The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 April 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 247 1 The Budget, with substantial increases of existing taxes and the imposition of new ones on luxuries, amusements and sport, has beeu passed. Tbe Budget bas beeu framed od the assumption tbat the war will continue throughout the finan cial year— Page 7. A comforting announcement is that
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  • 999 1 Tbe Scene A tbird smoker in a railway train, so-newbere in Scotland. Time Saturday ufiernojn. In one corner a youtb who might have beeu a clerk, wearing an armlet. A few otber passenger., insignificant and negligible, all but ft brighteyed old man with flashing spectacles* aDd a desire
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 308 1 ni--iw.-H.ii-W i-ii —i— man in mi—— rimm himit irifiinnin— nMn^i-_n.n_r— i-iimn.i_rT The low-priced Motorcar without the -tamp of cheapness over' it. The "ARGO'' represents low cost with utility and beauty, it is a sturdy car, standard rn every sense. It> upkeep is so low that it places it within
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    • 64 1 LATEST ADVERTISE WEN TS. Land auction at Johore Page 2. Imnlop Tyres save the pocket Page 12. 'Smuggled l-.amonds at the Palladium Page 2. -.Herman liue and N V revised sailing listb— Page 8 To let, Nassim Lodge, Tanglin; r00n.6 in Stamford ltd. Building re_fl_ 8. TbSmjr~ son .load. Page
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 80 1 THE WEEK. £_f_h Water i t a.m. 8.1, homeward closes. Friday 7th HUgh Watr.r oi \.n ,13 p.m. Ji ram Kua_tan meet'ng, Barker's 2 Ifl pm. Edalj Ahory Lodge, H.M im. Af.-l. nouiew.rd mail closes. -ft.h «atH l-_« 4-'l pm. Firbt Quarter. '•^(f ifl p tn. LiodgeZttl rt_ Regular
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  • 492 2 The following verses, written in the vein of James Russell Lowell's Biglow Paper.," were read by !>r. Richmond, President of Cnion College, Schenectady, New Yorkj with telling effect at the recent dinner of the Heal Estate Hoard of New York City. They have since been published in the
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  • 184 2 The Germans are a touchy people. •Those who remember the fine lions in the menagerie in Bellermannstrasse in .Berlin will regret to learn that the animals are no mure. They turned up their noses at their rations of chemically produced meat and for this insult to German science have suffered
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 740 2 I Auctions GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE. AUCTION SALE Of l.nd for arrears of rent to be helt at the Government Office. Johor Bahru. on Saturday. 29th April a 10 30 A.M. (1) All that piece of land s mate in th District of Segauidt, Johore, comprised in Lc No. 109 Grant
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  • 1327 3 Last Scenes. one of the tiue«_ vessels in the large fleet of tbe I'enin_u'ar and Oriental Com- Um M iloj t WM a si_ter ship to the which, it will bo recalled, coai thn King and Q men to India for the tuition hirbar. She
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  • 323 3 Singapore, April 3rd, 1916. Beana, Long per catty (9 Bean Sprouts per catty II Bamboo Sproott do Os do. Salted do 0_ Canrota, Imported China do 10 Coffee, Raw Java per catty 13 (7i ibs. Large do "2 5 do. Small do n Carry staff ground per
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  • 290 3 The following new books will be ready for issue on Thursday.-- Canfield, Dorothy, The Bent Twig. Cannan, Gilbert, Three Pretty Men. Cobb, Thomas, Second in the Field. Kdgar, George, Kent the Fighting Man. George, W. L The Stranger's Wedding. Holme, Con.tance, The Old Road from Spain. Hyatt. Stanley
