The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 29 May 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. EN CENTS SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 29, 1916. NO. 8,764
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  • 237 1 The most strenuous attacks of the Germans on Verdun do not seem to stir the French lines permanently, and frequent counter attacks recover lost ground. It is stated that two Divisions of Bavarians were transferred from the British front and all lost at Verdun Page 5. The
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  • 1131 1 By one of the most natural meant under heaven, Beverley the Medium became Irving the Actor. That is to say. he washed his face and changed hit clothes. We left the ghost of the fellow to Walter," Irving's valet, and hit father's for 30 years before
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 348 1 Expert Medical Opinion ON Kops Ale. (Non Alcoholic) DR. JAME3 EDMUNDS, M.D., M.R.C.P, "It Is a pleasant, wholesome beverage, marvellously like ordinary Ale. Dr. T. R. ALLINSON, L.R.C.P. The beverage will, no doubt, meet with approval from those who like a bitter drink. It is a good substitute for light
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    • 235 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ching Keng Lee have two auction sales Page 2. Meeting of the Straits Merchant Service Guild on Wednesday Page 3. No 38 Cavanagh-rd to be let Page 8. K. P. M. and Straits Steamship Co. 'a new sailings Page 6. John Little and Co., just unpacked new millinery
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 143 1 THE WEEK. ■onday 29th. High Water— 9-6 a.m., 8-40 pm. Tuesday 30th. High Water- 9 66 a.m., 9-15 p.m. Emulation Lodge. B. SO p.m. Wednesday 31st. High Water— lo Si a.m., 9-49 p.m. Thursday, June Ist. High Water 11-1 8 a.m., '0-22 p.m. Ascension Day— Holy Thursday. New Moon. Friday
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  • 403 2 The regular half yearly meetings of the district Grand Chapter, and the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago, were held at Freemasons Hall, ColemanSt. on Friday night, R. W. Bro. F. If. Elliot presiding over both. At the D. G. Chapter the following Officers were appointed. There was
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  • 103 2 The Rangoon Gazette records an At Home held recently at the Armenian t Club, Rangoon, to do honour to the Pre- t aident of the Club, Mr W. Shircore, who recently received the Kaiser i- Hind medal, one of the most coveted distinctions m India, m recognition of his public
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 877 2 HELP FOR THE WOMEN. The demands upon a mother's strength ire many and severe her own health trials knd her childw n's welfare exact heavy tolls, *hik> hurried meals, biokeii rest and much ndoor living tend to weaken her constitution. No wonder that she is often iudispos&d hrough weakness, sick
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    • 927 2 PALLADIUM SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE ORCHARD ROAD SIRGAPCHE'S PREKIER THEATRE IF ITS THE BEST YOU'RE AFTER, STOP RIGHT HERE No need to look any farther— See the Selection we are off erlng you this evening A TRAGEDY IN THE ALPS A Gripping story of the highest dramatic order, containing some of
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    • 831 2 "ST casino SSB IS PRESENTING In Tha Second Show 9. 15 PM.Sh a rp VJTAQR4.PH SPECIAL FEATURE "THE GOLDEN PATHWAY' A Drama full 6f He*r* Interest that will please one and all N 2 p*-- OHE GREAT KALEM SEHIES THE HAZARDS OF HELEN Excitiaj; Railroad Drataa, Full of Thrills, Fensa'ious
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  • 543 3 ac auuaal athletic sports m conoecon V .:b St. Joseph's Institution were j on Saturday afternoon on tbe school iy f eld. Favoured with dull bot fine v^atbf r, they were carried through with a j jUC ceBB, and a goodly crowd of visitors ftgc****' en Jfy
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  • 181 3 S.i .c. ss. Garrison. I Mitch between the above clubs was ml on Saturday on the S.C.C. ground |BOi gume resulting m a draw. The hßsviag were the scores. s c. c. \'t Campbell low Martin 4 H, G. Clarke c and b Savage 41 (ulltu c Sivage b
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  • 67 3 touring a wedding ceremony at St. Cathedral, Bangalore, recently the •"> bells m the towers disturbed a great ■hi of honey bees which attacked the b °rsea m the carriages parked on the grounds and led to a dangerous stampede the Ueaidency road. Two of the wed- party, a boy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 838 3 TO BE LET The comfortable and pleasantly situated residence known as No. 38, Civenagh Road. Gas and water laid on. Far ait are can be taken over at a valuation. For particulars, apply to POWELL ft 00., 8 Auctioneers. 23-5 uc TOUT KENILWORTH, Barker Eoad, now being repaired and painted
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    • 354 3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Two stenographers and typists. Only firs class men need apply. Good prospects offeree to capable men. Apply In person to Messrs. FRANCIS PEEK t Co., Ltd Laidlaw Buildings. 18-5 OC WANTED Position by mining man, Twelve years' extensive experience up- ;o- date mining pracI ttce and machinery. Design
