The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 October 1911

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 162 1 The Powers have got tired of trying to mediate between Italy and Turkey, since the former is determined to annex Tri poli Page 5. According to Italian reports the Turks m Tripoli hnve done some desultory fight ing, but the Italians are steadily garrison ing other places—
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  • 1808 1 It is now generally held that Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was a prince who m quite early life devoted himself to, primarily, more of ;i social thiin a religious reform. He swept away the web with which the BrafcOMMM htul encircled the whole of India and, beginning as
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 224 1 SEIZE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO -FIGHT A and Visit THE ALHAMBRA L BEACH ROAI». ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION If of no JH Great Historical High-Class Master- piece "FOE TO RICHELIEU" A Brilliantly Coloured Representation JLM The Court of France m the 17th CENTURY Y\ Embodying a most thnllinj« Plot m- tensely interesting and
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    • 106 1 OIIRriM vi- ALL NE W I UUIV or' 'PICTURES INCM'Di: ,W ffiPATHE'S ANIMATED GAZETTE >J ")7th Edition y Europe's War Lord." The Kaiser "•reived m State at Altona Football m the Mud Veterans Race m the Serpentine won ;i Competitor of 7.) -m his clothes Motor Cycling Championships at Banbary,
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    • 270 1 Have you Been to the MARLBOROUGH THE PEOPLE'S PICTURE THEATRE. BEACH ROAI> f Have you seen The Gambler's Dream? It is a Picture Object Lesson worth seeing, m which M. Severin, the gnat actor, plays the leading role. All will remember him its the Blackmailer m the M Red Hand.
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    • 132 1 New programmes at the Alhamhra and the Marlborough— Page 1. Electrical engineer wanted for Harima Hall Page 3. I The business of E. Meyer and Co has ceased to be carried on Page 2. Kelemak Rubber Estates call of 50 cents per share Page 2. Notice re goods of William
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 275 1 THE WEEK. Wednesday 18th. High Water— h- 14 am., 7.:>C pm. R. A. O. 8., Andersou's Hotel, >i pm. Thursday 19th. High Water— h-."»6 am., S*M pm. P. A O. H.muwanl Mail tine. Football 1i.0.R v Waßderen. Friday 20th. Hi^h Water— !>-.J2 am., 9-32 pm. P. A 0. Outward Mail
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  • 1040 2 Tells How Doan's Backache Kidney Pills Saved her Son's Life. Mrs. B. Tier, of 102, Fewland Road, Worth ing, England, says I don't know how to thank you enough, for your Doan'tt Backache Kidney Pills have actually saved the life of my son Arthur, aged 14. "Arthur's illness
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 487 2 NOTICES^ PEGOH LIMITED. DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND. Notice X hereby given that an Interim Dividend Of 7J percent, (equivalent to 75 cents ikt -hire on sharei numbered l to 4- r >ooo j«.n<i is 4 cents peranareoa the raoenfly partly paid ntiirm numbered UOU t«» *****) for the > < ai
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    • 937 2 NOTICES. KELEMAK RUBBER ESTATE, Ltd. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Call of fifty cents per share, payable on or before 30tn November, 1911, has been made by the Board. By Order of the Board, EYATT ft Co., Secretaries Oct 18 21-10 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the business
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    • 492 2 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL- MAATSCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824. CAPITAL fl 45,000,000, (about £3,750,000) RESERVE fl 7,124,317, (about £593,693) Head Office m Amsterdam. Head Agency m Batavia. BRANCHES Penang, Hongkong, Shanghai, Rangoon, Socrabaya, Semarang, Weltevreden, Bandoeng (Java), Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Tjilatjar, Djember, Medan (Deli), Kota-Radja (Acheen), Palembang, Padang. Bandjerxnasin and Macassar.
