The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 14 April 1915

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEIN cents SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1915. NO. 8,41 (>.
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  • 227 1 Despite numerous report?, it is positively denied that a big naval action has taken place m the North Sea Page "J^be crude blundering of Count Pern- storf'f has again provoked the wrath of the United States, and there are now s-trong demands for his r.3raoval Page 5.
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  • 1763 1 MEMOIRS OF A SPECIAL CONSTABLE. We assembled, I fear somewhat grudgingly at the Central Police Station, where we received instructions to arm having loaded our pockets with ammunition we fell into the somewhat disorderly ranks and awaited Instructions. It was a heterogeneous array —trousers showed baggy at the knee, grizzly
    C.H.L.  -  1,763 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 348 1 t*s___M_____— ''"-—■'-■-■■-■■■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mb* POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT. Announcement Extraordinary. Barker's Big Ail-British Masterpiece. The World-Renowned Masterpiece of the British Stage AT THE THE PIONEER CINEMATOGRAPH THEATRE-BEACH ROAD. SECOND SHOW, AT 915 P.M. The Inirial Presentation of the Newest and Most Costly British British Story p-Aft^r Produced m Britain m EASI IN
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    • 401 1 Be __H BHnmwm\ i Hn MS K-ft^ l_j| m l_ X: EK-dCSkS ijTW r _____-_M KUiBOIHBB KjßJw CEB BB3_^______i »wfil _H-C B_B i ORCHARD ROAD. Singapore's Premier Theatre. ORCHARD ROAD. TONIGHT EXT3A BHCW AT 8 P.M. USUAL SHOW AT 9-15 PM. TO-NIGHT. I I I his is f aim fcbM
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    • 192 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Pink Pills Page _t. Massage Hall Page 2. Godown space to let Page J. Ice machine for sale Page 2. Proclamation Page '2. Sheriff's 6ale— Page 3. Trade marks notice Page 3. lievUed mailing lists— Pages 0 and 9. Bachelor wants room no babie6 MARTIAL LAW. Proclamation Ky
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 112 1 THE WEEK. Wednesday 14th. *r\ey\ WMru- i.-40a.m, 10-11 p.m. New Moon. lil.M Ntra expected. Thursday 15th High Watt r it-13 *._n v -*7 p in. P. A 1 Br m< ward na i due. Sing&poi c Gv it club meeting, 1 .15. Friday 16th. Hi^h V.i t r u4l a.m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 664 2 A WARNING TO EARLY RISERS. People who residt io t: c Trorics or m any part wbtre Ma'aria prevails should avoid going out before tbe sun has dispelled the morniutf miots and ah o before they have brea ifasted. Tbe reasons for this are that the vapours which arise from
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    • 782 2 Notices SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB. NOTICE The Twenty-Fourth Annual Mt eting ol the Members will be held m tbe Club Bouse, on Thursday, the lftth day of April, 1915, at e-15 p.m. BUSINESS. 1. To receive the Report of the Committee, and the Accounts submitted by the Honorary Treasurer, and. if
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    • 537 2 To Let TO LET No. 12 Mount. Elizabeth Road. Apply to Lob Lam, No. 601, North Bridge Koad. 10-4 uc TO LET Modern newly built Flats at The Orescent near the Sea View Hotel, Tar. ong Katonf Eiectrio light and Fans, and Water laid on Special terms will be accorded
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    • 767 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING) WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday the 1 8th, Thursday the 20th, and Saturday the 22nd of May, 1915. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 18th May, 1915. 1. THE OPENING STAKES-2-45 p.m. Value $600. A Selling Race. A
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    • 480 2 EKTRIES CLOSE at NOON on Saturn* x"""** 1 May,:i9lo. rdd > tt* In all races the advertised Second Ph 1 only be given when there are hve Sr 1 property of different owners. rttrs tt 4 NOTE The attention of owners jto Rule 138, which makes the k Scratching 5
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  • 1091 3 Farm Fisheries French Army Rrtion One Handed Watch Alaska Surveying Soar Theories Power from sawdust The One-Armed— MineKascna Tan H«d Water Big Super- paded Diameters cf Great Stars. Fish firming m small inland ponds fttural aad ar r iticial is a suggestion of ie L'nited Srates Commissioner of
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  • 484 3 General von Blume, writing m the North German Gazette, states Criminal frivolity led Germany away m the hop} that the war would be terminated by a victory with arms before the adequacy of her focd tupplies was tested. The Matin reports the extraordinary fact that tbe apparatus
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 60 3 PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES. The old time Portable Stearti Engine is now giving place to newer ideas. R. Garrett A Sons, Limited, have introduced a Piston Valve Engine using Superheated Steam iv which it is claimed half a ton of coal will go as far as a ton m the older
