The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 January 1912

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 263 1 An American lOtp.iM pastor has confessed to the murder of drl —Page 5. Johnson has been matched against Jim Flynn lor the sum oi 181,000 and cinematograph shares Page 5. The Chinese Revolutionists reiterate their intention of respecting foreign loans -Page 5. The employes of the Thames
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  • 1020 1 The great city of Carthage is .ad to bave been founded h> the Eamooa, and beaut if u! Queen I lido, abo i Ibe mm der of her wealthy husband Sichaeas l»> hei brother, Pygmalion bhe King ol 'I jra led from Tyre which at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 308 1 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! HARIMA HALL CINEMA. DELHI DURBAR SERIES. 1. State Entry of King George, Delhi. The Presentation of Colours. IN OUR 2nd SHOW, 9-30 TO 11 P. M. K. HARIMA, Sole Proprietor. You Will Enjoy the pictures we present at our show. The suhfects are varied and will suit all
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    • 305 1 VICTORIA THEATRE For short season onl m COMMENCING TUESDAY, JAN. 16th. MAURICE E. BANDMANN, u has pleasure in announcing an unique event in the dramatic history of Singapore. For the first time complete London productions replete with every detail of scenery, costumes, of t effects, with the original London Stars,
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    • 64 1 <X o«>.\.\.'9 HJnvrti.icmc.ts. St .-no t> pdt wanted Page Odol. the world's dentrifice -Page o Eastern Bx Telegraph Co. cheap service Pace i. New novels and books a: \\o\\\ and Walsh's Page C .Junior Ledger clerks wanted, J. Little and Cd. Plage 8. Sailing notices EL a. Lime, N.h.d. and
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 237 1 rTHE WEEK, nonday Bth. High Water— l-17 am.. 0-85 pm. M. M. Outward and Homeward mails due. Y. M. C. A. Prayer, 8-15 p.m. Philharmonic Orch. practice, 5-15 pm. Tuesday 9th. High Water— l-58 am.. 1-16 pm. P'cess Chrysanthemum. 9 p.m. Wednesday 10th. High Water— 2 40 am.. 8.10 pm.
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  • 418 2 F. M. S. POLICE COMPLAIN. Thi: Xkw Si \i.e of pay. In view 01 the letter that appeared, says the Malay Mail, dealing with the new scheme of pay for police inspectors we have made enquiries into their grievances and rind that the men are excited aud indignant over the
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  • 155 2 Sii He nr\ Lucy writing in the Observer j comments on the possibility of the House ol Lords assent Oig to the hill for the extend ot rhe brute) bise which Mr. Asquith has promised for next session. En that case II would be
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  • 87 2 I I Although £800,000,000 worth oi gold I been yielded by tbe amriferons areas cd lbs Slate of Victoria, ye. Ear more .ilih is to be won i>y the plough of the rural producer than Oy the pick of the gold digger. While the average
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 624 2 NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES ALBERT UNNA LEWIS. Representative lames Munro Distillers. Leith. Anyone know- n ii his whereabouts kindly communicate it to ,is wife anil children. Mrs. Albert Lewis, .Vaverley. Sydney, N. S. Wales, Australia. Jan 8 FHE EASTERN EXTENSION AUSTRALASIA AND CHINA TELEGRAPH Co., Ltd. DEFERRED TELEGRAMS in plain language
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    • 1113 2 FOR SALE TKn3nT____T~ TURNOUT POR SALE One gig with an Australian bay horse, good trotter, and a harness complete all in good order. Apply to H. H. c/o Free Press. Jan 6 FOR SALE 2 Staghound, and 2 Kangaroo hound pups, 4 months old. _r H. S. KIRWAN. Jan I"-'"
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    • 514 2 BANKS i_________________r___________l < B— B hi THE STRAITS BANKING Co. i Private Banking Business •> Change Alloy Current Account, opened tor small amounts j |10 upwards. Deposits accepted against good interest, terms to be ascertained on appliesH. HAUFFE. Manager Nov 9 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL- MAATSCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY Established 1824. CAPITAL
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    • 312 2 INSURANCE FEDERAL LiFE Assurance Com> of Canada. J.-', IBLISKED INSURANCE in Fore.;, over New Business. 1910. over Large Nett Surplus above RESERVE and all outstanding Direct Govern mi; Cash Loans. Settlements, etc Policies are WORLD WIDE j. H. EVANS, Manager Soul y THE BORNEO Co.. L WL Genera] MANUFACTURERS LIFE
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  • 2129 3 THE CORONATION DURBAR. DELHI IN 1911. 0 been sen 10m} prognos- vi to tne weather: some t tin-re wei e loads n bich Durbar dav and Oi rs ra ined on 12th S -O.c wa* de ght eatm aad cool da} Ce tro tation Du Ceremoi timed for i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 252 3 WANTED 1 t WANTED Smart Junior Ledger Clerks Neat, accurate and quick at figures. Apply to, JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd Jan 8 mwf 18-1 WANTED At once, a*STENO-TYPIST. Apply personally at Engineering Dept. Messrs BEHN MEYER Co.. Ltd. No. 100. Robinson Etoad, Ground Floor Jan 9 uc EXPERIENCED NATIVE BOOK-KEEPER.
