The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 July 1912

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1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES fHURSDAY. JULY 4, 1912. No 1.301
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  • 230 1 LEADERS. PACE i tnad.i i r i _l rbe \,i I An Imperial Naval Scheme Japan 1 i \\>oi\ Short) Tbe Tboaderar" Incident 8 The I*■ ihkm r »t ic Convention 8 l ent ol Bra 8 POLICE A?JD COURT NEWS Forged Notes io Kelantan 7 Quarrel on the
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  • 135 1 Jul\ 8, l ia ISO tons sold 1 102.00 Gambler huyers t.50 Gambler lube No. 1 IMO Ganibier Cube No. nom Pepper P.luok ordm. S'pore 22 Pepper. White fair) buyers 3^ Nutmegs dlO to the lb.) notu Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) nom Mace tHania) llt llovhs (Amboina) nom
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 57 1 To Mr. and Mrs. J. S. JaCKSON, a miu, "Theodore Stanley.) en June ."»oth, at Singapore. On June 27. u "Waterloo.* River \alle\ Road, the srife ol JAMES Ls MEPUBIER, of a ■on. On '-7th June, at the Maternity Hospital Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. DOUGLAS C Cook, a
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    • 39 1 [SA4 KB-BBOWNE. On tiie lth June, at Holy Trinity. Bloane street, by the Rev. Joseph Simpson Hector of Waddingham, Lincolnshire. MAJOR R. 11. [SACKS, late "*M> Fusiliers, to Kina. widow of David Stuart Browne, late Indian Arm v.
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    • 19 1 Watson.— On 98th hist., at Katong. Norrie, the beloved wife of CAPTAIN WATBON, B. S. Ban Hin Guan."
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  • 67 1 CORKECTKI") UP to July :5J Bisk 4 m/i 2-_i demand I 4 1-14 Private credits 3 m/s 2-4 716 credits 6m I 2-4 23-82 Franc R demand Bank 294 Germany, demand 2385 India, T. T. 174f Hongkong, demand 13". Yokohama, demand 114$ Java, demand 140$ Bangkok, demand 64f Sovereigns,
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  • 579 1 June 28. Perhaps the most important consultation tbat is possible between the Canadian Government and the British Government is the joint discussion between Mr. BORDEN, tin' Premier of Canada, Mr. HAZEN tbe Minister oi' Marine* and the Departments of the British Government that deal with Naval
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  • 1467 1 An Imperial Naval Scheme, June 29. Now tbat as a result of the develop ments of the past few months, mainl\ regarding the Navy and its growing responsibilities, tbe true initiative in really vital imperial affairs is being assumed by tbe Dominion Governments and more particularly that of Canada, tbe
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 148 1 Snh-ri iUr-s to rhe "Singapore Free Press 1 returning from Europe to Ihe Btraitf* l>\ ;ui\ <»t the mail lines, are invited to send to Manager th« name «»t their steamer aad 4 M i .val in Singapore, Copies will then i liledtoßM ef them at various \n,n< of call.
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    • 170 1 „\v,.v,\\\*\\\\\\\\\\\\^^^^^ N v .::o;\\\>:,\\v\\\v\\v\x\\\\\\-\\\\^\\\\^^^^ x While vou wait—five, I S ten, or fifteen minutes the 1 natural digestive processes S of Benger's Food are I working. I \ou can regu'ate this Food i I :{< m p*epa r ati n, so as o give u.»:. enfeebled Ftomach, at firs! almo:!
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 124 1 THE WEEKS NEWS. The P. A O. Devanha" arrived on Friday last with mails np to June 7th. This weekly goes by B. I. Teesta today. The Municipal Commissioners met on Friday, afternoon, when several matters Of public interest were dealt with. The new Cbnrch of St. .Joseph was formally
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  • 1139 2 July 1. Not a few parallels have been drawn between tbe conditions of Britain and Japan, geographical, political and economic. But the telegram published today, alluding to the stress of high food prices in Japan and the miseries thus inflicted upon a large number of the poor,
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  • 1481 2 July 2. With their own eyes the Britons of this generation, in whichever of the Five Nations tbey may dwell, are beholding that marvellous historical drama unrolling itself the making of the greatest Empire that ever was known. This unparalleled process is tbe response to various impulses,
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  • 1149 3 July 8. A distinctly "jumpy" item in the telegrams of yesterday was that referring to what is declared to have been an accident that was within an ace of causing the destruction ot H. If. S. Thunderer, had what appeared to have been the expected actually happened.
