The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 April 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 237 1 The latest Zeppelin raids have re suited in over 200 civilian casualties and some damage to property, whilst achiev ing no military purpose— Page 5. The great concern in Holland as to I present events is said to be duf to an expectation that Dutch vigilance will
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  • 1675 1 FOOD AND ZOOOS AND FAMINE. Oae iroodere how manv or rather, perhaps, oue should more properly wonder bow few of tbe muidle arid upper classes m (Jreat Britain bave ever suffered from real hunger. No doubt tbe vast majority would, if tbe question na. asked them, reply indignantly in tbe
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 526 1 i in. ni iu in iii iiiinnainßTirirffl'ii im^iffTTfnnTniiiiii iuiib bii 1 11 nmmn i ilium nhmm i ini^HkiM^^^MWffP New CC W^^^^^^-* 5J 1620 HP. fi Tin new Model dt Luxe represents the very hiyliest point of excellence m in motor-car construction. Darfaeq* satisfaction docs not\end j I. with thc tirst
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    • 129 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS New programmes at the Harima and Gaiety Page 2. Fairfield, Cluny Rd,, Kenilworib, Harker Rd., and 15, Hattery Rd., to let- Page 3. Tapab interim "dividend— Page 3. Rocks for photographers at Robinson's Page 5. Ocean S S. Co. revised sailings Page S. CorErcencir:g April 1, 1916. PRIVATE
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 151 1 THE WEEK. Tuesday 4th. High Water— lt- 3 a.m., ll- c 6 p.m. M.M. outward mail expected. Football: Sh rop hires vs. S.C F L «.-h w ed eSd^', sth n_«. High Water 0-12 %.m 11-§8 p.m. Teluk Anson H bber, Derrick s, noon. Thursday 6th Friday 7th. High Water-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 414 2 THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Hongkong), i Chief Importers British Pianos FRENCH PIANOS Italian Pianos TO SUFFER OR NOT TO There is only one answer. Littte s Oriental Balm has forever banished the need to suffer. Rheumatism, swollen, painful joints, weakened muscles, the most unbearable aches and pains
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    • 656 2 PALLADIUM SISGAPORE S PREMIER THEATRE ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE To-Nihgt By kind Permission of the Authorities To-Night fCA GRAND jpk NAVAL NIGHT "FOR THE.BOYSeOF THE KINGS NAVEE' A Specially Selected Frcgramme of First Class Feature Dramas and Comedies including Yells! CHARLIE CHAPLIN Screams-! In the FUNNIEST Two-Act Comedy ever
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  • 421 3 Htt interest is being taken, the Kobe 3r ai says, in the forthcoming general mating of shareholders of the Toyo Kisen ti aa. a* it is reporced that business for P half year jus* closed was more pros- ti m than in the preceding term, the ■f<
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  • 274 3 It Strickland, Gfbvernment Travellir.. ital E.uomologisc, F. Bf. S., has I i monograph entitled Coa* Mtious regarding an Ontbreai of Malm Morlb, I*'. SC. >." which has oeeu publif led by the Cambridge (aiver r- The papai dr.iis at length witb an sstigation into tbe outbreak of
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  • 189 3 The Goverr- j [ndia has taken powers to iim prrenc] ootea np ton! dq*u c roniiiii »ua sterling against! s'.iitish Ti oftry a beid by tha Secre j tary of Ur. mXvn Bills a re d< signnted for this par port jnnse h\ thr- statnte under wbi( th were i^u^d
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2006 3 Notices SEA VIEW HOTEL NOTICE. Owing to increaf-ei rates of spirits, tht price of Brandy, Whisky and (iin in Incteaaod by 5 cents per Bteu^ah from Ist April, 1916. 3-4 4 IN THE SUPREME COURT QF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. ii ORIGINATING SUMMONS No. U or 1916.1 In
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    • 414 3 To Let j B ioad. Kent $90 per month. innly to *LLEN t CLI Ita, MOB 4 4 TO LET KENILWOKTH. BatSßSt Road, novs being epairod aad palnled tteoaghout, occupatiou nmediately. Apply SWAN ft MACLAREN 4.4 mwf uc TO LET No. 15, BATTERY ROAD low occupied by the Straits 2ycle
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  • 21 4 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTH. Fraseh. -At 30, Logan Read. Penang, cn Ist inst. to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fraser, a daughter.