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    • 1051 3 Auctions MORTGAGEE'S SALE O F Valuable Freehold Leasehold land Houses AT UPPER SERANGOON ROAD AND JALAN SCLTAN On Monday, 19th April, 1915, at 2-30 p.m. 1. Valuable Freehol i land Dwelling flonso No. 7 Upper Serangoon Roai contain* ing an area of 3 acres r.;ods and 35 pobs less 9,000
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    • 143 3 |S@|KWONGMCHEONGg Q SINGAPORE y NOTICE I" HEREBY OITEH that the maiks c> icted above are the property of Chop Kwong Yoe beong of No. SSS, South Bridge Bead, bingapote, aad are Übtd b. them (m co, ours) en packets and boxts of Safety Matches. Any person who without the ami
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  • 1126 4 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, April 14, 1915. How far Field Marshal Sir JOHN French's little conversational confidence to Lord DUBHAM, who had been visiting British Head Quarters on the Continent, was intended to be promulgated urbi ci orbi, nnd so to reach the ears of the German Headquarter Staff,
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  • 1241 4 At Council on Friday the following is substituted for item 10 on the Agenda Motion by the Colonial Engineer: "That this Council approves a Vote of 168,000 to complete the erection cf a wireless installation for commercial use at Siugapcre." The Rev. 11. (J. Peile will visit Johore Bahru next
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  • 26 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apti| ll Changkat Salak pays on preferred and on deferred 7_. Seatield final of 25 aod carries forward
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  • 112 4 Sati>tartor\ Finaftcia] (From Our Own Correspondent.) Psasai i, 1 1 j,_ At the half yearly meeting of tbe Club, thellon. Mr Adams presiding, tt stated that after [taxing the ne goings, and disbursing 11,200 to able funds, there wes an advt rof ?239. At the last meeting.
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  • 50 4 SULTAN AND F.M.S. PATRIOTS. (From Ov* Ottf, Cnrm* Misses] Kuala Lumpur -pt Tbe Sultan ol Pahang levery man who has pone home frc' F.M.S. to serve m the war ii a silver pipelight^r engi i I and with the words tr ml N iRi a card expressing bis good wishes
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  • 72 4 RiCTIS> SIETICI.. London. April IS. DIE W 11. M. Hunter. Woi KDBD I apt. <r H. Anti Mancbesters Lieut. \i H. BroOBM 6bires 2nd Lieut, (i Clarke, Lei&ster* J. M. (jrav L'eut I Macbeau. SherwoodEL I'pppriil r H, Toop. Gloucestershire; 2nd Lieut. T. WhitLingbam, Le rnj-ter^ To
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  • 101 4 FRENCH CONSULAR TELEGRAMS. I'aris. April 12, I tip m. -TL id three per cent bonds are at Fr. To tbe north i I albert, during I of tbe 11th. we repulsed a yen attack. In Argonne there has been tasae fighting. We captured 200 met! trenches and destroyed a bio-.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 281 4 T PHI 1 B. Sir Will you kind j allow the f letter, receiw 'iom the Hon. S« Mar;- s Ken dleworb Guild I paper? "I beg to ackuowhdge sM thm. lce receipt ofthes| lei ;id ccnsignsMS! cf clothes and hospital nr 5i .es vrb the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 126 4 I LITTLE'S -_-i or I LASTS ANOTHER SEVEN DAYS ONLY FURTHER BARGAINS OFFERED IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Auto Linen Suiting $1-25 per yard. j Nainsook $2-75 tor 12 yards. > OFFERS HOT TO BE MISSED. KATZ BROS, LT? A r ACUMUDF Mg |j_f\!solVl____Kl_j I_-__w QLm^msT 1 X£. $»L Cream for Tennis
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  • 156 5 [GAINS SOLIDIFIED. Attack on Eparges Driven off. [Bt Subtusrinr Cable"]. Kil^ii a MMvica. ip, \oril II --The evening comrauni There has been no infantry but ennneneding has taken place n Bstftiess, on the aud Aisne, and m We orgenieed the positions woo betswen Ine Menee and
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  • 72 5 We Wiil Deliver the Goods. April 12. a sampling of New- igetet i t-reoty-one engineering ling Iredei -ooioos has sent a to Asquith welcoming the j appoiotssenl ol the Munitions Committee dcn't want more speeches about .-rilisrgS ol workers or employers teat. He want to
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  • 74 5 Loedoo, April 12. Tbe Press Bureau stalest] it the captain, eihcersauJ crew of H.M.S lhe" ba\ c telegraphed their good wishes tfl Geaeml Botha, expressing the! I veeoel mey win further fame I rs reedj hoooctred throughout 1 re. tersl Botha replied assuring them of; 1..- sppreci
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  • 74 5 <>:tawa, Apr;: 1. Mr Borden announced ia fasti v mot that S second Canadian force would be despatched m the near fetors m response to a request from Lord tenet lend cheereJ He announced thai this loves bad received a precise training m aceor Jacce with
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  • 25 5 Mel':- me, April 12. The Roman j Catholic sod Anglican archbishops have I sppes foe total abstinence during tbe j I
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  • 26 5 .:n j \pril 12. There have been j splendid general rains m Victoria which continue, a mp'.etely changing the agricul- j tural outlock.
