The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 December 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 244 1 There is a recrudescence of peace talk, inspired apparently from Berlin. The Allies are adamant in asserting that Germany can bave peace only on the Allies' terms Page 7. The Pope, in bis plea, suggests that negotiations may be initiated by an j exchange of views," and
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  • 1759 1 i As a nation we are perhaps overfondl of decrying ourselves. Even now we see* articles in magazines, and columns in the papers. They talk of the slackers, mM i the supineness of tbe people, their easy j optimism, and contrast this with when some ot the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 214 1 RUFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM I Booths" ADJOINING co^B™ i B s i t POre HOP Ulglt (JQfl [jygp Qj| NOW OPEN m-m^mmmmm m<|s sffiS MB jWBbSi E^^^ THE very finest ICES. CAKES. PASTRY, COLD DRINKS, TEA* COFFEE S j|^eS9^HHHL unaS lis lialipp tt li LARGE BOTTLES 65 c IN LIQUIDATION E
      214 words
    • 253 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Mou trie's gramophones Page 1. Powell's furniture auction— Page 2. Godown to let Page 1. Casino's new programme Page 2. Gas pipes, etc., for sale Page 5. Inspector of Roads wanted Page 5. Auction of motor bicycle, a gelding, and other articles at Powell's Page 5. Impottant property
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 104 1 THE WEEK. Wednesday Bth. High Water- 1 -19 a.m. de Merle Mystery SLow op: ns, Beach-rd. C.W.A. Quarterly, 10.50 a m. Thursday Sth. High Water -0-7 a.m., 1-3 p.m. Lodge Zetland Emergent, 8.30 p.m. and 'My Word, Victoria Theatre. 8.1. outward mail expected. Friday 10th. High Water— U-stf a.nv, 11-49
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 300 2 -aaaH I THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. THE Chief Importers OF British Pianos FRENCH PIANOS Italian Pianos Children's Concert VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL. FRIDAY, Dec, 10th, at 5.15 p.m. 6-12 10-12 SINGAPORE AMATEUR DRAMATIC COMMITTiE IN AID OF OFFICERS' FAMILIES' FUND UNDER THE PATHOSAOE Ol H.E.The Governor Sir Arthur Young, K.CJ.6.
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    • 1222 2 ANOTHER GRAND ATTRACTimT^ AT THB IDEAL PICTURE THEATRE a CASINOZ'^ TO-NIGBT SECOND SHOW 9.15 P.M. SHARP. To J STROHC ONE OF THEIMARVELS OF TKE AGE JS A HKBT OF TERROR ft I This film will set every boagoe in the place talking about i *L magnetises the Kpectotoit*. :/T i
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    • 202 2 To Let TO BE LET FURNISHED Th° sefpide bungaV'. kdcwe as "Mela aa.-acpct to ttt« Ai Fort, Tar., one Kike Immediate entiy. RcntSa Appiy tc PCWELL ft Cc irtioMf 1 l HsMlua Ml M TO LET Valkyrie. Cavanafh Rosd to it m furnish* d. 4 bedroevs. fctab.icg ttt 'bm* Entry
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  • 561 3  -  Elizabeth Cooper. by The Chinese understand the art of dining, and we who simply go to eat cannot appreciate the social side of this form of entertainment as does the Eastern man. He eats a few courses, sheds a jacket, loosens a belt, talks to a
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  • 212 3 Improved results are recorded by the j Singapore P.ira K ibber Estates partly as the result of an increase in crop and p irtly due to a substantial reduction in costs. Tbe crop amounted to 359,700 pounds, j wbich, although 10,800 pounds below tbe estimate on account
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  • 155 3 The Committee of the B. N. Borneo Chamber of Commerce having noted, with vt iy great regret, the commencement of building construction on the Sea Frontage of tbe Recreation Ground at Sandakan, despite their strong representations, and the fact that the Government had been informed of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 285 3 The Value of j VI-CASEIN IT is soluble, nutritious and palatable. It is a pure proteid 1 food, easily digested and assimilated. It is prepared in an ideal factory from freshly separated milk within twelve hours, of which ten hours are spent in It is absolutely free from arsenical contamination
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    • 79 3 Turk c I *****l V Genuine Packings We have large stocks of the following PACKINGS of the well-known Liverpool house of Messrs. Tuck Co., Ltd. GENUINE CORE PACKING METALLIC PACKING HYDRAULIC PACKING TUCKITE JOINTINGS HEMP PACKINGS ASBESTOS TAPES SHEETS ASBESTOS MILL BOARD AND LAGGINGS ASBESTOS BOILER COMPOUND Our exceptional facilities
