The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 29 April 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. .J* V t\.__\ jl O SINGAPOEE, SATURDAY, APRIL _M), 1016. NO. 8,739
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  • 246 1 Tbe situation m Dublin is official!! stated t^ be well m band. The rebels arsu_rounded by a cordon of troops. There is, however, a tear of spread ol tlie iv if Burrectorj movement—Page 7. i 'i'be new developments of tbp .MilPar> i Service Act are being debated
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  • 1349 1 Quicquu i fwgo th .D KNAIi Iv the beginning, w] rm "^v-ina wlp _rst invaded by high clas. i enterainmentSj tb< tbwo sol bapp j u.ght ifter Bight to be tc Cards and bnir joker, and es dainty Miss Fane, who bad a ratony little song
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE JUST ARRIVED "NEW COMET" MOTOR CYCLES H.P. Motor Cycle, two speed 4 stroke, H P Motor Cycle. 2 Stroke, Pego j 2 H.P Motor Cycle, 2 Stroke, Pego __«_B-a__n_BH^ -_a_i-_B_H-B_B-_HB_MaH_a_iaa_B_i__Baa_n-<a-B-a-_i-nBB ENGLISH STILTON CHEESE, AUSTRALIAN CHEDDAR iHE SE, SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Go., Ltd. SINGAPORE, K. LUMPJR, IPOH AND
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    • 228 1 Your maintenance t rpeg^es are affected by the tubes you frse, and ii pays you to take the same can m making your 8 mve tment u b u Ii always pays to fhm gui before spending- your money. i m Even a superficial examination of tubes shows a difference
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    • 107 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Palladium and Casino attraction^ fag'8. S it-ouMS leading turn- Page 2. t. bing Kent; Lee'e sale of unredeemed pledges Pegs Rom tyrep tor motor cycles Page I. Central Engine works take Indian Motor Cycles agency Pa^e .">. Hotel business for bale Page S. B-dgownie interim dividend Page 5.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 152 1 THE WEEK. Saturday 29th. Dlgh Water— U a.m., 819 p.m. i oduc bt Michael, 9 p.m. Tanglin G ab, unoual meeting, 9 p.m. B. outwaid mail expoctea. Sunday 30th. High Wati j— i a.m., 9-21 p.m. Saudaj sftet IstEaeter. fflonday lst, May. >Y»bei 1 3 Q -9\ p m Ayer
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  • 190 2 In their monthly circular, dated the 1 •J2nd April, per M. Ef, mail steuuier Athos; Me^rs. Win. C Haie and Co. report as I follow* on the N-iigon RkM Maiket Since OUI Intl report of the 'llud March' the rai^u g of Urn prohibition c f
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 434 2 TO-NIGHT! TONIGHT' CINEMA CASINO HXSSfiL, IS OFFERING AN EXTRA-GOOD FEATURE PROGRAMME m IN THE SECOND SHOW 9 15 PM SHAH? HIrfhLKT PIOll RES LTD PRfigJ MTfi "THE BJiaSS. CONQUERS" A Powerful story of Human-interest wii'i many plots IN 3 PAI.T-* SANDS OF LIFE' A Splendid, BoortißH Dram?, m I Parts
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    • 293 2 AUCTION SALE OF Excellent Wax Polished 1 Household Furniture te. AT NO, 93-1 THOMSON ROA; CORNER OF CHANCE&Y LAN. On Saturday, 29th April, at 2.38 P I W. h-hed teak r und tal wax poll-* .fl ti k 'all a%aWd v. -Mi I i hi; an i tjui'- ar.d WMhmt
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  • 748 3 The Rewing-Boat and Th. Old Destroyer. Although Gallipoli is no longer to be counted among tbe theatres of war, the following f xtract from an officer'- letter i will be read with interest I saw a very pretty little actiou m minor naval warfare tbe other day.