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  • 45 5 Lespite European Reports. r 12. Nnmerone telegrams from >candint;' i re] Dg naval eng v Sea base been reafter beii bold op :"or some days. rei isao boi itall irelj informed ths i I s word ol troth m tbe; repc M
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  • 138 5 Tewed to Harbour. Lot n Aoril 1 J The Harrison liner r." 9.600 U ne, b»8 been torpedoed i Sci |i and ta being towed toQuaeneLater.— I announced m Liverpool: a.. fair i bar, beeu beached at Qoeenstowa. London. April IS.— No Btos were lost m tn
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  • 329 5 POWERLESS TO AVENGE NEUVB CHAPELLE. Britain's New Army Feared. [By Submarine Cable]. Ksotjcb's Svanea. London, April 12.— From Headquarters Eyewitness" reports that Quiet continues on our front with the exception of activity of artillery diversified by occasional rniue exp'osious ar.d bombs from aircraft. There have been no incidents
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  • 76 5 Field Marshal French's Plans. LondoD, April 18. Lord Durham speakiug at Chester- le street, said that he had visited British head quarters recently. Field Marshal French, io conversation, insisting on tbe need of munitions, said When the time comes we shall make a great move. We
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  • 178 5 Demand for Kecall of Germany's New York. April 12. Tbe German note has caused intense indignation. The Herald says it is intended to be au act cf deliberate disrespect and defiance towards the American Government and if Count Bernstorff is not immediately recalled, no time bhould
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  • 39 5 I Paris, April 12. Tbe Rumanian autbo rities have discovered that the German and Austrian diplomatic couriers' heavy baggage contained Bparegnnparts, etcetera,. The severest measures will be taken to prevent tbe continuance of the practice.
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  • 33 5 London. April 18-— It is announced at Berlin that thirty-nine British otiieers r-re imprisoued m military detention barracks us a reprisal for tbe treatment of German bubmaiiue prisoners iv England.
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  • 10 5 London, April 12. Tin, 172 rubber, 2s 4id.
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  • 162 5 FIERCE BATTLE FOX LAST PASS. Heavy Losses. [By Submarine Cable]. Kiuteb's Sxuvion. Petrograd, April 12. Official: We repulsed ou April 10 great enemy forces which attacked us repeatedly m the direction of Rostoki m the Carpathians. We progressed somewhat and a violent battle ensued m the legion
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  • 82 5 What Turkey Needs. Lcndon, April 12. The Times correspondent at Sofia says that Marshal You der Goltz's mission to Berlin and also llalil Key's was m connection with the urgent demand of the Youug Turks that three hundred thousand Germans should be sent across the Danube
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  • 225 5 Story of Disease and Privations. New York, April 12. Tbe KrODprio? Wilbelm has CO cases of beriberi on boaul Tbe captain say 9 be has only 25 tons of coal and scanty provisions. The only neutral ship gunk was tbe Seruantha" with wheat for tbe British forces. London,
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  • 39 5 Athens, April 12. M. Venizelos' and M. Rhalli's partier. have joined forces fur the forthcoming eleetiooe. Their success, is anticipated. M. Rhalli will probably form the Ministry, M. Venizelos going abroad for a sea trip to recuperate.
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  • 28 5 London, April 18.— Sir Bdward (irey has shorteneil his holiday and has returned to tbe Foreign Office. Mr Asquith is the guest of tbe King at Windsor.
