The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 December 1915

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 108 1 Onr London Financial letter appears on page 10. Tbe Russians bave scored some further email successes Page 5. Changes in the local share market are of a downward character Page 9. Tbe Serbian people are retreating with great difficulty into Albania Page 6. German and Trrkish emissaries
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  • 1697 1 "HOME"— AN IMPRESSION. They told me that my heart would I#H» within me when first I sighted the challr walls of England. They were wrong. Ut was not my heart that leapt. The leaping took plaoe a little lower down. Ola j those Channel crossings In the interval* there were
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 170 1 Capturing the Enemy's Trade. I The Enemy Product The AU British Product I "Regesan" Nerve Tonic Food. 1 1 I 18 BETrER US CHEAPER It nourishes thc nervous system, brain and spinal cord, I builds up shattered nerves, and has the property of increas* 1 ing the number of red
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    • 243 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Surge) for putting on fat Page 10. JxpHi ese massage and aenpancture Pa :e 3. Sale of rubber plantation in Johore Page 2. RegeBan, the all British nerve tonic food —Page 1. Cinderella dance at the Adelpbi on Saturday Page 10. Katz Bros, have a large selection of
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 130 1 THE WEEK. Thursday 2nd. High Water -6-6 1 ».m.. 6-13 p.m. Hanusah (Jewish Holiday). Bingapore Club Meeting, 6.16 pm. Harmston's Circus. Friday Srd. I High Water 6-44 a.m., 7-U p.m. Legislative Council, 2,3 p.m. B. I. homeward mail closes. Edaljse Khory Lodge, 8. 0 pm. 'Mathicu's Nut Opener, J. Little's
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  • 91 2 New York, Oct. 15. A plan to enroll a volunteer army of 1,000,000 American boys aud train them mlot national defence ia now uuder way. Many prominent Americans are supporting the movement, which has been incorporated under the name of the National -School Camp Association. The
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  • 51 2 OIL GAS POWER. Diesel, Semi Diesel, and Suction Gas Engines and Plants-enquirers for this of power would do well to consult. The Borneo Company Limited, Singapore who represent firms of the highest repute which is a guarantee of reliable power *mad satisfactory running. Crude Oil Congumption from ,41b per H.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 458 2 SINGAPORE UMTEUR tj DRAMATIC COMMITTEE UrrluLiiu FAMILIES' FUND L/Tf r\ tt The Queries AND "MY WORD" An up-to-date Original Revua. i Victoria Theatre DECEMBER 9, 11, 16, 18 AT 9 15 P.M. MATINEE, Dec. 14th Plan of Seats at the ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd., NOW OPEN. PUBLIC AUCTION SLAE Valuable
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    • 693 2 PALLADIUM SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE'S PREKIER THEATRE You cannct have better than the test—These are tbe Very Best ALL FILMS NEW TO SINGAPORE FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY THURSDAY, Dec. 2*d, FRIDAY, Dec. 3rd, SATURDAY, Dec. 4th. '^ANARCHIST MYSTERY A magnificent production by the British and Contiuental Film r
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  • 1204 3 Russia s Leading Part. tateaient of high importance was hv the Russian Government on isS on the subject of the negotia Vto el between the Allies and Bulgaria •he verv beginning of the war. After ttom Eduction explaining that the aim a3 R -n diplomacy
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  • 326 3 Wileman's Brazilian Review shows first the relative importance cf the different arms exporting rubber Brazil, and second the amount of this export trade that is handled lesptciively by British. American, Italian. French, Brazilian, and German 'or quasi German) bouses. o*-ing to the
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  • 64 3 Paris, Nov. 1. The Temps correspondent as A!ex andna states tbat a French seaplane flew over li-irut as far aa Mount Lebanon in ordyc to attack the railway between Beirut and D:\rna6CU9. The seaplane was damaged by Turkish fire, but was able to drop bomb?, killing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1150 3 Notices NOTICE. II THE ESTATE OF JOHN BALDWIN REDFERR, Deceased. Pursuant to tha Trustee Ordinance 191 4 Section iB Notice is hereby given that all Creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against tbe Estate of John Baldwin Redfern late of Walton Hill, Walton-on-Trent near Bur con-on Trent
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    • 328 3 Wanted i* i JOHOJ&E TOWN BOARD. Applicati ms are invited for the post of RaiftI Collector to the Town Board, Joaore Bahre. Salary :00, per annum. Applicant should apply by letter enclosing copies of recent testimonials and should state age and previous experience. Preference will be given to one possessing
