The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 20 March 1916

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. I'EN CENTS SINGAPOKE, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1916, NO. 8,705 t
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  • 194 1 Further rubber dividends are announc cd Page 4. The Turk^ have made a fruitless at tack oute>de Ad^n Page 5. Hukit Timah Rubber Company meeting was held on Saturday Page 10. The Russians are again advancing weet of Erzerum and are attacking Trebizond —Page 5. Dr Hellferich
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  • 1655 1 I am not a doctor, neither am I a patient; but I am, for my 6ics. a reviewer of books by trflde, and en unoilicial critic of amatenr literary < ffusione. Jt js a thar}k)esß tahk. this latter one, aud one that has devolved upon me through
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 413 1 "Miraculutn is Uie best Preservative Paint for structural Steel Work thut Monty can buy. Miraculunt" is a highly protective and economical coating for (ill kinds of structural Iron, Steel or other Metal Work, whether exposed or otherwise, such as Bridges, Roofsot Railway Stations, Girders of General Buildings, Corrugated Iron Roofing,
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    • 106 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. S S.S. latest sailings Page 6t Municipal notice re repairs to Johnston's Pier Pjge 3. Robinson and Co. for the new Hudson motor cycles Page 5. Da Silva's advertises the latest designs m necklaces etc Page 10. Fresh films at the Palladium The 'Cinema Scar" at the TlMitre
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 139 1 THE WEEK. Monday 2 3th. H'eh Water— 0 a km., 11-8 p.m. Full Moon Charu or of HSomwetoe moettng, t.l* rm. Interdeno i toationtl Prayer, Nind Boose, Kt. Rtv iiisiiop of Siu^^pjre, 6.16 p m. Bardman'fl 'The Cinema Star.'' Tuesday 21st. High Water -11 21 a.m.. 11-32 p.m. Assizes coiumecce.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 347 2 i THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated m Hongkong). THE Chief Importers OF British Pianos FRENCH PIANOS Italian Pianos VICTORIA THEATRF Last 3 Performances Last 3 Performances OF THE BANDMAN OPERA Co. TONIGHT 1 TO-NIGHT; MONDAY, March 20th. THE C'NEMA STAR £St& GRUMPY. Wednesday GRAND VARIETY arch 22nd. PROGRAMME. Prices
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    • 1166 2 Tfce Ideal Picture Theatre CINEMA rv a QTKT^ w-wmm IS OFFERING ANOTHER TWO STERLING FEATURES TO NiGIH SFLIG POLYSCOPE PRESENTS THE FIFTH MAN IT: A Thrilling Drama of the Wilds of Central Amfertat i the Intißi Las iiibrie k< Bellg filnui the Ottteuu P.i: ron^ Cavoaritet POWERFUL tNIQUE!! MACMMCFNT!' bu
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  • 509 3 Bedford s Adopted Child. n.ithetic war romance centres round brunt little girl, of some four years, irho taiJMi arrived at Bedford m charge of a sfr^aaS m ij jr of the Badfordshira H 'v--t:z. She b*s* §pent over six months at tbe front witti tbe regiment,
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  • 237 3 Tei Deadly Questions a profomad aaaseisioa, writer the Ex haujje Telefprask L'ompauy's Kerne cor tM ti«>eu caused m Swit/.dr raoesil publication of a book OfigteS of th^ war, written by v iermau domiciled at /iificj named HeraajUß i i:nii. The author adopts tbe iew contains 1
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  • 69 3 ■g la kfcl w ir it has not been pos a M&m u»ri hum of 1*40,000 necessarj :;!ete the Liverpool CAthedml choir S' -r.tral ipafll the au:honties have .d lo complete the shell of tbe choii and central space, roof it iv, aud having ■Wda it weatherproof, to wait until
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  • 306 3 Wall Street Views. New York. Fefa 8. Very litt'e importance is attached hero to the recent advance of the Keichsmark exchange from the low level of 73c to 7 7 ic. At the latter figure the mark m America shows a depreciation of nearly 20 per cent, compared
