The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 31 March 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. rEM CENTS SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1916, NO. 8,71)
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  • 206 1 There has been a great bli/./.ard through out Britain, the full effects of which will not be known for some time Page 7. The Aurora bis wirelessed that she ex pects to reach New Zealand to-day Page 7. News is to hand of a Zeppelin raid on
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  • 1113 1 Repeated exhortation and occasional :hreat from tbe QOfOBOWOO I have eo far it least accomplished this —people, lverage people in middle and upper •lasses, have become shame faced in their pending of minor moneys. We still >peud, many ot us ve spend too much but we spend guiltily
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 327 1 > -mmm mmmmm i mmm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmms i f THE PUReI^^L PARA TUBE jg|?Stj| Your maintenance e-e/tenscs arc affected by the tubes you use, and it pans you to take the same care in making your It always pays to Ji'id out before spending uour money. Even a superficial e-ra initiation of
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    • 94 1 SEKb^^bs^Bßsbb^Bßß "GENUINE QUALITY." METHYLATED SPIRIT. HIN WATT Co. SHIP-CHANDLERS. Telephone Ro. 428. 102, Market Street Comirencing April 1, 1916. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE STAMFORD HOUSE, Bras Basah Road. CENTRALLY SITUATED Always cool aad exposed to sea breeze, FURNIBHED APARTMENTS Without Board. Comfortable Rooms witn Bathroome attached. Electric Fittings throughout. Large Reception
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    • 152 1 LAT T ADVERTISEMENTS.! i The Minderoo for Australian Ports Page 8. Wind and Pink Pills— Page 5. Hongkong L'uiversity Examinations Forgery of a Chop Page 5. No. 4 Oxley Koad To Let Page ■>. Sale of Unserviceable Stores Page 5. Motor Cycle for Sale Page 5. Notice re Jeram Rubber
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 156 1 THE WEEK. Friday 3 1st High Water 888 9-4 7 p.m. Ma'abotT Etabbar, Boust ads, noon. Batacg benar Rubber, Win. House. 2.30 pm. Legislative Council, 2.3 p.m. Municipal Commission, 1.80 pm. Ceylon Tamils' Ass opening New Hall, 5.30 p. "The Scamps, Victoria Theatre. Ssturdaj April Ist. High Water 92^ 4.
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  • 676 2 Professor .loly. of Dublin, gives in the Times au account cf some experiments -which he aud Professor Dixon have con ducted upon the nYects of wearing clothes an the water. Their investigations have been prompted by a statement that sailors .have been ordered to strip before taking t %o the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 401 2 I THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Hongkong). a—— THE Chief Importers British Pianos FRENCH PIANOS Italian Pianos VICTORIA THEATRF "THE SCAMPS STILL GOING STRONG ro-Night To Night Time and Prices as Usual. Thursday. Marcti 50. GRAND MILITARY NIGHT. A Friday, March 31. GRAND NAVAL NIGHT. By kicii permission
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    • 1065 2 PALLADIUM SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE ALWAYS JUST WHAT YOU LIKE You don't have to take our word, but call and sm, and you will find just the kmd of variety you wan t-THE LATEST AND BEST. Here's a Programme for you! HEARTS OF THE EMPIRE This
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  • 852 3 A Conflict of Wills. There would be a great eatiefaction in not answering letters if it could be done without misgiving. }>ut an uneasy conscience seems to be always part of the process; and even if they never are answered, it is only because one puts
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 264 3 Not the kind you are |*j m^^A. -a*-. W^ used to, but equally \^s_| g harmless if you take 4gSkm c^ the proper precaujLm mm fck tions by refusing to m A f^J 9 take it in. Iran I are as good as their i I m^^^^^^^^^^ mm^ mmm word.
