The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 December 1915

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 220 1 Admiral Tirpitz, at his snuggery at Kiel, is whiiing away the days with pleasant dreams, the latest of which is that of the German fleet cruising proudly about the North Sea and seeing never a British warship there Page 6. j There is much enthusiasm jtbout the
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  • 1156 1 J Lord Derby's scheme still has nearly three weeks to run before It will bo possible to give a definite answer as to> its sufficiency to meet the national nsei, 'says a writer in the Daily Chronicle. As a piece of organising machinery its success
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 331 1 BAFFLES HOTEL X'MAS EVE SPECIAL DINNER AT 8 P.M. AFTERWARDS DANCING MUSIC BY THE HOTEL ORCHESTRA. li ™r Messrs CHEE EN6 ft SONS, X\ CIVIL. NAVAL, MILITARY AND SPORTING TAILORS ;■> The Managing Proprietor, who has received his training front wi »V;vfe £&ro P ean Master- Tailor, Personally CutS every
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    • 277 1 BOOTS BRITISH Eau de Cologne I I It Is not generally .known but It is Ujfl true that '.the best Eaux de Cologne HB such as Boot' 8 have four times the I germlcldal value of pure carbolic add. fk XL Boot's Sau de Cologae Is not oal a B
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    • 131 1 LVTiST ADVERTISEMENTS. A Mcbiloils talk— Page 1. Chrifmas Eve dinner and Dance at Rafll i6 Hotel— Page 1. Visit t f Boss's Circus Page 2. H irima and Gaiety new programmes PageS. Bornbrae to let Page 2. Billets open: European assistant and Chinese clerk— Page 2. Harbour Board holiday notice
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 142 1 THE WEEK. Tnesdaj 21st H<gh Water— i 14 a.m., 11-17 p.m. 81. Thomas. Fall Muon. Emulation Lodge, MO r m. P. O. fcomeward mail expected. Municipal Com. Special Meeting, 3.30 p.m. Simpam Valley tin, Winchester House, noon. Wednetdsf 22nd. fflfb Water- lc 11 a.m. Alor Gajah meeting, Derrick's noon. P.
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  • 546 2 Farther amendments of the list of per•ona in Bangkok to whom goods may be consigned are published in a special gazette. The Kaiaar it convinced, apparently, that operations on the western front cannot succeed unless his troops are en •garaged by bis august presence. Consequently, says the "Figaro," he has
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 522 2 THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. THE Chief Importers OF British Pianos FRENCH PIANOS Italian Pianos Wanted WANTED By a Mercantile Arm in Singapore, Enrcpfan Assistant, one witb knowledge of shipping preierrtil. Apply Box No. 809, c/o Free Press. SMS 27 U WANTED Chinese Clerk wanted by a Mercantile firm In
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  • 595 3 Iu p'te of tha facfc that a well known «*ident cf Borneo once begina lecture n London with the remark Borneo is 1 t a bill? country," there are some hills °a Borneo, and in tho Interior some so iteep that cultiTation ia impossible, while .be coast
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  • 244 3 WORST F0R720 YEARS. Many Vessels Wrecked. Following fifty honrs' continuous ruin. "the fiercest gale for the past twenty years raged in tbe Irish Sea on Nov. 13 Six vessels w driven ashore at Fi&h^uard asd ei'lr a. Rr>?slare, the crews being tested u maty ca»es by tbe rocket
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  • 16 3 JHck—bo yon believe marriages are in heaven? '1— Probably. Heaven only kno*B fc some are made.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1422 3 Notices THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD, NOTICE RE HOLIDAYS. NOTICE is hereby given that the Godowcs and the Bonded Warehouses of the Singapore Harboar Board will be closed for the delivery of goods to town on Saturday, 25th December, 1915, and on Saturday, Ist January 19 6. On Saturday, Ist January,
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    • 723 3 Notices THE EXCHANGE BAkKS. WILL BB CLOSED Off Saturday, 25th Dee. rk*d*tm,mm Daium. Monday, 27th Deo. j "^^fc 20- J f Silt (is) NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY QI^BfT, that tfaev Mark depicted above Is my property, and to UB9d by me as my Trade Mark io respect -of my business