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  • 205 3 Tans, March 15 -—-An extraordinary or perhap. not extraordinary— friend of tbe Imperial German Crown prince has been discovered at Nice, aud is now iv prison. His name is Ibrahim kiehala [Nengani, bupponed to be the BOn cf a j Sultan Abd till Muuuf. lie was airt-eted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 780 3 SALE UNDER ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT E AUCTION SALE F VALUABLE UND AND SHOP HOUSES SITUATE AT MALACCA STREET. >n Monday, 15th May, 1916, at 2.30 P.M. 1 ittnatc al Malacca Btree), Singapore, oomprised la N lot tggyeem trom 30tli April 1836 ami p*rl ol Giant N<>. 16, I
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    • 549 3 F. M. S. 6% WAR LOAN. NOTICE. The Government of the Federated Ma*ay States has made arrangements with the Chartered Bank of Ini a, Australia and China for ths Bank to accept payment m full with applications for i ßonds m the Federated Malay States War Loan, m cases where
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  • 951 4 Three Explosions. Another great Dutch liner was suok oh* the Galloper buoy on Maich IH whetbei by torpedo or mine is not yet definitely clear, although all the evidence points to the vessel having been torpedoed. The victim on this occasion was the steamship Palembang,
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  • 520 4 THE SOLDIER' S BOOT. An Army medical officer who has had experience of marching with troops both m peace and under active service conditions writes about the soldier's boot. The lessons of past wars, which teach the necessity of hardening the men's feet by regular marching exercise, do not appear,
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  • 100 4 A BUDDHIST DISCOVERY AT MARDARS. Madras, April 17. J Hiring well sinking operations io the harbour on the west quay on Saturday night grabs brought up a large bronze statue of tbe Lord Gautama Etaddba, Dearly half life size and al^o a handsome bronze bell of 80 to 100 lbs.
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  • 71 4 The Bishop of Woolwich tolls of ai touching incident which happened to him recently, As he was walking along the approach to London Bride*', sta'.on re.Randay afternoon a young soldier Bt>ep| ap to him and asked for his blessing. There were numbers of people abouc a_.a bis lordship asked Would
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 213 4 r I- T j —t/- 2.'^' T.T IV.': .'7ll l^ J__J__M-.r/J-l_-Z'-t!-7-.'i'iUT'iH The Choice of 400,000 Motorists Ji—, I f twiitr) f^r^ CARBURETTER. L® U J j: wri: riptivc book! tN0.38 WM 9 ZEMTH CARBURETTER Cc. Ltd., 40-42 Newman Street, London W.J I ALL-BRITISH j ROM TYRES| USED BY THE BRITISH
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    • 355 4 .:uj»^2^mnammn\niik\atitat mi j I Put rea! fruit into your Jellies. a Jellies made from the f v i »i -ii fruits y y are* much richer iv flavour, M „n>i more whoesome than i //.j i i prepared fi y flavoured I IJelicious, natural liui I U cau be quice
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    • 362 4 j IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE ITMITi SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEHENTOF SINGAPORE ORIGIN4TIK(. SI _IM< VS IS I [a v N "lant Ol i h lac :;_ii— 1 Port art to a Daem aeMon s u^ totbt N. late of W lied livii :u B Of 1 I i i1 1
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  • 579 5 sting was held m om, i illyei Quay, at noon Maogregoi presided. There present Meeers Hood Buys;, li irallyn, Makepflfloo and D.J. ke of the last moating were H S ECH mid ou to lay our annul! ii itaasont i I acoonots for th.I scomber, 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 623 5 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES' lflt SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Low Sund.y APKIL > i R. ST ANDREWS CATHEDRAL. 1 a..n. Heiy Communif n. 7. __.m. Holy I kmimnnton (Choral), Hymns I »0, I*6, Uj, Pa. 150. s 9, i am. Matins and Litany 1 il .3D pjn. Holy Communion. 1 4 p
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    • 465 5 BALGQWKIE RUBBER ESTATES, LTD. DECLARATION OF INTERIM DIVIDEND AND NOTICE OF CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS. Notice Is hereby eiven that a Fourth Interim Dividend of 15 ban been declared by the Directors, payable on Friday, May the 13th, 191U, ou account of the year ending 31st March, 1916, and notice
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    • 275 5 TO MOTOR CYCLISTS. ««»-.-»"B_n_«™___«_H_«_«_o__W_W__B_M«__^_W_»_»__«_B ''INDIAN" Motor Cycle riders, and intending purchasers of Motor Cycles will please note that the Agency for the sale cf v INDIAN Motor Cycle and Side Cars heretofore controlled by Messrs. Katz Bros Ltd., has been transferred frcm this date to the CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. LTD.,
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  • 1393 6 The Singapore Free Press. Saturday, April 29, 1916. '.ii\i tbe Praa the People*- riy'rA i»i*ii<.%bt.. Ti ?*«;<'. :>v iB-taet cc nd onbe bed -y uM pM-ia I •'.th hei gkxioa- p.ncepi. iifM»» PWWwI t. 8 -Wan. '__-T_i-f J-»w- Tbe tension between Germany and America is without doubt becoming distinctly acute