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  • 1285 4 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, April 4, 1916, her.- T;*!l tbs Presi the People's fight raanttlv Oaavcd by in flu eric* and wibribed by fain Her* patriot Trvth her glorious precepU d t t?Wtoed to R Jision. Loyally And Lnv. For the second time His Majesty the King has in
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  • 996 4 4» Mr G. H. Richards, of the F.M.S., P.W.D., is now serving as an officer in the Royal Engineers. Spain, according to the Daily Express," has placed an order for 250,000,000 cartridges with the Western Cartridge Company at Alton, 111. The Band of Hope will meet as usual in the
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  • 425 4 sir Edward Brockman, m a j the Malay Mail, expresses bis appn tion of the warm rec ption uf tbe 1 |a Loan of one and three quarter* milli sterling iu the presfl of the Staff i of the Colony. He answers critic; i detail. Regarding bearer
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  • 123 4 Hi*' 1 8 {From Otr uui< prwspmriiftJ Pen» n6 April Lbout a hundred Volunteers attendee a valedictory service for the Co; Chaplain, the i; t I W. EleiMS at Qeorge'e Chnrch, Majoi latum !(i comma mi. ihey marched to the hutch headed b> the band. The service
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  • 78 4 {trom Our Oun Corrtspontenl.) [poh, April Li tbe installation meeting of Lodg Kinta, Bro. Willi stalle W. M the installing natter beinj Pro. P. .1. Sproule. ln the cou-se of the evening appro priute references were mad be im pending departure homev Bro. RofaMkt Voung, D. Q, i
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  • 113 4 "THE TRADER'S LIFE IS NOT &c." The shipping companies have i old Texas cinch upon eb'ppers at the pre sent time. As witness the following au Indian firm to a loct! Your cables duly reached us and w now give you an explanation of bov. pera are treated ippinj companies
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  • 40 4 Not ill smoke r j be taspei ial s up to net i expended f.72,€ in subscriptions to fundi rouneeted U the war and allowances BS ;i.;pk)> with the forces. They are giving ter per cent, bonuses to employees
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 106 4 i J ing to a (cash w WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED l'£f AGENTS Tar j I PETER WALKER T (The well-known Boy Brand) Fresh stocks just received. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. Wholesale ana Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants. I II YOUR CHANCE J I TO ECONOMISE. t N S HT^ HP
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  • 208 5 UTBSI RAIDS CAUSE OVER 200 CASUALTIES. Aviator Lieutenant's Feat. TB? Submarine Cable]. KSCTIB'I BiifTOSL lpril I.— Official Two sirached tbe north east coast last Oaly one crossed tbe coa^t the: b ;ck. So far as et present xteeu persons were killed and a injured. Light dwellings were ir;
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  • 321 5 Cernians in a Ruined Village. Semi official The I Ini occupation of Um mini of the Tillage of Vttta .s tactically aaeleee, as it is in the rani bv lor: Vaux, which liy held kg the French. The etrug t I i-'. '.one. bat Ver.iun will remain
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  • 67 5 Asked to Evacuate Town. mi.i 8. Artillery fighting Qhi -vghe •.;-j d. Greek Go.-, rnp aested the Allies to I qptfl of Salonika and ree: >ve ammunition and stores to the fortified lines e town. This is due to repre laens in view of s*ir I it
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  • 62 5 L-udon. April B. Phfl Times Salonika I tani wire, that Forts St George, Sandjakaml Smyrna were Mown to atoms ia a tliree hour.-? bombardment by British -hips. The Turks did not reply, ,-rs of the Straits Chinese Reading Club are informed that the Rev, irray has
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  • 86 5 NEW PHASE IN THE WAR EXPECTED. The Pains of Neutrality. [By Submarine Cabl*] SiUTEt'a Bie'TO*. London, April 2. Uritisb newspapers, diseussing what the Dutch newt-papers telegraphed yesterdav, are agreed tbat it is not due to the sinking of the Tubmtia' and other vessels, but is believed rather to
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  • 97 5 Mr Asquith for the Front. Koine. A pri i :>. Marquis Salandra, it a luncheon to Mr Asquith at which we^|B present Cabinet Ministers, Parliamentarians and Allied diplomats, reiterated their determination not to lay down their arms before victory. Mr Asquith s.\id thut the development of [kalian
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  • 66 5 Italians Attack Boldly. Lome. April 3. The communique says that artillery actions continued in the Val Sugana and Roverets. Tiie Lal tans by a bold turning movement in I'pper Rieuz seized three blockhouses and made 3 1 prisoners. There is continnevl activity on the [sonza and CaTCO,
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  • 63 5 Germans Cut lp. Petrograd. April -The communique says that generally there were minor operations. A German aeroplane bombed the station ol Zamirie, ou the Minsk Larano vitchi railway. The Germans were bloodily repulsed in attacks on the heights of Olyka, east of Acutsk. There was some activity in
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  • 50 5 London, April 3. The liner Achilles has been sunk 63 of the crew have landed four Chinamen and au engineer are missing. The Norwegian steamer Peter Hamre, with a crew of fifteen, was sunk last night while anchored. The sole survivor has landed from the Kentish .Knock lightship.