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  • 1266 3 July L What might be termed the automatic organization of tbe Empire is gradually proceeding, apart from whatever future steps tnay be taken to create an outline of a constitutional organization. We have the periodical Imperial Con ference- In which the Governments ot the Dominions confer
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  • Correspondence.
    • 611 4 To The BniTOR, Sir, —As there appear to he many opi nions as to the actual facts with regard to the formation of the Singapore Golf Club it may be of interest to those keen on golf to know the true history. First let me state I
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  • 31 4 The following are the scores for ths Hills Cup for July Mrs. G. C. McGregor 32 Bristow 30 Gerrard 30 Brown 27 Pritchard 26 Donaldson 28 168
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  • 1571 4 Eneh evening now sees number of en thusiasts, whose minds for the time being are centred toiind stop watches and records, careering round the Esplanade* and whose abstemiousness Inside the Pavilion is i marvel to their friends and to themselves. These are the men who will provide the
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  • 162 4 The final of the Club Championship was played on Sunday and was won by CL F. Green who beat R. D. Acton by 6 up and 5 to play. The monthly medal for June was won by Or Kennedy with the nett score ol 7_". Ten
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  • Correspondence.
    • 119 4 Io THK hOITOH, Sir, In justice to our firm you will l>e good enough to give publicity to the fact that the design of the St. Josephs Church, reported in your issue of the 26th June as made by Mr McLeod Craik is misleading, the design is
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  • 885 5 I don't think any one of us could have put into actual words all that those three Byllables meant, and I doubt very much if many of my readers could point out the spot rhich spelt -,o much tons. y e t if one turns up the map ol
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  • 944 5 From the tower of only one cathedral can one hear tbe chimes peal forth defiantly that graud old cavalier's song "When the King shall enjoy his own again and that cathedral is of course Worcester. There were many cities and towns loyal to the luckless Stewarts but
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  • 1009 5 For purposes quite outside the scope of this article, I was delving amongst a pile of old home newspapers tbe other day, and I fell to reading of tbe recent miners strike at home. Now, although I know more than a little of mining,
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  • 932 5 While the United states is apparent!) enthralled in the political contest that makes the larger part of American news reaching us by wire, a commemoration is goin«; on of events that have made more history than all tbe political turmoils of the States. Indeed, it cannot be just
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  • 531 6 SEMI-FINAL MATCH. There was a monster crowd on the Espla nade last evening to witness the meeting of the two Buffs teams in the semi-final round of the Association Cup. The odds were slightly in favour of the first team but it was expected that a good game
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  • 80 6 A Teochew named Ng Eh Toi has told the police how two of his friends robbed him while he was asleep. He lives at 29, Waynng Street and says he was lying ill in his room when two friends called and expressed their sympathy. They sat
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  • 38 6 Twenty nine million thirty thousand more Manila cigars were consumed during eleven months of this fiscal year in the Cnited -states than in the same period of 1911 according to statistics prepared by the iu>ular collector of customs.