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  • 149 3 You are sometimes angry with a woman because she does not understand, or even if she does, will not be guided b\ the dictates of reason. She caunot do that. As the magnet acta on iron and does not acts on wood, _o the deductions of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 108 3 SINGAPORE Shipchandlery 00. 1 SHIPCHANDLERS PRGVICORING CONTRACTORS. The Company's Launch meets incoming ships. I Offices— l6 BATTERY ROAD. TAKE LIFT TO TCP FLOOR Telephone No. 141. Orders promptly attended to for daily and sea stock supplies. H. W. H. STEVENS, Manager. 3 4 At Singapore Gold Storage Co., Ltd. i
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    • 471 3 LIST NOW OPEN This list will be closed on or before April 29th, 1916. FEDERATED MALAY STATES GOVERNMENT SIX PER CENT. WAR LOAN, 1 92 1 Issue of $6,000,000 Debentures to Bearer, part of $15,000,000 authorized by Enactment No. 1 of 1916 The entire proceeds of the Loan will be
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  • 319 4 The Roll of Honour. The following list of casualties among officers appeared in the Indian papers Delhi, March 18th. Indian Casualties. Killed. Fox, Lieut. Col. R. W., l-6th Devon- j Bbire.. Bunn Pattison, Capt. R. P., 1 6th De- von.hires. Stranger, Capt. P. S., 1 6th Devonshires. I
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  • 269 4 Submarine Submerges with 24 Men The Scottish captain of the Liverpool 1 Bteamer Belle of France has arrived at his home at 'arnoustie, and tells a tragic story of the torpedoing of his ship acd the callou.uess of the German submarine cresv, c^ho deliberately drown ed nineteen
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 275 4 B-___M___^ —'T'-MW-JM—WBP'W: B M I -I l________JL__JM______lH_i -Ml -11 -Ml lUMI lI— I .I— ll-11l Q rpCßsc_g=yy-_y-^>>3«»-Kj^ Try what a refreshing, easily digested, an J specially nourishing food beverage may be made with Benger's Food in combination with tea or coffee, cocoa or chocolate. B nger's Foo J, prepared with
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    • 39 4 M im ii m ii r _-__--_-_____t-___. MM i I DYSENTERY I AND DIARRHOEA I BROWN'S SPECIFIC. I To be had at the Singapore Dispen- j I Bi-BT, and of MISS BROWN, arassdale, River Valley Road, Bingapoie. V__> I
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    • 129 4 BELLISS MORCOH, LIMITED. (INOOBPOB-TKD IN ENGIANDi. Manufacturers of High -Class self-lubri-I eating Engines, Condensing Plant, Steam Jl Simplicity of Form, combined with High MAINTENANCE CHARGES and DURUNITED ENGINEERS, LIMITED Damar Road, Singapore. Branches at Bangkok, Ipoh, Penang, Seremban, Malacca, and Medan. H HP V f INfE D A I T
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  • 717 5 TELUK ANSON RUBBER COMPANY. the registered offices of the company, „r-bam House, lottery Koad, yesterday, at noon, the ordinary general meeting *hs held, the.B being present Me.srs H. I. I.bwellyn, .1. A. Webster, J. R. rawfotd snd W, I\ Koutledge Uirectors), *nd Heest^ F. C. Peck, P. hupire and Wssjaa
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  • 67 5 OFFICERS' FAMILIES FUND. I R .1 Dewm ncknowl#d*e. with many thanks Ibe I lowing nut ions. -ns to Um Ofßeere' Fonsiliei Fnnd d. M« s. S. Login, r > Mr G N. Allen, 5 April HI Ml 8 S. Lgau '-'"> Mr G N All. n, I -|pt Mr
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  • 382 5 A Warning from Home. It is generally believed that Germany haa issued. a number of forged Hank of j England notes and put them into circul- ation through neutral countries. Of all methods of raising the wind the most nefarious is ihe one under reference.
