The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 7 March 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. lEX CENTS SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1916, NO. 8,694,
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  • 226 1 Latest communiques state that the French are still bravely holding their own at the great fortress of Verdun, despite enormous quantities of shells that are being used against them. The French people are confident and calm Page 7. Meanwhile the little affair of the British at the
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  • 1305 1 A glance at the atlas enables us to realise somewhat of the great expanse of ocean which lies beyond Singapore's main and island shelters the Indian Ocean, with it6 wild waves in the S.W. Monsoon, and the Cuina Sea, on which the N.E. gules are at this moment raising
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 477 1 IKOPS STOUT Is A Teetotal Drink. HAS ALL THE FLAVOUR, PALATABILITY, DIGESTIVE, TONIC, AND WHOLESOME PROPERTIES OP THE BEST STOUT I WITHOUT THE ALCOHOL. The Ideal Stout for the Tropics gratifying to the palate, aids the digestion, refreshing to Invalids, wholesome and appetising. Has no heavy after-effects as with ordinary
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    • 116 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I I G. W. S. de Silva for engraving Page 1. Part of furnished villa to let Page 5. i Auction sale of carpets and tugti I Page 2. Rubber Estate employees wanted Page 5. Meeting of Justices of the Peace on March 13 —Page 5. Legal notices
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 105 1 THE WEEK. Tuesday 7th. H's^J Water -0-9 a.m., 0-28 p.m. Shrove Tuesday. Haytor, Evatt'n <& Co., noon. Wednesday, Bth. Hlab W«*ne»-- 0 66 a.m. J-7 p.m. Ash Wednesday. Thursday 9th High Water -1-4 a.m., 1-48 p m. Enginee s Ass. Lecture, 8.3) pm. Chirity Performance, Alhambra, 9.15 pm. Friday !Oth
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  • 361 2 More German spies have just been sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment at Berne, Genoa, Basle, and Zurich. At the Geneva trial the accused, a woman, mentioned that ebe bad received her training at the bands of German experts at a school for spies established at Antwerp, i The Swiss
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 505 2 VICTORIA THEATRE Maurice E. BANDMAN PRESENTS HIS OPERA COMEDY Co. FOR A SHORT SEASON COMMENCING Saturday, March 11th In a Repertoire of the latest London Successes Sat. Bar. 11 "TO NIGHT'S the NIGHT" Mon. Mar 13 The Man who stayed at Home. Tue. Par 14 The Cinema Star. Wed. Mar
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    • 544 2 A SUPER-EMINENT ATTRACTION TONIGHT AT THE IDEAL PICTURE THEATKI CINEMA CASINO BY THE-SEA XJ *X1 V OFF BEACH ROAli Thomas Edison presents the Famous and Wor.ct Famed Actrr MARY FULLER DOLLY OF THE DAILIES By Acton Daviep, in 12 Parts. A series of I? pntradid ttotief, produced «n with HOME
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  • 1075 3 To an adaptable and enterprising people the luxuries of to-day are the necessities of to morrow and the impedimenta of the day after. We all remember the three stages of the bicycle once the mark of fashion, kept in a warm room, cleaned and polished like a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 292 3 jbo ym* £*y#y Sound Sfaj, If not, it is a sure si n n that the brain and bodily functions are out ol harm^y. The quickest restorative is VITAFER,, although not a dru£ or stimulant, gives simultaneous nerve and body nutrition. I km M toed results from VITAFER my
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    • 93 3 RC D A I DO I i^m I II W T *4-1 D l^ 1 13 i F I)Q 1^ 1 1 l~ strong point. We are peculiarly well equipped for carrying out Kepairs of every description moreover we take a personal interest in every job that conies into our
