The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 May 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 171 1 A new reorganisation of the British I'leet is wired out that may tfive foreign naval experts to think Page 7. Dr GerrardV report ou estates hospitals in Selangor is given at somewhat greater length than by wire on page 2. Dimensions and particulars of Sinjja pore's \t'm
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  • 939 1 Whmu people begin lo talk of tin* good old days, it is a sure m^ii that they have either bee* loaiog m<";ev on the Mock Kkehange, or are Indulging In romiaiflooni «»t a ruis-spent \outh. N o our ImiL .hi m tual paiiprr would call the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 661 1 f IF YOU WANT TO ENJOY YOURSELF GO TO JJ Pharima hall cinematograph, o NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. j TO-NIGHT'S PROGRAMME GAUMONT GRAPHIC. No. 14. Comenls.- The splendid lion DarSßgllSS who killed three taraeiN and ttveotheffS I finishes his lite in a cineinato^raj -hie scene Attacked by a Lion I f
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    • 166 1 AN ENJOYABLE SELECTION OF PICTURES has baea arranged for to night, a pleasant variety of suhjtcts and Him maker* l><-ing aotieeabli AT IHE MARLBOROUGH PICTURE THEATRE. BEACH ROAD. 2nd Show 9-3O toll pm i. in tho Tyi-ol (tip Ajdtmrg Valley.) r iue Coloured (lermania lihn v' -li*^!^" 1 dppcararuf iu
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    • 167 1 > < lo^ap'e Huvcitiscincnte. K. il«>! Kederianden and the Kleist for Kii rope Pajc s. Wanted a manajat for a i-efreshinent room Pagfl B. Notici* iv Um estate of H. Orimshaw I 'ago -1. The virtiu's of Foramint Pag< New lailingl for the N. l>. Lloyd— Page B. Last da>>
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 140 1 THE WEEK. Friday 3rd. High Wfltpr-MJH a.m.. Ill') p.m. P. O. Outv aril Mail due pm. H.>civ.'\ B.C.C. It v Whit. Victfi ta Tin .itiv. R. (i. KBOwk Saturday 4th. High Water— o-J"» a.m.. 11 A6 p.m. Reception at Kat/ rtu». iu«on. Ctickft .Merchants v Tt grsphfl B.G C. Jimah
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  • 684 2 A SWEEPING CONDEMNATION. The following extracts from I>r. Gerrard's medical report amplify the news contained in our correspondent's wire yesterday. Planters and Obstrivtiox. In conclusion Dr. Gerrard says:— I feel it may duty to report that an unprecedented amount of obstruction and passive resistance has
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  • 123 2 ,> < A rather humourous incideut happened In Canton the other day. A Chinaman and his wife opened what purported to be a school lo teach better class I'hinene tailoring; particularly European tailoring. A display of material of one kind and another was made with great proiniseH of machines and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 222 2 SINGAPORE RAGES. MAY 7, 9 11. MA pflllf All Are now Executing ■Ui UUlfnll) Commissions on the i Fl Aiinm above Meeting. LANUtK, Please Note Address SON LEVY, 29-1, Raffles Place, BUI ITT (FIRST FLOOR.) W A I I Below 'FREE PRESS. I I TMuummm un. Jas. CHRISTIE, PREMIER TURF
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    • 97 2 I Run MA Y 7, 9, 11th. STRAIGHT OUT ON ALL EVENTS. DOUBLES ANY TWO RACES. TREBLES R A CE S 2, 3, 5 6. SPECIALITY COMBINATIONS I MIXED PLACING. I i Po» Paninvilars apply 29-1, Raffles Place, (FIRST FLOOR). Below Free Press." [TBLJEPMOIiiC No. 1201. Api 24 1M SERVANTS'
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    • 822 2 NOTICES 1 NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF HENRY GRIMSHAW DECEASED. Pursuant to The Conveyancing and Laxv of Property Ordinance Ihhh Section 4« Notice is hereby tfix'en that all creditors and other persons haviug any claims or demands against the Estate of Henry Grimshaw who died on the lHth day of
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    • 824 2 NOTICES TRADE MARK REGISTRATiON LACRE Notice is hereby given that the nl fran* Mark has he.u dulx KegiHe»*l ll r tain and the Btnlti tJettleinente t^ the SS« Property of the Lacre Motor Car Co lui 'r 7m, \ork rd.. Kings OrOM. London. Cncland Manufacturers, in reepeoi of CUuw H
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  • 1843 3 lFr*m <>u> oun London. April 4. 1 2. *IH i. AiHU TH OVTUXML Since the decision of the 40th annual Inter'Vsrsit) sports between the represen tiitis*- ot Oxford Sad Cambridge Iniver cities, the outlook of the Olympic (James appears much brighter. Some ol our j, s judges hare
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  • 459 3 By Lieut. Colone* O. A. Derrick. V.D.. Cotutnandaut. Singapore, Ist May. 1012. s. v. c. Balestier Rifle Bangr is allotted us I under Sunday sth at 7 a.m. S. V. I. Malay Toy. Saturday 11th nt 2.:5<) p.m. S. R. A. Sunday 1 2th at a.m.