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    • 27 3 5 DAIMLER®! 5 $otqr Carriages ij b Cwercial Vehicles- 5 I Agbicclturm, Tractors i I tmi DAIMLER COMPANY wi S 5a- COVE NTRY.tNCI ANO. C Lrvr«vvvvYYv\__/v/\fwvwv>_vv -j
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    • 470 3 LIST NOW OPEN This list will be closed on or before April 29th, 1916. mmmmmxmemmenwmseseeswmmmx*mmmssmmmmmmmmmxm SSS) meeeeem FEDERATED MALAY STATES GOVERNMENT SIX PER CENT. WAR LOAN, 1 92 1 Issue of $6,000,000 Debentures to Bearv.?, part of $15,000,000 authorized by Enactment No. i of 1916. The entire proceeds of the
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  • 839 4 Hard Fighting in Mesopotamia. An officer in the Dogras writing on January 15 of fighting in Mesopotamia says Let me assure you at once that I am perfectly fit and well, though we have been through an awful fight. I described the fight of January 7
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 261 4 jg^JH HI aaa Another of C. B.*s Delicacies «g»raas|j C. B. OXFORD SAUSAGES I UNEXCELLED. B ft Crosse Blackwell gnarantee d^^^^^M S 3 these and all their other table delicacies to ke ■i^^^.^^^^^^S^l^fc ■I produced under ideal conditions of cleanliness. £?EJ^^^*^ ■Hr a? fi»n AGENTS FOR LEA PERRINS WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE.
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    • 66 4 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE Co,, Ltd. FIRE AND MARINE. (Incorporated in New Zealand.) YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC. Ltd. MARINE. (Incoi porated in Hongkong.) CHINA FIRE INSURANCE Co., Ltd, FiRE. (Incorporated in Hongkong.) LONDON GUARANTEE ACCIDENT Uo. o GUARANTEE. (Incorporated in England Fire and Marine Risks of every descriptor underwritten at lowest current
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    • 123 4 |SUN LIFE ZT OF CANADA. I Incorporated In Canada. Assets £18.370.600. We have received word from our Head Office that the vear 1915 has been the most prosperous in the Company's History. i Notwithstanding the war, the Claims by Death were onlv 73 of the Expected. And were more than
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  • 881 5 lo the Editor, The Financier.) r —Notwithstanding the crying in the' rtiess since the early days of the r Uusinese men" to be put at it ot things, we seem as far rei from business dense in many es ii i >ra as ever we were,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 636 5 WEAK STOMACHS CAUSE WIND. Wind In the stomach is caused by the food hf.iog retained bo long that it ferments if it is vegetable food or potrifles if it is animal food, lhc nMial treatment is to forbid lhc eating ol the food that causes the trouble. This .-tops the
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    • 534 5 Notices NOTICE. A 1 ter a great number of years of very hard and scientific study." l, the under- signed beg to announce to the Public. that I wi 1 undertake to cure any kind of sickness, fresh or chrtnic cases, witnout any operation, by using Chinese external and internal
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    • 777 5 Notices UNIVERSITY OF HONGKONG. MATRICULATION, SENIOR JUNIOR EXAMINATIONS. Notice is hereby given that the Matriculation, Senior and Junior Local Examinations will be held on the f Jlowing dates. i JULY 10th 15th 1916. I Arrangements will be made to hold the Fx«»mii ations at ary town where a sufficient number
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    • 409 5 Wanted W4NTEO j Four-seated Victoria with quiet horse. Must be in good condition. Full particulars to VICTORIA c/o Free Press. 30-3 31 3 WANTEO I Two Janior Assistants for Rubber Estate. Previous experience not necessary. Apply 'in writing to 9 e o Free Press. i 29-3 3)-3 < WANTEO CHARTERED
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    • 569 5 To Let TO LET No. 4 Oxley Road. Well town, and recently overcanlea and paiottd. Entry Ul May. Apply MEYER BROTHERS, 14, Coilyer vuay. 31-: uc GODOWN TO LET No. 5, Palmer Godowns, area 9,900 square feet. Immediate Entry. Apply to Fraser A Gumming, Winchester House. 31-i2 mwf uc
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 63 6 Burt. On March 28th at Hove, Sussex, Vera, yonngest daughter of Wr. and Mrs. E. H. Burt, formerly of Boa hay. Dalgleish.— At the General Hospital Singapore, cn Ihursday 30th inst., Amelia, tbe dearly belovtd wife of Oswald Dalgleish. The interment vill take place at Bidadari Ccmetaiyat 5.15 to-day,
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  • 974 6 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, March 31, 1916. Bct* shall tht >-•'.-, ihe People's rifcht nsi.i»>*i£y. ijni'wtd by i i f! <_■ ->__. p. ■>. oooribed 'try j~».'n Hare patriot Troth her glorious pi^cepu lin?* <w *emA a wt 1 ta R '-e.OO. I PT*'t» w:-r\ f..*r For the last
