The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 October 1915

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. il-.N CENTS SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1915. NO. 8,582.
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  • 183 1 News of a further e piended advance by the French in Champagne coincide*, with that of the zealous expectation of a general offensive hy tbe __.U6frU_.ns, who, it migbt be added, have rethkm llluxt. I'age 5. King lieoige ih in France and has left for the from.
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  • 1464 1 THE SONGS IN SHAKESPEARE. Not least amon«st the joyous things from the plays of Shakespeare are the songs scattered through the comedies, lightening or intensifying the darkness ot the tragedies. Collectively they may be described as things of shreds aud patebea of ballads, songs aud snatches and dreamy lullaby.'' Incidentally,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 164 1 RAFFLES HOTEL OPEN BILLIARD TOURNAMENT (HANDICAP) PRIZES 2 SILVER CUPS PRESENTED BY TKE PROPRIETORS Nov. 2nd is the closingdate for ENTRIES, which should be sent to Manager and marked Billiard Tournament. Ghas J. Gaupp C° IN LIQUIDATION GREAT CLEARANCE SALE 20% DiscounLFOß CASH Al Goods are marked with "before the
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    • 215 1 "TOXOL" fi I "TOXOL" Ts the Perfect and only m B Ts nan- used by the Lead' j-act substitute H I l Physicians and <»/ the B BR I Surgeons of Singapore, I M jj German Owned 5 a«-_ i_ /.as replaced Lysol S I La-sal General llu formula is
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    • 136 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS l; .nies Billiard Tournament Page 1. The cinema showb Page '2. I>ispeut_a_y s tot I. in-trade for sale Page 3. Bankruptcy notice Page 9. Powell's and Cuing Keng Lee's auctions Page J. l.ritit.h instruments at Robinson Piano Co Page N. V K. revised s tilings Page 9. Adelphi
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 101 1 THE WEEK. Wednesday 27th. -Mtf. 4 11-'* V HI, Riley Hargreaves eetiag. n»xm t. O. Homeward mail e\p c md. Thursday 28th Rl«h Water 2 J-.lpiD St Situ n and St Jul*. Friday 29th High Wat.r v e Al p.m. I_eK» Uti w, 9 pm. Alumcijal Couimtr_i >u t.aQ
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 76 2 DRIVING BELTS. Frequently considerable trouble arises through the right Beit not being selected and the drives not properly arranged. Tbe GANDY Belting which is world famous as for its strength, durability and gripping power is especially suitable for this climate and is not affected by heat or moisture. The Borneo
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    • 393 2 VICTORIA THEATRE. Lessee. M. S. COWAN. RETURN VISIT FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY COMMENCING TUESDAY 2nd Nov. Messrs GONSAIEZ BROTHERS, Present THE ITALIAN GRAND OPERA Co. All New Star A.tlstes direct from Milan. Italy. Augmented chorus and an Orchestra of 21 Musicians under the Direction of Slgnor Gonsalez. ALL tEW SCENERY
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    • 445 2 PALLADIUM SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE Here is a Film which in Every Way Deserves the Frequently Misapplied Term. "THRILLER"' THE DEATH SIGN A Stirrirg Three Part Wifd West Drama, cfealirg with life in Old California.! Cowboys, Trappei's, Boldiers. Feats t' Daring Horsemanship by the Famous Tiil<«
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 488 3 Auctions I I TU ,;.AY WE^fSDAY, *T 220 P.W. AUCTIUN SALE CF ..serxitvablc Po ice Stores, (Aj^^cdACoßTiscaUd Property aD I sfa t« I 'state Properly &c. r li -e OlBoer, j, ?<\u Station, South Bridge Road..' I t' L'i-t d ll»{t U_-S. FOWELL Co.. -uetioreer... j _7 iv j REMINDER.
