The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 February 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 149 1 There asemi to be son. ethiag politioal undei way from the fact that after Cabinet meetings and an andienee of tlu* King, Lord Haldane lias |Hroceeded in Berlin, where it. fche meanwhile Lord Charles Beresford i*> Page 7. Thi> Kaiser's Address to the Reichstag calls attention to
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  • 845 1 Probably one ol the mosl famous ere alioi.s of heathen n.ylholo-. wai tJOllllSa who. as is well known, possessed she power of turning into stone all lie. be holders. Whilst the ancients showed great fertility in the invention of beings gifted with trresistable powers t)u>\
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 309 1 PICTURE DRAMAS THE OCCIDENT AND TKE ORIENT FIGURE f\ THE PROGRAMME MARLBOROUGH I'K TUBE THEATRE, BEACH ROAD, TO-NIGHT SND SHOW M0 TO il P.M. Together with Other Good Films HUMOROUS AND ENTEI.TAIMNG "FROM RAGS TO SILK" A lnagnit.cent picture drama, splendidlv got np and admirable tor the excelli nee of
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    • 106 1 ZoMbwpe H&pertteementa. Boyal Bnfield motor bicycle for sale cheap Page 2. Bankruptcy notice ra H. B. Haji Hassan hin Hassan Page •">. Laisang for Hongkong Page 8. Meeting of Board ol Licensing Justices Pegs Accommodation at Atlis Lodge, Adis rd Page 2. Goeben for Europe on Tuesday Pageß. Central Ln^ine
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 324 1 THE WEEK. Friday 9th. nigh Water— 2-19 am.. 2 12 pm. P. and Outward Stall due. Pulan Bulang Rubber Evatts aooa. Legislative Council 2 80 pm. Singapore ChinetH Girls' s<ii<»«>i prise giving Vict. Ball pm. Saturday 10th. High Water 2 "it am.. 8*41 pm. Moon Las! Qr. N. D. L.
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  • 438 2 A correspondent sends to tbe Pinang #azette nn account of the Taipusum eelebration there in the course of which he writes as follows The celebrations began on Thursday last with a procession with God Subraxnaniu, taken in a brilliantly decorated silver-plated car, £***** Penang Street to the
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  • 188 2 It is very rarely that this paper has asked its readers for money for a specific object. This should add strength to the following case. Mr. John HafTenden has worked for half a century in Malava. chiefly with the Hiitisb and Foreign Bible Society, but always
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  • 155 2 \t u time when housing problems are under discussion in Hongkong some suggestions for "sanitars cheap tropical houses" by Dr. G. W. Davwali. late of the L. S. Army, and now ■unitarian for some Philippine estates will be of internet. In an article in the Philippines Monthly.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 392 2 TO LET. I r mmm 11— ■■■■111 1 niinw 1 1 j ADIS LODGE, ADIS ROAD Mount Sophia. This delightfully situated, and up to date residence, commanding an extensive view of the i. arbour will be open to receive a limited number of first class paying guests (married or single)
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    • 612 2 WANTED WANTED AT ONCE European Nursery (.overness for two children I aged fi\e. H. S., c/o Free Press.'' Feb 2 8-8 WATER WORKS Applications are invited for the post of Water Works Inspector for the Town of Kuching, Barawak. Applicants must have had experience in layiug mains and private services
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    • 754 2 AUCTIONS .1 I^^ REMINDER. This Day, Friday, at 3 p.L AM. To-morrow, Saturday, at T -3k) AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Teak Household Furniture A Fii|. 8 j 2e Bl| Table; English Built Rubber-Tyred Landauj virtn AT "HURRICANE HOUSE,' STEVEn/s fe, Very handsome polished teak upholstered and Spring efleted lrs%. 5
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    • 192 2 z AVjPtk sale of Valuable^ Wjrean Leoei r _«aeh_fli Monday, 12th Feb., at 230 fm 01 aluah,- |y m Lei^ b -j ljißdM| Hou No f roflomal eompn..xl ,n i;, dis A N 10**»». (,lmt m.: •21 Leasehold R^i area 807H u [< 3 £ia nulla i. o. i Leaai,
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  • 1189 3 The llr uoi I I IHE (1..,,;. At this blank audi the year tbe golfer J P***«iiig leaeon <>r erooder drearily on driven to jokes. H wonders aJ su '»j«c*t of golfing rhe.r perpetrator* wa 1 tlu intentions of amuse in... or onlv tl.f lnei they nieant to golf.