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    • 406 3 I___^^l__^___^^_!^___^_^_^____^_^_____^____g I The Worlds WSM IJPI DenNFrice^ |11§ I aA\ •Mi \V_W ant Hi TaT III 1 »*•*> *X*J ..v j__*X __K*X_ '.'•::W a%*. %v. sx*'« 'W T- "^_______d .__(Tr ''i^jmsTßv'^^^^.^ .'■jßv''' "*S f/yk^g Odol is the prepara•y'/mWm tion ciean^in^ ii nd pri'.er\ing W UlOUth and teeth. A few drops
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    • 467 3 Easy lies his head who x drinks Fraser&Neaves SODA WATER rev- _r? 3 -^^^-ofe^^S^^liK^P' Wd >■•' t ■_^< s *<{T>*^_ ¥£^^Wf"£rr'-\~< dd V.II o>>7T. v Ji*^"' V Jbefbre turning Jnfbrt/ieNight BILUARDS. We Undertake to Supply a First-class full sized Billiard Table, design No. 1, to following Specification, viz: Eight Massive
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  • 136 5 FOREIGNER ARRESTED IN LONDON. 5 ngapore Bookmaker Paid in Pearls. [By <d. marine Cable]. Id.rTEß's Service. London, via Bombay. 0 Boaot k. journalist, formerly -Mam. has been arrested on 0 trom Singapore and brought up Stared do toe Court, charged for mitts bj fhf Indian police with
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  • 120 5 Restoration of Dali Lama Urged. Tibet's Independence Desirable. Rector's Service. London, via Bombay. Robert Kulton. writing to the ipen the future of Tibet, urges uoaOi be greath to the advantage „o 'iid or lhe lOtli Lama to resume lie. M been indebted to the Kngldh for
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  • 72 5 THE S. S. "KUALA" ISocotra not British. KTi Indian Dependency. London, via Bombay. Fore ign <>ro<»' replied to re e_w tations oi the Imperial Merchant <i lild on behalf oi the s. Ku. itfanded on Socotra on the 86th 1 s v that appliiid have been made in the
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  • 93 5 Recter's Service late _M,1 07,447, and the in. rease amounts to £1,147,769, the principal]} sn iron and stee! man,: The reuses, during the twelvemonth, Impo mm int te to.:;o-_..l l. end the see ae sports to £i8,897,988. export of eotton goods shows an 191 oi x 1
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  • 40 5 London, via Beombaj. keCale at. i -Oc.: Majesties have held a Court investiture which has I the most brilliant 80. ial even; u i i alcutta. The dresses and i om i ei-.- most magnitice al
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  • 79 5 Kuala Lumpur dan 0. Sams South mine was sold bj Ees&rs <. Leeecfla anctkHMen net* to-day khoosand dollani the reserve The purchaser was Mr A. \gnew > < R u.-.nathuu. .K.t t .Ma... who nt of a message of con atiCHfl from local Ceylonese here
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  • 178 5 HOME AND COLONIAL [Bv Submarine Cable]. Beuter's Service. London, via Bombay 1 lie Conservatives are making a great point of rhe split in the Cabinet over the Women's Suffrage question. They say thai Mr Asquitl. favours a national referendum to which Mr Lloyd (.eorge and the most powerful of
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  • 123 5 Impossible at Sydney. London, via Durban. The New South Wales Government has intimated that Government House at Sydney will not be available for the use of the Governor General of Australia after Ouue 30. Lord Denman in a memorandum says it will be impossible to reside ill
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  • 55 5 An Unwise Decision. Imterial News See vice. London, via Durban. A meeting of the employes of the Thames Iron Works company has rejected the Admiralty proposal of 59 hours work a week. It is understood that a campaign will be opened for a 48 hours week, as