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    • 536 3 To Let TO LET. BOSCOMRF, Nas-iin Road, Dn furnished, Tenuis bawn, Siabus. G_iagefr.__ Ist January, ->ppiy to W. LUNMA.-, Groye Estate. 19 10 TD LET No. 12, Mount Elisabeth Ro^d. Apply to L( h Lam, fk l, Ncrtb Bridge Road. uc TO BE LET. A Large and Airy Office at
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    • 739 3 Notices The Bankruptcy Ordinance 1888. 1.. Tt E SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SK T TLEMKNTa j BETMLEMENT LF SINQaIORE. j 1 IN BANKF.UPTCY. No. 203 of 19 5. j SUMMARY CASE. I Rei) CHOP YIAK SENG. i Receiving Order made on Ist October, 191.?. I Dated Order for Suuaaiary
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    • 558 3 mtmmmm mm*M^mma.mnmmMamam.mmmmacn*BZ3umßmam*amtmmmmmmmmmß.^ i _»___-_r_-_j_____._:___w___wßM_i'______MMn_i --■--'■g,._i i l l rg—a—— CIGARETTES /JHp PERFECT SATISFACTION. w3T 1 here!- luxury in the flavour and aroma of State Express Cigarettes. I hey are g?od to the very last a tes th .it few ci_rare tes can emulate. \3 6 State Express have unusual quality
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    • 136 3 Wanted WAI.TEO LOAN 'J.'ihi at or i'artn* r_t__p in gon__ going 'one tn ftnft cla^s pi<_|N». i uon. a^jlj to F.S K c'j Ue_<-r_.l i\s flirt. ■MO 1 I GOVERNMENT OF K.D*H. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, ALCR STAR Wanted a tirade [I I 1 rk the V W D. _'0' Star
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  • 1927 4 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, October 27, 1915 Now that the press of Britain has, after long and lojal delay, made it a matter of conseience fo keep the jibbing Government up to the collar of duty by tbe lash of punitive criticism, the Administrative coach, which has for far
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  • 239 4 Municipal Commission meets ou Friday, the business being mostly routine in character. More cf "Lieu'. Rose B S tnd of the "Million I toiler M_ stery" eusureg od enterteinmeut foe patrons of tbe Casino. Mr fib 17. Cardew, of tbe F.M B G* n rament Service, who bolds cepti a
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  • 83 4 DEATH OF MR ALFRED NEUBRNNER. I From Our Oun Tbe Heath hae or. WiutU NVubiotm. r. g| j Perak Kuad. TLe BMfWMdtßge. H. cleik to the Re-ad. m ll: '"'-< vi as later ktMMftitH t .1 ollice to beOOMM (oi v -i kmiOt fur tlie p. fob Uo wub maoe
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  • 64 4 I teptiting l H (tr 'Ut Our u, n < 'J i Ibe uh mbms -i'. I fleam ooutpltaiettt u .May, Li. it |M m i <jl d r.-giruHUf tit I. tiff e Re-ponding to tbe l Lt. M..y reyr.-tt. d 1 1 j training ftcawn bared to m
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  • 27 4 (from Omt Uu -r_S| m_Nl] I I Interim di i I fetnansara, 1 I Bnkit 1- Tangm i. 4. I insl .lu:.g Landor. 7|
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  • 30 4 A rour.i' f let turec i j i wil! be Kisen in the I ning Koad. by Dr 1>..-.'•I >..-.'• r to day at' e are tainted.
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  • 277 4 Tup name (;f &fftj or C. li I the M ddh'_t x B I Tanjong Bstete, \\t tioi.ed m despatcbec ft| in i •rounded officers Intel; i. Hip Excellency I S-iooe bos heeu pleased to apt »c_ ol Uent. P.O. Lav.:, rd ftb Lis tbe temporary rar I Lieut. VV.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 189 4 BEERS We hold large stocks of: m ALLSOPPS BRITISH PILSENER J|l AMSTEL DUTCH PILSENER i pp^\M In Quarts and Pints. >*.« To be obtained Wholesale and Retail from the CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co. THE POPULAR XMAS GIFT "Manila Cigars" For the convenience of our customers we can deliver direct to any
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  • 392 5 II VISIT UF MOMENTOUS SIGNIFICANCE. Cur' Welcome I b> SabO-MIK Cable]. i-vrrsa's S_* London Oca. St s- Offlcia- Tb* King rrived ia France ou a visit to the also intends to see tbe Allied l Xbe King nrriTCfl at Havre on i D i visited Ihe
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  • 85 5 Kings Message to Mother. n t >ct- 25. The National Liberal b has issed areeoluticn respectfully King to appoint a day for the K pay homage to Miss Cavell's Mr T. P, O*. onnor. presiding. ib il the condemnation of the i mosl vehement in Holland, I
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  • 165 5 Searching Inquiry Demanded. 2 fi -17 d c Germans ha. e 5 .rk _._.a charged rued in a plot to destroy ingenious infernal elations are iains are ti os. iodL n int ban .1 arching invt sti- j te discovei the originators. The Ship Linkers. .rk, Oct.