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    • 341 2 FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada. Established 1882. s s currentINSURANCE m Force, over New Business, 1910, over $6,640,000.00 Large Nett Surplus above liabilities for RESERVE and all outstanding claims. Direct Government supervision. Cash Loans, Settlements, etc, made locally Policies are WORLD WIDE." J. H. EVANS, Manager, South Eastern Asia
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    • 611 2 THE Singapore Free Press. Morning Daily. To Oar Readers. Tb« Bmj?arv re Fre« Prwt M B Morning Daily, and is on talt H r i. pou from an early hour each moroiD^ (SuaC eioepted). Cash price Ten Cents a cop, Subscribers' comes will be delivered their private residences, (or town
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners invite applications for the ]>ost of Engineer m Charge of the Alexandra Road Destructors. A necessary qualification is the ]>ossession at least of a 'Board of Trade First Class Drive.i 's Certificate. The salary of the appointment is $100 per mensem free unfurnished quarters will
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    • 455 3 Q. What is good for my cough? A. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Q. How long has it been used? A. Seventy years. Q. Do doctors endorse it? A. If not, we would not make it. Q. Do you publish the formula? A. Yes. On every bottle. Q. Any alcohol m it?
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    • 461 3 AUCTIONS, AUCTION SALE OP TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE etc. TO BE HELD AT No. 23, Tras Street off Tanjong Pagar Road On Saturday, 21st Oct. at 2-30 p.m Comprising elaborately carved and gilt teak Sideboard with mirror panels, teak Diningtahle m 2 pieces, teak round Table with marble top, teak Arm-chairs,
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    • 543 3 WANTED. WANTED An Electrical Engineer for Haiima Cinematograph Show, Serazuban. Apply to HARIMA HALL, Singapore. Oct 13 21-10 WANTED A Latly Pianist. European or Eurasian tor the Astor House, Bangkok. For terms and particulars apply to the CHIEF STEWARD, S.S. Nuen Tung. Oct 17 19 10 WANTED A Steam Launch
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    • 321 3 GLASS RUBBER TAPPING CUP. HALF LEMON SHAPE, SIZE 10 OZS. USED ON THE LEADING RUBBER ESTATES LOCALLY AND THE F.M.S. APPLY TO SAMPLE FREE ON APPLICATION. G. OTOMUNE Co. Teachers Scotch Whiskies Dr. John Clark, Public Analyst for the City of Glasgow, and the Counties of Lanark Renfrew, says m
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  • 44 4 Domestic Occurrences. DEATH. Haigh.— At E(>Hom, Aucklaud, New Zealand, on September 14, Edward OLDROYD Haigh, father of Mih. V. Gottlieb, of Singapore. Mr. Bruce Petrie. Kukob. wishes to thank all those who so kindly tendered their sympathy on the death of his beloved wife.
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  • 1326 4 The Singapore Free Pree. Wednesday October 18, 1911. It is diflhmlt to invest tho pffOOOOdilltfl of Italy, m her eviction of the weak Turkish force of caretakers from the dependency of Tripoli, with any dignity except that which uttends an exhihition of force by the stronger against the wejiker. Some
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  • 912 4 j The Great Jansen, Magician and Conjuror and Company who have been attracting excellent houses up north are due to appear here shortly. Mr John Durant, aged 102, bowled the first ball in a cricket match played at Weybridge in aid of the Weybridge Cottage Hospital and Addlestone Nursing Fund
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  • 41 4 Adviser Takes Leave [Front tiur own Cpr*W^MMMf«J Kelantan. Oct. 17H,. Mr. J. S. Mason, Adviser t-, il,.- !n i,,. inent of Kela titan, sailed for BiQf>poil on tbe s.B. Krian, on leave to BnfUad. He hiu* a hearty send off.
