The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 May 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. IEIS CENTS SINGAPOBE, FBIDAY, MAY 26, 1916. NO. 8,762
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  • 210 1 Latest share alterations appear on page 9. A German submarine has been damaged m contact with a mme Page 5. Fraser's share circular notes a dull market m local rubbers Page 10, Sir E. Grey has disposed of suggestions about peace with Germany Page 5. The annual
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  • 1373 1 January 1, New Year's Day, and the thirty second year of the Great War. Id good health, and nothing of my old rheu matick paine, which I do m part attribute to the meagre diet these times compel and my drinking only water and strange how
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 140 1 RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE JUST ARRIVEO "NEW COMET" MOTOR CYCLES FOR SALE 2 H.P. Motor Cycle, two speed 4 stroke, Pego Engine, $370--2; HP. Motor Cycle, 2 Stroke, Pego Engine, $320--2 j HP. Motor Cycle, 2 Stroke, Pego Engine, $420Above includes Tool Bags, Tools etc. Telephone No. 491. INSPECTION INVITED. TB€
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    • 211 1 THE PURE PARA TUBE I^mßß Your maintenance expenses are affected by the tubes you use, and it pays you to take the same care m making your tube investment that it does m buying a car. It always pays to find out before spending your money. Even a superficial examination
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    • 283 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Gleniffer, for London on May 31 Page 6. Notice re change of name of steamer Wilhelm Page 3. Gosling and Co, do all kinds of despatching business Page 3. At the Gaiety and the Palladium fresh films this evening Page 2. Notice re removal of part of Latham
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 105 1 THE WEEK. Friday 26th. High Water- 5 16 a.m., 6-88 p.m. Queen Mary's Birthday (.867). Sandy croft Rubber, noon. Municipal Commission, 2.80 pm. Homeward mail closes (train). Distr?ct Grand Chapter, 6.45 pm. District Grand Lodge, 0 pm. Saturday 27th. High Water ~6-dO a.m., 7 2 p.m. Hotel van Wijk meeting,
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  • 312 2 These are days when the various religious bodies find themselves vigorously assailed. Some of them have deemed it necessary formally to define their standing m reference not only to the war but to those manifold secular affairs which are the business of the workaday world. In this
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  • 118 2 The sum of 919.200 required for the first Penang "Fighter" Aeroplane has been subscribed, and the donations for a second Penang Machine have reached $2,468. It is confidently anticipated that the 17,000 required to complete the second Aeroplane will be subscribed m the course of the week. Some large and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 956 2 PALLADIUM SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE'S PREMIER TREATS IF ITS THE BEST YOU'RE AFTER, STOP RIGHT HERE No need to look any farther— See the Selection we are offering you this evenin A TRAGEDY IN THE ALPS A Gripping story cf the highest dramatic order, containing some of the
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    • 561 2 GRAND EMPIRE DAY PROGRAMME A^s CASINO ™?r^ TO-NIGHT! A Big Treat for a Big Night To' Sri*" 1 Second SUow 9 25 PM. Sbarp «^'OHT" 1E THE GREAT KALEM SE'IES IULi, op lg THFILLS, SENSATI3NS AND STIRRING ACTIONS t THE HAZARDS OF HELEN j Exciting Railroad Drama by V. V.
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  • 744 3 Turks' Inlan4 Fronts. .trucraJ, May I.— With the (all o t iO iul auJ tbeir hopeless situation oi Black >«» coast, the attention of th< 6 rks bus been called to the even distribu l€ their troops on their inland fronts Turkish forces freed from th< gtftilj
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 796 3 POISONED BY MALIRIA. Maliria is do respecter ot persona. N< age or station of lif a is exempt from it. I lvayus its victim m such a debilitated con f dition that one of our foremost medica j writers has i»een led to say, "It is astonish 8 ing the
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    • 594 3 NOTICE. t MEETING OF THE BOARD OF i LICENSING JUSTICES i The Meeting of the Licensing Justices foi the Third Quarter 1916, commencing fst July 3 will be held m tbe First Magistrate's Court, at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday tbe 20th June, 19 6. I Applicants for transfers, renewals removals
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    • 616 3 NOTICE OF REMOVAL i* Messrs Latham and Co. beg to notify that f rcm Monday next the 29th inst. the offices ol tbeir Ship and General Broking business will be removed to Chartered Bank Buildings, fcirst Floor. Their Btock and Share Department will however for the present retain its offices
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    • 455 3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY A good Controller to take charge of Service Room of hotel. Apply to The Manager EUROPE HOTEL, LTD. 25 5 27-5 WANTED AT ONCE. An experienced manager to take charge cf a large boarding house. Mast be temperate. Apply Z c/o Free Prtss. 19-5 uc WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Two
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    • 522 3 I TO LET KENILWORTH, Barker P.oad, now being repaired and painted through out, occupation immediately. Apply SWAN ft IiCLAKI. 4-4 mwf uc GODOWN TO LET. No. 5, Palmer Oodowns, area 9,900 square feet. Immediate Entry. Apply to Fraser A Camming, Winchester House. 31-12 mwf oe TO LET FURNISHED Barnsley, Gallop
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  • 981 4 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, May 26, 1916, Here sh&ii tbe Press the People's right mtfarria, £Jnaw«d by influence end nnbribed hj gain i SUre patriot Truth her glorious precepts Jz«W« c* Hzioß, Walty and Law, Looking into the figures of the most recent enemy attacks upon the commerce of
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  • 419 4 Mr. G. Hughes, late of the F.M.S. Mines Department, has obtained a commission m the Army. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Heap, from Kuala Lumpur, are renewing many acquaintanceships m Penang. They return early to Lieut. J. Sellar, is now a patient at the Penang General Hospital, but it is
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  • 19 4 From Owr Omn Correspondent London, May 24. The following dividends are announced. Batang Malaka 10 Dennistown 23.