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  • 315 4 The Frankfurter Zaitung of October It. contains a moet interesting account ot Ihe system ot nets which the British Admiralty has drawn across tbe Narrow Beae in order to guard the transport serpiee against German submarines, and .felso to keep tho submarines out of
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  • 200 4 10 Days' Battle Between Lakes Ilsen and S ven tea. Allahabad. Nov. 26. Pioneer special cables state Tha Times Petrograd correspondent now at the Russian Headquarters sends cm account of the 10 days' battle for the •passage between the Lakes Ilsen and ten ten, respectively south west
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  • 114 4 Washington, Nov. 19. Slides continue nt the Panama canal and all hopes for an «early opening of the waterway have beeu ■Abandoned by the engineers. The pro liabilities are that the canal will not •again be opened for at least six months. 2i waa tft first thought
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  • 82 4 British Government Approval. Washington, 26th Oct. It is announced that the British Gov «rnmeat will approve the American Over «eas Corporation, which it is proposed to •organise to handle exports to neutral •countries, when, by the character of the 3ooen connected with it, it can be
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 101 4 Writing in 'The Nation A Wayiarer -says Here are two or three lacta concerning the economic situation in Germany, on which the issue— perhaps ihe near issue— of the war depends. The -other day a Scandinavian firm wae offered £1,500 for a ton
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 598 4 I It is in mortals to command success— at all events, in the matter of motoring:. Given a reliable car all you have to do is to fit it with MiCMLtM I M mm wl M is.s M ml 1 Tyres (the famous French make) One Quality Only— the Best.
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    • 145 4 TROPICAL ROOFING GENASCO Supplied with patent "KANT LEAK" KLEljj which do away with the necessity 0 using sticky cement at the overlaps, I I CJ- j> .«Crt- 3Q£-»-iyC^gajpr KnrfyiW*1^T^*T^aiSSC>^^ *^*w «*wr<(iiflj*. < GENASCO is the result of over 30 years experience in the manufacture of Ready Roofings. Its durability makes
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  • 653 5 h following are extracts from a letter A •in Kin^oon by an American lady :i u e r brother in the United States jfoio ArT er i can news you mention >0 6 ra-tling. Yon sp^ak of Germans up a part of tbe White afl
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  • 239 5 laa! evening I tra\elleu to a grey town r:h through the country that is a fee Ike !i!i»a who wanted a 6i£jbt of a rowane. The BMHrnioji was erj chatter* and raw when I dis* m sad v.xt granite wall ou either ride 1 WWl Clean street told
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 71 5 RUBBER AND COPRA DRYING. j; j ri ncin a i of a Wellknown flrm Qf Tc fJ?au J Drvin S Plauts visited Java, Msrnwtw &na SS darin fi th present J ion ou .I Urpose of acquiring informa BQ bmittpS e > e eub J ect and now B-raeo r
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    • 890 5 I IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE FREEHOLD LEASEHOLD iTOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES Belonging to the Estate of the late Yap Quan Seng (deceased) To be sold pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements at Singapore By Messrs. CHING KENG LEE Co. At their Sale room No. 3,
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    • 613 5 I Wanfeff WANTED. A second hand Billiard Table, must be in decent condition. Particulars to "CUE" c/o Free Press. 8-12 8-12 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners invite application* for the appointment of Inspector of Roads. The commeccicg salary of the appointment is fICO per month, wi h such transport allowance
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    • 535 5 Notices The Bankruptcy Ordinance 1888. IN THB SUPREME COURT OF THE BTRATTB BETTLEMENTB SETTLEMENT OV EI NO AP ORE. IN BANKRUPTCY. No. 269 of 1916. NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN, that on a Petition filed the 17th day of November, I*ls, a Receiving Order against Chop Kong Hap Aik No. 67,
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    • 567 5 I THE Singapore Free Press MORNING DAILY To Our Readers. The Singapore Free Press is s mornis*£ Daily, and is on sale at depots, from aa tttjm hour each morning (Sundays excepted). Caab> prioe Ten Cents a copy. Subscribers' copies will be delivered at thet* private residences, (or town offices
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  • 23 6 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTH. Clayton.— On December Sth, at Koala, Lumpur, the wi'e <»f L. H. CLAYTON, of tne F.M.S. Civil Service, a daughter.