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  • 105 4 At the sixth auction li.| hj tit. change Room yesterday under the ;|IIS pices of the Singapore fhejatm oj merce Rubber Association, tli.r, w k good attendance of buyers. Ki\, t, M H came out as sellers. Prices made were somewhat below l.ivf, week's. Of 76 cases
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  • 153 4 The following properti.^ were ,le of by auction at Powell ami < o. mlc rosej yesterday afternoon Freehold laud with Blank and Sttsn dwelling No. a off Kampong .lav.i .,..<!, area 19,1*4 square feet being part „f Grants Hi:> and :o>s. H. Somapali $1,400. Freehold building allotments at
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  • 455 4 The November meeting of the Mltriot Grand Lodge ot the Boston srehipelaga, and of District (Jrand Chapter, will f>© I held at Penan^ on Nov lhth. A Pan Pacific Congress is r ..1 tor Honolulu, Feb. 1 24 1911. The idea is that of a clearing house for id«a* and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 144 4 I TEe AUTO-MANUAL E BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT. I OUR PRICE Robinson P[ano Co, iJBBP^^ JOHN LITTLE &CoJMJ A Beg to advise the arrival SECOND and FINAL SHIP O^ ENT W^Jp TRIMMED MILLINERY j SS RACE WEAR. MODERATE PRICES. i OVER 150 HATS IN f all the Latest Styles and Colours
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    • 40 4 BILLIARDS. THE ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN CUSHION. (Alcock's Patent with Improvements of John Roberts, Retired World's Champion) absolutely THE BEST CUSHION TO DATE FOR ANY CLIMATE. JOHN ROBERTS, 1910. ONLY OBTAINABLE FROM John Roberts, London. John W. Roberts, 160, Mount Road, Madras, India.
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  • 111 5 ITALY DETERMINED. Reuter's Service. London, via Bombay J-wters correspondent at Vienna says it ii senn-ofhemlly announced that the P Ow BW have ceased their efforts as mediators b,tween Italy and Turkey, seeing no prTs P«* of success, as Italy is apparently deTr'ipoH n abSOlUte anpe **tion °<
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  • 211 5 IN TRIPOLI. ITALIANS EXTENDING. Imperial Xews Service. London, via Durban. Messages from Tripoli say that some of the expeditionary troops are going into garrison, aud others will proceed to the •o.,si towns, especially Henghazi. Jobruk and Dems* Italian telegrams report that 15<» Turkish Offleen surrendered at Tripoli and it is
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  • 31 5 Jaiieuial News Service. London, via Durban. Anxiety is felt for the nonagenarian Regent of Ravarin, who is suffering from bronchitis caught last week when His Highness was stag-shooting. '> <
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  • 253 5 Mr. J. S. Mason, Adviser to the Govern* menl of Kelautau. arrives by the Krian from Kelantan to-morrow and leaves for England by the P. and 0. mail on Friday morning. Lieut. Col. W. B. White, Brd Brahmans has been granted leave of absence on private affairs from 16th October,
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  • 37 5 S) -i ai hk require careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the partß to a healthy condition. For »ale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 140 5 ALARM AT PEKING. Beuter's Service. London, via Bombay. The semi-official Press at Pekin* is try Intn^f 'n^ Ufc that Japan is fc boVtorn of the revolution at Wuchang Neuter's correspondent at Peking wires that n ..officially announced that passe" gei traffic between Peking and Tientsin panic 8 V
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  • 71 5 Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. From Peking it is wired that the order suspending the passenger traffic towards Tientsin has been cancelled and a train each way is allowed daily. It is most significant that reports are being made of the changing of the Manchu women into
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  • 49 5 A Way They Have m Australia. Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. Renter's correspondent at Sydney states that three strike leaders have been sentenced to fifteen months hard labour for rioting mid another rioter has been sentenced to three years imprisonment for attempting to wreck a train.
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  • 30 5 Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. A telegram from Chicago states that the Convention of Progressive Republicans have endorsed the candidature of Senator La Follette for the Presidency.
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  • 150 5 All music lovers will do well to keep free the evening of Friday, m order to beer th*> artistic performance of Doris Madden, the young pianist who has been for four years past studying her art m Vienna under the tuition of that famous master.