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  • 1039 4 A Destructive Storm. f Weltevreden, Feb. 26. Advices from Sourabaya state tbat on the afternoon of Thursday latst a thunder storm broke over the town, uprooting many huge trees, and destroying several native houses which also were Btraek by lightning. On the road between Dinojo aud Grooda a
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  • 334 4 Ag°nts ftntbrie nr:d Co. Hanrong (Selangor) —25 Tin against 18,391; total 10 mouths 241.744 j against 191,180. Jiukit Cajang 40,250 against j: 1 690; C'.itiil 8 UlOUtiiS 4t> *1 1 ."i pgaitlfft 3 80,764* Chsngkai Sslafa 58, c00 against '27,000; total 2 months 123,000 against 6
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  • 33 4 The following ;s pathetic pmomJ anaonncement pubLrLK'd [n home and Indian papers Will !i> Burvivoc from Um Persia which was torpedoed by the Germans on December BOtfa last, kindly k ;v <' anj In-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 492 4 f UUL S3mKS!jl\ Sl 53.9 I WOMEN'S GREATEST MISFORTUNE. i he old »3 m& tint "distance lends enchantment" was nevermore aptly to the point than when applied El to those.people whose breath is laden with evil smelling odours. Many persons appear most attractive Ij at i distance, but produce a
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    • 243 4 WHAT THIN FOLKS SHOULD DO Tl CAIN WEIGHT. Physician's Advics For T!: ndev( Ken and VMH Tlion sands of t• live rhiiiiK ge, in ..h i i IfOBMCQfI v bO, !Mii li.^hinnk i>. Food ■touts and mb-oti ■elves to lite rDotbiogei i i- r i ii M i ng< in
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  • 312 5 Disraeli s Opinion The MitOi of r° e I > »ily Mail. Ptrfeapi it iuay ba well just now, Bet M being written and said j IIM rn^-ritsi of \outh, to recall what oi:r greatest statesmen, Lord < ifeld, wrote n Coningaby on, 1 !l «r\ thius? that
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  • 309 5 f'C th it, m this war. ho-pital I ivi uh>ytil a greac p:irt in the rt ofl the sick aud wounded has 1 11m gnoi tlOß of lbs disinfection ihipfl with special importauce. A gi&K CMM of piirn- t\ phoid fever dyseatorj Icon tne Near East
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 414 5 To Let PART OF ELABORATELY FURNISHED VILLA TO LET. Beauti'ully situated dose to town. Suitable tor family or friends wishing a Dlcasant and lomfortable home. Gardens!, Rtabling, garage, lelephcne. Board if reqnired. Apply to GENUINE c/o Free Press. 7-3 9-3 TO LET From Ist April the commodious dwelling tioa-e Omdutman."
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    • 504 5 Notices BEKOH RUBBER ESTATES, Ltd. Warrants for first interim lividend have been received aad ire held by the undersigned. Fhey will be delivered to the interested on application and production of share certificates; is proof of interest. The Secretary advises this unusual course is necessary in this instance. JAMES SNODGRASS,
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    • 763 5 Notices NOTICE BOARD OF LICENSING JUSTICES. Notice is hereby given that the list of applications for Renewals aud Trans'ers to be considered at 2-30 p.m. on Tuesday the 21st March. 1916, can be seen on application at the office of the Secretary to the Board of Licensing Justices, (■ovtrninent Monopolies
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    • 623 5 Notices NOTICE. A meeting of JuMtlceH of the Peace will be held at the First Magistrate^ Chambers <n Monday March JSth at 12. H0 p.m. for the purpose of electing three inc. m hers of the Board of Licencing Justices. (Sgd.) R.SCOTT; Ag. District Judge and First Magistrate. March 3rd.
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  • 51 6 Domestic Occurrences. MARRIAGE. Minogub-Philipson On January 25th, »t the Oratory, Brompton, by the Veiy Bev. E. Lieut. -Colonel J. O B. Minogue, tbe Prince of Wale&'sOwn (West Yorkshire Rej?t.), I to Annie (Harry), yocnger daughter of the late Mr. and Mr«. Hilton Philipson, of 77,' Lancaster-gate, W., and TynecLOuth.
