The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 March 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. lEN CENTS SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1916, NO. 8,697.
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  • 235 1 The Verdun wires to day speak of m tense cannonading on the east and we6t of the Meuse, but no infantry attacks. The French have retaken some of the trenches lost aud are quite undismayed at the phase the battle has taken Page 7. A trawler reports
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  • 1331 1 The fiat ha 6 gone forth The old playground is denounced as hopelessly out of date, and must forthwith he made m ac cordance with County Council requirements, liefore that patch of ground, endeared by a thousand associations, h%e been transformed beyond recognition, let me picture it
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 380 1 Er. Samuel Rideal (Joint Originator of the Rideal- Walker Test) Has Certified that "Toxol" was More Efficient than any sample of Lysol' Examined by him. I^ < a *««Sf3Jyl It is a duty to use Toxol 3i^j_W Wsk ever y week at least, as a [^^M^^^ g& Protection against disease.
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    • 89 1 'latest advertisements. I Motor Car S. 615 for sale Page 5. Also smart gharry turnout Page 5. Meeciog of Chamber of Commerce March 20th Page 5. Hartfell to he let Page <"). Paying guest m private family Page 5. Mechanic wanted for garage Page 5. Powell aud Co. important 6ale
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 155 1 THE WEEK. H'.gh Waior 1 3 a.m 2-33 p.m. 8.1. homeward mail closes drain). P. 0. outward mail expected. Saturday llth. High Water- 2 7 a.m <?-80 p.m Bandmann's "To-night's the Night. High Water— 2-46 a.m., 4-55 p.m. Quadrage&iina— lst Sunday m Lent. Monday 13th, Qlgh vv^cer 3 37 'i.m.,
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  • 430 2 A Fortieth Day Feast. On Sunday, February '27th, a big feast was given at Astana Nagara, it being tbe fortieth day since the death of ii. H. tbe Saltan Idria, writes the Kuala Kangsar correspondent of tbe Times of Malaya. From early morning crowds of natives
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 228 2 THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated m Hongkong). THE Chief Importers British Pianos FRENCH PIANOS Italian Pianos i i >PmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmmmmmmmMmmmmm—am——mKm VICTORIA THEATRF MAURICE E. BANDMAN PRESENTS HIS Opera Comedy Go. FOR A SHORT SEASON COMMENCINIG Saturday, March 11th In a Repertoire of tee latest London Successes. Sat. Kar. 11 "TO-NIGHT'S
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    • 976 2 Can it be possible to cross the Atlantic from A mer if a to Europe by an Airship. This is the question that will bs answered TO NIGHT at tbi; ileal i EOTUBE thkatkl CINEMA C* A J>T"NTO BYTHE Sf A V^JCJLKJJL J-^l V-/ OFF BEACH \U>\ SECOND SHOW 9-15
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  • 978 3 We Express Ourselves? Un :e:. irt. mt that we should li n our war memorials, which are ir :iud diverse and we •ni ia them unless we H MM real feelings through i rial is something fneaut to memory of a grflat event, non loved or admired. In
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  • 417 3 A story of the effect of music on the British soldier was told by Miss Ellen Terry recently at a meeting at the Man mod Qonee m aid of providing concerts for tbe men at the front. Ihere wh> a time, she said,
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  • 250 3 New York. Jan. 12. Among 4 l:e most interesting lots disposed of as the Anderson Galleries yo9ter< day, darfn| the sale of the John Boyd, Thaeher cullectioe, were a letter from the pool Shelley to Thomas Love Peacock, nod a letter from Jonathan Swift to I.-l
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 886 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. ~&7\——* THE SPRINS RACE MEETING (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING) WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday the 16th, Thursday the 18th, and Saturday the 20th of May, 1916. PROGRAMME. FIRST D\Y. TUEBDAY, 16th MAY, 1916. 1. THE OPENING STAKES-2-45 pm. Value 9500 and |5 to the
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  • 450 4 True Returns Wanted. At Bow-6treefc Police-court, on Jan. 26, Mohr Brothers and Company, of Mark laoe, E.C. were summoned for failing to give rail particulars m writing to the Public Trustee of all shares m the company held by and for the benefit of enemies and Oscar Meidling,
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  • 314 4 Bread and Butter Economies Speaking on Waste at the Table," Mr Grant Ramsey, Principal of the Institute of Hygiene, Devonshire-street, said a greater number of people died every year from overfeeding than from starvation, and an eminent specialist had stated that 95 per cent, of all
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  • 145 4 Five law lords occupied over au hour and a half m reading their considered judgments on the question whether a "filler m a Yorkshire coal mine was entitled to receive £1 Is. 9d. or £1 l'is. lid. for a week's work m July, 1913. The lis.