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  • 1620 4 The Singapore Free Press. Thursday, December 2, 1915. In the appointment of the Colonial Secretary of this Colony, the Hon'ble R. J. Wilkinson, c.m.g., to be Governor of Sierra Leone, in West Africa, there has occurred yet one more instance of what might very nearly be termed the almost universal
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  • 486 4 •*> A telegram has been received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies stating that His Majesty haa been pleased to approve the appointment of Mr R. J. Wilkinson, Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, to be Governor of Sierra Leone. The lists in aid of Colonel Bob Love close to-day,
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  • 59 4 SCOTS G ATHERING AT IPOH. (Fro* Our On;* Corr**^ Local Scotsmen eelebtJS^ j i>ay with a dinner and dance ar «^S Hotel. There was a large gatW^ was of a semi-private charac?^ I Grant Mackie presided and n*Z. .King," "St Andrew," and'^'X her Allies." Mrp/x^S "Scotsmen and Scottish {coupled with
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  • 32 4 (From Our Own Corrtspa^ Pennno Im- Successful celebration of A day at tbe town hall with fund T* Scottish Red Crow. A Urge listined to on excellent concert iJ?*
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  • 218 4 By Courtesy of thk Fbescb C\ General. Paris, Nov. 28.— Yesterday on the no* of Saint Mihiel, we destroyed ac ene^ battery, and dispersed strong detach^.' To day, the enemy having exploded* mine in front o( our lines in Artoi{ launched an attack witb a company thm
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  • 28 4 Harmston's Circus gives a perforata on Friday for the benefit of this Fer: Good show and good is certain; ensure a good bouse.
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  • 233 4 Strong Press Comments. New Yoik Oct R Editorial comment upon the Genu: horub makers in the I'nited States is MM and general. It ie pointed out by tb« Ik York Times that there have been ap* many explosiona. both in munition pat and on shipboard, aud
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  • 120 4 A Montreal despatch laft m*t 0 efforts are being ma^ *3 Ul cDttsJ to cover up the effects o! his i speech against the Britis* New York. This caused much in* jin Canada, where the lord tan ,a f pany has been making a fortuJ* Ford promptly subscribed |a« :b5
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 133 4 PRODUCE OF SCOTLAND. D. J. MCGALLUM'S I (of Edinburgh, Birmingham and London). Perfection Scotch Whisky I CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., I SOLE AGENTS. John Little 0 1" 1 Am /"TBL-. ~—mfm**\m**^'^2a W*Qfr~~M-' i—dft^Sm IB BWy[ m B lf^~ —TfSk S3 PR Kl jB E^ I tpsß V lyifK a^K I Wdnr3
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    • 26 4 TUITION English lady, qualified, with fifteen years' experience, ia open to take pupils. English, French, German, Ac. Apply to O.T.E. c/o Free Press. 86-11 mwf SS.I3
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  • 293 5 SERBIANS' ORDERLY RETREAT.: Refugees Ib Salonika. m? Submarine Cable]. EiuTM-t Bunoa London, Nov. 30— Lord Kitchener, it ia reported, remarked in Athens that| "Germany's Balkan Campaign does not institute a military operation it pre«nts the aspect of a political coup." Amsterdam. Nov. 30.— A Bulgarian communique admits the
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  • 73 5 LonJon, Nov. 30. The Greek reply to the Entente declares she will maintain her neutrality to long as her sovereign rights are cot infringed and no reetric tions of a military character are imposed. Sha contends that with Salonika and its railway connections in the hands of
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  • 74 5 Dominion Soldiers' Fine Action. London. Nov. 30. Australian, New Zealiad, and Canadian soldiers converted what was to have been an anti conscription meeting in London into a demonstration which ultimately passed a resolution of enthusiasm in favour of winning the war at any price. The Dominion soldiers
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  • 74 5 London. Nov. 80.— The Stock Exchange bag absolutely monopolised dealing in the London subscription to the French loan which was accorded a fine reception. The amount is not defined. The Ex charge is fixed at such a rate as to pre ▼ent subacriptious being sent
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  • 70 5 London, Nov. 30.— 1n the House of Commons at question time Lord Robert J-ecil said Britam and Russia were arnicab -7 negotiating with Persia with a view to P«ac;ng the latter in a position to maintain order and discharge the duties of a neutral state.