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  • 706 6 It is reported that a large number of Russian troops are arriving at Harbin with machine guns. Mr. W. C. Suter, chief clerk of the Colonial Secretary's Office, returned from leave by the Aki Maru on Tuesday. i j On enquiry yesterday we were informed j
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  • 421 6 SARAWAK JELOTONG MONOPOLY. RAJAH'S OUTSPOKEN REPROOF. The Sarawak Gazette contains the reI)ort of a meeting called on June 10th "in nrder to make a statement with regard to he amount to be paid by the British Maaysian Co. for jelutong purchased by them inder their concession." The Company
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  • 333 6 Kota Bharu. dune 24th. Dr F. W. Furnivall and Mrs Furnivall arrived on the Brd iust, and Dr F\irnivall is doing work at Kota Bahru while Dr Gimlette is visiting surgeon. Medical work is increasing, the hospital was enlarged a short time ago, and a new one is
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  • 93 6 Partially paralysed and almost blind, General Homer Lea, on arrival at San Francisco on May 7, was carried from his stateroom on a stretcher. He was accompanied by his wife and a personal representative of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. The Tata iron aud steel works have now sold forty thousand tons
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  • 174 6 2 Ist Annivbkkak. Match. President's Team. Captain I Lam. H.E.TheGovernor br G. A. Fin la > -on F. Ferguson 4 M. Morrison Dr P. Fowlie F. M. Elliot J. H. Drysdale W. E. Hooper 4 H. R. L. Dyne <i. It. K. MuglUton W. J. Mayson L.
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  • 402 6 L.. C. S. and M. v. TBUBOB4PHS. Tin' Telegraphs easily disposed sf the Law, Civil Service ant Municipal it} at cricket on Saturday. Tim stores are as follows L.. C. S. wo M. A. S. Bailey b .Jenkins 17 .1. M. 'aloii run out H. R. S. Zehnder
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  • 84 6 A hockey match was plaved ou the Esplauade last evening between the R.g.a and a second eleven of the Club and re suited in a win for the Gunners by two goals to one. All who knew Capt. Lambum of the Northumberland Fusiliers while the 2ud Battalion was in Singapore
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  • 797 7 'Contributed.) In all the different narratives of disas tm at sea, one is impressed with the bare mention that is made of the Engine Room staff. The Captain did this, and the chief officer did that, the second officer went here, and tbe third officer went
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  • 113 7 Th*- Peking Advisory Council has lately passed a hill about changing the national dress. It provides special uniforms for ihe officials ot the Foreign Office and the Ministers and Consuls abroad. The Cabinet has not agreed to the resolutions passed by the Advisory Council and will anhssH the latter a
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  • 192 7 DISCOVERED IN KELANTAN. How they get Spread. (From our own Correspondent.) Kota Bahru, June 24th. Mohamed Vusuf and Rathmatullab. two Afghan itinerant traders were charged before Mr J. W. AY. Hughes in the Central Court at Kota Bahru on June 21st with being in possession of forged Straits
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  • 238 7 Business in our market during the week has been very dull aud Sterling Rubbers have been marked dowu considerably, assisted no doubt by the rumour of the formation of a Synthetic Company in London with a probable capital of £500,000. Local shares have not altered much, although
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  • 121 7 Restaurant Keeper Yu'timised. A Chinaman named Tan Kheng Yew entered a Chinese restaurant at 43, Smith Street, on Wednesday morning and ordered a feast for fifty guests whom he said he intended inviting to dine with him. He agreed to pay $67.^0 for the meal and returned
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  • 74 7 A young Hylam, who got six months' hard labour on Wednesday for picking the pocket of another Chinaman at tbe Tank Road railway station, was committed by Mr. Arthur, third magistrate, yesterday, for trial at the next Assizes on a charge of returning from banishment. The accused
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  • 117 7 The most drastic legislation regarding liquor ever introduced in Canada is the description of the Ontarian Premier's AntiTreating Bill. Each single act of treating will make four people liable to a heavy fine the licensee who provides the medium and the accommodation for the offence, the barkeeper
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  • 396 7 The next Assizes in Singapore will commence on July 23. Mr. R. Peirce has been elected a member of the Board of Licensing Justices. Mr. A. G. Smart, m.h., CH. 8., his been appointed a medical officer in the Straits. Mr. Justice Innes arrived from the
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  • 382 7 The usual meeting of this Board was held in the offices yesterday afternoon, Mr. V. J. Hall if ax presiding and the other members present being Messrs. I. Moss, Dr. S. C. Yin, Tan Khiam Hock, Chia Keng Chin, A. M. S. Angullia, Dr. P. Fowlie, Dr. J.