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  • 396 6 Paris. April 26, 6.50. p The French, 8 pec cent hoods are at franco 62 MO and the 5 per ceot* at 89.50. Yesterdas we captured on tlie nofii i I the river Aisue a small wood on the south .of le Boia des buites wa repi
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  • 495 6 ll r EL C. Barnes, late of Tapah. is now Lieuteuant m command ot a trench mortar battery m France. Mr g. Tomson, late ot Digwarab Batato, Perak, has been promoted to Sub-Lieute nant m tbe Royal Naval Division, lit was until lattly m charge ol a machine gun at
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  • 94 6 YEOMANRY'S GALLANTRY IN thc KATIA FIGHT Turcc -Ccrnian Losses £cv» 1 J y f" I gfcttng < la vpi tl thi ..nd |v. J( i. who aen I oldii mere I ink- Mid til I :-.l a i V\ uoLl-i h,;ned §tm w killed ahm% asm vi
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  • 60 6 An Attack at Vaux Pads, M>ril .'7 The cot_.muniqn« Tbera ami sa int. n-bardr. Ii gvoeourl rudoubt andPoivre hill, with W imall Bnemj I p bj cu ft a pcompti] d lea r l bei a arete tb I caa_aonaaei toe real at the boost, A frenchman L-:'«
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  • 19 6 i londoo, Iprll aches aa oi tbe Oera i Lieu, aa reaching st leas! IH m
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  • 32 6 Borne, April i.7 ihe < tntnuntqueaeea that a st! -ng t-iiernx al I -ches on the Cacao plateau irbicb the ltaiiantoccupied on April I mea rep ised em very he.avv
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  • 18 6 PetrograJ, April 27. Ihe coramuniqu*reports v feepnlsi :i( a Tl k ie th_ K;/ilJi dieti
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  • 16 6 London, April -'iiie Times states that Lord Queningtoa *hs killed inaction ou sunda\
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  • 49 6 Eut Thinks Better ot f'.akhaiest. Apn 7. The Anfftrtsasal Braesow MEtwiad Mm Se m Herliß mflitaq attache' and aeized the docu ments which he v, a- u tVl khar est. Eventually be was reU at the imenti were potato sd irhaa Kumaniaea I i to Austria
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  • 73 6 Siibsi riptioti-i I I iivl\ Satisfy ton, From fl ar, Apri. The Maiay Hall has been official > formed that te the War 1. j;m ari- BIItMM ory." He Loki Kieav baa gi au Uion ace a half. PI i Four oases I p jue are reported
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  • 15 6 i r^ an the I .r- v. 16th, lath, 2011} Satuida I i
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  • 70 6 All!.! a tf p.o i m on 1 lie will be "Couldn't you get om Chain, an atahhe < pellai i abfc i 1 s no good I v, otL -ant. af our vn -t tm I purely Ol El pert on the < r of jinn I :bt paot
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 251 6 CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co. HAVE IN STOCK THE FOLLOWING LIQUEUR BRANDIES. a u H HBHuanMBa aa-aiaHr-w--H-a FINEST OLD LIQUEUR at $48. per doz j CHOICEST OLD LIQUEUR 55 I FINEST OLD VINTAGE 70. I COURVOISIERS 'I696' do. 85. (Nett, duty extra.) Although the prices of all other Brandies have increased anything
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  • 430 7 I iC -TIONS THAT TROUBLE IS SPREADING. p-dmond's Assurances. iec able i Bei i a >• lv ths Mouse of Com th rr- id i telegram from Lord L antenaat of Ire- il the air nation waa aatis. ben'i <1 1 aeu bad been ocI ol the
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  • 23 7 TRAVANCORE TEA TAX I [a tbe Uow-* cf rai led ths quesE hen e*p< o j r. i; he had no i en-
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  • 26 7 COMFORTS FOR INDIAN TROOPS 11 Indian Soldiere 1 t to Mesopotamia lwo large ems awj ap the ami the PmacL One i fitted to ac oommodate
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  • 13 7 I^pril The dsa f h has igad r nisieial K;chard
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  • 311 7 STRONG DEMAND FOR GENERAL COMPULSION. Premier Yields to Objections. By Bubma. me < '.».>]« I Renter's Service] London, April 20.— Mr Walter Long to morrow introduces the Military Service Bill. The House is now m Secret Ses sion. London, April 27 In the House of Commons, Mr
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  • 187 7 German Squadron Drubbed. London, April 27. Residents of Lowes--Ott and Yarmou.h were most impressed at the wretched gunnery of tbe Germans. They were awakened by the guns m broad daylight, and saw five cruisers steaming broadside ten miles out, tiring broadsides. E <eh i-hin fired at least
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  • 89 7 The Toll of Neutral Ships. Loudon. April 27.— rhe N »1 wegian stea- I mci Strona ineefl fa is b ten sunk the crew [have lauded. The Dutch steamers Dubhe land -fanabaven have been damaged. An oil.oial Btatement says that tin? Xor- ...>: barque Cirm.uai was sunk
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  • 73 7 I The Right to tefend Themselves Washington, April 27.— A general Btatejment has been issued defining the attitude 1 of tbe Cnited States towards armed merlohantmenI ohantmen of belligerents. It is believed that tne reply to the recent German Note laustaini their right to defensive anna- ment,
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  • 36 7 London, April 27.— The Admiralty says i that it is announced by German wireless 'that the British submarine E 23 has been sunk m tbe North Sea. lwo of the crew were saved.
