The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 16 December 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS SINGAPORE, THUBSDAY, 16, 1915. mmmmm immmmmmmWßmX* NO. 8,625.
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  • 162 1 Onr Scottish letter is given on page 8. The Licensing Justices met yesterday j —Page 7. I Results of the rubber auctions, latest returns etc on page 6. I Changes m the local share list appear on page 11. j Tbe recruiting figures appear to be greater
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  • 1182 1 This, probably the most popular and best known of the entire series of Shakespear's plays, suffers greatly m all prod as* tions from its length. It is the only play which cannot be produced within the ss* cepted three hours traffic ot ths stags f% The next m length,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 649 1 DAECICC I Capturing the Enemy's Trade. I II H I I LL O The Enemy Product The All British Product CONFECTIONERY SHOP L <SM t I A VERY CHOICE CONSIGNMENT OF :^^^i!P 38^* R rHficni atf**l %WSiM H^H^pt "Regesan" Nerve Tonic Food. 1 1 I IS BBTrER ANO CHEAPER I
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    • 215 1 UTFST ADVERTISEMENTS. Yh w 1 rigged yacht for sale Page 6. Sale of leasehold property by Powell ani Co Page 2. Robinson and Co. have a special selectio 1 of ladies' handbags Page 7. Gak beck Macgregor advertise Bulloch Lild'b whisky Page 6. Little and Co, have a special stock
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 138 1 THE WEEK. Thursday 16th. High Water -a«a a.m.. 6-si p.m. Lodge Eastern Gate, 8.10 p.m. Outra 11 Road Sobool Sports. A.D.C. at Victoria Theatre. B. I. homeward mati closes. Friday 17th. High Water— 6-43 am.. 8-10 p.m. M.M. home w ird mail expeccted. Saturday 18th. High Water -7- JO a.m.,
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  • 384 2 Mr Oliver Marks, Secretary to Resident, Perak, proposes to visit Cevloa early m .Una.,, oc .ho,_ h.lid.y. A farmer m one of the suburbs of Peking was digging for potatoes recently, when he dug out a pair of brass horses. He took tbem to a curio dealer for examination and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 739 2 SOUR STOMACH. When vegetable food ferments lt causes some rising m the throat, the formation of gis ia the stomach hich distends it and causes j pain often extending to the region of the heart and arousing a fear of heart disease. This condition is called acid dyspepsia. Heartburn, a
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    • 819 2 PALLADIUM SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE For Four Nights Only Wednesday Ccc 15th. Thursday Dee. 16th. Friday Dec. 17th. Saturday Dec 16th. WE HAVE SECURED Eome Exceptionally fine Dramas and Real Live Comedies for to-night's Programme An All-Feature Programme that you cannot afford to miss. THE STORY
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    • 318 2 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINAIRE 4 SPECIAL FEATURES AT THB IDEAL PICTURE THEATRE GAStNO"*S££. E TO-NIGHT SECOND SHOW 9.15 P.M SBiD g% —> SitAlIP An Exceptional Eclair Comedy i IN fTHE DUCHESS of 5K»rCa- a&ll IFOILES BERGERES e> Sf«tfaSSSi i mmm urn mr mm I mms D keP u ''"""-"'it l l p
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  • 744 3 lQ connection with the shortly anticiJed arrival m Ceylon of its new Governor. sfjohn Anderson, our former Governor, Ti Mes of Ceijlon makes some observethe nt *hich these subjoined are a tl0 rdon It will be seen from that that 'poeriod o£ administration that has come Tm
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  • 111 3 German Bloed Lust. I >^v. 7.-The "Journal de ,c stales that the Germans mastered men, women and children at '•ena. southward of Pojarevafz. They cn y e^t mad, killing without *m mej. lucre w.ts also a general s «re at Selevatz southward of Semen Heipl PSS old men
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  • 474 3 Funds are being raised with a view to rendering assistance to those who have gone from British Malaya to take part m the war, and their dependents. Subscrip j I tion lists for tbe above objects have been opened locally m the Federated Malay
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  • 161 3 Enterprise of a British Firm. Ia past years we have become quite accustomed to the imprint Printed m Germany on Christmas cards, picture postcards, toy book and other productions of the art printer. Since the outbreak of the war this is no longer the case, for Messrs.