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  • 57 5 [By Submarine Cable]. Eecter's Skrwce. London, via Bombay. It is announced from Teheran that the Russians have hanged four more Persians at Tabriz. lt is announced from St Petersburg that four houses at Tabriz from which shots were fired ai the Russians have been blown up. and three
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  • 42 5 Ki i 1 en's Serv* e. Londe TO, is Bomba v. lln- International Opium Conference Committee at the Hague drafting the Con vention embodying the decisions of the (inference has resumed its labours, and the Conference will reassemble on Mon
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  • 42 5 London, via Durban. The Anglo- Netherlands Sugar Corporation has been formed with too debenture shares of one thousand pound each, to acquire the business of the Allgeneine Suiker Maatscbappij and develop the cultivation of sugar beet in England.
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  • 140 5 I; is announced in London that Miss Marie Hall, the eminent Violinist, admitted on all hamd b\ Press aid Public to be the greatest Woman Violinist the World has I ever known, will make a star Tour through the Indian Empire next Season, accompanied b\ her own
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  • 53 5 GENERAL STRIKE IN MARCH. [By Submarine Cable]. Reuter's Service. London, via Bombay. The pa pens state that the ballot of the miners of Great Britain to be taken next week will be practically unanimously in favour of a general strike in March to establish the principle of a
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  • 93 5 I Mr. Abraham, the Welsh mining M. P. in a letter to the miners warns i them of the dire calamity of a strike iuVOlving a million men. All the losses of the past will, he says, be a rleabite compared with the biggest struggle the Country
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  • 103 5 i Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. A telegram from Boston states that the Baptist pastor, Richeson, mentioned in the papers of October 21 last, has confessed to] the murder of a young girl. He says that his conscience will not admit of further wronging b\ public
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  • 31 5 Declines Welsh Testimonial. Imperial News Service. Ixmdon, via Durban. The proposed Welsh national testimonial to Mr Lloyd George has been abandoned in deference to t he Chancellor's wish.
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  • 59 5 Imperial News skhvice. Lonelon, via Durban. Mi- Llewellyn Williams has been appointed Recorder of Swansea. This necessitates a h.e-eleetujn for armarthen. T his is a safe Radical seat the retiring member Inning been unopposed at the last general ele* tion. In the previous contested election the majority
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  • 45 5 Naval Documents Stolen. Kecter's Service. London, via Bombay. A Renter message from Berlin states that the safe of the first officer of lhe cruiser "Stettin" has been broken into and secret documents stolen. A reward has been offered for their re-
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  • 25 5 Imperial Xews Service. London, via Durban. An engagement is announced be! ween Lord Stafford and the Hon. Eileen Butler, daughter of Lord hanesborough.
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  • 27 5 Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. .Mr Ha/en. the Canadian Minister of Marine, is coming to London to confer, w ith the Admiralty
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  • 25 5 Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. Theodore Rodocanachj head of the English firm of Rodocanachi, Reynolds and Co has committed suicide at Alexandria.