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  • 227 4 There was a crowded congregation at Str, Margaret's, Westmister, on Jan. 28. for the wedding of the Marquis of Granny, only eon of the Duke of Rutland, aod Miss Kathleen Tennant, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Tennant, aod niece of Mrs Asquith and Lord Glenconrjer.
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  • 197 4 WELSH CLERGY FORM R.A. M. C. luusual scenes were wirnespt a at Rhyl when the first parade of the Welbh minis ters' company of the R A.M C tock place. Theological students from all pull came forward to attest for the Ml company. 240 strong, which has been reeognieed by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 448 4 I |U^"^ 16 VARIETIES.^^ I I^L POTTED DEUCIOIJS AND APPETISING. 1 1 JLi MEATS. game, bam, chicken and tongue, etc., etc. M I Prepared by a celebrated Cbef under icJeal^^P^ WF*^ mm^ m conditions of cleanliness and selection. ___^T sty^ IN GLASS, TiNS AND WHITE JARS. __t^!r^ lm¥ ONE OF
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    • 48 4 I DAIMLER fffolOß :a::s— 5 3 I ACBICDLTnBJyLTBACTdS c «J i\. T«c. 4 *'Lr.R CC 1 f-.* NYfj J I COVEN rY.EuuLA .i. C I BUNGA MELOR 1 Concentrated 3^ l^^jyj-!" fay V- RIQAUD PARIS IM ill tota I RANEEGUNGE SOLE AGENTS INDO MALAY CO., SINGAPORE. ~> f 9.19
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    • 340 4 ARE YOU MIDDLE-AGED? Forty ii the a^e of gteeh neffoi people. italtt] is oaad tf pace. OHM tea stt.-i.J. bi produces ncrv-- strait i t ceed MMM worry ni \\x» bieakd, u^ Mtdflleted peepb li run as fas'. BO* Ml Fha letamal acgMi iti tool age. Che d .< Mm
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  • 432 5 1-' month, la the forenoon.' yg th 1 small party of four constable*! ISTO of whom were iwere m MbSlI at tbe 7"th on ftt Kuala hipang Hoad,! a 1 1 of robben attempted to; a motor bus. The Police j OU t -ir hiding place,
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  • 333 5 German Accouni Gives ihe Lie to Turkish .-.'.a then arms m W\ht ah story o: Urn fa utle that preceded the BTacnatiog it salad by the story or em > mi oi the I lermaja •per, laiechc Itang The miod the eommaodei of an rtai Mattery, who had
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 622 5 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANO EXCHANGE. NOTIC 4 is hereby given that the Annuil General Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Exchange will be held m the Exchange Room, on Monday, 2jth March, 1916, at 215 p.m. BUSINESS. 1. To receive and. if approved, to adopt the Repoft and
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    • 815 5 Notices NOTICE OF REMOVAL. THE ROYAL HIIR DRESSING SALOON. This Establishment will shortly be removed to new premises m the bquare, next to lv >binson Piano Co. y -6 16-3 GARNER, QUELCH Co., (Singapore) Ltd. (In liquidation; NOTU E is hereby given that a meeting of the < 'reaito's of
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    • 1178 5 j For Sale MOTOR CAR FOR SALE. A Daimler Car S 615. Apply to M. L. BTADERMANN, Collyer Quay, No. 10. 10-3 14-3 FOR SALE ANY OFFERS. SMART TURNOUT. Australian Pony, (of mature years m Singapore), Harness and Rubber Tyred Gharry complete, ia good order and condition. Inspection at stables
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    • 553 5 To Let m TO LET 'BABTPBLL" Nas-im X >ad for eight months entry ist April. lon tai ning three bedrooms with bathrooms attached. Dining, Drawing and Billiard room two tennis courts, large co lv pound, stabling, etc. Appiy W'* co Free Press." 10 3 18-3 TO LET I 'fflcftfi m
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 38 6 Thompson Tikbeb t.— On March 9, at the Catbeoral, Singapore, by the Yen. Arch. SWINDELL. BYDN*T LAIDLAW THOMPSON ot Fingapore toFelicitas Hannah Emily (''Fay") Liebrpt. fuly daoghte r of the lave Mr. Mrs. Alfred Likbert ot London.