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  • 134 3 Expansion Work Estimated at $12,000,000. According to the Hsin Chung Kao [Pao, "the Government has given orders Ito the Ministry of War, the General Stall and the Generalissimo's Office that the necessary arrangements ba made for tbe enlargement of the docks and arsenals m the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 986 3 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD LEASEHOLD TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES Belonging to the Estate of the late Yap Quan Seng (deceased) To be sold pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements at Singapore By Messrs. CHING KENG LEE Co. No. 3, Raffles Place, Singapore,
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  • 360 4 I The correspondent of the Petit Journal at Salonika, telegraphing on November 2, gives an account of Serbia's heroic resistance. He says I called on the Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mi Yovanovitch, who, handing me a letter, said, With this you will be able to
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  • 237 4 DUG OUTS." A dug out is not a form of en trenchraent or shelter (says a writer m the National Review but an officer who, having completed, as he thought, his soldier's work, has come back to service m the New Array. Some of the dugouts are up to the
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  • 189 4 Its Present Day Significance. Allahabad, December let. Pioneec special cables 6tate An interesting articlo cv artillery activity m regions officially described as "quiet" says: "This kind of quietness necessitates ear protectors." The British artillery especially was active last week. A re mai k of a German prisoner, taken
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  • 61 4 Aa regards tbe land defence, the Minister of War believes that the forces should be strengthened as much as possible without materially adding to the expenditure on the Army. A Bill providing for the possibility of conception for both Europeans and natives is being prepared. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 698 4 "look at that pair cf skint y ecarccrtws! Why don't they try Sargol H EXCESSIVE THINNESS Doctors Say There Is A Safe Simple Way To Get Fat. Dr. Armani the eirirent French authority, declares "this is the most successful methed of putting onilesh. Women who tiud it diificult to drees
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    • 234 4 SCOTCH WHISKY cww ABoJr W BLACK WHITE" ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY Ttie Enormous Stocks held by BUCHANAN Co. at their Donaed store (the largest m the world) enable them to maintain tne high quality of this famous blend. SOLD x!/VERY WHERE. i |l THE BANGKOK TIMES ftVm U as*a&a**Pa^ L^ULi
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  • 1855 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Edinburgh, November 17. Tht Derby Recruits. Conflicting accounts are coming m from different parts of the country as to the Derby recruiting scheme, though on the whole it is said to be making good progress." One of the chief Scottish organisers put ihe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 505 5 I Notices 1 EASTERN SMELTIN6 COMPANY, LTD. Notice is hereby given that the Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from Wednesday 15th to Friday 24th December both days inclusive for the purpose of preparing Dividend Warrants. By Order of the Board, Eastern Smelting Co., Lt*. Fraser k Co.
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    • 705 5 Notices 1 HOTEL VAN WIJK CO., LTO. Notice is hereby given that Mr. 6. J. Jorissen has been appointed Manager of this Hotel m place of Mr. O. Brag, as from lst December, 19ifi. GATTEY ft CO, Secretaries. 14-12 16-12 JIMAH RUBBER ESTATES LIMITED. (Incorporated m the Straits Settlements). LOST
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    • 615 5 Wanted MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners require the services of an Architectural Assistant. Applicants should have a good knowledge of brickwork, masonry and construction generally, and most understand architectural drawings. A colloquial knowledge of Malay is desirable. The commencing salary of the appointment is $it 0 per month, with snch
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    • 522 5 To Ut r int _—____> Compound Honse, Upper Sirangoon* Tran* Terminus. Verandah, Fine outlook, Carafe) etc. Rent Moderate. Apply C. T. c/o Free Preen* 16-12 lArl I I 11"—--TOOE LET The comfortable and pleasantly eltuateal residence known as ENDBLEIGH No.'c* Newton Road. Immediate entry. Apply to POWELL ft 00., Auctioneered