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  • 1722 6 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, March 7, 1916. i-Jc- '.t*!! Am Press the P*o v m« s 'njjht >r.«)V*^c» .^To»»^! by inflae aod '."-•bribe' Hi f.M'i, X^.e patriot I oth bef trlorioas pjcepu tetßt Every British Dependency ia the East has had, since the war began, ample experience of the
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  • 440 6 Penang Turf Club will hold a Race Meeting on July 27th and 29th. A new batch of pony griffins will be imported for the meeting. Pretty Boy, an English bred horse by Iron Torpenia arrived here this week by the e.s. Itola from Calcutta for .Mr F. Billet, the well
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  • 135 6 The Orange MIHMi Vauduxjij, Dutch company which has be* fl H in Java, and baa a good recor performances before Rovalties rousiy agreed to give a p.rforu,,, aid of the R^d Cross Funds al t., Albambra Theatre, uuder tti^ p;. the General Officer Oooamftadtnf Admiral Grant, on
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  • 535 6 Dr. Smith, formerly of Sere:..: later of Singapore, is at present u zerland. Mr H. A. Monro. of the p, ni;;i Q Port Swetteubam. has b*M t« transferred to Md^ipoit. M.V Mr K. B. Drybrough. *ho nrm Japanese line via the ('ape. bai -uidthe staff of Hm Inch Kenneth liuhli,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 592 7 ERCE BOMBARDMENTS. French Remain Firm. M>mh I The morning com- the bombardment in various Verdun region continued iluring the night, but 'the i bo| attempt an infantry ac ,n- my exploded a miae at Les it were unable to occupy the crater. M ircb ">. The evening
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  • 90 7 M >rr h T;;s communique r .'7 gQBI i'.ml 15 WHchineI Verfafl and a thousand prisoners No Progress: No Victory. Mavefc 6 A semi-official com- >uys that the situation before I ationary. but satisfactory. The rcely aud fruitlessly endeavourHtk iuri us from the outskirts of the
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  • 103 7 THE MOEWE RETURNS. [By Submarine Cable]. Amsterdam, March 5. A Berlin communique says the Moewe arrived yesterday at Borne home port after a successful cruise, with four British officers, 29 bluejackets, and 166 sailors from sunken merchantmen. She has one million marks in gold bars on
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  • 56 7 Athens, March 4 Fifty four of the rescued crew of tue Italiau steamer "Java," torpedoed by an Austrian submarine have been brought here. London, March 6. The Italian vessel sunk by an Austrian submarine was the Giava, not the Java. Paris, March 5. The British steamer Teutonian has
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  • 49 7 London, March f>. The Press Bureau *avs that two Zeppelins raided the northeast coast ou Sunday night. Their movements are hitherto not clearly detiued. Some bombs werp dropped in the s u a near the shore. It is unknown whether any damage was done on land.
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  • 43 7 A New Naval Chief. Paris. March 5. Vice Admiral Lebou has been appointed Chief of the Naval Staff. Powder Magazine Explodes. Paris. March 5. Twenty-two persons were killed and sixty-six, injured by an explosion at a powder factory at Cour neuve.
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  • 162 7 London, March .">. Official. A new African General Service Medal has been instituted to commemorate native opera* tions in East, Central and West Africa and will be granted to forces under Colonel Cubitt in the operations at Shimberberris from Nov 19 25. 1914, and Feb 2-9, 1915 and operations
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  • 166 7 Plain Speaking. Amsterdam, Mar. 5. lu the Prussian Diet Herr Liebknecbt iu a fierce outburst against tbe Censorship, said the mention of the trials of peace demonstrators and food rioters being prohibited, tbe population was ignorant how these were growing. He denounced the atrocities by German
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  • 73 7 A Danish engineer has invented an apparatus which, he professes, will prevent the destruction of warships and merchantmen by torpedo or mine explosions. The details of the invention are secret, but the principal feature is stated to be a device for turning off the pressure of exploding air masses on
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  • 158 7 DEFENCE AND OFFENCE. Petrograd, March 5. The communique Rays We exploded fourteen mines at Illukst. There was desperate fighting for the craters of which we occupied six. The Germans made a violent attack a few miles east of Baranovitchi which I 'we repulsed. Generally there was brisk- j
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  • 174 7 A Brilliant Feat. j London, March 5. General Haig's communique says: Grenade fighting continued yesterday night in the craters northeast of Vermelles. The enemy has been active at Loos and northeast of Ypres. The situation on the YriresCommines canal is quiet. We retain the ground gained on
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  • 130 7 Pro-Germans Don't Like it. New York, March 5. The pro Germans are much discomfited at the Senate vote, especially as a similar defeat is likely in the House of Representatives. Comment is summed up by saying that the Senate has shown that the foreign affairs of
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  • 131 7 by coubtes7 of the french conBul Gkneral. Paris. March 4, 640 p.m. Yesterdayou thp north of Verdun, there was violent i.^htiuj,' near the village ct Donanmont we made a strong counter attack, aud progressed on the immediate outskirts of the village. s There was ou intense bombardment
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  • 153 7 Russin is forging ahead with her new railways, the lack of which has proved a big drawback tc her extensive operations. The line from Fetrograd to Kola has been teferred to. It i3 an undertaking of great value. Eight hundred miles in length, it terminates about '200 miles to E.