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  • 50 5 London. April i. Thfl torpedoing of tho Portugal hM caused a thrill of horror throughout Russia. The vessel was painted white, with red crosses painted round the sides, and was quite unmistakable. Bare nMeMeyendorff, who was the head nursing sister, waa a nurse in the Japanese war.
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  • 20 5 Hongkong April 2. a Japanese cruiser, has beeu requisitioned to assist in towing) otf the Chiyo Maru.
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  • 26 5 Wellington, April 2. A tug has pickedup the Aurora, which is expected to reach port on April 3. Port Chalmers, April 3. The Aurora
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  • 136 5 Novel U S Boat. Ri nter's Xew York correspondent writes thai a combination submarine chaser and scout boat with a Bpeed of fort;, -one miles uu hour has been contracted for by the United States Government. It is said that the boat's length of 50ft. will permit it
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  • 25 5 For the suppression of smuggling, Holland has enrolled two thousand new Customs officers, chosen from men serving in the army. The sum of '270,000 flor-
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  • 277 5 LORD CHELMSFORD TAKES UP HIS TASK. EA Practical Man. [By Submarine Cable]. BsoTKis Biivioa. London, April 3. The Times, in a leader on India under the new Viceroy, says that Lord Chelmsford is due in Bombay to take up the heavy burden of the Viceroyalty. He brings
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  • 78 5 £100,000 from Privy Purse London, April 2. --The Keeper of tlie King's privy puree writes ro Mr Aeqnitb thai he has received bbe King's commands to "inform you that his Majesty bas given instructions for a hunur°d thousand pounds to be placed at the disposal of the
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  • 421 5 Farewell to Wor. Brother R. Young. There was a large gathering of the Masonic fraternity of Penang, visitors and guests, on Friday at the farewell dinner to Worshipful Brother the Hon. Robert Young, in the annexe of the E. and O. Hotel, which had been tastefully decorated, and presented
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  • 58 5 Drives in the motor transport servict cannot afford to take risks. Therefore their opinion is always one worth consi dering and when oue writes, as does Pte jJ. Beaney, of the A. S.C, that the Zenith is the best carburetter I have to dea j with," it provides food for
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  • 355 5 INSPECTED BY THE GOVERNOR. On Raffles Reclamation Ground yesterday evening, H. E. the Governor, Sir A. H. Young, k.c.m o inspected the Reserve Forces, who are about to be transferred to the S.Y.C. The men, under Major Sir Evelyn Ellis and officers, paraded at 5.10, and at 5.30.
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  • 235 5 The Attack on Trebizond. Loudon. March 15. Tbe Daily Tele* graph's Rome correspondent says that a Russian force has arrived befcre Trebizond, the envelopment of which has probably begun. An army separate from that which is marching towards Khamkin is rapidly neariDg Mosul. The "Central News'' Rome
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  • 146 5 "MADE IN GERMANY .1 Stir of Forged £1 Notes. The rumour that a considerable number of Efoglish X'l cotes are in circulation in Germany and the possibility that they have been forged has aroused much interest io bauking and financial circles. At Somerset House, while one expert thought that ih3
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  • 88 5 The boy has corae info hie own at last. Ooe S&rge business house has just issued the following notice The attention of employees is directed to this order. All juvenile employees 3 must be treated with proper courtesy. Anyone striking or abusing a boy wiU be instantly dismissed." A group
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 255 5 BRITISH JOURNAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ALMANAC PHOTOGRAPHERS DAILY COMPANION witb whicii is incorporated the Year Book of Photography and Amateurs' Guide and "The Photographic Annual (Figures, Facts, and Formula of Photography ,f* lIN PAPER AND CLOTH- EOUND COVERS ROBINSON CO. iiiiiiiii— mii iMinn—i»«i n nnwniii mil imiii i mi— ■m— m i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 851 6 Shipping ELLERMAN" LINE. m—aa—m—aa—aaaaaaaaa—mmam—mmaaaaaam For LONDON S.S. Keelung via Suez Canal due about Bth May. s.s. Denbigh Hall via Cape of Good Mope due about 9th May. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS KOMiKKLIJK£ PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Incorporated in Holland, Roy*l Packet
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    • 844 6 S hipping ST. O. Oritish India AND .raPCAe Liine (Companies Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. HOMEWARD
