The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 February 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 139 1 Evidence m the Gan Boon Chan marder case was begun yesterday- Vugo c>. The Brussels Sugar Convention has been renewed Page 7. The Russian naval rotes show large increase Page 7. Mrs Perry oi Ipoh WAS bitten I)V a snaUe yesterday Page 7. The Daily News ridicule.-,
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  • 1365 1 <»li w.-ifl tome power tin- giftie US To see oorsele m others s.r us." So tang that melodious although somewhat incomprehensible bard of Cal >do« ni;t. i;m what terrible i>ii M bad come true? Perhaps ;li.« first one to regret calling down rach cane on th<>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 104 1 Go*£at>'£ fttwcrttoementfc Michelin red rubber tyres, (he finest made !';>>,'•• 10. Mr. <1. H.inirl s opinions on the fainon> Continental tyres Page 10. Mums ports are stocked by Garner Quelch Dud Co. Page 7. Auction: Town properties Mates] I. by Cheng Keng Lee and Co. Page 5. Shipping: A. Currie's
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 284 1 THE WEEK. Thursday 15th. Hiph Water— k-:; am.. 10-tl pru. Indragiri meeting noon, The Great Raymond, Theatre pm. B. I. Homeward Mail clow m Friday 16th. High Water— s. .-,6 am.. 10-46 pm. The Gteat Raymond, Theatre 9pm. Saturday 17th. Hit?h Water— 9-3* am.. 11 1_» pm. B.G.C. Eclectic Competition.
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  • 418 2 K\< ITKMKNT IN HIVKH V4LLBI Kl>. The frantic blowing of police whistles, accompanied by excited Bhouts ;tnd the waving of lights shortly after ten o'clock ou Tuesday night led the residents of Institution Hill. Kiver Valley and Mohamed Sultan Roads to believe that a gang robbery m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 861 2 NOTICES GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Tenders will bevtceived by the COLONIAL ENGINEER, up to noon oi the Mill February, 15)12. for the supply 01 (1 2J m. laterite on Ihe following roads a. 400 cubes on Hukit Timah Road between 1\ and *J£ milestones b. W cubes on Juioug Road between 7i
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    • 756 2 NOTICES MUNICIPAL NOTICE. TENDER! POl lilK t-UPPLY O)' lIOSI'ITA L PUKMITinUL Tenders are invited for the supply of furniture for the Municipal Infectious Disease Hospital. Mouhnein Uoad. Schedules of articles required (including beds, orookery, cutlery and napery, etc.) may be had from the .Municipal Health Officer who Will X' v<>
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    • 883 2 NOTICES BY ORDER OF THE LIQUIDATOR. Messrs. F. \V. Barker Co.. BingapflPS have received instructions from the Liquidator of the Landak Rubber Estates Ltd., to receive tenders for the entirt stock of the Landak Caoutchouc Planta^e sfaatsohappij consisting of six shares of the face value of 00.000 Guilders each. Such
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    • 509 2 BANKS CHARTERED BANK of India Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. PAID UP CAPITAL £1,200,000 RESERVE FUND £1,625,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 ■BAD OFFICE: 38, BISHOPSGATE. LONDON, E. C. AOKNCIkH AND HRANCHEB: Ainritsar Hongkong Puket Bangkok Ij>oh Rangoon Bat a via Karat hi Saigon Bombay Klaag S.r.inban Calcutta
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    • 375 2 INSUgA NCF FEDERAL IJ^l Assurance Comp^* of Canada. 1 INSURANCE m l\, a »cu Rll^ New BusinoHs, 19] Large Nett BurpluH <jQo2 REBEHVEandallo^..:;^;, J direct Qovnum Cash Loans, nmttemimL. „ro PolicioHart- •«t >k U WIDE.^ J. H. Ev T \NS THE BORNEO MANUFACTURERS lif INSURANCE Co. OF CANAO/L E9TABLIKHK:. ||«f,
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  • 922 3 BOM! POSSULI Al<K\Ni.i:MKVr. itro»i cu> n L»r* omUnt.i Paris .kui 19, Will the now French Ministry carry out 1 Ibe undoubted intention of tlie Cabinet which is just ended to propose to Great Britain a territorial deal, on the following basi i i Prance to <,'i\ up
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  • 822 3 [I- mm one own Correspondent) Berlin, Jau. 19. (ieiinany is busily discussing m the columns of her newspapers what is her place "m the sun." This Was suggested »»> Sir Kdward (Irey m a statement m tin- House which was perfectly ferae but perhaps Inexpedient to make, lince
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In Africa. Mr. Pie! A. r.vs. of Lettertot, okuijh 1 Rtoci Colon) testifies to the «iualitic'Nof Chamberlain's Cou^h Uemed\. He says: "Wf have "setl it several times toy our ehildreu anil ourst lvts and expect to continue with it as \v<- have found it excellent. We can