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  • 100 5 On account of the recent extension of the Engineering Department of Messrs Behn, Meyer and Co. Ltd.. the office at No. 7 Collyer Quay has been found to be too small. The department has now re moved to the ground floor of the Rubber Exchange <Loke Yew;
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  • 74 5 TIES FOR TOTAY. Championship. Kleinmami v daunt. A. Singles. Lyall v Butler. v. nmrifiM Ruys v Jennings. C. Singles. Jenkins v Dove. Allen v Polglase. Vktkhan's Douklk HANDICAP. McKenzie and Foreman v Miller and Goldie. Michell and Carver v Van Cuylenberg and Darby. Cook and Plumpton v Croucher
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  • 58 5 ATTACKS ON SPANIARDS. Reuter's Service. London, via Bombay. Ferocious Moorish attacks are being made on the Spanish positions at Kert River. They took the Spaniards by surprise and crossed the river iv face of artillery tire and attacked the Spaniards furiously. Spanish losses, especially among the officers, was
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  • 52 5 President Taft Endangered. Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. Renter's correspondent at San Francisco wires that thirty six sticks of dynamite were found beneath a bridge on the Southern Pacific Railway between El Capital) and Gavista, just before President Taft's train passed yesterday morning. An investigation has
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  • 20 5 Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. The compulsory winding up of the Hank of Egypt is ordered.
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  • 586 5 Itaimn CBUIBBB Lmavks Shanghai. Concerning the Italian cruiser Calabria now m Singapore harbours her departure from Shanghai would appear to have boaa more dramatic than her entirely modest ami unobtrusive stay here. We quote as follows With colours flying, her sailors thowing their caps m the
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  • 61 5 A large party of business men aud their families will arrive at Hongkong per s. s. "Minnesota," October 20th, under the personal direction of Mr I). F. Robertson, Manager, Steamship Department, German American Savings Bank, Los Angeles. After spending sixteen days m Hongkong the party will proceed to Manila, China,
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  • 373 5 Lecture by Mr H. N. Ridley. At the Y. M. C. A. last evening Mr H. N. Ridley, c.m.g., f.r.s. gave a lecture based on his recent trip to Pahang and his ascent of Gunong Tahan, the highest peak m the peninsula. There is probably no one more
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  • 311 5 Of the Mid-East Rubber Industry. The Ceylon Observer f1 gives the following dates and BMMfI m connection with the discussion raised hy Mr. Ferguson's attribution to Sir Hugh Low, of the introduction of Hevea rubber into Malaya: 1878 Seeds received at Hew from Ma. Collins. IH7C. Seeds received from
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  • 130 5 The marriage took place on September 2H, at the British Consulate, Bangkok, of Mr Thomas Harold Lyle, H.B.M.s Cousu at Chiengmai, and Miss Rose Hilda Sawer, who arrived in Bangkok a couple of weeks previously. A missionary report reaching Peking from Chengtu states that the number of persons killed in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 Our jK)liticianH have their fling, Of course," said Dismal Dau v But cau't agree ou anything Beshrew me if they can Said Cheerful Charles You've got the blues, But needn't make things bluer They all agree to take their screws And Woods' Peppermint Cure,
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    • 324 5 ROBINSON Co. I LADIES' PROMENADE SHOE I FASHION. £0^ This smart design is the v<;gue of the moment at home. In tine glace kid wttfc n.ce leather |,ni.i K The heel is the smart up-to-date CUBAN shape and he Z*m are light walking substance cut from best English leather. No
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 673 6 OCEAN S.S. Co., ltd. AND CHINA MUTUAL S. N. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Livcri>ool outwards for the Straits, China and Jaj»;;n every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every foitnight for Genoa, Marseilles and liiverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and Liverpool monthly.
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    • 647 6 SINGAPORE TO BANGKOK The steamer BAN HONG LIONG. Captain Rushton, will leave Singapore on Thursday, the 19th October 1911, at h a. m. Comfortable accommodation for first and second class passengers. Electric Light. Single i>assage $60 or 95 ticals. Return passage $106 or 1150 ticals. For freight, etc., apply to
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    • 691 6 FAR EAST OXY6EN ACETYLENE COMPANY, LTD., SINGAPORE BRANCH. Oxygen Gas Dissolved Acetylene. Oxy-acetylenic blowpipes and blow pipe cutters] for quick cutting Iron and Steel AUTOGENOUS WELDING OF ALL METALS AH kinds of repairs to Ships, Boilers, Motor-cars etc. Application of the Dissolved Acetylene gas for lighting Motor-cars, Launches, Steamers, etc.