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  • 158 5 Anything is good enough for an eneedote when tbe story is bitched to a great name. Tbe Hamburger Frcridenblatt prins with gusto tbe following narrative of FieldMarshal von Bfaekenseu. The Field I Marshal was lunching with pome of his _tatf otbeers aod. being in a geuial mood, twitted a major
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1474 5 Notices THE TAPAH RUBBER iSTATE LTD (Incorporated in ths Straits Settlements NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe Directors have declared an Interim Dividend of 10 on account of the year ending 31_t December 1916, payable to Shareholders on tbe Register on April IS 1916. AND NOTICE IS ALSO PEREBY GIVEN
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    • 434 5 f To Let TO LET UNFURNISHED Nassim Lodge, Tanglin. }or par L-OOitn »_<i rent appl\ to CREW ft NAPIER. 10, Cobyer Qnay. 6 4 tts UC TO LET A few rooms in Btamford Road Build ng (recently ocoupCd by Messrs Wbiteaway Laidlaw I Oo i Apply PAUL ft Co. 6-4
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  • 38 6 Domestic Occurrences. DEATHS. EKMMY-Cn tbe 24th Feb., at Torquay, Henry John Hemmy, late of Selangor, aged 56. Sands.— On or abont March sth, at Nottingham, England, Annie, tht> beloved wife of J no. Sands, in her 71st year.
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  • 939 6 The Singapore Free Press. Thursday, April 6, 1916, Before" us there* lies the Viceroy's speech at Deli on March 20th on the subject of.llndian indentured labour. Since we"'have no longer indentured 'coolie£Mala. a, this perhaps does not a.T_ct_*us ''directly, but there are severalpoints of interest in the speech,* The
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  • 219 6 A naval baud will play at the Botanical! Gardens on Friday at 5 p.m., weather permitting. Sir John Anderson crossed the Channel the day previous to the torpedoing of the Sussex. The Berlin Lokalanzeiger" auuounces that General Peter ven LaLkeuseu has succumb, d to wounds received a. the beginning of
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  • 230 6 A Banquet and an Address. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, April 5 The farewell banquet to Mr Robert Young last night, at the Penang Club, was attended by a gathering representative of all interests. The Hon. Mr A. R. Adams presided. After the toast of Tbe King
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  • 37 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Loudon, April 4. Final dividends are: Hatu Caves 110. Damansara Klanang 70 Lower Pernk 15 Teluk Piah tbree balf pence. The excess profit tax bas beeu rai.«ed ID per cent.
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  • 107 6 A billiard tournament has beeu iu pro gross iu the Singapore Catholic Club snd the final stage in the B class single handicap ha6 now been reached. The Jinal tie will be placed c tT to night at 8 o'clock between Mststt C A. Phipps and W.
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  • 294 6 •^r Svetec. by St. Amant-Belle of tbe Season, wbo ran third to Polycrates and Rather Bolder in tbe Great Cheshire handicap, has been sold to a Ceyl&a owner. The Bishop of Singapore said farewell yesterday to the Rev. F \Y. Haines and Mrs Haines aboard of the .lapanese steamer, at
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  • 681 6 A MUNICIPAL I i In the Supreme Court vp '.r ing, before Mr lu_r.ce K.i came up for hearing a c:< i n w^ Mr Andrew Brum i Kjyr- Superintendent ot _faoici| bouses, claimed ps mei t of <, from the Honictpel I Dattßitttonei the tMoaal
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 89 6 [J Jas. Coutts M mh-, ATI fl f_\'ti _B i3 i? 7^^l L«_Sd__^_-y: SUPERIOR l^^___-^| f f OLD TOM DRYijJ^ LONDON GINS. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co. Wine Spirit Merchants. wmmßnßmwm g marfm mmmm^^ U YOUR CHANCE TO ECONOMISE. LITTLE'S [RGOBPOBAIED IN ENGI-AJSD.) IS NOW PROCEEDING. FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. A CATALOGUE
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  • 782 7 SQUEEZING WAR COSTS FROM LUXURIES. /musements Taxed [H> Submannr Cable]. £»„tsi'_ Has vic a Loudon. April 4 The morning papers awaiting the Rudget statement with nna-iaal cab::, and there is an absence of tpseulatioua. It i-t generally suggested there will be an increase, possibly, of tweuty percent, iu