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  • 468 6 Messrs Stockdale and Fenn, the train- ers, are now at Cairo. Tbey arrived there recently with a draft for the Aus- tralian Light Horse. We have been asked to state that some officers and some men, of some ships in some port, desire to tender hearty thanks to some ladies
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  • 189 6 MACPHAIL— STEVENS. The marriage was solemnised at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday of Mr L R. Macphail, of the Waterhou6e Co., Ltd. Singapore, and Mis9 Ethel Dorothy Ste vens, daughter of Mr Mrs G. A. Stevens, of Glen Rosa, Natal. The ceremony was performed by Archdeacon Swindell. The bride,
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  • 649 6 Rev. H. B. White, formerly of Penang has accepted a position as assistant in tie Euglish Department in the Southern Methodist University of Dallas. Texas. Dr. Greene, f.m.0.. Sarawak bas been granted sixteen months furlough ou half pay and is proceeding home with tbe intention of joining che H.A M
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  • 281 6 A FRENCH OFFENSIVE Heavy German Losses [By Submarine &fe] l»UT*i't BitTie* Paris, March N I Fr. move in the Verdun Btfiofl tl of tbe communique. Th* Qertaetu I DOI attempt am EUftfcN iftfaatn .fe .west of tbe mmmm hut tb, bombard, j was intense on mi thioeoi Morthomme Cumier,..
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  • 95 6 Rome. Match 29 at Gorj/ia UMMBMti in the con' lasted for forty bours a_. the heights northwe.-t\ ...rd of the fcr: The Austrians made an intense art. preparation against («raf> been already damaged bj Stoats 11 launched a violent attar v, _tb great f but the
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  • 75 6 Petrograd. Marcb 30. The cotnraur says tbat lighting continues on the v. front though I tiiuw bei begOß at march and (eks froai I IN dooded. ice on tbe rivers i- lotb oil g of troops are ex aniy difficult u melting deep snou on tb' r«
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  • 25 6 Petrograd. Mai eral nofT. Minist, r of War. has resigned. ial Cbouvaieff head of 1 1 1 (epartment hei I 1| i»
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  • 60 6 (From Our Ovn r n pGnitM r Kuala Lumpur, Mai A mermg i if 1 on March I d< d I to fori Planters' ksw Shanghai Pal Us R. .1. (L Wil ns of Ksi ard Mr Wil islngafrsa bo P.A M. Ben ■Hon reiactag t,OCO to tl
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  • 42 6 Them eas i good sadi. beefs Thi stn ailiterj swesifi large coi tin.-. Am gatdeei eas tboroi i iii P rett md rolli M e fit A Whole performance »enl raring K naval nigh .be season Baisbl R «0U B
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  • 18 6 There Ml fc»ha an auction in i m the Marcb 17* of »< irheU iurniture of tbe Qera I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 101 6 |1 Jas. Goutts Jl >^m%mmYi M V v %*__»>£*! n_t____r ***>*-_____.■ a frt wA.-.^r. jf £gr3m' w "Si-' "PP '8 l_K*^___l___H____H*r^^ ff m mK w g^ m *\aeme w >. W mmA^wMt Stafe." r* t f jj j b— SUPERIOR U^—^-^Ji m yj*^mmxmws^-m^ r i **!i XJOLD TOM DRY ft
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  • 179 7 GREAT DAMAGE IN BRITAIN. Heavy Snow Fall. [Bj Submarine Cable]. aeu-^ea't Msa?ioa. London, March 29. The combination of sncw and wind was unprecedented and ;t vwil be days before tbe full effects of the blizzard are known, owing to the inlecroptioa of communications. Roads are blocked, illages isolated,
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  • 109 7 March M.— Ke liter's Agency i- the beet authority for stating that the impre>_.ion ol the British members of the onference is that the material '-wii! bi far reaching aud immediate. i!ly t- regards the coordination of ;\.i:.- for common actioOi Nothing is more ml than the
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  • 106 7 London, March 29. The first mention of a Zeppella raid on the East Coast Btpted but frustrated on March 19 was the House of Commons, when Kennett Ooldney asked if our aero UMI ~rove otf from the East coast six eppelins on March 19. Ml Tennant said
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  • 58 7 London, March 29 —The following ap tments are ga/etted. Captains K. I> .rrav 59th Scinde Rides. Capt H.P. I ;rrey '-Ah Coke's Rifies to the General Slftff. Temporary Colonel Sir W. Lawley d juishes his commission on ceasing tobea Red Cross Commissioner, Sir William ertson Mackinnon and Sir
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  • 55 7 Leaden, March It.— Official. It has beeu arranged that the parties ot ludian offic- Indiau cavalry now in France shall visK Kngland. Each visit will cover a week and the tirst party will consist of members of the Third Skinnere, Ninth Eighteenth Tiwanu. Twentieth Thirtieth
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  • 20 7 cdou, March 18*— The King received t- Buckingham ten Indian cavalry officers who are on leave.