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  • 162 3 The usual b.> ii -yearl general meeting ol the CeylOfl Tamils' Association was belli on Baturdaj and the following were ele( ted ofVue bearer> lor the current halt year, rfonotary President, M». Annamalaippillai, Patron, Dr. M. Handy, president, Mr. H. If. I loisingtou. Vicepresident*. Missis. Supuamaniam. ami Aiyattturai.
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  • 119 3 I How ii ship's engineer took his lit<- in > bis hand> and dashed into a mass of blazing oil in a burning petroleum steamer was heard yesterday, when tlie Society for the Protection of Life from Fire awarded ilo and silver medal to ii. Horn,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 301 3 MIDLOTHIAN "ROLLED OATS A c/ean, tempting food, giving stamina unrivalled for Breakfast. J> u *6ENTS FOR LEA A PERR.N6' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE k^^ H£ PREPARATION 6) F*Ot* &d\GTHi 11K£> The ALLENBUR YS' Diet is a |X C*^ l#Kl^ complete and easily digested food. xL w It is pleasant to take, readily
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    • 151 3 FRESH MILK THE SINGAPORE POULTRY I DAIRY FARM SYNDICATE, CHANCKIiY LANE. regret to announce they are unable to supply any new customers at present, being fully booked with orders. They expect a fresh batch of cows j from Australia dur- ing this month. H. MEENA, HIGH CLASS TATTOOIST FROM JAPAN
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  • 1153 4 Metal! In Footls -Kartluju-.ikes aiul tlie Kaith s Wabbling A Measure of Kefri•4»'ration Canxl Zone Vulcauology— i limate Changed by Engineering Works -Sterilized Life A Self Tending Fog Horn —A New Life Saver Sulphur as a Fertilizer. A pure food investigation by Dr. Carlo Kormenti, of Milan, has
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  • 315 4 Mdiiic. tlarcelle Tinayre, the charming lfreuc)i authoress, gave a brilliant "conference on La I'urisienue not louj» ago at the Grand Theatre (Irasliu, of Nantes. Mere is the delicate portrait sue traced on her subject The veritable Parisienne is not the dangerous siren of the novels. If I told
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  • 277 4 HUE AT IjKRMAN SHIP-OWNER'S VIKWs HEHM HALLIN I»REI BBS TO A I I \NI» IKS.* 1 The OaneiaJ Director of th<« Hantbucg Ameiika Lint), Here liullin. contributes to Iks Berliner T;ige!»latr a short article In which Isfl describes and t'stiinutes the changes in U;iMic and the reiliisf rihution
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  • 53 4 KNBLAVIVG tmi: WOMB*. Coustantiiiopl.'. April l .Uh. The wave Of reaction in now Blfs«sinfl the women. Those appSACang in public without voils ond wearing dr«?88«H made on Kuropean lines are thranhed aud insulted. A decree has been passed aubjectiug every woman to tine aud imprisonment for entering a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 493 4 The Skin f @m\ when rough, tender or I R. J^y^^l inflamed, needs the V*j *i/ M exquisite relief and comfort produced by ktt HAZELiNE' Snow" (Trade Mark) A toilet preparation of inimitable elegance with delightfully soothing and beautifying properties. It is indispensable to ladies for the preservation and improvement
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    • 807 4 SECRETS OF STATE. How FouKKiN Affairs ark pkai.t With abboad. The Liberal If. P.S who complain that Sir Kdward Grey does not disclose enough infonnation about foreign affairs will not find much comfort in an official Whitepaper issued last night, which describes the procedure in foreign countries. This, briefly, is
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    • 694 4 That Little V& MackSr>g gJE riard coughs arc ba J cr.o;:;:!:, to be sure. But Kt'scftca I". o little, hacking, tickling, p- -tent cough that means most, especially when there is a history cf weak lungs in the family. What should be done? Ar>kyour doctor. He knows. Ask him about
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  • 358 5 from a shipowner's point of view, the coal strike outlook has improved a little daring the last few days, and this for two reasons mainly, says the Shipping World." In the first place, with the first reading of the Government Bill, and the subse Client
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  • 137 5 Ned Provision in Ti.m>kks m Vtcroaxo Comtbaci s. A new provision has been inserted iu the conditions of tender for Victorian State supplies giving preference to goods of British make. In the general stores rendition! now being circulated for supplies for the period commencing on July 1 next,
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  • 165 5 Two Boats Bbq« thb Voyage (Jkdu Thkik own- town. < 11 Saturday 19th iust. the two motor built by S. Bailey and Co., Ltd.. began the voyage to Manila under their own power, being the first motor vessels to make the Htttempt. The boats are of