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  • 179 4 The following properties were disposed of by auction at Me66rs I'jwell Co c sale-room on Tuesday afternoon. Freehold land m the district of Dedok (about 10 miles from Siugaporp, area 4 acres and 35 poles being part of Che land marked lot 39 comprised m Government Grant
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  • 574 4 Mr. F. Belfleld is shortly going on leave. Mrs Lim Boon Keng has now returned from Amoy, where she has been on a lengthy visit. The correspondent of Le Temps at Athens says the Austrian and Bulgarian Consuls have left, taking their personal property and archives. Miss Aileen and Miss
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  • 472 4 The entertainment m the V lC t Cm n atre laat evening on behalf 1 •nd Garter Building -Singapore wL^' Fund) attracted a very lar«e atte^" exceeding the sitting acoomm^' justification of the policy of \k admission to all parts of fee kmm should be made
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  • 103 4 h/Olh On i fhoh Cni •ttpn>- Ipoh, May v The motor car and cycle carnival M evening was highly successful. TLei> were some very attractive designs of conpetitors who included all races. In the football match the Ipoh club defeated tb Rest by 8 goali co one. In
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  • 181 4 A graceful tribute to the iate King I ward VII was paid by M. I'etit. COOM Agent of Prance, on Wednesday «b( r the presence of the Britieh Rafitfasf Selangor and other officials and uuof he placed a handsome wreath on Hrn of the late
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  • 55 4 In its diplomatic notes Le Temps that it is stated that General sarrail'* is being gradually reinforced and S* the colours of nearly all the AJttM displayed at Salonika, and give the for operations bgainet Bulgaria Balkan Army is not idle and its work bear fruit. Serbia's share m the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 433 5 s T A LAST EFFORT French Capture Douanmont. Urn Si; >niarine Cable] [It ■■!<■*■ Service] Urtv M.— The evening communivs The 1 German counter-attacks 8a fer j un region have developed ex- vlo !ence. After a bombardment hVavy goes lasting the whole mornuermana oa the ieffi
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  • 72 5 ir.i, May '2. 4 —The Uattle at Verdun with undiminirhed fury. The night c caique says that the Germans tempted a powerful otfensive eastward of Icrthomme. In an intense straggle where- J "ryfoc:jf the ground waa contested toe enemy at the cost of heavy sacrifices "ee-jed m
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  • 97 5 Financial aid to Allies. Jon. May 24— Mr Aaquith continues; si 3 speech oa the credits said one of ;r contributions to the Allies was uncial assistance which was gladly nto the common cause. The House not »ruige an addition to our exj*nditure m order that the
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  • 52 5 °^oq, May o 4 In the Hou9e of lou Mr Tennant said that but for 3 of food from Britain many British JJ m Germany would have starved. prisaj ed fr m the su 6« eBtion of re Robert Cecil expressed grav9 rt-gardiug the future of
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  • 40 5 laL Ma y 24 In the Lords, Lord a «d hT announced khat a new air board T ado c V ormed of L o Corzon. Admirals Heim. 1 faa ha n Lee. Generals Sir D.