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  • 524 3 Th. life*' of modern high* power guns is short, owing to the terrific energy and excessively high temperatures developed b> smokeless powder. Tlu* intense1\ heated gases resulting from the combustion Of nitro glycerine and nitro -cellulose powders wear away the interior of the tune, so
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  • 210 3 We- (Globe! are very glati to see a start being made at last to encourage ride shooting iu the Territorial force on Sundays. It has been advocated over and over again in these columns, as merely a revival of custom which obtained in this country in the days
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  • 814 3 The manufacture of coconut oil and other copra products in Ureal Britain is carried on principally at Liverpool and Hull. Copra, of course, is imported from producing countries and the oil expressed therefrom in mills in Kngland. Coconut j (says a recent consular report l is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 86 3 Cold May be Avoided. When your feet arc wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlains' Cough Remedy, bathe your feet in hot water before going to bed, and you are almost certain to ward off a severe cold. For
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    • 338 3 CROSSE fr f% CELEBRATED BLACKWELLX &B «*V.^^" )sp*»^^mm!mmiF^ 1 T* AOT n ft^fe?!^ JEIUES P TTED MEAIS B j IABLE ISP^'fA MALT VINEGAR, I 9 DELICACIES. tesJM SAUD °!!ll I <e 3^^ AgenU for Lea Pcrrin*' i Sim milium Tins with Fa*** WORCESTERSHIRE SAL'CR. V -w-Ti____i-i_ir_« irti_MßMp^C\Kii >r^y 1 l^
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  • 946 4 GRAFTING A CORNEA. Paris. January 17th. Dr. v. Daatre, profeeeor al Ihe Sorbonne member of the [nstitaa, and one of the' greatefd medical authorities ill Paris, verv, I kindly consented to give me an interview j for the Daily Telegraph concerning his' communication lo the Academy
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  • 1173 4 The old way. la ..inch we have hitherto I treated oor hair, has generally ooaeisted la applying MM ne liquid -qurir (tn-paiati >.i. hearing (a Itiuh-Koi. riding name, by rubbing if lightly into rhe hair, and alf< r.vards letting it eva*x>rate. This done we have gone al-Otic the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 712 4 A Captain in Kitchener's Scouts i y j W^S^J -■> ***y a) "»im <f *£i__. /j\ '-i Blußi .wfek Jm' 4 mw ;,*v' k S \yp^r~ -*r < ____*___^-^''35ji|k I \Mii,AL. Narvous Breakdown, Paralysis ri he muster force which conquered the moet perilous afflictions and enabled lum to endure ania7Mic
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    • 44 4 How to Prevent Croup. WhOB Riven as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlains Cough Remedy will ward <.ff an attack of croup and prevent al danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it successfully. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 23 4 MARTIN'S __fTß&Ladle£] I*l LLS a_&__S l %£S 'vi-^r:*^ Thcie wh« ua_ tfeen rt.ommnd them h«Wtl__2 SEE" 1 T«u (r tS ■anna. savßajusnuu. MHulaaat
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    • 174 4 SIR JAMES SCOrfc Rubber Machinery I l ii Mm m I mmAmW 1 T' en _f^____llHasssßss___^__K. .at ■c_d_____-^_| "7 A 7, fid I Bh _^t_____i ll I /_*> jk *^p^^-^^^^^^^Bf r _P iT-v-st- ._^__^__H__|__B£ T a- B^v_N. ft B _l _f I T. _l I *__i§_A^____________i I I I^^__B-__^^P-__-._________r J
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  • 1680 5 The h'lh>\fjM js fie- Directors' Repeat to sh. l *1 1m Preseuted al the annual meeDil. la'lu ua» > Ij. An K\tru<M JjJ'A Ceneral Meeting of the Company* requisitioned bj tA*n Members, ami ries of resolutions was proposed deiu..ij|L I special information from the I*ll. _»'J H^n ,ls to
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  • 206 5 The l'Aist<» Ronton tri In New York, known as the general delivery," will no longer be available, according la> an announcement made by tin- postmaster, Mr K. If. Morgan, for ladies who reside in the city. The benefits of this Institution will be restricted to transients. This
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 516 5 I Leng, Heavy Hair? t f rer.t your hair well. See i* Vc properly fed. Growth i i wry kind demands proper Si.i ved hair splits at the t t '.ms prematurely gray, .as t and dry. Then feed r heir. Feed it with proper I, a rcguhr hair-food. Feed
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    • 739 5 NOTICES NOTICE. Meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices The meeting A)f the licensing Justices for the Quarter commencing Ist April 1918, will he held in the First Magistrate's Court at 2- so p.m on Tuesday the Mth March, 1019. Applicants for transfers, renewals, or newlicences, and persons objeetlag to
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    • 165 5 W^m^^^m\m^^*^m^&^*^m^mm^^a^jS i »\m^^a^ <J*^*^ *"^^B**(___*_a I -_-^_E^S^*'**S2_ l *_k ■P***** _____^-___^*""""""S_____"--_____ ____^__________h. j§j<| Df rv'jffl V^v m\l JT jLi_li._Y GsT6o gjg| \%J^Jf DUPLICATOR. £§§f __T \JIV 'J O**^^. __X .A**m^y _.^""^.^^___^^"^l K?g3 <Y^*^ms^C^ perfect copies csra £xjc| I|T PERFECT EASE jbM§ &ft| SHARPE, ROSS Co., L.. Singapore. Ijji f G___y
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  • 41 6 Domestic Occurences. MARRIAGE. At St. Andrew's Cathedral Bingapore. on the 7th February, by the Revd. F. G. Swindell, Acting Colonial Chaplain. KRNEst J. 13 Watson, of St. John's, Newfoundland, fo A.nmk Norwood, daughter of E. W. Robkrts AneaatSr," Marssham, Surrey, England.
