The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 April 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 205 1 Russia continues to put up a great light and bus scored near Drtnsk and in Oalicia, while in Asia minor she is advanc ing ou a town fifteen miles from Trebtz jud Page 5. Italy continues also to do good Alpine fighting, while Baron Sonnino in the
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  • 1605 1 On returning near the town of s.. it was but natural I should revisit Madame 11. The town of S. ban I famous old watchmaker who sits all any In his tiny window and calls for bis wife but I did not revisit Si for his
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 163 1 RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE JUST ARRIVED "NEW COMET" MOTOR CYCLES 2 H.P. Motor Cycle, two speed 4 stroke, PegO Engine, $3701 H.P. Motor Cycle. 2 Stroke, Pego Engine, $320W\ H.P. Motor Cycle, 2 Stroke, Pego Engine. $420"Above includes Tool Bags, Tools etc. 1 Wsfim No. 491. INSPECTION INVITED. eO C7 i
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    • 58 1 3 M OSaTaPSGO 2 < new 'Model di Luxe rcjiresents the very h yJiest point of excellence in motor-car construction. Darracq satisfaction does )iot m end with the first or the second year, but means thai continuous pleasure and contentment which perfect engineering skill, artistic workman* ship and efficient construction
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    • 91 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS 1 Two auction sale;: of office furniture Page 9« Humphrey I i i h o p Co, on Saturday Think of Dnnlopfl Page 8* Sale of household artistic furniture i Page io. i N^.t Cinema programmer 'including the j Win so -I Co J'agn 'J. Book-keeper aud shorthand
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 44 1 High Water— ID 34 a.tu., l*-*« o.rn J esse] ton Ice Power 91, Cecil St. noon. Public aud rtaDk Holiday. P. U. outward mail expected* Mph flfo*OT 1 21 a.rn 3- 6 p rn All entertainment advertisements are now classified together on page 2.
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  • 57 2 Kverybody must know, said Lord Huckraaster m tbe House of Lords ou March 18th, tbut 'Old Tom is tbe nuine of gin." The origin of the nickname, mentioned by Dickens m Sketcnes by Boat,' 1 was explained by counsel. Tbe inventor of sweetened Thumas Cbamberlaiu, was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 336 2 THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated m Hcngkong). THE Chief Importers OF British Pianos FRENCH PIANOS Italian Pianos Nerve and Digestive Disorder completely cured by the WorldFamous Remedy, Dr. Casscli's Tablet*. Mr. A. K. Barley, of 427, Golden Hillock-road, Birmingham, Eng md, sa; S I v:• -r t <.* ligtStion
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 562 3 Notices GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Ibfti i at the COLON I A p to nooa of the 281 I tBM I rowing winks v Mhteg and painting the e: I Urn Government Offices all I Q arters for Caretakt ilia n,' md improving drains an Ota at the Luuati a lafclag and
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    • 731 3 Notices UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY OF CANTON, LIMITED. 'Incorporated m H- ngfeoDg). Mr D. B. Murray has been appointed Matia- <.■ ger of this Society m Sin*>apote and assonu a i charge of the branch as from Monday, 17th r j April. 1916. By order of the Board of Directors, d
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    • 387 3 Notices WARNING. The number plates of bullock cart No. 796 (yellow ground aiid black li^ur^s of i9;b) are rep rted stoleu. W. E. HOOPER, Rfgistr^r of Vehicles. 18-1 So>4 IN THE GOODS OF HADJI AHMAT bin HADJI OMAR SAHARIA deceased. PURSUANT TO THE TRUSTEE ORDINANCE XXVIII OF 1914 NOTI^J: is
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    • 222 3 Wanted WANIEO Book-keeper required for Mercantile Firm m bnrna r*. Capable cf tauing entire charge of Bcoks. Gocd .salary to corupet- nt rLaD. Kep y BOX 17 Freo Press. 18 4 4 0. 4 WANTED I A Shorthand Tytii-t, youog. Apply by letter 1 sUtintf experience and salary reijuited to
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    • 689 3 Auctions GOVERNMENT OF JOKORE. AUCTION SALE Of land for arrears of rent to be held it the Government Office. Johore 3ahru, on Saturday, 29th April at 10 30 A.M. (1) All that piece of land s'tnate m the district of Begamat, Jonore, couipris-ed m Lot io* 119 Grant Wo. 82
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    • 444 3 To Let TO LET }'urni-h» d. MM v»,s», t7 I wrn! ii Hosd Dchiia.t>le Oompoosd House, < ur btdroomn* apstairh TWittlfOOini. W^icr laid on, Tennis court acd fctablm^. Kntry Mny. Apply iT. Cairnhill Road. 15-4 uc TO LET. The plea e Hntiy B^Hftled mUkSMI known as Qtongtlfy corner of <\U
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 19 4 I Gray. At Lanedale, Western Road, Penang on Apiil 13, the wife of Dr J. Gray, a boo.