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    • 741 3 j Mo, "any tonic" won't do j Get Sanatogen 1 1 r The doctor's parting caution emphasises a convic- The Hon. Mr. Justice tion based upon knowledge and experience. The Robertson, doctor knotvs that the ordinary "tonic" is nothing J»dj?« of ihe Supreme tt7 Loiirt. I, abort'. Punjab, but a
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    • 795 3 RAUB AUSTRALIAN G. M. Co., Ltd. Managkk's Report poi i< i b Wbbkb Ending JANUARY 27 m 1912. The mine nmimemcnto ami :iss;iy r<«suits show a total of 224 ft. mad« up i,v driving OH it., and crosscutting 150 rt.. and compares with a total of 176 ft. for the
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    • 549 3 THE Singapore Free Press MORNING DAILY To Our Readers. The Bingapore JY.c l'i<~-. j> a Morning Daily, ;iml i> on aaleal flopots. imman early boareadi morning (Sundays k xo pted). Caah price Ten Cents a copy. Babeerlbers' ooplM will i>» d( W\» ted at thoiv private residem-e>. u»r tDwnnffliTM i
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  • 636 4 London, .lan. 19. i.i Army Council is a. bay. li is intensfiv unpopular just now with must of the Army, who vide the Broad Arrow Oi last week denounce it on the ground that its mem. I m act without the le;«st regard ior the sentiments of each
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  • 654 4 what are the qualifications of world Power. 1 World Powers are those nations thai are directly interested La all parti of the world and wliosc voi( cs nmsl »>e listen ed to everywhere, sayi rrofassoi Cooiidge ii his book The United Btatci as World Power. The three
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  • 586 4 That the Knglish language K'rowti daily ■ON like Chinese, and that the nearer we get to it the better will our hpe*'( b he. itrr MMftloOl made by I)r Kdward Sapir, of the Canadian (Geological Surve>. m a lecture at the Cniversity of I'etinsv lvania.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 161 4 m m i~ mm THE "EMPIRE" w^ IJK No. 1 MODEL WRITES 84 CHARACTERS. "Foolscap" takes paper 9in. wide $112 "Brief" 14in. $140 "Policy" 18in. $162 No. 2 MODEL WRITES 90 CHARACTERS. "Foolscap" takes paper 9in. wide $150 "Brief" 14in. $175 "Policy" 18in. $200 The Empire' is m use m
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    • 13 4 For all internal complaints dysentry couch colds &c, take Woods' Great Peppermint Cur©
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    • 257 4 fek >^^^S^^^^~^vNjV^V trade 4 jy |k I FA/ v Tonic Wimc If f^s\ Hastens Recover I 'UIW- AFTER ILLNESS g a powerful rest«>r;it»'\-f. When most remedies fail a cow I of quickly restores vitality i to the blood, the brain, the nervet M and the digestion. It T X improves
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  • 763 5 Action Ovbb Rubbki shki In the Supreme Court, yesterday, hefore Mr Justice Fisher, an action Was brought by lurry Forwerfl and Company of Singapore against chop Wah Hong Seng Kee. merchants <>( BoaJ Qoay. M. Diokenson appeared tor the plaintiffs ajjd Mr Terrell for the defendants. The
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  • 165 5 Frotn the Wt m come reports of a striking gold discovery at Minitonas. m the Hwao Etirervalley. There i> a raggeetion Of comic opera m the statement that gold \Mis tir>t diaooTered m the crops of turkeys. Over 100 claims have been masked out m the district, and a nugget
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  • 469 5 The Bangkok Times" of the 7th inst. alludes to Ike remarks made m this journal upon Mm peril assaulting to the undue disparity between the surpluses of the Federated Malay States, and the scale of Federal expenditure. It evidently wishes that Siam had 'arf his complaint
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  • 271 5 Not exactly hysterical bei f. but )>.» from an hysterical OX. AN the same, the mere possibility of such a thing adds a new (error to life, ami makes us ail inclined to turn vegetarians, until we think of some horribly scientific person discovering the hysterical cabbage or
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  • 171 5 TIM Duke of Connaughf. Canada s new (iovwrnordenei ;il. is utterly devoid of austerity or affectation, and thereby hang! a little tale told by the Canadian Courier." decently the Royal train wraa ipOOdiHj along Ihe Canadian Pacific Bail* way, and arriying *al Havelock about 7-80 a.m. a stop was made
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 For all intermaJ oolu plaints d> sentry oougb ooM Ac., take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 596 5 WANTED TYPIST. RxpavtaMed Typist wanted. Apply between 2-30 and 4 p.m. The Singapore Oil Mills Ltd., 62-64, Arcade. Feb 1"> v.c WANTED Furnished bouse la oar near Tanglin suitable for 1 or I gentlemen from March Ist or April Ist. Tennis Court ami stable desired. Apply "D. B." "Fret Tress.'
