The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 April 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 250 1 Housing news to-day is that of a eplen did advance along tbe Tigris towardn the relief of Kut, successive lines of Turkish entrenchments being carried by tbe British troops with glorious dath Page 7. Hnmano Bulgarian relations have oudj deniy become acute, the JUilgary, seem J ingly
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  • 1333 1 Since the baffinttbMJ of the war there have been umwrons v ell-aathenticated instances of girl* and young wcnen join ing the ranke of the Itiisbiau Army m the guise of men. m several instances considerable iusterva'e have elapsed before their identity was discovered anJ the truanta restored
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 404 1 BAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE JUST ARRIVED "NEW COMET" MOTOR CYCLES FOR SALE 2 H.P. Motor Cycle, two speed 4 stroke, Pego Engine, $370--2} HP. Motor Cycle. 2 Stroke, Pego Engine, $320_ 2' H.P. Motor Cycle, 2 Stroke, Pego Engine, $420Above includes Tool Bags, Tools etc. Telephone No. 491. INSPECTION INVITED. ISM
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    • 107 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Supper dance at tbe Hotel de l'Europe, —Page 1. Palladium's matinee to dny Page 2. 1 As B Man Sows" at the Casino Page 2. Furniture Kale at Powell's Page 2. F. M S. War Loan— J'.ige 3. Auction at Naseiru Lcdpe Page 5. Notice by Custodian of
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 108 1 THE WEEK. High Water 0 M am I n p at, P. A O. outward mail expected. il.M. homeward mail closes. Ljdge turn l Regular, 8 3 p m. Thursday 13th Rlpb Wat r 8-0 fi.n 8-1' p m. Hlndh Ntw fear oommenoes. Friday 14ih Sigh Water -7 *••.< 8
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  • 195 2 An officer who has returned from Ver«iuo describes the following episode m the Petit Journal" It web at daybrsak," he says, before Hill J- 1 at Vacherauville, between two «mall hills m a sort of valley. We per ceived about 1.5U0 feet away a brown line,
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  • 128 2 The ppeak^r was a boy who, accompani«d by bit* father, wns following, with great inurest, the evolutions of the massive suiniu!3 ia the ring at the Agricultural Hal!. Piesebt'y he turned to hia parent »nJ reiiiarttd liut they behave them- < Him quite wei'l, pa." 04
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 623 2 THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated m Hongkong), THE Chief Importers OF British Pianos FRENCH PIANOS Italian Pianos ORCHARDING IN TASMANIA SADLEIR KNIGHT Orchard Agents and Attorneys LAUNCESTON. TASMANIA, Wt plant aud manage orchards for Abrtntee Clients, with graduated payments, Mid under Government Expert supti vision, until it suits them
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    • 619 2 1 gp|H^ ■KM m an _m_\ BflSSßßfek IBM HHI Bd, aWH I HkkHam I IWI lIRGIPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE FROM THE MADDING CROWD! Pat your troubles and worries m your old kit bag, and come and have a good hearty LAUGH— FOLLOW THE CHILDRAN— YOU CAN'T
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  • 311 3 Registration Scheme Suggested From the chairman's speech at the 1 annual meeting of the Hongkjng Chamber of Commerce la view of some correspondence that appeared m the Press we wrote to the Government suggesting that a Registra tion scheme on similar lines to that ex- i9ting
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  • 324 3 The friction that has arisen [m Egypt, and the* unrest that has been created i* far from serious. I speak from close per sonal observation. Aud ie is more than olf set by the disillusionment now up parent everywhere about the military power of the Turks. In a
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  • 212 3 A pretty wedding, which attracted con- j sidetable interest, took place at tb^ Exeter Cuihedrttl, between Misd Alic^ Bfarjorie Spicer, second daughter of the Rev, Angel and Mrs Spicer, of Eist Austey liecfory, and Arthur Owen TrefueiB,of thn Loyal j North liircashire Kegirnrnt, fourth 6ou of
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  • 60 3 Calcutta. March 20. Calcutta is cxpe riencing abnormal heat records. Iq this reporting area Burd wan, Midnapur, Purulia I land Cuttack recorded 106 degrees, Nya, Duiuka, t'haibasa and Daitonganj 105, Gaya and Berhßmpur 104. Calcutta had on Saturday 102 m the shade and 125 m the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 474 3 i CxJolf c's I 1 Schiedam Q Jj| T^ "1^ M Try a "Wolfe Toddy"— ri?Si^ The Ideal "Nightcap": Hot water, lemon and sujjar, arul a wineglass of Wolfe's a:ui wake up m the refreshed and tjooojooa bottle* f'^e from those aches m the joints and List year. v«
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    • 586 3 F. M. S. 6% WAR LOAN. NOTICE. The Government of the Federated Matey States has made arrangements with the Chartered Bank of Ind ia, Australia and China for the Bank to accept payment m full with applications for Bonds m the Federated Malay States War Loan, m cases where applicants
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  • 462 4 WorH w Netherlands Trust. The Hague, Feb. 22. M. Jdost van Vollenhoven, member of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parlia mefit and one of the five members of the executive committee of the Netherlands I* Oversea Trust, who is going to England m a few days
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  • 193 4 Some time ago, m an interview with the New York American, Dr. Hans Delbruck, professor of modern history at Berlin, made the ama/ing statement that Germany's aim was to 6ecure freedom for the smaller nations. In a pamphlet, entitled Germany and Albania," M. Faik Konit/a examines Dr.