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  • 25 6 Domestic Occurence. DEATH. Ede.— On tbe 1 th Nov., at Oak-burst," Netley Abbey, Pants, Nathaniel Joseih Ede, formeily cf BcDghocg. m his tOth year. I
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  • 1112 6 The Singapore Free Press. Thursday, December 16. 1915. Here .ib%t! tbe Press ihe People's :i?ht maliiMfc Ouawed by influence arr_ ':rbr;>.ed b, fain He»e pat; ioi Truth hrr gtorioos prerept* dr..*. PtoVed 'i R lu.oo. Loyalty and. Law. 7 I In his speech m reply to tbe address j of
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  • 1195 6 This afternoon there will be a route march of Volunteers and Troops. His Excellency the Governor will inspect the troops as they pass Government House Gates. Two members of an extensive espionage organization at Zurich, German naturalized Swiss, have been arrested at Lugano. The scene of their operations was Italy
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  • 56 6 RUBBER BOOTS FOR TROOPS. (*Vom Om om OmmmmmmM I SitE Ti. Luro P»r, Dec 1* from Sir W. Tavlor f Ud a 100 6 l D g M fUD<l6to,,';^ 6 Mr Gumming asks the Stat Pa i tribute. Masonic Jfcts, At Lodge Elliott of Mai A. E. H
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  • 123 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang I) ec p Mr Peel presiding at tbe Muni Clpal (nr mission which cons.dered a suX^l budget stated that amen, the one for the Penang band of one tho dollars. Mnce the war th, band L d been ,n an unsound financial pogiliun
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  • 69 6 Agent 6 Patersoa Simone and Co. Lower Perak Trafalgar 2 936 against 2,2-2 total to date 21,257. 4H 0 Coconuts against 19.000 Cols, total 100.900 Coconuts. Henrietta: 24.757. against 17 282 total 24/C096. Sungei Matang l3 fM against &.fiC total to date 144.977. Laras (Sumatra,! t—
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  • 107 6 Messrs Fraser i Co. inform us that they have received the following advice by :able from the London Board of Directors of the Eastern Smelting Co Ltd. London Board advice net profit fet year £'32.612 which with balance brought forward from previous year less depreciation, Income Tax
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  • 21 6 Further contribution*- to tbe Foal fcr i Christmas present fcr tbe Number Please girls D.H.K. 110; M F.
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  • 173 6 MESSRS. BARLOW CO'S. REPORT. Singapore. Dtc. 11. For to day's Auction some I2C leas were catalogued. The demand ou tbe wfaoe may be described as good bat ptfaai re alised show a good deal of irn-gulaiity amd a large number of pam-ls mn bought m, the prices bid being below
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  • 96 6 Singapore Dae- l A record quantity of some 130 JJ! ;o be disposed of by Auction this is was expected this could not b 6 a .vith m one day. Ot the quantity offe >nly about one half changed UaajU. jenerally shew some improvement ast week but
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 113 6 i "BOLD ÜBEL" Ss^** A *miaa^Lmmmm WIII6W I* ICT 1 1 117 DC WUlalii illS»llLl_xl£9. SOLE AGENTS: CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. Jobore Agents -A. C. HARPER COMPANY. •mmmmmmwmwmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmmi^^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimwmmmimmwmm JUST ARRIVED FOR Xlm/l m\\ 4vl lm#l #m mV/JL mtmmm O FINEST KENTISH NUTS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, BRAZILS, Etc. ALSO NEW ASSOBTMENT OF CM
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  • 559 7 INNISKILLINGS HOLD OP AN ARMY. Bulgars Disheartened. Vicra'a Saavroß. [Bj Submarine Cable]. Salonika, Dec. 14. Renter's correspondent at headquarters Bays that the stirring narratives of the wounded confirm the reports of the grand work of the troops during the British retreat against tenfold odd* m men and
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  • 53 7 Malta, Dec. 15. The measures of the Anglo French and Italian admiralties for dealing with the subm me menace m the Mediterranean are apparently most ef as there has uot beeu a single mishap to shipping reported iv the last ten days, although the sailings aud
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  • 28 7 Paris, Dec. 15. There is great artillery activity m the Dardanells. Supplementary reports show our bombardment of Sunday severely damaged the Turkish defences.