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    • 497 5 FOB SALE COMPOUND HOUSES FOR SALE No. 75, Corner of Brass Bassa Road and Victoria Street and No. «7, Waterloo Street, For particulars apply to J. L. SCHEERDER, No. 11, East Coast Road. J** n 16 tts 17 2 FOR SALE OR TO BE LET 14 Flora Villa "—No. 802
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    • 525 5 Bra I > 1 WOT 17 "V" 658 ||j| V^UspT DUPLICATOR, fggj YXfti <^»ifi»*^* PERFECT COPIES P2C3 $&<$ \\f PERFECT EASE j£k3 Price $8 each. fOfrQ SHARiPE, ROSS Co., Ly Singapore. I FAR EAST OXYGEN ACETYLENE COMPANY, LTD., J SINGAPORE BRANCH. a Oxygen Gas Dissolved Acetylene. I Qxy-actM.yientc blowpipes and
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  • 1388 6 The Singapore Free Press T hursday, Feb. 15, 1913. m t*|r«* the I f.;..f i^: ..t.'jllw In connection with the Haldank mission to Berlin, a \ory natural m ferenoe will Km that this has something to do with the now familiar outcry of Germany or the Gorman Kaiser that Germany
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  • 909 6 /•>.;.// u> ■>■■ v > n >f> naent.\ London, Jan* 1 9, Persia is still the chief topic, alter |D 6 industrial troul»l«'s. of general converse tion m tbis country. It is developing m all sorts of coriooi ways, and Croiß I— rely reading tlie reports m
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  • 550 6 an kw Thfl two \VoMaHociM, !C ,v "t »;=»w Boon Chan at 1'.. -ir Panjang, on >,-,,_ jeamc up Mon \u Acto|| ,court y^enlMx. land the arideace of WbO irai nivsn,, aI dor. WAI taken. Mr (i. (r. Beth, i» p p enquiry. ll:itl Dt .r. .1.
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  • 245 6 Hewi Patenon, Simoni arranged to bold demonstration i Minimal fire extinguisher on tiM l«' Reclamation ground, opposite Hotel, oji iiid.i\ the 16th inst. Bad i neaday Urn Slsfl m>t. at S l p Mr Fleming, the reprettentativc ol th< M Pite Kxtinguisb<*r m India, fa *]u>> i:\l\\ from tndifl feO
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 309 6 LAGER A Iffl IF BEER IS SUPPLIED TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Gold Medal Amsterdam 1883 Diploma of Honour Brussels 1888 Cross of Honour and Medal of H. M. The Queen Worlds Exhibition Amsterdam 1895 Highest Award 3 First prizes Milano 1903 SOLE AGENTS, CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co. GRANDE CHARTREUSE. pg
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    • 55 6 BILLIARDS. THE ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN CUSHION. (AboocK'a Patent with improvements of John Roberts, Ketirft* W«»ul,d*B Champion) allsolutely THE SEST CUSHION TO DATE FOR ANY I MM ATE. JOHN ROBERTS, 1910. only obtainable from John Roberts, London REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE EAST C. N. LUMB address P. 0. Box 41, Penang. show MOM Raffles
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    • 25 6 Cold May be Avoided. Wteß your |M| are wet aud cold, and your »KKly chilled through and through from expollipiil pensaries and Dealers. y is
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  • 162 7 A SHIFTING OF DUTIES. Consols Rise. I V>\ Submarine Cable]. Heuter's Service. Tendon, via Bombay. &i Winston Churchill, and afterwards. Lend Hiildnnc. had exceptionally prolonged audiences with the King. There are periiitiil though vague re- kfl Of Mr Asquitlfs retirement from the Premiership. It is oineially announced that
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  • 76 7 Reuter's Service. London, via Bombay. wownimput announces that Southern and Northern Nigeria will be amalgamated under Sir Frederick Lugard. who will shortly sail from Hongkong for England. It will be Sir Frederick Lugard's duty, ifter a study of the local conditions, to submit recommendations for the future
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  • 64 7 A Conciliatory Attitude. Kecter's Service. London, via Bombay. Many thousands of miners are banding 4fj their notices to day. The Miners Conference m London has passed a resolution regretting that the owners have refused the principle of a minimum wage which is essential to a settlement, and
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  • 37 7 Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. The representative* of sixteen thousand tinsport workers at Sydney have declared that the Brisbane strike is illogical and b.ive m consequence prohibited a sympathy strike m Sydney.