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  • 139 4 In connection with the enemy trading firms m Calcutta, all the sixteen licensed to liquidate after the outbreak of war have completed that transaction, and the assets have been deposited with the controller. The only question now standing over is the disposal of the assets
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  • 66 4 Allahabad, March 19. Pioneer cables state According to the Matin, Germany, having used the anticipated number of Reserves at Verdun, atked Austria for 150,000 men and Artillery. Austria proceeded to assemble men from the Serbia and Rumania frontier and Italy. Whereupon Italy opened, some days ago, a
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  • 1432 4 ToiJec March To da*e 1915 I Allogar, Dec 266,800 48,000 A.Gajab, Sep 29,790 18,850 Alor Pongsu 23,276 Alma, 37,500 Ampat, Sep 36,054 25,580 An-Johore, Mar 177,249 15,383 58,530 An Malay, Dec 1,507,847 261,454 An S'tra, May 473,623 146,337 Asahan, July 93,736 45,480 Atbara, A. Hitam, Mar 262,140
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  • 225 4 m ibSffl hst MM totals ,r: nc *r< monthly totalt for Jan in -i ,liv. In whit-i! the OompMi] lye&reodsi after the name. 1 )nrd mil I I 1916 iota 1 to date am; istoad i;oluain thetota oftbe r^ s t lijouth. Every <i > to get the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 139 4 SUN LIFE tr OF CANADA. Incorporated In C?.nada Assets £18.370.600. We have received word from our Head Office that the yeai 1915 has been the most prosperous m the Company's History. Notwithstanding the war, the Claims by Death were only 73? of the Expected. And were more than covered by
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    • 95 4 W. J. GARCIA 219, Orchard Road. P.anos bought, ioU or exchangee 3ood prices ailcwed fjr old instruments. Cheapest and best stock of Music and small musxai goods ie Singapore.. Piano, Organ If Illicit 1 II ments d^a^e^ Singapore Cold Storage Go., Ltd. Neap Eotraoce to Borneo It' 1 1 Telepone
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  • 1009 5 JUTOAL »on r thc interesting work of dia s far human iogeuuity will mm to pOTMMdtog the Committees at hi)i that applicants should not be asked t wfl unveiling so rude or dangerI illj fight, the T^picist has i with pli UQN that the Committees ,t\i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1371 5 j J B A Double Safeguard. 1 I ft When buying Worcester: ire Sauce, H; I always look for the signature m IV hit t iSpw^S^a on the AW label, and see also that the 0^^ r name L£A PERRINS is embossed m JJ NK&^S^ raised leUers on the s^lass
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    • 716 5 Notfces IN THE ESTATE CF JOHN LOVE MONiGSMERiE Deceased). Pursuant to Th<> Trustee Ordinance 19H sectijn NOTICE 13 HtKKtA GIVEN that all credit os and ether persons having any claims or duinfindn aga'nnt the EHtate of J hn Love Montgomerie, Jate of 6 A, Orchard Rtai, Singapox-. (i-pcased. who dird
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 532 5 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. 1 1 1 STH SUNDAY TN LENT. AI'RiL vi a. PRINSEP STREET (BABA) CHURCH. a a m. Bnoday School. j 9 d.iv. (Malay! ilr Ttn R kui Ch n. ji 7.i-5 p. in (BagliBh) riev. W. Murray, m.a. 1 WESLEY CHUR H, FORT CANNING ROAD. B a.