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  • 868 6 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, Feb. 9, 1912. t- -'...II ih-- P.. x- .hr fVo-.i.e .gf t i.,._1.d--i" ■I I inftur'K r .in, „r r, t tfara TniUi fl r„, pre -d;« tirmw. > l-eliffwifi I. \aitv I. mm It may not Ue completely understood that the main support
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  • 1217 6 Th.* monthlv handiCHp of the s.H.K. (VI elnfa will be keld na Batnrday. Caasaia H I, Oangill, M.s.i;., ratm mid to Iks K. M. S. uith hihteum un hoard tinLal from In.lm Thr fourth Ti'nt mat. h begins al MH hou rue to day, and contirums on (h« 10th. l'ith.
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  • 74 6 Chamberlain s Cough Remedy In Africa. Mr. 1 iet A. vs, of Lelievlei. Orange Rive* C olony, testifies to the- good qualities of Cham bcrlam's Cough Remedy. He says: We have need it several times for our children and ourselves and expect to continue wit h mend lf7 c^^ We
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  • 64 6 Derrick I IHP* p. w. Barker a Ca Lanadroa I Tanah Merah \mmmW Ledbury '*'^|k llooglandt I' __^_M Kahuiau ___R___ m New Tanibuu _^fff Straits Rubber i j lb. of which 778,108 _H average of been sold, deliverable IB i_____________a from January to De i making I total torwa
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  • 16 6 J Ku alnfllL The Haulers >tor,M Lou Jon vorc -.fating //_____E in 4k. .m). J
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  • 14 6 Tlie follow ing I *g I Perak I I'erak' .<</'-'■■ »^x'Ktin M 1 Dut.
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  • 36 6 have ret II details fh, and «l-Htr«etM i|||; maker s shop I age est. conse nentl> (f homeless. It m. houses h. nh |< are p.tiful Commerce. I. ing rue and. <_« q Who have suf vm
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  • 282 6 The M hon left --.*n> Ml 1 r u and' H Saturday f i completed H v Chun h. I o _'..C^_Hi>_ ,„1. and effective and fans. Ml. .1. Cllbert. flu.! ■State, I'atahng. ha J sppoislsd I4ger of .Fementali ■st** R .»*lom; ing lo the Lanadronl 1: Lee Boon
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 221 6 GRANDE CHARTREUSE. GRANDE I f| CHARTREUSE WW %1 GREEN YELLOW. £_h nL i_l_L _s_s__f _^F!-T«2^^^ As a result of the decision of The House of Lord* £Tj -Bltf Ih th e w IJ^i CHARTREUX MONKS M a^ |*-»c- .^J^^-J are now having their 08 IS__3 FAMOUS LIQUEURS O Liqueur 4&.
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  • 112 7 hRUMOURS;I-f_IAKINGAND UK IJINC. [By Sulk Rk_ Cable]. I.ui'KßiAt I s Service. j*^ n,lon v-a Durban. 101l. »w ing tq. tb* WLiservative rumours i.uiei dissetis*^ hSjj tlu- Standard gi\es prominence to whi'- as a reable s»ateuieu' W o its Lobbyist, to ''no c»tTect that re[ Cabinet Councils concerned wil
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  • 40 7 I m pebial Ney 1 ni Service. L ,Ki( don, via Durban. >n Kdward Grey ha* -d an audience at Buckingham Palace, p ter which Lord Lansdow ne spent halfi u hour with the K aa. I s
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  • 82 7 Imperial Xew*\ Service. Lot* .on, via Durban. Reuter learns that tlitl is no truth in n. statement St hei ne-.*'! iations are progressing between Br i tail I and Germany. Regarding the part it of Portuguese Colonies in Africa, tl Anglo-German Meaty ot 1 *•>'»*. about wl t'"i there
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  • 80 7 Further Cause for S peculation. Haldane for Berlin. Reuter's Service. Londoih, via Bombay. Lord llaldane. who lnnll an audience with rhe King on Tuesday, (left for Berlin if relay. His sudden depart ore is occasioning much speculation. The Daily Mail says ti nit it is connected with important political business
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  • 70 7 Dual Membership. Imperial Xews Service. London, via Durban. The Daily Chronicle co rrectS its forecast -of Feb. '2nd (stating that th. Irish Parliament would have control jot the Customs .ind RvC-Se) and says that the Irish Parlia ment will have control ovf the Excise- but not the
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  • 52 7 Hidden Troops. Imperial Xews Service. Ivondou. via Durban. It is announced that the -.t.eets of Bel fast will not he* lined with troops but strategic point* will be held hv concealed -bodies. Lord Londonderry. Sir Kdward Carson PMr. Craig will be at lb-hast to assist ■Ser. ing the
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  • 41 7 >__-•»*. K/ri.iel Salah of ft, Wi_kie Koad, ha* laiel information with the police that he was assaulted by three J«W_ as he was leaving the Alexandra Hall pro Wednesday night. One man has been i_fo>sted, Salah is suffering from a broken nose.