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  • 289 7 The following Singapore propertiei were disposed of by auction at Powell A Co.*fl sale-room on Tuesday nitciiuion: Freehold laiul at Spioer Uoad olf <Jaylang Road area 89,869 square feet. 1250. Freehold land at Syed Alley Uoad. area 1 acre roods 1 pole. *2.-2.">0. Freehold land at (iilstead Boad,
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  • 51 7 FIGHTING AT DERNA. A Sharp Attack. Becter'B Service. London, via Bombay. Center's correspondent at Home says that the Italians at Derna on Saturday repulsed three violent attacks. There W«l desperate lighting and heavy loss. The Italian casualties were three killed and 22 wounded. The Turks ahandonod sixty
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  • 68 7 M| fc, WW j-, v London, via Durban. Imperial News Sebvice. The Sugar Conference at Brussels has reached an igfws—nt which involves the continuation of the Convention for a further lire yean, and the allowing of Russia to export un extra 160,000 tons faring 1911 I'U 2.
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  • 23 7 The Budget Committee of the Russian Douma has lixed the Navy estimates at £16,909,000 an increase of £3,077.000 compared with 1911.
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  • 15 7 A commercial treaty tariff convention between Denmark and Japan has been signed.
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  • 309 7 The reports of alleged gang robberies are coming m such numbers that the police m addition to the other work thrown upon them have to discriminate between the real and the unreal. The following are two samples of the reports on which they have to work. Yesterday morning
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  • 62 7 Kennedy k Co.. Secretaries. I'lu I'iah .Jan. .".4.J.74 pik. value S.'J2. 968.40. Working iHipmirf 112,868.91, tribute 18,956.60; estimated piolit 115.649.49. Sime I >ai by A Co. ICiddleton tin ooA pikuls. Serendah Hydraulic tin: 109.,">4, Profit 13,954. fcvatt fc Co. Nsalas, (Tapioca) •.>'.♦:;. ks Indragiri: —1008 lbs:
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  • 58 7 We have received a list of subscriptions which have been received by the London All India Moslem League for use m relieving Ottoman sick and wounded and widows and orphans m connection with the Tripoli war. The list totals £1,364 and subscriptions may be sent to the
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  • 128 7 It is the wnmill'l prhilege to propose during Leap Year, but there is a certain etiquette to be observed. Should the man to whom she offers her hand decline it, she may claim from him a silk dress, but only if at the time of proposing she i 6 wearing
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  • 160 7 APPEAL BEGINS. Svm Missing Documents. {From our own Correspondent,) Kuala Lumpur Feb 14. Before Mr Justice limes and Acting .Justice P. .1. Sproule m the Supreme Court ben to-day, Mr W. B. Tisbury, late manager ot Pantai estate, Seremban, appealed against sentence of eighteen months imprisonment on
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  • 50 7 Four Thousand Dollars Gone. iFroiu cur own Correspondent^ Ipoh, Feb. 14. A gang of armed robbers entered a mining Towkay's house at Chenderiang lasf night, gagged the inmates and cleared off with >4, 000 intended for coolies wages. The house is 150 yards from Chenderiang Police Station
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  • 55 7 (Prom our own CorretpondeHi,) Ipoh Feb 14. Mrs U. Perry was bitten by a hamadryad snake near the Golf Club to-day as she stepped back off the road to avoid the dust from a passing motor. At first her condition was critical but she is now reported
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  • 169 7 The annual general meeting of the Djapoera <Indragiri> KubherCo., Ltd., held yesterday morning at the offices of the Company, Commercial Inion liuildings. might almost be termed an extraordinary one extraordinary to the extent that it lasted exactly eight minutes and that the proceedings were of an entirely
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  • 224 7 The news of the attempted suicide of Captain Trench, the Knglish prisoner, m the military prison of (Hat/, has caused a great sensation. It is officially confirmed, but no details ar* vouchsafed except the fact that Captain Trench is now m good health. According to the Lokal Auzeiger,
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  • 36 7 Mrs. Kroger, living at Leonie House, has reported to the police that between 11. o'clock on Tuesday night and 7 o'clock yesterday morning several pieces of jewel- lary, valued at $68 were taken from the bedroom.