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    • 727 3 I STRAITS MERCHANT SERVICE GUILD. ,t Meeting m the Guild Rooms on Wednesday 3 fist inst. 8.80 p.m. 2i-5 31-0 1, ORIENTAL TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated In the (lilted Kingdom) NOTICE TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS. I A. new Telephone Directory is now m course cf preparation and Telephone Subscribers
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    • 658 3 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. The Manager of the Union Insurance Society of Cantoo, Ltd. begs to notify that on and after the 2Kb May the basinesH or the Society will be transacted at Chartered Bank Chambers, first floor. *76 8-6 THE EXCHANGE BANES It is hereby notified that the Exchange Bank!
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  • 1196 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday, May 29, 1916. &«re &c Prsss tie People's rlftht atlat&fe. ed by inHuence end uixbribed hj £|Jg i K«3 pttrta Troth her glorious pracdpat SiM»« <*Wta4 l* *r. licios. Lar&lty and Law. Manufacturers, merchants and politicians are agreed m saying that the war after the
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  • 1000 4 The F.M.S. Gazefjfce contains tbe formal notifications of the award of the Military Cross to Capt. G. M. Kidd and Lieut T. P. Coe, of tbe F. M. S. Civil Service. A Bombay message says that the greater part of the Taj Mahal Hotel has been converted into a hospital
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  • 306 4 WILSON ON PEACE. w a 6 hiogto D| May2K^i. reBidefitw has deliver^ his eagerly xpected6p^ to the League to Enforce Peace said that the causes of the were at present immaterial ti, nation* of th- world n)xl&t) agreement ftp what is fundamental to common interests, namely firstly every
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  • 127 4 Fioin Our 1 hv+i Corrmpn»>l'-r' Penan p, May jt At the annual meeting of hanianggi. Robber Mr D# A. M. Brown presiding stated they had a forward contract of a tor monthly for twelve months eniing Ufa year at 3 3 per pound fob Pecang Thi« would almost
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  • 48 4 Froth dur Ov v n Ctrfnsprm<lw Ipoh, May 19 The death has occurred of Mr (i Wilson of Ipoh of the firm of G. W. Wilsor and Coy. at Sydney suddenly. He left Ipoh for Sydney at the end of Jacaar> on a health trip.
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  • 316 4 (via Ceylon). The Position of Greece Allahabad, May 16th. Ad Athenb tele gram states that according to Hespenm whose Editor has jutt had an audience with the King, Hie Majesty considers that his policy has been full\ justified hithert; and it will be continued on tbe same
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 If* hM A/ /*V* f C SWlltd to mwt \J9 lwM% %X \JU Oi of the Clubs, wmmmmimm^^ m Hotels JK^ Messes, &c. I *^^P ULUD V Straits |2 Whisky. h x Galdbcck, jßacgregor l\ Qo.> Shanghai, Tientsin, I^^J Hongkong, Singapore Penang, K f^S London. Glasgow. &C^l Malacca Branch Johore
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  • 191 5 the KING'S MESSAGE TO HIS TB PEOPLE By Submarine Cable] Ittiitor's Service] i B jon, May 26. -The King has issued {jllow» n tf message for the people enable the couutry to organise more ye military resources m the present .'"t strangle fa* the cause of civilisation
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  • 166 5 The Dcvi! m the Mach ine." ion. May 26.— The War Office states I view of the truculent and unsatia (actor- attitude of the Sultan of Darfur had cancentrated a force on the ;ri-::'.in frontier, a force wader Colonel kelly occupied the capital of Darfur on t
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  • 58 5 Tbe Work Progresses. London, May 26. General Smuts reports that advanced troops occupied nni spDOttd the Ruivu Laager on the Pangan r ver and Lembeni Ngula eight miles southeast of Lembeni. There is a reported renewal of hostile activity at Kondoairangi. The Germans at Kuan da are
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  • 297 5 HAIG' S LACONICS. caiou, May 26,— General Haig m his ::u:::que says There was considera b>e tuning activity m our favour at the La* salient. Last night and to day there *as reciprocal artillery activity at many point*. -ondon, May 27.— General Ha^ m his timani.jae says the activity of
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    • 373 5 Still No German Progress. [By Submarine ('able] [Renter's Service] Paris, Ma> 26. —The communique says On the left of the Meuse the activity of the enemy artillery increased m the day time against hill 304. The Germans on the right of the Meuse after a furious bombardment
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    • 162 5 Apathy, Fatalism, Exasperation. London, May 26. A British special correspondent with the French headquarters senia interesting details of the fighting at Verdun, given by a German officer taken prisoner. He dwelt on the annihilating effect of the French counter attacks, and the terrific power of the artillery, which
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    • 260 5 London, May 57. Evidence of the straits to which the German staff is reduced to keep pace with the Crown Prince's incessant demands for men is famished by the fact revealed m the French semiofficial accounts, that two Bavarian divisions that attacked at Douaamont belonged to
