ending 31st December, 1915. After allowing for Directors' and Auditors' Fees, and making full allowance for depreciation and
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  • 268 5 11 Truth says I am glad to hear that the Commander-in-Chief m India has begun to weed out some of the redundant officers at Army Headquarters who have not enough to do to justify their retention indoors at a time like this, when experienced
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  • 53 5 The Harima Hall pats on new stories of the great Graft series which has attracted so much attention, and has besides more Broken Coin films, comedies and dramas. The Gaiety this evening screens a strong programme of six interesting films including all kinds of exoiting adventures the latest war budget
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  • 110 5 Petrograd. May 29. The Tiflis correspondent of the Rueskoye Slovo says that the commander of the Russian detachment which succeeded m working its way through to the British force on the Tigris received from General Baratoff merely an order to go to the staff of General Lake.
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  • 86 5 Wbiteaway Laidlaw's was crowded yesterday from the moment of opening the doors to the last minute before closing. The assistants were given an hoar's breathing space at midday and were thus fortified for the afternoon rush. The buyers were very keen and secured good bargains and from three to four
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  • 704 5 The Hongkong Telegraph has the following. A most interesting article which we reprinted on Tuesday from the North China Daily News shows that Hongkong is not alone m finding opium a thorn m its aid*. Shanghai's difficulties are, to be sure, less than Hongkong's for, as the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 141 5 ROBINSON Co. I FRESH SUPPLY OF SUTTONS' VEGETABLE SEEDS Water Cress, Plain Cress, Mustard, Tomato, Dwarf Beans, Beetroot, New Red and Early Gem Carrot, Lettuce, Imperial and Drumhead Cabbage, Gem Lettuce ALL IN AIRTIGHT TINS Suttons Special Collection of Vegetable Seeds. 11 Varieties. Sutton's Standard Mixture of Lawn Grass Seeds
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 586 6 "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Coy., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). THE FINE STEAMSHIP City of Sparta sailing from Singapore on July 6. FOR LONDON Has excellent accommodation for Saloon passengers Fare £36. For full particulars apply to McALISTER CO., LIMITED., Agents. 'ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD.
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    • 846 6 P. O» British India AND iVpCAR LIINE (Companies Incorporated m England.) Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. I (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China. Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Homeward (for
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    • 598 6 M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LIVE. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON and MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1916 1916 Magellan July 3 Polvnesien July 4 A. Lebon July 17 Athos July 18 Atlantique July 3 Oordillfre Ang 1 Polyn'sien July 31 j Porthos Aug 15 For all particulars apply to J. do GOURTOIS.
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    • 584 6 N. Y.R JAPAN MAIL STEAKSHIP Co., Ltd (Incorporated m Japan; EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained hot wo* v lokohaiai via ports to Marseilles, London, under mvi contract with the Imperial Japanese Govera ment. The Mew Twin screw Sto&men maintaining this service have been *porliU| designed and constructed, and are
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  • 991 7 From Our Own Correspondent London, June Ist. Inquiries m official circles m this conntry convince me that the Indian Government intends seriously m every respect to take m hand the question of trade after the war. This policy will be altogether apart from the labours
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  • 954 7 A Change from Calicia Paris, May SO. The following extracts from letters written by German soldiers before Verdun, and taken from their pockets when the writers were captured by the French, provide an account of the battle from the Oerman point of view From a letter
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 255 7 SUPPLIES FOB Estates Mines Etc. a_.._ Ant Fumigators and Sulphur Powder. \r senile of Soda for killing out lalaug. Aspinall's Varnish, Paints &c. Cartridges. Nobel's own loading with sporting Ballistite which holds niore pigeonshooting records than any other powder. Cement "England" brand by The Ship Canal Portland Cement Co., Ltd.