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  • 15 5 Aie, tertian:, Oct. 25. Emperor Francis oSeph h as knighted Dr. Dumba.
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  • 331 5 ALLIES' NEW PLANS TO HELP SERBIA. Landing at Uedeagatch. [By Submanue Cable]. Bbotkb's Session. Paris, Oct. 25.— The correspondent of le Temps at Athens says tbat according to information fiom a sound diplomatic source the Allies have decided on new »_.d .ffec tive measures of succouring Seibia.
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  • 226 5 Armenian Massacre Horrors. London, Oct. 25. A correspondent of Heuter at Mediterranean headquarters says that an Armenian war prisoner gives his narrative of Turkish atrocities. When [returning invalided to his home at Zile, north- west cf Sivas, he was an eye witness of Tuika shoeing the Bishop
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  • 47 5 London, Oct 25.— Tbe Pre6s Bureau says that a British Bubject bas been convicted j at< >U Bailey on three counts of atti mpting to comi lunicate to the enemy information (concerning militarj forces, works and monitions. He was sentenced to penal servitude for life.
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  • 16 5 London, Oct. 25.— Mr. Asqnith returns to the House of Commons on Thursday.
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  • 99 5 It i« rumoured that one of President Yuan shih-kai's daughters will be betrothed to the hoy Emperor Hsuan Tung. j Mr John Turner and his family are 'expected out iu the Straits early next I year. On Sept. 21st Mr P. A. Manby (Judicial Commissioner, Federated Malay States) bad the
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  • 216 5 CRANO OFFENSIVE IS NOW IMMINENT. Long Crisis Over [Bj Submarine Cable]. Kiotsb's Skkvioii. London, Oct- 25. The Times corresponded with Russian headquarters is authorised by a representative of the. General Staff to 6tate that tbe crisis to Russian anus, due to tbe en. my'e uninterrupted blows ou a
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  • 243 5 Important Positions Carried. Home, Oct. 25. A communique 6ays The Italians on Sunday, between the Garda and the Adige, descended from Monte Altissimo under a crossfire of the guns of two enemy forts and stormed two positious, securing a hold of the Riva Mori road. They captured
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  • 48 5 Amsterdam. Oct. 'if. The "lYdegraaf calls attention to attempts being made in Holland to obtain subscriptions for the third Austrian loan. Subscribers are invited to pay 62_ ;or a percent, security, while before the war the 1 per cent Crown rentes stood at 80.
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  • 40 5 Amsterdam, <>et. '2f>.--\ Constantinople telegram so\ tbat H iron Wangenbeirn, the German ambassador to tbe Porte, died after a brief illness. He was responsible for the (ioe! en and Breslau coming to Constantinople, with all the attendant results.
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  • 18 5 Pari- Oct. 25. The ".Matin" learns that a Japanese military mission has arrived in Lome.
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  • 115 5 The following properties were disposed of by auction ut Messrs Ching Keng Lee and Go's, sale-room on Monday afternoon Freehold land and houses Nos 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 Nam Lock Street, total area 8,284 Fquar.. feet, bought by Leug Ah Kuay for tH.OOO. Freehold land situato
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  • 146 5 SINKING OF THE PRINZ ADALBERT. Activity in the Baltic. fßy Submarine Cabled Kit/Tan's Sasvic-L Amsterdam, Oct. 25 Tbe Berlin communiqu. 6aye A submarine sank tbe large cruiser Prinz Adalbert with two torpedoes off Libau. Only a few of the crew were rescued. London, Oct. 25. A Salonika telegram
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  • 114 5 Elder Dempster Ship Lost. London, Oct. 25.— Tbe Elder Dempster liner Ilaro, from East Africa, caught /ire at Dongeness ou Saturday night and was beached at Deal cn Sunday. She was an extraordinary spectacle as she was towed shoreward, tbe tlames being mast high and tugs pumping
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  • 16 5 Melbourne, Oct. 25. Timely rains in Victoria bave practically as.ured a bounteous batvest.