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  • 1317 6 The Singapore Free Press. Saturday, April 8, 1916. Here '.halt the Fr;ss the People's right malmttUL £Tr.i»cd by influence and urbrib«d by fJn f Here patr'ot Truth her glorious precept! drsw* 9>y*»i.trr4 to W BaioOt »^>Talty and law, As time goes on and the question of the war after the
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  • 694 6 Mr W, Mellor ia appointed to bt a sur veyor of ships for nil the porr> of tU Colony. Mr J. M. Barron is appointed to be an assistant superintendent of Indian Immi grants. The Malay Service Marine dab bap bef>n registered m Singapore under the Socie ties Ordinance. A
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  • 85 6 (From Our Oun orrcsvuis&ent > Kuala Lumpur Apr The F.M.S. Government auuouru full payment for bonde for the v. ar loar will be accepted if d< hired. No (nscour; j can be given. At ■•tgaa'i Apmcy nibbei toction thirteen tou^ ware ull^rud and t,u l( sold. Bidding
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  • 20 6 (From Our Own Currs*pon4ent.) London a| Kuala Selengor pave 50 per MMM Tiga 25. Rubber Estates of JoL<;r<
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  • 18 6 (From. Our Omm Correspond?* Hongkong. April j Kwangtung and canton have declare their independence. 11^^
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  • 122 6 FRENCH CONSUL AR TELEGRAMS. iw oomnvsi of m Wuum (il Nik*. 1.. i Parib. Apul 6. 6.50 y. m. i! i recct three percent bondb are at i 63.15. acd the five p«r centf. at k Yesterday woe calm. \S t~ i v ight dowL three aeroplanen tn tbi- regioa
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  • 155 6 An evpnt of some importance to the members of the Perak Polioi I ,rce ha« been the retirement of itc m .or and oldest Silih officer. Subadai >ul v after HO years' eervic c In view of tbe retirement I s-pecial parade, arranged m bib honour,
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  • 91 6 At the Ipoh .1 u d i < i h 1 CocßmtwioßW'c Court ou Moudav Mr Jubtuf Manby had before him au aj)f>:ication tci letters of administration to ifIMH to M' V. A. S McClelland. Hatoh sn kiUn Raja ana Datoh stioh ljava vi Kmh. v
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  • 171 6 The following are the MMftbetl o( tbt Kducation I'.omJ TIM ItlM Resident Councillor, PeMU of Education, the i.-.-:ii<i;- Hi ca, I). A. M. Brown. Mr I, W I U »>ell. houa. C W. Darbit-hir Keng. Tin- tobacco gtOW iO| QOfWHBtOI Ife c.i:r\ .Hk ut on B lBCale at Sepang. >t]angoi,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 97 6 J^^=* m"^L Vm m m JH^ «L-^ h-P^ m— fflL— S DUNLOP'S I^fi* FINEST SCHIEDAM iff ■■■mbBBBT «yi ««r *Vk "V iSpF^ (JrIJN *^^^p^^Pß flß^PCß jhhh^ :fIBHB IN GLASS CRUCHONS, 't^^& SOLE AGENTS:CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. Wholesale and Retail Wine Spirit Merchants. YOUR CHANCE TO ECONOMISE. LITTLE'S INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND vim
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    • 168 6 TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCES 1914 and 1915. All Companies incorporated m the Colony or having share transfer o- share registration offices m the rolony which have enemy shareholders are required to send m to the Custodian of Enemy Propprty revised lists of such shareholders with the following particulars Name
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  • 239 7 DASHING ADVANCE BY BRITISH D b TROOPS. Nearer Gallant Townshed. |B? Submarine Cablt]. Kvr\\ 6. Official Lieut. Gorringe succeeds General Ajln j OU( A:h The War Office aaoauoc- >"'■■' ra! sir I>er cy Lake reports that the Tigrn Corps, under the com m and of Q«— ml
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  • 331 7 French Steady and Strong. Par ''>• Great enemy activity m th region of Verduu is recorded m the F tench com muniqu»* West of tne ing a most violent bombard ment of tht region between Avocourt and series of attacks with very ra »va» made on the
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  • 76 7 The Government Considering. kM, April 6. The fact that th< c id cotisiderin£i universal ser 1 M kl hUmU from statement of Mi h*q i :<! m the Common--* tonight m whici be aii!i junceJ that Oovernrnent wai -l-uiriMiiij the figures of recruits obtainet 1 untamable under the
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  • 175 7 i BRITAIN COPING WITH ZEPPELIN MENAGE. Another Wash-out Raid. (Bj Submarine Cable] Inmi'i Biiraoß. London, April 6. A Zeppelin appeared m the north eastern area at 9.45 p.m. The night was clear and starlit. Search lights immediately located the airship and a heavy tite was opened with
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  • 76 7 Lord Derby Resigns Presidency. London, Aoril 7. It is reported th^t Lord Derby has resigned tbt; Chairmanship of the Air Comraitte as he feels that as Director of Recruiting ho is uuable to devote adequate nine to it, and also that the powers of the Committee, which
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  • 26 7 Wellington, April 6 The Minister of Munitions is opening a fund to present an aeroplane to Lieutenant Brandon, who is a New Zealander.