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  • 16 5 London, April 12. A Paris telegram says that a (ire at .Naples has destroyed
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  • 14 5 London, April 18. The Olympia" left j Liveipt ol ou the 11th.
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  • 14 5 Londen, April 12. The death has occulted or Lieutenant General S. H. Lomax.
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  • 30 5 Members of the Choir are specially re quested to note that the Final Rehearsal will be held this evening (Wednesday) m the Yictoiia Theatie at 9 o'clock prompt.
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  • 915 5 TRIBUTE FROM PER.X CHINESE. Mr W. S. Gibson, who has come to Singapore as Civil District Judge m succession to the late Mr C. V. Dyson (who lost his life m the recent mutiny), was yesterday honoured by the Perak Chinese, from whom be received
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 ROBINSON Go. New Millinery Jus: Received READY TO WEAR HATS Untrimmed Straws Flowers Feathers New Dress Materials Chine Ribbins Shadows Laces, Silks for Ladies' Beits. I THE LESS YOU HAVE i tk t oik $400 ENG' ISH MADE piano hkdoohfabb ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd. p ANOTHER COMPLETE CHANGE w 0
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 686 6 S hi p p lng 1 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 2—3, Collyer Quay. niSDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT, de Wkert Batavia Apr 14 •REYN3T Muntok and Pal. mbang Apr 14 •Singkawang Singkawang, Selakan. Pemangkat and Sambas Apr 14 "Simikaßa Tanjong-Mengeidar, Tanjong-Leidong, Berombang Paneh,
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    • 174 6 STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPY (Steamship Company) NEDERLAND." Fortnightly Mall Service between Java aod Amsterdam, via Singapore, Belawan Deli, Sabang, Colombo, Port Said and Genoa. Steamers are due on or about the undermentioned dates nI'IWAKD i HOMEWMtD 19 5. 1915. Vondel Apr 16 Kembrandt Apr 17 KoningU d. Ned Apr 30 Konin. Emma
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    • 574 6 Shipping ELLERMAN LINE. to Marseilles, London Liverpool. s.s. "KALOMO" sailing about May 24 s.s. CITY OF NEWCASTLE on or June 7 For particulars as to rates of freight and passage money, apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., STRAITS STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. An Express weekly service
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    • 510 6 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES MAIL LINE For CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON and MARSEILLES. HOMEWARD 1915 OUTWARD Polynesien Api 9 Nera Api 11 Ernest-Simons Cordillnre Api 25 May 9 Amazone May 9 Nera May 21 Chili May 23 Cordillt re June 4 Atlantique June 6 Amazone June 18 Polynesreu June 20
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    • 538 6 Shipping I "pTST STEAM NAVIGATION COMP^ For China, Japan, Penang. C_y|, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt Mediterranean Ports, Pl ymoQU and London. Through BIIIb ot Lading issued tot tx Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Arn_^ l, i Ports. Steamers will leave Bingapott oc ot MAIL LINES Homeward (cor Ecbopej From Singapore,
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  • 1084 7 General Botha's Dig Task. Thirty years ago Bismarck annexed Diraaraland aud Xamaqualand, aud plung- ed into the business of building au overseas Empire. Then the Germans found little could be done with this big territory, 800 nriles long by 500 broad, unless its central pott, Walflah
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  • 243 7 Any diminution of energy Is due to nerv weak ness, cither temport.r> or chronic. Nerve* weakness s cans il by a draining away ol phosphorus needed to beep the nerve- lit perfect h slth. lo renew energy, therefore, the nerves must he br ought io
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  • 532 7 Some few weeks ago the Military Torres pott-tent of The Times spent some hours iv Flt.nderB with General Foch, and was re commended by him to study again what Clausewitz has «to 6ay concerning the question of continuity of operations, tension, and rest. The writer duly followed
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  • 301 7 British Merchants" write to the M mcbester Guardian on the questions m the Commons < n 9th :nst. when Mr Runci map. gave the opinion of tbe Government that it is undesirable for Hritish Arms to engage m transactions with Germans commercially domiciled m Chios.' 1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 187 7 BUCHANAN'S I BLACK WHITE" ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY The Enormous Stocks held by BUCHANAN Co. at their bonded store the largest m the world) enable them to H. \l _n _rv V Vv I l _n yrv r*v PROVISION FOR THE YOUNG I _^^^i^-^^^^^j i^^gM^MMaM^aßßßßMMiMM--M---------M-a_------rS-------^ 88-BS_BBBBBBS____b__--B B EDUCATIONAL ANNUITIES a
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    • 21 7 DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA BROWH'S SPECIFIC. To be had at the Singapore Dispensary, and of MISS BROWN, Grabbrtaio, River Valley Road, Singapore.
