The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 23 September 1915

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 165 1 Rabbet Auction reports oo page 10. The Turkish clergy are m revoil Page 6. Changea m the locil ihars lint will be found on page 9. News from our ,Ta\a correhpondent is given on page 10. Two charges of murder were dealt with at the Assi/es yesterday—
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  • 902 1 (•'our is inseparable fro::i memories of the Batt, ni.d ttppn-ciiii M of it Xi a question of mood and circumstance. The Anglo Indian gladtf turns from the glare of hie exile to the relief of grey bkies and sober clothing aaaociated with hie furloogha and Anal
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 231 1 M«^ M^^ .^M^ B^MMl' ■■■■■■■■■■WIIWIIWIHW __i_ I i 1 JlJl k^XJLs V xLiiTVi V-yUJtr Presented by an anonymous donor Game SCO up, leyel) TWO WELL KNOWN LOCAL AMATEURS 20|000 TONS i P/.4V 7"O COMMENCE AT 9 P.M. SHARP. (>t lininoceros orand Martvn ICarles) Lenient •■<■• v- t used X" AT7
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    • 133 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS wmmm^mammmm Moutrie'l for competent }>iano upkeep -Page l. Sale of li.-juors and provi6ions by Powell and o Page 8. The popularity of Bollingec champagne \<a note<i Page -4 The Johore Government ii putting the Ifening tin lands up to tender— Pdgn I. At the Palladium the star film
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 168 1 THE WEEK. Thursday 23rd Hief Water iUoi If-tl p.rn Full Moon. 1 iberu 'si I'.t v rewi«fa n-> xiay.i Sultan of Trenggaoa arrive i JohiMloa I Pier, I 1 MB. Ho nltt- Phillips Co. Vie Theatre. Friday 24th High Water U- B ».t« HlOp.m. Legislative C oncil, 2.30 pm. kfanieipal
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  • 330 2 TEUTON LIMITATION IN USE OF RUBBER. Aust 'an News. With retain! tu uu- extreme scarcity of "rubber iti Austria, many requests bave been directed by Aortrian Brain to the liermaa Foreign office for permission to export rubber trom lierinauv to Austria. The Germuu Foreign Office, however, bus asked the Austrian
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  • 167 2 Thf.Ni i HUMOfI S i>\:: PBOOBAMMS. The following mniiting laltei reaehoi the Cbgoaiclc from a soldier kI Ihe fro d t I'tn having thoti rest at a little towtjiin^ behind lh« Bring lin j but before you gal Ihii I ■hall be buck again the drenches' Solcida avenue,
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  • 170 2 The Yokoraka Nava! Port his so far had no dock large enough to aceoiui: ifte I -'readuuiights, co that the Kongo, Hiyei, and other large warships bad to ba token to < ->aseho or Kure for repair.-. A plan for constructing a large djc>.. a: a
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  • 25 2 The principal of a well known firm of Ventilating and Drying Plants visited .Java, The F.MS, and SS dr.,.;,,,* »v,~ ill
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 414 2 NEW GRAMOPHONE RECORDS. f u When the /llngelos In ringing" from the Rei ac Business as 1 rsnal 1•• The Red, v> hite Blue from,, the i Berne Business as Usual." p' We shall all do the Gooa Btep" from the Revue Business as i Fsua l I*' When we've
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    • 496 2 SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE'S PREMIER THEATRE If you have a spark of SPORTING INSTINCT you will revel m the graphic BALLOON RAChJ whicia is one of the features of this Sensational Drama. A TRAGEDY (4 PARTS) IN THE PARIS) am H aY Bh I H mII if II
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    • 679 2 Auctions IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE~OF High Grade Wax Polished Teak Household Furniture Cottage Piano; Turnout; Plants &c. The Properly of M. Ticub Bag At "FERNHILL," Orange Grove Road ON SATURDAY, 25th SEPTEMBCH, AT J. Aii ext < Llent b ttagi 8. II Co. Ltd condition; Eldbo-atel^ Curved Dragon Pactem Cherrywoad ftrrn
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    • 214 2 WORTGAGEES SALE 0? Leasehold land situate In tl trictof Lini Chu Kan^ and one undivided mon{\ Oiu land situah m ihi Mstrfd o! Samba wan;:. Singaj I'o be h«.-id at 1' rO3E On Tuesday. th 2 28th Sep. a! 2.30 p m situate iv tr. Bingan-»re arei 24 acres No.