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  • 198 3 Trap that Killed 403 Austrians. Rome. Feb. 11. A letter from RD Italian officer givesiotorsstiog detaj s of a tragic incident brittly refer-ed to by General Cadorua m a recent ofiicml communique A detachment of 400 Austrian Alpins j \gec were orderrd to clirub the small but
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  • 126 3 The director of public instruction recently forward 1 d to the Burma Educa tional Syndicate a copy of a letter of "ilst August, 1916, and enclosures frora the secretary to the Government of Burma regarditig proposed to u>e tbe kineiiiaU^rn pi. h? a me&ni of education Boropeno
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  • 191 3 A girl's complexion ia something more than a matter to concern her vanity, Itisanindi- i i cation of the state of her health. Pallor m a i growing girl means a thinning of the blood, y Eruptionß mean impurities ia the blood. Pa- 1 rents shouM be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 r\ST;CE CF REMOVAL THE ROYAL HUB DIcSS!N3 SV.O)^. Thi- Eatablisbmeat vi'l shortly beremo\ed to u-w emises ij the riqnare, mxr to bobinai b i lane Cso« LO&T, a bl'fk anl white u\ kenier; [answcrMtotbena eof I'ouv ftadei wi.i j .1 /»bi4 i 'j r re ac i njo €U< o
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    • 664 3 Notices MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The MuuicipBl Oonimiestopprs o' Singapore invite leaders for tne following woiks on Johnston's Pier. 1. General rfpair* to Steelwork, the ca,-in^ r f StQAlwo kin couciece and repairs to woodwork. 2. C intruction of Two Ferro Concrete 6titir-. 3. Cons ruction of New Ferio-Conerete l>clphins on South
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    • 484 3 To Let TO LET FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. Bungalow on Ca'rn Hill. Three bedrooms with bathrooms attached. Gas and Water, Rent $50. Apply O. M., c/o Fiee Press. 11-2 uc TO LET Offices m Katz Brothers' (Limited) building m Raffles Place. Lift. Apply od the premises. 9-3 nc TO LET. No.
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    • 260 3 To Let HOUSE TO LET rnfurnished. 21, Wilkie Road. Gas laid on. AppJy on the Premises. 18 H DC GODOWN TO LET. No. 5, Palmer Godowns, area 9,900 square feet. Immediate Entry. Apply to Fraser Gumming, Winchester House. 31-i2 mwf uc TO LET THE MANSION, River Valley Road, occupying a
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    • 226 3 Wanted WANTED Wanted an aftsintant bonk keeper with a. thorough knowledge of account** and office routine Apply to Box 555 c/o Free Prene. 20-3 26 b WANTED Wanted immediately experienced ntenographer and typist. Only timronghly qualifiAd man with good knowledge of hn^lish and general office experience need apply. Good <jf'(
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 31 4 Cator.— On March 16, at Orchards, We^t Mailing, Kent, "Violet, wife of Lieut-Com-mander Bertie Cat or, H.N., and >onnge«t daughter ot tbe late John Wingfield-Btrat-H)RD, Efcg of Addicgton Park, Kent.
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  • 1419 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday, March 20, 1916. ■'n i 'W/'. 1 X- P- v.s '•>' People's res!» v JHt&. Uw*od i>v btfinern nnteibed bf u*'n Kan r.*t' ot Tkatk bet irkuwos p»«^.epM «*r*». _>___>____-_—^ I One of the notably satisfactory features of the operations m Africa has been
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  • 532 4 The New Lord Whartoa A recent '"Gazette" contains the following notification from the Crown office: A writ dated F*b. 15, 1916, directed to Charles Theodore Halswell Keineya Tynte, of Harwell Park, m the county of So merset, and Cefn Mably, iv the county of Glamorgan, Etquire, Bumuioning
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  • 179 4 When Constantinople was Besieged Fop Seven Years. At one period a church at Constantinople was built and dedicated to the divine Peace.' and another was dedicated to St. Dynamite, said Sir Edwin Pears m a lecture to the Association of I niversity Women Teachers at I diversity Hall.