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    • 22 6 HOLLO WAY. At Northumberland House, Fimbury Park, Lf ndon, a^out February 17, Janus Ooteph Holloway, after a long and serious illness.
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  • 2187 6 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, March 10, 1916, Here shall tht Press ?'r c ?cor!r >*i{:'ht n»»iT*.a>v«, [Jaawed by Fofloenc* a."'! ctnbribed bf f»Jn H< patriot •->•• ">.-; ci3s p-ret -tp-i «i. Those who do us the honour to read and perpend what has been said m these columns on
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  • 264 6 PENANG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. (From Our Own Corretpondtnt At the annual meeting q| of Commerce. Mr Mitch I; that the members ttftm d *fi period reviewed m th.' MOU on the whole SStistn. tor; statistics showed that fitable. notwitbstan liag conditions ft w rma m;,; t Dilation that, by BSSSWS
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  • 106 6 (From Our UUnu n C f/rresponipxt.) i>:mia Lemper kfsi At MiriL'^i Kama] SyadtCStl B£ at Kajang, Mr Kiadetstsf the chairraari said the profit was $14.7^ irhieli would bt carried forward The all m it ha«< been rf duced to M OSBII ted Hi 6ale price was |tjo7.
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  • 122 6 A L il X Based on a Usl printed the Ga/ette so far bark as 1901, a:. I ing that to the preserf to the sequent* of editors of the Chief Bl raits ouruah during the period 186' 101. I lapse ol twenty nine years is as follows
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  • 60 6 THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS ASSOCIATIONS. process of resurrection Sl tion of hundreds of ti includes this from the Iste ford Bl M writter on Dec. >«th about M\ -jr. Your pita re paper ream ani: again the tbaoeiatii They do nothing an i nothing. Ifo| I ing ion to such ■pt
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  • 41 6 Tbe third occupied the whole m hearing svidi E. F. 1 I is charged with falsely declaring that be bid i declared ii abovt bm Mr G. 3< pros, cut. lor UM BDBMSd case whs furhiii td accused being allowed I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 109 6 Turkish 'sXT& ¥s^T7>r obacco ft ■^Lmmajizir Importers: CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co. J JLBENSOisrsI WORLD-RENOWNED f:^^%\ WATCHES V /^f ji WARRANTED TIMEKEEPERS S :laW LONDON MAKE Thr -BANK OF ENGLAND," m Silver Cases £5, or I^6 nett Thf Keyless -LUDGATE," m Silver Cases .£8 8s„ or $72 nett Thr FIELD WTateli m
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  • 53 7 I A DUTCH REPORT [Bt Submarine Cabls]. ff TUI BIIVIOS. m Mir. s. A trawler arrived 1 1| tbat en Monday after- t ff Terschelling at least warships, a large fleet of t d trawler^ two Zeppelins aud numuines going westward. Five eroaeil of unknown nationality tive
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  • 94 7 r M.— A local Chinese Ihsl rebels m the rucrn- A .' pou fort^. t'auton river and tbe CIBJSSS Chaohao. Tbe attacks r pulsed. [an h 7 The g »tfa ba- ir jjj a j 3 --rt of the Bombay Yoh.n appointed temporary jarrison Artil!er> sdSttl at
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  • 234 7 Red C* iS Ni r the diatingniatad patronage cf Brigadisi Panaral D. X Ridout, H. E Rani Admiral W. L. ciraut, tuiy military, naval and volunteer i! programme was provided tbe Alhambra, last night. la pu.tre :-eat anywhere, and r onr- v r Tan (.'heng Kee, the genial proprietor,
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  • 40 7 srappy game of soccer was played on ado last evening, the S C.C. and S on the latter*! ground, play>Bg a goal-less draw, Th- football was far I il BB >v truthfully bn said ither side doeetfed to \siu.