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  • 115 7 TROUBLE FOR TURKEY. I Athens, March 4. Diplomatic advices say Enver Pasha has been wounded in an attempt on hie life. The Duke of Mecklenburg in view cf the gravity of tbe situation has telegraphed the Kaiser urging the dispatch of reinforcements to Constantinople. Attens, March 5. There
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  • 72 7 The Censors Relent. Cairo, Mar, The members of the Assembly visited the Suez Canal defences and the great military camp. They admired the splendid dispositions and installa- 1 tions and returned with an ineffaceable impression of the solidity of tbe defences and the adequateneefc of the forces,
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  • 59 7 Why Now, if not Before? Rome, M*rch 5. The Pope in a new appeal for petce says he cannot witness in sih uce Eirope tearing itself to pieces. Bib Holiness repeats his proposal that euch belligerent should declare his desires but should be ready to make
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  • 308 7 By an Australian Visitor. Nearly all the British residents of Hongkong are doing voluntary garrison duty, thus relieving all the permanent forces and men capable of bearing arms at the front," said Councillor J. G. Aikman, M.Ii.C, who recently returned to Mel bourne from
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  • 103 7 "Hidekk, Hidekk The special correspondent of the Central News in Paris writes Soldiers from the front wbo took part in repelliug last Sunday morning's German attack near Neuville- Saint Vaast tell me that the German are now using a new battle cry. They no longer shout
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  • 89 7 On February 19, at Canton, Herr A j Nathonsobo, a Hun of Semitic origin, in the employment of Arnold, Karberg Co., was publicly thrashed by a prominent French resident on Shameen in the preBence of a number of spectators. The reason of the castigation was that this 11 kultured Hun
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 168 7 Gent's Walking Shoes. NEW STOCK 9-f** OF THIS WELL JUST ARRIVED. fX^^/ KNO WN BRA /VD. The high standard quality of this Shoe has in no wise deteriorated, it is still made from the best The uppers are of Good medium a good shad e I. ~^llh?^ shape toe, smart
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 714 8 Shipping P.-_ g- -^g »*ELLERMAN M LINE. as. "KANSIS." Sailing on or about Mar. 7 For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSGHAPPIJ I Incorporated in Holland,) Roy* Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. UHDEH OONTKArT WITH THE NKTHEHLANDB INDIA GOVERHMEBT. Be Kock Btngkawang, s«
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    • 887 8 Shipping IT« O« British India rxPGAB JLjine (Companies Incorporated in England.) < Mail and Passenger Services. j PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, MediterHOMEWARD (FOR EUROPK). 6 OUTWARD (FOB CHINA) Connecting at Colombo with j s.s. Nankin
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    • 562 8 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINE. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON and MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1916 is Atlantique Mar 13 ss Porthos April 11 Amazone Mar 24 ss rordillere April 25 ss Lotus Mar 27 ss Andre Lebon May 9 *8 Polynpfcien April 7j *s Atlaintique Mny '23 38 Athos
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    • 528 8 Shipping N. Y K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., U<i. (Incorporated In Japan EUROPEAN LINE. A Rervice is maintained b(tw»-i via ports to MaroeUleH. Londoo, contract witu the Imperial i a w; r all ment. Tbe New Twin nor. n maintaining this service hav. tM deHigned and constructed, aid t Rtt
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  • 1694 9 COMPANY'S GRATIFYING POSITION. Reduced cost of Production. Tbe annual general meeting of the Tapah Rubber Batatea, Ltd., was held on Saturday at the registered offices. French Bank Buildinge, Singapore. There were present Messrs W. H. Ifacgregor (chairman), F. o. Stevens, H l» linn dell 'directors', i> Y Perkins,
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  • 22 9 Mr Candler, th< I'.rititb pret->-repretsen-tfttive v iili i in- British Mesopotamia!! force, itatea that ioom ludiMi oonttncMili ».re uriTfofl m iiiinfomimiiMU from