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  • 1360 6 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, Decembers 8, 1915. a«'nh»l! th* Pr« PeapJes fei* aalitrifc £T i\. >\ iiifl> m. ?i -.i Here pairio* In:',; I ei ;k>rs*»i3 ptecepti Ate* ":<-.mA.-f R 'ia. < «?'.v hi There are one or two features in the telegrams that will afford very sub-: stantial
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  • 518 6 The third ordinary general meeting of tbe Sirnpam Valley Hydraulic Mines wil! be held at Winchester House on Tuesday, Dec. 21st, at noon. Mr Moberly Fell, a member of the Shanghai liar, is a passenger bv tbe Katori Marn," Mr DeU is going Home to join tbe army. H. H.
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  • 77 6 At the Children's Concert at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday after noon at 5.15 the String Baud will play the following selection of bright and at tractive music March, Tbe Honeymoon, (Roscy) Valse, M Rose in the Bud," (Forster) One Step, "La Tre- 1 moussante," (Salabert* Intermezzo
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  • 242 6 ANl^,.^ Experience during thp February demonstrated tL 0y fe rangements being nad, J u *<~ cf J provide for the care of ofn Bdva^u ren in tbe event q| an Itd arising during the conu^,*' H presenter. The Committee 6 the Reserve Force >*« c^,^^ nance ha*
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  • 257 6 ■^■■■■B******* The provisions of clause one. a..-;-; Restriction Amendmeut Urder, hav* bextended to all Britisn sobjecte, I* c low6 from the clausia which is appafaj as unamended, that all persons fron ti; Colony and elsewhere desiring to laidcbe Doited Kingdom come trithicin conditions set out tbereiu I.-
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  • 44 6 Telephone users who appreciate^ courtesy of the young ladies oft** 1 are invited to send a contribution *J or small, to mark that appreciation, fi* enable the operators to receive a Chrfctojj present. Amount already MktwMtm •SO to day. F. II K.P.