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  • 207 7 ARREST IN GENERAL STEPHEN son's House. A Hokien giving the name of Tao Ho appeared before Mr. David, second magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of trespass in the residence of Major General Stephenson at One Tree Hill. Tanglin. Inspector Meredith of Orchard Road police station
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  • 165 7 What Happened to H. Co.'s Meat. A Hylam, employed as the number one, or head, cook, by H. Company, the Buffs at the Tanglin Barracks, wa6 charged before Mr David, second magistrate, yesterday, with theft as a servant of twenty pounds of meat valued at $4. Private
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  • 198 7 The twenty first anniversary match, President's team v. Captain's team, will be played on the racecourse links on Saturday, dune 29, commencing at 2.30 p.m. The following are the teams. President's Team. C iptain's Tewi. H. E. The Governor Dr. G. A. Finlayson F. Ferguson M. Morrison
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  • Correspondence.
    • 114 7 TO THE E 1)1 TOIL Sir,— In yesterday's issue in reporting tbe meeting of the Municipal Commissioners it is stated that tbe Health Department are endeavouring to find the owners of the swamps behind A. B. and C. illas aud the Sea View Hotel. There must be some
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    • 16 7 Surgeon- Lieut. G. B. Mc Hutchinson, S. Y. C, joins the Penang Yolunteers as Surgeon- Lieutenant.
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  • 908 8 Quirquid afunl homine* noetri est farSfn libeill. Juvenai* The question has been raised we for get by whom as to whether the present Parliament has any real existence, and whether its enactments are binding on the lieges. By an Act of (Jueen Anne, which has not
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  • 545 8 Sharp Sentence for Stashing. A Bengali cook named Satar was chargI ed in the District Court, yesterday afteri noon, before Mr. H. W. Firmstone, that j he while engaged on the Egremont Cast le,' ou March 17th, on the high seas between Antwerp and Durban,
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  • 229 8 Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Lily Follet and Mr Percy Allan Yearwood for Saturday, July 20th, at 4 p.m. at St. Andrew's Cathedral afterwaids at Tigh-Xa-Bruaich, Hooding Estate, on the invitation of Mr and Mrs C H Follett. Mr. Oliver Marks, Acting Resident of Perak, left
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  • 780 8 Monday, July 1, 1912. GALLANT ATTEMPT AT RESCUE. (DROWNED IN TH._ LIFFEY. R A. L. Hoops Makes PLUCKY Effort. The many friends in the Colony aud F.M.S., of Dr A. L. Hoops, State Surgeon of Kedah, will be interested to hear that that gentleman made a gallant attempt to save
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  • 490 8 b FORMAL OPENING YESTERDAY. An Impressive Ceremony. The new church of St. Joseph, lying between Victoria st and Queen st, was formally opened yesterday with au impressive ceremony by the Lord Bishop of Macau. A full description of the Church has already been published and it
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  • 212 8 Any day is tbe right day for a good tittin but Saturday is the rightest day for the best tiffin. Therefore Messrs John Little and Co had, as it were, a trial run of their new tiffin room on Saturday and some thirty gentlemen were present by
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  • 43 8 In the second court on Saturday morning three Chinese were charged w ith being in possession of counterfeit ten cent pieces and instruments for waking the same The men were arrested in a house in Monlmein Road. A postponement to July •thwas granted.