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  • 105 5 We are informed that with the object to contradict false news spread by certain foreign papers about Italy's financial position a circular has been sent by the Foreign Office at Rome to all diplomatic ami Consular agents giving the follow ing information. i Exports from Italy for October
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  • 127 5 AIMS AND INTENTIONS. [By Submarine Cable] Reuter's Service. London, via Bombay. The Republican party at Shanghai today issued a long manifesto to all friendly' nations in which it recites the grievances felt hy the party against the Manchus and declares the intention of the Republican party to be
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  • 34 5 It is announced from Peking that the Powers have occupied the line from Peking to the sea in accordance with a plan recently designed. The foreign communities are gratified at tins demonstration.
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  • 34 5 Imperial News Service. Hester's correspondent at Peking states that consular telegrams from Chungking say that the Revolutionaries have executed Chao Erh Feng, the Viceroy of S/.e--chuan, and the Imperialist General Tien,
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  • 77 5 A Drawn Game. Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. The weather for the match against Geelong continued cool bui overcast. The' wicket was good. Geelong made 277 of which Liddicutl made 129, playing a fine inning-, without gi\iug a chance and showing a sound defence. The M. C. C.
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  • 61 5 Johnson to meet Flynn. Imperial News Service. Renter's correspondent at .hicago learns that a light to a finish has been arranged between Jack Johnson and dim Flynn, the Pueblo fireman,. to take place somewhere iu Nevada in July. Johnson has been guaranteed 131,000 and a third ol the receipts
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  • 64 5 Exclude Monroe Doctrine. London, via Durban. It is announced from Washington that manv senators who were previously op- j posed to the arbitration treaties in their' present form are now inclined to accept them with the amendment of Mr Boot excluding the Monroe doctrine, the control of immigration,
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  • 31 5 London, via Bombay. I>r Griffith John of the Chins Inland Mission has arrived In London, his health having greatly failed. He was conveyed forthwith to a Nursing Home.
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  • 25 5 {From our own <~o> respondent.} Malacca, dan. 6th. At th(> auction held to-day the following prices were obtained Sheet $244 to V2-17
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  • 82 5 FAMOUS DANCER'S FLYING VISIT. Miss Maud Allan, the famous Classical Dancer, who has captivated London with her wonderful Dancing, will make a Tour of the Indian Empire next Season under the Direction of Baring Bros., the well known Concert Directors of Cheltenham, England, who say Her Repertoire of Classical Dances
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 Advice for Old and Young. -..o r !•.-,...> ..._i._ ailvice i'or
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    • 163 5 ROBINSON Co. I English Made Oak Photo Frames _______R^F^lM_i__nl__i m£* anißaiMi ni_E In J[Solid Oak Photo Frames, in Light and Dark Brown. BSizes by 3] 7by H OJ h\ 5| bj 61 10] h. 0 11| by Of inehc* Prices 45 cts. 65 cts. 75 cts. $1.00 $1.20 $1.50 each
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 587 6 SHIPPING M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES. MAIL LINE China, Japan, Ceylon, Aden, Egypt and Marseilles OUTWARD HO AIE WARD ***** 1912 Sydney .lau. B anstratten Jam 8 _8L Si-oons .Jan. 99 CaUdcaien Jan. 29 TbruiWO. Feb, S Tonkin Feb. 5 3\>u.ane Feb. 19 Bydnej Feb. 19 An.stiaO.;: Mar, 4 Ki nest
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    • 504 6 SHIPPING Wfst Australian Steam Navigation Co, Ltd. Sourabaya, Broome, Derby, Port Hedland, Cossack, Onslow, Carnarvon, Ceraldton and Fremantle. The B.s. "PAROO 2,665 tens, Captain Richardson, will be despatched from bhe Roads for the above ports on Tuesday, the 9th Instant al daylight. Bhe baa excellent accommodation for passengers, and carries