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  • 173 5 A Presbyterian Grievance. Loudon, Sept. 26th. Tbe Rev. Lauchlan Maclean Watt, in an article in tbe Scots man, states Formerly it was the rii.tniii in the great British camp in Northern France to hold a united parade service for all creeds under the guidance of the Presbyterian aod
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  • 288 5 In the District Court yesterdas, Ong Nwee, a Cantonese, was convicted of voluntarily causing hurt wiih a knife to Low i bin on the oight of September 29tb in Rochore Canal Road, and was fined 5 70. with the alternative or oue month's rigorous imprisonment. Maggie, the Bi rguli maid
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 182 5 ROBINSON C°\ I^^^ NEW DELIVERIES OF I MBShk TARANTULLE! LADIES UNDERWEAR iSH^^^' BABY GARMENTS iTARAmiLE: IjSee nayoo Selvedge- none tjeasmw vnjhmxj 1.1116 3.11C- oV-PcTlinG Ss^^^^^> TROPICAL WEAR ALSO NEW CONSIGNMENTS OF TOOTALS' PIQUE AND TOBRALCO HI _l I Brinsmead, Broadwood, I \mWi I Collard Collard, Chalien. I I BRITISH PIANOS
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 642 6 Shipping J, STRAITS STEAM SHIP Co, Ltd. SINGAPORE BANGKOK. A first class passenger steamer will leave Singapore every Saturday, at 12 noon, for Bangkok. s s. KATONG sails Saturday, October 30th. For particulars as to Freight, Passage, etc. Apply to 4, RAFFLES QUAY. STRAITS STEAM SKIP COMPANY, LTD. H_a.__D_.-_ NI
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    • 797 6 Shipping "ELLERMAN" LINE. For LONDON GLASGOW s.s. CITY OF HANKOW" due on or about Nov 7 For LONDON HULL s.s. CITY OF MANCHESTER due on or about Nov 13 This steamer has excellent accommodation for first class passengers. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER
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    • 565 6 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINE. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON ud MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD 1915 OUTWARD ss Paul Lecat Oct 22 jss Polynesien Oct S4 ss Magellan dot J las \mmmnmm Nov 21 ss Cotdiilb re No.' 7 A Steam* r I>. c i BS V dd It A bteaaier
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    • 681 6 Shipping P. &6T STEAM NAVIGATION COMPAIt For China, Japan, Penang, C«y| t| Australia, India, Aden. Egypt Mediterranean Ports, Pi?t__out, and London Throng b Bills of Lading issned to* r^ Coast, Persian Golf, Continental a a Aan^ae__ Ports. Bteamere will leave Singapore o. or MKl| MAIL LINES Homeward (roa (_cbopr, From
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  • 1116 7 Water Power in Arctic Regions Why Boiler Pings Fail Tbe Invisible Aero plane Electrolytic Iron A carbooife j rous Era Atmosphere A Zeppelin j Survey Electrical Hoasea— Rust in Steel Buildings. I A new hydro electric power plant beyond the Arctic Circle ut Porjus, Sweden, has some novel
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  • 196 7 Allahabad. October JO. A Pioneer cable dated London, 9th October, says. j The Cen. rai News correspondent at Petrograd, in view of Geueral Von Hind enb _rg's statement that tbe nation whose soldiers bad tbe strongest nerves would win, draws attention to the increasing', number of
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  • 580 7 A considerable portion of tbe cargo of the Koningin Kmrua, including 267 boxes J of tea, 162 cases of rubber and 22 bales of copra, has been salved by an Amsterdam I firm. If the weather remains favourable a good deal mure of the cargo can be j salved. Germany's
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 85 7 fHE NEW 1915/16 OVERLAND MODEL 83 v __^_______a *%%%%*%%%%%%m -mm^m„r of the Season [wo Seaters $1,975 Nett Five Seaters $2,100 Last year's output of 75,000 )verlan d Cars was cleared long beore the end of the season. Overland Model 83 is to be .referred above any other car at or
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    • 376 7 PHEASANTS EXCELLENT CONDITION. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE, K. LUMPUR. IPOH AND PENANG. PROVISION FQR THE YOUNG EDUCATIONAL ANNUITIES remove one of the chief anxieties a married man with a family has, namely, how best to provide for the education of his Ch ldren. the expenses for which reach