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  • 2344 9 Tn Tawtion OIKSTION. la accordance with what is now an *>:ablishf-d custom, officials, ex officials, merchants, planters, mine-owners, and other connected with British Malaya met in London or; the eve of the Derby" for the sixth annual Federate 1 Malay States Jinnsi. Sir Ernest Rinh. K.C. MG.,
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  • 349 9 A very interesting lecture was given yesterday afternoon at the Y.M.C.A. Hall by Mr. W T Makepeace ou The Malay and his Womankind," under the auspices of the Singapore Young Women's Christian Association. Miss Blackinore presiding. From his intimate knowledge of the Malays from a sympathetic standpoint, the
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  • 57 9 At Shanghai on June 21 Miss Marian Monteith, charged with fraud on the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, was sentenced to nine months' hard labour. Mrs Shorrock, of Shanghai, was fined ten pounds by tha Judge for speaking to the jurors during an interval in the case, this being calculated
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  • 297 9 SECOND DAY'S RESULTS. (From our oicn Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 27. There was a very good attendance aud the weather was favourable till late in the afternoon when storais came on but did not interfere w ith the success of the meeting. Pavilion Stakes. R. C. and
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  • 255 9 Kuala Lumpur, June 29. The attendance at the last day's racing was good and the weather fin_. Tbe results were Importers' Stakes. Agnes (Torpey) 8.9 1 Tbe Dream (Casson) 8 I Querinda (Gabell) 7.10 I Won by a head with two lengths between second and third. Time
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  • 53 9 Mr. J. H. FTncke, Messrs. Behn Meyer's representative at Zamboanga, was married on June 6th to Miss Ally Siemer of Bremen, who went across by the M Darvel." Mr. Fincke has been in the Singapore, Penang and Sandakan offices and has been out East for thirteen years. Hearty congratulations from
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  • 458 10 Tuesday, July 2. 1912. SUBORDINATE C. S. ASSOCIATION. There was a fairly large attendance of members at the seventh annual General Meeting of the Subordinate Civil Service Association which took place at the Club House on the 2Mth June. The following were elected office bearers aud members of tbe Committee
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  • 355 10 On Sunday morning the front portion of a Chinese house in North Canal Road collapsed. No one was injured. As a result of representations made, the engineers sailing out of Singapore have received a considerable increase in their salaries. Mr. Perkins, of Messrs. F. W. Payne and Co., Dredging Engiueers.
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  • 1231 10 The Siam Jewel Case. The Appeal Court, which has befora it one of the longest lists on record, opened in the Supreme Court yesterday morning, the first case taken being that of Jules Paul de Boseck, who was convicted by a special jury at the last Court of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 243 10 The Editor, Sir, Will you kindly allow me a little space in your valuable paper. The original members, who really started the Singapore Golf Club, were Mr. Justice Goldney, Mr. R. N. Bland, Mr. A. Mackay, Mr. A. Gillespie, Messrs. E. J. and J. B. Robertson Messrs.
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    • 119 10 To The Editor, Sir, While travelling on the Siamese Bangkok Korat Railway on a trolly one day, I noticed a very singular and pretty flower growing in the fields between the Chiengrak Yai and Chiengrak Noi stations. It was azure in hue and shaped like the convolvulus
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  • 61 10 Tebrau 14,237. Pajam: 14,750. Agents J. Snodgrass. Jasin 1,822. A 6 ents Evatt and Co. Changkat Serdang 4,235 Total Wxe months of financial year 20,108. Agents Hooglandt and Co. Batu Rata: 6,231. Tronoh tin:— 326l pik. value $19H,557 Working costs and development $1 15,000 Estimated cash
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  • 14 10 A Gazette Extraordinary has been issued bringing into local force the Imperial Copyrights Act.
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  • 557 10 S. S. QUINTA ASHORE. STRANDED ON THE PARACELS. CREW ANO PASSENGERS SAFE. Late on Saturday night June 22, the news reached Hongkong that the German steamer* (^uiuta had gone ashore on the Paracels. a dangerous group of islands between here aud Singapore, and enquiries made yesterday revealed tbe fact tbat
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  • 223 10 Three Hindred-and-Fd tv Fooi W T ATERr.\LL. Mr. William R. Jones, acting Government Geologist, states that one of tbe most beautifully romantic places be has so far seen in the F. M. S. is in the B Kayu Kapor Forest Reserve, Raw ang. Entering the
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  • 38 10 The S. C. C. met the R. G. A. on the Esplanade last evening and after an excellent game won by two goals to one. The game was very even throughout, and very cleanly played by both sides.