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  • 644 3 CHINA AND THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY. New York, Aug, 15. —An AssociPted > r ess telegram from Peking says taut i bM declined to arrange a permanent let with Ihe Standard Oil Company \r the exploitation of the northern oil Lferk Preliminary agreements under \tiicu ecomoany has been prospecting for
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  • 97 3 Moadaj tuj.u.:,' i- r a qnnrt-el aas-.DRBt the kers on board! IB l. :e r I' I B, S hlch bM !i;ui S ra si nee tl <^ut F war* 1 iff ah of er a -iv. g ..--r Mornun^ ailacked <-ker Va I with
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  • 399 3 A compliment- to the mpthods of admioistratiou by the Dutch m Netherlands India is paid by ati Australian ottlcial, the Hon. Stamforth Smith, iu a report hehas made to the Commonwealth Government. He states that he has during the last nine years paid three
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  • 135 3 A COUtS kOUB'S I [BM. What .1 dennan aewspmpef thinks of German journalism: 'German newspaper proprietors continue am issiog mure millions every year. To clolhs their views m only iippr.xitnately decent German they employ— with the exception of B f©w p-?r?on8 whom one can ootinl on live tiuger?
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1154 3 To Let TO LET No. 12, Mount Elizabeth Road. Apply to Loh Lam, 6i 1, Ncrth Budge Road. 15-9 uc TO BE LET. A Large and Airy Office at No. 6, Malacca Street, upstairs. Immediate Entry. Apply to C. TEN BOOH. No. 19 Collyer Qnay S4-7 ao BUNGALOW TO LET
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    • 294 3 Notices fcOtlCF. Notice m herehy th<u \engda KandaBatumy, fornierly Bili Collector of Tbe Methodist Publishing House. Ie no longer m thHr etnploy and is no longer authorised to receive money ou their behalf. DREW ft NAPIER, Solicitors for the Methodist Publishing House. 23-9 2fc-9 GOVERNMENT CF J3HORE. MINING LAND AT
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  • 34 4 Domestic Occurrences. MARRIAGE. Phillip— Nicoi.BON.— At the Presbyterian (ourch. Penaug. on the Ltfth ini-t by the Key. Win Murray, M.A., Tavid Phillii 1 Kuala Lumpur, to Laura, only daughter of James Nicolson, Murrayneld, Edinburgh.
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  • 1669 4 The Singapore Free Press. Thursday, Sept. 23, 1915. Bere hall tSc Pren ihe People's rigirt mniKtuai (Juawed by influence and npbribed by c»in Hcrr patriot Truth !>■! R rioos pin ept-. draw. &j^,4.,..,i o r [isjoo. u'V.-iiiv and l.a*^- There is a current phrase whose value practical experience leads prudent
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  • 621 4 In-urar.! B Bl|WftS SStJUiaiS the mo: ty uri!O!;_- office ri of the British h\p> tionary ForOS at 140 pec I,'M 'i ;ME HI BU m against M p> r l«000 hi ti.<- Sontk Afri- c;iii war. a: H i Casino this evening the fine iii\. jrMtl dim Corgican I rs
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  • 57 4 [From Jam Hague I I having, the American high thing now on h Dutch Government <><»„„,, -iMro P! j; buya s a*kpto pass a naval vote foe b^> r i roe build An art.cle in thi accuses the Ml* hi, accessory to the alhes'^h rtarving out Gertnaay.
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  • 35 4 SELANGORE'S TRADE POSITION. P«r. Seal half Uh said then import! hut i n of expot countr fttiog Mm ftoucUW H export tj m a healthy c business iMi II but n Mil and cr.-dite lble
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  • 67 4 Another C tucsrt r th« Cbilsi on Friday ftemoon, at th..- Victoria Memona combined string. I raited frotn tb JUS r:i!l under U tion of Mr ing orchestral be pjayed Oay Us: lat€r mezzo, Spoonti "Powder Baf i Mr Ha piano and r 1 of Love .vdc Wooc
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  • 42 4 Th. 1 I r on 1 I England I I iiursday I ;udell v. -I on Si 1 1 lecturer t owu f kindly pr. The :> 1 Biblical and 1. 4 v l l open to the public,
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  • 27 4 RED CROSS WORK FOR THE WOUNDED. H 1 b< to B€l Bjgmaeol ga >" Cairo an.; wbo requested to return ih«:M woiked to the Tangiiu I nd tbeo
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  • Correspondence.