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  • 11 7 London. March 29. The Budget will ,o*oll April fi
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  • 23 7 lend, Ohio. Mai. 29.-- Three trains bave Winded ia I log. Hitherto 17 are legerted dead and Wl injured. -e-
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  • 19 7 ••on. March «8.- -The Aurora has MMd that she asp c:s to reach New Zealand on Friday.
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  • 80 7 -mam. rouw Van der Helen, who was con:.tu to six years' imprisonment for eraelt] to children, committed suicide iu the gad at Sourabaya after serving eighteen mouths of her sentence. The Hands Indian papers point out that Miektot in the local prisons are far too rrequeut and remark that even
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  • 313 7 REDDCING RESERVED OCCUPATIONS. Many More Men Released for Service. (By Submarine Cable]. Mbdtss's Bxinrja. London, March 29. ln the House oJ Commons Mr Walter Long in a statement on recruiting said the Government was able to adopt nearly all of Lord Derby's suggestions. A Cabinet Committee had been meeting
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  • 119 7 Question of Drugs and Appliances. London, March 29 In the House of Commons Sir J. Gardiner asked whethbr steps had been taken to supply the forces in Mesopotamia with drugs and appliances useful in cases ot diseases likely to occur in hot weather. Mr Tennant assured him that all
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  • 27 7 Loudon, March 29 Io the House of Commons Lord Robert Cecil announced that Italy had requisitioned all German vessels in Italian ports.
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  • 26 7 Mr MacNamara said that there are forty-four Herman vessels in Bra/ilian ports, twelve in Argentine ports and eight in Uruguay. .p.
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  • 29 7 Liverpool, March 29. Steamers sunk are the British Eaglepoiut and the Danish Harriet. London, March 29. The Hutch steamer Duiveland nas beeu sunk. All were saved. m
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  • 30 7 Washington, March 30. Mr Lansing announces that he is in receipt of information that the Englishman was first shelled by a submarine and torpedoed after stopping.
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  • 19 7 London, March 29.— The death has occurred of the Master of Balliol aud Mr Delany m P. e
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  • 17 7 Paris, March 29. General Largeau has died of wounds received at Verduu.
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  • 64 7 mtm— Particulars of the matriculation ex amiuations, to be held from July 10 to 15, in connection with Hongkong L'uiversity are announced. There are two King Edward VII Scholarships of £40 a yeir each for tive yearn, and one President's Scholarship of 8400 (Peking currency) a year for tive years,
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  • 1312 7 By the mail steamer Novara which left yesterday morning, there sailed Mr W. G. St. Clair, on retirement from the Editorship of the Singapore Free Press, which he has occupied since March 1887. a period of twenty nine years. Mr St. Clair's well known services
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  • 446 7 Bedouin Dissensions: Turco-German Plots. Allahabad, Mar. 15. The Pioneer's Cairo correspondent writes regarding the Egyptian frontier The Bedouin levies have beaten a retreat. It appears that the contributory cause haa been dissension in the ranks. It should be explained that the forces put into the field against us have
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  • 68 7 2 II c The guard of the Shropshire Infantry, who escorted the German and Austrian prisoners from Hongkong to Australia, arrived back in Hongkong on March 15. The trip down south was devoid of inter- est. The behaviour of the prisoners was good and there was no occasion to admi
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 121 7 ROBINSON Co. NEW SHIPMENT OF FULLERS CHOCOLATES T~"-^-__ ___e^?l__________________________________m \lf*mma\VrlW ________^_____fO iit__nE_____H _________ev ll^puf J T^^l i^^^^JeT_P^_^______r/ftn l* "THREE NUNS" TOBACCO. On Sale in 4 oz. Airtight Tins ammmmmmm^^^^maaßMaammmii^mm^mmmßmm^^mmmmmwmmmmmm W7 i\ D fe r vl tC Ll (MADE THROUGHOUT l/V CANADA MJ f ECONOMY \*-v v '?^««~«™-™»^^:?£r .tl a\*?-A\ \ZJ!