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    • 588 7 INDIGESTION. it is not the quantity of f«>«>.) w,- t^,t. hut we digest ami assimilate thai nourishes I the lx>d\ iitii the stomach and organs of dij^aßtioa and nutrition are diseased, and P i H 'i the !<mk» fjirii is onh imperfect!) digested, there ik loss 's^ lUj! r!I
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  • 385 8 According to the account of the late Yuan Shi Kai's private secretary, the President ate 14 eggs a day for the last three years and his health seemed to have improved. The account goes on. From the end of April to the middle of May, President Yuan
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  • 370 8 Manchester, May 31. At the end of a rather eventful month co far as cotton 'values ate concerned, it appears that we have steadied on the basis of about 8$ Spot Cotton at Liverpool. The month opened with values under £d, ad vanced to Bfd, and with
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  • 199 8 The Marquess of Bristol's Select Committee of the House of Lords, which is considering the South-Eastern and Chatham Railway Company's proposals for the strengthening of Charing Cross Bridge, yesterday heard the evidence of Sir Lionel Earle, Secretary of the Office of Works (who was called at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 443 8 ARE YOU PUTTING YOUR BOY INTO THE NAVY 3 t In any event you will need some money to give b a start m life and there is probably no better and sun way of saving it than by one of our "Education Endowments." SUN LIFE OF CANADI S. J.
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  • 51 9 (COBBKCTBD OF CO July 8.) Bank4m/t 24 19 82 demand 3.4} PilTale orediti Im'i s-4 13-16 Franca demand Bank 826 laoiA, T. T. 174| HOB&KOSG, demand 10 i Yokohama, demand noi Java, demand 185 Bahskok, demand 65$ Sovibiiohi, Bank Buying 18.64 Bank ol Bngland Ratt 5% Bai Silver London
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  • 140 9 July 3 Tin (75 tons) 184.75 Gambles 12.00 Gamble* Cuba No. 1 24.00 Gambit! Cube No. 2 20.00 Ptppti Black ordin. S'pott buyers 26.00 Ptppea, (Wk*fte fait) 85.00 Natmegs (110 fca the lb. 80.00 NaSmegg (80 to the lb.) nom. Moot (Banda) 75.00 Cloves (Amboina) nom. Ball Coffee U%
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 575 9 Wab or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP [HE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). BEAD OFFICE: Winchester Boose, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 52, Old Jewry, E.C -at Gompaar baa £20,000 Oeaotltea with the Baateme Oooift
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    • 440 9 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated In New Zealand.) > fill Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description. MAIIIB Insurances accepted to all parts 0! the world at lowest rates. EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. J. HENRY, Local Manager. Offices 2, finlayson Green. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Co. Ltd.; (Incorporated m
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    • 317 9 g_^A^ THE Manufacturers Life Insurance Company. (Incorporated m Canada) > c TWENTY-NINTH TEAR. 31st DECEMBER, 1915. Premium Income Gold Paid to or set aside for Policy holders 3,275,526.83 Reserves for Pollcyholders 17,337.011 00 Surplus over all Liabilities 2,254,655.10 Assets 20,744.678.34 Insurance m Force 83, /46 172 00 The average
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    • 248 9 INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd (Incorporated m England.) DIRECT SERVICE TO Japan via Hongkong A Shanghai and to Calcutta via Penang from Singapore. Taking cargo on through Bills of Lading to> Oanton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Cfcefoo, Tient sin, Ndwcbwang, Yangtsee Ports. Formosa »be Philippines. &0., &0., &c. STEAMERS. Tons Commandef
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 68 9 M^^^ mL WEATHER REPOBT. Kandang Kerban Hospital, July I. 8 A.M. 8 P.M. P M Bavom. 81 F&b. 28 875 29.755 99 847 Temp. 77 0 81.0 77 5 Wefe BQlb The*. 76.0 77. < 76 S Dir. of Wind S.W. Calm Calm Max. Temp, m an exit 82. v
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    • 688 9 DAILY SHIPPING REPORT. Chamber of Commerce (to Han, July 3 ARRIVALS. July I.— Quorra (Brit) S. Van Largkat (Dut). July 2.— Tara, Poh Ann, Lady Weld Euryalns, Han Poh Guan, Hok Cantou Wabasha, Fuh Wo, Hong Wan (Brit) Sbinkoku Mam, Tinsbo Maru (Jap) R S Uaru (Dut) Tiv, Eiger (Nor).