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    • 219 7 Must be Powerful. Re iter's Service. London, via Bombay. Tlie Kaiser's speeeh for the opening 01 the Reichstag emphasises the necessity for the continuance of social reform and adds that he is confident that the Imperial finances will soon be in a sound condition. The Government would
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    • 61 7 Imperial Xews Service. London, via Durban. A Berlin message says that Lord Charles Beresford, who is staying at the British Embassy, lunched with the Kaiser at the Palace yesterday afternoon. Admiral Tirpit/., Admiral Mueller and Admiral Hollmann, with General Heer ingen. were the guests of the Kaiser
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    • 50 7 Imperial News Service. London, via Durban The outcry about the harshness of the Stewart sentence, and the secrecy of the proceedings, and reliance on a witness of very doubtful antecedents, continues. Meanwhile, it excites indignation in Germany, which resents the impugning of justice in its Supreme Court.
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    • 41 7 Imperial Xews Service. London, via Durban. There have been great floods in France, Spain, and Portugal. The Spanish King and CJueen, returning to Madrid from Ferrol, were blocked at Leon for ■even] hours. There has been widespread devastation. __>
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    • 36 7 Turkish Reprisals. IMPERIAL Xews Service. London, via Durban. A Constantinople messags says the Cabinet has decided to enforce the closing of all Italian institutions in Turkey, including the private bunks and insurance companies.
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    • 17 7 Imperial Xews Service. London, via Durban. The death i* announced of Major G eneral Kenniker- Major.
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    • 62 7 Imperial News Service. Ijondon. via Durban. A Hague message says Queen Wiihelm iua drove out for the first time esterday since; her recent indisposition. She has been confined to her room for some weeks. A Copenhagen message says the King of Denmark was taken suddenly ill yesterday while*
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    • 34 7 Imperial Xews Service. London, via Durban. It is officially announced that MrVaughaa Nash. Mr. asqnith's private secretary has been appointed Vice Chairman of the Development Commission \n succession to sir Francis Efopwood.
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    • 31 7 Imperial Xews Service. London, via Durban. The* Russian Sugar Delegates have consented to reduce by 50.000 tons the demanded export quota. German representatives are referring tLs point to Berlin.
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    • 73 7 Governor Asks for Cruiser. ..liter's Service. London, via Bombay. A telegram irom Lisbon states that the natives of Timor have rebelled. The Governor has asked for a warship. Portuguese Timor consists of the eastern portion of the Island, and was made an independent district in lHtliJ. Dilly is
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    • 58 7 Brisbane Strike Collapsing. Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. Reuters correspondent at Brisbane states that some of the strikers are resuming and non unionists are unloading steamers. It is understood that the Governor ot Queensland communicated with Mr Har court. Secretary of State for the Colonies, with regard to
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    • 49 7 Imperial News Service. London, via Durban The correspondent of the Daily Mail at Sydney says that the Commonwealth are protesting to the Admiralty concerning the condition of the Australian Squadron. It is alleged that some vessels are unlit I for service and liable to break down.
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    • 36 7 Reuter's Service. London, via Bombay The im-reuses in the trade figures are. imports 4:4.80... ltU exports X'*2,6H;j.9hl The increase iu exports is principally in iron and steel inanufuef HIM, machinery chemicals, drugs and dyes.
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    • 75 7 Imperial Xews Service. Ivondon. via Durban. A national joint conference of coal owners miners was held in London to day. and adjourned after two hours discussion. The South Wales owners withdrew because the men disregarded the existing Sgisil ment by uncompromisingly insisting on the minimum wage,
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    • 51 7 Imperial Xews Service. London, via Durban. The Dickens centenary is being exteu sively celebrated throughout the country by pageants, theatrical performances, SSS. In New York there was a Dickens banquet last night, and there will be a mass meeting to-night, including a hundred prominent American*, headed by Mr.