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  • 19 7 Mr Tennant said that tbe total German military prisoners m the United Kingdom numbered 21,205.
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  • 15 7 Amsterdam, Dec 14. The Russian losses to Nov 26th amount to 2,244,248.
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  • 62 7 -a* Mr Pestana, m charge of the S.P.C.A., bad no less than eight bullock cart drivers before the second police court magistrate yesterday for working their bullocks with sores or abscesses on their shoulders, or lame. Fines of $10 or the alternative oi 21 days' imprisonment, or $15 with the
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  • 90 7 GERMANY'S PEACE TERMS. Russia's Attack on Bulgaria to Begin. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang Dec. 15. Hague telegrams of Dec. 12 say that m bis Reichstag speech Dr Beth man n Holl weg declared that under no condition would Germany give up Alsace Lorraine nor would she
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  • 134 7 How they are Treated m Hongkong. London, Dec. 14.— 1n the House"" of Commons at question time, Lord Robert Cecil (Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs) said that he had no information as to whether the Chinese Government were contemplating the engagement of German reserve officers to train
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  • 90 7 Patriotic Resolve. London, Tec. 15. An extraordinary general meeting of the Indo China Steam Navigation Company unanimously ap proved of the alteration of the articles of association providing for the transfer of the head office and the board of directors from London to Hongkong. Mr Moner
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  • 71 7 London, Dec. 15. In the House of Com mons, Lord Robert Cecil, explaining the Enemy Trading Extension Bill, said that its object was to impede trading with the enemy m neutral countries. He instanced South America, where German firms directly assist tbe enemy. Under the bill this
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  • 34 7 Rome, Dec. 15, A communique says apart from a prolonged Austrian bombardment of Italian position on the Isorzo front to which the Italiant effectively replied, there has been nothing of importauce.
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  • 31 7 Amsterdam, Dec. 14. The Editor of the Telegraaf will be tried on a second charge of endangering neutrality. Amsterdam (later).— The Editor of the Telegraaf has been acquitted.
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  • 27 7 Paris, Dec 14.--A Rome telegram states tbat Italian military circles believe that Italy will 6bortly be able to laud 80,000 men iv Albania.
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  • 33 7 Washington, Dec. 15. A note to France has been despatched dealing with the alleged removal of non-conibatantGermans from American steamers bound to Puerto Rico. It demands their release. a
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  • 27 7 GERMANS GIVE UP DVIN A ATTACK. Petrograd, Dec. 14.— The Germans have evacuated their advance trenches m the Dwinsk region m order to take up winter quarters.
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  • 16 7 Washington, Dec. 15. The Entente powers have recognised the Carranza Gov* ernment m Mexico.
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  • 46 7 A Tamil named Rengasamy of Middle Road was charged m the second police court yesterday with giving false informa- tion to a police servant, namely, a Malay police constable. The case was postponed until tbe 22nd inst, bail being offered accused m the sum of 1100.
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    • 113 7 End m Allied Success. London, Dec. 15. —The Press-Bureau publishes a despatch from British Headquarters which says Our Artillery to-day bombarded Gomraercourt, the enemy trenches east of Givenchy, tbe village of le Mesnil. Hostile artillery showed considerable activity against our trenches east and north-east of Ypres whereto our
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    • 132 7 London, Dec. 15. Tbe Admiralty announces that flight sub Lieutenant Graham, with flight sub-Lieut Ince as observer, when patrolling the Belgian coast yesterday at noon sighted, and chased a large German seaplane. After a severe engagement the German was hit and fell and burst into flames before
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  • 85 7 London, Dec. 15. The first meeting of the Unionist M. P.s. since the formation of the Coalition was presided over by Mr Chaplin. There were sixty present, including Sir Edward Carson. It was decided to oppose the Government's bill extending the duration of Parliament but to limit opposition
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  • 125 7 London, Dec. 15. In tbe House of Commons Mr Bonar Law to night made a stirring reply to the Unionist critics who opposed the Plural Voting Bill going through under the Parliament act. The matter arose on a bill for prolonging the life of the present Parliament.