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 851 9 Was or Peace, Faminf or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). I HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. jg jHHfMV has £20.00C fle»oalted with the Supreme Court of England, anfl complies with the
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    • 56 9 KtW ZEALAND INSURANCE Co., Ltd. nit /^D umE, VAKG-TSZE Ii;SURANCL ASCOC. Ltd. lAMIL ami hh mmim c-., in LONDON GUARANTEE* HC'HLfT:.-. Jo GUARAMCE. (Incorporated in Fn^land iin and Mariu'- Kisks of every n»'HCrlpt*os underwritten at Ijwcm (in rent ratea. Adamson, Gs'.fitlcn k Co., Ltd. (Incorr.oruU'.! iu Kn^land.) Ot ucral Agents]
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  • 238 10 HONGK ONG VOLUNTEERS. AND THE GKRMAN PRISONERS. At a Council meeting held on Feb. fc4 Mr Holyoak was to have moved a resolu tion for the removal of the allien prisoners, but the action of the Government had rendered the motion unnecessary. In a speech, the Governor asked the Conncil
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  • 169 10 The Journal ofliciel publishes the text of a Hill authorising the expenditure of 5,000,000 francs on the establishment of hostelries at Mecca aud Medina for the u»e of indigent pilgrims from French colonies. Professor l>r. G. van Itereon gave a lecture on The Future of Rubber Cultivation in Netherlands F.ast
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  • 268 10  -  L'Habit Rouge By Yon see, she said, While weeping much, He was so young, Scarce surti'uers nine twice told I doubt if any such Could ever make a day to shine With so much mirth, Yet he was glad To go He said before he went, Now, mother
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  • 22 10 Speaking at Rotherham Mr J. A. Pease, m. P., announced that he had given up his Government pension of j£9oo a year.
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  • 349 10 Manchester, Feb. 3. The cotton markets are very irregular at present with an easier tendency owing to a fair amount of selling going on. Yesterday New York took an upward turn and it would appear that the decline of the few previous days has resulted in an
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  • 68 10 Mr Henry Ford withdrew S4O,O0O OCO (gold) from the American backs that helped to float the Allied Loan in the raited States. The Rev. E. A. Hune was to be instituted as Chaplain of North Perak by the Bishop of Singapore on Thursday in All Saints Church, Taiping. During the
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  • 1293 10 To Deo. 81 Jan. To date 1916 Allagar, Dec 266,800 27,000 A. Gajah, Sep 29,790 9,850 Alma, 21,550 Ampat, Sep 36,051 12,487 An-Johore, Mar 177,249 28,047 An Malay, Dec 1,507,847 152,828 An S'tra, May 473,623 74,047 Asahan, July 93,736 21,499 Atbara, 7,142 A. Hitam, Mar 262,140 27,401
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  • 226 10 In above list the totals taflml HklWßl > r monthly totals tor JaD-Dw:. Ittf. ihe u-odj in which the Company b year aßdl d indj< a 1 I after the name. Second column Aom H> 1916 total to date and third col utiiii th« totfi.' of the past
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 69 10 Blue and White Enamelled Coagulating Pans. We are now receiving large consignments of these pans, sizes as under, J^irst-class quality only 18 x 6x 4 ins. 18 x 9x4 15 xlO x 4 16 xlox 6? Full particulars of the excep- tionally favourable prices we are able to quote may
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    • 137 10 SINGAPORE Shipchandlery Co. SHIPCHANDLERS PRQVIDORING CONTRACTORS. The Company's LmucA necti Encomtog ships. Offices —16 BATTERY ROAD. TAKE LIFT V TO' I Telephone No. 141. Orders promptly attended daily arid sea rtock supplies. N. W. N. STEVENS, M 14 "W W.J. GARCIA, 219, Orchard Road. Pianos bought, sold cr e changed
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  • 1479 11 Issued by FRASER Co., Exohange Jand Share Brokers, Mar. (>th I Ail taotftttonß of Sterling Shwres mail be regarded as purely nominal foi the ftannrt. Cap. Issue. Pam. bara Dip. boybbb. Bbllbrs. 86,000 28 Ss Allagar 6% .20 2 6 600,0*0 1 1 Anglo-Java 15 0 l
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  • 149 11 Mar. 6. Tin 150 tone 189.25 Gambler 20.00 Gamtoer Cobe No. 1 26.00 G&mkier Cobe No. 2 24.00 P«ppe« Bhwk ordin. P'pore ..buyers 29.25 Ptppev, (White fair) Muntok buyers 4H.00 Nutmegs (110 to tbe lb. 30.00 Nutmegs (80 to tbe lb.i nom. Maoe (Banda) 7 5.00 Glovee (Amboina) nom.