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    • 38 7 Imperial Xews Service. London, via Durban. Heavy tain has fallen at Melbourne. Warner has completely recovered and is allowed at the practice nets, but it is unlikely that he will pl;iy in any match. > _s <
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  • 156 7 In the Supreme Court. Penang, before Mr. Justice S. Leslie Thornton. Rajah Mansur, S son of the e\ Sultan Abdulla of Perak. was brought upon the* complain! of T. V. G. de Silva. jeweller, of Muntri Street. Penang. that judgment obtained by him against Bajah Mansur
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  • 80 7 The Lancet announces that the King has given his patronage to the Seventeenth International Medical Congress to be held in London from Aug. li to Aug. I*2, 1918, inclusive. Cash securities worth £85,000,000 havebeen removed from the Mercantile* and Equitable Trust Companies' vaults in the Equitable building ruins. These vaults
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  • 346 7 The following Supplementary Orders o the Day for to-days meeting have heen is sued. 1. Questions hv Mr Tan Jink Kim U> "Has the attention of the/ioverii inent heen drawn to the letter signed A W. (.ooneratne which appeared on page 12 of the Singapore Free Press of
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  • 161 7 Can a woman legally retain her engagement ring alter she has broken Off tinmatch The point wa* raised at the Thames Police* Court when Mr 0. Young, solicitor, applied for a summons against a young woman. He saiei his client gave* her a diamond ring when
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  • 28 7 A man named S. M. A. Yesudia, nn iuspector ut the Waterworks, has been arrested on a charge of forging Mr, Williams signature on a cheque for $100,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 422 7 JROBINSON Co fßoys Suits. BOYS' RNE NAVY STOCKINETTE SAILOR SUITS, Trimmed Gold Braid, with gold silk lanyard and brass whistle, flannel breast piece, with silk embroidered anchor. Exact to illustraPrice- $3,,4.75,5.25,5.75,6.25 Boys Boots in Tan Calf and Glace Kid ROBINSON Co The j^ Fascination of the last _T^_____. Is
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 151 7 La i kk. Weather Depressing. Rjcura'l Service. London, via Bombay. Mr. Win-. on Churchill and ir Kdward ■on left for Belfast yesterda evening, travelling by different rout* Mr. Redmond and Mr. Berlin have arrived. The former has nor \,-t recover* «**d from hi* recent accident and speaks briefly. The. weather
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    • 237 7 garrison churches. The following arrangement* have been made in connection with Garrison Church services. The Chaplain to the Forces requests us to mention that now that there is a large Garrison Church at Tanglin civilians in the neighbourhood will be Welcomed to the service* TANGLIN GARRISON CHURCH. Every Sunday 8
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 749 8 SHIPPING NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD EUROPE _HK EMPBM _L DUMAS M Ml- H I v "GOEBEN fc.792 ton-*. Captain Ahlborn, left Hongkong on Toesday. thi Btii Instant, at n on, snd ma\ J>c- rrive hei e tia Manila «>n M«uida> t!< L2th instant, at about i n.m. she- will probabl) i>- despati
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    • 707 8 SHIPPING INDOCHINA S. N. CO., LTD. t'l > I HONGKONG Tm ■< 'Mr an"*. s re imeb LAI SANG IY J. Tadd, Commander, will l>c despatched tor t\it- shore i^'ii <'n Batordaj the iotb in*t.. at I p. m. s>h» h..s cmi ll* nt sccommodatloti lor First Clasa passengen.. auiidships,
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    • 618 8 SHIPPING N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The- fast and well-known mail steamer9 of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen. Hamburg via Kotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connecting Marseilles. Naph s, Alexandria andfioo versa) Port Said. Sue-/, Aden. Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nag»*aki
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    • 609 8 SHIPPING II Ml OCEAN S.S. Co., ltd AND CHINA MUTUAL S. N. Co., Ltd fa The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outward* tor the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa. Marseille* and Liverpool and for Marseilles,
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    • 972 8 P. Awlq. STEAM NAYIG Bri 0 Vr n For China, Japr'",|», p^JOiy-.-Australia, In< B> Ad^ Mediterranean wj IB> ort s Cn, pf^ and J W Through Bills of Coast. Persian Gulf. < ■I mam Ports. Steamers will lea I MA11.*,,, 1l!N £3 OUTWAI m A**U, |eh fUa 1, India 1