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  • 428 5 ITALIANS GIGANTIC STRUGGLE. [By Submarine Cable] [Renter's Service] Rome, May 20. The communique says There have been mostly artillery and rifle duels bnt the enemy fiercely attacked at several points and was repulsed. They were pursued after a failnre to attack the Buole pass by the Italians,
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    • 21 5 London, May 26. The Casement trial begins on June 26. His counsel include the famous Irishman Serjeant Sullivan.
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    • 126 5 London, May 26. General Friend giving evidence before the Irish Commission complained he should have had greater powers against the Sinn Feiners. He emphasised that Lord Wimborne had no control of the military forces while Sir Matthew Nathan sometimes demurred on grounds of public policy to steps
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    • 46 5 London, May 26. It is stated that Sir H. Samuel, who is mainly responsible for the framing of the Home Rule finance clauses, will be associated with Mr Lloyd George m the Irish negotiations. Either Mr Dillon or Mr Devlin will assist Mr Redmond.
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    • 33 5 London, May 27. A proclamation issued m Dublin states that whereas disaffection and unrest still prevail m parts of Ireland martial law will be continued throughout Ireland till further notice.
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  • 65 5 From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, May 28. The Ipoh rag gymkhana on Saturday was a big success. It was fine weather, a large crdfwd attended and there was capital sport. A satisfactory profit was realised of which 25 per cent is for war funds. The card included three
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  • 114 5 THE ECONOMIC CONFERENCE. Trade After the War. [By Submarine Cable] [Renter's Service] London, May 26. It is understood that June 5 is definitely fixed as the date for the economic conference m Paris. London, May 27. The London Chamber of Commerce's special committee on trade during and
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  • 83 5 London, May 27. A joint conference of cotton spinners and employers was held m Manchester yesterday. The latter offered a five per cent advance on condition that wages remain fixed for two years and future changes should only be made at biennial intervals m the Dest ten
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  • 127 5 London, May 27. Mr Lloyd George m London at a conference of representatives of the engineering and shipbuilding employers of the Clyde and Tyne m reference to Whitsuntide holidays, said he wag most anxious to press the output of war munitions and equipment for the army aud
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  • 66 5 Five Vessels Sunk. London, May 26. The Spanish steamer Aurrera has been sunk. The Hague, May 26. Holland has protested to Germany against the sinking of the steamer Berke Ist room. London, May 27. Sinkings: British steamer £1 Argentino, Italian sailer Australia. London, May 27. The
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  • 165 5 Petrograd, May 27. The communique says that on the western front we stopped an enemy offensive cover for south of the island Dalen. On Mosul front the Turks, supported by Kurds, took an offensive m the direction of Sirdisht. We compelled the enemy to retreat with considerable loss
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  • 90 5 There were some fine scenic effects from Switzerland m A Tragedy m the Alps" the feature picture at the Palladium on Saturday night. The story presented was a quick sequence of intensely dramatic epifcodes, quite sufficient to sustain interest through three reels. For the Secret Service," contained thrilling
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  • 82 5 Hungary has a religious sect called the Nazarenes, who occupy the same position as the conscientious objector m England, with the difference that they are all without exception serving penal servitude for 12 yeare, says the Globe. News received at The Hague April 20 was that the recent riots at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 Ho the Russians Joined Lake. Jri*** Ma y 2 6-A Russian commn■ouJd v explaina **at the Cossacks who °Mrali ?erCy Lake fa* loo *> tOTOe uj^ gin the region of Kermanshah and
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    • 183 5 /f^^^M\ll WT^ SPECIALISE Iff' 1 tv^ 1/ t ie man y st >^ es we have M J^fil 'il vavli now on view are certain to it J 111 1 /ml appeal to a cultivated taste* We II 1 v\\\ aye ou^* lt lhem moreover, at II \l v\ |\4
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 694 6 ELLERMAN" LINE.] ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Coy., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND), For LONDON s.s. City of Rangoon due about June 8. s.s. City of Lincoln June 20. s.s. City of Bombay ,> J ul V 7. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to i McALISTER Co.,
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    • 828 6 It* &-O« British India AND Apcab Lime (Companies Incorporated m England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract wltn His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. HOMEWARD (FOR EUROPE).