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    • 21 4 IHinnlkindt.— Onthc 16th April, at Rofeland Orange Road Joseph Leonce Hinnekinot, fourth son of Mmc V. Hinnekindt, agtd 46 years.
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  • 1335 4 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, April 18, 1916, tic re shall tb* Pttu the Pc-.'-.l. w^bi m»i»i*i*. leaved by tnfloer tad unbribed by gala i patrio* Truth b« (rlorwu i>-*~r.;io: rtaVc j Part of the general "grouse" against the Government at Home is based on the way officials in the
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  • 485 4 For the aunual feast of The Passover Jewish offices in town will be cloned to day and to morrow, and again on Monday and Tuesday of ne\t week. A quaint name that will appeal to some lovers of an odorous fruit out here is Khatcbadourian, the name of one of
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  • 159 4 MALACCA PLANTERS MEET. (From Ovr Own V arret f-mg,nt Kuala Lumpur m At the meeting of Malacca I,, I umpbell presided The Ho- I stated thm i ImColonial seen tat > bl j tO NegapuiH.n iegarj,ng ttj| lOU j detention of coolie*, and Mm cei j was that the stateme-
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  • 249 4 Tom Melbourne and bil given a line reception el the MhemtimltM evening. There RM a ver\ latge anft ence. and from beginning t< en I gramme was Aarmly appreciated The first part of tne bbow w ;i >. taken ur by pictures. The lathe War I nut
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  • 171 4 i It ih re|)jrte i at lokftMMMlNltg tfel Qatouui ship Kuan, irbid w%* te)/ed a I Laurenco M unui-K eatviad I argo of I i ct^ncpnLratet of tbi- vaJM I I iuarterofi l million sterling l-rom garmaajthah I .id, aloe which 'oriouB EtofaiaiM are nc* posting. tb«> mad I M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 139 4 PORT WINES Per Doz. f~a Vintage, White Seal -$72.00 P| Vintage, Green Seal 75.00 EyJ Dry Tawny, Red Seal 78.00 Light Tawny, Brown Seal 20.00 IM Ljg#it Dry Tawny, Blue Seal 24.00 M K White Port, Yellow Seal 24.00 Extra Selected, Green Seal 28.00 Ijl^P Dow's Invalid, Blue Seal 30.00
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    • 83 4 The following ptnpnntiaa nan atsaoa of by auction at M< j -rtCttinj -eng Lee Co*i t-Hie room pantardaj ii i ocn Freehold land at I'as.r i i 1,964 ■qnari tael brought Kok for M10. LaanahnM \mmi ani Immm K ii hoi < t )uay, icna ft,S#§ Bqnan I bought i.