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  • 829 9 rhe necessary arrangements tor the preliminary work in connection with the Bossiaa proposal to connec. the railways of Russia and India hv meahn ot a line across Perais are, says Reoter'i Agency, on -tin point «,r completion meeting of the international /inanciers OOOOerned will take
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  • 56 9 When yon have a cold get 1 bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy. Il uiii Us yon ap all right and will ward Off any tendency toward pneumonia. Tins remedy oontalag no opium or other eareotic and maa beigiYca as confidently to a baby as to ars adult. For
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  • 771 9 Fuanniß Ixcrarsje l\ s. An article OU Preset Day Tendencies in Warship Deeign," which Is certain to attract wide attention, sppears in the superbly produced Marine Number of Cassier's Magazine." Th author ia Mr T. <i. Owen**, director and chief naval constructor of Viewers ihtttl Krom
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  • 68 9 vo an not experimenting oayoursslf when yon take Chamberlain's Oough Remedy mra cold ss that preparation has won reputation and extensive sale by it* remarkable c iresol colds, aadcao slwaysbi d< sad* ed.upon. tt is equally saleable lor adults and ch Idren snd may beglvea I children
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 702 9 jJ^JJ^P ING. ipi Itoyo~kisen kaisha Jgg||| a k WESTERN PACIFIC ;'^^K-i DENVER RIO GRANDE ▼2_^^!^_^i V TRANS-CONTINENTAL TOYO KISEN KAISHA. Fmftft!! j™**** Flyers-* Knots Bpeed. Innw^ 1^ »I.o_jotoaa. sh vw^ Ur "OOOtcssv j-wnnomw 21.000 tons. S.S. NIPPO kl_IT iil£]?, i. ml 11.000 ion,. (Intermediate.) _0..._y,j;:;:" ul Jt;y^ Western acif ic
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    • 542 9 BANKS CHARTERED BANK of India Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. PAID UP CAPITAL £1,200,000 RESERYE FUND £1,625,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 HEAD OFFICE: 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E. C. AOJBMUUB AND BR..NC/HEB: Amritsar Hongkong Puket Bangkok boh Raugoon Batavia Karachi Saige.n Bombay Klang Seremban Calcutta Kobe Shanghai <
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    • 387 9 INSURANCE TeDERAL UFE Assurance Company of Canada. J-STABLISHED 1888. INbURANCE in Force, over $45,000,000.01 New Business, 1910, over $6,640,000.01 ™S3£^$ ett Sur P lus above liabilities fo. R-SbLRVE and all outstanding claims. Direct Government Supervision. Cash Loans, Settlements, etc, made local!* Policies are M WORLD WIDE." J. H. EVANS, Manager,
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    • 21 9 TO THOSE HOMEWARD BOUND J. CAMBELL LATHAM Co, Court, Naval Military Tailors. 59, Conduit Street, Mr. H. G. DISS. Lo w.
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    • 24 9 DYSENTERY DIARRHOEA BROWN'S SPECIFIC. To be had at the Singapore Dispensary and of MISS BROWN, Grassdale, River Valley Road. Singapore. Dec li tts 13
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  • 1203 10 Lamps That Throw Light Downward Osoos In Ventilation Superioritj of Hard Grains New Wonders of I'hoto graph) A Merchant's Botanic Garden Inkless Printing Nes Metal Plating Rice That hoes Not Feed Advertising Telephony. A meial filament lamp of high efficiency and increased resistance to shock has been produced
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  • 314 10 T1.1.1.s How DOAX'B BACKACHE KIDNSI Pills Bat i d hii son's Ln e. Mr-. IJ. Tier, of 102, ewlsnd Rosd, Worth lnt:. Kngland, nays: I don't know boa t. thank you enough, for your Dean's Backache Kidnej Pill- have actually saved the life of my -en Arthur, aged
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  • 865 10 The total where given represents figures for 1911, except where s Agnie in brackets is given representing to many months. Estate managers and agents will oblige by correcting returns if wrong. Dec. .lan. IMI. illegal 5,800 1 1 149,450 Alma 15,789 Alor Gajah 1.H40 2.075 18,476
    865 words
  • 86 10 For all internal ""J&^EartOßl Car* colds Ac, take WooU* urea* 1 Pl*. 1 Bruseli Chetideii <i Gopeug ii i I\suinmin»» Kan.ii'oi Kinta Association Kledang Kramat I'tilai Lahai ftfenglembv Lodfl Middletou v a- I", Hen Qopeog New Tambun P. Consolidated Pengkalen Puaing mm*** Holm. an Rahman Hyd Rambutaa.
    86 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 243 10 F. CLARKE Co. 807, Ql EEJC-BT., SISGAI >>!.K. Livery Stable Keepers Fodder Merchants. Fcr K.i.i.. ir-. od Gharries and Bsst Bobbst** tyred carriages, ring l .EPHOKI '*16. FODDER delivered to sn) psrtol ths Islssd. SPECIALITY FURNITURE REMOVAL j in our own Vans, by our own m:n. GENERAL CARRIERS. C. ZIMMERMANN.