    • 44 4 [HI I followm_ iu Mornnuother leading English The B makes the follow now ed, h of two a.the Royal I The Malays I The Malayi Ill Altai Baker, H nl The nachi Mr Eu Tung Sen, of the J H 1
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    • 49 4 I who have lent n 1* P*P c the sailo i f ft] aud i o r Te M It then men "longer miud your t K.andl i bM the troop* shoui.i b Rev. C. H. X Tin I Jin Ban and no longer to me
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  • 18 4 The Mar HofcX c:,: advertised toM^ by Motion b] IMO H ns a^urday FimhUl.Omnf. Otort Head on^at 16
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 219 4 BOLLINGER CHAMPAGNE At the following Banquets heldlast month BOLLINGER was the Wine used.— Banquet to H. E. Sir EL MacMahon H. M High Commissioner for Egypt given by the British Chamber of Commerce of Egypt at Cairo. Worshipful Company of Gardeners Banquet at Baker's Hall, 57th Annual Dinner of the
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  • 635 5 r TAXES ON INCOME AND LUXURIES. Cheap Postage Abolished. r ßv Submarine Cable]. KhTTICI'S SEflVlCl. I^ndon, Sept. 21.— In the House of < IBMMRM Mr McKf— Chancellor of the! \.*bequer, introduced the second war IgSl of the !in;iucui! year. He said that ■MSt nsk the Houae to sanction
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  • 72 5 London, Sept SI. Lord i in/on, m a to the 1' ronicle, shvj thaC he is still a bun;; I .'-r M :ii servi. believ- m vhiek .ire daily gfowing W number m.A import, nice, bat he apDeals to the press to flitCl ivaga Ml attempt
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  • 44 5 London. Sop! 21. ->ir H i Donaldson has rtr-i^r'.eJ |1m s;;p*<rinteadftioy of Woolwich :>-r.a and t.iki'ig Op more nnporca:.: WOKfc ki the MJBJItfJ of Munitions. Mr TiniOTl fiilflfcflolfl lii\-en, formerly K;iiji:ieer. North H astern Railway MMCWiI Sir il. F. l)oualdson at Woolwich.
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  • 32 5 Loudon, Sept. 21. A mine explosion has occurred at Nuueaton, 250 men were below at the time of when two hundred are aaie, ten bodies have been recovered.
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  • 233 5 EFFECTIVE RIPOSTES. Austrians m Flight. Petrograd, Sept. 22, The con munique says Tbe Russians scored successes against the Germans east of Vilna and also against the Austrian^ further south making most effective use of the bayonet and capturing altogether sixteen huudred prisoners*. j The hottest affair followed
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  • 279 5 HEAVY ARTILLERY WORK IN THE WEST. Germans Worsted. Londou, Sept. 21.--- Field Marshal Sir John French m his bulletin says that m the past two days the Qerman have not ■'eased their artillery activity. British guns replied effectively. Our artillery yesterday set Ore to part of tbe fores* of
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  • 234 5 London. Sept. 21. —Mr Chamberlain rt lying to Me Rees said all extra pensionary charges foe iridows and orphans of Indian soldiers m the present w.uwould be met entirely by the British exchequer. Reply ii to Mi Rees, he said that Dr. Sven 11 >den was still
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  • 34 5 Paris, Sept. 21. An Odessa telegram 1 1 says that a Turco German submarine, i 1 operating m Russian waters m the Black Sea, has been s unk by Russian vessels.
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  • 88 5 RESULT OF THE SHEIKH UL ISLAM'S PROTEST. I Effect on the People. [By Submarine Cable]. Kkctii'b Skkviuru London, Sept 21.— The Daily Telegraph correspondent at Rome states that uumer ous messages from Constantinople indicate a regular revolt of the Turkish clergy against the Young Turks, Euver Pasha
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  • 158 5 BULGARIA'S DIFFICULTIES INCREASE. Anti-German Party's Strength. Londou, Sept. '21. Owing to the strict censorship m Bulgaria, where martial law is enforced, it i;> difficult to accurately gauge the present critical position there. But despatches from Homo and Bukharest indicate that the deputation of the Oppo hitiou parties which waited on
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  • 99 5 London, Sept. 21.— A statement by the French Admiral BeBBOD has bee:) published m Paris, Baying that Germany m do way is abandoning Bubmartne warfare. Her great aim is to extend the radius of actiou. The operations of the Allies m down German submarines and
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  • 78 5 London, Sept. 21.— The Press Bureau states that the trial has been concluded at the old Bailey of a man and woman jf Qerman origin, charged with attempting to communicate abroad information re g trding tbe Fleet, with the intention of assisting the enemy. Both were found
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  • 38 5 London, Sept i' l Telegrams from Petrograd chow that the anxiety regarding the attitude of the workmen regarding prorogation of the Duma was unfounded. After a bhort. strike, as a protest, the workmen sverywhero resumed.