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    • 10 7 Chronic For' Chest Complaint*, Woods Great Peppermint Cure. ls. 6d
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    • 457 7 SJolfe's Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps (HOLLANDS ON) J For sharpening the an (ng the chKt-stiv- elite and stimulatrathiztC tr» organs jxm will f.nd .qua' Wolfe r K Schnapps. Take as a "toddy" uith hot water, supar and lemon and Q v.ineglassful of Wolfed. You will find Wolio's Schnapps the greatest tonic
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  • 214 8 In the Navy Thirty Years Ago It will astonish many people to learn that some 30 years ago the vessels of the liritish Navy mounted guns 16.25 inches m diameter and 110 tons m weight larger than those ou the Queen Elizabeth, our latest battleship, or
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  • 152 8 London. A despatch from New York says that letters just received irom Germany make some extraordiuarystatements. One correepoudent writes ".lust think, our dear Kaiser has almost destroyed the English Navy. The scoie to date is eigbteen British Dreuduoughts sunk it seems that God will 6
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  • 126 8 (By Genevieve Grandcourt.) America, across the sen, between two seas m glory set, Hast tbou forgotten Lnfayette When thcu, though yearning, wert not free, He sailed to thee, he sailed to tbee Full sixty days, ere magic dream Had spanned the stream Of distance, with the whirl of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 31 8 fr Wtat SMHpw' L j DUN LOP Tttvdq and process of manufacture are a long way ahead of any other make 25 years manuTn n t i 43 ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE.
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    • 218 8 B-TrV-K c "i-S^t T>_r ___P____Rf___r_3*__3^^Tk' l*^4i^!*__sV^H mWklSßsT**?* n WmmWJ»*WmWl%mmylmmm^\^mW%2y^^ jfST -ji. mJ??*Wl^mT couidsee the Germs m your T! roat 3 ou w i >uld rea at on ivhy your thi and .Vll3 you ar I ible to cat scoj c aft r sucking For it 1 1 l realise how
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  • 55 9 Corrected op to April 12) Bank 4ms 24 316 m demand 2-4 1-82 Private oredits 8m 8 2 4 19-32 India, T. T. i74i Hongkong, damar d 20 h Yokohama, demai d 114 Java, demand 14 2 Bangkok, demand 664 Sovereigns, Bant Buying 98.64 Bank of England Kt* c
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  • 146 9 Gambler Cuba No. 1 14 00 Gambier Cube No. 3 10 01 Pepper Black ordia. -'pore 22 00 Pspper, (White fair) Btf.OO Nutmegs (11 0 to t» c lb' 21. C0 Nutmegs '80 to t c lb 22 CO Mace (Banda) 83 00 Bali Coffee (4% E ack 27.25
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 311 9 CHARTERED BANK of India Australia and China, INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. PAID UP CAPITAL 1,200 000 MBBRYB FUND Z S.iSSISSS KsassYS Liability of Proprietors-. £1,200,000 88. BIBHOPBOATB, LONDOR, 8. 0. AGENCIES AND BBAHOHE3: Amntsai Hongkong Penang Bangkok Hollo Pnksi Batavis Ipoh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Saigon Calcutta Klang Seremban Canton Kobe
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    • 454 9 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI' BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 115,000,000 RBBERVE FUNDB Sterling £1,500,000 Sl 18.- 115,000,000 la m>o Stiver 118,000,0001 »»3. n W>.Ww Ssssrss Liability of Proprietors— 115,000,000 i COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. D. Landsle, Chairman. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chaiimsa, 8. H. Dodwell, Esq. IP. H. Holyoak, Esq.