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  • 33 5 di Xov 30, The Xew M »°«try inwoasEi Premier and Minister of Finance Alfonso Costa, Foreign Minister, Sr. •ares War Minister, Sr. De Mattos, Miniswt lor the Colonies, Sr. Gaepar.
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  • 31 5 halh 30.-The Stock Exchange to win Buspended *or three days owing bv d am bling in fluctuations organised I ti'on»i nCB Which i8 dai] y spreading sensaw^oal rumours.
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  • 20 5 'renter Not 80 N from the! **balH Briti6b "J™*™ *°<lay Oatend COM hom z **»****e to
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  • 114 5 DRIVING THS HUNS BACK, i General Captured. fßy Smbmarins Cable]. KlCTll'B BmVTCJB. Petrograd, Nov. SO. The communique aays: There has been severe fighting in] the Illukst region where the Germans j after taking the offensive were hurled! back till they were swept by the fire of their own
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  • 85 5 Closing In on Gorizia. Rome, Nov, 30. The communiques say that severe fighting has taken place on the steep Montenero slopes where strong enemy entrenchments were captured. There were furious engagements northwest of Gorizia where the enemy strongly reinforced engaged in hand-to-hand fighting in the Italian trenches.
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  • 94 5 London, Nov. 80. Field Marshal French says tbat in the last few days we bombarded various portions of the enemy's trenches. Hostile artillery has been active east of Aveley, northeast of Loos, east of Neuve Chapelle, east of Armentieres, east of Ypres. A British airpilot during a
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  • 56 5 London, Nov. 30. A telegram from Rotterdam says there are indications of important German troop movements on the Western front. Traffic is congested in west and southwest Germany whence no newspapers have reached Holland for four days. Also a strict German watch on tbe German Dutch border
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  • 155 5 London, Nov. 80. Sir T. Morison has accepted a commission and been posted for training to the Cambridgeshires with a view to employment with Indian troops. The Times says that when tbe work of tbe Royal Commission on tbe Indian pnblic services finished Sir T. Morison tendered his
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  • 38 5 Proof Against Blandishments. Copenhagen, Nov. 30. The new book of Seven Hedin, "the war against Russia" which is full of appaals to Sweden to abandon her neutrality has met an unfriendly reception in the Swedish Press.
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  • 35 5 Paris, Nov 30. President Poincare received Lord Kitchener in the morning. Paris, Nov. 30. Lord Kitchener had a prolonged interview with M. Briand. London, Nov 80. Lord Kitchener has arrived here. I
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  • 29 5 i Paris, Nov. 30. A telegram from Am- 1 sterdam says Portugal is endeavouring to purchase six four hundred ton vessels to guard the Portuguese Coast.
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  • 33 5 Amsterdam, Nov 30.— The Kaiser left Vienna in the evening. He was escorted !to the Station by the Heir-apparent and bad previously received the Finance Minis.ter and Burgomaster of Vienna.