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  • 177 5 itre is a story going round the House *»"b. though I canuot vouch for its truth, «ood enough to bear repetition, says "'it II in The Financier. It is said that yadicate, with a capital of two thoud pounds, wasformed to acquire options il certain district in
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  • 67 5 New York. March SI. The Government has filed a suit her< against nn alleged steamship pool. Thi defendants are charged with conspiring tc monopolize the freight traffic between New York and Far Eastern ports, and with granting rebates to shippers. The leading companies interested in vessels carrying
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  • 469 5 To thi: Kim tor of the Timks. Sir, In connexion with the M Oceana M disaster comments reflecting upon the behaviour and employment of Lascar crews on British vessels have found expression iu both London and provincial papers. I don't know who the writer is,
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  • 316 5 THE ATLANTIC STEERAGE POOL." a Rbstbictivs Bill. Washington. April .">. A Mill which may be considered to be directly aimed tin* so called Atlantic ■toanga pool wan Introduced yesterday in the House of Representatives. If passed it would prohibit. under a penalty of 32.-..000 £6,000), the use of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1021 5 /JBl/l'vfe- -J '^O Ml^^ ]H mm ■at^ jßßlr\\^ vL 7 Ban^ tfciAf 'Tfß SORE THROAT. Its OCBI and Pbevkntiox. Are you suffering from sore throat? The epidemic is still raging, and many cases are reported in which this common ailment has developed into some dangerous throat disease like Diptheria. For
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    • 588 5 linertoll is a liquid waterproofing material for I the protection of all sorts of iron, I H steel, cement and concrete construe- I tions exposed to the corrosive actions I of water, acids, dampness, atmos- 9 a pheric inflences etc. S H Used by ;i number of Qovernmeni Depalrtmenti I
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 51 6 Heap Gildla. April 29th, at St. George's Church, Penan*;, by the Rev. F. W. Haines (Colonial Chaplain). Arthur Hahgran ks. only Ht>n of the Rev. 11. and Mrs. Heap, of Rotherham to Ida, eldest daughter of the late Mr. H. l-iffoid Gildea, of Limeric. and Mrs. Gildea. SyniondH Yat,
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    • 25 6 Si tton. At Kuantan on the 30th, at 6-30 a.m smldunly LouiHe, the dearly beloved wife of W. H. Button, of Bruaug, aged 52.
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  • 1182 6 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, May 3, 1912. >miii'» i.. r t rl'»«i h is another proof of almost neurotic sensitiveness on the part of American public opinion, sis exemplified in the Senate itself, that this grave and reverend bod>, as its title would imply, ho* had to lie officially
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  • 802 6 Lady Kvelyn Young will be "At Home at Government House on Wednesday next, May Hth. Mr Percy Cuscaden passed through I'enang ou bis way to take up the duties of Chief of Police in Johore. Surveys have been made at the Alma Station, for a crossing line in front of
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  • 557 6 SINGAPORE' S NEW DOCK. PRACTICALLY COm>T!;D. A most important pari of hour Works, ihe iuw Dry l», u k hi Keppe] Harbour, so:m«tin;rs l.nov.n ;l th, \.Jmn alty Dock, is now praeticallj completed The dock lies lu-tw M the mihH >. \V},., rf and the New BprtxMtr Wharf, pointing ollt
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  • 228 6 Eighty two yean bar* elapeed til liarthelemv Tliimoniei. of St. Kiifime. ;w poor tailor, ih vised ;i r.'.il MWing uaobiat, and ve! up to now he lias received it.) honour from his own country, or from any other, as far as we know. h .> cliunij
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 214 6 John Little Co, Ld.| RAFFLES SQUARE, SINGAPORE. I Special Display yii Latest Afivmiftwu f ivj novelties OT new ttooas u: is in robes, 11 COATS, For Race Season Vj dress I lM MATERIALS, JLjjl ?k?MM?NGS. High-class Millinery J SSSSadbs. Latest Styles and Novelties in J*totaJ^^ onuco, cx^. nprfiSriumr All smartest
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    • 63 6 MB. A Mrs. E. SHENTON. p. p.O. BILLIARDS. THE ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN CUSHION. (Ai/COCK's Patent with Improvements of John Roberts, Retired World's Champion absolutely THE BEST CUSHION TO DATE FOR ANY CLIMATE. JOHN ROBERTS, 1910. ONLY obtain a u.m: from John Roberts, London REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE EAST C. H. LUME addrehs P.