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  • 1514 7 Ordinary Meetirg Friday, April 28th. Present. H.K. t he GOV! rror (Rir Arthur Young K.0.M.G., the General Officer ('oininanding. The Hon. Atg. Col. Bee. (W. G. Maxwell. Col. Trea-urer (A. M. Pountney.) Attorney General (G.A.Goodman 001. Engineer (F. J. Pigott). I w. w. coot. Dr. Lim Boon Keng.
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  • 244 7 Hongkong papers report a very disturb >d 6tate of things m Canton town and )roviucs. Refugees a'a 1 ocking into Hong.eng, each river boat bringing doan from i thousand to 1,500. The movement seems to have started aa I i, protest against the restoration of the j
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  • 126 7 The five, foot, path of tbe European j godown m Cecil Street is supposed to be' reserved for the public use, but for a; nonth or bo it baa been blocked up with j jage oi cbnnam, planks, and other build- I ing materials so that passage through it [g
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 187 7 I ROBINSON GO. FRESH SHIPMENT OF Edinburgh S'c i\^ C _t** **i >/ "x \x Shortbread. Mr a :vW >^^" f x^ f T _i I _"^^E ifef 1 fl V,^'\ fii 1 li ca js?^ l^frv:- ;L GES W^ f 13 li' 'JARY. \mty± !-^i'. j* '.j i _t
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 654 8 "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Coy., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IS ENGLAND), For LONDON S.S. Keelung via Suez Canal sailing about 3rd May. s.s. Denbigh Hall via Cape cf Good Hope sailing about 3rd May. Por particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS. KONIN&U.JK-.
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    • 696 8 IT c Oe British India AND ApCAH L.NE (Companies Incorporated m England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. lIOMKWARD (FOB
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    • 564 8 M. M. I MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LIME. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON aol MARSEILLEShomeward OUTWARD 1916 1916_; Athos Apri! _f 7 Andre Lebon May 9 Porthos May 19 Atlantique May H Andre Lebon June It; I Amazone June 6 Atlantique June 30 Pol> nesien June 20 1 For all particulars apply
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    • 529 8 110 M. a 4V, JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd (Incorporated m .app,c EUROPEAN UNE. A sendee is maintained betw.-< via ports to Marseilles, London contract with the Imperial Jans f v^ t mem. The New Twin ac'r-ow Hte^ maintaining this eervicc have h r designed and constructed, and im .rj
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  • 1253 9 ENEMY TRADE QUESTION Preparing for Commercial War. The following is a portion of tlie speech of Mr J. Johnstone, chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce at Shanghai. at the recent annual meeting Eoeaiy Trading. Tbia is a subject which, during the later half of lust
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  • 554 9 To ths Slingsby family and estates which will always henceforth bfl associftt ed with one of tiie most i maikable cases ever known to tbe Lav. urts. there already belonged a biston of peeuliai interest. Th.- standard WOlks il reference have a great deal to say about
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 454 9 -_-_---HB-H_H_HiH_Hr_HH-_l_HH__H-i a-_H_H_B_BHB_HBMB_HB_B_M__HB_H__BHBI_B_BB_B_KBBH_M^^ Wab or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is wobth ioo cents on the dollar. I IVH4T OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, EX. rhe Company has £20,000 deposited with