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  • 52 11 Time ball a on Fort Canning and Mo act Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwici mean time. The time gun is tired at 12 e oiock noon, Indicating Singapore standard time, o> every day excepting Sunday, when it is tin d at
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  • 52 11 CCKBKCTKD D* TO ilur. 6 I Itmad 2-4i T *'ta^ BMAtlf J'mfl 2-4 '29-33 France demand liuuk B'2n [HDtA, 1. T. 17 4$ P.OSOKONQ, rtfabi d »w t#i EOBNAMAa ut.uui.d llli Java, derntad |ftl| BAMWOK, demccd 60A SnvßaEiQKia, Baiits Buyirrg «8.64 y Esck cl Krßluud Kate 6% bar Silver
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 134 11 TROPICAL ROOFING PIT W A Qf^fS Supplied with patent "KANT LEAK" KLEATB which do away with the necessity of using sticky cement at the overlaps. '*^<Ni»A jfc*¥iiiil|i'^'|'iii i "^*v: >.■ s :v.- .>'-,'. *s. :'v ..>.<■.* s <■ .?.V^!* J ■^•■■-s 1 "Wfcvvx; GENASCO is the result of over 30
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    • 152 11 INDOCHINA S. N. Co., Ltd. KOR HONGKONG. The Company's fttonmor "LRISANC Captain Moone\ due on Wednesday, the Bth inst., aud will be despatched for the above port on Thursday, the 9th inst.. at 4 p nj. For t'rei^tit and passage apply to BOUSTEAD* Co..A«enth. 7-3 fc 3 TO THOSE HOMEWARD
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 462 11 PASSENGERS EXPECTED. Per P. O. str. Malwa.— Mrs J. A. Webster, Mr C. L. Caid/cort. Mr Mrs Peuwxt, Mr Howell, Mr Mrs E. Johnson and 2 children, Mr Mrs Tagg, Mr Anderson, Mr Carton, Mr and Mrs Brown, Mr Mis Marshall, Mr Gage Per P. ft O. str. Khiva.— Mrs
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    • 515 11 ANJER SHIPPING REPORT. (Compiled for the Singapore Free Press.) Date of passing Anjer Nationality and (inscription of vessel Captain's name. Where and when sailed (Destination). Feb 4. Dut str Kavci, Van Leemoen, Rotterdam to llatavia. Feb 6. Dut fctr Djebres, Korter, Rotterdam to Batavin. Feb 6. Jirit str Islander, Christman
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  • 579 12 Captain Will Cox, known to all travellers by the Straits Steamship Company's boats, writes an interesting letter to one of his skipper friends here. As skipper of the 88. Kinta," where he was known as Barney Cox, amongst hi« more intimate friends, he was very popular and
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  • 276 12 An otlicer formerly well known in Singapore, writes to a friend a very in tt-resting letter, which contains two paragraphs bringing home to one the perpetual fighting that is going on in Flanders. He says. Recently we have been getting up con emit rated strafes, that is all
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  • 111 12 A Tamil named Vallapan was fined |8, with the alternative of s^ven day's rigorous imprisonment, in the second police coiu't yesterday, for h )UHe trespass at 11.30 on Sunday night, by entering the house of Mr Matthews, a eterk employed in the V.C M O's office, who resides at the
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  • 428 12 Mr Justice Earnshaw yeatasday heard the appeal of George Daniel Neubronner, of 27, Newton Road, against a conviction and sentence recorded against him in the Criminal District Court in January. The sentence, nine month's rigorous imprisonment, was imposed by the District Judge as the penalty for the offence
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  • 184 12 Sir Fraucis H«ory Lovell, whose death occurred ut Hampstead in his 72nd year, was Dean of the London School of Tro pical Mediciue, arid to the latter science had rendered notable services. Early in his career he was a surgeon at Sierra Leone, and
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  • 124 12 j Mention has already been made of disj turbances which took place at Berlin to wards the end of last year in connection j with the stress of the war. Such reports J were naturally not confirmed by Germany. The Vorwarts however now contains I proof that
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  • 184 12 I I I It is stated that Towkay Loke Yew has subscribed one million dollars to the F.M.S. i Mr. G. B. Taye was fined *5 and costs in the first summons court yesterday, for allowing his motor car to be drawn up in New Bridge Road at night tiuie,
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  • 31 12 The Monthly Medal competitions will played as follows Ladies' on Thursday the 9th A Stroke Competition. Mens 1 on Saturday and Sunday the 11th and 12th 11 Bogey."