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    • 379 9 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. Policies are w WORLD WIDE," "UNRESTRICTED." "INDISPUTABLE and "NONIOMhIIAHLh. Claims, loairs. cash-surrenders, etc., are promptly settled by fche General Agents at Singapore without the delay of reference to Head Office. The Reserves for protection of Policy holders are over v:>. •"><)<) non 1 The
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    • 90 9 j WINCHESTER HOUSE, SfWGAFQHE. TELFGiiAMS: SjEKCKS, SIKCAPOBE. Telephone Nc. 647. Electrical Engineers, Manufacturers and I Contractors. 1 81EMEX8 BROTHERS Pf 8118 Wm.l4 CaKtcn Bouse, festniilstdr, Lm4m, Supplies Dept, and Stores llppc? Tbtnes Street, Leuln. Laimps and FUUngt Dept Daistoa, LeceiQ-. Stafford a.d looiwkl. The Singapore and Straits Directory for 1915.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 357 9 WEATHER REPORT. fcLauJui g oerbuu Hospital April 12. 9 AM 3PM 9PM 1 Barom. 32 Fah, 29 862 29.7 c > 29.799 Temp. R7.0 87 0 80 0 Wet Bolb The*. 8 0 >05 78 5 Dir. of Wind BE SW (aim Max. Ten p in shad- 9u.5 Mm. do.
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    • 403 9 ■AIL TABLE. To-Day. Intermediate and local malls will be found m list below Penang, Malacca. F.M.6. Johore. (Overland) (Daily by Train) 8 4.M. ft 6 p.m. Pouloe Soegi Aing Hong lam Rhio Emeiie 8 AM Kerimon Hock Tew 8 am P. Britain ft P. Bulang Hock Keng Bam Hongkong. Shanghai
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  • 833 10 General Maxaokb's Progress Report for Four Weeks Enpin'G 27th March 1915. Gentlemen,— Herewith I beg to submit my report on your Mining and Milliug operations for four weeks ending March 27th 1915. The accompanying sheet of Mine Measurements and Assay returns shows a
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  • 401 10 Singapore, 13th April 1915. Rubber. The Auctiou to day opened quietly but improved somewhat as the Bales progressed, and a fair demand was maintained to the close. Prices show but little change on tbe week. The highest paid for Fine Pale Crepe was $129 an advance of
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  • 205 10 >ingapore, 18th April. I The Auction held to-day opened very quietly and for seme time bidding was 6low, many of the earlier lots offered being withdrawn without reaching the limits placed upon them. Later demaud brightened op considerably and was fairly well maintained to the close but
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  • 153 10 Tuesday, April 13th. Tbe ludo Malay Company reports In spite of Steady advices f r onr London, the Auction here to day opened m uncertain fashion. Smoked sheet was m toed supply and tbe average for this grade was a triile lower 00 tbe week. l
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  • 59 10 In the District Court yesterday a Macao of 30, Nankin Street, named Low Ivam Sui, was convicted of tbe theft of a case of condensed milk value $13, from the house of Yu Ab Xung of Upper Cross Street and as there were several previous convictions recorded against accused, the
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  • 789 10 Vanoa m the Referee writes m appealing terms of the wounded m the war, and their home coming. All m Singapore should learn that the British soldier oiiffers and dies that among many other thiugs Chinese, Malays and ludians iv the East shall live
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  • 101 10 Agents. Paterson, Simons Co. Lower Perak:— 4,700 Trafalgar 2,512 agaiust 1,910 total to date 28,858. 16,500 coconuts; against 18,000; total to date 2 15,400 coconut 8. Kuala Pergan 7.000 against 500 total to date. 7,000, i Fenar 2,846 against 3,000 total to' date 18,102, Fujoug 7,188
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  • 301 10 A nice cool morning yesterday tempted a rather larger gathering for the training and some good woik was done. The pace is being put on considerably now and some of the horses were sent qnite a 6haip turn. Preopal, Rouge et Noir and Sandy Creek were
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  • 203 10 A "Marine Engineer/ who is m full agreement with tbe strictures passed upon those responsible for the recent r-trikes m tbe engineering firms on the Clyde, that have delayed and endflngered the output of munitions of war for the use of the I'.ritish Army, is anxious
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  • 232 10 The term of office of tbe Hon. Sir Har j vey Adamson, KC.BL, ne Lieutenant 'Governor of Burma, is being extended until the latter half of October ntxt. Tbe post of senior forest ranger, attach ed to the local laud otlice, vacant since the recent retirement and subsequent death of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 351 10 j However Sick Baby may be I do not gi xup hope m »re often than not tbe cause is wronj; -Ss S if you evill only get the rimb 1 food for b.«Hy, \i v wtM s h 1 ?3 s= on the road to Hcjitn. A m th
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 161 10 SHIPPING NOTES. The homeward C. R. steamer "Amiral Olry." from Haipbcng and Saigon, is due here to-morrow morning, en route to Mar seilles and Havre. The P, ft O. steamer "Oriental," with the homeward English mail from Japee aud China, is due here this forenoon, and she will leave at
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