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  • 126 4 Mr W. M. Taylor has returned to Mnga pore from his home leave, and h»e reenmed dutios a^ bead of the pre\rr.ti\c department of the Government Honopo lies. It is reported from Turin :h it fhe King of Romania has received fcha Oitrmano phile, il Carp on his reinrn from
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  • 28 4 (From Our Own (lor respondent London. Marrlj The following interim diviut-r announced Sungei Buaya \v 10; Lendutif NtMM 5 and f- deeds Suugei KcfMl I" GfctvfcH
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  • 156 4 London. March 1% fa* understand^ that Mm Qov«nim< poses to appoiut a it |,i th( i,t;.ti\ mission, LocUrftog MVNftl It.dian mem b^r* to t-urvey the ■oonnmji <i anc industrial pot-Pibilitn-g of li.n a w vifw cf promottef batiMii < r >rprig, ittM the war. Loni OfcfJoMford the
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  • 61 4 Amsterdam. Match It I i.< rf u»- disorder m the hrattlM I Epei of Herr Lit-bkuecht wLereiu he titclare.; the present war »iin<f >i al nv.nrt.rfj tht liberation of the woikiirt,. '1 ht< f-oidiei'g jhe shid ought to BgU not on!\ w tfe cues but against Hrn
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  • 66 4 London. Mat 17 <<n St aim Ifc I>ay their Majesties iMpcetoi tht uarcU led by Lord Kitchener. The King, m a st»rn: ipMCB tribute to the iribb QvatAl on their loyalt* and courage. The V»f< n presented Htc n gIOMOt witl ehtf mrock. Mr hedmond wat* present.
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  • 47 4 London. March 17.— Mr \-qaitb ant! Lord Cur/on are lmpro^n.u 1 niid Mr Chamberlain ih much better London. Mai. 17.— sir 1\ aB6et haundergone an operation for ap: i He il progressing favourat i\. London, March 1 .<. I >r. Jameson oper ation'b has proceeded Mttisfactoril]
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  • 37 4 London, March The BMWdtj lisi? !give as 'unofficially leportt-d billed ir Franct' 1 on March 11 Lieut. Ne.; (iavic formerly a mie^mi.ary at Anana, Kaei Africa. On March il Major Newcombe, 130 th Hahuiiis
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  • 37 4 London, March 1". -Tbi fctai bu ceased publication. The ntwbpapfcre Mgni ttM i-nsio* of a historic confrere, U i<> pointed out that the Standard's cop\iij:M it pMMCVad with a view to repu! licaiic i
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  • 15 4 London. March If Ktm of I ShacUatlM li expicl»-d vi U v rnomen!
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  • 13 4 London. March hat. o< i curred of Mrb < i Fi
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  • 8 4 Lm4m, Muroh 16.— The death
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  • 12 4 London, Mar. I iMtVfßg for i i iJ.i
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  • 14 4 KING OF SI AM ILL. r.ungkfik. Mir I suffeiin^ from net i Ib< oia.
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  • 75 4 A 1 tenisb I boat fouDd North Set ou i-.-h. lUk I Ob containing eleven i.-'t»r> iiiiiu. Among Hrn i<tt. H i Torpedo boat uuw men on board. A number of banish tail I MMftai an BCf«H it' l n froir (.ermau autbrntii U. Leipzig Fair »t tin I-,. ijit
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 93 4 Importersr-CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co. Manila Cigars FROM THE ENGLISH FACTORY LA GIRALDA. NEW STOCKS of the following Reina Victoria m Boxes of 100 &50 SOLE AGENTS for Straits Settlements and F.M.S. John Little ®> Co., Ltd. .INCORPORATED IN ENGLANDi. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. GUTHRIE CO., LTD. I (INCORPORATED IN BIHGAPOBE) WE STOCK
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  • 746 5 UST SPASMODIC GASPS. Waste of German Lives. [B* Submarine Cable]. Kit mi's Slavics h IH. -Opinion is growing I of Verdun iej m its final phf and s-rytbing is m favour of the Krencb. I v tbeir artillery attacks ire desperate than ever the Germans foot of ground
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  • 109 5 ENEMY'S SHORTLIVED RALLY. Russians Attack Trebizond. [Bj Submarine Cable]. Aitrcift'i Bnnoa. Petrograd, March 18.— A communique states After an engagement, we occupied the town of Manahatun, ninety verats west of Erzerum. capturing five guns, machine guns, a convoy, and 4 4 officers and 770 Askaris. London, Mar.