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  • 207 7 m of ur- shaeers of Stewart's Whisky is drau s to tta tact that prices Hd for all grades owing tc Is Bituadofl at home due to the by Govern snt of the pot going the round of 001 oraries -tat. I thai Towkay Loke i:bing a million dollars tc
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  • 479 7 NO CAUSE FOR ANXIETY. [By Submarine Cable]. iiiitid M— fins Paris, March n.— Military writers em phasies there Is no c*use for anxiety at the new German thrusts on the left bank of the Meuse where the Germans are now huriing a reserve of a hundred thousand men,
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  • 70 7 Loudon Mar 9. The Communique says that near Grenay there has been trench mortar fighting, during which we considerably damaged the enemy's defences. Yesterday night the enemy sprang a mine near the Ypres Commines railway. but did no damage. To day our artillery bombarded the vicinity.
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  • 98 7 More Information Promised. London, March B. In the House of Commons Mr Chamberlain said that the situation at Aden was unchanged. A small column inflicted casualties on the Tiuks on Feb. 84. He expected to receive from the Qovernment of India shortly a report covering all the
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  • 138 7 Moisture and Mars.— Professor S. L. Bouthroyd. of Washington University, has bes d explaining how moisture is disappearing m the planet Mara. The m habitants" he ifl apparently sure there atfl inhabitants "cannot count on the •ailed canals." They will shortly (Ke of thirst. Professor Boothroyd predicts the Bamfl fate
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  • 304 7 CHURCHILL'S DRAMATIC SPEECH. [By Submarine Cable 1. icsnTss'H Rsrvicj*. London, March 8. Lord Fisher listened to the debate m the House of Commons and wae loudly cheered when he rose to leave. Mr Churchill's references to Lord Fisher were received with applause. It was expected Mr Churchill would
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  • 74 7 Washington. Mai. 8. Count Bernstoiff has handed Mr. Lansing another long submarine memorandum. It is under stood that he complains of Britain tbking advantage of the American attitude to m struct armed merchantmen to act offensively against submarines. He admits that international law does not provide for
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  • 26 7 Loudon. March 9. Five more persons injured during the air raid have died, the injured are now ascertained to nuraber fifty-two. m+.
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  • 58 7 Petrograd, March 8. The communique says We continue to drive the Turks beyond Mapavri. We also occupied Cola twentyseven miles westward of Kermanshah and a hundred miles from Bagdad. Petrograd. March 9. The communique says that m Asia Minor we captured Rizeh, mentioned on the sixth. Jn Persia
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  • 45 7 Sues for Peace. New fork, March B.— It is stpted that definite information has reached Washingt n ib.t the backbone of ihe Tntkifch campaign m the Caucasus has broken, and Turkey has approach* d Russia on the BUbj ct of a separate peace.
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  • 20 7 London, Merch 8. A portion of a Zep pelin propel lor has beer; found m Kent.
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  • 163 7 DEFENDING THE NAVY FROM FALSEHOODS. London, Mar. 8 In a White Paper Sir Edward Grey rv plies cv Feb. 25 to the German 1016 telegraphed on Jan. 15. He reaffirms emphatically the details or the Arabic, submarine and Ruel cases. He pcurs ridicule on the German version, according to which
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  • 361 7 COMMERCE DOMINIONS. THE PREMIERS IN EVIDENCE. Post War Problems. [Bj Submarine Cable]. MBOTBI 4 ftSKVTU* London, March 8. Mr Asquith receiving a deputation from the Chambers of Commerce of the Empire promised to consider the establishment of a Ministry of Commerce. He hoped the Allies' trade conference which would probably
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  • 248 7 FRENCH CONSULAR TELEGRAMS. Bt Courtesy of the French Consul General. Paris, March 7, 6.35 p.m. The French 3 per cent bonds are at francs 62.50 and the 5 per cent at 88.35. Yesterday, north of Verdun, the enemy captured the village of Forges we broke another attack against la Cote
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  • 139 7 Amongst the attractions at the Victoria theatre during next week one of the chief is undoubtedly Tho Cinema Star to be played on Tuesday i This comedy has received some of the best press notices 'during the tour m India and Ceylon, notices which have been thoroughly