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  • 1636 11 Tmki» Okdinahy General Mkktino. The third ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Ayer Panas Rubber Estate, Limited, was held at p.m. yester day at Gresham House, Battery Road. Mr W. M. Sime presided and there were also present Messrs G. A. Derrick. H. R. LbwlKn.
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  • 131 11 In April a total quantity of 1x4,185,500 gallons of water were liltered. 79 million gallous at Bukit Timah Road and 44 J mil lion gallons at Woodleigh. This gives a daily average of 4,140.000 gallons, a percentage of 02 per cent on the total supply. The purification effected
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  • 215 11 Thk Mc Doug all Ci r. The Malay Mail account of the final for the McDougall Cup in which the Singapore Polo Club was defeated by Selangor by seven to two, seem* to show pretty clearly that the score very far from represented the actual run of the play,
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  • 431 11 The following details of the play of Mr. I). A. M. Drown, and Mr. J. Crabb Watt in the home amateur championship will be read with interest. a Surprise. One of the surprises of the second round was the defeat of Mr. Robert Harris by Mr. .1. Crabb
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  • 83 11 An ordinary general meeting of the Straits Trading Company. Ltd., was held at the company's registered office, 11, Collyer Quay, it noon yesterday. Mr W. W. Cook presidi!'.-. The stat* nt of accounts and balance sheet for the naif year ended March Hist were received aud adopted,
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  • 60 11 The July Ladies Spoon Competition was played on Monday July 1 and resulted iu a win for Mrs. Hartnell who return ed a nett score of ir,. The following cards weie returned. Mrs. Hartnell 58 8 47 Mayson 64 15 4:> Saunders 5 J 2 50 Fowlie
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  • 300 11 For the past few weeks the local morta lit y returns have shown an average ol nine deaths per day from malaria fever, and if to this be added the deaths from fever not speciiied tbe total is brought up to above ten per diem. From enquiries made it
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  • 271 11 Tbe winner of the replayed tie in the June medal w T as G. H. W. Dawson. 74. St. James Cup. The following were the scores in the uualifving rounds of the above. The first round which must be played off on July 0 and 7 has
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  • 229 11 From the report of tbe President of Sin gapore Municipality. Nine hundred and forty one deaths were registered during the month (72b males and 215 females), equivalent to an annual rate of 42.09 per mille, compared with 0f). 02 for the previous month and with 50.K2
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  • 35 11 Mr Sidney R. Campion, a Manchester journalist, who is joining the reporting staff of the M Pinang Gazette is amongst the passengers on board the P. and 0. Nubia. due at Penang about July 16.
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  • 1987 12 COMING OF AGE DINNER. As is the case with individuals, or at least the more favoured ones iu regard to the endowment of this world's goods, so with clubs and kindred institutions, the coming of age is alwavs made the occasion for something more than ordinary celebrations
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  • 1739 12 J'rom out c„/i '.or t c.tpon.ieni." June 6. Ten years ago, when the Amateur International match by singles was instituted by the Royal Liverpool Club at Hoylake, the Scottish players gained the day. and with two exceptions in 1909 and 1910 they have been successful ever since. On
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  • 634 13 Wednesday, July 3 1912. THE SABATIER CASE. UCD P.! IWDED \ND BAH. RKFCSRD. The Secoud Magistrates Court (Mr. David's 1 was crowded yesterday morning when G. Sabalier. the French Rarber, lules Muller. his senior assistant, and Mrs. Chio Sabatier. w ife of tbe lirst accused, came before the Court for
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  • 174 13 The crew of Harvard Cuiversity defeated that of Vale I niversity iu the Varsity ouroared shell race for freshmen at New London, Conn. The wife of a Malay constable has died of smallpox in the barracks at the Telok Klaugah police station. The case was not --•ported till after death.