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  • 154 5 Dutch Reports of Italian Views. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Dec. 1. Wires frcm the Hague (Nov. 29) say that the Italian Foreign Minister states the Greek Government is decidedly in favour of the Allies and has given its consent to the retirement of the Serbian
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  • 68 5 Paris, Nov 29. Great efforts are being made by the Young Turks and Germans to incite the Arabs against the British in Mesopotamia. High officials are stated to have left Constantinople two months ago, with precious stones and money as gifts, and are now with
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  • 68 5 London, Nov. 80. Sir John Anderson, under secretary for the Colonies, bas been appointed Governor of Ceylon on Sir R. Chalmers resuming the secretaryship to the Treasury. Sir G. Fiddes succeeds Sir John Anderson. Sir H. Hesket-Bell, Governor of tbe Leeward Islands goes to Mauritius, Sir E
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  • 164 5 A Bill to amend the law relating to the exportation and importation of articles during tbe present war is published in the Gazette. Tbe objects and reasons state. 1. This Bill is based on the Customs (War Powers) Acts 1915 (5 Geo. V. c. 81 and 5
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  • 136 5 Netherlands Trading Society Case. By a majority of two to one, the Appeal Court judges reversed tbe decision of the Supreme Court in tbe suit known as the half million dollar case in which N. S. Narainan Pillay was the plaintiff and the Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij (Netherlands
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  • 160 5 Mr A. P. Hann, late of Kuala Lumpur, who was on tbe Triumph when she was torpedoed, is now a Naval Flight SubLieutenant. We are sorry to hear that Flight Commander Smyth Pigott, late of Tanjong Malim, has had both his legs broken in France. (M. M.) Two good samples
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  • 335 5 [The dates given are those of the despatch of the telegrams from London.] Nov. 23 (continued).— Foreign Office announces that no Greek ships are being seized or held up and no blockade of Greek ports has been instituted or is iu force. Serbians reoccupy Kapruln-Prilep line and
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  • 184 5 The change of programme at Harmston's Circus last night went with a rare swing, and was greatly enjoyed by a large audience, all parts of tbe large tent being well thronged, the boxes especially being all tilled. There were the usual popular equestrian turns by Miss Jennie and
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  • 218 5 Telegrams from newspaper correspondents with the British Headquarters in France state that, as an experiment, a certain number of British troops have beeu equipped with light steel helmets, similiac to those worn by the French, as a protection against shrapnel snd shell or bomb splinters. Should the
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  • 39 5 Mr H. W, Firmstone, who has returned from long leave, by the Maloja, took his seat as District Jndge yesterday morning. Mr E. L. Talma now goes to the District Civil Court, and Mr Sarwar to the Censor's Office.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 148 5 Letts's Diaries 1916. rSff^^lW^Hi f BBm Board Covers Week ln an opening MgH Pb_m (Interleaved Blotting) fflflß No. 33 Size 10 by inches. j^Jp^j^^jg^^^^^l^^^^^B No 31 Fize 12 l, y 8 iachefi ***Wjj?Vr^if&tt_^tVm&m if^ ii^^^^'^\i:^^o;^^^^_^^^o JLiCLLS S n wv. Popular Diary. POCKet DianeS Twj Days on a Page (Interleaved CLOTH
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 871 6 _m I _m *t\ Snipping KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. J— 3, OOLLTBB QUAY. UNDER CONTRACT WfTH THE NETHEBEABPB INDIA GOVERNMENT. Bingkel Berombang, Paneh, Asahan and Belawan.Deli Dec 2 BUYSKES Koemai, Bandjermasin, Stagen, Kota-Baroe, Balik-Papan, Samarinda, Tarakan and Boe'ongan Dec 3 TAN Diembn Belawan-Deli Dec 3