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    • 950 6 SHIPPING I SHIPPING ___________g_____________M_a <^ee«*=B=== =i iaß^ =lsiiH:^^^^^^ F "1 BRITISH INDIA Hamburg America Line, STEAM NAVIGATION CO., Ltd. Hamburg Deutsche Dampfschiff-fahrts Ges To Penang, Rangoon* Calcutta. "Hansa" Bremen. One of the Company's steamers is intended COMBINED SERVICE. to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo booked hy
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    • 655 6 SHIPPING I STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon,; Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Rills of Lading issued tor China Coast, Persian Guil. Continental aud American _P_r___"_____ Steamers will leave Smgai>ore on or about MAIL LINES. mill Outward ifoh china) Arcadia -lan U Devanha
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    • 624 6 altii'-'ir.u rmi. I Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fmmt and well-knoa D m j tin- kMnpanj aail fortn Hamburg ia Rotterdam, Ant v ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, S Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria I I I'oit Said, Sue/. Aden, I Sole tnh j Singapon Hongkong, Bhangl ii. I Nagasaki and
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  • 820 7 Pangkattan 20.000 28,000 48,000 Paradise 7. (t00 7.000 Pandan 1....-76 PantaJ 1,900 2, 100 15,037) Pataling 66,871 298,520 Pelepah Valley 1,700 1,800 14,9541 Pegoh 14,000 15,000 1 18,285 I Pendamaran 16.001 Pengkalen Dorian 5.1 16 5,483 29.007 j Perak Plant 179,000 I Port Swettenham 8,000 52,015 Port
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  • 78 7 Bruang 777 Brusefc 480 4,210 Chenderiang 440 Gopeng 070 5.635 Keawood 8,998 Kinta 400 8,275 Kinta Association 846 t>.Hsl Kiaiiuit Pulai 4,560 Lahat 696 6,400 Bf englembu Lode 3l~> 3,275 Middlcton 431 New Gopeng 180 1,180 NA«\v Tainhun 201 1.988 P. Consolidated 15,311 Pengkalen 580 5,100 Pusing Bahru
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  • 39 7 [Nationality British if not Specified.] Jan 7 C. Hock Kian, Dut, Hubert, Samarang Annam, Feh, Yiziat, Yokohama Kinkasan Maru, Jap, Awaka, Miike Bah Poh Guan, Smith, Macassar via ports Ban Yong Seng, Angus, Batavia via ports Jan 8
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  • 234 7 Steamers Nat. Tonnage A Master Frto Cpns Amherst Brit 135 Scott "1 'i S 1 Anamba Brii I 1 58 Jeai P. La I A Bucephalus Brit 1192 Garrick I 7 11 ii E .■> I ('how Tai Ger 1115 Eteher B'kok, 2 1 Consul Thoraoe Boa
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  • 151 7 Indrawadi Brit 3369 Charters 8'hai, 6-1 Cochin Choising Ger 1021 B Sw Meyei Bangkok Thong w a Bril 3428 Fysh M. Bo M. Perak Bri1 5 L9 T. U son, 6-1 I Kaka Brii 223 tfc< raith Mai yi Baj Nam Bril 1 19 Phillips Mai Carlyle Bril
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  • 27 7 Wharves and Docks at which different Albert Dook- Stephan. En: B cepbalns. Victoria Dock Tal Wan No. 1 Dock -Nil
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  • 56 7 From Europe.- Per M.M. Sydney due J From China.- P« i .1 1 1 A _ts4 1 •> lie D du< Jan s London Mails Despatched. Lbpt. Due. Abbtvbd. N. D. I Dec l D< 0 27 L« c 27 P.. I. Dec 7 Dee 30 Dec
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  • 58 7 Per Perah Dr. nnd Mrs. Geddj and two! children Rev. and Mrs. Swindell, Mr. and! Mrs. Gumming, Messrs. Latham, A Matfa j ews. I>. Etoger, Wilkin.s Sime, Seel Keng] Bach, See! Song Kee. Lee Kian 'Id 1 1 1 I Chin Seng. Per Kaka Messrs. Spersen, Bishop, Tan
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  • 63 7 (Corrected up to Jan. 6.) Bank (m/i 1.4J demaj 2-4 Private credits 8 m s 2-4 credit* 6 m 1 ►..1-4 (ii.t-.M km di tnand i 2:->s£ Ihdu,T. T. l t 4 f 1 Hongkong, dema I Yokohama U wad 114 .1 w demand I I I Bangkok, demand
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  • 86 7 Gambie i Gambit i abe No. 1 Gambier Cube Xo. 2 nom Peppei Bian k S'pora 22 Pepper, (Wl 10.56 Nutmegs dlO to tbe lb.) aOM Nutmegs 90 to the lb.) nom. Cloves (Amboina) m Sali Coffee (10 Black) 86.00 Tapioca. small pearl fair quality 8 do do flake
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  • 334 7 Per P. O. Str Macedonia, connecting with the str .Wave (due Jan 11 1. T. E. Colcntt, J. Turner, D. W. Reid, W. M. sime. Per P. <S O. str Nile (due JanJL2). MLr A Mrs I). Y. Perkins. Douglas children, IDss Hamilton. Mr A Mis J. I).