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  • 206 6 The Bangkok Times learns that «w Skinner Turner. Judiciyl Advi^ resigned, having accepted the pas Assistant .ludge in H. M >u t Court for China. He expects to Bangkok about the middle of Feb Judge Skinner Turner wascalie a Bar at the Middle Temple in l* p <
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 86 6 THE 5% NEW FRENCH WAR LOAN The BANQUE CE L' INDOCHIKE is prepared to accept, subscriptions to the 5% NEW, FRENCH WAR LOAN, issued at Francs 88, free from income' tax. I The BONDS are to be repaid in 1931, at par. The subscriptions will be, accepted up to the
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  • 272 7 ALLIES RESOLVED TO DICTATE THE TERMS. Feelers from Berlin. TBy Submarine Cable]. licni'i Bssvios. London, Dec. 6- There ha* been a ent recrudescence of German peace JJ xhe»9 feelers receive short shrift JjJL E l4 ush press, which points out that Italv's 'adherence to the Convention of
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  • 189 7 Suggests "Exchange of Ideas."' Rome. I>ec 6. For the first time since hi» election the Pope personally conducted tbe secret coEsistory, surrounded by the usual historical pomp. Prominent in the ball were tbe Cardinals representing the belligerents. Tbe Pope from the throne broke tbe silence by intoning
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  • 118 7 Convinced of Germany's Downfall. Ne* York, Dec 6. A sweeping decline in exchange rates on Berlin is the absorb ing topic in New York. Bankers are of opinion tbat tbe financial and economic conditions in Germany are desperate. Hence forma! peace proposals from Berlin are expected. British
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  • 91 7 Naval and Military Votes. Washington, Dec. 7.— Congress has opened. The total appropriations demand•a amounted to 1,185.838 thousand dolarg, over a hundred and seventy millions Q excess of the appropriations for 1914. j oe increase is mainly due to the Adplans for naval and mill- l *r?
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  • 102 7 JOFFRE PRESIDES OVER FIRST MEETING. Campaign Co operation. Vnrnu'a Bbevytol Paris, Dec. 7.— The Allies' first War Council was held yesterday, being presided over by General Joffre. British, Italian, Russian, Serbian and Belgian representatives were present. London, Dec. 6.— In the House of Com moos, Mr Asquith
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  • 114 7 To Cut their own Salaries. London, Dec. 6. The Daily Telegraph has reason to believe that the Government is contemplating the reduction of the salar ies of themselves, members of the House, and political pensioners, by one- third. Mr Birrell, speaking at Bristol, said that he thought Cabinet
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  • 90 7 A Suspicious Affair. San Franciaco, Dec. 6. The twenty thousand ton liner Minnesota, on ber first trip from Seattle to London, is returning crippled. It is believed there was an ex plosion in the engine-room. Three man are suspected of causing it. The liner Star, of New
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  • 114 7 Steamer Defeats Submarine. London, Dec. 7. The Press Bureau announces that the steamer Japanese Prince, with a large crew and a considerable number of passengers, recently encountered a German submarine and struggled for five and half hours to get clear, being shelled the greater part of the
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  • 128 7 Restrictions on Enlistment. London, Dec. 6. The Secretary of State for India has addressed a letter to all Indian Civil Servants on leave io England reminding them tbat tbey are liable in case of necessity to be recalled immediately to duty in India unless medically uufit. Therefore
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  • 49 7 London, Dec 6. The Press Bureau says that General Townshend's force has reached Kut el Amara without further fighting. Amsterdam, Dec. 6.— The latest Turkish communique indicates that the British retirement on Kut el Amara has been sue cessfully continued. The communique makes very small claims.
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  • 38 7 London, Dec. 6.— The Queen and Princess Mary and Prince Albert inspected at Frampton's studio a statue of the Queen which has been finished for Delhi. Her Majesty expressed her great pleasure and approval.
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  • 36 7 Rome, Dec. 6. The communique says Attempts to break into our lines under cover of fog were everywhere repulsed. Short dashing advances by our infantry won us further advantages on the Carso plateau.
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  • 324 7 BRITISH AIRMEN'S BRILLIANT RAID. German Fliers Helpless. [By Submarine Cable]. Kioto's Slavic*. London, Dec. 6. The Stirling British aeroplane raid of Dec. 2 is described by Reuter's correspondent with British Headquarters. Nineteen machines drop j ped bombs cn Don station, which is an important enemj railway junction.
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  • 96 7 Called the Germans Scoundrels. London, Dec. 6. A sensation has been caused in Amsterdam by the arrest of Heer Schroeder, chief editor of the Tele graaf, following a prosecution wherein a sentence of six months was demanded because of the publication of an article declaring that "there
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  • 42 7 Amsterdam, Dec. 6. Fifteen persons court ruartialled at Brussels have been sentenced to terms ranging from 2-_ to fifteen years for war treason, namely, hiding French airmen and supplying the enemy with men liable to military service." mfm.