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  • 37 5 Halifax, Sept. 21. The Greak steamer Athenai, frjm New York to the Piraeus has been abandoned, on fire, m the j Atlantis-. Five, bundled of the passengers aud crew were rescued by two liners.
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  • 56 5 By Courtesy ok the Fbbnch Consul Paris, Sept. '21. (reneral (lourard who was Invalided home from the Dardanelles Seriously wounded has recovered and is going to the south of Prance to recuperate. Petroghad There have been actions on the wiiole Front. Since the end of August we
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  • 125 5 What must surely have been a unique wedding took place m a Cambridgeshire village recently. The bride was a twin, two of the bridesmaid! were twins, and the name of the bridegroom was Twin, bo that the twin bride new rejoices m the name of "Mrs Twin Miss Twin, a
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  • 424 5 "the barrier." Rex Beach's famous novel makes good reading. It also makes a good play, as was seen at the Victoria Theatre last evening, when the Howitc Phillips Company gave a capital presentation of the piece. The audience was not a large one, hut it was appreciative enough,
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  • 467 5 MURDER H i K < REDUCED. t'.efore Mr .lustue Karn-haw yesterday. The two Chinese firemen, nan:.,! Wong Ah Hong and Row bow, originally charged with the murder of a negro named Williams on board the MaJawjaska, were sentenced, on a reduced charge of culpable homicide not amounting to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 255 5 ROBINSON Co., vs Sfl EH W k/ v 9 I The Hamilton Raincoat la a useful Knockabout coat suitable for all occasions Emd is made trom a useful dark green shade of Waterproofed Cashmere, smart m appearance, well cut and Tailored, all scams iswn. SALE PRICE $11 EACH. I KFiIY
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 238 6 Shipping "ELLERMAN" LINE. For LONDON LEITH B.S. "BLOEMFONTEIN dae on or about Oct 5 For LONDON s.s. v CITY OF HANKOW" due on or about Oct 30 For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Go., Ltd., l\ VJT Ed IN X C STRAITS STEAM SHIP
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    • 818 6 Shipping KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPM Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. j— 3, Collybb Quay. TTSDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS TNDIA GOVERNMENT l»n K< >* k Pontianak and Batavia lI BiNQKARi Bengkalis, Berombang, Paneh, Asafaan ami Belawan Deli Bep* 2 Blout Sampit, Bandjermasin, Btagen, Kota-Baroe, Batik-Papan, Bama rinda, Tarakan aud Berouw
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    • 510 6 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINE. For CHINA, JAPAN CEYLON and MARSEILLES. HOMEWAKD 1915 OUTWARD hs IHignilan Oct sh H^tte ta la hs Paul beoat Oct 21 l I total Fep 26 hs Villa Afl la A RteaOMt Oct 10 Ciotat Nov S A BMJMMB Otl 24 A StcaixM
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    • 511 6 Shipping BTEAM NAVIGATION COMP4 8T For China, Japan, Penang, Ce?lt B Australia, India, Aden. Egypt Mediterranean Ports, Plyrii oa n and London Throogb Bills of Lafltng issoefl to, r*^ Ooaet, Per«l6D Oal!. ConttntsDial A__*_rtaT_ Porte. B%tt*naew will le_-< Btnfa^rt od o» 4^, MAIL LINES HOMEWiBD (rOB EUKOPBi From Singapore, connecting
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 570 7 War or Peace, Faminf or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY ISP j THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20.00 C deposited with the Supreme Court or England,