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    • 716 6 —m. mm m Qhinn I n tf P. g\ n \J m Oritish India AND Apcar JLine Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediter ranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on
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    • 575 6 Shipping M. M. MESSAGEFIES MARITIMES MAIL LIM. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLOI Ui MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD OUTWARD 1915— 19 '.6 la I at Atboß I>ec 4 Ciotat Dec 3| bb Porthos Dec S( jes Polynesien Dec 17 ss Paul Lecat Jan 1 !BsAt».os Jan 14 S3 Porthos Jan 29 ss i
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    • 557 6 Shipping JAPAN H AI STEAMSHIP Ot. lm HWBWWUIIE. a aervloe Ib malntalnefl S fta ports to MareelUes, homamT^ l J a sonteact with ihe In^a?wL "^5 ment The New Rff '2^>s aaamtalnlng thia MnlcehavnL!^ lesigned and eonstracteT a^ mth au the latest ImprivemL^ u «afety and comfort of pa^S^ throughout
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  • 944 7 The Allies have allowed themselves to be surprised by the enemy's offensive against Serbia, and the event has found them unprepared. It is worth while, says the Mili- tary correspondent of the Times, to dis- cues the scope and object of this new j operation and to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 245 7 SUPPLIES FOB Estates Mines Etc. Ant Fumigators and Sulphur Powder. Arsenite of Soda for killing out Mang. Aspinall's Varnish, Paints &c. Cartridges. Nobel's own loading with sporting Ballistite which holds more pigeonshooting records than any other powder. Cement "England" brand by The Ship Canal Portland Cement Co., Ltd. Disinfectant. "Sanitas"
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    • 92 7 THE NEW FRENCH REMEDV. Noi No2 N>S XH ERA PI O Nchemists -e" 3 blood poison. kidney, bladder. urinary diseases, discharges, weakness. piles. send stamp address envelope for free booklet to dr. le clerc Med. Co. Haverstock Rd. Hampstead. Londqn.eng, PARIS DEPOT: 12. RUE CASTIGLIONE. I A CURE I NEW
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    • 491 7 CHRISTMAS CRACKERS Xmas Crackers. 'Sailor King' JEiBBSBiIfIB "Hod. fnm th. Fab.- CrBCkCrS. [hBIS^B^^H Crackers contain an I Wr/fIU amusing assortment of 8 illustration, contain an IBBMIB Msltt hats caps. As sketch. amusing assortment of Caps, |B||\|s designed in Patriotic gjj 6ize of box 7| x 7 x 2 J Colours.
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    • 151 7 The Value or VI-CASEIN IT is soluble, nutritious and palatable. It is a pure proteid food, easily digested and assimilated. It is enriched with Phosphorus. It is prepared in an ideal factory from freshly separated milk within twelve hours, of which ten hours are spent in drying the product. It
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  • 150 8 That Sciatica, that most excruciating of maladies can be cured Little's Oriental Balm cured me, after five years of misery. "It will cure you." That voice the sentiment o f one grateful patient. Thousands of others are ready to join ln the chorns of praising thia remarkable
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  • 1080 8 Below ii quoted tha main portion of the Timet review of that excellent work by en 'eminent Belgian journalist thet lays bare the real meaning of ell those burrowing subterranean activities thet undermine slowly and unrelezingly netionel life end industry end commerce so that it shell in
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  • 157 8 SO UR STOMAC H. j When vegetable food te^ I to th6 "*ch dUten dB l*l» often extending to the 'heart ani arcnlng. fearof T«H Thi. oondltion u called acid «.£>* Heartburn, a name aimi< .I****** 'pit of the stoma*? Kg 1 *>• P. t h heart, resoit, ST^ff^jCft I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 751 8 _*___i MM^ MMM ii— The following advertisement from the London Autocar dated 2nd October, 1915 is inserted for the information of motorists and the motor trade in the Malaya Peninsula. Patriotism in Business A competitor recently accused Michelin of having contributed nothing to thc war. Michelin replied by enumerating some