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  • 372 8 Washington. A group of army and j navy officers and civilian officials, ex pert in o.duauce and fquipment. were entertained for several hours to day by Count zu Lynar in a demonstration of military inventions, Count zu Lyuar isa German, who served
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  • 387 8 M >..< better, September 2_.. The value of tbe raw material at the moment increases rapidly and oi e begins to a_U when a belt will be called. Since the beginning of last mouth. Spot Mid American at Liverpool bis ad vt. need nearly lid per lb
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  • 120 8 Two Austrian Marines Wounded. Peking, Oct. 5. The persistent t-ffortp, for some weeks p iRt, by Austrian marines Co proV( ke the Italian murine., hy jeers, in suits and threats culminated at midnight iua shooting affair in which two Austrian marines were wounded. It appears that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 346 8 |ill!lllli:i!iiiiini!!illllilll!lll!llllillllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllll| iJiconomy. With LEA PERRINS 9 Sauce, 1 wfew drops only are necessary to give a delicious and SS appetizing flavour to the plainest dish. ES 'Z^^tffit^Z A far larger quantity of a ss VS^^^Ts cheaper sauce fails to tnve the EE _HC^^-^E Bff, .o_'__ r SS i§ fc^___ay<£3G*>3 same
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    • 295 8 &sfc o*&'~^^—~ -T*t> count, i"^ ~z^a IfS T I anc s w^ y ____BB_-!__^-____ _^^t 1 £pR _5* _____r ff-_SE_HB_9BDE_________t ■^pfekk. e3^ takes priority Since 1805, when Michelin firs, equipped aw antow-otwlc with pneumatic tyreb, tlie whole energy and wast manu?a taring rcsourcef af the __fk*%d-__ firm have been
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    • 391 8 Jflgß__H___B_^ THE UNIVERSAL CAR PR.CE, iJILY EQUIPPED, $1,450. IA FEW TEASOKS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY A "FORD. Because: di it is BRITISH, beiag mamm ßhraagfcsaf -uC-mada. (ti it ktfce most ESCX>l_o___l "AL bar pameagei roaring Qh id < <>^T VIM MILE ROM in tfce aorid. 1; lia- h t fu
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  • 64 9 Oct. 26, 1915. The following are the only shares as to which changes are notified iu Messrs Fraser and Co.'s yesterday's share list Buyers Seller. Bukit Katil »0.62_ 10 ali Mandai Tekong 0.57_ 0.65 Punggor 0.42. 0 4 Teluk Anson 6.25 6.50 MINES Tingkil Last Div. 1%
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  • 65 9 Corrected up to Oct. 26' Back 4 in a A-ah demand 2-4 732 Private oredits p ra e 2 4 27 82 France demand Bank 812 India, T. T. 17 fii Hongkong, demat d 2 1 Yokohama, demai d 1 1 ss Java, demand 186$ Bangkok, demand 6fi Sovkbbigns,
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  • 145 9 Oct. 26. Tin (375 tone) 175.871 Gambler 11.00 Gambler Cnbe No. 1 13 40 Gambler Cnbe No. 2 12 00 Pepper Black ordin. .-'core 19 00 Pepper, (White (air) Muntok Bg 62_ Nntmegi (110 to tie lb 21 00 Nulroegß -80 to tie lb. 22.00 Mace (Banda) 80 00
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 667 9 I Wah or Peace, Faminf op Plenty, Life Insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. |j HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, EX. The Company has £20.00C deposited with the Supreme Oonrt of England,
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    • 452 9 CHARTERED BANK af India Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. PAID UP CAPITAL f11.500.000 RISIRVI FUND __i,800,00. Beierve Liability of Proprietors 11.200.0Gr HEAD OFFICE 88, BIBHOPSeiTI, LONDOM, 1. 0. AQBNCIMS AND BBANCBB8! -.mritsar Hongkong P_nani Bangkok Iloilo Pukel Batavla Ipoh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Saigon Calcutta Klang Beremban _anton Kobe
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    • 509 9 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA. Ltd. CAPITAL AUTHORISED A1.500.000 CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED £1,1M,000 CAPITAL PAID-UP imjOO RESERVE FURD £500^00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS R. J. Black Esq., Chairman. Jameß Campbell Esq. I H. Melvlll Simons Esq. J. M. Ryrie Esq. 6ir David Yule. Chief Manager Percy Mould Esq. London Manager Jas. Steuart