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    • 613 6 P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. 1911 Outward (for China) Arcadia Oct 20 Assay
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    • 528 6 N.D.L. Norddeutschcr Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ot~ thin Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said. Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang* Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nagasaki and Kobe to
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  • 756 7 Kibu Rubber 11,074 32,149 Riverside 6,114 7.654 87,539 Rul> *»*a 26,800 27,800 467,600 k Ratamii 4,650 30,920 Rubber G. Assn. 7,065 6,769 47,153 i.Sabrang 1,100 1,200 3.500 St. Helena 1,000 1.094 8,453 Scottish Malay 7,860 8,029 34,660 Sengat Selaba 17,405 95,293 Sekon 8 8,235 Straits Bertam 9,300
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  • 90 7 Aug. Sept. Total. 360 1,853 Brtuuttg Cheiideriang 440 Gopeng 3,085 I lea wood 28.5 Kanuming 709 Kanaboi 271 1,576 Kinta 255 Kinta Association Kiedar.g 631 Kiamat Pulai Lahat 687 Mongleinbu Lode 1,441 Middluton 58 New Oopmg 770 New Tauibuu P. Consolidated 1,293 P—f iriiMl 2,672 Pusing Dabru 600
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  • 1141 7  -  WALTER JERROLD [Am Kiauia Rbskbvku.] GFDGDG i *act is stranger than fiction, for I, John j bar/, some y«*ca ajo the victim of what 1 a;ay term kuuiau duplication. Theie was a. uue. and cry alter a man wanted by the police: description of him m
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  • 905 7 There is no necessity of your being constantly annoyed by a tickling m the throat, which iBBOfMI you coughing and disturbs your llttp and rest. A dose or two of Chamberlains' Cough Remedy Wftfl cut the phelgm which is the cause of the trouble and clear the
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  • 435 7 Per P&O str India, connecting frith Urn str Arcadia at Colombo, due (><-t 20.— Hen Sir W. H. and Lady Hyndman Jones, Mr Alexander, Mr A Mrs Bmuard. Mr BtßggßT, Mr Webb, Mrs A Miss Gibson Fleming, Mr Nivven, Mr Prendergast, Mr ftfiin. Mr Neill. Mr Blake. Mr
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  • 379 7 Fia^ and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Sea Belle F.M.S. yet 400 Ah:n;tt Trenjyganu, 11-10 PJIS P. S'wetfc Sea Mew Col 500 Murphy TftDggaatt, 11-10 Col Covt Uncertain Calabria Ital cru 2400 Pieeuariti Shui, 10-10 Uncertain Steamers Nat. Tonnage Master From Consignees For Altin 8 Dllt
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  • 72 7 (Corrected up to Oct. 17.) Bank 4m/s 2 4 5-l« demand 2 4 8-32 Private credits 3 m 8 2 4 15-82 H credits 6in s 2-4$ France demand Bank 294 J Germany, demand 238 J India, T. T. 174 Hongkong, demand 22 h Yokohama, demand 114$ Java, demand
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  • 135 7 Oct. 17. Tiu 94.75 Gambior 10>30 Gambier Cube No. 1 21.75 Gambier Cube No. 2 nom. Pepper Black ordin. Spore... 21.20 Pepper, (White fair) buyers 30.00 Nutmegs (110 to the ib.) nom. Nutmegs (80 to the Ib.) nom. Mace (Banda) no Cloves (Amboina) nom. Bali Coffee (10°^ Black) 84.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 142 7 APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above Line maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singare, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. bs Japan 6,013 A. Stewart, ss Gregory Apcar 4,600 8. H. Belson. ss Arratoon Apcar 4, •">(><) G.