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  • 55 7 It is pointed out by the local manage* ment of the railways that the correspou- dent who wrote on War prices recently iin this paper and stated that F. M. S. railway fares had been raised was m error. 1 There has been no advance of any kind j m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 192 7 Gent's Walking Shoes. NEW STOCK |>^»m«^v OF THIS WELL JUST ARRIVED, l^^^^^l KNOWN BRAND. The high standard quality cf this Shoe has m no wise deteriorated, it is still made from the best English leathers. The Dppers are of Good medium a good sha d c k shape toe, smart
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 786 8 Shipping 1 r "ELLERMAN LINE. For LONDON STEAMER Sailing early May. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ I Incorporated m Holland*) Roy* Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 2— 3, COLLYER QUAY. n^DEK OOHTRAOT WITH T 'HK NRTHKKtiAVP* nU>IA
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    • 855 8 Shipping 1 lr %3e British India AND Apcar JLine (Companies Incorporated m England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract witn His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. HOMEWARD
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    • 543 8 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LIME. For CHINA, JAPAN CETLON end MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1918 ss Atlantique Mar 13 ss Porthos April 11 1 ss Amazone Mar 24 jss Tordillere April U j bs Lotus Mar 27 ss AndK j Lebon May 9 bb Polynffcien April 7 ps Atlantique
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    • 490 8 Shipping N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd Incorporated m Japan EUROPEAN LINE. A service is inaintainod botweei via pons to Maraeilles, Lond contt act with Hie Imperial meat. The New Twin k maintaining this service hay« t. designed and constrnctod, and are with all the latest Imprm. safety
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  • 736 9 Government offices do not write a very good style. Sometimes they are not even grammatical often they are difficult to understand, as difficult as an Act of Parliament. The communications of the War Office, for instance seldom have a soldierly force or simplicity. They do not remind
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  • 179 9 H Very Serious Position. According to tbe Berliner Tageblatt, some 800 newspaper proprietors held a meeting last Sunday m Berlin, to discuss the extremely serious position of German newspapers caused by the scarcity of paper. A resolution was adopted request ing the Government, alter consultation j with the
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  • 243 9 Crew s Terriblt Plight. I'etrograd, dan. 26. Particulars have been received here it the abandonment m ice m the White Sen of the Wilson liner Sappbo, and the pos sibte lot-s el the ccew, numbering twenty ore. Tiie Sappho was caught between l>ec. 10 atid il
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  • 173 9 Sir Rider Haggard's Miss'on. Router's Agency learns that Sirßidei Hacgard will leave for Scuth Africa or his mission to tbe Dominions on the Tith March. Sir Rider Haggard, who will be absent from England for some months goes out on behalf of the Royal Colonial Institute ova
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  • 133 9 Havre, .lan 17. —The Belgian Coven: ment has completed its reply to Hip last Cerman White Rook, aud the Belgian answer is of marked interest, as definitely disproving the (ierman allegations reia tive to the attitude of the civilian popu la tion towards the Kaiser's troops and the
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  • 125 9 Mo. t articles ol ty It* s Ea creas-d m price since war Tindearth of aniline dyes, m cording, to a pst n. ment manufacturer sseans that pena] Maying ink peaeil aillooet Id., tho whole sale prices having quadrupled, while tlie 'Jd.. pencil will cost !,d. or sd.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 559 9 I Wah or Peace, Faminf or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth ioo cents on the dollar. I y WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP I THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LUTED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, EX. .he Company haa £20,00 C
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    • 434 9 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated iv New Zealand.) FIRE Insurance effected on Buildings Rent and Merchandise of every description. MARINE Insurance^ accepted to all parts of j tbe world at lowest rates. EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted, J. HENRY, Local Manager. Offices 2, Finlayson Green. I ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Go. Ltd.; (Incorporated
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    • 281 9 I^ADiCDCDP DEED I I **mw a t *MWs*X\ **m*4aw*mmW a**M m■ IM wasW BRB BHi Wm^^^^^^^F methods with every possible care I CARLSBERG iiii IS DANISH tsEER tt SOLE IMPORTERS i THE EAST ASIATIC Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN DENMARK) 3 OBTAINABLE FROM 1 John Little Co., Ltd., Raffles' Place. Chin