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 459 7 IrAK iml OXYGEN S ACETYLENE! I SINGAPORE BRANCH. gen Ga3 Dissolved Acetylene. J AUTOGENOUS WELDING OF ALL METALS Ai: k__k m npata.* -hi.., BaO___, Motor-cars eto. j ORKSHOP-No^^ROBINSON RD. L LLY Harbour runner MOINE COMTE _fc Crt 4, CHAKGE ALLEY, ui* manage* C. H. CAMMIADE k Agents. I pSpIITOYe KISEN
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 211 7 WEATHER REPORT. These Weather Telegrams arc transmitted by courtesy ol the EE. ES. Tel. Co. and contain the ohst nations made sl Hongkong (HK.) Ohs.i vateiy. and at Manila Obser. atorj (MN.) The date are date and boor of despatch; Un Barometer reading (inches In HK.. Milii metres in MM
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  • 337 8 {Frcm our §wn i^LrrespondenS.} kSE 01 ULSTER. London I tec B. '»\»i.i is going to happen in the immediate future when the Home Rule for I nd unpaign is is full swing? Bri- H eaitars all over the world, will hare I that, both sides are vigorouslj addressing
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  • 160 8 Canton VaXes Busaa gpet unmissioner of fcb« South China Morning Pod give* a long foresting report on fche Bottling A work of the rn w administratioii a4 I Hia w reion of the tshange for bhe prouiis. a v.. tot the future ii the same business-like m< bhodf
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  • 37 8 i I. I rcry in s w i.-nnl an i ided i SSI the ship bope to opportune nn\ such w< &nd Co N' Mr .lust if I with bif be u without bis i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 32 8 TO BEAUTIFY jgjgcTV AND PRESERVE w' y J|y The complexion J|||lfcr is made soft, smooth and A beautifully clear by the M^ W? daily application of Jr "'HAZELINE' SNOW" y^g (TRADE MARK)
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    • 187 9 §300,000 10 10 Bel&i Tin ]0 c int 8.23 3.50 1900,000 10 10 Bru&ng 7|% Final 2.00 3.00 1400,000 10 lo Kanaboi 1.65 1.75 £60,000 1 1 EmtaTin 5s during 1911 17.2S l v 00 £120.000 l l Lahat 8s during 1911 12,:>O 13.25 9450,000 20 10 Malacca Tin
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    • 701 9 Tap. Issue. Paid. Last Div. Buyers. Sellers. 65.000 2s 2s Allagar 10% 3 10 4 3 150.000 2s 2s Anglo- Malay 30% int 17 4i Is 3 50.000 2s 2s Batang Malaka 2 5 2 10 30.000 1 1 Batu Caves 75% int 10 2 G 10
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    • 81 9 900,000 10 10 Pegoh 11% iut 25.25 25.75 ««nn«vil M 53.00 I'tilau Bulang 6% 1.50 1.00 dia •5, K'<MH'(i 1() 1Q 100,000 2 2 Bandyc/oft G0% int «l4.ji *l r ,.oo 450,000 I 2 Singapore A Johore 50% int 10.-50 ll.OO 250,000 10 10 St Hck-ua 15.00
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    • 162 9 i -> -,hi non ]0 30 Eastern Smelting Co 10% nom i 10 i hi tub n! 6.00 I |360,000 10 10 Frasei ana Neave 1-jA', int 47.00 'i~ SO t24oonnol 100 ]lH> Howarth Erslrine l-.v, 57. .30 LOO LOO 7% 91.00 100 100 Katz Brothers deferred 10%
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  • 653 9 what may Happen. Miss Emma Giffbrd writes to the Globe an amusing comedy of th*' Insurance inspector, the Householder, and the Housemaids .-—When the Ln6urance Bill is passed and the stamp Sp\ comes to my bouse and asks to see ihe servants 1 stamp ards. I shall
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  • 257 9 Big Haui from toe Szb \i News was received in Hongkong the other daj of anothei outrage on fl rivei steamer, but Luckily it did not end so disasl cously as the Sbiu On**affair. According bo information received U was gathered thai while the British steamei