      243 words
    • 298 10 jl The Ideal Food FOR EMACIATED CHILDRES' ASD ADULTS 'Kepler' Solution 4 lOF COD LIVER OIL IN MALT EXTRACT) //> V Contains .ill the nourishing and vitalising elements which X.unrr requires to build up and strengthen crease the weight and strength. Ii possesses :i pleasant nutt) malt flavour, and ih<-
      298 words

  • 1364 11 3ap. Issue. Paid. Last Div. Buyers. Sellers. 8.5,000 2s 2s Allagar 10% 3 8 8 7$ 150,000 2s 2s Anglo-Malay 45% int 16 7$ 17 6 50,000 2s 2s Batang Malaka 2 4 2 9 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 75% int 11 15 0 12 2 6 80,000
    1,364 words
  • 83 11 Evst Wharf (Basin)— Nil E Mt herf Sec. I—Vorwaerts1 Vorwaerts Siee-*- Wharf— Nil Mdn Wharf sec. 1 Ftakanao Mont Pcobeona 3 Bnrayln. m 4 lanaa n s—Cbiengmai5 Cbiengmai 6 Gothic, Islaudcr, BUorO New Dock Sec. 7 (Under construction.) West Wharf Sec. B— Pangan Jar line's Wharf Sec. 9 Kanee
    83 words
  • 67 11 (Corrected up to Feb. 8.) Bank 4ms 2-4 11-81 demand 2-4 5-88 Private credits 8m s 2-4*_* n credits 6 in s 2-4 11-10. France demand Bank 294 Germany, demand 238i India, T. T. 174 Hongkong, demand 15 Yokohama, demand 114 Java, demand 140J Bangkok, demand 66 Sovereigns, Bank
    67 words
  • 131 11 Feb. H. Tin ...< 125 tons sold) 96.87 Gambier 10.n> Gambier Cube Xo. 1 15.60 Gambier Cube Xo. 2 nom. Pepper Black ordin. S'pore buyers 21.50 Pepper, (White fair) 80.50 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) nom. Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) nom. Mace (Banda) HO Cloves (Amboina) nom. Bali
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 155 11 TYPEWRITERS. m mt Bk -k^_ > I THE "EMPIRE" I No. 1 ODEL WRITES 84 CHARACTERS. I "Foolscap "takes paper 9in. wide $112 I "Brief" Hin. $140 I "Policy" 18in. $162 I Ne. 2 (ODEL WRITES 90 CHARACTERS. I "Foolscap" akes paper 9in. wide $150 I "Brief" Hin. $175 I
      155 words
    • 144 11 De KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Agents at Singapore, The Shipsagency, Ltd, 2-3, Collyer Quay Tbe undermentioned dates of departure are only approximate. v. den Bosch Rlonw, Billiton, Batavia, Sourabaya, Booleleng. Makassar, Tifoe, Ambonla, Banda. Kajeli, Laiwoei, Batjan, Ternate, Galela, Tobelo, Ake Selaka, Boeli, Patani,
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 907 11 VESSELS IN PORT. Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For Wnen Sea Belle F.M.S. yet 400 Ahmat Pahang 24 1 KMS )()(k Z. Prorincien Dot era 8500 Cote Bengkolia, 811 Dot. Dock Steamers Nat. Tonnage A Master From Con.ig,,. For B. Yong Seng Brit 880 Angus Beta, hi 7
      907 words
    • 212 11 CLEARANCES. [Nationality British it not specified.] Feh 8 An. oil. <;,\i.\. New York \ia Bin Miike Maru, .Jaj'. Koehlkawa. CTcutta Produce, Nor, Winaeuee, B'koh Yunnan, I ah, Leveque. Djibouti So\o Mam, iai>. Kametaka, ETgoon Resident Behieff, Dnt, Jafar. Bhlo Glenfalloch, Townxend, Penang Carlyle, Dnrtnger, P Dickaond P B*ham Selangor, Fawcu.,
      212 words

  • 1033 12 ANGLO CHINESE FREE SCHOOL. A Si i i:-.-' il. "l I. The annual dis* rihut ion of prizes of I ho Anglo-Chine.. Free School took place >e** afternoon in the school claaaroom. Apart I the Beholon th gathering was s small one. the rain no doubt keeping man) away. Mr.
    1,033 words
  • 185 12 The Report loc lasl sear to be presented at the annual meeting in the Exchange on Feb. I*'> at 8 o'clock -tote. Tho Com mit tee appointed Ol Ihe annual general meeting held on the 98th daiiuars. was olio*. Thr Hon'ble w. C. Michell, Mr < K. Venning
    185 words
  • 26 12 match iu connection with the Club cups qnarterl} tournament will lake place t.u Monday, commencing at pm. hc^tween Tii. md 1 Civilian Team.