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 809 8 "ELLERMAN" LINE. For LONDON STEAMER Sailing early May. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS. nw iiii KONiNKL!J%£ PAKETVA4RT MAATSCHAPPIJ leeorporeted in Holland,) Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 2—3, COLLYHB QUAY. HNDV.K CONTRACT W;TH THF NKTHKRUND 3 I«DIA OOURHNMRNT. Ptigi-Badja,
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    • 850 8 S Hipp In g I MTm CK Ohitish India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England.) t Mail and Passenger Services. I PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract witn His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Panang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Siugapore on
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    • 569 8 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINE. For CHINA, JAPAN CETLON and MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1916 Polynffcien Apiil 7 j Porthos April 11 ithos April 10 j Corddlere April 25 Porthos Mav 19 Andre Lebon May 9 3 irdillere June 2 Atlantique May 23 \ndre Lebon June IH j Amazone
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    • 565 8 Shipping L m m JL M\ 9 JAPAN MAIL STEAHSHIP Co., Ltd (Incorporated in Japar. EUROPEAN LIKE. A service is maintained bet wevia ports tu MarseUles. bond contract with Ihe Imperial Japan overn ment. The New Twin screw maintaining this service have I designed and constructed and hr. with all
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  • 1937 9 Daring Exploits of Russian Scouts. Petrograd, Feb. 21. A Russian officer contributes to the Ve- cherneye Vremya the appended 6ketch of a night reconnaissance on the Dvina. Besides being a suggestive picture of tbe winter campaign on that river, it is very 1 characteristic of the spirit
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 581 9 s 3 wmmm^^ m^^ mm^ m^^***** Wm **mmmmmmm^ j War or Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. !WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C.
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    • 437 9 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in New Zealand.) FISK Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description. MARINE Insurances accepted to all parts of the world at lowest rates. KARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. J. HENRY, Local Manager. Offices 2, Finlayson Green. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Co. Ltd.j (Incorporated in England
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    • 238 9 i CARLSBERG BEER! j I IN SANITARY RESPECTS. j CARLSBERG BEER |S DANISH BEER THE EAST ASIATIC Co., Ltd. 1 (INCORPORATED IN DENMARK) f] OBTAINABLE FROM John Little Co., Ltd., Raffles' Hace. Chin Guau Co., North Boat gua/ Katz Bros., Ltd., Raffles Place. Kim Hin Co., Kling Street. Garner Quelch
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  • 418 10 Soldiers' Marvellous Recoveries. How a tiny gland eo small that it weight* only one seventy-thousandth part of the weight of the human body is j saving the lives of wounded soldiers on the battlefield was explained at the Royal Institution by Professor Sherrington during a lecture on
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  • 222 10 General Rcques, the new French Minister ol War. was born at Marseilan. in the south of Frauce. in 1856. Tbe General who is k Polytecbnique mac, had a brilliant career, and was promoted io General of Brigade in 1906, General cf division in 1909, aed
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  • 141 10 WHY DOCTORS ARE NOT RELEASED. London, February 21. In answer to a question to Lord Robert Cecil as to why Major Priestly and Captain Vidal, of the military medical service were still being kept prisoners in Germany, contrary to the ConveDtion of Geneva, tbe L'nder Secretary explained that these two
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  • 105 10 Prussian Diet Asked to End War. Amsterdam, Feb. 11. According to the Berlin Tapeblatt, proposals for new taxa- I tion necessitated by war expenditure were! sent to tho Federal Council. The strictest' secrecy is asked of all members. It is confirmed that the taxes amount to 500