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  • 204 7 Nation Cheerfully Mioulders Burden. Loodon. April h.— The morning papers' maturer conaiderittiou does not appear to alter their general approval of the Budget. The opinion is expressed that the increase of taxation of motorcars above sixteen horse power will lead to increased sales of smaller British curs
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  • 46 7 London, April 6.— Official The MiDis. ter of Munitions has been considering the prices of material used and produced m the iron and steel industries, aud has now fixed maximum price? tor all classes of pig-iron, based on the abnormal conditions prevailing.
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  • 21 7 London, April 6. In the Hou9e of Commons, Mr. Samuel aaid there were now 3.M49 enemy civilians interned,
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  • 140 7 London, April 6.— The London Gazette i notifies Brevet Colonel A. C. de Lotbiniere E tc be Chief of the Engineer Staff. > A Tamil coolie named Perumal, for wilful trespass on Seletar Estate at midnight on Thursday, was fined |3 with the option of eeven duya'
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  • 145 7 ANNOYED AT BULGARIA'S SGHEMINGS. Demand for Ministers Recall. [By Submarine Caltle]. ftSUTlft'l BIIJVCB. Bukharest, April 6.— Rumania has been annoyed at the persistent anti Rumanian campaign of the Bulgarian press. The Bulgarian Minister at l.ukharest is accused j of provoking an agitation m Rumania's j lately acquired territory
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  • 175 7 Callous Murderers. London, April r> Steamers sunk: The British Clan Campbell, the Norwegian i Baus. Four of the crew of the latter are missing. The American Consul at i «Jork states that four Americans were on i board the Rerwindale. London, April 6. The unarmed Manchester steamer
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  • 33 7 Madrid, April 6. Spain has protested to Germany against the torpedoiegs of the Sussex, m which several Spaniards were lost, Spanish merchantmen from Vigo, m the Bay of Biscay.
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  • 27 7 i Paris, April 6. A communique says An Anglo French flotilla on April 5 sank a German submarinet The officers and crew were captured.
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  • 306 7 la the registered offices of the company, j Winchester House, Collyer Quay, yesterday afternoon, the fourth annual meeting of the above company was held, there being present, Messrs Leong Heng Toon, (Chairman) Chan Rang, Wee Koh Din, j Yeap Leup Tong, Choo Woon Poh, Ghaw Keck
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  • 51 7 I The monthly meetiug of the Ministering Children Lengue will be held on i Monday at 4.30 p.m. m the V, M. C. A. rooms. During the month of March 9,483 Chi" neee deck passengers left Singapore, I more than half for China 42,674 Chinese immigrants arrived at Singapore m
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  • 170 7 Peking, April 7. Japan has taken the serious step of withholding from China a million dollars, the surplus of salt revenue deposited with the Yokohama Specie Bank, on the plea that the critical situation m China is endangering the salt customs revenue. It is understood that the British,
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  • 305 7 In the District Court on Thursday afternoon a Chinese second hand dealer of Hokien Street, named Foo Yit Sin, was charged with breaking into the rubber store of Chop Herjg Boon m Robinson Road on the rooming of March 28th and further with dishonestly retaining stolen property.