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  • 93 7 In the House of Commons Mr Asquith said that it was impossible to secure the exact recruiting figures this week. Consequently, the Army Vote would be post-. poned to the 21st. London, Dec. 14. A Supplementary Estimate is issued authorising the increase of the army to four
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  • 30 7 London, Dec. 14. In the House of Com mons, Mr Teunant (Under Secretary for War) announced tbat General Smith Dorrieu commands the forces m East Africa.
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  • 39 7 London, Dec. 15. The Times says that tbe honourable Cecil Atkinson has been selected as puisne judge of tbe High Court of Behar and Orissa. Sir Douglas Haig bas been elected a honorary fellow of Brasenose.
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  • 28 7 Cairo, Dec. 14.— Official. The British have routed a hostile Arab force m the western desert. The British casualties were only sixteen killed and eighteen wounded.
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  • 17 7 London, Dec. 14. The British steamei Orteria has been sunk, two Chinese being killed.
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  • 405 7 The meeting of the Licensing Justices, to consider hotel and public house licenses for the year 1916 was held m the District Court yesterday afternoon Mr Firmstons (District Judge) presided, with him on the bench being Messrs R. Pierce, Dr. Middleton, Lieut. Commander Carter, P. Cunliffe, W.
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  • 316 7 "Observator" iv the "Observer" has this paragraph Mr W. Langtey Smith writes to me from Bournemouth to refute the idea tbat Mr Gladstone's Margot verses were his only jeu d'esprit m rhyme. He recalls one other instance It was after an attack on the
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  • 84 7 Wm Jenkins, who is at present serving a sentence of two months' imprisonment for theft, was brought from the Criminal Prison to the third police court yesterday, and charged with the theft of a first class engineer's ticket, the property of Mr Harry Smith, and further, with stealing from the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 378 7 I ROBINSON CO. I I ARE SHOWING A NICE SELECTION OF I LADIES' HAND BAGS *^> I Including these illustrated I No. 4473. Ladles' Hand Bags, iv Hard gate No> 4703 Ladles Hand Morocco Leather, nickle frame, pocket at back fitted Bag m black nioiie silk, I wit h purse
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1587 8 Shipping J Shipping KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ J\ g\ W% f Royal Packet Navigation Co.. of Batavia. M~ %J m v IBITISH LNDIA f— l, COLLTBB QUAY. fc mm. OHDER OOWTBAOT WITH THB NETHBBfcAMPB IBTDIA QQVBRWMBWT. AND BI»GKEL Bengkalis, Berombang, Paneh, Asahan, and Belawan-Deli Dec 16 JL__M nn a n IWJ
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    • 526 8 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINB. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON vi MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1915—1916 as Polynesien Deo 17 sa Porthos Dec* sa Atbos Jan 20 as Cordillere Jan I ss Porthos Jan 28 as Andre Lebon Jan 11 ss Cordillere Feb ll sb Andre Lebon Feb 25 For
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    • 636 8 Shipping JAPAN HAIL STEAHSHIP Co., Lti. EUROPEAN UNL > fla porta to MsrsaHlss, London, ander matt oontr&ct with the Impsslal Japanese Oovera. ment. The Mew Twin screw Steamers maintaining this aervioe have been specially leslgncd aad constructed, aad are fltted with all the latest improvements for Ihe safety and oomfort
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  • 257 9 The winter has set m with varying degrees ot intensity for General Raszky s armies. The northern sector is firmly m the grip of ice and snow, while at Dvinsk aod Riga frost alternates with thaw. Generals Kholod (cold) and Golod (hunger), the grim pair which
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  • 189 9 War Loan Scrip for Soldiers' Widows That war loan paper is largely taking the place cf bank notes throughout the German Empire is suggested (says the Central News Zurich correspondent) by the experience of certain Swiss manufactures, chiefly ironworkers, who, m order to obtain German
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  • 137 9 The new law concerning strong drink will come into force m a very few days now m Paris. The only modification has been that spirits can be served to men after 11 a.m. instead of midday, as originally intended. Those fair women who
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  • 108 9 The sauds are ruuning out, old friend, The day is drawing nigh. When we to hope and doubt, old friend, Must bid a last good bye. But still with trusting hearts we pray That ere our souls' release, "We both may see the happy day That gives our
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1276 9 M^MM^BBBBa_BsV_______^_______Bßa______B________^^ I War or Peace, Faminf or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth ioo cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP IHE GREAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: Winchester Hooae, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry. EC The Company has £20,00 C flSßOSitofl with the Supreme Ooort of
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    • 294 9 DRINK 1 DRINK! CARLSBERG REER! THE BEST BEER IM^^^^^^j^y T0 THB LATEST Jr EVERY POSSIBLE CARE IN SANITARY RESPECTS. CARLSBERG BEER IS DANISH tfEER. •_________W__B___________BiMiMM_«i*MM_--_M____^ THE EAST ASIATIC Co., Ltd. OBTAINABLE FROM John Little ft Co., Ltd.. Raffles' 1 lace. Chin Guan ft Co., North Boat Quay. Katz Bros Ltd..