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  • 134 5 EXPECTATIONS OF THE SETTLEMENT. Cabinet Confers With Irish Leaders. [By Submarine Cable] [Renter 'B Service] London, May 24. The Times says it is understood Me Asquith, Mr Lloyd George and Mr Bonar Law individually and informally conferred with the Nationalist and Ulster leaders. The atmosphere last evening
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  • 246 5 Army's Message to the King. London, May 24. Empire day's special significance* this year was emphasised not merely by the Government's recognition of it but by imposing demonstrations throughout the Kingdom. A message from Kipling says 'knowing as Nations what we are fighting for, realising as men
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  • 118 5 Routing out the Rabbits. London, May 24. The Compulsion Bill allowed a man leaving work of national importance two months wherein to look for another job without becoming a soldier. An amendment by the Lords reduces this period to a fortnight. This will be considered m the
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  • 48 5 London, May 24. In the Commons m reply to Col. Yate, Mr Chamberlain said there is no reason to suppose that the claims to promotion of officers who were serving m the Indian Array Reserve at the outbreak of war have not been duly considered.
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  • 24 5 London, May 24. Sinkings m the Mediterranean Steamers Adamantios Korais (Greek) Tjomo (Norwegian) crews saved. Sailers: Fabricotti F. (Italian) Myosotis (French).
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  • 26 5 Petrograd, May 24.— The Tsar, Tsaritsa and Tsarevitch have arrived at Odessa and had an enthasiastic reception. The Emperor reviewed the troops.
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  • 22 5 Amsterdam, May 24.— A new vote of credit of two hundred millions will shortly be submitted to the Reichstag-
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  • 21 5 Amsterdam, May 24.— U 22 has been mined near Zeebrugge and seriously damaged. She was towed to Ostend.
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  • 13 5 London, May, 24.— Major General Peyi~- w hP*»n Gazetted military secretory,
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  • 402 5 SIR E. GREYS REBUKE. German Policy Bars the Way. [By Submarine Cable] [Renter's Service] London, May 25. In the House of Commons m the report stage of the vote of credit Mr Ponsonby and Mr Ramsay McDonald drew attention to the Sir E. Orey and Dr. Bethmann Hollweg
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  • 442 5 The annual meeting of the Singapore Automobile Club was held la it evening at the Tanglin Club. The hon'ble Mr C. I. Carver presided, and there were also present Major A. M. Thompson and Messrs D. Y. Perkins, E. F. Willett, T. J. B. Wearne, C. F.
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  • 777 5 AND POOR PEOPLE. If the Government imagines that the postponement indefinitely of the coming into alteration of the law for the abolition of doable rikishas means that it is never to come into force, well and good. Bat if the idea is to adhere to the
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  • 17 5 London, May 24. The Cunard line has arranged to absorb the Commonwealth Dominion line.
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  • 105 5 New York, May 24. Col. Roosevelt has accepted the offer of a committee of Republicans of thirty States to work on behalf of his candidature for tbe Presidency. The Gaiety chows to night war pictures of the battle of Verdun, an exclusive Flambeau film Noble
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 246 5 ll^^^lll WT E SPECIALISE v^ 'W^*sW U Win dainty wear and sKffl Hunk II the many styles we have ll >?j/// I new on view aaci *c certain to I I I I VlV| appeal to a cultivated taste. We II I JV uA have bought them, moreover, at v
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 765 6 "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Coy., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). For LONDON s.s. City of Rangoon due about June 8. s.s. City of Lincoln June 20. s.s. City of Bombay July 7. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGBNTS. KONINKLkJKE PAKETVAftRT
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    • 825 6 It Obitish India AND /VpCAB LIINE (Companies Incorporated m England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Europe). I
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    • 566 6 M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINE. Far CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON lid MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1916 1816 Porthos May 29 Paul Lccat June 6 Andre Lebon June 1 6 Polyne&ien June 20 Magellan June 30 Paul Lecat July 14 For all particulars apply to J. de GOURTMS, agbkt. GLEN LINE OF
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    • 607 6 N. Y. X, JAPAN HAH STEAMSHIP Co., Ul (Incorporated m J a pa^ EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained botv i via ports to Marseilles, London nl?'^ contract with the Imperial Japan,-^? ment. The New Tvrtn bcVpw JT maintaining this service have b/tc U c designed and constructed, and peel
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  • 1928 7 Twenty months of wor nas enabled us j to establish for flying doctrines founded on experience. The present article concerns itself specially with aeroplanes m relation to their various modes of employment m modern warfare. Three general ideas emerge from the facts, and may serve to guide
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  • 152 7 Big Increase m National Savings. Petrograd, 14th April. The Council of the Empire began the discussion of the Budget yesterday. The Minister of Finance said "In spite of war expenses amounting to over 12,00U,000,000 roubles, and thanks to the abolition of the alcohol monopoly, the financial strength of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 145 7 lu6 TROPICAL ROOFING TO GENASCO Supplied with patent "KANT LEAK" KLEATB which do away with the necessity of using sticky cement at! the overlaps. I" 7 .f GENASCO is the result of over 30 years experience m the manufacture of Ready Roofings. Its durability makes it the most economical of
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    • 344 7 Renowned Physicians prescribe Orimault's Matico as the most active and at the same time the most inoffensive remedy m the treatment of Acute and Chronic Discharges. UTICO lIUECTIOR osed v. recent cases am lATICQ CAPSULES i, the -rt CfclWfc MB. s^ Active Principle of >< Cod Liver Oil with Creosote.