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  • 129 5 Mare Failures. Rome, Mir: 16. A communique states: After a violent bombardment, the enemy made two tierce attacks on our newly captured posicious m the San Martino /.one. They twice reached our parapets, .where they were repulsed, leaving the ground covered with corpses. Home. March 18. A
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  • 29 5 Athens, March 17. Advices from Fiorina state that the Germans have withdrawn their remaining troops from Serbian 1 Macedonia, transferring them to the Wes tern front.
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  • 179 5 Cairo. March 16. Three guns were captured m the pursuit at Sollum. The Press- bureau says that after the I capture of a number of armourled motor cars under command of the I Duke of Westminster were sent on Mar. 14 to occupy the enemy's camp at
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  • 54 5 And Retire Rapidly. London, March 18. An official statement says that the Turk?, led by three German?, attacked Imud ten miles from Aden on March 16 and were severely repulsed aud pursued for four miles. I Seventeen dead were picked up. The Britioh had one killed
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  • 42 5 London, March \b. The Press liureau states that tbe stnfement of the death of Nuri B«J reported on February '2S:b, 1 proves to be uutrue. He was seen disappearing from the field action on March 17th. I
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  • 94 5 London, March 1& A conamuniqui states that there is nothing to report beyond artillery activity about Achicourt, 1 the Hohen/.ollern Redoubt, Bullygrenay, Wulverghem Ypres and Wieltja. London, March 16. A communiquw states Last night the enemy's bombers made a feeble demonstration near the Hohenzollern Redoubt. We sprang
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  • 37 5 London, Mar. 17. In the Hou3e of CoinI mons, Sir Edward Grey announced that Italy had taken powers to requisition thirty six German liners m Italian ports, of a total tonnage of 142,000.
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  • 424 5 GERMAN SECURITIES LOST. Dutch Urge Neutral Pressure. [B.t Submarine Cable]. Mll7TIB*« BIBTIOK. London, March 16 The Tubantia waa one of the newest and fastest liners m the South American service. She bad on board B 8 passengers, and 291 crew. The Captain believes she was torpedoed. Three Americana
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  • 104 5 London, March, 18. The Dutch steamer Palembang for Java has been torpedoed m the Nortn Sea. The crew were saved. Later. Fifty-five of the crew aud two Dutch passengers of the Palembang have landed at Harwich. They state the ship sank m seven minutes. Nine of the
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  • 100 5 London, March 16. Montagu's report says the tone of the silver market con times remarkably steady, the demand for the home mint being the chief factor The Continent has been a more or lee? coubtant buyer but there are few orders from India. The closeness of Chiua exchartgo
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  • 60 5 London, March 17. A conference held at the request of the Government, m London, yesterday, between the South Wales Coalowners and the Miners' Federa tion, decided that all workmen should be required to become Trade Unionists, with a view to preventing the restriction of output by
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  • 64 5 Paris, M-irch 16. Official. Admiral Lscnze has temporarily taken over General Gallium's duties. Parie, March 17. Lieutenant General Koques has been appointed Minister for War m succession to General Gallieni, who has resigned on account of illhealth. Paris, Mar. 18. General Rogues is a favourite with the army.