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  • 161 7 A SPY'S TALE. Acts for Both Sides. IMTEttIAL XEWS SERVICE. London, via Durban. A sensation has been caused m Berlin by an interview m the Hamburger Xacbrichteu with the Belgian Verrue. who was the chief witness m the Stewart case. He states that whilst he was an
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  • 31 7 Recter's Service. London, via Bombay. The utmost enthusiasm prevails over the recapture of the ashes." Critics say that England may now look forward with confidence to the triangular contest.
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  • 31 7 Reuter's Service. London, via Bombay. A telegram from Constantinople states that, the Sultan confers on King George the Order of Hamedani AH Osmau, the highest Turkish decoration.
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  • 21 7 Reuter'b Service. London, via Bombay. Mr Lindsay, engineer of the Kowloon Canton Railway, has died at (irindelwald. > <
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  • 275 7 A MISTAKEN CASE. [fl hiking up the case at Rangoon on Monday Sta in which F. A. Sefton, late business manager and guide to the Peking Mysteries, (who was engaged by Han Ping C'hien m Singapore* made allegations to the district magistrate on January 20 to the effect that he
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  • 214 7 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY IN 191 1 Wireless telegraphy bus extended its usefulness throughout the world. Karly m the year arrangnmftnts were made for linking up Calcutta. Delhi, Allahabad, and Simla. Signals are said to have heen transmitted m February from Paris to Nova S< otia, but it is mice tain w
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 40 7 Tommy Tite is colour blind, Can't tell Green from Yellow, Don't know blue from Poppy Red, Poor afflicted fellow. Influenza laid him up. No company would insure him, So lie took Woods' Great Peppermint Cmre, Which very quickly enred him.
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    • 64 7 Absolutely Safe. When you have a cold get a bottle ol i Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon j fix you up all right and will ward off an> i tendency toward pneumonia. This remedj I contains no opium or other narcotic and ma; i be giren as confidently to
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    • 22 7 1 1 Rigaud b Bocool Extract is an exact reproduc--8 tion of this sweet yet powerful India perfume. and ia v«ry popular.