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    • 444 9 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated In New Zealand.) FIRE Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description. MARIN I Insurances accepted to all parts of the world at lowest rates. EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. J. HENRY, Local Manager. Offices 2, Finiayson Green. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Go. Ltd, •'lncorporated m
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    • 229 9 I DRINK DRINK I i THE BEST BEER I OBTAINABLE J^^. J^^^^^mnWdtm m manu- I _yj_J^^^J^ METHODS WITH I W EVERY POSSIBLE CARE J m SAN iTARY RESPECTS. I GARISBEiO BEER IS SSISH BEER. a un-,— ni„ M |,i,i ■iiiiiii- m- ii- —m-ii—nii-B 1..1111 i■ i i_ i_i__^__M -_^__^_«-_.--^_-W. ■__-_-_B--X
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    • 82 9 i lEI ZEALANO INSURANCE Co., Ltd. FIRF. (NO lAttff. (Incorporated i N >w, Z aland YJ.KG-TS2E INSURANCE 15.0.. L?r KAP.IKE. (lucoi porat. CHINA FIRE INSURANCE Co., LU FIRE. (Ineorpocal fl la ffwygfr s LONDON GUARANTEE ACHKII B* Ltt GUARANTEE. ■In .orporn*' fl fa I D| la I i Fire and
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  • 583 10 Tbe destruction of tbe Royal Holland Lloyd liner lubautia is an event wbicb I will not soon be forgotten m Holland. In due time it will cease to be a nine days' wonder, but tbe memory of the occurrence will remain. And tbat memory will be one of
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  • 274 10 Professor F. Wood .lones has completed a series of lectures at the Royal College of Surgeons, where be analysed the various featuies of the human body which be attributed to an arboreal lineage. The arm and hand of man and of man's congeners retain many primitive
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  • 65 10 Record Annual Returns. Simla, April 14. The complete returns ;of Indian railway earnings for the past official have now been received and show results even more favourable than bad been expected. The total amounts to the enormous sum of 68 crores of rupees, being four crores more
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  • 1185 10 Issued by FKASEK Co., Exchange and Share Brokers _l "All fuotat-oas of Sterling Shame most Me ssgarfied ss puroiy boiu-b*< to* ._>< p*"***^' RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. af. lescß. Paid. L*e»Dri. firruHt 100, 000 88 IB AllhgM 1% fw| **t •00.000 1 i Ar.^lo l 160,000 U U
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 560 10 *-r=nnr=-i /^r=-==ini -mr IB 3__i 3B_-__nj i ,JW Get the Cloth from Yorkshire Pure British Woollen Suit Len B ths Direct h y Post rm^W Wlllfl T-VFKY srelWreSMd man pgyi particular attention to the quality of the cloth he wears J=J =1 V^Vl lii F< ol -rials specially, will' find
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    • 35 10 I t% V.RIGAUD'S M (i|iiai gj Or JAPAN J^L TOILET WATER r$ V>C I*B imitations. jS.^B 1/ D'f*A 1 1 f\ I f *f?s!P" -WjL'iffl r.RFUMKR I ti^^^p^faßr 8< ruj Vivienne. 6 -Pint-Frtnce I _?.vr«-n-a__H-H_H--H_a-N-_H->^
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    • 36 10 f 1 CL6ANSC YOUR BLOOD with CRIMAULT C cl SARSAPARILLA The original sar- M^yafflffirW sa pa r 1 1 1 a recent- fc_a_-5/s§s_f lymphatic diseases, K»_l^_t-^6 aid all disorders jfifrnKy^fl b j CKIMAULT SC» jAffijeW, ffißfsk
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 96 11 SCOTCH WHISKY ~tP V JAMES ti^ltjai*? 1 W; Donaed store the largest m the world) enable them to lnatntam tne high quality of this famous blend. TU 1A JiiLii f"fl ITU mC DUKnCU bUi 9 LIU« njVdfjf COMFORT LUXURY j V 7 ftjJEßOus ßU^^^ and aroma °f state Express "^Kfe,
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    • 484 11 i TO LET Bacho'ors' Hall (Orange Grove Koad). Beautifally sStnated. Ghh, Tennis and btabling. Apply JAEGER ft CO. 29-4 v c TO LET FURNISHED. Barnwley, Gallop lioad. Tyersall. Entry early m Juno. Apply to GUTHRIE CO., LTD. 27-4 ttbs uc TO LET No. 12, Mount Elizabeth Road 18c, Wilkie Bead.
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    • 359 11 EXCHANGB. tCORBKCTKD UP TO iptfl 28.) Bank 4 ld b 'A-4 19 32 demand 2-4 i Prlrata credits 8m 8 3-4 18 16 Franoe demand Bank 826 IBDU, T. T. ivr! HOHQKOKQ, demard 6. > Yokohama, demand mi Java, demand 183 Bah&kok, demand 65^ SOVBBBIGNB, Bank Buying 88 .54 Bank
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 794 11 DAILY SHIPPING REPORT. Chamber of Commerce (to 1 1 a m., April 28 I AfIfIVALS. April 27. Klang, Meduta, Poh Ann I.udy Weld, Hye Leong. Kanee 'Br Sing kep, Kumphius (DutJ Atbos <Yr.) April 28.— Hai Nam. Hong Moh, Sandakan <Br Van Heemekerk 'I'ut), i>agfio (N for.) Fushimi Maru Uap.'
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  • 1079 12 I An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Com m -flflt insri was held yesterday afternoon m tb. iard Room, when tbe following gentlemen were present: MrF. 1. ilallifax 'President', Dr. P. Kowlm. M r A. W. Bean, Mr B Tessen-ohn, Dr. N.V Semy, Messrs) Tan Kbeum Hock i'hia
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  • 231 12 Previously Acknowledged 13,682.20 Malacca Planters Association 250.00 Collected by S. C. c inha K. Vttiylingam }3, M Slacken* zie |20, Kwah Jtn ('bong S3, L DO Ah |5, B M. Moor Mohamed |5, S-jnuiffh ih bin N'oor Sl, Wong Ah See Ah Bob 515, L Bf.
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  • 40 12 Tiie Won. Treasurer, Mr. H. R. Wsrd of Bvatt and Co French Rank Ruiidings, Singapore, acknowledges with many thanks the following contributions to the above Fund Amount previously acknowledged $4,355 Total to date $5,080 mam—
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  • 75 12 The attention of the public should be drawn to tbe closing performances of thiß talented company, and those who have not seen them are missing a chance, while those who have are gladly welcoming their present programme. Gur opinion was plainly expiessed after the first performance and
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  • 22 12 From (>ui <>ici'r C&vcspohdcnt London, April 27. The following rubber dividends are announced: Finals Klabaug li_ Linggi 1 er>.
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  • 51 12 Messrs Guthrie and Co. have received advice by cablegram from Loudon that the Directors of Linggi Plantations, Limited, have declared a final dividend of 65% m respect of the year 1915, making a total; of 110% for the year. Tbe amount carried forward to the current year's accounts is
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  • 326 12 BARLOW' S PRODUCE REPORT. RUBBBB. Singapore, April 28 I At this week's Auction which commenc ed ou the 27th and finished about noon tbe following day, some 425 tons were offered. The tone was quiet and the demand cuu only be described as fair. Prices realized, with the exception of
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  • 251 12 A commencement was made to day with the. sale of 523 tons which were catalogued i for this week s Auction. Demand at the 1 outset was fair, but fell away m the course' of the aa>. Prices of Standard grades do not shew much change, Crepe
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  • 69 12 Messrs Francis Peek aud Co., Ltd.. for- j ward us the report ou the Java Produce I Market for the week as cabled by their Batavia house yesterday afternoon j li itavia, April 28. The Rubber Mtrket shows still further decliue m values, business having been 'done
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  • 594 12 SHIP'S OFFICER ASSAULTS CAPTAIN. A Smabt Sbntbhcb, In the Marine Court, yesterday morning, before Lieut. Commander Cator, Master Attendant, with Mr Dickenson prosecuting for the owners, E. H. Gibbons was charged with assaulting Captain F. J. Stach, master of the Poh Aun, at '2.30 on tbe afternoon of
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  • 41 12 L&DI88' Doubles. Pinal. 'Mrs Hartnell and Mrs Saunders scr beat Miss Lamb and Miss L Lamb 15, 6 4, Championship Pairs. Mrs Salzmann and Mr Howe beat Mrs Ferguson and Mr Tmsley, 6— 3, 3—6, B—6.
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  • 17 12 Championship Pairs. Final. Mrs Salzmann and Mr Howe v Mrs Hartnell and Mr Day.
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  • 48 12 Championship Singles. Final. Mrs Saunders v Mrs Ferguson. Mixkd Doubles A. Final. Mrs Kemp and Mr Qpcott owe 1 v Mrt Owen and Mc Edwards ree 5. The prizes will be presented after the play. The Club will be "At Home "to members and their friends.
    48 words
  • 3 12 CMirmmnn ninn nmmnrn
    3 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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      95 words