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  • 1679 4 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, December 21, 1915. Here shall the Press the People'* right mihtiifc Onawed by influence and unbribed by gala Here patriot Truth her glorious precept* draw. PiMcred f> R-iisEoou Loyalty and Law. Now that the war has turned its SOOth day, and, with that, comes the
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  • 474 4 A special meeting of the Municipal Commission will be held this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2.30 r*u>> to frame by laws for registration and keeping of dogs, and for dairies and dairymen and to consider regulations under the Midwivee Ordinance. By the train at tbe end of last week Monseigneur Bar
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  • 61 4 Serious Loss of Uu bber (From Our Own Con*,^^ Ik it stated that over^ioef; l^ 20 pounds of robber wag deetro Jh that broke out at Gedoo7E 22 2 the origin of which is unknown tld J The Volunteers' Sunday, Successful Volunteer field onl took place on
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  • 39 4 >j For presenting the Telephone ladies with a emal! Christmas p t «J?** Already acknowledged 1339 w u CM. 05;E.W. f 5; Fl?e j^*: •100; FM.B. |2; R. 10; U.SML R. D. |5; The li6t closet tomorrow.
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  • 90 4 There has been a dieastrouß fire Oedong Estate, Bagan Serai, the moke room, drying room, packingshed and rob her store all being destroyed. The lon it covered by insurance. Uedong Eita* where there was a eerious fire some yean •go, is the principal property of the
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  • 178 4 A Greek Denial To the Editob of The Dailv Telegraph." Sir, Sir Ed win Peart, speaking at the Trocadero, London, last Sunday, ig report ed in the Pre66 to have eaid That the Goeben and l.reslau would never hire reached the Dardanelles, but that when (hey went
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  • 418 4 Tobacco has been exempted from toe necessity of being consigned to authorised persons. Attention is drawn to an alteration to the time of matins at St. Andrews Cathedral on Christmai morning It rill be at 10 30, and not at 10, a* previoosiy announced. The celebration of holy coo munion
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 80 5 GERMAN FLEET SCOURS THE NORTH SEA! Ho Enemy to be Found. |B? Smbmarin? Cable], Emm's B«Tioa. London, Dec. German Admir•inannounces: "Our fleet last week rcbed the North Sea for the enemy, d then cruised in the Skugerock, Etching shipping and examining fifty. *Vo rebels, seizing one with contraband.
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  • 216 5 German Gassing Attack Fails. Amsterdam, Dec 19.— A German comaonique says that hostile airmen bom titled "«I« tz on Satlirda y ni bt damaging pr^ arig Dec. 19— The communique Bays: Bombardment of the German works and encampments in tne Apremont sector, Moth eastward of Saint Mihiel,
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  • 31 5 Pdtrograd, Dec. 20. A communique nya An enemy detachment has been severely punished on Lake Mendziol. Big enemy forces were repulsed at Kuchkek, between Teheran and Hamadan.
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  • 21 5 London, Dec 19. The Norwegian steamer Nico has been sunk. Eleven survivors and the pilot have landed.
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  • 303 5 The latest and strongest Zeppelin ever built sailed on sth November, direct from the Friedrichahafen works without any previous trial trips. It is 400 yards long, considerably longer than its predecessors, •boat 14 yards broad, and its motive power consists of three motors of 800 horse power.
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  • 47 5 h h reported tbat the remains of the Marquis Tseng Jucheng will be in«wed on the West Hill in Peking and ™»t two special temples will be erected l Tuliuchen in Chenhaitaaien and at respectively. All coal ol erec«°n will be borne by the Central Govern *eat.