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  • 125 7 A NEW SCHEME. Kki tek's Service. London. May 2. W.miralty bus announced a further 11, «-tep in tlu' reorganisation of' th6 nV< hrn the changes are completed hi six months, there will be six battle so ladrons. homogeneous. The Plnrt and Second Squadrons will ontifll of Dreadnoughts and
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  • 33 7 Kecter's Service. London. May 2. Thi ibip Hihernia." fitted with a launching platform, has left Sheerness for •h.n.l with fool aeroplanes. Flights will he nuide durinj» the Kiu^'s isit to Por^and.
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  • 153 7 Dividend and Debentures No Combine Threatened. Reuter's Servicb. London, via Bombay. The Peninsula and Oriental Steamship ompauy declares a half yearly dividend I per cent per annum on the prefer t'd and an interim dividend at the rate of *< v.'ii par cent on the deferred. Tbe
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  • 73 7 Lls China Keeping It. I?eltee's Service. London, via Bombay London. May 2. asked ]»i the House whether of the neglect of meaeorei for the .on of the use of opium in (hum Cbinolndian arraa#«menl ton tinned soged. Mr Montagu said the agreement was fores and the Gorerameni
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  • 46 7 London. May 2. gram from st Petersburg st;^.>s 54,000 bar« -truck as a prot.-st L<-na <ioidiields outrage. 'i Lisbon it is wired that the Marine has introduced a hill ing the ii;i\;i] force at 4,600 men, distri '«t«d among nrecroisers, foortoen gun tsands destroyer.
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  • 40 7 a World Cautss. April 1 4th. Daring the lorth»«H lammer eroiaei squadron, to the Cornwall," the "Camber and four other vessels, will be <> P^rol tbeEtupire'i trade routei t!;i1 Uj abor the Uritish flag In rariooi the world.
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  • 132 7 intereatad to hear that another Kauie has been launched at home, and moarad wikb the umaM of "Dictis.- played on miniature lawn 'Court, thiitythrerleethyseventee,-, un no raoqoaaiaod no balls. rope M uoits are tang to and fro lm> '»<'i Which is five feet three inUgh and oaoght
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  • 115 7 Power to Re-close if Necessary. BeutcfV Service. London, via Bombay. A telegram from Constantinople states that the Cabinet has decided to reopen the Dardanelles, reserving the right to re close them in case of necessity. London May 2. In the House of Commons Mr Acland announced that the
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  • 68 7 Wanted a Complaisant Mejlis. Kecter's Service. London, via Bombay. It is unnouiKed from Teheran that by virtue of powwi conferred on the Chief of Police by the Cabinet to artist opponents of the (iovernment, sixteen have alrsudy arrived including Suliman Mhv.a tlie democratic leader of the last Mejlis. The
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  • 141 7 Favourite Out of It. Recter's Slrvicb. London, via Bombay The following is tin; result of the Two Thousand Guineas. (1 mil.- 11 yards.' Mi H. H. l>ur\ea's SWBtRI II I. Mr. L. Neumann's jABOm Mr. C. B. lsma\'s HALL Ckoss 'A. 'Winner trained by Mr. A.
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  • 44 7 laii'krial N t kwk .Service. London, via Dnrban Mr William honaldson fYnidat. of th«« Blawiok Works. Ncwiustlc, forriwuly (MM of flip iiioin^rs for Neweastle, bus left £1,041,890. This is an um>xp< rtiuily Iniu'e amoimt in rien of Jiis gnanroeity during his lifetime.
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  • 22 7 Ivi/j.iAr. Xkws Service. London, via Dnrbftß. The death of the bclmm Beryl Paber, wit.' o! Mr Co wo Hamilton, is announeed.
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  • 69 7 PARIS' S ANARCHISTS. Some Threats. The police .tr<- reticeni as to tbe anar(hist i!,iri)icr'> doiri^>. Jr is bettered that thc\ arc gradually drawing a lorduu round bis w hereabouts, hut yesterday's announce incut of an Impending siege i> apparentlj pit'iiiatiirc The anarchist Kaiinhaud inlormed i J'.uis magistrate that om> of
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  • 27 7 Imperial Xewi Skhvick. Ix»nrlon. via Durban It is uniioiuu <-(i Horn st. Petersburg that the Umiiit Djoyeof, the Dalai Lama's agent, has arrived there.