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  • 596 8 Infhiencing the Natives. Tba nso to which the Datch mail is, or ha 3 been pat by the Germans is again illustrated by the lat^t news to hand from Netherlands India. Parcels of brochures, emanating from a co called preparation Committee for the forming of a
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  • 290 8 Praise From The Enemy. The Vienna Arbeiter Zaitnng castigates the Clmiiwm and Austrian Press, which rind^ nothing bat ainnsement m British efforts to grapple with the coat of the war by increased taxation. Id a leading article on the subject the Vienna journal apeak* of the Pharisaical superiority"
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  • 564 8 Air Secrets for all I P s. In Germany Parliament does not need to waste the country's time extorting information from the Government about the air services Parliament is asked by the military authorities to go and inspect the service for itself. On April 7, 130
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  • 204 8 Attorney-General's Revelations. There is a regular gang of people engaged, some in Germany, sutd others in America and other neutral countries, fearlessly, resourcefully and ingeniously, in evadiog the maritime blockade restric tions of this country," said the Attorney General during the hearing of a caee in the Prize
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  • 1541 8 To Deo. 81 April To date 1916 Abaco 8,144 8,144 Allagar, Dec 266,800 48,000 A.Gajah, Sep 29,790 27,000 A lor PongBU 15,915 54,846 Alma, 20,800 75,300 Ampat, Sep 36,054 87,662 An-Johore, Mar 177,249 58,530 An- Malay .Dec 1,507,347 123,316 486,155 >nS'tra,May 473,623 212,724 Asahan, July 93,736 67,986
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  • 179 8 In above list the totals m flntt monthly totals for Jan-Dec. l»i*. Tht- tv uir In which the Company's year ends is inJtca ■< after the name. Third column sh «h v 1916 total to date and second column ti>e v of the past month. Every endeavour ie
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 362 8 Wincarnis speedily brings New Health fp «^7j to all who are gg* 1^ Weak, Anasmic, 'Nervy,' Run-down If you who are Weak, Anaemic, 'Nervy' or 'Run-down' |ijjs vswj? ould realize what a short course of 'Wincarnis' would jjl&Si mean to you- you would not continue to suffer needlessly. ffi&i You
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  • 123 9 May 25, 1916. The following are the shares as to which changes are notified m Messrs Fraser and Co.'s yesterday's share list RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. Buyers Sellers Bukit Sembawang 2 6 2 9 ROBBER DOLLAR COMPANIES. AlorOajah 8.40 8.60 Balgownie 4.10 4.25 Changkat Serdang 8.50 9.00 Kelemak
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  • 55 9 (COBBBCTED UP TO May 25.) Back 4m/i 2-4 19 32 demand 2-4£ Private oredits 8m s 1-4 13 16 France demand Bank 826 rHDIA, T. T. 17 KOSQKOHG, demord 9% dis Yokohama, demard 11l Java, demand 134^ Baeqkck, demand 65$ SOVEEBISE3, Bank Buying 98.64 Bank ol England Rate 6%
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  • 140 9 May 25. Tin (50 tons) 193.00 Gamble* 18 00 Gambles Cube No. 1 27.00 Gambler Cube No. 2 25.00 Peppor Black ox din. b'pore 25.25 Pepper, (White fair) 35.00 Nptmega (110 to the lb. 30.00 Nutmegs (80 to ike lb.) nom. Macs (Ban da) 75.00 Cloves (Amboina) nom. Bali
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 563 9 I Was or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. J WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP IHE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LUTED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE! Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE! 32, Old Jewry, E.C. m Compaaf has £30.000 flefositea with the
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    • 422 9 I SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in New Zealand.) I FIRS Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description. MARINE Insurances accepted to all parts of the world at lowest rates. SARTHQUAKS Risks accepted. J. HENRY, Local Manager. Offices 2, FSnlayson Green. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Co. Ltd. (Incorporated
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    • 111 9 FOR KOBE. The s.s. KENKOR MARU 12 will load here for above port on the 26th instant. For Freight apply to HUTTENBACH BROS, ft Co.. Agents. 53-5 27-5 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE Co., Ltd. FIRE AND MARINE. (Incorporated m New Zealand.) VING-TSZE INSURANCE ISSOC. Ltd. MARINE. (Incorporated m Hongkong.) CHINA FIRE
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 759 9 'daily shipping report. Chamber of Commerce (to II a.m., lay 25 ARRIVALS. May 24. Veboshi Mara, Tottori Maru (Jap) Hild (Nor) Redang (Siam). May 25.— Lady Weld, Nankin, B. Whatt Hin, Ranee, Medusa, Klang, Mata Hari. Shabonee (Brit) R. of Sarawak 'bar Sembilan, S. Van der Beele, Brouwer, Emile, R.