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    • 425 7 CHARTERED BANK af India Australia and Ihlna, INCORPORATED BY 90YAL CHARTER. 'AID OP CAPITAL «1, 200,000 3gBBRYK ?UND ,800,000 *e«e?v« Liability 01 F«;prlvscr& 41 200,005 HEAD OFFICE I 88. BIBHOPS6ATB. LGKDQH, 8. G. ▲GUMCIU9 AtfO BP.ANCE3B:«B»t Hongkong Peu&cg Bangkok Hollo Pukei Batavia Ipoh Li&ngoom Bombay Karachi Saigon Calcutta Klaii^
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    • 472 7 ESTABLISHED 1574. THE ORIENTAL GOVERNMENT SIXTUITY LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m India.) ASSETS exceed $28,000,000. offering ABSOLUTE SECURITY to Policy-holders CLAIMS PAID exceed $26,000,000. PROFITS to Policy-holders at last Valuation 91,116,678. Next Distribution of Profits as at 31st Dec, 1915 LOW RATES. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. Apply lor Prospectus and foil
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    • 366 7 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. ESTABLISHED 1887. Policies are "WORLD WIDE," "UNRESTRICTED." "INDISPUTABLE" and "NONFORFEITABLE." Claims loans, cash-surrenders, etc., are promptly settled by the General Agents at! Singapore without the delay of reference to i Head Office. The Reserves tor protection of Policy holders are over £3,500.000. The Accounts
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  • 2326 8 (from Our Own Uurrnpondent.) The Dardanelles. London, August '26th. In this country we all have our eyes on the Dardanelles far more co that m Flanders where as you will have seen from the recent statement of M. Stephon Picbon the late French Minister of War we
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 390 8 i QUALITY is the point i^f I which is necessary illll/^'M fy m an enjoyable ijg r I EMBASSY i fy jBs||illPj VIRGINIA No. 77 t j as een justly v described as o t <5S&i THE CIGARETTE I 1 fe<rf I DE LUXE. h V///////////////////////////////////////////////////////M MobiloHs M A GRADE
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    • 343 8 A FAB EASTErT^T aid the body I •rhtcl headache, tNOOttttOtl ;r unu. hring l «"e the trrn iy^ea For thU bee. i w toro Kfaout the Wnrla th. v,,. r theli unique r).«nt Is kmwn ana illdteoKtfen Wood and, f r C 57, !ro m Dr W,^ tU GENEBJUT" I
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  • 1512 9 (issued by FEASER Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, 22nd. All quotations of Sterling Sharw mast be regarded as partly n*«»in«ti for the pmfl. Gap. Ibsob. Paid. k*m> Div. butap^. bellrjrb, 85,000 28 2s Allagai 5 4 '9 2 n 600,0(0 1 1 Anglo-Java M 6 6 6
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  • 61 9 COBRECTED DP TO Sept. 22). Bank 4in B 2-4 7-16 demand 2-4 3 -16 J *ivAt.e orfiditp Fm 8 2-4 13 16 France demand Bank 810 INDIA, T. T. 1 7 "> i SONGKONS, deniur d 2l| Yokohama, demand 111^ lava, devnaad 189$ Bangkok, demand 6ft i Sovkkbignb, Bank
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  • 149 9 Sept. 22. Tin (175 tons) 5T4.5") I itatubier 1 1 00 j Gamfcier Cub« No. 1 13.40 Qumbier Cube No. 2 12.00 Pepper Black ordin. > 'nor* 19.00 Pepper, (White fair) Muntok 84 oO Vntraegß (110 to tie it) 21.00 Vucmegß '80 to tt c lb Mace (Randa) 80.00
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 231 9 SUPPLIES FOR Estates Mines Etc, Ant Fumigators aid Sulphur Powder. Arsenite of Soda for killing out lalaug. Aspinall's Varnish, Paints &c. Cartridges. Nobel's own loading with sport- ing Ballistite wMch holds more pigeonshooting records than any other powder. Cement "England" brand by The Ship Canal Portland Cement Co., Ltd. Disinfectant.