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  • 167 7 SEVERAL ZEPPELIN ATTACKS FRUSTRATED. The Felling of L 15. [Bj Submarine Cable]. i_t; Tea's Baevrca. Loudon, April 4. In the House of Commons, Mr Runciman said that liceuces for the impsrtation of cotton yarn were generally given only in respect of goods en route or paid for before
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  • 60 7 Serious Casualty List. Loudon. April 4 —The Ministry of Monitions reports that a serious accidental tire broke out daring the week end at a powrif r factory in K-n'\ leading to a series of excursions. The casualties were approximately two hundred. The Hr* was discovered at
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  • 255 7 A Convincing Speech. London. Apn! 5. Speaking on tbe Pud get, Mr MeKenna said thae in assistance to :he Dominion., fifty- two millions, there had been a saving owing to the public spirit of Canada, which raised loans in her own territory and the I'mted States. He
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  • 76 7 Russia Protests to Neutrals. Petrograd, April 4 Rnssidhas protested to all neutral powers about the torpedoIng of the hospital shio Portugal. Speeches burning with indignation on the subject were made in the Duma and Council cf the Empire. A Turkish communiqo_ claims that a Turkish submarine on
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  • 57 7 Losses by Submarine Unserious. Loudon, April, Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge emphasises that the shortage of tonnage ia not due tc submarines, but owing to na\al and military requirements. ;He says that during the war only four per cent of Allied shipping has b_en distroyed, aud the
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  • 41 7 i Hague, April 4. There has beeu another extraordinary Cabinet Council this after noon. The Austrian Minister assured tht Government that no Austrian submarine was in the neighbourhood when the i Tubautia waa sunk. CH1Y0 MARU A WRECK.
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  • 269 7 FRENCH SUPERIORIIY WELL APPARENT. Germans Well in Hand. fßj Submarine Cable*]. KiuTit'a Bitn___ Paris, April 4.- -The French sre main taining the upper hand at Verdun. The communique says that there was a violent artillery duel from Avoccurt to Malau court. Tbe Germans in the DouaumontV.ux region did
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  • 63 7 A Capture in the Caucasus. Petrograd, April, 5.— A .omnmniqu. says The Germans continued tbeir bombardment of Iksku! bridgehead. Other wise, there was no change in tbe northern sector, where tbe floods are rising. Ger man airmen bombed Rovno and Sarny. The Russians took prisoner two Turkish
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  • 52 7 Home, April 5. A communique 6tates There were intense artillery duels between tbe Lagarina and Sugana valleys, and north west of Gorizia. Small Aus trian attacks on Monte Cristallo and Montenero were repulsed. A number of attempted air raids were repulsed. An Italian aeroplane bombed Gorizia, causing
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  • 58 7 Rome. April 4. Mr Asquith lunched yesterday with tbe King, who afterwards conducted him to various points on the front. The tour continued this morning still under tbe guidance of the King, Mr Asqnitb was everywhere given s most enthusiastic reception. He left iu the afternoon, Generals
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  • 23 7 Pettcgrad, April ..—General Ivanolf, commanding .he south western armies, has. it tired. Petrograd, April 4. —General Brussilolf succeeds General IvauofT.
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  • 22 7 London, April 4. In tbe House -of [Commons, Mr Chamberlain said that I'Oeneral N'.xon advised the advance on Bagdad.
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  • 39 7 A MAJOR 'S D. S. O. London, April 5 The Gazette notifies tbat Mi> jor Souter Murray, of the Jats, commanding the Dorset Yeomanry, has been awarded the Distinguished Service Order for gallantry at Agagir, Egypt, on Feb. 26th.
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  • 25 7 London. April 4. Tha °rince of Wales is gazetted a Captaiu of the Grenadiei > Guards and Staff Captain to headquarters J units.