    26 words
  • 193 12 'I he \dv oca* I i .nil>av nder date ol 16th Oct. 1911, speaks thus ••I Mr. Raymond who will appear al Vi» tort a Theatre beginning next Tuesday night 'Mr. Baymood* the Illusionist, who Visiting India under the au.ptcetj of Mr. Maurice 1.. Bandmann, made a
    193 words
  • 201 12 Foursome competition ha- been arranged for, first ami second rounds to be concluded on 01 before Feb 25th. Haodi cap- ami In .-l 1 ie- are. d Mckenzie ami r. Kuchwaldy 7 H. Millard ami W. .1. M..\-..n (apt Pinches ami I>. 1 i>,. Croucher audi Bveritl
    201 words
  • 101 12 To drive tlie elaborate machinerj much ol it oi special deaign, and all, neeaesarily, of iiiiiisiuil rapacity, now being installed in the locks of the Panama Canal tor tim purpose oi operating the ponderous and the huge < -ulvert-vulves by which the look chambers will be tilled and itnwatered, about
    101 words
  • 215 12 Mr B. Kober, of Miosis Kat/ Brothers Ltd.. arrived in Kuala Lumpur, from ipoh. 'on Sunday evening tost, and lease- for Penang 011 Friday afternoon. Mr Koher has dooe good bo sin nes for his firm, during the few days he ha- been in Kuala Lum pur.
    215 words
  • 172 12 Kota Bahru, Feb. 5. Kmw t lub ha- I u built for Europeans tin the ret real ion ground neai the gaol. Col. Phillip-, director oi the i 1 1 Oo velopntenl Co., arrived here ami visited Kuala ami left alter a -hort -tas. I.e is now
    172 words
  • 186 12 i BC. M. P.--: refers tlti- to the ival Hongkong rrack runnei the Lui;-. l»rum Ma oi Indrews, who proi eed i to Ihe Manila arnival I•> nn \i.< or tndre <.r ibe 2nd I. who will be remembered bj all who interested m athletics in Hoi
    186 words
  • 167 12 His Majeats the King../ Statu bas been gracioool] pleased to oonfer certain honours on a llUntUOl Of Kuiopean gentle men in bia service. The "Gazette gives Ibe billow in;; It r 2nd Class of the Order oi tho Grown ol Siam Mr w. A. Graham, Advisei
    167 words
  • 94 12 .v Malacca correspondent writes to] the Mala} Mail Mr Tun dink choo. of Malacca, cousin to the Hon. Tan -liak Kim. C.M.Q., and his two sons, Messrs. Tan Soo Yean and Tun Soo si,„. had their queues discarded on the l«th day of the Lift Chinese Moon nt 19 p.m.
    94 words
  • 212 12 The Austrian Lloyd liner Vol vv aert I I whicli arrived from Trieste via ports on P Wednesday, discharges pari general cargo, i 'here, and load, for China and Japan. The local steamers Klang." Kanee.*' I and Natuna bunkered al the wharves 8 yeaterday. The Kanee.' which ssas
    212 words
  • 60 12 The i.'.J .M.B. N'ortltbrook .pt. Sheurme, arrived yestordaj from Bangoon ami p ...I- to Hongkottg to-day. She I has on ttoard ih»^2ith Hazara Mountain Battery, H56 rank ami nh-. 1-7 nuih }ii borse. and i dog.-. The officer, on trd are Major H. ter apt. ),},.>. Lieut-
    60 words
  • 238 12 1 e i j Ai ittsu ra m e action is e lltm at Kuala Lumpur 1 sn;. i DUJ I mm the Comm,-. 1"" -pore Ha j( Abdullah .hue 1 th. sum ol 110,000 following a destructive tire that oc< mred af hi- prenu-i !*treet,
    238 words
  • 284 12 Tian ni vi SUKC-I I Sua i rhe Sungei Sipnt correspondent ofthe l um of Malaya sv rites We have been having boom excitement at Sungei Stput, Oa Fridaj night, two (oom- gave trouble in the gambling farm hen- and, having been ejected, were re naoved to the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 292 12 NEW ZEALAIA Smoked Bluejcod Cold Storage Ccl, Lt<jj mm^aaamrmmmmmmm ami iiimm— mmmnmmm m. _n«m __a—»._ _-ir_rar iiwi M "^B^-— isimiiiiiwiiiiiiniiiiiaii laiißiwißin i ii mmil I Just Received 1 A CONSIGNMENT OJI GENUINE MEGALIESBEEG LEAD SEAL BOER TOBACCO MANUFACTURED BV F. H. HARTLEY SONS, MEGALIESBERG. Price $1-60 per lb. in 1-lb.
      292 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 49 12 SWIMMING CLUB LAUNCHES. v 1 KOAY, I v.s loin ii ms Pie 1 2.1 fi and 1 p Clnb Bungalow, 2.t*. and .ii p day, Fri Johnston's Pier, 9, 10 and 11 a.ia 2.H0 and $.30 pm. luh Btingaloa B Ifl ind 1 0, Ifl a.m.. 12.15, .1 pm.
      49 words
    • 35 12 LATEST SHIPPING. Beovenue, Brl MO5, Krobie, 82 Lo,, don P. S. and Co., Hongkong <>. K.l.M.S.Northbrook. Bri r»,0:?H. Shea, me 9 2 Unugoon, Hongkong ih Arcadin. lhi :i,r>l4, Knrcham, S-2 Shane hui. P. and Co. Bombay
      35 words