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  • 118 5 RUSSIA 'S GREAT FIGHT. OFFENSIVE NORTH AND CENTRE. A Treacherous Trick. SakaMom Cable]. il lltl BIAVIOA. Ipril II -The communique Tbe BmtJM infantry hail a bril- t i.ii' Kj\ka near l>win-k, four lines of barbed f ,i two important hills. )er: n -kJh repeated counter- t -r>< completely repulsed. i
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  • 38 5 t— 16< -The com OB DDJ re MM GOBtioiM d Ibell wri I .r* i»r Ikakall and >!i;ur- I] Uatißfl ilMlte. after v-tv >r re lighting Turk* out of a position f Trea i i
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  • 138 5 Combined with Other Navies. u.-ri! lrtth. In the Italian c ham :;ir.;n mt u< betine foreign recounting Italy *i part m auks to the cq operation of alian n.< itfa the allied navies toi of stores have been and 39C 000 Serbians and ret were transported across the
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  • 129 5 Well for Cur Allies April 16.-— The French had a it succe^ at I'ouaumont *hich i* feature of the communique They .Igor 13 attack southward of the U foal which was completely sue- ,''v occupied MOM of the enemy trenches a:: i toe k mauy prisoners. The 'iermans
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  • 42 5 Some Captures April l Tbecommiiniqa6 aayi: kiofe m high altitadea has OMitiwi' Several machin- a>ive been tillery duels are mieeaaing 'icaria a;; UM vni>y*. Tb« i'rilliai." isaanlttd and cv.pM.ired Saul m \aM i m Ui« > ■'.•/■ma Kighcy n wt-re iakan.
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  • 34 5 April toaenl Haig relet oigii the Bxploakra Britis latiS' M raid i v trt'nch^s of the B road. there 9, I itj about -r.ville S: I ias On uuy and r.oos.
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  • 62 5 terica-: -n hy Mr> Sbelton !!p r at Led) Batata on Friday on of the Malaya Women's Aircraft ry Human ful. and as a result U 1.c -.c axtaal of over kftorna a In P"°" ad arai m attennc«, while tL ri -afcOWl included M *rv, shoot; i. Ashing pondt
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  • 71 5 SOME PROGRESS ON LEFT. [Bj Submarine Cable]. IJUTfB'f HIftVJCA London, April 16— General Sir Percy Lake reports that during April 15 gradual but steady progress was made on the right bank, the enemy's advanced lines being driven m and occupied. The enemy left many dead and
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  • 40 5 Wei! Up m New York. Now Yjik, April 16. A sharp recovery of French exchange has occucred as a Ntllll of the announcement of a new Kreuch loan which it is reported will amount to twenty millions sterling.
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  • 181 5 London. ADril 16. The following dis tinctions are notified m the Ga/.ette jin p inioni of the Batb Colonels G. B. Smith, 11. I> (irier and H. M. Adanison, Lieut (ulonels F. Donegan (Mediciilt-^ and S. H I'edley iW'est Kentb*. C.MG.- Lifin. Colonel T. (i. Ulois JobntoiL
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  • 16 5 I.oudo n April 16. The death has occurred of the Kishop of Mombasa.
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  • 526 5 Mr. S. C. Vickers. formerly of the Tele graph Co. and the >> R. E. <v» now somewhere m France as a Lieut. R. E. sends a cheery letter recalling himself to frieuds here, who will be glad to hear of him. He has had nine months
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  • 16 5 Mr F. K. Pickson, who is bringing with him the Seiangor griffins from Australia, :i .m.l,
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  • 71 5 LEAVE TO FIGHT IT OUT. [Bj Submarine Cablel. KlCTll'H Bfc»'Tflß. Washington, April, 16. President Wilson has decided to propose an agreement with Carronza that the United States troops shall not proceed much further m Mexico and 6ball be withdrawn soon. It is evident that the Carran/.ista will
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  • 116 5 New York, April 16 The British Consul-Generalhasapplied to the Supreme Court for the extradition of Tribitsch Lincoln on a charge of forgery. Two of tha gaolers have beeu dismissed m connection with the plot for Lincoln's escape. Lincoln, the. ex Member of Parliament m Kngland was charged
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  • 47 5 London, April 16 The Danish schooner Proven baa been sunk, the crew were picked up. The German steamer Hispacia has been mined an 3 sunk south of Stockholm. The crew were saved. London, April 16. Steamers sunk are the Fairport (British) and the Pusnastutf (Norwegian).