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  • 142 7 A meeting of protest against the imposition of double income tax within the Empire was held at the Cannon street Hotel on Feb. 2Hth. The total 6ura involved was said to be little over two millions, but great hardship to firms and individuals resulted. Lord Southwaik, president
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  • 200 7 The Governor has been pleased to, authorise the formation a Chinese Dou- j ble Company to form part of the Penaug Volunteers aod of a Chinese Co. to form part of the Malacca V. R. It is proposed to hold a class for ladies m colloquial Malay at the Y.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 269 7 ROBINSON <& CO. JUST ARRIVED CADBVRYS' CHOCOLA TE WALNUTS, MONTELIMART_ MACAROONS BISCUITS, CROQUETTE?, ALMONDS. King George, Tropical, and Selected Chocolates. Nut Milk Chocolate. Pascall's Marshmallows. ROBINSON CO. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. CASH IN ADVANCE Secures ten per cent discount. But not if bills have to be issued and collectors sent. $6.75
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 848 8 Shipping "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Coy., Ltd. 'INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). For LONDON ss. Keelung via Suez Canal due about Bth May. s.s. Denbigh Hall via Cape of Good Hope due about 9th May. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to EftcALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS
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    • 839 8 Shipping Km %3m British India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated m England.) Mail and Passenger Services. j PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Governments For China, Japan, Panang, Qeylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Homeward
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    • 598 8 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINE. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON and MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 196 Po'yn r uen £pril 9 Porthos April 11 Athos Apiil 21 j < oid. Here April '2~ Porthos May 19 j AndieLebon May I Cirdiliere .Tune 2 Atliiitique May '2 Andre Lebon .lure 16
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    • 609 8 Shipping I Ji- X\| I JAPAN MA L S STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd 'Incorporated m Jap&t EUROPEAN LINE. I I A nervioe tfi malDtalnec. ui tv( n Yokofc^l via porth to Marseilles, Lona r > contract with the Imperial Tap.'!' tneut. The New Twin t»crev. maintaining this wervice hav< beei denigned
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  • 497 9 Need of Further Help. There would be wholesale starvation within three or four weeks if the importa tion of food into Kelgium were etopped. 1 This is the carefully considered opinion of Mr F. C. Walcott, who was cent to Belgium by the Rockefeller Foundation to investigate
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  • 208 9 American Maniac's Terrible Weapon. A noiseless explosive is disclosed b\ tbe arrest of Harold L. Severy. who has now confessed tbat be is tbe my 6terious "silent gunman who recently 6hot down four residents of Albany, saye the Daily Express" New \oik corres pondent. Tba silent guuraan
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  • 123 9 The following were the probable f-tar ters nnd latent betting, cm the above race run ou Match 24. Calcutta, March 22. The following are the probable starter*? of the New Grand National to be. run on Friday March 24th ouvrefu. Irinb. Mail, Jacobus, Ally Sloper, Lord
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 568 9 I War or Peace, Faminf or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. I WHAT. OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE! Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE I 32, Old Jewry, EX. The Goiamany haa £2Q,00C deposited with
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    • 432 9 SOUTH BRITISH j INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated m New Zealand.) PI RE Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description. MaRINE Insurances accepted to all parts of j the world at lowent rates. EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. J. HENRY, Local Manager. Offices 2, Finlayson Green. j ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Go.