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  • 1522 10 I To Dec. 81 Feb. To da'e 1915 Allagar, Dec 266,800 21,000 48,000: A. Gajah, Sep 29.790 9,000 18,850, Alor Pongsu 23,276 j Alma, 16,000 37,600 Ampafc, Sep 36,054 13,093 25.580 Au-Johore, Mar 177,249 20,100 43,147 An Malay, Dec 1,507,847 108 626 261,454 An S'fera, May 473,623
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  • 216 10 ampang Kinta. 8* no Ayer Weug 8V fast, Mar 191ft 83 Rraeetj. 1 hoo (11) 25 Chenderiang. 4.980 '9' 600 600 3of)eng Oonaol, 16,670 (it) 1,556 1.550 Heawood, 2,791 Ul) Ipoh Tin, Dec 1,51 50 asmal l,l«0 Kam untu 5,458] ;50 Kinta. June 5.455 <11) Kinta aenoe, Mar
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 870 10 SINGAPORE I SPORTING CLUB. 1 THE SPRIN3 RAGE MEETING (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING) WILL U HLLD ON Tuesday the 16th, Thursday ths 18th, and Saturday the 20th of Kay, 1916. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. ZTESBAI H TB MAY. 19 6. I. THE OPENING STAKES— 2-45 pm. i |SQB
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    • 716 10 ENTRIES CLOSE at NOON on Saturday^ the 6tb ii;ay, 1916. In all races the advertised Second Prize will 1 only be given when there are not less than five Starters tht property of different owners. NOTE The attention of owners is called to Rule 123, which makes the hour for
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    • 98 10 W.J. GARCIA, 219, Orchard HAm\ Pianos bought, scic ranged prices allowed or old instruments. Cheapest aed best stock of M and small music il goods in Singapore, Piano, Organ dc Musical nnent* des.l^r Singapore Gold Storage 00., Lio tear Entrance to Boroeo ititrf I'dcpone IU2G. Sea stocks of ill kWi
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  • 1525 11 Issued by FKASEK Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, Mar. 30th. j All quotations of Sterling Shares most be regarded as purely nominal lev tbe y reseat. ap. Issua. Paid. Lass Dsr. Butbbb. Sellers, *****0 ss 9g Alleges 6% —80 26 su0,000 1 1 Anglo-Jav* l o o
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  • 69 11 ICOBBECTBD DP TO Mar. 30.) Sank 4nt a 2-4 19 82 i demand 24i Private credits 8m I 2-4 27 32 < Franoe demand Bank 824 Ihdia, T. T. il[l 1 HONQKOHQ, demai d 13 4% 1 Yokohama, demai d mi 1 Java, demand 182$ Bahokok, demand 65l J
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  • 141 11 Mar. 30. Tin (75 tens) 19 3 25 Gambier 20.75 I Gambier Cube N 7 o. 1 30.00 j Gambler Cnba No. 2 29.001 Pepper Black ordin. S'pore 28.( 0 Pepper, (White ?a\r) 68.00 r ntm6ge (110 tc tbe lb. 30. 0d Nutmegs (80 to tbe lb. 1 nom.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 138 11 TROPICAL ROOFING GENASCO Supplied with patent "KANT LEAK" KLEATS which do away with the necessity of using sticky cement at the overlaps. B^______^__a_"""v "'jr^tw i ?*«_HiPßs_s£^>?^^ T A^J_r!l^?^^3ft^_9^E__Ka^___^S ....^K^*^. > .•_>• > .«:ix ••<■■. _v_*,-^S ...V... GENASCO is the result of over 30 years experience in the manu- -__-__<- Tl
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    • 235 11 OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) (Osaka Mercantile Steamship Co., Ltd.) KOBE— BOMBAY LINE. The Company maintains a regular oargc aery Ice with six steamers calling at Moji i otckaichi, Hongkong, Bingapore, Port Swetten ham, Penang. Colombo and Bombay and or tne return voyage calling at Tuticorln, Singa pore, Hongkong
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 679 11 MAIL TABLE. To Day. lntern»ediat( and local mailP. will be fousfi In iist bPlow Penarg, Malacca, F.M.B. (by Train) I p.m daily (except Bunday). Johore. b, 9 80, 11 am., 12.3'., 2. 4 6 p.m Pulau Soegi Hock Hye H.BO au Pulau Soegi Glangg. B HO AM Cucoh Soon lljn^
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  • 914 12 iaaiTA] Of Tf! Nf.\\ Goi f.knor General. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Weltevreden. March 25. The week has been characterised by 1 grand doings connected with the arrival r of Count Van Limburg Stirura, tbe new 1 Governor General of the Netherlands Bast Indies. Frum quite an early hoi;r