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    • 293 8 DRINK I DT»TOJf7 CABLSBERG BEER THE BEST BEER MODERATE. AW***-%mmammmm^m^t^mmmJ*m? > m***^>£S^—mm—*t V^ m^LmW \\W\Y atttW^^^ mmmmY I AmmW mWm\\wmWm\mm\*&t# f "-\mrnt I Amr^^&S^&W according II AmmmmmmmmmmW 4 M WW-^^ t—W—W l TO THE LATEST I mmW\W/'t/ '/mmm\\^ I I m V^^^J_W EVERY POSSIBLE CARE II JN SANITARY RESPECTS jj
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  • 70 9 Dec. 1, 1915. Tbe following are the shares as to which changes are notified in Messrs Fraser and Co.'s Saturday's share list RUBBER DOLLAR COMPANIES. Bayers Sellers Ayer Panas 96.70 96.90 Bukit Katil 0.65 0.75 Jimah 0 55 0.65 Kelemak 8.70 8.90 Lunas 8 50 3.75 Maluka
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  • 57 9 COBBECTED OF TO Dec. 1) Ban* ira 8 2-4 19 S2 demand 2-4£ Private credit* Rms 2 -4 1 France demand Bank 818 [rdia, T. T. 175i BOBOEOKO, demar d lt'i Tckoeama, doraf.! d 110 Java, demand 184 J Babqsoe, demand 06& SCVBBZIONB, B&nt Buying 88.C4 Bank of England
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  • 141 9 Dec. 1. Tin (165 tons) 162.60 Gambler 14.75 Gamble* Cube No. 1 15.60 Gambiar Cabs No. 2 12 OC Pepper Black ordin. fc'oore 28.0f Pepper, (White fair) Muntok 86.00 Nutmegs (110 to tie lb. iI.CO Nutmegs (80 to tie lb i 22.00 Mace (Banda) 80.00 Cloves (Amboina) 45.00 Bali
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  • 48 9 Time- balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop dally at 1 p.m., Bingapore standard time, corresponding to 8 a.m. Greenwtct mean time. The time gun is fired aft lt o'clock nosn, indicating Singapore standard time, ot every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at one o'clock.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 489 9 maaassssmmammmm) V^H^BB^BHH gp I Was or Peace, Faminf or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. j WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTCRN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. 1 HEAD OFFICE: Winchester Home, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry. E.C. The Comfuy £20.000 Oammimu with the Supreme
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    • 522 9 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, Ltd, CAPITAL ADTBORISED 11.890 000 gJ2!J. SUBSCRIBED ***** 000. £KsSt'J ID UP *56W0i aSUMfIFUID £300,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS R. J. Black Esq., Chairman. James Campbell Esq. j H. Meivill Simons Ess. J. M. Ryrie Esq. j Str David Yale. Chief Manager M Percy Mould Esq.
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    • 356 9 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA ESTABLISHED 18S7. Policies are WORLD WIDE," UNRESTRICTED." "INDISPUTABLE" and "NONFORFEITABLE/* Claims, loans, cash-surrenders, etc., are promptly settled by the General Agents at Singapore without the delay of reference to Head Office. The Reserves for protection of Policy holders are over £3.500,000. The Accounts are
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    • 391 9 To Let TO LET Valkyrie, Cavanagh Ro?d, to 1 t. Fully I furnished. 4 bedrooms. Stablicg and Tennis. Entry ist January, 191f. Apply "E c/o Free Press. 21* uc TO LET From Tst December, Newlyn Cottage, No. 27, Gilsfcad Road, 4 Btdrcoms, bathiooina attach ed. Rent H5. Apply Mrs. CRAIG,
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    • 72 9 COMPANIA TBASATLANTICA FOR Colombo, Port Said, Suez, Ports of Spain. The Spanish Mail Steamer, C. LOPEZ y LOPEZ is expected to arrive here frcm Manila on Saturday morning, the 4th December, and will bo despatched fer the abo^epoits the same day at 1 p.m. For freight and parage apply to
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 226 9 PASSENGERS EXPECTED. Per P. AO. str. Arabia.- The Rev. Lord Bishop of Singapore, Mrs Ferguson Da vie, Mr H. J. Edwards, Mr D. G. Lucas, Mr A Mrs W. G. Mnrray, Mr A Mrs E. G. Lie, Mr A. Small, Mr H. A. Munro, tfr P M. Geering, Mr A.