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    • 522 7 ROB!ISISOSr& Co. 1 IRISH LINEN 1 DAMASK TABLE CLOTH NAPKINS I Special <£§M§o^^m, No. *****. HEAVY BLEACHED DAMASK TABLE CLOTHB Shamrock ftgtltfi. as illustration. All Pure Ltaea, HEMMED READY FOR USE with Napkins to match. BUM 2\ I yds. I x -2i ytls. 1x yds. |x 3$ yds. 4 yds.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 277 8 MILK!!! PURE! FULL CREAM!! Strained, Filtered, Coded and Bottled entirely by Machinery. Milk Untouched by Hand. Milking. I'mUr expert English Dairyman's Supervision. Bottling, Ac, Under t x port English Dairy maid's Bupc i vision. Note our a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l patent Bottles WrJt^n&bitr *tmr fSw -11 n< ss and pre W** *n H0
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    • 606 8 SffIPPING APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA Thk Company's Stkamkh LIGHTNING 1,800 TOBS, K. P. Sn\ith, Ciiiiimamltr. will !><■ ilcsjtiitihiHl lot tin- alH)\e )»*>its on Saturday, tin 17th inst.. il ahouT 4 p. m. Tenni and ratal of freight and passage may bi ftrtangad with ADAMSON GILFILLAN Co.,
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    • 527 8 SHIPPING BRITISH INLIA S. N. Co., Ltd FOR Penang, Madras and Negapatam The Comi'anv's Steam kr "TEESTA" MM tons. C. Willis, Commander, will be despatched for the above i>oits. on Thursday the 15th 1- ebruary at B p.m. She has excellent accommodation for first and second class passengers. T« mis
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    • 687 8 SHIPPING N.D.L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ol this Company nail fortnightly from Bremen. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar. Genoa, Naples, (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa. Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau Nagasaki and Kobe
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    • 951 8 SHIPPi NG P &7T STEAM NAVIGATION COHp A v For China, Japan, Penang Cevl Australia, India. Aden, Eg,* Mediterranean Ports, p lym j" and London. Thrc;i^h mils of Coast.. .....MauGu,,.,. l 11 wUI MAIL LINES I!'!.' Om Devanhs Delta Mi' a\nmyi ROMEWAIiI) (X From Singapore, connecting aJ Colombo with ss
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  • 424 9 NO I'AI'KK OR WMF\ ME. The second day of the oiwm HIIIW of the D«W Paris ordinance against tlicthrowingof paper and other Waste material into streets was even more satisfactory than the first, and M. Lepine. Prelect of Police, is inclined to believe that Pftril m the
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  • 170 9 A novel social diversion was a whoop' ing cough party given by Miss Katherine (Hoor at her home m Chicago to an even do/en of M whoopers. Miss Oloor is twelve years old. Four of her young friends were "whoopers." and she discovered seven others, si* ffarti
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  • 135 9 •From the New York Una hi. t Bill Barlow was nn optim ist Hi* Itnllfl :il ways glad; No evil turn coald Mast his joy, And nothing nuikc him sail. A thief oncp took his overcoat. Bill iquinted up his eyes. 11l have to walk fco
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  • 141 9 The Royal Iliimaih' Society, pnriiafl over by Admiral Sir (i. Moranr, (On Ferred its Moial on ammber of poisons tor l»i;i\.'i\ m MTinc, qc attempting to save, life. The silver medal was given to Lieutenant Noel M. K. i'orhett. of H.M.K. London, tot his tmUM
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 710 9 SHIPPING. SI|IpTOYO K.ISEN KAISHA WESTERN PACIFIC S||||jo DENVER am. Rio GRANDE j KISEN KAISHA. tXTSr&szs**" Flye^ h o »r Bpeed 8.8. CIIIYO MAUV 11.000 tons. S.s. SIUNYO MAIU- -.'l,OOO tons. i S.S. MPI'UNMAIir ll.Wt'.'tm.s. (INTERMEDIATE.) HONGKONG to SAN FRABCIBOO via CHINA ami .1 VPAN PORTS ana HONOLULU Western Pacific Denver
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    • 1054 9 SHIPPING SHIPPING Pacific Mail S.S. Co. norddeutscher lloyd FOR I U S MAIL LINE Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Ports The Imperial German Mail Steamer VIA INLAND SEA OF JAPAN yorck AND HONOT ITT IT s 901 tous Ca P r Randermann, having left AIXU nunULULU Colombo on Sunday, the 11th
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    • 677 9 SHIPPING. I N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between f Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and I Antwerp, under mail contract with the linpe- t rial Japanese Government. The New Twin- i screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially
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  • 1147 10 In the "Autocar" out hy the last mail there is v nuto of very useful little device which may or may not have been fitted m some cars which bare come out Kant, but m any c;»se seems eminently suited to be so fitted. The arrangement 11 little
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  • 76 10 \ou arc n<»t v\\n iimentin^on yourself vrnen you lake Cbamberlaln's Ooogh itemadj for a fold as that preparation Jia> sjon it>> mi-nt reputation and extenslTe s;iU- hy its remark' able rur< i td oolds, and caa alwaj b be depend' ad opon. it is equally valuable f>»i
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 463 10 V^'yaflansf -y i "The Best" I Such is the opinion of Mr. Gustav Hamel the I famous airman concerning 111 RIBBED TYRES -J7, Hai HOCM Stkkkt. W. t Mh Jauuaiy. Wit, Messrs. The Continental T\ re A Rubber C».. Ltd.. Tin I M vt k. B. W. Daar Bin, i
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    • 332 10 W BY APPOINTMENT J MOTOR TYRE MANUFACTURERS TO H. M. KING GEORc I TRADEi v^ t r I MARK. DUNLOP I MOTOR TYRES I manufactured to stand ail climatic I conditions. Not one only. It makes I no difference to their sterling wear I ing capabilities, whether they be I
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  • 1346 11 3ap. Issue. Paid. Labt Div. Buyers. 8kl,LiER8. 85,000 2s 2s Allagar 10% 3 3 3 9 150,000 2s 2s Anglo-Malay 45% int 16 9 17 6 50,000 2s 2s Batang Malaka 2 4 2 9 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 75% int 11 15 0 12 2 6 80,000
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  • 351 11 Flag and Tods Commanders Arrived From For Wnen Sea Belle F.M.S. yet 400 Ahniat Pahang 24-1 X.M.S. hock Z. Provincien Dut em 6600 Cat,' Benfkatt*, 110 Dut. Consul Dork Steamers Nat. Tonnage Master From Consignees For B. Prince Brit 3030 McDoOfaU X York, 10-2 Boustead Manila B.