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  • 58 12 The March Ladies' Spoon competition was competed for yesterday and resulted in a win for Mrs Nicholson, who returned a net score of 39. The following cards were returned. Mrs Nicholson 43 4 39 Mrs Mar6h 52 12 40 Mrs Braddell 46 3 43 Mrs Marriott 50
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  • 149 12 A quiet wedding was solemnised at St. George's Church by the Rev. F. W. Haines, Colonial Chaplain, the contracting parties being Mr M. A. P. Gilman, manager of Ayer Kuning (F. M. S.) Rubber Company, Ltd., and youngest son of Mr and Mrs Francis Gilman of Southampton, and
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  • 219 12 A Bankers Explanation. A good deal of curiosity has been aroused, not only in the public mind, but in banking circles, by a phrase used on Friday by Sir Edward Holden, the Cbairuiun of the London City and Midland Band, at the annual meeting of
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  • 344 12 An Interview With Mr van Aalst. An interview is published in Germany which Mr van Aalst, the President of the Oversea Trust, granted to Herr Adolf Teuteuberg, of Weimar, in connection with ctrtain objections raised against the Oversea Trust in that country. Replying to a
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  • 273 12 The P. and O. Moo! tan arrived at Part Said on Saturday mornicg, the 4th inst. The P. and O. outward mail steamer Malta has left Colombo and is due at Penang at daylight on Thursday the 9th instant. Messrs McAlister and Co. inform us that the steamer
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  • 253 12 New York, Jan, 28. j The recent announcement by the Ger- I man Government that henceforth the tleichsbank will fix the rate of exchange l between Germany and other countries, including New York, is the subject of much j criticism and sarcastic comment in finaucial quarters here. The
    253 words
  • 75 12 Agents Bouetead and Co. Seletar 11,210 total to date 11 1,508 against 111,605. Agents Siine, Darby and Co. Ayer Panas 21,785 Chimpul 1 J .295 Radella 6,440 Agents Barlow and Co. Permas 21,225 Sekoug 13,562 Majedie 10,528 Agents Sandilands, Buttery and Co. Bukit Sembawang 45,000 Singapore
    75 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 186 12 Singapore Free Press The following properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs Ching Kecg Lee and Co.'s eale-room yesterday afternoon Leasehold land and house No. 17 Moharned Sultan Road, area 4,516 eq fc boughc by Ong Koh Cboot for $8,200. Freehold Jond and bungalow No. 827 Upper SeraDgoon Road,
      186 words
    • 198 12 THE DISPENSARY'S 11 HYGIENIC ANTISEPTIC DUSTING PQWDFp tAn Impalpable Powder of Velvet like |ofU and Pleasant Fragrance. p IDEAL FOR THE NURSERY and contains nothing that will injure ih delicate skins. Invaluable for the Cure and Prevent: m Prickly Heat and all Dermic Erupt; ijr PREPARED ONLY BY THE DISPENSARY,
      198 words