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    • 60 5 Dr. Hellferich's Caution. [By Submarine Cable]. ftiurii'a BinrioM. Amsterdam, March 17. With reference to the budget, Dr. Helfferich announced the necessity for five hundred million marks of new taxation. He admitted that the food problem had become more difficult, and emphasised that the new War Loan
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    • 98 5 London, Mar. 19. There has been aremarkuble fall m wheat and maiza prices m the London markets m the past few days by five to eight shillings. It is attributed to large realisations by firms which consider the early future is full of uncertainties especially m view of
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    • 54 5 Ottawa, March 16. The Finance Minis j t ter annouuetc that the Canadian banks have offered a credit of fifteen millions m connection with orders for munitions made m Ctnada during the next two months. This is a mutter for great pride, coming aftfr a Dominion government
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    • 129 5 London, March 16. In the House of Lordd Lord S>denham affirmed that much enemy commerce is still entering India. Loid Islington announced that a bill would bp shortly introduced m the Legislative Council to validate the seizure of suspected goods. The real responsibility lay i with
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    • 68 5 Ottawa, March 19.— 1n the Senate a telegram from Mr Bonar Law was read j stating the economic conference at Paris j so far as after the war arrangements are concerned is fcr dipcussicn only, and does not commit the British Government if any action is
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    • 32 5 London, March 16. In the Gazette a;j number of firms m Persia, including the j 1 notorious Wassmuss, have been blacklisted I under the Trading with the Enemy Act.
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    • 32 5 London, March IG Eighteen out of the twenty-two new directors of the Man- j Chester Chamber of Commerce are pledged to no free trada with Germany after the; war. I
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  • 71 5 London, March IS. Mr Warner Allen,' the vrar con eepondent, says tbe Germaua undoubtedly hoped to capture Verdun but had a second object namely to provoke a premature offensive by th«j Allies on the western front calculating that tbe French overwhelmed at Verdun would appeal to the
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  • 50 5 1 Montreal, Mar, 17. Sir Thomas Sbaugh- I nessy announces that a scheme for the settlement of disbanded Eoldiers on the Canadian Pacific is being prepared. A; thousand farms m Western Canada will be grouped m colonies, with military names, with a central inbtruction farm.
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  • 29 5 London, March 17. The next Allied conference will be held m Rome shortly.! Mr Lloyd George will attend it, and poesi- bly also Sir Edward Grey.
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  • 31 5 I London, March 19i The Manchester Guardian says a number of Unionist mem- bere of the Honse are signing a petition to Churchill to return to the Commons.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 776 6 Shipping "ELLERMAN" LINE. For LONDON STEAMER Sailing early May. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McAUSTER Go., Ltd., AGENTS. KONSNKLSJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCKA^PfJ Incorporated m Holland,) Koysl Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 9—3, COLLYKB QUAY. OMDKR OORTRAOT WiTH THE RVTHBRIiAHDfI VMHA GOVERNMENT. M. Trflr Bdawan-DeU ...Mar
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    • 844 6 Shipping It. O« British India AND Apcar Lime (Companies Incorporated m England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers v, ill leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Homeward
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    • 563 6 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINE. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON lad MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1916 ss Atlantique Mar 13 ss Porthos April 11 ss Amazone Mar 24 ;ss ordillere April 25 88 Lotus Mar 27 ss Andre Lebon May 9 88 Polynetien April 7i rr Atlantique May 23 8H