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    • 475 9 LATEST ARRIVALS List of vessels in port at 11 ava. om Dec. 1, 1916. Name Dots of Arrival Remoifci Bbitish. Ipoh Nov 29 Poh Ann Anjou Nov 80 Inner Roado Hai Nam Sappho Abbotsford Islander Dec 1 No. 0 Wharf Medusa No. 8 Wharf Sri Muar Inner Roods Japanese. T'yma
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  • 2299 10 London Financial Letter. Tha Market in Plantation Rubber— 'j More Excellent Annual Reports— Satisf ac tory Interim dividends Kamuning's Prosperous year Tremelbye Results Kuala Lumpur's Thinning Out North Hummock's Dividend. {From Dut Own Corrttponitnt.3 London 29th Oct The market io plantation rubber not only retains its firmness, but has developed
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  • 204 10 Rubber. Singapore, Deo. 1. Wired advices from London during the past week have reported a declining and unsettled market with a good deal of un- 1 certainty as to the course of prices in the immediate future, and this feeling was in j evidence et to-day's Auction
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  • 70 10 Singapore, Dec. Ist. The quantities catalogued for to day's Auction being much in excess of those offered at any previous Auction, it was not found possible to complete the sale j to day. Selling will be resumed to morrow j at 10 a.m. Tbe average prices paid
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  • 147 10 Messrs Guthrie A Co. have received advice from London by cablegram tbat tbe directors of Linggi Plantations, Limited, j have declared a third interim dividend of 15% in respect of the current year, pay* able on January 15th. Superintendent T. Leonard in charge of the Singapore Harbour Board
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  • 199 10 1915 WAR RELIEF FUND." Subscriptions to Singapore St. Andrews Society. Frank Adam M5O A. F. Warrack 60 Capt. W. Dawson 26 F. 6. Ritchie 20 Geo. W. Crawford 10 D. Macdonald 25 L. Tait 10 John Robertson 25 W. P. Millar 25 A. M. McNeil 25 Arcbd. Cook 25 Hon.
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  • 84 10 S. V.C. DRILL PROGRAMME. (Fob Week Ending Fbidat Dec. Bbd.) TO DAY. 5.15 Drill Hall S. R E. v. Bras Basah Road Malay Co. Friday, Bbd December. 6.15 Drill Hall S. V. A. 5.00 Maxim Co. 5.15 S. R. E, v. 6.00 S. V. R. 6 15 Chinese Co. 4.00
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  • 21 10 The MM. Company's steamer Athos left Colombo on the 29th instant and may be expected here on Satnrday morning.
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  • 21 10 Agents Hooglandt and Co. Pangkattan Estate, (Sumatra) amounted 58,000 Ibe. Batu Rata Estate, (Sumatra) 84,6'. 6 lbs.
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  • 30 10 Sunday, sth Dec. Johnston's Pier at 7, 9 and 10 a.m., 2.80 and 8.80 p.m. Club Bungalow at 8.80 and 9.80 a.m. 12.15, 8 and 5.80 p.m.
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  • 223 10 Ng Chew, a Hockchew, was charged in the second police court yesterday with being in fraudulent possession of zinc and lead, value 91.50, in the Tanjong Pagar Dock coolie lines. Accused was convicted, whereupon Superintendent T. Leonard, in charge of tbe Harbour Board police, proved a previous conviction against bim
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 626 10 Ir a\Ym —-^*t\M\ mmmm\**Vtmmm\\m <-%' mm^''^*m m ____Z^-* > n —f W/ *a*mm\ ZA WkWrnW ma\\***^^^mm******m*k\\^—Wii^—^—a\\ ***^^m^^*****mmm—mm. m *m id m SWft^H mawt mAmmmmmmm\*^ J mm—mmmmm*^^9m^___^^__________________^^^^_^^______ V m m M mmmWmmmmmW^S-mimWZz&ZZiA m^**** aM t\mma\ Just lock. Mary, at those Robinsons. Three 'months ago they were as thia as yen aad
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