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  • 154 7 Another Sea of Marmora Exploit. London, Dec. 6. The Admiralty announces that one of the British submarines operating in the Sea of Marmora damaged a train on the Ismid railway on Dec. 2, torpedoed and sank the Turkish destroyer Yar Hissar on Dec. 3 and picked up
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  • 77 7 Rebels' Short Shrift. Shanghai, Dec. 6. The crew of the cruiser Chao ho mutinied and opened fire on the Arsenal. Two other warships are j watching tbe Chao ho but are not attacking for fear of damaging the settlement. Simultaneously a body of rebels with guns attacked
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  • 279 7 DIPLOMATS SEEKING FOR A MODUS VIVENDI. A Venizeios Manifesto. [By Submarine Cable]. KsUTSt't Sbsvic*. Athens, Dec. 6. Diplomatic pourparlers continue. Both the Entente and the Government are holding their ground but details are not obtainable at present. There is no indication of a prompt solution of the questions
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  • 44 7 London, Dec. 6. A telegram from Salonika says that several persons were killed and wounded in a cavalry charge of the peace demonstrators before tbe Palace at Sofia. There is anxiety iu Bulgaria owing to the Turks pouring troops into Thrace. m+m
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  • 27 7 Athens, Dec. 6. German railway experts have arrived atTemesvar in Hungary with a view to the establishment of direct communication between Berlin and Constantinople.
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  • 382 7 INDIA' S CHAMBERLAIN. Tributes to Sir R. Mehta. London, Dec. 7. Presiding at a meeting at Caxton Hall at which a resolution of regret at the loss India bas bus tained by the death of Sir Rustomjee Mehta, was propose I by Lord Harris and carried unanimously, the Aga Khan
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 840 8 A IV I emm mm. m mm mmt Shipping KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Royal Packet Navigation Ca, of Batavia. 9—B, COLLTBB QUAY. ORDER OOrITRACaT WITH THB NETHBRLAHPB ttfPIA QOVRBKMBWT. Alting Muntok and Palembang Dec 8 Singkawang Pontianak Tla Poeloe Samboe Vec 8 Van Dam Parra Riouw, Letcng, Kramat, Maras, Tarempa, Midai,
      840 words
    • 727 8 Qfoiiiflillff Ps i\ D f U« obitish India AND Aw PCAR LIINE Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. HOMEWARD (FOR
      727 words
    • 554 8 Shipping I M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LIMI. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON aai MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1915—1910 ss V de la ss Athos Dec 4 Ciotat Dec S ss Porthos Dec 10 ss Poiynesien Dec 17 ss Paul Lecat Jan a ss Atbos Jan 14 ss Porthos J*n 2d ss
      554 words
    • 653 8 I Shipping nTTE JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ul EUROPEAN LINE, A eervlce is maintained between Tak*^ ria ports to Marseilles, LonfiocT *J?** ment. The Kew T*rt n S TrV^maintaining this service havTbL lesigaed and aoastraeted, *£*< L^SS safety and eomfort of passea*** Xl!* Ihtonghout by eleotrldtyTthe eTh-J^ 1 SS 'Tm^^^^Z^m^L
      653 words

  • 523 9 TRIBES ON OUR FRON TIER. Tbe Accepting of tbe Knife, Tbe Government of Burma's Report on the Chin Hills District depicts a primitive state ot affairs in which tribal warfare ii almost look upon as a field sport. Dating the year under report tbe hill districts in this corner of