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  • 676 10 Interesting Story of Alleged Agent. The alleged confessions of a Dutch spy m German service appear m the Amsterdam Telegraaf," with a view to showing how the espionage recruiting agents go to work m Holland and what the young Netherlander^ who enter their service have to do.
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  • 284 10 Tbe Hun bas apparently to be careful of indiscriminate "strafeing." He may not strafe even indirectly a fellow-Hun, as a tradesman of the Fatherland discovered to his cost the other day. In remitting an account over which there had been some trouble the man added the universal prayer and added
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  • 411 10 Lieutenant Governor off Burma at Tavoy. Mergui, Dec. 6. The Lieutenant-Governor arrived off Tavoy river at about twelve o'clock on j Friday m the RIMS. Mayo and was met m launches by Mr Christie, commissioner, Tenasserim division, and Mr Brander, j deputy commissioner, Tavoy. His Honour
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  • 186 10 Professor Edgeworth David, of Sydney I University who was a member of the List Shackleten Antarctic Expedition, bas en- 1 listed, I see, and is going to the f rout as geological expert to tbe mining engineer*? with tbe rank of major. Professor David is one of
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  • 310 10 A fine young fellow, delighting m his first commission, a Singapore boy, he is too writes from the front I am quits I a soldier now. I have been uuder tire j m the trenches. And I've got lice." The Bank of England has lost about 500 male members of
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  • 293 10 the members of the '95 0 üb Mdre N Chester on The Press m Wet iw^ read a number of letters on th, of the Censorship from re Drai UeBtloa British journalists. epre6et »Ut IVe Lord Northcliffe said that ten year. the Government were urged to pce
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  • 50 10 CALCU TTA CHURCH'S CENTENARY. Calcutta, Nov. 29. The centenary of St. Andrew's Church, Calcutta, was commemorated yesterday by special services morning and evening. The latter service was attended by a large number of Freemasons by special invitation, many lodges now existing having taken part m the opening ceremony m 1615.
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  • 311 10 The Palladium's change of programs to-night includes The Story of a Sin," a three-reel Kassiau drama. The Strength of Lave," a thrilling Lubin three reeler, a new number of the French official war gazette, and other pictures. If you really want to be the fashion m the New Army and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 723 10 __E Imanll Ip S In green, blue fl nil Am l""^! fl bEnilll fl brown. Height H 111 aW- Aa\\^ammy*mm\ I E *3Bfl=--=A f„„ m „,k„_,l I K^flfll _C Ml flfl •SSSSSSSSi_tss«isss__i_isSsZ I |__fl___yl^A from wheel to I Iflff __________=^^sK I z. H l__S_=^^L __^___^______K___________________E________B m^ iflsssl |iM»BWfl^~^^L handle 26
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    • 94 10 THE ANCIENT TORTURERS could have devised n tfhing m<»re cruel than the frightful twinging pains of Sci< tica. Modern Medicine can devise nothing more effective than LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM wherewith to oombat this terrifying affliction. It does its work and does it well. AU p*u» immediately relieved. Simply rub it
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  • 1510 11 Issued by FKASER Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, Dec. 15th. All quotations ol Sterling Sbarts moat be regarded as f wel/ nominal lor tke promt, RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. 04F. lain. paid. ban Oit. butbbb. Bblliirb. M.O0Q li Allftgsi 5* 1 8 2 0 100,000 1 1 Anglo-Java