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  • 161 7 A PYJAMA PARTY." Chicago, April ."i. Find i>> the example of Washington. New York si rirl Chicago society, the nMU* ban *>f which vie with oim another in their effort! to do ■omafthintf different in ilic tray of f gaah partiea ami receptions. the City of St. Louis has tslken
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  • 225 7 THE DEBATE CONTINUED. Redtkr's Service. London. May 2. Mr Finlay warned the Government thai if they persisted in the I> i 1 1 it would mear i civil war. The Government doubtlesh re I garded this as parliamentary tactics, but they would find themselves face to fac< with
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  • 114 7 The Verdict of Mass. REcxi:u'g Service. London, via Borahay. It is annovneed from Host on ihaf. t l jt ooainlete returns of the Mn*sachusctt* elet tions gives Pri'Kidfut Tail a plurnlit\ of ;;.Go.*». but the delegation to Convon tion will consist of Is Taft supporters am l* Roosereli
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  • 77 7 Prewideut Taft has informed the Senate thai the State hepurtmeut has no evidence \sharev.t showing that there has besi an\ aaanlahmoa of laud or intention U) acquire such directly or Indirectly ii: Mexico on th»> part o! Japan. AcooSßpaaying the message is oiu lrom Mr Kno\ in which
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  • 183 7 I M'kKi r,DKMi:i) PROTEST. Washington, \pril l*r. The body of Goveraon of states of th« Union, arting through a committee selec t«d by the confecenee <>t Gots^boh laei September, to-tlay solemnly protested n tlie Federal Banreme Court against th» violation of il>»- right of the Sorereign States t»>
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  • 190 7 Then is now every probability thai th» City of Bristol will be represented ai tht dedication in August next of the Halila\ Memorial Tower, oomuMmoraling the fiisi gnint of M'lf -governing powers, to liiiiisb colony, namely. Nova Siotiii. h is iteled eJeo, says Canadian ollitial <'oninnuii<|ue. that
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  • 253 7 Frame Co.'s. The market for Sterling Rubbers has been dull, and prices in most cases re- j main unaltered. Local stocks have kept t steady with a fair business passing. Tin shares are in good demand and close t firmer, while Industrials are unchanged at I quotations. RUMtCT.
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  • 83 7 Me?>si>.. H. and \V. Great received the following wire from London yesterday morning i Hard fae 4s. sd. per lb. Uehi Plantation quiet market. Kuabi Lumpur. May '2. The Planters Store* has a London cable 1 giving Mm following rubber prices: Sheet Bis< nit 4s. 1 Id. line
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  • 153 7 Agents Sime, Darby and Co. f'ermata 1,.-,no lbs. I'antai S.BOO lbs. Kiulolla 1.7<>0 lbs. kjm I'anas 6,116 lbs. S t M« Kee 1.1 „0 lbs. Agentl Kvatt and Co. St. Helena: 8,140 li»s. Total current MM 17.1*4 lbs. M«W 1,470 lbs. Total COT* teal year 1
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  • 132 7 Canada has. of eourse. been only in--1 directly affected bj the oosJ strike, says iinada.'' This has been DON parti I cularly through tin* reduced steamship 1 service, as also the OSSS dining the rail way strike. One unexpected development I their has Ween. Last
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  • 103 7 sthamku Badly Damaged. r A serious Occident occurred only MOO L miles from Hougkoug recently when the f steamier Arabien" collided with tin- Kteaiuer Cambric." 1 The Arabien," u Danish steamer, was 1 ou a voyage iromMoji to Hongkong, while 8 the British steamer Cambric was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 252 7 ROBINSON Co SPECIAL DISPLAY CORRECT EXCLUSIVE STYLES IN Trimmed Millinery LATEST PARISIAN MODELS. ROBINSON Co "YIYELLA" FOR SHIRTS, f BLOUSES, shipment just reoeived of Nightdresses, ;111 tho Ijlt( st Interns. Also a FOR B ATIM 6, GENTLEMEN'S li^ ]ltol weave of this tanmut SHOOTING SHIRTS, material (ailed "Tropical Viyella" CYCLING,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 749 8 TO LET. OXLEY HOUSE, OXLEY ROAD. Two lovely double rooms with verandah and I hath room attached, for married couples. Several large rooms for bachelors. Every Comfort. Tennis, Stables. May 2 ROOMS TO LET At M Zetland House (Armenian Street). Apply on the PREMISES. Mar 11 uc TO LET Large
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    • 789 8 FOB SALE FOR SALE Two life Boats, in good order. Apply PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ld. Apl 27 4-5 R. MORTON, HORSE REPOSITORY. 198, Orchard Rd. Tel. No. 830. FRESH HORSES by every boat from Australia for sale. VICTORIA GHARRY turnouts tor private hire a speciality. HORSE FODDER of best quality
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    • 513 8 SHIPPING NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD FOR EUROPE Thk Imperial Gkrman Mail Steamer "KLEIST" h,!>so tons. Captain Maass. left Hongkong ou Wednesday, the Ist inst. at 11 a.m. and may be expected to arrive here via Manila on Tuesday, the 7th inst., at about noon. For Passage p.nd Freight, apply to BEHN MEYER