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    • 226 9 DRINK 1 DRINK 1 CARLSBERG BEER! THE BEST BEER OBTAINABLE TXT T T T"? T**? A CJ l"^ itS^^^t. 'J» MODERATE. J^^^^^^ Wk/J/> JKfl^&m^m F A CTU RHD Jm trim wmf i± d \v>^^TK\. V vfWm^r' Jl^^K^^^^^^ T0 THB LATEST tßK^^^^^^ methods with every possible care IN SANITARY RESPECTS. j
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    • 412 9 ft Madeira Cake. Ifadetia cake and i fa L Cfor tlternoota tea tin pi) (leh< lows. V' Xl < Ml Hii M p. Mid main ot!i< I <la in;\ knds J a o= cake .m<! pMtTJ ']);■<]' Jj < u i t« eastl\ at home. ">' "> >:r Gi J
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  • 512 10 The Amsterdam Telegraaf publishes notes of one of its contributors who, with i his wife, recently returned from a journey through Germany. Some telling extracts are given below German trains are covered with all sorts of warnings relating to tbe war, spies, economy, Ac,
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  • 238 10 Impressive Funeral at Hongkong. The funeral took place with full mili tary honours «t Happy Valley on Saturday (eaye the H. K. T. of Monday, 27th ult.) of Lieut, Donald Kenneth Rotherham, m i who paesed away at the Royal Naval Hos- pital ou Friday afternoon. The
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  • 105 10 Madras, March 21. —The Madras Govern mens have approved of a scheme devised j by the director of agriculture for opening experimental stations on the west coast for the study of problems connected with coconuts. Three stations are to be started i on Government vacant land m
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  • 1302 10 issued by FKASER Co., Exchange and Share Brokers. A Ail «aol»tkwa of Sterling Slum mast be regarded m purely doidU>*l tot tbe prt**«t *j». 1BBCB, Paid C»a«l Drr, Bc/tweb. brllrh^. 100,000 IB IB Allagar 2 0 2 c ,*>o,0*0 1 i Anglo-Jars —110 l 160,000 SB is
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 574 10 111 f?^ I /^L Get the Cloth from Yorkshire f y/QJjA^ji Pure British Woollen Suit Lengths Direct by Post. J f^gif \\l r'\ y^VFRY well-dxeaaed man pays psrticnlar attention to the quality of the cloth he wears. p; V/ /^N.f/ i'M H Colonials, especially, will find it pay to concentrate
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  • 58 11 <Cobbected dp to Iprfl 7.) Bank 4m b 2-4 19-32 demand 2-4£ Piivati credits Rm c 24 27 32 Fiance demand Bank 825 IHDIA, T. T. 17 1? Hos&kosq, demard lt|% Yokohama, demai d mi Java, demand 182 Bah&kok, demand 6o| Sovbbhiqnb, Bank Buying $8.6 4 Bank ol Bngland
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  • 145 11 April. 7. Tin (100 toils) $96. 0f Gambler 20 It Gamfeier Cube No. 1 80.00 Gamfeier Cube No. 2 29.00 Pipper Black ordiu. B*pOM 27.50 Psppei, (White fair) 8H 00 Nutmegs (110 to tbe lb. HO. OI Nutmegs (80 to tfce lb.; v nom. Mace (Banda) 75.00 Cloves (Amboina)
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 436 11 After a recent Air Raid the following unsolicited testimonial was received Mmimax Limited: I 4< On Wednesday evening last an incendiary bomb dropped on our premises, crashed through the roof breaking the rafters and fetching down the ceiling, and set fire to the sitting room which is m the occupation
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    • 477 11 To Let TO LET FURNISHED. Commodious House, well situated. Kooms witb bathroom and verandah attached. Gas, water, Garage and Stabling. App'y House c/o Free Press. 4-8 uc TO BE LET Utrecht 11, Lloyd Road. Entry let May. Apply ZEHNDER BROTHERS, 26, Kling Street. 21-3 t.t.s. uc TO LET A lew
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    • 58 11 RANEEGUN6E INDO -MALAY CO., SINGAPORE. 3-4 ujwf fi-9 NOW READY The Singapore and Straits Directory for 1916. Price $8.50 per copy, $9.00, post free to places m Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, Johore, Kedah, Kelaiitai Perlis, Trengganu, British North Borneo, Sarawak ond B unei to Siam, Saigon, Netherlands India, &c,
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 363 11 WEATHER REPORT. Kanfl&og herbao Hospital. April 6 9 a.m. 8 p.m p m Ba«O m. 38 Fail. 29 850 29,790 29 8 57 Temf. BTO8 T 0 90 5 7S 5 Wei Bulb Tbe». 79.8 78. i 76.0 Dlr. ol Wind N.K. 3S.E. Calm Msx. Temp, m snact 91 Time-balls
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    • 473 11 LATEST ARRIVALS. List of vewelit id port at 1 1 a.rr, on April 7. 1916. Veßnel'B Name Date of Arrivtl British. live Leong April ft Scott Harley i bran an g April 7 Fook Sang Vat Shing Abbotßford Dutch. Indraghi April f» Smt'kHp Melchior Treub Nerite liviud April 7 Japankse.