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  • 16 7 London, April 4. The Rev. Hon Edward Lyttelton, m.a i> d bas resignec
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  • 332 7 LANDING PARTIES WHICH ARE MISSING. Experiences in the Ice. i l_sy Submarin. Cable j. e-BU-sa't f___B.ic.__. London, April 4. The Daily Chronicle publishes a long telegram from Chief Officer Stenhouse, from Dunedio, describ- ing the experiences of the Aurora. The Chief Officer says that the ship reached Cape
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  • 164 7 Australia Breaks German Trust Melbourne, April 4. Mr Mahon, the acting Federal Attorney-General, said the combination of tbe Broken Hill mines and the Associated Smelters for the smelting, refining and realisation of all their con centrates for half a century had a capital of a million sterling,
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  • 77 7 Enthusiastic Scenes at Bombay. Bombay, April 4. The new Viceroy. Lord, bas arrived. lie was welcomed with rousing acclamations from multitudes of people. There was a most brilliant g 'th* ring of native Princes, the Governor of B "a bay, and Naval and Military officers. The
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  • 33 7 London, April 4 In the House of Com mons, Sir Edward Grey said chut eincerest sympathy had beeu conveyed to the Zill es Sultan in the death of Prince Bahrain.!
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  • 23 7 i London, April 4.— The introduction of i the rupee into Egypt is merely tempo j rary. 1 mm,.
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  • 37 7 London, April 4 —The death has taken place of Mr J. X. Campbell, an ex member of the Legislative Council of Ceylon. r London, April 4. rhe death has occur 1 red of Sir John Gorst.
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  • 31 7 Faris, April 4. A serum against erup tive typhus has been discovered by Doctor i Nicole, director of the Pasteur Institute «f Tunis Nineteen cases have been sue-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 221 7 i THE BRITISH JOURNAL j PHOTOGRAPHIC ALMANAC AND PHOTOGRAPHER'S DAILY COMPANION 1916. with which is incorporated tut Year Book of Photography and Amateurs' Guide and 'The Photographic Annual (Figures, Facts, and Formula of Photography >" IN PAPER AND CLOTH BOUND COVERS ROBINSON CO. jT LAMBERT AND BUTLERS GARRICK K CIGARETTES.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 703 8 Shipping ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Coy., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). For LONDON S.S. Keelung via Suez Canal due about Bth May. S.S. Denbigh Hall via Cape cf Good Hope due about 9th May. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGBNTS KONINKLIJKE
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    • 667 8 S h p p l ng I _______ff——_— ——_——"■> ———_—_——___■__________«_____________■_____>•——> Mr* O. British India AND Apcar JLine (Companies Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will
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    • 963 8 Shipping Shipping M. M. |M V K MESSAGERIES MARITIMES A JAPAN MAIL F_ OSUMHIM «4 sTEAMSffIP Co.. Lt. bMOnpomflod in Japan HOMEWARD OUTWARD i9'B EUROPEAN L.KE. Polvn°Eien April 7 j Porthos April 11 Athos April 10 j '\>id. Here April 25 Porthos May 19 Andr. Lebon Mav 9 A nervice
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  • 1027 9 LESSONS FROM THE ANTIPODES. What Mr Runciman Means to Do. The necessity for the imposition cf tariffs to protect tbe wotking man was tbe burden of two remarkable addresses given at the Loudon School of Economics recently. There is running at tbe School at present a series
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  • 445 9 Five Daj s Blizzard. Although there were slight intermit falls of snow in London about it 1). a rapid thaw set in. m d the streets both in tovNn sod in tie BUIHUbs were in a de plorable condition. There was cn ac cumulation of sliihb several inches