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  • 85 11 Carlyk Ik-it 284 Dwfagn p. Sham, U-1 SS Co V Shun Koemai Dut3OO S.bels Indragiri, 13-2 Ships Agency lmlratfiri 15 Shnuo^, 51 it2696 Jsest Mi.i.ili,. 13-2 llt Shuons Boston KaebiDg Sar 960 Harton Sirawak, 14-2 Ong Ewe Hai Sarawak 19 XK ust l>ut,B3o Class,,, Hatuvia, 14-2 Ship. Agency
    85 words
  • 66 11 (Corrected up to Feb. 14.) Bank 4 ras 2-4 11-82 demand 2-4 5-82 Private credits 3 m/t 2-4$ credits 6 m 8 2-4 11-16 France demand Bank 294 Germany, demand '238$ India, T. T. 174 Hongkong, demand 125,, Yokohama, demand 114 Java, demand 140$ Bangkok, demand 66 Sovereigns, Bank
    66 words
  • 132 11 Feb. 14. I Tin (93 tons sold) 96.90 Gambier mbijtn |Mi Gambier Cube No. 1 15.60 Gambier Cube No. 2 nom. Pepper Black ordin. Spore bnyors 22.00 Pepper, (White fair) 31.00 Nutmegs (110 to the Ib.) nom. Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) nom. Mace (Banda) 110 Cloves (Aniboina) nom.
    132 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 123 11 FOR Estate Coolie Lines ytt u (HIGHLY CONCENTRATED DISINFECTANT WILL BE FOUND THE Most Economical SUPPLIED IN TWO QUALITIES 1 \L OX. CiALI-ON. 5 GALIX)N. No. 1 (Highly Concentrated) $1.75 $3.25 $7.50 No. 2 (Standard Quality) $1.25 $2.25 $4.75 In the matter of Disinfectants IOW price means low Efficiency and
      123 words
    • 117 11 Ds KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSGHAPPIJ UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Agents at Singapore, The Shipsagency, Ltd, 2-3, Collyer Quay Tbe undermentioned dates of departure are only approximate. Reynst Billiton and Batavia Feb 15 Ritmphius Batavia. Semarang and Sourabaya Yvb 16 Swaerdechoon Bandjerinassin, Stagon, Kota-Baroe, Balik-Paj>an, hamarinda, Boelon^an and Tarakan
      117 words
    • 88 11 SI .ATT. PAG AR KEPPEL HAR. East Wharf (Basin)— Nil East Wharf Sec. I—Teesta1 Teesta Sheers Wharf— Nil Main Wharf Sec. 2— Edavana h 3 Yafs)iin/» n 4 Taikosau Mam N s—Minricroo5 Minricroo 6 Aja\, Atreus New Dock Sec. 7— (Under construction.) Weit Wharf Sec. 8— Samlakan, S« aKla Jartiine's
      88 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 476 11 WEATHER REPORT. These Weather Telegrams are transmitted by courtesy of the E. E. Tel. Co. and contain the observations made at Hongkong (HK.) Observatory, and at Manila Observatory (MN.) The data are date and hour of despatch the Barometer reading (inches m HK., Millimetres m MN.); Direction of Wind and
      476 words
    • 210 11 CLEARANCES. [Nationality British if not specified.] Pin Beng, Qtaedaj P. sw.n Penaag Mogiloff, Bus, Btetak) V'stoek Pontianak, Dot, Kaji Ahmat, T Tin^j»i Fen 14 A lsabillu, l),n. Aha-. Linggi via |>orts Ipohi Paly. I anaon Mil ]H)its Bm Liang, I>i\t. Winter, CotU> via i>orts •liipiua, Dut, BeiiHchoi-n, Muntok <s l'*hang
      210 words

  • 1709 12 A\M IL OONOBBQATIOHAL MI.i.T!N«.. The annual congregational meet ing of Mm members of the Presbyterian church was held hist sight m the t'hmvh. The Key. \Y. Kuminian presided and was MipfOHod by the Umr. W. Munuy Mid Messrs A. Proctor and A. llriii EtKPOJH mv 1911. The report