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    • 361 9 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. ESTABLISHED 1887. Policies are WORLD WIDE," UNRESTRICTED." "INDISPUTABLE" and "NONFORFEITABLE." Claims, loans, cash-surrenders, etc., are promptly settled by the General Agents at Singapore without the delay of reference to Head Office. The Reserves for protection of Policy holders are over £3. 500, 000. The
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    • 15 9 NOW READY THE SINGAPORE AND STRAITS ROUGH DIARY FOR 1916 Publishers: Fraser and Neave, Ltd.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 432 9 WEATHER REPORT. Kandarg herbau Hospital Oct. 2.. 9 A.M 3 P M -r M Barom. 81 Fab. '9 754 29 691 .9 753 Temp. B*s 89 0 84 0 Wei Bulb Tbet. 80 B si.u 78 5 Dir. oi Wind S.E. s.E. calm _lax. Temp in _h»o. as Hin. ao
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    • 457 9 LATEST ARRIVALS List of vessel* iu port at 11 a.m. cn Name Date of Arrival Remarks British. Hock Lee Get 25 Inner l.oada Amherst Circe Ipoh Selaogor K-tong Islander Mata Hari P ft Wbar_ Indrakuala Guter Roads Ban Hin Guan Ekma No. 7 Wbart Kdendale Oct 26 Sappho Inner Roads
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1187 10 Sir. Mr Baker took me to task in ycur co.utun. _bis mormug, firstly for having attempted to defend the Colony against tbe accusation tbat ic was not doing enough for the war, secondly for having accused him and tbe numerous subscribers to his Air Fleet Fund of
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    • 116 10 To the Editor. Sir, The spirited and courteous letter of Mr Alma Baker will doubtless be supported by the opsuiou of all who have interest, d themselves in tbe cause for which tbat genlletuau has wotked so well out here. Your recent criticisms upon our
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    • 217 10 To the Editor Sir, 1 cauuu' 'ielp expressing mv surinice at tbe question, of which Sir Evelyn Ellis bas given notice, regarding tbe l.isbi p ot Siugapore. I I did uot lutend writing before tbe questiou bad actually been a-k -d but as the letter of
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    • 219 10 TO THE EIUTOB. Dear Sir. I h'.vp jtist bpen re-reading Green's Short History *>i tlie Knylish People, and 1 see thi_ lu tb-. latter half of the 17th century France wis looked upon as the wealthiest piwer in Kurope. The yeaily income of the French Crown was
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  • 159 10 There is a great fuss over the sell ng up of the Noi d-it-u«t. etier Lloyd's fc_a-.t Asiatic pr< perty at Smgapoie. The North German Lloyd, its maritime activities being tern poranly suspend, d. bas beeu compelled to go into liquidation, just ns befalls any other commercial
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  • 1390 10 FRENCH SINGAPOREANS AT THE j FRONT. M. Paul Dupire, soldier in the 365th Infantry Regiment, wbo has been for about one year at Dieppe, east of Verdun, is now fighting in tbe Argonne against the Wurtemburgese troops of the Kronprinz. R. F. Cardon. of Machang Bubnb, Province
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  • 54 10 S. V.C. DRILL PROGRAMME. (Fob Wkkk Ending Friday Oct. 29th I TO-DSY. 6.15 p.m. Orill Hall P. V A. 4.30 Balestier Range S. I. E. v. 5.15 Drill Hall S V. K. V-terans' Co. Chinese Co. 5.00 p.m. Mob Posts Malay Co. 11. Roland Llewellyn. Captain, S. V. C. Actg.
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  • 80 10 The scccer match b.twern the S.C.C. and tbe A/.evedos on the E-plauade on Monday evening was a somewhat scrappy affair. Tbe S.C.C. held the ad.autage in midfield play, but tbeir shooting left much to be desired, whilst tbe forwards were met by a clever aud scive defence. If ouiy
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  • 272 10 When we cousoder what Pritisli enter prn.e and British capital for the most part have created in tbe Middle E»isc rubber industry, and remembering tbe fact that a period of some y»ars Las 'o be awaited before returns i»re received, it seems hard tbat, even iu present,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 348 10 Are you anxious about Baby? If so you should do as this mother did— your anxiety would disappear, i= and your Baby would have every chance of being healthy and i xw n .e, 5 WE firm and strong. The mother writes she "huJ great difficult) in dir r= a
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