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    • 522 8 SHIPPING Hamburg America Line, Hamburg Deutsche Dampf schiff -fahrts Ger, "Hansa" Bremen. COMBINED SERVICE. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg. Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits. China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg ami once a month for Bremerhaven
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    • 642 8 SHIPPING p.&dT STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY' For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon,. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China. Coast, Persian Gulf. Continental and Americax. Ports. Steamers will leave Sln^ajwre on or aboot MAIL LINES. 1912 Outward (for China) Devanha May 3 Devanha
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 916 9 SHIPPING. Toyo Kisen Kaisha (ORIENTAL S. S. Co.) AND Western Pacific Railway Co. The New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu and San Francisco to all points in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. Opt rating the New 21.000 Ton Triple Screw Turbine Liners SHINYO MARU TENYO StARr and CHIYO
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    • 590 9 SHIPPING. N.D.L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAII LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ol this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soid.amp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa; Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtan, Nagasaki and
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    • 654 9 SHIPPING Pacific Mail S.S. Co. U S MAIL LINE I VIA INLAND SEA OF JAPAN AND HONOLULU 1 Semi-Tropical Route 1 D J? nly line takin 8 the warm SOUTHERN ROUTE across the Pacific via HONOLULU, OAHU, on the most fertile and beautiful island Of the Pacific. Through Passage Tickets
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    • 455 9 BANKS CHARTERED BANK of India Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. PAID UP CAPITAL £1,200,000 RESERVE PUMD £lfM<) ,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,900,000 HEAD OFFICE 38, BIBHOPSGATE, LONDON, E. C. AGENCH9 AND BRANCHES: Amritsar Hongkong Penang Bangkok Uoilo Puke t Batavia ipofa Rangoon Bombay Karachi Saigon Calcutta Klan«
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    • 510 9 INSURANCE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. Head Office WINCHESTER HOUSE, SINGAPORE. Nominal Capital $*****0 Paid V9 CAPITAL $*****0 Insurances in force over $5,000,000 Annual premium Income over 400,000 Board of Directors I (1. A. DmUUCK, Eho... Chairman. A. H. Fair, Etso., Manatfiutf Director. Peter Fowlie. m.b. cm., Chief Med.
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  • 924 10 The first total where given represents figures for 1911. except where a figure in brackets is giv<m representing so many months. Estate manu^eis ami agents will oblige by correcting returns if wrong. Lower Perak 9 s.u; Lunnit 11>;;;;-J7(» Majedie 1( I Malacca 1,0*5,000 :;7,000 jMalaka Pindu 10>2H..h89
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1190 10 OUR HAIR. The old way, in which we have hitherto treated our htur. baa genernllx consisted in appu ing some liquid spirit preparation, bearing a high-sounding name, bv rubbing it Ughtl) into the hair, and afterwords letting it < v aporate. This dt>ne we have gone abe tut the da.v
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    • 896 10 CHINESE INTRIGUE. Mvmhi Plot n> Krstore m Dbacos Thiuim:. I \NMNCi ANTI H)IU:iI.N PLAMK. Writing from Pekin In March the special correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph Company states: -The situation here is j without doubt critical. Apart from money [troubles, which are indeed great. Manchu intrigues follow one upon another
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    • 606 10 A Captain in Kitchener's Scouts ■<A -\wV -y *l. v i. -.< w^ \\J f. Nervous Breakdown, Paralysis The niiistfi' fotve which conquered the most perilous afflictions and enabled him to endure amn/inu haidshi] -.1 i Captain Heodei on, m derived entirely (wsm Phosfen >. Bxpo^ed by his adventutom J
      606 words
    • 127 10 TIN RETURNS. 1911. April 1912. Heint 4.96."> 717 Broaog sny i_»| Bnweh r>,c;H 1.165 Cliendfriani? 440 ,VJ6 <J op*'*!4 7,0(>0 1,896 Heuwood 9»4.:J95 '.»H1 K:uinuiiM{» fiiollnrs>9)43,J 19 K-.iimltoi :<,OOB r.78 Kintu 1D4,06r» hl'.Kintu Association 9^6. HGH 1,961 Khniaujj 2,06:1 JfJ Kramat Plllai 6,348 1 J(J7 T '"hut 7,6'2H 1.817 Meiitfleinbu
      127 words
    • 123 10 British North 15o» aeo. liriti.^li Borneo 13,4*1 s«>Uoun 19*141 I ifekP CURE NO FICTION t > w» SUFFERER NEED NOW DtSFMI?. 1 HE tVEW FRENCH REMEDY. THERAPION No. 1 a) j>] v aaort Kiaa, oft< n .1 v ii rcsd s < h ircc^ 1 ithei v THERAPION N0.2
      123 words

  • 1319 11 RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. z A 3ap. Isbub. Paid. Last Div. buyers. Sellers. 85,000 2b 2s Allagar 10% 2 11 S3 l. r > 2s 2s Anglo- Malay 70% 15 9 16 71 xd. A 50.000 2h 2s Batang Malaga 2 7 2 10 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 140%
    1,319 words
  • 131 11 Max i. ril > Jmyers 104.6'ii Sambier ...buyer* 10.00 Slambier Cube No. 1 15.75 Gtambier Cube No. 2 nom. Pepper Black ordin. > pore buyers 21.2£ Pepper, (White fair) buyers 81.0«i Sutmegs (110 to the lb.) nom. Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) nom. Mace (Ramla) 115 Cloves (Amboina) nom.