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    • 515 6 Shipping JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd 1 Incorporated m J,<.j EUROPEAN LINE A yervicp ie rn»intainec t. i via porii to MarneilU-H, Load J contiact wi-h the Imperial ment. The New Twia uiaintamiut thin »ervic< ,v» dts^'ned ?»ud conßtructtd. ai witn all the lat; st impn v. Bafety and comfort
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  • 788 7 Romance of Lewanika. A Reuter message from Livingstone (khodebia* Bays that tbedeatb isannouuced of Lewanika, King of Barotseland. He ie stated to have died about nine days ago, but details are lacking. The land over which Lewanika was ruler extended on either bank of the Upper Zambesi
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  • 101 7 At a marriage service performed seme fcime pgo m a Jittle country churcb iv Georgia, when the minister said, n a eolemn tone Wilt thou havo this man to be thy wedded hueband instead of the woman answering for herself, a gruff man's voice answered: "I will." The minister looked
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  • 564 7 MEN LOST AND THOSE WHO ARE LEFT. A Professor's Hopeful Outlook. Major Leonard Darwin's statement at a meeting of the Statistical Society recent iy, that the Napoleonic wars were said to have diminished the stature of the French nation, and that war unquestionably kills
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  • 188 7 The Union of German Manufacturers of Printing Paper has decided to increase the price of paper by X'4o per 10.000 kilograms (about 10 tones). The Hamburger Fremdenbiatt says that the German news Papers, which have all toff«m4 very ■eromlf from tht. war. cmnot Itetti the strain, and that, unless the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 896 7 I Was or Peace, Faminf or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. j WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32, Old Jewry, EX. Company has £20.000 Oevootted v»Uh the Bn»reme
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    • 337 7 i DRINK! DRINK I the best beer J^lla^^^^W^ to tkb latest MH Jjf EVERY POSSIBLE CARE "^Sm IN SANITARY RESPECTS. (> Wm m m I GARLSBERG BEIR DAKISH »£ER. ii i m n ,i IM iiim MiimiMia ■iiimwwMff'Hiiiinm m i ■■mm rr^! I SOLE IMPORTERS J TEE EAiST ASIATIC Co,,
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    • 72 7 NtW ZEALAND INSURANCE Ci, Ltd. FIRE AND MARINE. (Incorpoiat<(3 m Now Zealand.) YHI-G-TSZE INSURANCE ASSCC. Ltd. MIME. (Incorporated m llr ngk< ng.> CHINA F RE INSURANCE Co., Ltd. FIRE. (Incorporated m Hone) ong.) LONCON 6UARANTEE ACCIDEM Co. Jo 8 GUARANTEE. (Incorporated m England.) Fire and Marine Kinks of every deftcrtpt'oa
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  • 840 8 What the Schoolmasters Teach. The Germans may not be the best educated nation m the world, but they are certainly the most educated. Compulsory education is universal, and Prussia was the first State to make education compulsory. She took that step not so much m order to develop
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  • 1537 8 To Deo. 8i Feb. To da'e 1916 Allagar, Dec 266,800 21,000 48,000 A.Gajah.Sep 29,790 9 000 18,850 Alma, 16,000 37,500 Ampat, Sep 36,054 13,093 25,580 An-Johore, Mer 177,249 20,100 43,147 An Malay, Dec 1,507,347 108.626 261,454 An S'tra, May 473,623 72,7 90 146,337 Asahan, July 93,736 23,960
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  • 188 8 In fcfeqpV IM The t't.J- DX :itl y totals l,r IMI Di C 111 biota tix U')HipH!'\ -\i.. ftftl I Ibl i MM. Mvi 01 i^-i 1 tola to ii-.t( ißdaei lutuc >M ;ht as: BMBtb. I ffi tv fi i the IgVM (tnirn looti tfMMgen BQ pp
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 892 8 SINGAPORE f SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRIN3 RAGE MEETING 1 (UNDER S. R A. RULES OF RACING) WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday the 16th, Thursday the 18th, and Saturday the 20th of May, 1916. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 16TH MAY. 1916. 1. THE OPERING STAKES— 2-45 pm. Value v>i>o ami 100
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    • 742 8 INTRIES CLOSE at NOON on Saturday, the 6h May, 1916. j In all races the advertised Second Prize will only be given when there are not less than five Starters the property of different owners. NOTE The attention of owners is called to Rule 123, which makes the hour for