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  • 995 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Thf Proihve Market. Waltevrcden, April 1. Trade continues slack, there being no improvement except perhaps m the Rubber market hich has ehowu a better tone, (here being good enquiry all round. Tran •actions m first grades took place at f 21)0 p.h.k. and during
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  • 431 12 There was nothing of particular interest m the training of Thursday, but there was a fair gathering of members to watch the operatious. Work was rnosLly quiet. Venture was one of the first on the course, but was not extended, being sent over a mile at half pace,
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  • 242 12 (From Qur Own Correspondent.) In my notes of Mar. 11 teference was made to certain rumours regarding the dismissal of tbe British staff of the Eistprn Extension Telegraph Company. Further enquiries shew that no actual dismissals have token placr, the facts being Lbat when the Company
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  • 109 12 Everyone m Ipoh, says tbe TOM., will regret to hear that tbe Church of St. John the Divine is to lose the services of the Rev. L. W. Coleman after the current month. Mr Coleman is going to his original post m Sumatra. The Grand Hotel de 1 Europe advertises
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  • 309 12 EXAMINATION RESULTS. Final Year. The following have been granted the j L. M. S. diploma Tan Bin Chiang, Chee Peck Lian, H. S, Moonshi, Pandak Ahmad, H. R. Saravanamuthu, Lee Lian Hoo. Fourth Year. Pathology, Hygiene and Forensic Medicine. Passed. Mohamed Ariff, Lob Poon Lip,
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  • 150 12 Agents F. W. Barker and Co. Lanadrcn 72,102 Ledbury 37,135 Cluny 11,319 Seoawang 11.788 Saudycroft 15.292 Batu Anam 10,045 1 B itu Village 2 314 I Pdngk*lan Durian 9,053 Tsnafa Merah 5,7 32 Bate:— 5,727 Semainba 9.045 Sungei B i<an 11 400 Cheng:—- 10,300 Snngala:— 2,845
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  • 121 12 [By Courtesy of Francis Peek k Co. j Batavia, April 7. All markets very weak and big decline m prices. Rubber m selling at F. lbO to 1 F. I. 82$ per half kilo for first standards. < In Coffee no forward dealings are taking place while
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  • 66 12 i f The mails from Burope by the P. and O. jacket Namur are expected by train this norning. Correspondence will be ready !or delivery about 10.45 am. She leaves :or Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan at 4 j p.m., tbe same day. The Mail despatched from Singapore to
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  • 215 12 "CHIYO MARU ASHORE. Grounded ia Fog Outside Hongkong The Toyo Kisen Kaisha's steamer "Cbiyo Maru," one of the finest ships sailing to' mil from Hongkong, grounded at 4.35 a.m. March 31 iv a thick fog twenty miles from Hongkong, at a point to the south side of Lamina Island. The
    215 words
    • 142 12 Mixed Doi'kles A. MiB9 McLaren and Mr Greene rec 8 beat Miss Abrams and Mr Bornemann rec 8, 6— 2, 6—4. Miss Gunn and Mr Dyne owe 2 beat Mrs Peirce and Mr Hooper rec 4, 6— 4, 6 —4. Mrs Brooke and Mr Mngliston owe 2 beat
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  • 60 12 The following competitions open to eupernumary members will be plajtd on April 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th 18 Holes Bogey Handicap Competition. 18 Holes Foursomes Handicap, combined handicap to be 12 or over. On Monday afternoon, April 24th, 12 Holes Mixed Foursomes Handicap. The monthly medal will
    60 words
  • 80 12 The Spoon Shoot, which took place on Thursday, resulted m a win for Mrs. Brooke with nett tcore of 61. 100 1.->3 h'cap To-al. Mrs Brooke 82 29 7.32 68 32 Mrs Lyall 31 32 485 67.88 Mrs Booty 30 29 8.48 67.48 Mrs Payne 27
    80 words
  • 115 12 A London Gazette contains the promotion of Lieut. A. A. Lermifc to be Captain. Oapt. Lermit is a son of Mr A. W. Lermit, an old S.V.A. officer who went borne and joined the Regulars soon after tbe outbiei.k of war. The Pinang Gazette records the death of Hajee Abdul
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 35 12 A Dutch message dated April Ist said that tbe cable from Holland to Britain was cut. All telegrams for the Netherlands Indies were being carried across by steamer 3 and then despatched by cable. 1
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 32 12 SWIMMING CLUB LAUNCHES Sunday, April 9. Johnston's Pier 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3 30 p.m. Club Buugalow at 9 30 and 10.30 a.m., 12.15, 3 end 5.30 p ra.
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