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  • 199 9 Tho Question of Enemy Holdings. In the House of Commons recently Mr Pet kins (U. New Forest) asked tbe President of the Board of Trade whether Linde British Refrigeration Company, although nominally British was in reality a German company whether of 4,948 Preference shares issued 3,974 were
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  • 136 9 Abnormal Weather. The Sumatra Post reports that a serious earthquake occurred in tbe neighbourhood of Fort de Koek and Kota Gedong, Sumatra, on Monday morning about 1 30. Many houses were destroyed, and their inhabitants engulfed in the ruins. The number of dead, and tbe extent of
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  • 314 9 The big naval battle will be fongbt in May next, accciding to Old Moots. That gentleman was well off the tstgst when hs made his prognosticaticns for 1914, ths tUst year of the war. hut io hii Almanack for 1916 the modern representative of Francis Moore, wbo
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  • 432 9 oingapore, ucc. em, i»i Beans. Long per catty C6 do. French do 15 Beef per lb. 18 Beefsteak do SO Bean Sprouts per catty 03 Bamboo Sprouts do oBlachan do 17 Brinjals do 06 Cabbage, Batavia do nil do. China do 14 do. Salted do Ct> Carrots,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 495 9 I Wab or Peace. Fahinf or Plenty, Life In sub ance is worth ioo cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, UITED. mm I HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. u The Company bas £30.000 aepoalted with the
      495 words
    • 511 9 THS MERCANTILE BANK QF INDIA, Ltd. MPJ7AL AUTHORISED mmm £1,500.000 CAf fTfll SUBSCRIBED *1,125,000 CAPITAL PAID-UP £365,500 tfIKXfIPOIB .mm £300,W0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS R. J. Black Esq., Chairman. James Campbell Esq. j H. Melvill Simons Esq. 3. M. Ryrie Esq. Sir David Tale. Chief Manager M Percy Mould Esq. London
      511 words
    • 363 9 UFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. ESTABLISHED 1837. I j Policies are WORLD WIDE," UNRE- 6TBICTED." "INDISPUTABLE" and "NONFORFEITABLE Claims, loans, cash-surrenders, etc., are promptly settled by the General Agents at Singapore without the delay of reference to Head Office. The Reserves for protection of Policy holders are over £3.500,000. The
      363 words
    • 290 9 1 m ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANGE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in India.) ASSETS exceed $28,000,000. offering ABSOLUTE SECURITY tol'olicy-holdtrs CLAIMS PAID exceed 126.000,000. FROFIT3 to Poliry -holders at last Valuation 11,116,6/3. Rext Distribution of Profl s is at 31st Dec 1913 LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. Apply for
      290 words
    • 32 9 UABTlxtfi?, I? tiwrtT ttU IvTCtfalurlttM. rv*V_< 4 S mt*m t~, a boi «f Mirt». m a kow, m tW. .Vt7*i p C-m.o~r.xmm. *\mm rto > M— i»in.w' g— t4 *HsdS«**»«»s M BA^ *V"
      32 words

  • 408 10 ewmmmAmmmmmmmmWmm^ I New Order in Council. mmwmmmmmmmmm Article 57 of the Declaration of London has been abrogated by an Order in Council published in the London Gazette." Uoder thia clause it ia provided that "the neutral or enemy character of a vessel is determined by the flag
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  • 298 10 This is a description by an American writer on the present position of Germany. She bas lost four and a half millions of men, an asset which will take many years to teplace, her overseas trade has gone, and the condition of her internal finances is rotten throughout.