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    • 87 8 Singapore Cold Storage Co, Lid. Kear Entraoce to Bornso Wharf. TeJepcne I«Sea stocks of ill vm Meats etc., QU be i o shipping at Hrn I :he Singapore Roads lolice. OFFICE H RS. Weekdays 7 a.m. to ML to 8 SDnda s 2p.n.t«4M -ot furtter parti c i n RE
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  • 59 9 Mar. 18, 1916. The following are the shares as to which changes are notified m Messrs Fraser and Co.'s yesterday's share list RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. Buyers Sellers. Kapar Para 4 7 6 4 17 6 RUBBER DOLLAR COMPANIES. Alor Gajdh B.fiO 1.65 Haytor 10 00 1050 Tapah
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  • 60 9 (COBBKCTED DP TO Mar. 18.) Baafe 4ma a-4 19 82 demand 2-4 i P«ir»t« credits Bms 2-4-France demand Bauk 823 ISDIA, T. T. 17 U H3HaEosa, dematd l", Yokohama, denial d 1 11 k J av A, demand 188 Bakgkck, dam&nd 65 i S.JVBBSinNB, Bank Buying *b 64 Banfe
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  • 145 9 Mar. 18 Tiu (100 tons) $98 78 iarr.toier 21.00 Tsrablee Cube No. 1 29.00 aamMair Cube No, 2 25.00 P«pput Biack ord;a. w 'pore 87.60 Prppo*i (White fair) Muntok H9 00 tfutisegs (110 Co tie lb. 30 01 Ntjt-zaege (80 to tfce lb.) now. Maoa (Banda) 75.00 Cloves (Amboina)
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  • 84 9 BINGAFORE (TANK ROAD) Weekdays SONDAFa. Mail daily leaves for north at 7.7 am and 7.0 p.m. Other trains leave for Johcn at 9.0 a., 10.29 a., noon, 1. 3< p., 2.5.' p., 4 4f- p. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 A.m. Ann 7.14 p.m. Trains leave frGm
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  • 51 9 Time- bails on Fort Canning and Mount i Fabor drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard I time, corresponding to 8 a.m. Greenwtci mean time. The time gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, o: every day excepting Sunday, when it U tin d at one
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 260 9 SUPPLIES FOR Estates Mines Etc. \nl Fumigators and Sulphur Powder. Arsenite of Soda for killing out Wang. AspiaalFs Varnish, Paints &c. Cartridges. Nobel's own loading with sporting Ballistite which holds more pigeonshooting records than any other powder. Cement "England' 1 brand by The Ship Canal Portland Cement Co., Ltd. Disinfectant.
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    • 913 9 Auctions THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. AN AUCTtON SALE will be held of UNCLAIMED GOODS, Under By law No. £8. at KEPPFL STORE on FRIDAY the 24th MARCH, 1916 at 9 a.m. Catalogues may bo obtained fkoxD Messr*. POWELL CO., Tli* gocde wffl be <>n vkw from Wednesday, the '2 20d
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    • 50 9 NOW READY 1 The Singapore and Straits Directory for 1916. Price $8.50 per copy, $9.00, post free to places m Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, Johore, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, Trengganu, British North Borneo, Sarawak ond Brunei U> Siam, Saigon, Netherlands India, &c, $9.50, post free Publishers: FRASER and NEAVE, LIMITED
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 329 9 PASSENGERS EXPECTED. Per P. O. str Malwa.-Mrs J. A. Webster. Mr C. L Caldieolt. Mr A Mrs Pearson. Mr Howel', Mr Mrs E. Johyson and 2 children, Mr Mrs Tagg. Mr Anderson, Mr Garten. Mr and Mrs Brown, Mr Mrs Marsh ill, Mr Gage. Fer P. O. str. Kbiva.— Mrs
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    • 459 9 LATEST ARRIVALS List of vessels in port at 11 a.m. on Mar. 1*. 1916. Vessel Name Date of Arrival British. Caatlefield Mar 17 Lady V\VM U ii Hem St. Patrick Hong Moh Mar 1 1 Pel ait Sri Muar Krtka Giang Seng Keemuu Dutch. Kioile Mar IT Norwegian. 1 >iv
      459 words

  • 298 10 Bombay Government Statement A Bombay Government Press Note states: Last year 2,438 pilgrims proceer.ed to Jeddah on the H. »j pilgrimage. L'p to the coamiencemttut of December, 1915, 1,309 pilgrims m all had returned to Bombay, and it was n ported that about J ,000 persons, including
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  • 607 10 BUKIT TI MAH RUBBER. A FRANK AN\LY>IS OF RESULTS. The annual general meeting of the Bukit Timah Rubber Estates, Ltd was held, on Saturday at the registered offices, French Bauk Buildings. There were prt=eent the Rev. Father N\ J. Couvreur (presiding), F. S. Goodall, A. W. Still (directors), L. Dupire