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    • 575 6 M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL Lin. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON Ml MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWABD 1916 1916 Porthos May 29 Paul Lecat June 6 Andre Lebon Jane 16 j A.t<antiqoe June 20 Magellan June SO Polvnesien July 4 Paul Lecat July 14 Eihos July 18 Atlantique July 2* For all particulars
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    • 627 6 N. Y.K JAPAN MA!I STEAMSHIP Co., Ul (Incorporated m Jtpu EUROPEAN UNE A service is mainlined tut via ports to MarsetUeß, London i^ eontracf with the Imperial Japan. Tr ment. The New Twin screw \l™<* maintaining this service have b< co T*** designed and constructed, acd ftr with all the
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  • 539 7 STAR AND GARTER FUND. (A Home for permanently disabled British Sailors and Soldiers.) The Committee gratefully acknowledge the following farther contributions. Previously acknowledged 111,106 Anonymous (Given to Mrs Peirce) 750 S. P. 100 Mrs A. M. Thompson 100 Elsie Bath N 100 J. A. Hamilton 100 R. S. Manaseeh 50
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  • 507 7 Island's Opportunity to Develop Pearl Culture. Professor Q. A. Kofoid, head of the Department of Zoology of the University of California, has been paying a short visit to the island, having been aent to the East by the Academy of Science at Washington and the University
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  • 204 7 Smart Detective Work On the Bth inst., the Administrator of Timbang Langkat Estate, Sumatra, reported to the Magistrate at Bindjey that a corpse had been discovered on his estate, On the Police accompanying the Administrator to the estate, they found m the j angle the body
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 810 7 I Wab or Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY 18 P THE GREAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE! Winchester House, Singapore, LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, EX. Tie Ooxnfanf has £20.000 aesosttefl with the
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    • 157 7 A CHEAPSIDE SWASHBUCKLER." An amusing reference to an ancient feud was made at Northamptonshire Quarter Sessions recently by Earl Spencer, m proposing the election of Sir Charles Knightley as chairman. He made the proposal, he said, with infinite pleasure, because he hoped it would obliterate for ever from the minds
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    • 62 7 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE Co.. Ltd. FIRE AND URINE. (Jtcorpoisted to New Zealand.) UM.TIZE INBURANCE ASBOC. Ltd. lARIRE. (Incorporated m Hongkong.) CHINA FIRE INSURANCE Co., Ltd. FIRE. (Incorporated m Hongkong.) LONDON GUARANTEE t ACCIDENT Co. Ltd. GUARANTEE. (Incorporated m England.) Fire and Marine Bisks of every descilpVoa ■Pdcuwiltteu at lowest current
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  • 885 8 His Anti-Zeppelin Invention. The deeds of Mr A H. Savage Landor as an exploret have earned him world- wide fame. He is the man who fought his way alone through Thibet and paid the price of his temerity, the man who crossed Asia and Africa and
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  • 1653 8 To Deo. 81 April To date 1916 1 Abaco 8,144 3,144 Allagar, Dec 266,800 65,00(1 A.Gajah.Sep 29,790 27,000 Alor Pongeu 15,915 68,705 Alma, 20,800 75,300 Ampat, Sep 36,054 87,662 j An- Johore, Mat 177,249 58,530 An Malay.Dec 1,507,847 128,316 486,155 >n-S'tra.May 478,623 212,724 Asahan, July 93,736 67,986
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  • 206 8 In above list the totals m first <*°' am S monthly totals for Jan-Dec. IBie. lbt ajo m which the Company 8 year cuds is »na u after the name. Third column she-** 1916 total to date and second column ci» of the past month. Every endeavour l*h*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 680 8 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Lands and Houses SITUATE AT. Kallang Road, Nam Lock Street, and Sin Koh Street AND Valuable Freehold Properties and Coconut Plantations SITUATE NT Kallang Padding Together with the Fish Ponds Brick Kilnes TO BE HELD AT Messrs. CHING KENG LEE Co's Sale-room ON