    1,709 words
  • 147 12 a I'iuis newspaper has been entertaini»K its renders as to the predUeetJOOi of Royal personals foe photography. ff« r«-ad that ||M UOe King Leopold of lielgiwn ai.ho.nMi the photographer and all all works. \Y) i( .,i His Majrsly .net a man with camera be always did nil
    147 words
  • 92 12 Chinksk Nkw Ykah Holidvy COMtBTITKMIi. The February monthly medal will be played for on Saturday and Sunday 17th nnd 18th under usual medal conditions. Eclectic COMPETITION This < ompetition can be played tor on either 17, 18, 19 or 20th February conditions S rounds of nine holes
    92 words
  • 167 12 India*! Dkath-bou*. I'aitunlais giren m the latest stati>ti al abstract for India, issued recently, ■bow that m ten years do fewer than 248,668 persona have been killed i>> wild beasts or snakes In that country. Por this terrible 101 l of anmaa lives snake-bites! srere mainly
    167 words
  • 411 12 i'.\ Lieut, Colonel ii. Derrick, v.i>., omm.imlant. >v i Singapore, LBth February, 1911, s. v. C. Balestier I J i rl»- i:;iri^.- i> allotted ;iMJ<l. I >;itut.ia\ _Mtli in^t. ;»t J.:;n j, Ul > .j; y Shoi i Range Handicap). 251 b in>t. ;it pun Malay
    411 words
  • 212 12 The M Yatsliin^ M is discharging a oargO of Indian coals at the wharf. The local steamer Kinta hunkered j at the wharf yesterday I Wednesday.) The Holt liner M Atreus was at the wharf yesterday (Wednesday) discharging general cargo from Liverpool, and taking I m hunker coal.
    212 words
  • 366 12 kOnee more did this clever illusionist light ;t?)(i mystify a large audience m the ctoris Theatre last night. A striking feature of Raymond*! work is the exten ■ive and elaborate Male of aflacta. To name only one tri( k in the first part, the Koah'i Ark. iroin
    366 words
  • 240 12 With Ihfl captiou Grab or (Irak the rimiiif* <ia/ctte writes on tin- f>\p<>iulitui-<> of |91 t BO6 to salve the dredget Crab, worth wlumi ii.w |16ft f 000: -On the MWI of the ace ident rwifhhm BisgßpON ft \uv feet flotilla was sent bera. Xot content with
    240 words
  • 13 12 Knkn. Brit 123, McC'raith, Malacca. 14-v, S 8 S, Muar, 15.
    13 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 43 12 How t* Prevent Croup. Wheii given a* soon as the croupy coukh appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will Soff an attack of croup and prevent all i and cause of anxiety. Thousands of M ust it huccessfully. For sale by aN nsariet* and Dealer*.
      43 words
    • 35 12 Do uot be deluded into neglecting a lin J« cold nasal catarrh or expectoration. If you Ad it wiU finally become too late for treatment ■orrnuol Creosote cures catarrhand dries iu> accretions wbicb cause expectorations*
      35 words
    • 293 12 A GUARANTEED INCOME FOR^ £100 a year for life on attaining age 50 or a single £1390-2-0 can be secured by a male age 25, for an of £31-16-0, (other ages m proportion.) lal PayjJ Quotations for Annuity for all kinds, at am/ J a £e, or f n amount,
      293 words