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  • 209 9 Mr li ilaire Belloc Ln Land and H ater analyses tbe Gemnna casualty return. ard comet to the DDttclosfaN. that by Dec. i Hi, 1916, the Oermans bad List at least a million dead. He t; ke. partly ase\idenct. J the private DOtificath ns to families made
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 531 9 j Was or Peace. Faminf or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth ioo cents on the dollar J WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, UMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE. Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32, Old Jewry, EX. The Company has £20,00C deposited with the
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    • 468 9 SOUTH BRITISH |i INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in New Zealand.) I j FIRE Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description. I MARINE Insurances accepted to all parts of i tbe world at lowest rates. EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. J. HENRY, Local Manager. Offices 2, Finlayson Green. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE
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    • 141 9 l DRINK 1 DRINK 1 CARLSBERG BEER! THE BEST BEER EVERY POSSIBLE CARE f CARLSBERG BEER |S DANISH BEER. THE EAST J*S^ Ltd j OBTAINABLE FROM John Little A Co., Ltd., Baffles' Place. Chin Guan Co North Poat V u I Katz Bros., Ltd., Baffles Placet Kim Hin <_ Co.,
      141 words
    • 75 9 kin ZEALAND INSURANCE Co., Ltd, FiRE A;tD m\HL (Incorj o bed In 1 I V. tm\\ d.) rut-US KMNRE ASEOC. L c ftUlftE. (Incorporated in lion^..* ng.' CHINA FIRE INSURANCE Co., Ltl F.R? (Inoorporated In i'ongkon^.i LONDON GUARANTEE ACCIDENT Cu. GUARANTEE. (Incorporated in Kr gland.) Fire and Marine Risks of
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  • 768 10 A Danish friend sends the following extracts from Copenhagen papers. Belgium and Peace Negotiations. Barlin, 25th Feb. Tbe Dutch paper "Xieue Rotterdaracbe Courant" states that the representatives of Britain, Russia, France and Belgium have signed an agreement promising tbat Belgium should be called to participate in the peace
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  • 1349 10 S Liang, June j S Matang, Dec 160,046 mfc S. Purun, Dec 1 1 1 .435 S. Re,.a, S. S dang, S. Siput.June 64 447 S Way, Dec 468,663 16,004 S Chumor, June 226.100 S Salak, Dec 626,706 Sungala, S.raC-01, April 288,461 Taiping R., Sep 153,560 Tali
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  • 223 10 In above list the totalh ii. .u-.i ijj< uthiy totals ttt Ja-iiJcC, iu hwti the 'oDjpac> n yigr reds I ;ii d ttf:<» thu jiame. Ihuu oototu si Hw ISUteM to date and sec -iui c rdetotal uf t»Lif past raontla. Every < y < i tog. i
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 563 10 __fl__K_. /^S^ltV Str f\ 111 Jn Jrf- VI The Mirror Shows Tlalner Than Words What a Wonderful Improvement May Be Realized by a Gain of Even 10 or 1 Pounds. "SARGOL MAKES PUNY, PE.VISH PEOPLE PLUMP AND POPULAR If you are tired of being called SkiiiDy," Bean pole or any
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    • 45 10 I .^x^^A/^_\_^AAJ vj>_ aa DAIMLEK i URAL T: S 7 i i THE BANGKOK TIMES ([till M iIM 1 IMffJ LEADING PAPER IN SIAM DAILY AND WEEKLY j ENGLISH AND SIAMESE LARGEST CIRCULATION KELLY AND WALSH, LTi (Incorporated id BoogkOl Singapore Agents Tele^rame: TIMES BAN^fcOi
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  • 1485 11 Issued by FRASER Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, April r>th. Gap. ißßon. Paid. Uffl Div, BUYana. Bbllhrb. 100,000 fl ta AUegat 6% -20 26 600,000 1 1 Anglo-Java —10 0 15 0 160,000 fa IB AngloMalap 6% 9 6 10 6 50,000 la la Batang Malaka 2
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  • 62 11 COBBECTED UP TO _pril 5.) Bank 4m s 2-4 19 32 ii demand 2-4J Private credits Bms 2-***** France demand Bank 825 iHDIA, T. T. 17 4. BOHaKOHa, demar d 13. Yokohama, demsa d 1 1 1 1 Java, demand 132 Bah&kok, demand 65 1 Sovibiiqhb, Bank Buying |B._