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    • 72 8 MARTIN'S UMpiOL&STEEZ* a of f f €5 jf^lfor Ladies. l fl LL9 A French Remedy for all Irregularities. Thousands of Ladies keep a box ot Martin's Pills m the house, so that on the brst SiKii of any Irregularity of the System a timely i!ose may be administered. Thusr; who
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  • 1566 9 Issued by FKASER Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, May 27th. I All footfttloiia of BteiUot Bh&ita most to f egfttfled v purely nominal lot toe present, i4P. mm. Paid. r >un Drt. Bonus. Sbllbrs. 100,000 SI SI AHagar 12f* —20 S 6 400,000 1 1 Anglo-Java ft%
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  • 138 9 May 27. Tin (60 tons) 193.50 Gambler 18.00 Gambler Ccba No. 1 27.00 Gamble* Cube No. 2 25.00 Pepper Black or din, S'poro 25.25 Pepper, (White fait) 35.00 Nutmegs (110 to the lb. 30.00 Nntmegs (80 to the lb.) nom. Mace (Baada) 75.00 Gloves (Ambbina) nom. Ball Coffee (4%
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  • 60 9 ICOBB3OTED UP CO May 27.) Bank 4 m/i 2-4 1932 H demand 2-4} Private credit* 8m c f.4 18-16 France demand Bank 826 IBDIA, T. T. 174J HOHBKOSe, demacd M 7% die Yokohama, demacd 11 Of Java, demand 134* Bahgikok, demand 65$ SOYlßnosß, Bank Buying M 68.64 Bank of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 248 9 SUPPLIES FOR Estates Mines Etc. Fumigators and Sulphur Powder, jysenite of Soda for killing out lalang. ispinaii's Varnish, Paints &c. Cartridges. Nobel's own loading with sporting Ballistite which holds more pigeonshooting records than any other powder. Cement England" brand by~ The Ship Canal Portland Cement Co., Ltd. Disinfectant. "Sanitas" m
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    • 142 9 Renowned Physicians prescribe Grimault's Matico as the most active and at the same time the most inoffensive remedy m the treatment of Acute and Chronic Discharges. MiTICO liJECTIOK is uidia recent cases aal MATICO CAPSULES tbe aore chMnic ones. y^ Active Principle of Cod Liver OU with Creosote. y (Chapoteaut)
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    • 50 9 GAGCINO CO. Office, 20 Raffles Place Store, 25 Malacca Street Godown, Sambaw Street Lifeboat Yard, Tanjong Rhu We have always Life Boats, well fitted as per Government Regulation, Life Buoys, Life Belts, Rockets, Life Savers, etc. JUST RECEIVED FROM AMERICA Family Salt Beef 50 Kegs. Mens Salt Beef 50 Kegs.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 548 9 MAIL TABLE. To-Day. I Intermediate and local mails, will be tana In list below Penan*, Malacca, F.M.6. (by Train) ».m daily (except Sunday). Johoie., b, 8.80. 11 a.m., 19 J0 I, 4A 6 p.m Medan M. Treub 8.80 am P. Batam kP. Balang Hock Lim 8.80 am Cucob Edina 8.80
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  • 93 10 THE MUSLIM CEMETERY. London, May 26 Mr Chamberlain has reluctantly declined the generous offer of Miss Faithfull of Tunbridge Wells to give land for a Muslim Cemetery, as there will be no more burials of Muslim soldiers ia England, and the re moval of bodies interred at
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  • 76 10 GERMANY' S FOOD SUPPLY. Signs of Difficulty. Amsterdam. May '26. In the Reichstag, Herr Botocki, president of the food supply board, warned the house not to expect any sudden improvement m food conditions. He emphasised the great difficulties arising from the relations of the federal states. Menacing letters bad reached
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  • 70 10 London, May '26. An official American report on the war prisoners m camp at Wuensdorf, where there are six hundred ladiaus, shows th <: the conditions are satisfactory. C.ire v taken that the foodstuffs conform to the religions of the pri soners. The relations of
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  • 35 10 London, May 26 The Lords have read a second time the Smallholding Bill designed to place 15.000 soldiers and sailors oa 200,000 acres of land, at a cost of six millions.