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  • 74 5 Russian Indignation. Tetroqrad, April 17.— The Russian Red Cross ha 9 reHotved to cea^e direct relations with enemy Ked Crops Associations m the absence of protests against the sinking of the Portugal. Lbe Russians have tele graphed provisionally cnncelliog the mandates of the Russian delegHte^ to the
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  • 474 5 Four arrests have been made m connection with the murder of Mr Lautour, two at Mantin and two at Kepong. Part of the stolen money and Mr Lautour'6 revolver were found m the possession of the latter. (M.M.) Copt. J. Stuart Rose, Officer Commanding B Coy of the Penang Volunteers
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  • 65 5 TURKISH CAPITALS BOMBED. fßy Submarine Cable]. KIDTM'a 811VTUB. London, April 16. Official. On the evening of Apcil 14 three naval aeroplanes flewoverConßtantinopleanddropped bombs oo Zeitunlik powder factory and aeroplane hangars. Another naval aeroplane drop ped bombs on Adrianople railway station. The flight to Constantinople and back was three
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  • 143 5 11 Back to the Land.' London, April 16. The explanation by the Allies of the temporary occupation of Aragostoli is indicated m a telegram from Athens, stating thit there is talk of resisting the use of the Greek railways to Macedonia by the Serbian army from Corfu,
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  • 52 5 Athens, April 16. U has been decided to adjourn tbe Chamber till May 3rd and to gi VH tbe Government a free hand to de.i! with the Mtuation. The Ministers of the Central Powers h tve visited King Constantine aud the Premier. The situation is showing signs
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  • 302 5 By couktesy of the French Consul Genb6ai>. PARIS, Anril 15, 6.00 p.m, Yesterday, north of Verdun, there was a bombard ment without infantry action. To-day, we dispersed eneir.y patrols to the north of Roye the artillery was active north of Verdun, notably m the region of le
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  • 141 5 Private. Brornage, formerly a London and North-Western Railway porter, wilting home, says that a Turkish prisoner whom he captured at Gallipoli was wearing a belt made out of an arm strop cut from a first-rlase carriage on the London and North- Western Railway. As the L'psult of an incident which
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 163 5 ROBINSON <& CO. |I| Easter Millinery V 1111/ l NtW mm JUST UNFACKED \^7wT^ SMART HATS FOR AFTERNOON WEAR Felts and Panamas for Morning and Sports Wear NEW ASSORTMENT OF FLOWcSS, Etc. ROBINSON ®> CO. lAi M ~"~T??T:'7{ 4 /> f "^7 '."~-*^J !L£i Xr£y 'mm V* I-„ V; slP.'?rr~^>4SL,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 567 6 Shipping "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Coy., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND;, For LONDON S.S. Keelung via Suez Canal due about 3rd May. s.s. Denbigh Hall via Cape of Good Hope due about 4th May. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS.
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    • 695 6 Shipping mr O« Oritjsh India AND Apcar Ijine (Companies Incorporated m England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Governments For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. HOMEWARD IVOR
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    • 520 6 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES HAIL LINE. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON sod MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1916 UK Athos April U Hord Here Haf 2 Porthos May 19 Andre Lebon May I I Cordillere June 2 Atl-iritiqne BtßySt Andre Lebon June 16 Anjazone Juue 6 Atlantique June 30 Pol BBBiBB June
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    • 456 6 I Shipping JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd (Incorporated m Japat EUROPEAN LINE A aervice 18 maintained betwi i via porth to MarHellles, Loi» f contract with the lcup<iriai 4;, v nient. The New Twlu w-, maintaining this nervice havr- i j designed and conBtruct«>d, ;m I With all the latest
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  • 562 7 HAULED STRANDED VESSEL OFF UNDER FIRE Award to Captain and his Crew. In awarding £4.000 to Captain E. G. Lowther-Crofton, d.s.o and the crew of H. M. battleship Caesar, for salving the London steamer Eburna when beset by armed Moors, Mr Justice Deane, m the Admiralty
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  • 331 7 Capturing Egg-Cup Trade. A good illustration of German capacity for taking pains is given by Mr F. \V. Wile m an article German Trade and How to Capture It," contribut* d to Pearson's Magazine for March. It is the story of how the Germans captured the egg cup