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  • 53 11 COBBBCTEO DF TO Dec. 15) Bank Imi 24 016 demand 9-4 7-82 Private credits Imi 2-4& Prance demand Bank 818 (HDIA, T. T. 176& dOHQKOHQ, demai d 18» Yokohama, demai d 109& Java, demand ...184 Babqkok, demand 66 Sovimignb, Bank Buying 68.64 Bank ol England Rate 6% Bar Silver
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  • 140 11 Tin buyers 182.75 Gambler 17 00 Gambier Cube No. 1 18.50 Gambier Cube No. 2 15.00 Pepper Black ordin. Spore 21.50 Pepper, (White fair) Muntok 8 5. C0 Nutmegs (110 to tie lb. 21.00 Nutmegs (80 to tLe lb.) 22.00 Macs (Banda) 80.00 Cloves (Amboina) 45.00 Ball Coffee (4%
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 132 11 STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPY (Steamship Company) NEDERLAND: 1 Fortnightly Mail Service between Java and Amsterdam via Singapore, Belawan-Deli, Sabang, Colombo, Port Said, Naples aod Lisbon. Steamers are due on or about the undermentioned dates OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. 19 5. 1918. Grotius Dec 24 Oranje Dec 11 Vondel Dec 96 1918 Kon. der Ned
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 339 11 WEATHER REPORT. Kandeng aerbao Hospital Deo. l U 9*M. 8 P.M. 9PM Barom. 89 Fab. 99 881 99.771 99 SSS Temp. 79 0 79 5 'TO Wet Bulb The*. 7f 5 77 0 Dir. ot Wind calm N calm Max. Temp, ln shaae 89.0 Mm. do do. 7«. Max. la
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    • 456 11 LATEST ARRIVALS List of vessels m port at 11 a.m. o» Dec. 16, 1916. Name Date of Arrival Remarke Bbitibh. Glenlogan Dec 14 No. 7 Wharf Charon n O 6 Wharf Hai Nam l nuec Roads Ban Poh Guan Scott Harley Kaka Dec 16 Sri Muar Waihora No. 7 Wharf
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  • 2024 12 MR WILKINSON'S DEPARTURE. ADDRESS FROM THE MOSLEM ASSOCIATION. In honour of the promotion to Governor* •hip of Sierra Leone and m view of the de- parture of the Hon'ble Mr R. J. Wilkinson c.m.g., and Mrs. Wilkinson a dinner was given last night m the Victoria Memorial Hall by the
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  • 313 12 Tlie M. M. Company's steamer Polynesion left Saigon at 10 a.m. on the 15th instant and may be expected here on Friday morning. The new Messageries Maritimes mail steamer Porthos has jnst undergone satisfactory trials m the Mediterranean before the French Postal Commission, attaining, says tbe "Temps," a
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  • 200 12 By Courtesy of the French Consul General. Paris, Dec. 18. —The French three per cent bonds are at francs 61 50. Yesterday, m Belgium and m the Vosges, our artillery was very active. To day, m Champagne, the enemy having exploded a mine m front of our
    200 words
  • 260 12 MINISTERING CHILDREN'S LEAGUE. Through the great kindness of a friend the members of tbe M.C.L. had a most enjoyable treat on Monday. Assembling at the Y.M.CA. the children were convey ed by motor lorry to Neidpath," where every arrangement had been made for their enjoyment. Although the weather was not
    260 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 186 12 I This is not onr w U Bk way of doing Spi^Hl business, but the I \t\m articles m ques- y Am imm tion are equally W Mr W i mm mm\Amm\mA^r appreciated by WW the motorists prove it ■■■■■■^g AND PROFIT BY IT Supplies can be obtained from our
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 587 12 THE WEEK'S WARRING. [The dates given are those of the despatch of the telegrams from London Dec. 7 (continued.) Austrian submarine stops Greek steamer and takes therefrom Col. Napier, (late British military attack at Sofia) and Gapt. A. S. Wilson, m. P., carrying letters from Eastern Mediterranean. French submarine Fresnel
      587 words