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    • 557 6 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINE. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON tnd MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1916 Polynffcien Apiil 7 j Porthos April 11 Athos April 10 Cordillere ApriJ 25 Porthos May 19 Andre Lebon May 9J Cordillere June I 1 Atlantique May 23 Andre Lebon June 16 Amazone June 6
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    • 623 6 Shipping 1 1^ M. J^F* JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. Ltd! (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. 1 A s- rvice is maintained between Yoßßtm* via porte to Marseilles, London, dd^ip*' 1 contract with the Imperial Japanese ertl ment. The New Twin screw Stt^n?' ri maintaining this service have rees s M*
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  • 517 7 Etherised Alcohol. Considerable interest and some curiosity has been caused by the announcement tbat the Government have commandeered tbe grain distilleries of the United Kingdom. What is the military object Alcohol is required, for tbe purposes of tbe manufacture of high explosives, and probably the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 138 7 I 21 Tf^o I\JAM 5 C K SCOTCH WHISKY I ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY I Tne Enormous Stocks held by BUCHANAN Co. at their j maintain tne high quality of this famous blend. THE BORNEO CO., LTD. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. SOLE IMPORTERS I£}4 1y9%1 ft y THE BANGKOK TIMES B
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    • 320 7 (Wasted Baby, Ailing Mother Both Now in Splendid Health. Cured by Dr. CasseU's Tablets, the Famous Remedy Mrs. Pinn, of 70, Bernard- road, Elm-..-rove. Kr.^ h t o n, -*^j|>* W&*m_ England, says:— "l am quite sure that %^u >S|3} Dr. CasseU's Tab- i& f J If lets saved my
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    • 436 7 SUN LIFE 'Z: OF CANADA. Incorporated ln Canada. Assets 1 8.370.601). 1 We have received word from our Head Office that the year 1915 has been the most prosperous in the Company's History. Notwithstanding the war, the Claims by Death were only 73% of the Expected. And were more than
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  • 347 8 Happy Result of a Royal Visit. The phenomenal progress made by the Soudan during the past eighteen years has so often been referred to that to emphasise the point would to day be waste of time and space. No greater recompense could be found by those
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 238 8 ALL-BBITISH I ROM TYRESj USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. COMBINATION oftk mmm NON-SKID ffo '*_tji mWrnmLaT. '■T^K-*' r Jaa t\ tLmmmZmm^^^* W^t --'''m\ j Kw&/*^ ik- fl Cfk v^. *^W "i 1 THE ROM TYRE AND RUBBER Co. CONTRACTORS to H. M WAR OFFICE, HOLBORN. LONDON, E. C. MEYER
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    • 578 8 REGULARITY of the BOWELS j I The First Line of Defence against 111-Health. j I Only about one man or woman in a hundred is perfectly healthy The other 99 have tome digestive trouble, and perhaps more than 50 per cent of these could trace their trouble to that prevalent
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  • 43 9 April 3, 1916. Tbe following are the shares as to which changes are notified in Messrs Fraser and Co.'s yesterday's share list RUBBER DOLLAR COMPANIES. Buyers Sellers. Changkat Serdang 910 00 911.00 xd Jeram 1.70 1.86 Jimah 1 05 1.10
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  • 54 9 Corrected up to prii 3.) Bunk 4ms 2-4 19 82 demand 2 Pwlvat* credits Bms 2-4 27 32 France demand Bank 824 Ihdia, T. T. 17 ti Hosokokg, demard 13? Yokohama, demard 111$ Java, demaad 132 Bangkok, demand 6si SGVBfißiaxu, Bank Buying 98.54 Bank ot England Rale 5% Bar
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  • 139 9 April. '6 Tin (100 tons) $94 00 Gambier 2075 GamMar Cube No. 1 30.00 Gambiar Cube No. 2 29.00 Papper Black ordin. S'pore 27.50 Peppei, (White fair) 38.00 Nntmegß (110 to the lb. 30.01 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) nom. ttaoe (Banda) 75.00 Cloves (Amboina) nom. Bali Coffee (4%
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1382 9 I Wab or Peace, Faminf or Plenty, Life Insurance is wobth 100 cents on the dollar. J WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Winchester Hoase, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. 1 Thu Company has £20.000 deposited with
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    • 49 9 NOW READY The Singapore and Straits Directory for 1916. Price $8.50 per copy, $9.00, post free to places in Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, Johore, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, Trengganu, British North Borneo, Sarawak ond Brunei to Siam, Saigon, Netherlands India, &c, $9.50, post free Publishers: FRASE2 and NEAVE, LIMITED