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  • 179 10 Allahabad, Nov. 29.— Reviewing the situation in German East Africa, the Pioneer points out that though the Union contingent will find the position in regard to the unity of the German force and its bold on the interisr unchanged since the check to our offensive of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 636 10 NEW TOYS fob XMAS MOTOR CARS. One Seater S ISagEg DITTO. Two Seaters Length IJ inches. Width 21.J inches PRICE $40 00 each jfc I I a fa f^V i^aß "V B^\ ei***"- **-f-~- EdtiSfcL. .JlMflw Jlag^Tr^ <y^PBESßaffiT'""~^SJ II a I ~a 1 1 I ll aia x *^~-~wnm^-r*m^mmmmmi/ 'l^m
      636 words
    • 286 10 illlllllllllllllllllllllllilll!i:illlillllllllll!llllllll||||||||Hlllimillll. ll m,n l| f^l i I n Economy. I Ul With LEA PERRINS' Sauce 1 I H mimmmWmWk ewdro P son h^^ritc^^ t0 glVe a delici ous and WW Mm appetizing flavour to the 1 H chea P er sauce fails to give the -^^SJsg?|^a Observe f S <W^~^^||
      286 words

  • 1520 11 Issued by FRASER Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, Dec. 7th. All quotations of Sterling Shares moat be regarded aa purely nominal tor the present. Cap. Issue. Paid* Last Oif Butzbb. Sbujiibs. 89.000 Sa IB AHagM 5 4 18 2 0 tOO.OeO 1 X Anglo-Java M 10 0
    1,520 words
  • 54 11 Cobbected UP TO Dec. 71 Bank 4ms 2-4 916 demand 2-4 7-32 Private credits Sma 2-4f France demand Bank 815 India, T. T. 175* HOKOKOHQ, demar d 16i Yokohama, demai d 109 Java, demand 184^ Babqkoe, demand 66 SOVEBEI&N9, Bank Buying mm. 68.64 Bank ol Bngland Rate 6% Bar
    54 words
  • 141 11 Dae. 7. Tin (125 tons) 181.00 Garabier 16.50 Gambier Cnbe No. 1 17.50 Gambler Gabs No. 2 15.00 Peppor Black czdin, S'pore 22.50 Pepper, (Whits fair) Muntok 35.75 Nutmegs (110 to the lb 21.00 Nutmegs (80 to the lb J 22.00 Mace (Banda) 80.00 Cloves (Amboina) 45.00 Ball Coffee
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 248 11 SUPPLIES FOR Estates Mines Etc. Ant Fumigators and Sulphur Powder. Arsenite of Soda for killing out lalaug. Aspinall's Varnish, Paints &c. Cartridges. Nobel's own loading with sporting Ballistite which holds more pigeonshooting records than any other powder. Cement "England" brand by ;The Ship Canal Portland Cement Co., Ltd. Disinfectant. "Sanitas"
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    • 131 11 OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA (Osaka Mercantile Steamship Co., Ltd.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE The Company maintains a regular cargc servioe with six steamers calling at Mcji fokkaichi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Bwattca him, Penang, Colombo and Bombay and ot cne return voyage calling at Taticorin, Singa pore, Hongkong and Moji. For Port Swettenham, Penang,
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 298 11 WEATHER REPORT. Kandarg Kerbau Hospital Dec. 6. 9 a.m. 8 p.m 9vm Barom, 82 Fah. 29 8 33 29.767 29 817 Temp. 79 0 810 79 5 Wet Buib T tor. 76 5 75 5 78.0 Dlr. of Wind calm N. ca'm Max. Temp, in shar e 65.0 Min. do
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    • 531 11 LATEST ARRIVALS. List of vessels in port at 11 a.m oai Dec. 7, 1916. Name Date of Arrival Remarks British. Fuh Wo Dec 5 Kampar Dec 6 Amherst Dec 7 Sri Muar Dutch. Reynst Dec 6 Emile Dec 7 Pontianak Norwegian. Skule Dec 6 Dovre Produce Dec 7 Providence Japanese.