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  • 332 5 GLOWING TRIBUTE TO THE ARMY'S VALOUR. Victory in Sight [By Submarine Cable], MujTwt'i Bnvioa. London, Deo 19.— Fiald Marshal French, in a farewell message to the army in France, said that he was firmly convinced that a glorious ending to their splendid and heroic efforts was not far
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  • 125 5 Men Hocking to the Colours. London, Dec 19. Lord Derby, speaking on Sunday afternoon at a meeting in London, said he was convinced that the statement of the results of the recruiting would show that the country was absolutely right. Probably the end of the war
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  • 231 5 Free Advice to Soldiers' Wives. If English barristers of the younger order have not been behind other professions in filling the ranks of Kitchener's Army, French barristers have likewise paid their tribute to the war. Those left behind, from age or infirmity, determined not to be outdone
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  • 123 5 The final ti e for the Sir Arthur Young. Cup, of the Malaya Football Association, will take pla C e on Monday 27th at 4.45 I p.m. on the Reclai»a tion Ground, Beach Road. The Christmas services in the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd will be as follow On Christmas
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  • 163 5 FORD'S BAND TAKE TO QUARRELLING. Sick of the Newspaper Men. (By Submarine Cable]. licnt'B Sißviom. Christiansand, Deo. 19. Ford's peace pilgrims have arrived here. There was no official or other reception and merely pressmen went on board. Ford said that the British had been most gracious at
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  • 109 5 Ccrman Bank Clerk's Treachery. New York, Dec 19. A bank clerk named Scbleindl, who was secretary to Koenig, has been arrested for larceny of documents and cablegrams, which it is alleged be handed to tbe German Government represent atives. The detectives said that Schleindl confessed that he obtained
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  • 50 5 New York. Dec. 19.— A forecast of the second Ancona note is that it reiterates the American demands based on the admission of tbe Austrian Admiralty and leaves no doubt that Austria will have to reply promptly. Rupture or maintenance of relations depend on the reply.
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  • 201 5 It is not stated whether this mode of swelling the funds for the benefit of Officers' Wives and Families" has been adopted yet by sufficiently qualified local ladiee. But there is quite a compelling hint in what appears below: New York, Nov. 5. Two hundred dollairs
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  • 257 5 There will be a Christmas Piaise Service at the Priocep Street church oo Sunday, December 26, at 7.45 p.m. Chief Detective Inspector McAfee in the second police court yesterday charged Ho Kow, arrested on a warrant, with returning to the Colony, after having been banished from Per»k in 1908. The
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  • 690 5 k popular Gunner officer who is known to many friends in India, Singapore, and Hongkong, writes to a relative here, and the following are some passages in the letter. As to the personality of the writer, following the words of a song made re-j cently familiar
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  • 273 5 Id the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Queen Street Moneeigneur Barillon held a confirmation service and pontificated at high mass last Sunday morning. This church is now installed with electric light, and the new illuminant was used for the first time on Sunday evening, aud it is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 346 5 ROBINSON <&> CO. ARE SHOWING A NICE SELECTION 07 I LADIES' HAND BAGS /^> I Including these illustrated J-S^T I Mm m L i t»^M^»^M^3T^*^"^^^' M^V §5 W 1 A HEJ^SsIb No. 4473, Ladles' Hand Bags, in Hard grain No< 4703i Ladles' Hand Morocco Leather, iiickle frame, pocket at back