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  • 400 10 OPERATIONS OF YONNAHESE TROOPS. Sections of Canton-Hankow Railway Ton Up. The Canton papers report that Li Lit Chun, and Chief Commander of the 2nd Regiment of Yunnan troops, has seized Shin Chow city and all the telegraphic and railway stations. A section of the Canton-H«n«ow Railway,
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  • 74 10 TO DAY'S TIES. Championship. Dean v Teale. A Class Douhle Handicap. Dunn and Stout v Griffith Jones and Tinsley. B Class Doui;i.e Handicap. Leakey anJ McKerrow v Pash and Anderson. Profession Pairs. Civil Service 111. Tyler and Lee Warner v Merchants X. Smith and Sinclair. B Singles.
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  • 39 10 Spoon Competition, June 30th. 150 yds 100 yds Xett Total Mrs Mugliston 25 26 54 68.42 Mrs Scott 24 30 54 67.15 Mrs Brooke 27 21 48 66.86 Lady Evelyn Young 21 22 43 66.64
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  • 24 10 Monthly medal competitions for July, 1916. Men's Bogey Saturday. Bth inst. and Sunday, 9th, inst Ladies' Stroke Thursday, 13th instant,
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  • 103 10 Before the war, it wait said that a wave of indifference was f weeping across the path of English life, brushing aside our loog cherished ideals of chivalry. The recent act of a West Country school master, however, seems to show that such prognostications were premature Outside hit school gates
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  • 897 10 In Mesopotamia. Simla, Jane 18. The following communique has been issued to the Press, dated Jane 16: The situation is unchanged m Mesopotamia. On the bank of the Tigris, to the east of Kut, our trenches have been pushed forward to within 200 yards of the Turkish
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  • 327 10 No Anti-Fat m Germany. The War Committee for Coffee and Tea lately suggested that as those commodities were very dear and scarce it might be well if Germans resorted to the old fashion of a meal soup breakfast with a little fat m it. Vorwarts now publishes a
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  • 229 10 Excise Raid on Mountain Cave. An excise haul of unusual proportions took place on the 20th ult near Ipob when Mr R Little, Asst Superintendent of Excise, succeeded m raiding a mountain cave on Gunong Rapat near Ipoh. It appears that the excise officer got iuformation of
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  • 133 10 A Move on Riga, The Exchange Company's correspDndent at Petrograd about a month ago said Everything indicates that Germany's Bummer offensive will be directed against Riga, and that it will be local m character, and will not extend far south. The Moscow Press reports enormous concentrations of
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  • 90 10 A correspondent writes to a Ceylon paper I think that you may perhaps ;be interested to hear that Mr F H .Faithfull, who was for two years second officer m the Imperial Light House Service, and who afterwards went to the Straits to take up planting, is now attached to
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  • 229 10 The new Straits Steamship Katong arrived from Hongkong about noon yester- day. She ie down to leave for Bangkok on Saturday from the wharf. The P and O Homeward mail steamer Nyanza has left Hongkong and is expected to arrive here at 8 a.m. on Thursday the 6th
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  • 477 10 Mrs Humphrey Ward has the following m an article m the Daily Telegraph. A number of hybrid words perfectly understood by both sides are gradually coming into use, and if the war lasts much longer a rough Esperanto will have grown up which may leave its mark on
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  • 113 10 The volume ani virulence of the swearing, at any rate out here, are simply appalling," writes Corporal Lees Smith, MP,in a letter from the front. There is so much of it that it ceases to mean anything. Men out here introduce an oath or two
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  • 69 10 TO-DAY. 5.1 5 p.m. Drill Hall S. V. A. it M it Maxim Co* ii it S. R. E. v., N. C. Oa. ti ii S. V. R., N. C. Os. •i .1 Chinese Co., Off. k N.C.Ob. 5.00 h Sepoy Lines S. F. A. Co. 4.80
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 424 10 RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE JUST ARRIVED "NEW COMET" MOTOR CYCLES FOR SALE I 2 H.P. Motor Cycle, two speed 4 stroke, Pego Engine, $370. 2£ H.P. Motor Cycle, 2 Stroke, Pego Engine, $320--2% HP. Motor Cycle, 2 Stroke, Pego Engine, $420 Above includes Tool Bags, Tools etc. Telephone No. 491. INSPECTION
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