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    • 133 9 STOOMVAAU MAATSOHAPPY (Steamship Company) NEDERLAND." Fortnightly Maii Service between Java and i Amsterdam via Singapore, Belawan-Deii, Sabang, Colombo, Port Said and Genoa. Steamers are due on or about the undermentioned dates or fWARD BOMEWi H! 19 5. 1915. Prinses Juliana Oct 1 Grotius Oct 2 Jan i'/n. Coca Oct l"i
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    • 17 9 NEAVE, Ltd., Works: SIAK STREET. ■ircial and Miscellaneous scription carefully and d on Moderate Terms. Ltd., Singapore.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 304 9 WEATHER REPORT. Kauflaug t>L-tb*u tiuhpitai- Sept. 1 8 M 3 P.M W P M Raroui. 3S Fah. ?9 ?<* 732 29 7r9 I T>mp, > i o *.> 0 99 0 j Wot Bnib Th-;». 7M 7? 5 'TH Dlr. of Wln3 Calm SW. (dim J Max. Terrp. m Hb^^
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    • 474 9 LATEST ARRIVALS. List of vessels m port at 11 a.m. co Sept. 23, 1915. British. Name Date of Arrival Remarks Turhn Sept 10 If. Wkatt Hrn Seyt 21 Inner Roads Hai Natii Sappho Sri Muar Sfpt A£ga Dut< a. Bingkctp Sept 21 luuerPiaadi Kmiie Van (loene R S liiiru Vati
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  • 281 10 The following is the report of t>i* com- j mittee for the year ended 80th June, to j the presented at the annual meeting at j the Cricket Club on Oct. 7. The period under review bus been one of inactivity, without doubt due to the great
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  • 179 10 The Captain's I be played for on Saturdays and Sundays October 2nd, Brd ilh, snd i tb. I oi ditionej 8 holes medal handicap, two cards of 18 boles to be oed 36 hol«-^ :uay I a played m one The club championship will be played for
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  • 272 10 RECRUITING 1 iR I >YAu AMY PICA I, fJOB i i the IVan hr ■r of kUg. I4tli apj) <■ b which mdii I how' 1 i ut>ral R^ade, formerly O.OC of Ism Straits now being SMnployed bj the Wai 0 ';<:e. IncicU'Litally it ai-o showi that
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  • 142 10 r iwing matcli >xed four- has by Hrn Dourtfey ol the Rowing .üb, been arranged between the I'niKi of Boustead an-i Co and Pateraon Simons and Co. Ltd. The rice take.- plice next .~>atu iiay uft r Boon at about 5 o'clock. Arrangements will be Boadaao that such as
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  • 1151 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) TRXDE DILL. Weltevreden.SepC. IB. Trade conditions locally have continued black, and there! are practically few, if any, transactions now t'iking place. One of the reasons con tribiuiug to this state of things its tlmt Rates of Exchange have continued Co be low and f
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  • 346 10 o i behalf of Mr» 11. s. Salmond, Mr 1). R. Ktnloch, c ire, of Chartered P> ink of; India, Australia and China. Singapore, l acknowledges with many thanks the following further contributions Previously acknowledged on Btfa inst 181,162.12 w. h. Dinsmore J. r > <;. P.
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  • 149 10 A quiet wedding Roleonuified »t St, Qeorge's i!barch by tbe Rev. F. W. SaineSt the contracting parties being Mr <;. w. Brouard, Coart inspecfor, Ipob, youngest son i)i' Me J. P, Brouard, of Lea Cbapelles,] Quernsey, and Mi-n Kthel <tH(irgianaj II i; ■>(■!•,. yonnger daughter of Mrs M.j
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  • 378 10 RUBBBR. Singapore, Sep f 22. The Auction to day wheu some tuns were offered opened quietly, hut competi tion gradually improved and price?, with one or two exceptions, were slightly above laht wetk's level. Fine Ribbed Smoked Sheet told up to $129, au increase of 11, the
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  • 219 10 Ringsp ti-. 2jtnd S« ptei sr. There wnre a^iiii fu>! Supplies OD I at the Auction held to*day, some 275 u>os being catalogued, 178 tons ol which ohanged hands* Bidding at th<> outset was slow, hut improved considerably daring the course of lbs forenoon. This was not
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 145 10 THE TYRE PROBLEM! To pay the Minimum initial cost The Maximum mileage per dollar tacpendM X A. i I j j I V I\l ADELPHi HOTEL 7 DURING DINNER DiYll) BtKJAMU, M&E& I wi yi CYy^/i!^ /i Tit fy ALL Vi lone uncier c: tf^ &&A^£ Europe-- .oervision and control
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 100 10 SWIMMING CLUB LAUNCHES. Johnston's Pier, at 9, 10 and 11 am. 2.30 and B.80 p m. Club Bungalow, at 9.80 aud 10 30 a.m. 12.16, B and 6.80 p.m. 76 Yards Breast Stroke Handicap. This Race will be swum off on arrival of the 10 o'clock launch. Entries will be
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    • 91 10 S.V.C. DRILL PROGRAMME. (Fob Wkkk Ending Fridai Sept. 24 a TO DA i 6.15 p.m. DrUl*Hall Chinese Co. 6.16 p.m. Drill Hall 8. A. T. Pagac Reclto i M ikim I lo. m n Chinese Co. 4 pin. Baleetier Range Kalaj Co, 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S. c'. Band il.
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