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    • 69 9 NEW ZEALAND INSUfi/.NCE Co., Ltd. FUK AND MARINE. (litooi porated^in'Ni v d.) YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC. Ltd. KARINE. I iLCOrporat' J m lione! < >_ CHINA FiRE INSURANCE Co., Ltd. (laoorposati Sh g.) LONDON GUARANTEE k ACCIDENi|Uo. .'I 1 GUARANTEE. (Incorporate,! hi m lead.) F'lre and Marine Risks of ev< rv
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  • 451 10 It ie almost certain tbat as a salaried man Cbarlie Cbaplin, who is tbe most popular figure m tbe moving pictures of tbe day, is the best paid person m tbe world. He gets £30,000 a month, say £360,000 per annum. Putting tbis into Straits dollars his annual
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  • 1179 10 To Deo. 8i Feb. To date 1916 Allagar, Dec 266,800 A.Oajab.Sep 29,790 9,000 18,850 Alma, 16,000 37,500 Arupat, Sep 36,054 AnJobore, Mar 177,249 20,100 43,147 An Matey, Dec 1,507,847 108,626 261,454 An S'tra, May 473,628 Asahan, July 93,736 Atbara, A. Hitam, Mar 262,140 A. King.Dec 425 683
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  • 201 10 Arnpang Kinta, Aver Wfiog 176 Deebook Belat, Mar 1.19;" [f| Brueeh. July koo (Jl 50 Ohenderiang. 4 999 (t) 600 600 Gopeng Coneol, L4£T9(ll Ipoh Tin, Dec 1 5 H 7 <4 ;:50 Kanaboi, 1,1 ho (t) Kaniunting. 1,050 1.050 Kinta, June 455 (11) Kinta Aeeoc, Mar 4,66a
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  • 346 10 Madras. February 21. Mr H. O. D. I Harding, District Judge, Trichinopoly, was' stabbed this afternoon while going to his oonrt and succumbed to his injuries. A telegram was received here this afternoon from Trichinopoly stating that Mr EL O. D. Harding, I c s., District
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  • 75 10 General Snijders states that during 1915, 679 prosecutions were taken against smugglers; 1,296 persons living near the frontier who were suspected of smuggling were banished from the frontier districts. The military force killed or wounded 62 smugglers. A Hague telegram states tbat 2,000 of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 224 10 MY DEAR SIR It is absolutely Impossible to get a i JjT" 1 1 better pen of any description than I "SWAN" I Tl^ri ink. I |OU)4fAi}^EK II The latest Swan "ia the Safety which cannot Iralll leak even oarried upside down 2j[ I Investigate this wonderfully Simple Improvement Sold
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    • 114 10 SINGAPORE Shipchandlery Go. SHIPCHANDLERS PRGViDORING CONTRACTORS The (.'oinpam's J nnch OHics-16 BATTERY ROAD TAKE L:KT tt Telephone No. 141. Orders prompth ati daily and sea ri H. W. H. STEVENS W.J. GARCIA, 219, Orchard Road Pianos bought, sold c r 1 1 0 l Good prices allowed or struments. Cheapest
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  • 1355 11 Issued by FKASER Co., Exchange 'and Share Brokers. Mar. S»th. All ol Sterling Shares mast be fegarfled as purely nominal Coy tbe present. RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. Cap. Ieaun. Paid. Lara Div. Burnns. Sellers. 85,000 2a 9a Allagar 5% -20 26 900,000 1 1 Anglo- Java 15 0
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  • 61 11 Corrected up to Mar. 9.) Bank 4m c 2-4 19 82 demand 2-4$ Prf vale credits Bms 2-429-82 France demand Bank 823 Ihdia, T. T. 11 Hosqkong, demar d 1 6 1 '-<» Yokohama, dem aid ll li Java, demand 132 Baugkok, demand tm 65 r SOVBBKIONB. Bank Buying
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  • 146 11 Mar. 9. Tin 50 tons $91. 0f I Gambier '20.00 Gambler Cube No. 1 26.00 Gambler Cube No. 2 21.00 Pepper Blaok ordin. Spore buyers 29.00 Pepper, (White fair) Muntok buyers 43.00 Nutmegs (110 to tbe lb. 30.00 Nutmegs (80 to tbe lb.) nom. Maoe (Banda) 7 5.00 Gloves
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 154 11 TEe TROPICAL ROOFING GENASCO Supplied with patent "KANT LEAK" KLEATS which do away with the necessity of u^ing sticky cement at the overlaps. ty 1 ft <__^__2 BRS?^ J&js&'-'', x A^r*^^ :,< «■<<- WBifctefes^s^.. <* JBmmhl^Bl^^bl^m^^ y ii it BBSS '^S^c^SaSSttftaotPw^ v' ...'-'■■■■■■/.\.>.<v^x ■<* _Xttfl*__\__a.__^_* J _^J n SmmmW^_^_^_mtt__l__3m N*v>
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    • 251 11 INDO-CHINA BTEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd (Incorporated m England.) DIRECT SERVICE TO Japan via Hongkong Shanghai aad to Calcutta via Penang from Singapore. Taking cargo on through Bills of Lading fot Oanton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tient sin, Newchwang, Yangtsze Ports. Formosa tbe Philippines. &c, Ac, &c. STEAMERS. Tons Commander Kutsang
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 820 11 MAIL TABLE. To Day. Intermediate and local mails, wiil be fonnt m list below Penarg, Malaoca, F.M.E. tby Train) 6 p.m. daily (except Sunday). Johoir-. ts. s ao, 11 a.m., 12.30, 2. 4 A 6 p.m. Pulau Soegi Hong Aik H..MO am Pulau Soegi Aing Hong 8 ,'lO am P.