    131 words
  • 71 11 (Corrected up to May SJ Bank 4 m-a 2-4 9IS demand 2-4 3-8 2 Private credits 8 m'B 2-4 18 :'."2 credits 6 ra i 2-4 S Franob demand Bank 294 Germany, demand 288$ India, T. T. 174 Hongkong, demand 13} Yokohama, demand 114^ Java, demand 140$ Bangkok, demand
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 127 11 I SIR JAMES SGOn'S Rubber Machinery Embodies all the latest Impro vements. Each machine is fitted with Special Safety Breaking Discs to avoid damage by any hard substance getting between the rolls, the broken disc being removed and a new one inserted without dismantling any of the parts. The machines
      127 words
    • 109 11 De KONINKLMKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ UNDER CONTRACT WITH TUE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Agents at Singapore, The Shipsagency, Ltd, 2-3, Collyer Quay The undermentioned dates of departure are only approximate. Janhsens Bawoau, Bourabaya. BandjermasHin, Stamen, Kota-Baroe, Samarinda, Donggala and Balik I'apan May 3 v LiNttCHOTKN ßatavia, Sernarang and Sourabaya May 3 Mokski'
      109 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 805 11 VESSELS IN PORT. Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When '.ahora Sar ych 95 Xandak 29-4 S. Consul Incertain istra^a H.M.S. 4500 Leatham H'kong, 2 5 S.X.O. Kngland 4 Steamers Nat. Tonnage Master From Consignees For chilles Brit 4 484 Thompson H'kong, 26-4 W. Mansfield Lpool nail!hrt Brit 1159
      805 words
    • 405 11 NEXT MAILS DUE. From Europe.— l'er P. A <>. Dcvanlia with mill up to lath April due to-day. London Malls Despatched. Left. Dur. Arrived. B. I. Mar 29 Apl 20 Apl 19 M. M. Apl 1 A {.I 24 Apl -2> P. i<> Apl 4 Ap/ -27 Apl *7 N.
      405 words

  • 612 12 Ways of the Gentle Cookie. Before M. A. de Mello. sitting as i 'fourth magistrate, yesterday morning, Hylam cook giving the name of De< Moong Keug summoned Mr K. I{. Thomas Secretary of the Castle Mess. Cavenagl Koad, for 180-18 which lie claimed a money due to
    612 words
  • 122 12 I rn.'\ JBXKIVS. Two marlines were »olemni>ed -at St. (leorge's Church on Monday afternoon. The Rev. F. \V. Beiaes otl'u lated in both cases. Mr Victor CrOWther UpfeOO, Mauager of the Kuala Perak Bstftte, Ha^an I>atoh. m SSajrried U> Miss Edith Hweudolmt' Jenkins. The bride ffM given away
    122 words
  • 102 12 A Special General Meeting of the Mem hers of the Tanglin Club, called in pursuance of a written requisitions signed by eight Active Members under Rule XXXI. will be held in the Club on Monday, Kith May 1912, at 9 o'clock p. m. To consider and, if
    102 words
  • 152 12 KM, Thori'k EIKLSASCP on Bail. Mr. C. I. Carver mentioned to Mr. Firrustone, in the District Criminal Court, yesterday, the case in which Mrs. Thorpe was arrested here on the application of the Rangoon police on several charges of cheating. Counsel said that as a result of
    152 words
  • 232 12 MOW A Bo'Sl'N MADK MONKY. The Cantonese Bosun of the steamer Bucephalus," Hip Kong, appeared before Mr. Kirmstone, in the District Criminal Court, yesterday, chaiged with malig nauth doing an act which he know or had reason to believe to he likely to spread Smallpox. Court Inspector Ambrose
    232 words
  • 138 12 The following scores were tnaie in the May Competition for the Mill's 'lYopl:y. Miss Ken :{2 Mrs. Felkiu -j'.» Miss (iunn 2H Mrs. Mauluou ->m Mrs. (iattey 2N Lady Kvelyn Voting 2H 171 Mrs Ciuttey won the May Spoon the scores being. 100 ISO Wtt B'esp