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  • 724 10 Thk i.ate Mr E. B. Maundreu/s Repobt. A melancholy interest attaches to the Report on the State of Brunei for 1915, inasmuch as it is tbe woik of Mr E. B. Maundrell, acting British Resident, whose death occurred last week in such tragic circumstances. The Report states
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  • 104 10 American Operations in the East London, May 12th. The Financier says that a number of the largest manufacturing concerns in America have combined to secure control of the rubber for Americans from the East. They are able readily to secure permits for direct shipment, whereas English merchants
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  • 465 10 LITIGATION AMONGST THE VENDORS. In the Supreme Court, yesterday, before Mr Justice Earnshaw, the hearing was continued, from the previous day, of four actions which go back to the inception of the Titi Tin Mines, Ltd. The defendant in all four cases was Siow Kon Cbia, of
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  • 283 10 Local Rubber shares have suffered this week mainly from lack of support, and on the whole, only small parcels of shares have changed bands, and for this reason the general tendency has been for easier quotations. Mining shares close at about previous levels with a steady enquiry
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  • 113 10 A conscientious objector before the Birmingham Tribunal was told that his application would be adjourned for a month, and if during that time he entered the Corporation's service and engaged m some work of public utility his claim for exemption would be considered. Applicant asked what the
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  • 206 10 STAR AND GARTER FUND. (A Home for permanently disabled British Sailors and Soldiers.) The Committee gratefully acknowledge the following further contributions. Previously acknowledged 97,328 Mrs C. Elias (Building of a room and equipping it) 3,000 11 A Soldier's Daughter 5 Anonymous 5 "Chypre" 100 Pearls' Hill School 90 Mrs A.
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  • 58 10 On behalf of the Lady Evelyn Young, the Hon. Treaturer, Mr H. B. Ward of Evatt and Co., French Bank Buildings, Singapore, gratefully acknowledges the following contribution Balance previously acknowledged si, 56a. 81 Mrs .1. A. B. Cook 10.00 Balance m hand 1,573.81 Amount remitted
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  • 231 10 Guardsman's Reduced Stature. Thanks to modern scientific methods, heroes who have lost either one or both legs have the great consolation of knowing that they can now be literally set upon their legs again and walk with ease and comfort instead of having to rely on
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  • 162 10 Calcutta. May 13. The Bombay Government has issued a Press Note illustrative of the attitude of the Turkish Government towards Mahomedan pilgrims. The story is told by Takir Hoeain, an Indian Moslem pilgrim. He says that in Ramzan he with his mother and sister went
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  • 583 10 Terms of Settlement. The final conference at Shanghai between the China Coast Officers' Guild and the owners was held on Friday afternoon last (May 12th) at the Merchant Service Club at which all differences were settled to the mutual satisfaction of both sides. In the morning
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  • 264 10 SHIPPING NOTES The P. and O. Khiva arrived in London on Tuesday, the 23rd instant. The Cordillere left for Marseilles on Thursday morning and the Magellan for Saigon and the north this morningThe Grotiue, Oranje, Rembrandt and Vondel will, with three Rotterdam Lloyd vessels, maintain a service between Holland and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 348 10 BRITISH EAU DE COLOGNE Specially prepared for as by the Oldest Lavend. Distiller m England and renowned for v STRENGTH, REFRESHING QUALITY, SWEETNESS and DELICATE PURE ODOUR. One of the minor but still important r, suits of th. wlnm tlomand for Eau-de-Lologne, acerntuatrd ;l y it 8 by the stoppa
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 37 10 SWIMMING CLUB. Launches on Sunday will leave Johnston's Pier at 7, 9 and 10 a.m., 2.30 and 8.80 p.m., and Club Bungalow 8.30 and 9.80 a.m., 12.15, 8 and 5.80 p.m. Tide 8.4 a.m. Height 7ft. 7in.
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