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  • 155 11 April. 5. Tin buyers 193.75 Sambier 20.75 3s.r_._ier Cube No. 1 80.00 Jambier Cube No. 2 29.00 Pepper Blaok or din. B 'pore 27.50 Pepper, (White fair) 88.00 Sntmegs 1110 to tbe lb. 30.00 Nutmegs (80 to tbe lb. J nom. Mace (Banda) 7 5.00 Cloves (Amboina) nom Bali
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 191 11 lETROPICAL ROOFING GENASCO Supplied with patent "KANT LEAK" KLEATS which do away with the necessity of using sticky cement at the overlaps. P *1 nc. v BSi&^utoey^- 7-- V x _______r___^_. <n _^__!_______j aSmty^ *■<■.. uk* mm «»j _^£_S_____^4____E ___RP_B- fIM" ___K .ma v* I* ______r v: _T__TT__i^_[T' v _t__fl___
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    • 64 11 Ufct'P 1 BUNGA MELOR Concentrated V. RIQAUD PARIS Sold bj il! Perfumers J NOW READY The Singapore and Straits Directory for 1916. Price $8.50 per copy, $9.00, post free to places in Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, Johore, Kedah, Ke "an tan. Perlis, Trengganu, British North Borneo, Sarawak ond Brunei
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 323 11 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang herbau Hospital April 4 9 _.M 8 P.M 9 F M Barom. 82 Fah. 29 872 29.752 99.854 Temp. 87 0 90.0 810 Wet Bolb That. 8 0 80 0 77 0 Dl*. Of Wind E. N.E. Calm Max. Temp, tn shad. 90.5 Min. dr. do. 7.1
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    • 487 11 LATEST ARRIVALS. List of vessels in port at 11 a.m. oa April 6, 1916. Vessel's Name L>at_ of Arrival British. Fultala April 3 Eumaeus April 4 Singaporean April 5 Kinta Penang Kaka Hong Wan DUTOB. Alting April 4 FI.KM H. Athos April 4 SIAMKhK. A.dang April 5 CLEARANCES. Vesse 's
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  • 2086 12 LATE MAIL AC7OUNTS. Ghast'y German Losses. Paris. Feb. 29.h. -Eye-witness reports As the battle proceeds the front is growing steadily smaller aud the enemy's attack is cone mtrating on a line frcm the north of Louvemout to the height of l»ouaurnont. During the first five days
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  • 311 12 Stnry o rw. r__i An fii K .iDgapore, April A smaller quantity than usual wa6 brought to Auction this week, some 294 tons being oifered. lu sympathy with the London maiket prices all round were easier. The demand was good at the lower level. Fine Ribbed Smoked
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  • 240 12 Singapore, \pril 5. A decline in values was looked fox at: this week's Auction, hut the prices realised caunot be considered other than satisfac- j tory iu view of to day's market advices. There was a reduced quantity ou offer, I amounting to 6ome 306 tons, but
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  • 471 12 The P. and O. Sardinia and Medina arrived in London, and the Karmala arrived at Port Said, on Monday, the 3rd instant. The homeward intermediate P. and O. j steamer Nore arrived at the P. and O. j wharf on Tuesday morning, and she will leave at 3
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  • 115 12 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Ladies' Mrs Hartnell aud Mrs Saunder6 scr. beat Mrs Watson and Mrs Day 4. 6 3. 7— 5. Mrs Salzmann and Mrs Ferguson 1 beat j Mrs Darke and Mrs Jackson 15.2, 6— C, 7—5. j Mr6 Hallifaz and Mrs Peirce 3 beat
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  • 136 12 TO-DAY 'S TIES. Mixed Doubles _L Mrs Saunders and Mr Allan ree 8 v Mrs Owen aud Mr Bd wards ree 5 j Mr and Mrs Day ree 4 v Miss J. Gunn and Mr Bartnel] owe 152. Mrs Ridout and Mr Lee Warner owe 1 v Mrs Salsmann and
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  • 91 12 Much clever play was seen in the hockey match played on the Esplanade last even ing, between the S. C. C. and the R G. A. The teams were well matched, the gunners putting up a capital display, and it was not until the closing stages that the Club
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 188 12 IT IS YOUR DUTY TO Economize, as far as lies in your power, nore especially in the direction of luxuries, such as motoring really is. It should be remembered that every alien motor tyre purchased is only piling up our indebtedness abroad A Bim] way of economizing, to the benefit
      188 words