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  • 46 12 Engineers all over the world are follow ing lha construction of tbe (Quebec bridge with great interest, lt will cost $20 OCO 00), and will have the longest span of anj bridge— l.rOO feet. This is 100 fee longer than the span in the Forth Bridge
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  • 247 12 Singapore, March 29. The share market has been more active his week and large parcels of shares 8 lave been dealt in. It is decidedly anloying for this market to watch the high rallies obtainable in London on the Sterl ng rubbers without being able to participate,
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  • 315 12 Singapore, Marcb 29. The quantity on offer at to day'a Auc tion amounted to 400 tons. The demaad was keen and pr__.'9S all round show an improvement Tne b^st price paid was 1 1 51**9 for Ribbed Smoked Sheet, an ad vauce of |5, but the average
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  • 168 12 j At tbe Court- House, Miri, the marringe 'of Mr. F. H. Kortngbt of the Sarawak Civil Service, and Miss Kathleen Ina j Watson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i William Watson of Miri, was solemnised by the Rev. C. Swiunerton, Bi. A. of Jesselton. The
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  • 110 12 i The death has occurred at Cherteey of Mr. Hamlin Trelawuey Seale, probably the last survivor of the small band of the Naval Brigade who in tbe Crimean 3 War served both in the Baltic and Crimea. Mr. Seale, who was 83 years of age, gained three
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  • 319 12 Alleged German Peace Terms. London March 17. Exchange Tele- c ;raph Oompany's W_ ngton correepon- B lent gives th** following as the German e ieace terms which Colonel House was n authorised to submit to President Wil- a on h Tbe restoration of German Colonies no f
    319 words
  • 565 12 A Chinese contemporary paya that tbe sale of the steamships of the Pacific Mail r Steamship Company will no doubt have a great effect on the Chinese commerce l with the Cnittd States, but on the other hand it will give greater commercial ad vantages
    565 words
  • 20 12 Gold to the extent of 3,622.8 oz. and silver 1,993.1 oz. were exported from the Bau Cyanide Works during January.
    20 words
  • 369 12 Ab a result of the information received I ically of the torpedoeing of the Dutch .earners Tubantia end Palembang, and I iter of two other vessels, one being a j tail steamer whose name is not yet availbie, bas caused no little consternation ere and tbe subject
    369 words
  • 180 12 The K P.M. express steamer Rumphius eturned yesterday afternoon frcm Bela- J van Deli, and after discharging and load- j ng cargo will leave this afternoon for j batavia, Samarang and Sourabaya. The Gleniffer which was to have sailed or Hongkong and Shanghai at 4'clock esterday afternoon, is
    180 words
  • 97 12 Mrs Wace and Miss Baeevi 15 vs. Mrs Wreford and Miss Kerr 15.2. Mrs Brooke and Miss Tabor. 15 vs. Mrs Logan and Mrs BraddeP, 15 4 Mrs Skey and Miss Abrams 4 vs. Mrs Lowther Kemp and Miss Pasea 15. Mrs Watson and Mrs Day
    97 words
  • 38 12 R96ult of Wednesday night's tie A. Lewis, owe 150. beat D. S. Forroa, scratch 250 212 Ties for laat night---A. Van Renesse 90 v. W. A. Aeria. A. T. Spencer 45 v. P. Beech 45.
    38 words
  • 42 12 The Chinese in Toronto are in favour of the Chinese Republic: about 2.000 of them so expressed themselves at a meeting there which was addressed by Di. Kung Yee sang, the editor of Reformed China, tbe leading Chinese paper in New York.
    42 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 206 12 HEADQUARTERS FOR SANAPHQs"""*" The Ail British and the most reliable Tonic tad Nerve Food on the market. SANAPHOS. [h a ßeconatructiv. V i Physical. Fa*i£ i< .N. i. 1( N. •.irastlifnia. 1 N -i. m ra( SANAPHOS. Lfi .in organicallj Phon_pln_li under strict .-<• i ei ftc control a Ufe
      206 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 87 12 aSWIMMING CLUB LAUNCHES Sunday, April 2. Johnston's Pier 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p m. Club Bungalow at 9.30 and 10,30 a. m, 12.15,3 and 5 30 p.m. 100 yards Jackson Millar Cup. This Race will be swum off on arrival of the 10 o'clock launch. Entries
      87 words