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  • 457 12 COLLISION IN THE WET DOCK. A moat extraordinary occurrence happened just before noon on Monday, when the Newcastle steamer Irismere, fully laden with coal, which waa lying against the north wall of the Wet Dock, and immediately opposite the dock entrance, was rammed by the City of
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  • 366 12 The sale of leasehold land and houses at Race Course Road bas been postponed, and the sale of freehold land at Seah Peck Seah Street, Tank Road and Bukit Timah Road was withdrawn at Messrs Ching Keng Lee's yesterday. Chiang Ah Seng, a Hokein, for the theft of a bottle
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  • 20 12 Agents Evatt and Co. Tapah:— 28,641; 11 mos 245,521. Nyalas:— 9,136 6 mos 61,608. Tirana:— I>7oo
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  • 332 12 A meeting of this Board wae beld in the Board rooms yesterday afternoon when there were present Mr F. J. Hallifax, in the chair, Messrs E. Tessensohn, Dr. Samy A. W. Bean, Tan Kheam Hock, Chia Keng Chin, Dr. Fowlie and J. Polglase (Secretary). The minntes were confirmed.
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  • 123 12 EIGHTH LIST OF SIBSCRIPTIONS. The committee of the Children's Aid Society gratefully acknowledge the following further subscriptions: Previously acknowledged $5557.28 Rev. W. Cross, M.A. 10 R. Mesney 1 T. F. H. (December) 1 J. D. Harris 5 E. S. Booth 5 P. Linton 5 C. Hall 5
    123 words
  • 124 12 On behalf of Mrs H. B. Salmond, Mr D. R. Kinlocb, care of tbe Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Singapore, acknowledges with many thanks tbe following further contributions j Prev. acknowledged Nov. 20 $36,905.14 Borneo Co. Ltd., Singapore Staff Agencies (monthly) 75 A. Knight 25
    124 words
  • 94 12 The London Institute of Marine Underwriters have cabled out advising that four more steamers have been sunk in the Mediterranean, including Cayzer Twine and Co's fine liner Clan Maclecd," which trades between India and Glasgow. In consequence of the number of steamers which have been sunk by enemy
    94 words
  • 986 12 The annual report on the Straits Settlements for the year 1911, signed by the Colonial Secretary, Mr R. J. Wilkinson, bas been issued as a Parliamentary paperAlthough much that it contains has been already available, it enables us to see, in better focns, as it were, tbe
    986 words
  • 163 12 SCOTLAND vs THE REST. This match will be plaved on Saturday, the following being the teams Time. Scotland Vbbsus Thb Rest. 250 Wolff A Peterkin vs Bnckland and Sharpe. 2.55 Knox A Oilbertson vs Campbell and Talma. 3.00 Da'gety AA. C. Smith vs A?pinall and White. 8.5 A. M.
    163 words
  • 119 12 The homeward bound P. and O. mail steamer Sardinia is expected to arrive tbis morning and will sail to-morrow afternoon. The outward mail by the Fazilka bad not arrived at Penang at 10 a.m, yesterday morning. The Straits Steamship Co's steamer Katong bas just made a fine run
    119 words
  • 230 12 Thursday Island Hard Hit by the War. Thursday Island so called because Capt Cook, in his voyage ronnd tbe world, arrived at that north eastern point of Australia on a Thursday is a strategic outpost of the Empire, being one of the fortified places on the Queensland
    230 words
  • 106 12 Sunday, 12th Dec. Johnston's Pier at 9, 10 and 11a.m. 2.80 and 3.30 p.m. Club Bungalow at 9.30 and 10.80 a.m. 12.15, 3 and 5 30 p.m. 75 yards Novices' Race. —This will be swum off on arrival of the 10 o'clock launch. Race from tbe Club
    106 words
  • 45 12 (Fob Week Ending Friday Dec. 10th TODAY. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. it it n 8. V. R. Corner of Cairn Hill Road and Orchard Road Veterans Co. Drill Hall Chinese Co. H. Roland Llewellyn, Captain, S.V.C. Actg. Adjutant, S.V.C.
    45 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 427 12 ipiiimnwiflirainw^^ The Food that will suityour Bah* i jj= si Glaxo— the food that contains extra cream and milL UMr 7* UM J s daces firm flesh, sound bones, and strong muscle, the matoVL fflfo P^o- g df™ Wm^k h d Wei h9 '^"^^K^s'hclT"^ H JlbP£vl au f? r t
      427 words