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 788 6 Shipping KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSGHAPPIJ Royml Packet Navigation Co., of Batavliu I—B, 00LLTBB QOAT. UHDBR OORTBAOT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Altino Mnntok and Palembing Dec 32 Bbnoa Prigi Radja, Sapat, Tembilahan, and Rengat Deo 39 Sisoaradja Singkawang, Seiakau, Pemangkat and Sambas Dec 33 Bingkara Tandjong- If engeidar, Tandjong-Leidong, Berombang, Paueh,
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    • 726 6 Shipping P O# Bhitish India AND Apcar Liine Mail and Passenger Services, peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porte and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Europe). I Outward (fob
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    • 580 6 I Shipping M. M. ffIESSAGERIES MIRITIMES MAIL Lin. For CHINA, iiPAI CEYLOi aN ■aiMiiAici. HOMEWARD OUTWARD Ml*- lilt es Polynesian Deo 17 Jss Porthos Dee SO saAtbos 4an2o ss Cordillera Jaa 0 ss Porthos Jan f 8 ss Aadie LeVm Jan 17 ss Cordillere Feb 11 ss Andr A L
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    • 540 6 Shaping, rTTK JAPAN HAIL STEAMSHIP Co., tu awHwun A service *t mslnsalsm tun rta port* to Marseille,, lS*^**^ 3ont»aet with the imw*islJ^ f J?** menfc. Tbe Mew TwS ££**>** maintaining this BetvicTtaS JL,* 811^ los^ed jnd vmnJg^J* with all the latest lmpKn£?J**J*k fietf and comfort of iZJf 8 f* *t
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  • 553 7 As Friendly Eyes see as. England was innocent of the war and she went to war in innocency of spirit. She had never fought Germany she had no idea of her methods of warfare. War for her was a noble game, danger ous and exciting, in which that
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  • 232 7 Girl's Letter In a Sandbag. Outside King's Cross a lank and limping Australian trooper from Gallipoli stepped up to a man and asked for a light." He seemed just a bit strange and forsaken in London, and the Englishman who accommodated him with a match asked if
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 416 7 War Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTCRN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, UMITCD. HEAD OFFICE! Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. l*eOo«iiWl^g»OOOtt»^ I^Aaiuraiu-CmpaidesAottaeTeryparttenlar. rrrHACTIVE PLAWB OF ASSURANCE MONEYTOLOAN. LTOEB AL COMMISSION TO BROKERS. For all
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    • 503 7 THB MERCANTILE BANK of mm, Ltd. CAPITAL AUTHORISED Cl 800 GOG UNTIL SUBSCRIBED Z £liS'.ooo r Dt -a¥BFuw Z Z SSojcS BOARD OF DIRZCTOBS R. J. Black Ejq., Chairman. James Campbell Esq. i H. Melvill Simons Em, J. M. Ryrie Esq. Sit Davtd Yale. Chlel Manager Percy Mould Em. London
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    • 354 7 UFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. ESTABLISHED 1887. Policies are WORLD WIDE," UNREj BTRICTED." "INDISPUTABLE- and "NONFORFEITABLE.'* Claims, loans, cash-surrenders, etc., are promptly settled by the General Agents at Singapore without the delay of reference to Head Office. The Reserves for protection of Policy holders are over £3,500,000. The Accounts are
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    • 342 7 we had 1,124 DEATH CLAIMS last tear CALLING TOR PAYMENT OF 9u,6d 1,0/9 O. L/. Which could be paid twice over from our INCOME FROM INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS alone which was $6,777,515. S.C. WE HAVE 136,244 POLICIES IN FORCE FOR $384,417,025 SC. THE SUN LIFE OF CANADA. S. J. HOWE,
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  • 1122 8 The Industrial Expansion. The moat wonderful thing about India it its enormous size and its swarming! population. It is necessary to think of it 'as a continent before one can get the I right perspective. I wonder, indeed, how I many of ray readers had ever heard