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    • 35 7 WOkLD kENoWisBD Trad* Mmrk. Stuhr's FINEST TABLE DELICACIES. Genuine Caviare. Anchovies m Brine. Peeled Shrimps. Shrimps Extract. «oW by all Mffe.tfaM Proviso Dtaltr*. C. F. STUHR CO^ HAMBURG Bagltth Export Agent W. LOVBOROVtI. LONDON. B.C.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 650 7 LATEST ARRIVALS. Calypso Brit 199 Bannatyne Deli, 17-10 Mansfield Deli 19 Selangor Brit 445 Fawcus P. Sham. 17-10 SS Co P S'ham 19 Kaka Brit 223 McCraith Tganu, 17 10 SS Co Tganu 19 G. Apcar Brit 2961 Belson H'kong. 17-10 Pat Simons Penan* IK Sri Muar Brit 123 Hudson
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  • 1322 8 Calcutta Paper's Humorous Effort. The holiday season, the time when the jaded toiler takes his rest, is upon us aud each man seeks his recreation after his own particular method. Some peoples idea of a real rest is sleeping on a billiard table and dressing m
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  • 517 8 It is now apparently placed beyond ili* pute that the predictions of outputs from the various rubber estates have been falsified by results. The prophets have blamed the dry weather, labour, and all the rest of it. but experts agree that, while these factors may be taken
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  • 68 8 Chronic rheumatism often attacks the larger joints. Internal treatment of any kind would be worse than useless, but by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely and massaging the affected i>art it will afford some relief at once and by continuing the treatment, will eventually effect a complete cure. Some cases
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  • 844 8 How to Restore it Readily. With a good constitution and an intelligent observance of the precautions which have to be taken to counteract the deleterious action of the climate, there is no reason why life m a hot country should not run on the same healthy lines
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  • 14 8 I For all internal complaints dysentry cough colds Ac, take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 192 8 TO BEAUTIFY iSfep^ a J and Preserve *V M Xy E Complexion ls ma<^ e s °ft' smooth and V beautifully clear by the ||5| j^ daily application of j Snow" H M W? Dullness, greasiness and blemishes ||F disappear, and a charming healthy tone jfe i^ One of the
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    • 76 8 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZEdI COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND Finest Norwegian COD LIVER OIL, changed by the latest scientific proce»s to a form allowing perfect assimilation. With Creosote and Guaiacol. two valuable germicidal and anti-tubercular agents. Aids Digestion. Allays Fermentation. Has no nauseous taste or odour. Does not disturb the stomach. UNEQUALLED FOR
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    • 305 8 Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Near Entrance to Borneo Whan. Telephone 1026. Sea stocks of all kinds of Frozen Meats etc., can be delivered to shipping at the Wharves, or m the Singapore Roads on short notice. OFFICE HOURS. Weekdays 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 2 a P 2
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  • 1130 9 Cap. Issue. Paid. Last Div. Buyers. Sellers 85,000 2s 2s Allagar 10% 7l fcEI^ E «8--150,000 2s 2s Anglo-Malay 15% int 15 9 i« 41 50.000 2s 2s Batang Malaka 1 9 2 0 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 50% 11 0 0 11 m a 80,000 1 1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 204 9 ANT EXTERMINATORS (UNIVERSAL) and Sulphur Powder ARSENITE OF SODA for spraying lalang and other weeds BOILERS (Spenser-Hopwood) 6 H.P. 8 H.P. 10 H.P. m stock BOILER COMPOSITION (D.M.) For preventing scale and pitting CEMENT M £agiB" Brand Both these are of the highest CEMENT-—-*-./ DISINFECTANT DEE'S (HIGHLY CONCENTRATED) No. 1
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    • 117 9 De KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Agents at Singapore, The Shipsagency, Ltd, 2-3, Collyer Quay The undermentioned dates of departure are only approximate. Koemai Rengat Merkus Selat Pandjang. Bengkalis, Siak and Pakan Baroe n,t^u Brouwer Moeia-Saba, Kimpang and Djanibi /w JJJ G.G. Daendels Baweau. Sotuabaya.