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  • 111 10 Washington, May 27. A note protesting against the Anglo French treatment of neutral mails is published. It denounces 'illegal and arbitrary methods of forcing neutral ships iuto port m order to seize their mails.'' It complains of the loss of important and irreplaceable documents and frequent
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  • 47 10 Washington, May 26. Callers at White House who discussed the situation with President Wils ju, state that the President's attitude on pence proposals is that a neutral can only intervene when the belligerents have reached a mntnal understanding on terms of settlement.
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  • 18 10 Amsterdam, May 27. The Dutch War Minister anaouQcad he will not siucCiou any demobilisation.
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  • 254 10 No Agreement Yet. London, May 26. The Times Peking correspondent says the political deadlock continues. The real difficulty apparently is the absence of agreement upon a sue cessor to the Presidency. The so-called responsible cabinet formed a month ago has already broken up and brigandage is increasing,
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  • 402 10 [By Coubtbsy op the Fbrnch Consulate] Paris, May 25 6.80 p.m.— -The French 3 per cent, bonds are at francs 62.50 and the 5 per cent, at francs 88.10. The condition of General Gallieni, exMinister of War, who was recently operated upon, U causing grave anxiety. Roie.
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  • 223 10 The Russian forces which have arrived some time ago m Marseilles have been sent almost at once to the Camp de Mailly, to be trained there. Le Camp de Mailly established m 1908 14 Kilometres long and 13 wide, is situated between Chalons Sur Ma-rue
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  • 212 10 [By Couretsy of Messrs Francis Peek and Co., Ltd.] Batavia, May 26. The Rubber Market is still quiet only very limited business being done at nominal quotations for First Latex Crepe of F. 1 65 per half kilo and Ribbed Smoked Sheet of F. 1.62$ per half
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  • 382 10 An Unprofitable Year. The annual general meeting of the Hotel van Wijk Co. Ltd, was held on Saturday at the registered offices, French Bank Buildings. Mr J. W. van der Stadfc presided, and there were also present Messrs J. C. Koopman, A. T. van Wijngaardeo,
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  • 142 10 The annual meeting of the above was held on Saturday at 12 30 p m. m the Exchange the Hon. F. M. Elliot presiding. Amougs-t others present were the Hon. W. VV. Cook, Messrs A. Agnew, G. R. K. Mugliston (hoc gee.) W. P. W. Ker, D.
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  • 312 10 A salvage firm has been newly established at Kobe under the style of the Japan Marine Company" and will undertake salvage and the raising of sunken vessels, etc. Three tug-boats have been purchased for that purpose. A Rangoon message dated the Bth inst gays that four steamers which
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  • 860 10 Economic Conference (Paris.) April 19.—12. Sir C. Ktnioch-Cooke asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will lay upon the Table correspondence that has passed between his Department and the Dominion Government of Canada respecting the Economic Conference shortly to be held m Paris. Mr
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  • 18 10 Caller: What a tiny little chap your brother it? Elsie: I guess that's 'cause he's only my half-brother.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 219 10 ADELPHI HOTEL Great Charily masquerade Ball In aid of the funds for Blinded Sold!** especially arranged with Fancy Fair fa th S Gardens and Lawn of the ADELPHI. Masquerade Ball Friday June 30th Fancy Fair Friday Saturday from 3 till 7 P.M. Magnificent prizes given for the best costumes Entrance
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