    138 words
  • 135 12 Plot to Amamdcatb. Shaughai, Amml 25. A plot to assassinate President Yuan Shih-kai has been discovered, those concerned heiug members of an Imperialist Society. Thfl plan was to kill th« President with LlOUll >s. Iji connection with (he afTair hin^ KwAßg, head of the Blood and lion" Society,
    135 words
  • 61 12 A Chinese woman named Low Lok. of .">*, River Valley Road, bus complHiucd to the police that at 11.50 o'clock onWedxiesday night she was standing at the front door of her house when two Chinamen eanie up and threw pepper in her eyes. They then tore
    61 words
  • 539 12 The Track proper had the fences up during the training yesterday morning when the horses worked comfortably on the soTt turf. Kirwan sent Loyal Blue half pace for 0 furlongs and he went at a faster pace over 7 furlongs: he moves as fairly as ever and looks
    539 words
  • 84 12 Proposed trams tor a fonreQWO at Sepoj Lines on Sunday. SBFOV Lines BIKOAFOMI OOLf Cn H. Humpbreys and llaker v Fergunon and Sharpe. T>r Fowlir and Kllis v Mugliston and May son. Acton and Kveritt v Wiuter and Addle. Hall and Lornie v Proctor and Wliite. Green and Kennedy
    84 words
  • 128 12 RKSI LTS OF VKSTi:iil>.\V S PLAY. ChAMMOMBHIP P\li:s. Mrs Cinliell and Mr Cox heat Mm Sal/niuiiii Mid Mi Linton <» 2 0 -4. Mrs Gansloscr and Mr Green b»';i( ."Miss Gunn arid Iff (intuit 16 6 J s ft. Mrs Saiimlcrs Mid Mr Wishart beat Mrs
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  • 43 12 On June 14 a lawn bowl* competition will be held and on July 20 athletic sports. The programme for each fixture is the same as last vear and the entry sheets are now in the S. C. <J. pavilion.
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  • 619 12 The Lightning discharges a cargo of Indian coals at the wharves. The Dutch steamer Mossel loads transhipment cargo for Java ports. The local steamer Krian was at the wharf yesterday bunkering and loading CillgO. The Italian steamer "Polcevera" arrived from Bombay on Wednesday with part cargo for discharge
    619 words
  • 48 12 From .loliiisiiin'.s l^er. Saturday, leaving at 5.16 and S.lfi p.m. From febe i'lub at '2.4T. and &.S0 p.m. Fiomi Jokuston's Pier. Sunday, leaving at 0.1(» and 11 a.m., 2.:t0 and 8.:5O p.m. From the Club at 9. M0 and 1 (>.«'{(> a.m., 13.15, a?id r>.:{<) p.m.
    48 words
  • 23 12 K. Sarawak, Sar 892, Moxon, 2-5, Sarawak, Ong Ewe Hin, Sarawak 7. Teo Pao, Ger 892, Busche, 2-5, Bali, P». Meyer
    23 words
  • 18 12 Per R. Sarawak, Mr and Mrs Gulljruith, Rev. W. S. Kelly, Mrs Harvey, J. Back, J. Peche.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 247 12 LAMBERT BUTLER'S f^^Sr* '-^Sfc^ fe^___ Smoking Mixtures. f»^* S «=S«^~"rJJ PACKED IN J Ib. AIR TIGHT TINS. PRICE 70 CTS. PER TIN J-JSJ OBTAINABLE AT JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. |moS^M ROBINSON Co. P^lP^j KATZ BROS., Ltd. ifeiitifllM WHITEAWAY LAIOLAW, Co. PRISE 90 CTS. PER TIN Cycle Tyres Are the best
      247 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 104 12 CLEARANCES. [Nationality British if not specified.] May 2 Merapi I'ldall. H'kong. N'rhwangA Daling Calypso. Andrews, Penang i< Deli Ayuthia, Ger. Freese, Paneh, Asahan A: l v nag Polceveia. Ital. Aniezaga. Hongkong Kaka, McCraith, Muar and Malacca Selangor, Fawcus, P. Sham via ports Resident SchitT, Dut. Budin, Rhio Ngi Moy. Dut,
      104 words