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  • 493 8 An Expert Analysis. The Statut has republiehed in book form the international Bunking Section it re cently issued, The most interesting portion of the article relates to the question of the actual cost of the war, ae compared with the nominal amounts which are popularly supposed
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  • 249 8 Thin men and woman »u to increase their weight wi „*,?< pound, of hetHthy-Jyt^. 1 otU try eating a little Sargol with tl for a while and note result* good test worth trying. First wei^** self and measure yourself rl y Sargol-two
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 865 8 MUSCULAR BACKACHE. The muscles of the back do the heavy work of the body When they are overworked or ill nourished they ache and people who are looking for trouble begin to worry about their kidn< ye. Backache may be due to lumbago, which is rh umatism of the muscles
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    • 74 8 PRIVATE HOTEL. STAMFORD HOUSE. CENTBALLY SITUATED. Bras Basah Road. Comfortable] Rooms with Bathrooms attached Electric Fittings throughout Separate Tables In Spacious Dining Room. Large Reception Hall. Billiards and Newspapers. The Present Management desire it to be known that they cater especially for Ladies and Gentlemen (Resident or Travellers) seekleg the
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    • 281 8 ELLERSLIE COLLEGE, 99, River Valley Road, (Martin ane) SAT t BOARDIIC BCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GUI •sir AH Ordinary English Subjects taaftj Bpecial 6object6— (For GirU):-^^ PAIRTIRG, FRENCH, MUSIC BARCIIC, VOICE PROBUCTIOI, FARCf RCCQLgffttK BUSINESS HOURS 1U A.M. to 1 P*. IBl^For Bpecial Syllabus and lemn, Apply, The PiiIQHL
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  • 57 9 Dee. SO, 1015. The following an the shares m to which changes are notified in Messrs Fraser and Co.'i yesterday's share lift RUBBER DOLLAR COMPANIES. Bayers Sellers AyerPanas 17.00 #7.25 Haylor 6 60 7.00 Kelemak 8.60 3.75 MaUka Pinda 1.85 1.95 Malakoff 8 70 8.80 New Serendah
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  • 53 9 Corrected up ro Dec. 20) Sank 4m a 2-4 916 demand 2*4 7-82 Piirats credits (mi 2-4| France demand Bank 818 tSDU, T. T. 175ft aoSGKOKG, aamaxd 17 1 Yokohama, demat d 109* Java, demand 132& B&BftXOK, demand 06 Bov«bhigns, Bank Baying 18.54 Bank of England Ra;e 6% Bar
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  • 142 9 Tin (850 tons) $84.12* Gambler 17.00 Gambler Cube No. 1 18.50 Gambler Cuba No. 8 16.00 Peppei Black ordin. fe'pore 21. 5f Pepper, (While fait) Muntok 84.75 Nutmegs (110 to tfce lb. fcI.CC Nntmegi (80 to the lb.) M 22.00 Mace (Banda) 80.00 Cloves (Amboina) 45.00 Ball Coffee (4%
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 133 9 TROPICAL ROOFING GENASCO Supplied with patent "KANT LEAK" KLEATB which do away with the necessity of using sticky cement at the overlaps. I >' v i '*0 l GENASCO is the result of over 30 years experience in the manufacture of Ready Roofings. Its durability makes it the most economical
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    • 411 9 Auctions IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD LEASEHOLD TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES Belonging to the Estate of the late Yap Quan Seng (deceased) To be sold pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements at Singapore By Messrs. GHING KENG LEE Co. At their Sale room
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    • 13 9 THE SINGAPORE AND STRAITS ROUGH DIARY FOR 1916 Publishers: Fraser and Neave, Ltd.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 386 9 UadM ialli DHprttMi Mitt DM. AffiVM. Nov. 5 B. I. Dec 1 Dec 1 Hot. 8 M.M. Not. 11 P. A O. „9 „9 Not, 18 8.1. Not. 19 M. M. 15 IS SeTTL* 0 Dec. 4 M.M. Dec. 9 P. A O. Deo. 17 M.M. WEATHER REPORT. Kanflang Kerb*
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    • 456 9 LATEST ARRIVALS List of vessels in port at 11 a.m. en Dee. SO, 1818. Nama Date of Arrival Remarks Bbitibh. Islander Dec 18 aienfalloch Dec 19 Inner Roads Krfan t M Lady Weld Quorra N Edendale Anjou Pin Seng Kaeenga Dec 20 Outer Roade Patrol Keppel Harbour Lai Sang No.