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 215 9 ANT EXTERMINATORS (UNIVERSAL) and Sulphur Powder ARSENITE OF SODA for spraying lalang and other weeds BOILERS (Spenser-Hopwood) 6 H.P. 8 H.P. 10 H.P. in stock BOILER COMPOSITION (D.M.) For preventing scale and pitting CEMENT "**'e" Brand these are of the highest GEMEN" "Borneo' Brand i U va_.iwi__.iaji j Ffesh S
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    • 140 9 De KOHINKLUXE PAKETVAART IHAATSCHAPPU UNDEB CONTRACT WITH THB NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. j Agents at Singapore, The Shipsagency, Ltd, 2-3, Collyer Quay The undermentioned dates of departure are only approximate. I van Noort Belawan-Deli ...-lan 8 [Natoena Letong. 'JVrempa. Mindai, Genteng, Poeloe-Pandjang, Serassan Selakau and Pemangkat jan 9 Merkus Selat Pandjang,
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    • 14 9 For all internal complaints dysen .ry ooogh colds &c.. take Woods' Gieat Peppermint Care
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    • 391 9 Family I Medicine fjjp Withoot |3 Alcohol Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic ar. J alterative, free from alcohol. What is a "tonic"? A medicine that imparts strength or tone a medicine that buiids up, gives vigor and power. What is an "alterative' A medicine that alters or changes unhealthy action
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  • 1097 10 !/*>_ >n son at* n Cat >rsponrfent.} London, I >ec. I 1. In the house the following questions and answers regarding affairs in Singapore were a-d_ed this week. Hongkong, si\<,uokk. wo Federated Mu.vy Staled Mr. MacCallum Scott aBked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, in
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  • 547 10 What would otherwise ha\e been a real sporting match was marred to a great extent hy the torrential rain-, which fell on Saturday afternoon immediate!) preceding the championship Anal of the Malaya Football Association, and. indeed, during a part ot the game. Fortunately there was a temporary
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  • 24 10 This meeting will he held on January SS, 35, 27 aud owners are reiniuded that Entries close to-day (Monday) at five o'clock.
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  • 55 10 In the competition for the Mills trophy for which Singapore ladies scored 167, the Kinta Club put on 144, Mrs Duncan Cooper easily heading the list with 82. Burke is in Ipoh at present hooking orders for Australian race horses. Burke has landed some nice animals iu his
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  • 1446 10 Speeches bv mi:. Lewis Habcourt and MB. LYTTELTON. The annual North Borneo dinner was held em 13th inst. in the Grand Hall of the Hotel Cecil, London, the Right Hon. sir West Ridgeway, G. C. 8., G. C. M. (i.. K. C. S. 1. (chairman of
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  • 126 10 Quarantine restrictions against the ports of Samarang and Hoihow on account of The local steamer Perak bunkered and loaded some cargo at the wharl on The N. i T K. steamer Hiroshima Maru" arrived from .lapan and China on Friday with a quantity of general cargo tor discharge
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  • 191 10 The match for the Paget Cup was begun on Dec. 29, the attendance being large and including many ladies. The wicket was a good oue if fast and rather inclined to favour the bowler and Singapore won the toss, Grenier and Lucy opening to Sutton aud Johnson.
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  • 24 10 The golf match between plavers re presenting Law and Medicine was plaved over the Garrison Golf Course ou Saturdav _ml __!_____<__. ....,i ____i_ j
    24 words
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      170 words