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  • 385 10 Betty." The Bandman Co. 'B performance of the Daly's success, Betty, 1 m the Victoria Theatre on Saturday eveniDg, was a wholesome, entertaining eff >rt, and dcci riedly to the taste of the large audience. Betty was enjoyed as a light, consistent piece of mirthful musicality reminis
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  • 115 10 A cricket match was arranged to be Dlayed on the Esplanade on Saturday that promised to be really interesting. A team representing Civil Service, Law and Merchants, wag opposed by an eleven appearing as The Rest, and both were strong sides. But the rain quickly put a period to
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  • 30 10 The March Bogey competition for Ladies resulted as follows Mik Nicholson All square. Mrs Keith All square^ Mrs Ay re 3 down. Mra l'eirce 4 down*
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  • 281 10 War World's Fair" Parie, Feb. 8. Many journalists are supposed to have travelled recently m Germany, and bring back more or less plaubible impressious. The article m the Matiu sounds, on the whole, more authentic than the others. The writer visited m Berlin the Krieg sausstellung, which
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  • 346 10 11 Wetting the Shamrock. On Friday night a most enjoyable function wai held m the Central Station Police quarters, when the Irish members of the Straits Settlements Police Force, a party of between twenty and thirty, sat dowu to a real Irish dinner, served m the real
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  • 152 10 Bt courtesy ok the Frenxh Coksul General. Paris, March 16, 10.30 p.m. General of Division Rogues has beeu appointed Minis ter for War to replace General Galliini, who gave m his resignation owing to illhealth. Paris, March 18. The three per cent bonds a»e at (res 62.15
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  • 97 10 European War Fund. For the joint benefit of the British Red Cross Society and The Order of St. John of Jerusalem m England. Amount pre acknowledged $i 3^6.47 Jaya Opera Company. Net proceeds of performance of Ali Baba The Forty Thieves" at the Theatre Royal on
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  • 157 10 Malaka Pinda 16,767 total 6 months 170,970. Mies Leah Baird is seen m The Dawc," a very dramatic film which will be screened at the Palladium this evening. A very fine four reeler is "The Millionaire Brigand," an Aquila production which furnishes many thrills and is
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  • 104 10 The M. M. branch mail steamer Guadiana leaves at noon to-day for Saigon. The homeward Spanish mail eteamer C. Lopez y Lopez is due here on Thursday from Manila en route to Barcelona. The outward Spanish mail steamer Carlos de Eizaguirre is due here on Sunday from Barcelona
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  • 136 10 Barristers' wige, of which something has been heard m the High Court recently, first came into vogue about 200 years ago. Up to the end of the 17th century judges and sergeants at law alone had any distinctive dress. Under Queen Anne the Queen's Counsel
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  • 319 10 M. Knud Rasmus6en, the Danish explorer, says an Exchange, is negotiating with the Hudson Bay Company and the Canadian Government to start, probably next year, an expedition to the remotest northerly parts of British America. Attention is drawn to Messrs Powell and Go's advertisements relating to the sale of furniture
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 218 10 Health fon Infants Pbrover haff^^eatnrT Sum ft Uoorrc Pood hat use, fmtli at b wne aod abroad. it ha. the n tliorou^iilv reiiaiile food for Ln&nta. Savor\-\: ttoore*i Pood sttpptta j i tbe DOfaridnai i m an easily digestible and tery table form, a '--yen when they ca i take
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 190 10 S.V.C. DRILL PROGRAMME TO DAY. 5.15 p.m. Keppel Harbour Tram Terminus S. R E. v. Drill Hall S. V. R. See Below Veterans Co. Drill Hall Chinese Company. Bras Basah Road Malay Co. Drill Hall S. V. C. Band. No. 2 Platoon Entrance Balmoral. 1& 3 Platoons Corner of Balmoral
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