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  • 648 10 An important part of the Tirailleurs Ansamites contingent on board the steamer Magellan, which left Saigon several weeks ago, has been landed in Djibouti, where the Tirailleurs will spend the winter. J M. J. Laff argue, Ingtaieur en Chef of the j Saigon Arsenal, the Director of which
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  • 288 10 Moh Peng Siew, who is alleged to be one of the headmen of a Chinese Secret Society in Penan g, called the "Kampong Lye Society, was charged before Mr Y. O. Ezechiel, at Penang, with voluntarily causing hurt to a motor car ticket collector on the 80th
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  • 106 10 MALAYAN AIRCRAFT FUND— NO. 11 CRAFT. Previously acknowledged 11,944.51 Amount collected by Mr M. Nar» as follow Dr K. Matsutake 910 Mrs Ham Tanaka 2 Mr Mateumori, T. Anton 8 Mr K. Kaneko, Bidor 5 Mr Isaburo Miyasaki, Bentong 5 Mrs Yosbi Makina, Bantoug 8 Mrs
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  • 157 10 Mrs Ivon Owen acknowledges with many thanks the following further donaMr C. V. Miles IIOO.OC A Christian Scientist 50 00 Anonymous 4th Donation 50.00 Poor Boy 20.00 Mr L. H. Thomas 1500 A Friend 10.00 Mrs Black (monthly subscription) 5.00 Previously acknowledged 6,282.75 Or this 85,843 31
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  • 141 10 I In response to the appeal (or the sum 'of 12,000 to furnish the new wing, made 'on November '29 when the Hon. R. J. Wil- j kinson, cm g., opened the building, the following donations have been most kindly given Lee Choon Ouan (2nd donation) 9100
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  • 163 10 The fifth Anniversary of the above Sangam was celebrated on Sunday at 4.20 p.m. at the Sangam's premises, 52, Bencoolen Street, presided over by the president Dr. S. N. Bardhan. The proceedings opened with prayer, then the Secretary, Mr C. K. S. Iyer, read the report for
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  • 58 10 The homeward bound N.Y.K. steamer Kamo Mara is expected to arrive this morning. She leaves on Wednesday and by her goes Mr R. Connell, of the Straits Trading Co, who is unfortunately in such indifferent health thai he has to leave for Europe and retire. His friends hope that he
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  • 1124 10 YuanStalb Kal an j the Imperial Throne. China is at (his moment threatened with a first-rate calamity, and the author of the threat it the foremost living Chinese, Yuan-Shih Kal, President of the Republic. Not satisfied with the dictatorship that he has achieved in four stormy
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  • 238 10 The competition for the Adelphi Cup which has to be won twice before becoming the winner's property will begin shortly. The following are the first draws and handicaps. Players will be informed when they have to play. The committee is Messrs F. W. Jones, C. A. Edwards,
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  • 56 10 The monthly medal was played for on Saturday and Sunday and resulted in a win for Mr C. D. McLachlan with a net score of 80. Andrew Cubbib Cup. The final of this competition was played on Friday at the Keppel Golf Links, and was won by
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  • 23 10 Members of the Ladies Lawn Tennis Club are notified that the courts will be reopened for play on Friday.
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  • 42 10 The P. O. Medina arrived in London on Thursday afternoon, the 16th instant. The M.M. steamer Porthos, with the outward French mail, arrived yesterday afternoon from Marseilles, and she will leave this morniog for Yokohama via Saigon, Hongkong, and Shanghai.
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  • 122 10 Saturday, Sunday and Monday 25th, 26th and 27th Dec. Johnston's Pier, at 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2.80 and 8.80 p.m. Club Bungalow, at 9.80 and 10.80 am. 12.15, 8 and 6.80 p.m. 75 Yards Composite Race. Breast, Back and any stroke each 25 yards. Inter Club
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  • 90 10 (Fob Week Ending Friday Deo. 24th.) TO-DAY. 6.15 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese Co. 4.80 Oovt. House B.V.C. Band. 5.16 p.m. Bras Basah Road Malay Co. Wednesday, 22nd December. 5.16 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. •i ii it S. V. R. Thursday, 28bd December. 6.15 p.m.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 474 10 A BRITISH ALTERNATIVE TO FOREIGN MEDICIWAL WATERS A .OTT A "DXTTDT a Avj u Air HjKI A An ExceUent and Efficient Aperient Water to rem^ Mineral Water of a similar character. replace Foreign A FALLACY. German and Hungarian Aperient nr have been used for many yean owing to a mistaken
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