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    • 698 9 Entries Close at noon on Saturday, the 28th October, except for Race No. m on' (he Third Day. Entries for Race No. non Fridat the loth November, at 12 Noon. In all races the advertised Second prize wil only be given when there are tlve Starters the proj>erty of different
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 794 9 Singapore Sporting Club. THE AUTUMN RAGE MEETING (UNDER S. R. A. RULES^OF RACING,) WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday 7th, Thursday 9th, Saturday 11th November. PROGRAMME FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 7th November, 1911. 1. THE OPENING STAKES. 2.30 p.m. Value $600. A Handicap for Horses that have never won a Stake of
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    • 54 9 4. THE SCURRY STAKES. (3-45 p.m.) Value $1,000. A Handicap for all Horse, that have run at this Meeting. Entrance Fe? »40. Distance, Scurry Coins, 8. THE ROCHORE PLATE.— (S-45 p pj, Value $400 A Handicap for all Horses tha have run at this Meeting and not won Entrance Fee,
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  • 685 10 Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Chidren's Aid Socity was held yesterday morning at the Municipal Offices. Sir Archibald Law and there were also present Lady Evelyn Young, Lady Law. Mrs Roland Allen, Mrs Becker, Mrs Polglase. Mrs l>arbishire <Hon Secretary), Archdeacon I/.ard, Rev. W. Runciman.
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  • 194 10 The enemy is at the gate. The New York Times reveals a hold invention by Mr. Bdieon. It is the M Cinephonograph,'' n combination of the living picture and the gramophone, by which means notable performances can be. reproduced by mechanical means. Says The Times: Here is a
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  • 1290 10 In the matter of sport we are at the present time between the seasons, if the temporary break may be so designated. On the Esplanade all other forms of sport for the time being give pride of place to the Tennis Tournament, which is now rapidly nearing completion,
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  • 319 10 *It was line, bright, and deal yesterday morning for training operations on the course, (irey Plume 'Turner* and Frou PrOV 'N.itive> wen- extended for eight furlongs, with some striding work; IJrown ing <Pierhux' Progress <Kirwan> (Jui Va La (Caeon) were similarly engaged on the course. Storey (Duval* was
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  • 100 10 Hearty congratulations will be tendered to his Lordship the; Chief Justice upon his engagement to Miss Thynne, who has been a guest of Sir Hugh and Lady Clifford at Queen's Cottage. The engagement has been bruited m certain circles for some little time. On due enquiry being
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  • 110 10 Commissioner Fights Shy. Peking, Oct 4. The High Commissioner appointed to restore order m Szechuen has sent m a memorial that when he reached Hankowhe was m had health, and therefore he desired to he permitted to resign the appointment. A reply has been sent granting leave, hut
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  • 440 10 The Uritreh steamer Strathdee from New York with cargo for China, bunkered at the wharf on Monday. i t4 The lilue Funnel steamer Polyphemus" haying completed discharge of her coal cargo on Monday, left for Java ports ill light trim. I The 4i Gregory Apcar from China is
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  • 89 10 London. Oct. *v On reaching Hamadan after his last defeat Salar ed Dowleh dispersed his re emitting troops and left for Kuropo via Baghdad. He declared that he is returning m the spring. He attributed his defeated to the use of shrapnel, which his followers regard as miraculous. The
    89 words
  • 303 10 POUNDERS NBAS P.RKAKKR POINT. A Xl KOrKAN AND BOttl CHINKsK MISSI.Mi. In our issue of yesterday we '"China Mail"! published a rumour to the effect that the s.s. "Use" bad foundered near Breaker Point during the recent typhoon weather, f/fl were then unable to confirm
    303 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 13 10 For all internal complaints dysentry cough oold Ac, take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure
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    • 277 10 HAMS BACON "PINEAPPLE" BRAND. Singapore Cold Storage Co, Ltd. SOLE AGENTS FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. NETHERLANDS GUTTA PERGHA Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Matting and Floor-Tiles Specially Suitable for Shipboard, Banks, Insurance-Offices, Churches, Hospitals, and all Public Buildings. NOISELESS, VERY DURABLE, WATERPROOF SANITARY. Works and Offices -PASSIR PAN JANG, Singapore. Sole
      277 words