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  • 422 13 i4 i. l,o* sttOHitent.^ Penang, July 9. FIRST DAY. Mixed HANDICAP. Value 1900. Distance one mile. Gold Nugget t. Darley Dale, Melodist. Lossie. Lab. Satis. The Friar, Sweet Marie, Yeo val. Griffin Kai k. Value MOO. Distance one mile. Hedonist. Austerlitz, Seronak. Griffin No 9, Lodestar. Marmont,
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  • 84 13 The following lots were disposed of by auction at Messrs. Powell k Cos saleroom yesterday afternoon; Vacant land fronting Kramat Road and Cavenagh Road, Singapore, area 22.951 square feet, freehold, being part of Grant No. 67. Lee Kim Vong at 20 cents per square foot 54,590.20. Freehold land
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  • 56 13 Governor General W, Cameron Forbes of the Philippines is ill at Boston. His illness is a breakdown due to overwork, but is not serious. Captain Jose Artiaga, of the interisland steamer Islas Filipinas, will serve a year in Bilibid, as punishment for the illegal I presence of a large amount
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  • 235 13 Fsesh Capital kot Rfqitibed. The directors of Alor Gajab Rubber I Estate, Ltd., through the chairman, Mr W. j M. Sime, have circularised shareholders as follows: Gentlemen, At the last ordinary annual general meeting of the company, I promised to advise the shareholders what further capital expenditure would
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  • 415 13 The directors' report and statement of accounts for the year ended January olst, 1912, to be presented at the fourth annual general meeting of Shareholders to be held at Shanghai, on July 28 rd are. The Directors herewith submit to the Shareholders the Report and Accounts for
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  • 126 13 A special meeting is called for July 9th to consider the following amendment to the articles of association, proposed by Mr. Gino Pertile That the Articles of Association be altered in the manner following That Clause 88 of the Articles of the Company shall be amended by addition
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  • 307 13 THE GOEBEN MYSTERY. 77 Stowaways* 1 it the police Cocwr. The seventy-seven Chinese, mostly Cantonese, found hidden away on the German mail steamer Goeben on her arrival from Hongkong on June 17. appeared before Mr. Arthur, third magistrate, yesterday, each charged as follows That you being a Chinese Immigrant," on
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  • 40 13 At the sales to-day there was a good attendance and a large quantitx of rubber was sold. Prices realised were. Sheet No. 1 1990.20 Sheet No. 2 1299.99 Scrap crepe $190.10 Rark crepe 1190.90 Scrap entreated 9140.
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  • 58 13 SINOAPORE. 2nd July. Offered for Sale 50 cases pels. 59.01 or 7,967 lbs. Sold 49 cases pels. 58.61 or 7,*15 lbs. Prices Realized. Sheet Smoked 1925 to 249 lusmoked 288 to 23* Crepe No. 1 236 to 242 No. 2 208 to 225 No. 8 200 The next
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  • 141 13 Agents East Asiatic Co. Mount Austin: 16,100. Agent J. Suodgrass. Tebong 14,000. Agents McAlister and Co. Port Swettenham: 8,100. Bukit Kubu 1 ,100. Agents iiehn Meyer A; Co. Sungei Bahru 22,221. Agents Sime, Darby and Co. Aver Panes '.'.sou. Alor (uijah 8,5?0. Bukit Lintang 14,500. Pantai:
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  • 70 13 No news has as yet been beard of J. EL Wardrop, the bureau of lands surveyor lost iu the mountains on the Pacific coast side of Tayabas province.! On the 18th instant a meeting of the merchants of the 72 Canton Guilds aud members of the 9 Charitable institutions was
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  • 1190 14 There seem sufficient indications that the coconut boom we were promised will not come off. Not only has London shown no particular avidity for these propositions but one or two which have been floated have been viewed with a rather coldly critical eye by some share
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  • 204 14 Agents Derrick and Co. Sungei Gau 150 pikuls. Agents Sharpe, Ross and Co. Batang Malaka 9,9 1 1 Cbiinpul 1,277. Agents Kvatt and Co. Nyalas 1,100. Bukit Timah 7,652 Total six mouths :'.7,174. Haytor 9,009 Total six months 12,594. Malacca:- 170,000. Tebong -8,000 Against 1,287 Total