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 365 9 London Malls Despatched. Left. Doe, Arrived Feb, 18 P. &O. Mar 20 Mar 20 Feb. 25 B. I. WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital April 2, 8 a.m 8 p.m 9pm fiarom. 8S Fab, 89 837 29.720 28.793 Temp. 82 0 90 0 82 0 Wet Bnlb Thar. W 0 St
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    • 452 9 LATEST ARRIVALS. List of vessels in port at 11 a.m. on April 3. 1916. Vessels Name Date of Arrival British. Krian April I Abbotsford E-meralda Amherst Giang Ann Chali6ter Meran Circe April 3 Hok Canton Carlyle Ipon Kampar Dutch. Khoen Foeng April 1 Senang April I Singkel April Melchior Treub
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  • 1618 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Notice to Quit. Edinburgh, March 1. Mr J. H. Wbitehouse, the Pacificist member of Parliament for Mid -Lanark, bas again been requested by his Liberal Association to resign bis seat. By 33 votes to 1, they carried a motion that, "having heard the statement
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  • 149 10 I A number of captain" and officers of merchant t-hips ha\e become exercised over yeilow forms which have been served j upon them instructing them to join the 'colours ou certain dates. This matter' I has been referred by them to their re- j prasentative body, the Imperial Merchant Service
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  • 247 10 The large amount of zinc required for' war purposes, aud the resulting enor- rnously increased demand for tbe metal, known commercially as spelter, lend special interest to an article in the current number of the Bulletin of the Imperial Institute on "The Occurrence and Ftilisation of
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  • 235 10 A Portugese Eurasian named Francis! Janseo was charged in the second police! court ve^terday with being in possession! of a guu for which he held no licence. A Mr Hills, wbo lives at 1026, I'pper Seran- 1 goon Rjad, which house is situated ina by read, about
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  • 74 10 In the first summons court, yesterday. Has^ara bin Hussian was fined $5 audi costb for driving a traction engine without a back number being fixed to the truck. For overcrowding a iive-seater car with seven persons, Ismail bin Haji was fined 310 and costs. For having only
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  • 313 10 Mr William Read, engineer on the cableship Patrol, charged Wang Kiam in the! second police court yesterday with the j theft of a silver watch, iu Qaeeu Street, ou Sunday night. Accused was convicted and sentenced to 21 days' rigorous imprisonment. Chan Kee, a Cantonese, was convicted in the second
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  • 332 10 Tbe M. M. Steamer Athos, with the French mail from Europe, is due to arrive this afternoon from Colombo. The K.P.M. express steamer Melchior Treub, from Sourabaya, Samarang and Batavia, arrived yesterday morning, and in the afternoon left for Belawan Deli. The P. O. outward mail steamer Namur
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  • 172 10 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Mixed Doubles, B. Mrs Skey aud Mc Abrams owe 4 beat Dr. and Mrs Hunter sa\ 4—6, 6— 3, 6 3. Miss L Lamb and Mr Morris owe 2 beat Mrs Darke and Mr Stuart 15.2, 7 5. 6—2. Mrs Wreford and Dr
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  • 78 10 S. 0, F. A. TRIAL GAMES. Oo tbe S. C. C. ground, this evening, a soccer match will be played between the Shropsbires and a team representative of the Straits Chinese Foolball Association. This is the latter's first trial game iu view of their visit to Panang for the
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  • 52 10 SPOON Shoot, March 3 Ist. 160yds. iCOys. Nett. Total. Lady Ellis 30 29 59 6s 60 xMrs Ayre 30 25 55 6s 4o Mrs Payne 28 30 58 68.24 Lady Evelyn Young 27 30 57 68.00 Mrs Whitmore 17 15 32 67.34 Mre Ridout 24 28
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  • 46 10 Agents Hooglandt and Co. Pangkattan 60.000 Caledonia Estates. Batak Rabit 16,(00 Bigan Serai 18,000 Agents Waterhouse Co. Pahang .—22.050 total to date 79,040. Suogei Bilut 6,366 totai to date 18,866. Agents Barlow and Co. Permas 20,900 Sekong:— 14,200 Mejedie (Johore) 9 928
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 189 10 HEADQUARTERS FOR SANAPHOS^ 1 Ihe All British and the most reliable Tome and Nerve Food on the market. SANAPHOS. Is a Reconstructive Nerv* I, indioated ia Mei Physical. Faiigui Nervous Breakdown ln« I St Easthenia. IrtsK ti Electoral \< and SANAPHOS. i- .-ui M^anloafl] Phosphated mtt (naiad ander strict Hctentlflc
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