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  • 1493 12 The Appam's Adventures. London, February 9. Cheers greeted the British officials m their launch when they approached the Appum, to inform the captives that permissiuu to land had beeu granted. The Germau guard vainly tried to quell the outburst of joy. The captives eagerly demanded news of
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  • 196 12 The English mail despatched from Singapore on the 4th February by P. O. packet was delivered m London on the 6th instant. 81 days m transmission. The K. P. Bf. express steamer Melchior Treub arrived yesterday from Belawan Deli, and she will leave tbis afternoon for Batavia, Samarang
    196 words
  • 38 12 News has been received of the death on Feb. 22nd of Captain F. A. Lovell. r n.r., Deputy Conservator, Port of Calcutta, as a result of a serious operation. 'He went home a year ago ou medical certificate.
    38 words
  • 577 12 The following is the directors' report to the shareholders to be presented at the annual meeting on March 18. Your Director have pleasure m submitting herewith a duly audited Statement of the Accounts of the Company for th-~ year ended 31st December, 1915. Accounts. The net
    577 words
  • 202 12 Allahabad, Feb. 25. The Times' Paris correspondent dc scribes the progress of the first big aerial battle on the 21st Feb. with aeroplanes skirmishing on the wings and Zeppelins holding the centre. The Zeppelin whose destruction has been mentioned by Reuter was moving
    202 words
  • 60 12 The Imperial.lnstitute, announces that a sample of Queensland copra recently tested proved satisfactory. The oil contents were normal and the copra itself was of good quality. Brokers state that shipments will be saleable m Oreat Britain at good prices. It is hoped that the copra industry, which was recently begun
    60 words
  • 322 12 Rubber. Singapore, March 9. For the Auction this week, which again occupied two days, some 484 tons were offered. The demand was good and the prices realised for all grades, with the exception of Unsmoked Sbeet, show but little variation on those of last week. Fine Ribbed
    322 words
  • 232 12 Singapore, 9th March. There is little change to reporfc m values ruling at the Auction this week. The top price of MB6 paid for Standard Crepe and Sbeet on the first day was only bettered by 81 on the resumption to day. The demand for these f
    232 words
  • 28 12 Agents Evatt and Co. Uiu Pandan 6685 total 10 months 64,470. Indragiri (Sumatra): 7,458; total 4 months 28.829. Kelemak:— 5,693; total 9 mos. 69,408
    28 words
  • 158 12 Shipping Difficulties m Japan. In connection with the shortage of tonnage felt everywhere, the Japan Times (Feb. 18) cites an instance of the inconvenience and loss it occasions, as follows I In the portland cement market, the shortage of freight space has given rise to a grave dispute
    158 words
  • 33 12 Sunday, 12th March. Johnston's Pier at 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2 30 and 3 30 p.m. Club Bungalow at 9.30 and 10 30 a.m 12.15, 3 aad 5.30 p.m.
    33 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 183 12 THE DISPENSARY'S HYGIENIC ANTISEPTIC DUSTING POWDER tAn Impalpable Powder ol Velvet like tc and Pleasant Fragrance. IDEAL FOR THE NURSERY and contains nothing that will injure the most delicate skins. Invaluable lor the Cure and Prevail. of Prickly Heat and all Dermic tnpU jr PREPARED ONLY BY THE DISPENSARY, LTD.,
      183 words