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  • 243 14 Before the Cnief Justice, Sir William Hyndman Jones. M. H. Mohamed Aboobakar, a merchant of Arab Street sued T. M. Mohamed Cassim, a servant recently iu his employ but now undergoing a sentence of six months imprisonment for the recovery of 1 1,869 -84, alleged to have been
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  • 483 14 Thursday, July, 4. 1912. "STRAITS HEAD." One of the frequent disabilities attach ing to a continuous residence in the Tropics is a loss of memory. This as a rule applies only to personal names the faces one always remembers. A man whom you may have known for years is transferred
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  • 401 14 The wedding of Mr. G. A. Lungley, of Bertani Estate, to Miss Weber, daughter of the late Captain Weber, will take place on July 12th. That there is a great future before the Philippine pineapple industry was clearly shown at the meeting of the shareholders in the Luzon Pineapple Plantation
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  • 353 14 PmST Case L'KDKii New Oudivanck Tbe f T case to be heard uuder the Divorce Ordinanr-e which cam*- into lore.' this year was taken before the Chief Jag tice In tbe Supreme Court, pesteedai morning. The parties were William Hoe den. petitioner. ilolettfl Hoeden. Eespou dent, and John
    353 words
  • 209 14 First Days Weights. [From Our (hem Corr€m\pk\aademi.) Penang. .lul> The following are the weights for tb, lirst day's racing at Penang the week ait.r next. MIXED Hamui _r. Value 1900. Di* tance mile. Veoval 10.7, Lossie N.7, Satis 9.2, Friar 8.12. Sweet Marie 5.7. Melodist HJ). Lah 9,
    209 words
  • 200 14 Mk. Mac. Boot? inn Smsm ScnoouoosUi Mr. MacCallum Scott in the House oi Commons asked the Secretary of State for tbe Colonies, whether he is aware that the Child's Geography, by M. J. Harrington Ward. M. A., published by Bell and Sons is used as
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  • 28 14 Mr. Karl Hanitsch, the sou of Dr. and Mrs. Hanitsch. of Singapore, who is now at Cambridge, has been successful in obtaining a further schcArsbip of §09 year.
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  • 2883 15 \Bv Submarine Cable]. MM TKKS SfcKVltK. Loudon, via Bombay. it is announced from Chalons that ten ntythree ■ailori have been injured, some fatally, by au explosion in one of tin- gunturretfl of the "Jules Michelet whilst engaged rn tiriug practice. There were two accidents and after the ret, in
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  • 252 15 The funeral of the late Mr John Batchelor. third engineer of the s.s. "Patam" took place at the Protestant Cemetery. Bangkok, on Juue 25, the Rev. I>r. Carrington officiating. The remains were followed to trie grave by the Superintendent Engineer of the tforddeutscher Lloyd. Mr.
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  • 653 16 Kuala Lumpur. June 2H. 11. A. Gabell, who yesterday rode Chanticleer, bus been suspended for the season. Tb<- horse has also been suspended. Kuala Lumpur, June SB. The final polo match for the Macdougal Cup was played this afternoon on the racecourse between Selangor and Singapore. The Singapore
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  • 99 16 mm-. The death is announced of M. Henri Malan. Resident Superieure of Indo-China aud Secretary to the Government General, which occurred from dysentery on the nuh ult. at Saigou. The Matin announces that tests have shown that the new powder manufactured for the French navy is no better than the
    99 words
  • 977 16 As this question, complicated with certain other considerations, is likely before very long to attract considerable attention here, from the introduction of a legislative attempt to deal with what are at least its abuses, these comments in the Globe," published on the morning of the Derby,
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  • 1237 16 RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES Cap. Issue. Paid. Last Drv BJIBM Puamimms 85.000 2s 2s Allagar 8% 2 I 1 10* 150,000 2s 2s Anglo-Malay 7u% W H 16 0 50,000 2s 2-j Batang Malaka 18 30.000 1 1 Batu r, a ves 40% int fl I I o 12 15
    1,237 words