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  • 271 7 Will "Avoid" Allied Beauty Spots. Obviously a ca6e of bowing graceles6ly to the inevitable The Kolni6che Zeitung is perturbed regarding the effects which the war may jhave on Germans who, after peace has j been declared, may desire to travel abroad. The German and Austrian Alpine Clubs
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  • 168 7 The fallowing little story is taken from the F!<-ur de Lys, a bright little magazine issued by members of the 2 7th Manchester Regiment, the first number of which has? just «f p^ared. Several Tommies home on leave from tliH trenches, were exibiting their trophies,
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  • 132 7 American Constructors Design New York, Feb. 11th. A combination submarine chaser and scout boat with a speed of 41 miles an hour has been contracted for by the Inited States Government. It is said that tha boat's length of 50 feet will permit it to be taken
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  • 136 7 Large Orders Placed m Denmark. Copenhagen, March 7th. The news i papers report that an extraordinary da- velopment will take place m tha uear future m connection with the local motor shipbuilding industry, a field of industry i m wbich, as is well known, Denmark took r
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 255 7 SUPPLIES FOR Estates Mines Etc. Ant Fumigators and Sulphur Powder. Arsenite of Soda for killing out lalang. Aspinall's Varnish, Paints &c. Cartridges. Nobel's own loading with sporting Ballistite which holds more pigeonshooting records than any other powder. Cement England" brand by The Ship Canal Portland Cement Co., Ltd. Disinfectant. "Sanitas"
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    • 173 7 ITS A BAD SIGN, When you have that obstinate, lingering OOUgh which will not be f-haken off. There is no cough at auy stage, whether eld or young, but what needs attention. A. cough soon wrecks a strong constitution, soon i makes one helpless, in fact a cough is a
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    • 459 7 The First Dose Benef/ts^^r* I i j|P If you suffer from Neurasthenia, Nervous Debility. mm Dyspepsia. Anaemia, Insomnia, arc too easily over- BT^^ |j|; tired, or convalescent from Malarial Fever, etc. I j jp;J every dose of VITAFER you take will help you a JF i *0i kood step on
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  • 232 8 Mr Aequith did not take to his bosom I the deputation from the Chambers of i Commerce which waited upon him on Mat 7. It would seem there are certain things which get rather upon Ministerial nerves among them the talk that goes freely about concerning
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  • 162 8 New York, Feb. 20. Over 500.000 horses, valued at about 51-25,000,000 (£"25.000.000), have been exported from the I'nited States since the beginning of the European War, according to a compilation made by the Foreign I Trade Department of the National City 1 Bank of New York.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 511 8 3 The First Line of Defends against Hi-Health. I n Only about one man or woman in a hundred is perfectly healthy. The other |j digestive trouble, and perhaps more than 50 per cent of these could trace their ti U) thai I, evil constipation. It's a simpie thing of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1576 9 VVab or Peace. Faminf or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth ioo cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LUTED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry. E.C. The Oomp any has £20,000 flevoslled with the Supreme
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    • 175 9 AUCTION SALE CF Office Furniture, Iron Safes, Empire Typewriter, Copying Presses, Electric Ceiling Fan Lamps, Samples of Cloth Tools, 20 Corges Satin Saronga &c. &c. TO BE HELD AT William Monke 2l Cos Office, No. 4 Prince Street On Wednesday, 26th Apl. at 11 A.M. POftELL A CO.. Auctioneers. BY
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    • 49 9 NOW READY The Singapore and Straits Directory for 1916. Price $8.50 per copy, $9.00, post free to places m Strait Settlements, Federated Malay States, Johore, Kedah, Kelantan Perlis, Trengganu, British North Borneo, Sarawak ond Brunei to Siam, Saigon, Netherlands India, &c, $9.50, post free. Publishers: FRASER acd NEAVF, LIMITED
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 505 9 STOCKS AND SHABES. April 17, 1916. mv m.l 1L t Tbe following are tbe shares as to __i w which changes are notified m Messrs .jt Fraser and Co. s Saturday s share list RUBBER DOLLAR COMPANIES. r> a Buyers Sellers Mergui $4.55 54.70 Tapah 19.00 1.0.00 xd MINES Ampang
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    • 413 9 LATEST ARRIVALS. 8t yev c*fßli m port at 11 a.m 00 April 17, IWI6. v- w vessels Name Date of Arrival t> Bbitisb. D^ KornaDy April 15 Muncabter c astlo Itola April 16 H Ck.. liee MuDmoutbgbire Calypso Han turn Graii Machaon Scott Harley Lemeraida H °k Canton April 1
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  • 154 10 The freeh list of subscriptions to the Belgian Relief Fund published yesterday directs attention to the fact that this fund is now being looked after locally by Mr Oliverof the Chartered Hank, whohastnken over the work from Mr Kinloch. It is not necessary to urge again the
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  • 60 10 Mairtvu No. 1 8* I** Fighter.**) The >rjgapore. Previously acknowledged 110,250 Malaya N>. 19 Figbter.* 1 The \u -ac. Tt& tiOUlij acknowledged 1 ,460 Malaya No. 20 '"Figuter." Subscribed by all nari<.nn'ities. Previously a.-kujvvledged 1381.90 J.L.8." 100 00 1661.90 Qraod tola] to date 1250.442 04 £29,218.49
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  • 141 10 In th a first iniJ- t r e's court vn^ter i'i\ fhe BSQbI Mond tv h itch ofsnmniODWS for o!'euce> M^aiaat the Mjtur C*C Regulations was heard. Haji Surat for driving a car m Orchard r; T>id and failing to s?low down aud s-itioify his iniention of
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  • 179 10 ludeterred by the viovernment refusal to grant them a free pwoflll to England m order to enlist, oa the ground that free passages were only granted to men of pure European descent. Lance Corporal C. S. Boyle, aud Privates V. L Peterson L. V. Hart, oud
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  • 138 10 Two Armed Men Vanish The mystery ooucerns the vnnifihing of two armed men between Lahtit and looh anil the face that they weio dog shooters makps their disappearance all the more itmoffe. The two men. a famil dog shooter and his assistant whose duty it ia to
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  • 1209 10 A Danish friend sends tbe following extracts from Copenhagen papers.] When Montenegro Capitulated, Wien March, 9th. Official statement. Tbe Montenegrin Ministers who remained m Montenegro after the capitulation, have rendered an account as to their country's overtures for peace to Austria "On the 99th. of December 1915, with
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  • 117 10 Stainer's petting of the Crucifixion will be sung at St. Andrew's dihedral tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 9 p.m. All seats will be free. The congieyattou are asked to be m their seats before 9 o'clock. The collection will be on behalf of the Diocesan Association. A Eurasian named Roderick Wm.
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  • 46 10 YESTERDAYS PLAY Championship Singles. Mrs Hartuell v Mrs Ferguson, unf. Mrs Saunders beat Mrs Buckill. 6 4. 9 7. Mixed A. Mrs Owen and Mr Edward* rec 5 beat Mr and Mrs Day rec 4, 4— 6, B—6. b l.
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  • 62 10 Mixed Doubles B. Miss Kerr and Mr Thomas rec 4 v Miss D. Lamb and Mr Hugbe6 rec 15. Championship Pairs. Bfra Lowtber Kninp and Mr ipco t v Mrs t)wen and Mr Edwards. Mrs Sauadera aud Mr Hartnell v Mts Brooke and Mr Hit-kins. Championship Singles.
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  • 41 10 25 cards takeu out. The Ladies Spoon will be played this afternoon. T. M Mabeo 96-12 76 W. Bircham 86 6 B«l L. J. Gilbertson K6 6 80 R. F. Binnie 85—4 Hi H. B. Salmond 94-iO 84
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  • 64 10 Superintendent T. Leonard m charge of the Harbour Hoard police, m the second police court yebtetday, charged Soh Ah Kow with the theft of 8 lbs of zinc valued $2, from a store at Keppel Harbour. Ac cubed wad convicted uud sentenced to 21 days' rigorous imprisonment. Goh Keah Nee
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  • 447 10 The P. 0. Morea arrived at Port Said on Friday, the 14th instant. The Shipping and the Import and Ex port offices will be closed on Good Friday and opened from 10 to 11 on Satur day and Eaeter Monday. The M. M. steamer Athos, with the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 437 10 HEADQUARTERS FOR SANAPHQg 1 The All British and the most reliable Tonic an Nerve Food on the market. SANAPHOS. Is a Reconstructive Kerv< I bysical Fatitfm N« rvous i<.,< akd vn N«:uraM In -ma. ll is N 111 n- Oi Restol SANAPHOS. is an organically Phosphatod n nmiiM strict hotentiflc
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous