The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 October 1911

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 164 1 Th»ra does not appear to huve actuall> l>een any fighting, except at Preve/a. ;uuJ Italy has lignifleol that when *lie has occupied Tripoli, >he will talk of terius. includ Ing an indemnity. Hopes are express* -d tliat the (lerinan Anil»assadoi- at Con^tai. tinoph- may negotiate IaVIU F'age
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  • 894 1 WOOII a i., an is stranded. Ij,. irilj v&ul anything. Sailors, prmpectoi >. steep famsil, missionaii.-s all lmM) in ff c whoon dooi..«Mi ••ith-i. to i ß>> ii u ■kip of jntl ji few people (Mi |fcee* a!way< tin- imm) or else to life of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 468 1 Where to go to cure that TIRED FEELING P A JR^y^Q Qyn p^g. ALHAMBRA, Singapore! the wohberful mthe ora The Peoples Popular Picture Palace and Vaudeville Theatre 'IN THE*GRIP OF ALCOHOL' NEW AMF) wT\^^^^T^M\lr^^^^^^^^^^ A x i-iileudhl I'ici i. which takts AJNU JNUVEL ITEMS I m ONE HOUR in Die
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    • 275 1 "THE DOTS" (A Group of European Children) WILL STAOK "ZURIKA, THE GIPSY MAID' 1 An Operetta Ka Time Acts. IN THE THEATRE ROYAL On Thursday, sth Oct. at 9 p. m. Doors opaa at 8 p. m. PRICKS OF ADMISSION. Heserved Seats |f I Second ChNi '.0 cents First Class
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    • 65 1 Sufferers Take Notice. There is no neceeaftj of yonrbi lng< rtanr. ly annoyed bj a tickling m the rhr< al which keeps >ou coughing and dstturhs your sleen ami rest. A dose or two of Chamber lams Cough Remeds will cut the phelgm Which is the cause of the trouble
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 357 1 Eo**ai>'o advertisements. "Hun Hong .Liang" does not go till Wed sesday, today, at 2 p.m. Tarn goes on Thursday at ."> p.m. "l 'atherine Apear" on the Oth and "Oraccbas" on the 1 lib Page o Bungalows to let Rage 8. Powell Co undertake the sale.-, of rsttV her at
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  • 380 2 It If remarkable how storied of little incidents go the rounds of the press year after year; with the variants to b»> expect ♦d. Take that of the theft of the Court clock, a perfectly true incident. Roderick Kaiulom,'" in the column of Random Reflections that he
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  • 182 2 Seizures op arms. Boasbay, s«-p ;h. The Timaf of India corr* >pon(kni, writing from the Persian Gulf* on Si >pt« m ber fith, says an important seizure of arms haw been matU'. This time the Caravan people adopted a clever ruse. They buried the contraband in the sand.
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  • 177 2 The Advocates' Library in Edinburgh, one of the five upon which the privilege of free copies is bestowed under the Copyright Acts, lets some readers take books home, and even sends them home for them, to the limit of twenty at a time. In the past, before stricter regulations were
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  • 184 2 RftHOtm iMMUQ Tmk M s, (A(v juM. now in patnV -^nVkr,, lt to the during boisUriefl the Ballyganj. Mann b 1 created in every household, and return to bt left aloaa i,, n Matters b;,x, rWKM ;i readmits ai>- arming UMmMIT. vent their houses ,n )m bein,
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  • 146 2 REQUEST FOB *****1 \\< I OrxBo.%TH \i Chi xokin lvkin K Bepteai H. K. i hao Ki h Pug, i< chu«n. lias win-cl (o fh»- iiu-nl rapoHfalg that tBOM tM of ThousaiKls of Hours ooUidc < anil r)»»>y an rtwwilng rignt of trouble. tfcfl foreign drill.',! n, raliod
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  • 186 2 Win ii \on ;iito tov ;ui(i .all on >our man. Can't you Ml iin>. "Win i i can. fOQ ni/.e up his stock Bakt I n i count. And liill pres«n;l> si- usual iiMiount. Tlwii your* 1 an Oriel By i*iu\, your- an < >rd« i I'.tk. r
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  • 100 2 Poktbooiiino Opening Crrkmony. I Imitation-, foe thr fortiMOninfl Op ceremony of Xho riiiiu- f leetion o< C'jinton Kowloon ffailwij h>T» ttfin il ii l by the I>ir**otoi;it« i tM>n«:.»l «>t Chin< Imperial Railways, ami i!i«- nu..t which takes plaet «>n M<>u<l.i October. pioiuis«s io!>o on u l;i\i»li By
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 42 2 Digestion and Assimilation Htrength and vitality to t£ tl^f CH Gram's Stomach and LWer^filSk. m orate the stomach and liver and t«« JS mvi t« i^rfonn their functionH ua?ur a iK them »>> all Di^ > e nsa^i e H an ,l DealSs Sale
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    • 1114 2 NOTICE^ GOVERNMENT. NOTICE. Tenders will be received at the Honourable Resident Councillor's Office, Penang up to noon of the 30th October, ltll, for the following works To supply, deliver and pile on the roadsides 2 in. tfianite wnd metal, 2 in. Pulo Kra metal, > 4 in. granite K]tawls. •">
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    • 503 2 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL- MAATSCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established ikim. CAPITAL fl 4.-,,000,000, (about £3,7-50,000) RESERVE fl 7,124,317, (about £593,693) Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency b Batavia. ERANCHEB Fenang, Hongkong, Shanghai, Rangoon, Soerabaya, Seinarang, Weltevreden, Bandoeng (Java). Cheribon, Togal.Pecalongan, Tjilatjar, Djember, Medan (Deli), Kota-Radja (Acheen), Palembang, Padang, Bandjenuasin and Macassar. CORRESPONDENTS
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    • 355 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. Established iet<7. Policies are WORLD WIDE,"* UNRESTRICTED, M IxVDISPUTABLE and NONP'ORFEITABLE.' Claims, loans, cash -surrenders, etc., and promptly settled by the General Agents at Singapore without the delay of reference to Head Office. The Reserves for protection of Policyholders are over $20,000,000 (S.S.C.) The
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    • 38 2 Sprains. I Sprains VtqulfV cartful tnaiupiit K«<^M quiet and apply Chanibeilain s l'am freely. It will remove the »«>ren« -hh ami I ly restore the p«irtM to a h«>althy cottdit Ptf sale by nil DlqpeaaMiti aiu\ UmNi. H
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  • 457 3 Sevkntbenth Asm \r. Meeting The I7tb annual meeting of tlie Raul> AiistrMliau (lokl Mining Company. Limited, was held at Hrislmne, on kfkg. 10th. Mr. I)e Biugh Peisse. cliairnian of tlu* coinpan\. occupied tlie chnir. Tbe cbaii uiaii. in DftOfing tlie adoption of the Nilanee sii»>et
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 285 3 There irasoaoea jroongfelloii called Timothy Tinuns, Whoee joj ami delight waa the \witiiiL; i>f li\ ■inns. Ami although not bo good m the sreal O. R. V*i liis vert* a were tar from being poor. B 1j- oauuhl i<a»l cold, ami l<<> ill r»>i da) \w though! he \\'>,i!d iti»>,
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    • 663 3 HOW TO GET WELL. If there is not a motion of the bowels once or twice a day, you will soon grow heavy. drowsy and dull the head will throb and ache, there will be an unpleasant taste in the mouth, the tongue will be coated, and the Right si>otty
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    • 484 3 WANTED. Wanted for Temerloh, Pahang. Chinese Clerk and Interpreter, lalar) *"2o per annum ami an sOewance of 15".. on this sum. The mt»st necessary dialects are Hokkien and Cantonese. Preference ill be given to applicants ha i Ing a knewledgs of Chinese characters. Applications should reach the Secretary for Chinese
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    • 535 3 AUCTIONS AUCTION SALES OF RUBBER Messrs. Powell Co., Auctioneers, Singapore, beg to notify that they are prepared to undertake auction sales of Rubber at the Singapore Chamber of Commerce in accordance with the Rules of the Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association. Rubber may be sent direct to Messrs. Powell Co.
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    • 252 3 I jU The Ideal Food |j FO/? EMACIATED CHI LORES A\D ADULTS woz/fty 1 Kepler (TRADE MARK) rfiH^r I Solution v f §^0F CO3 t/yf/? 0/i //V V447 EXTRACT) Contains all the nourishing and vitalising elements which Nature re- quires to build up and strengthen bod)' and brain. Every spoonful
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  • 36 4 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTHS At BarnsiH, Gfaags-vA, on Oct. ford, to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brown a daughter. At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on Oct. Brd 1911, the wife of H. S. Kirwan of a son.
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  • 2067 4 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday October 4, 1911. V ■if T. i While the whole question of municipal Government is pimsiimahlji going through the mill of the legal draftsman preparator) to the submission of new Municipal Rill, or a Rill with material amendments, any discussion of t > i ha
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  • 362 4 Trouble amongst Local Carpenters and Watchmen. Th»- prmul high price oi rin ihi food of the native coolie clause h. t 'i, to minor disturbances in mil n\ g Those wlios.' business brought ti,,,,, town wards yesterday morning abo an exciting H«h between a nuaber < Chinese
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  • 92 4 At Um ktai court ynitsidaj, Um Acting Chi. Bii I F. 0 i iad a coniinon jury \wi. ,ii.i.«l all d*) wifb rl Wfcfc li tow < luti. MMM I n lnivi' 001 rni"»Ml gBBf ro!«t>. Mf. B> Kilmontlv. I>-puf\ PrOMCQIOr, apix'.nrtl on bdtftti I vt! Mr. B
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  • 150 4 A •Ullllllllll- ,1 ,i k ll ,)>t dull Taj and t hew .loon Van tor Eailiai comply with an order of Um Jfoaidpal oi nmssionor> to till ,ip pood ftl oornee ot Thwpeou Road and 8 Koad. was hoard <n the District Court ti-rday ■Moriag. Hut tin wrong men wared
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  • 235 4 Some iden A groat deal ol BMMM) was >wuv.! shops where the original outbreak i ined at Kuala I.iiinpui. The Kuropeau Poli once turned theit attont ion to the m and ■neeooded in sa\ m^' thousand* of dollars. What OOifl mom j was put on UM pavements
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 209 4 TKe AUTO-MANUAL BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT. our price BSHBH!ISJ|feiS RobingonPianoCo,^^^!- styles for Race wear. DISTINGUISHED MODELS IN ff^^^^^^ MILLINERY <jJ£^^***£*^^ Highest Art and Latest Fashions in B! **s^ f HATS TOQUES. i 5 S&mms JteS^?s.( JSPECIAL SHOW| £d3@£fr iMiW~" 'i'i papt v I \7 sT m M \w shipments! [7%\ j
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    • 40 4 BILLIARDS. THE ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN CUSHION. (Alcock's Patent with Improvements of John Roberth, Retired World's Champion) absolutely THE BEST CUSHION TO DATE IX3R ANY CLIMATE. JOHN ROBERTS, 1910. ONLY OBTAINABLE FROM John Roberts, London. John W. Roberts, 160, Mount Road, Madras, India.
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  • 87 5 MANY VESSELS WRECKED. Imperial Xew< Service. London, via Durban. on Sunday earned havoc round the oonata. The fteaateK Hani. 'hi iasjatini. the steamer North Sea fooled the latter and sank. Eighteen d her crew were drowned. Th< re n btnl nun survivor. The German steamer Konitf Priadrich Angosl
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  • 64 5 CONSIDERABLE MOVEMENT. [By Submarine Cable]. RruxEii's Service. London, via Bombay. v telegram from Beater's correspondent Madrid says that Conceior, the leader ol Um Portuguese Royalists, entered Portugal ou Oct. Ist at tlie head of 4000 men, 1 r ;uis ami 120 moles. Ml the inhabitants o. :li. CottUnun
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  • 32 5 IvriiniAL N wt 8] H he. London, via Durban, tec i telegram from Xew York states thai kdmira] Bchley, who dcietiujeil Cerreu*s neel during the Hispano- American ad.
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  • 27 5 I-MriRIAL X"EWB S Ijondon, via D-< I in. lii»> Judge the Hi^'i) Court, Ai.o. Finland, has been shot dead. The mnrderei ommitted i\ii<
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  • 37 5 Threatened Outcai! I-MiiniAL Xlw>, Sebtice. LonJoD, via Durban. ative of thr Amalgamated cietj has resolved to call out all Irish isport worker* today, n the railway v mpaniei I im Co reinstate tin strikers.
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  • 35 5 Imperial News slrm^ b. Tendon, via I>u::>an. r wire from Spokane itatei that the .hi man Dixon, who flew over the ky Mountains on Saturday, was killed f* ''■>< tailing a huftdn d <••
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  • 14 5 I\eiter"s Service. London, via Bombay. lias been elected EhreKident oi M<
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  • 5 5 HI on] :a-}..
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  • 89 5 Friday, Oct 6th, at 9.15 p.m.. the id ot the Buffs, under Mr C. 11. Hewitt, sted by Ms. will give tl<» follow ing attractive programme of music Pabt I. 1 >verture "William Tell" Ho^lni eutonia Liedertafe] '^wiss Psalm* 1 psodie Hon^roise (Xo 2 Liszt «>!:n ->o!o Selected M'i
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  • 150 5 The extension to the Roman Catholic hurcfa oi Seremban, which has been kept in abeyance for this two years lor want of mds. is now to be put in hand. Two ionations of 11,000 and 13,000 have been given b\ rich Towkays of Jelebu. The balance of about 12,000 more
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  • 140 5 NO FIGHTING YET. Except in Adriatic. [By Submarine Cable]. I? outer's Service. London, via Bombay. AnmUi a ho»t of contradictory imports. it appears oertaia that the Italians hare not landed at Tripoli nor ha< any lighting accnrred except on the coast of the Adriatic when tore* or lour
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  • 28 5 The iteamer Caatlegartfa ha- brooght ,800 Maltese refugees to .Malta huddled miserably on deck and clamouring tor food and water. They suffered from a th •>• days' storni.
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  • 59 5 Reutssli Service. London, via Bombay. Reuter*s Calcutta oorrespond< at says that a minting o: Mohamedans has telegraphed to Sir Edward Grey asking Hnmin, a> the greatest Sfbhamedan Tower, to check Italy's career of aggression, ainl also to the Grand Vi for orging Turkey to defend the honour of
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  • 86 5 Imperial News Service. London, via Durban. I- ii understood thai Immediately Italy definitely occupied the Tripolitan Ports, sh»> is willing to .li<, ss ternu and 1 ">•j an Indemnity 101 occupation. The activif oi tin iMiiaii* o ,i Um \i banian coast has Irritated the Inatrian
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  • 61 5 K hi ek's Bmticb. London, v a. Bombtj is do war news to-day. Tripoli if off. The newspaper! hopefully discus The prospects of a speedy end to the conflict, based on the official wnnounrnftgni (hat Count Bieberstein, the German Ambas sador at t Onstantinople, is in active
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  • 294 5 inary General Mcc The second ordinary general meeting ol me shareholders ol the Tamhalak Etubbei Estates, Limited, was held at noon yea terdayatthc company's registered Offici at Qreaham House. Battery Road, Sir. M. Freeman presiding. The Chairman said. Gentlemen, the directors 1 report and accounts for the!
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  • 51 5 (Frr»i i Corrt-pondent} Penan*,' Oel trd. The Tin ions uuption ior Sep*jenxher fraa Tnited Kingdom 1,800 tons ontiuent *2,(»0() tons United 3.7<M) tons; total 7*500 tons. The risible supply on Oct Ist was 17,150 tons againrt io,J2<i tons on Bepafsnoar sst. The consamption for ei^'ht months was (8,100
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  • 217 5 Agents Ev.itt A no. Changkat Berdang:- September 8,613 lbs CilHvnt year 22,738 lbs. Jink it Timnli September 2,470 ]»>> current year 19,808 lbs. Agents *mi!h\ Diu-by v Co. Ayer Pans* 4,500 lbs }>ukit Lintang 9,100 J'rtiitai 1,704) Pennata 7.-() Badella:— 8,260 Psjan «>, r.00 do (For
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  • 33 5 private cable received from London ~':iT.-> thai IIM v.iu it mlikrly to nf.-< thv 'ni iiiiiikr;. Other advioei rtatc thai ti ii uaking in) material altoratian Ui rabbet thares.
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  • 75 5 \i the Fourth Auction beM day in the Exchange hoom at li a.m. the follow ma pricef wen realized No. I crept $j,vj Scrap I tope n-j;,o Hark repe *j:{() Smoked *•>!»♦ j §26] N'<>. l Cnsiooked Sheet Sl'">i: Scran siH4 The total quantii put up for
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  • 42 5 (London R bbei Kbrvioe, Via Co <>'ii<n.- The following dividend! bare been declared. Lanka! !< per cent in:. Mertoa 8 percent int. Sumatra i payta tinal dividend of per cent making 87 1-2. The Seeerve i- C2,000 and carrj forward £4,000.
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  • 222 5 Mr K. -itii F. \ih.ii iuiot, presiding iit the ordinary general meeting of the London Sumatra Robber and Produce Batata*, stated that the board had oome to th. conclusion that farther capital must be raised. As th.: ■harei stood at a heavy discount, they could not adopt the polic;. 01
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  • 718 5 H lEFTION AT THE Y.M.C.A. The BMmben erf the Y. M.C. A. gave a reception at their IraikUng in Stamford Koad last uight to the Y. W. f. A. and a very pleasant evening was spent. The proceeding! opened with ft hymn and pi ay v. alter which
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  • 164 5 Donations km King Osobob's Hall The Director of St. Joseph*! Institution wishes to acknowledge with thanks tin following donations he has received towards the erection of King flnorgjo'i Hall. Those gentlemen and Arm who have signed for certain sums as well as those who have given less
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 The San Juan Baptista Hospital of Cotamarca, South America, ronorti Having used Um FRANZ JOSEF natural aperient water, it was found to give excellent results in all ease* of gastric disturbances, and particularly in those attendant to paludism. Iu the latter cases, FRANZ JOBEF water proves a true assistant to
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    • 13 5 For all internal complaints dysentry cough cold &c, take Woods' Qr^at Feppcrmint Cure.
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    • 219 5 GENTLEMEN'S RAINCOATS. t^k vai x^si^ <Wm umPsTr Jjs-*^ Jw^MaillljrMifll Tm li Mnk Jsv BvS^V The »i>Over Goats, proofed without Robber, afford ample protection again** wind, rain, and «lust. The "ZAMBRENE" Co* h exoeDeot ejuunpl, „,,i i. priced at $25 each. at ROBINS O N S CAPSTAN MIXTURE I ,^^>^r^^^f'si^lx^^»^B^^^SE'p'-^ 9
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 528 6 INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd The steamers of thU Company maintain a j regular direct service between Calcutta, j Btraits. Hongkong. Shanghai and Japan, i taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton. Swatow. Amoy. Gheioo, Tientsin. Newchwang, Yangts/e Forts, Formosa, the Philippines Ac Ac. STEAMERS. Tou< Oammander Kutsang
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    • 745 6 BRITISH INDIA S. N. Co., Ltd FOP. Penang, Rangoon, and Calcutta The Company'.-. Steamer, "TARA 6.322 tons, k. B. D'Crni, Commander, will be despatched tor the ahove {Kjitrs on Thtmdayi the sth in^»t. at > p.m. She ha-* excelieut accommodation for first and second cla^ 1 \>a>seuner^. VaraM and rahn
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    • 755 6 FAR EAST OXYGEN ACETYLENE COMPANY, LTD., SINGAPORE BRANCH. Oxygen Gas Dissolved Acetylene. Oxy-acetylenic blowpipes and blow pipe cutters! for quick cutting Iron and Steel AUTOGENOUS WELDING OF ALL METALS All kinds of repairs to Ships, Boilers, Motor-oars etc. Application of the Dissolved Acetylene gas for lighting Motor-cars. Launches. Steamers, etc.
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    • 627 6 I P. 0. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. 1911 Outward (for China) Devauha Oct 6
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    • 464 6 N.D.L Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fa-t and well-known n;.i: this Company nail fortnightly r- Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam. Afttwerp, B. it] unp ton. Oibraltar, Genoa. Naple*. fcoune Marseilles. Naples, \l> .u Irl »ud rice > Said. Boes, Adeii. Colombo, l'.nir, niagtpoef, HougkonK. Shanghai Nagasaki and
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  • 692 7 The Total where given represents the output since Jan. 1911, except where a figure in brackets is given, representing so many months. When a month's return is missed, this total represents the last available total. Ratanui 4,650 30,920 Rubber G. Assn. 7.065 40,389 Sabrang 1.100 2,300 St.
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  • 88 7 Auj». Sept. Total. BeUI 360 1.H53 Bmaag Cbenderianf 440 <;op«'ii{4 s.osr, Hen wood '2.712 Kauiuniir.* }00,78S Kanaboi 271 1,576 Kinta 2'5 Kintu Association Kiedung t>:;l Km mat I*itlui Ltkmlk J5.774 .M«'ii^lenibii Lode 1,441 Wddleton s>h New (lopfiijj 770 N»*w Taiuhmi P. C'onsoliduted 1.298 !Vn<«k:tU*n 2.07 J Posing n>lim
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  • 269 7 Pel P. «v O. sti Maiiutda. connecting >\ith the str. luvanha at f'>lt.jitl>o. due Oct. 6. Miss Hrxans. Mr Barker. Lieut Lill. Mr A lln Skinner. Mi Shepherd. Mrs H;\j«ed».in. Mr Maish. Mi Hendiir. Mr Harrison. MNs Haw tny. Mr Moor, lln Pairs. Mr Harron, Mi Heniiuant, Mr
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  • 100 7 Wharves and Docks at which different vessels are berthed. East Wharf (Ba*iu)— lY.h Wo East Wharf Sec. I— Fultala. Mutlali Sheers Wharf Akuums Main Wharf Sec. Nil i i-KU. < 4— Vorvaerta T«tghta lug 6— L:»« lu-s. boM l'a. Etocbuaen Ne\%~ I Kick
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  • 70 7 'CORRECTED UP TO OOf. 3ank 4m s 2 4 5-14 demand 2-4 i •rivate credit.-. m 2-4^ credits G 111 2 4 27Si Franc k demand Bank 294^\v\. demand T.i&\ Im»i.v. T. T. 174 Honukong. dcinaud 22 k Yokohama. «jcinund 114$ lIX V. (it'iutuid 140^ J'.ASdKOK. demand 6»i
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  • 135 7 Ol T. 9. Tin Mhftt Gambier 10.60 (Vambier Cube No. 1 11.78 Gambler Cube No. J nom. Pepper Black ordin. S pore... J2.00 Pepper. 'White fair) buyers 32.00 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.* nom. Nutmegs «S0 to the lb.< uoia Mace (Banda) nom (loves 'Ainhoina' uom Bali Coffee (10%
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  • 98 7 From Europe. Per M. M. E. BifIMMM dIM on Oft 4. P. A. l). DtTttht<M«Ooll, From China.— Pei P. A O. ItMiji due «ia Lett. i>lf. arrived. B. i. tag ai sept sopt M M. M. Sept 4 Sept Js Sept *2H P. &O. Stpt 8 Oct
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  • 17 7 Per XuentuiiK Hewn 11. I'ollock. a. J. Birmingham. .T. M»m,m. lUcdoOflal Ku «olki«. W. T. Bryant.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 381 7 Teachers Scotch Whiskies Dr. John Clark, Public Analyst for the City of Glasgow, ■fed the Counties of Lanark Renfrew, says in his Analysis Ader date January 24th, 1905 44 1 find Teacher's Extra special Old Scotch Whisky is a Pure High-Class Whisky of unusually fine quality, and I am of
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    • 44 7 Hindusthan Gc-Operativs Insurance Society Ud. (Hkad Office:— CALCUTTA) CAPITAL R«. 10.000.000 CAPITAL PAID UP R B 8,600.000 Security Guaranteed. Lives insured under various scheme*, suitable to all classes. Wanted Agents terms moHt liberal. Apply personally at No. 21. Malacca Street Sept 21 tths 21.3
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    • 14 7 I For all internal complaints dysentry cough cold &c, take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 23 7 TO LET FURNISHED "Bl RWOOD of Grange Road, read> for immediate entry, for terms apply H. C.0.c0 Manager, Free Press." Sept 13 wa
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 882 7 VESSELS IX PORT. Flag and Tods Cosamaaders Arrived From For Wneo Pyrumus H.M.S. cm 2135 Mitchell Colombo. 84 9 B. CMBcer Sydn >y Muratha Siam gh. 500 Thanom Peiuing. J->-9 B. COaUNal Cm ertain Steamers Nat. Tonnage A Master ht-m Consignees For B. Hong Llong Brit 710 Rushton Bangkok. 110
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  • 959 8 \From cur < n Lvrnsporuuru,: S< ptember. 7. The choice of Mr W. O« Gladstone, a grandson of the M O. O. M.," as Ministerial candidate for the Kilmarnock Burghs, excited much ill-feeling in the West of Scotland. The Young Scots especially took objection to the policy pursued
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  • 323 8 How Naval Cadets Would Solve A Nice Problem. What would you have done had you been Sir Alexander Swettenhain, when the American Admiral arrived to help after the earthquake at Kingston, Jamaica, and eventually his services wore no longer required MM to have been the gist of
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  • 267 8 Thk Season Opened With the thermometer MMMlivg at 85 MJ. in MM shade. England's great "winter" pastime opened on September 2nd. and th»' crowds of spectators were as large, Um games were fought with as much MWMM ;is though there had been that nip in MM air which
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  • 238 8 The war note is somded, the amies an moving <ad is the day for the children and wi\ M O'er babes at the biwast he fond mot I are weeping W T hile men sally forward v, §q t lnv(l r their Irees. Bright midst the cohorts the cold
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  • 219 8 LEWIS PEATS RUBBER REPORT. our hist Report w» i quiet Market, but prices ban Bleed fairly steady. Para. Very little done. Sntall HMSI made us Hard of September ss October and October to Now Saber at 4n Q 1 J«i to 4s and we eIOSS with BeU< latter figure. "oft
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  • 169 8 One of those awkward little taißunuerstandings that will happen occasional!] the best regulated families OCCUrre I I ellknov.u official m Calcutta recently, writes the Calcutta Kmpire. He net a good man up-country for I SI SI wished to till and wired to him OSS •I I fifty
    169 words
  • 156 8 As a means of euabUng tin :IV companies to recover from the publli ,v increase m wages which may be dictated i by the Commission now sitting s con i pondeut of The Times puts forward the. suggestion that the SSSUBJ should abolished as the basis
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 69 8 Rheumatism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the larger joints. Internal treatment of any kind would be worse than useless, but by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely and massaging the affected part it will afford some relief at once and by continuing the treatment, will even tuajly effect a complete cure. Some
      69 words
    • 1060 8 ry\| i^a^^j^f IIIt.SC dlt Illj ft llllfcsl^trhe ill LUIil I NEVER before has such r;H nnay of diftinguiahed and new iird rrytclJ Able to enjey both work I men and women l-p*»n ijatbered together c<s ;ue hert ano fi«,y «gaj r Ito testify to tho itndimh'cd aupffnacy of Sanatogea ''Aitfi
      1,060 words

  • 1235 9 Cap. Issue. Paid. Last Div. Buyers. SELLEaa 85,000 2s 2s Allagar 10% 33 150,000 2s 2s Anglo-Malay 15% int 16 4* 17 n 50.000 2s 2s Batang Malaka 19 2 q 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 25% int 11 0 0 11 10 fix. l *0,000 1 1 Batu
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 207 9 INT EXTERMINATORS (UNIVERSAL) and Sulphur Powder ARSENITE OF SODA for spraying lalang and other weeds BOILERS (Spenser-Hopwood) 6 H.P. 8 H.P. 10 H.P. in stock. BOILER COMPOSITION (D.M.) For preventing scale and pitting CEMENT "Eagle" Brand B«* h these are of the highest nrurur quality. CEMENT "Borneo Brand, Fresh shlpments
      207 words
    • 778 9 Singapore Sporting Club. THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING (UNDER 8. R. A. RULESIOF RACING.) WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday 7th, Thursday 9th, Saturday 11th November. PROGRAMME FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 7th November, 1911. 1. THE OPENING STAKES. 2.30 p.m. Value $600. A Handicap for Hordes that have never won Stake of more
      778 words
    • 778 9 4. THE SCURRY STAKES.- (^47p. ra ♦v, V ?l Ue $li A HaDlli «P 'or all Ho,*** that have run at thw Meeting. Entrance Foe f4O. Distance. Benny Couise. 8. THE ROCHORE PLATE. (5-45 p. m. \alues4ooA Hamlicap for all Horses t ha have run at this Meeting and not
      778 words

  • 799 10 Sport should be, and as a rule is, the last thing attested bj any upsets or dis turbancet In the industrial world, and it is characteristic of the British nation that throughout all the recent tumult in the labour world it could still afford time to devote to
    799 words
  • 40 10 Penaag Od Brd. shooti,, u Cm the Walker Trophy, the foJlowa^ s C(m>> wm 1I1;|(J(( N< st l<hiy l»-s <m.m. Andersen 84 Mrs Wright Motion Mil a 1U :Miss 1*O«*OB B8 w nes Bl Miss (>!UI Smith
    40 words
  • 21 10 n T Ki V nU^- VA 1 'OHO IH i i, nV < nt S:m i-o on the i.> .■::X:. 1 i
    21 words
  • 328 10 Teams to be Cautioned The adjourned meeting of the Prtrtttt Committee of the hingaporci Football Association was liekl at the S.C.C. fovflion last evening. Iff K. J. Farrer presided. there being also present Lieut Carey. Start Sergt Fairer. Messrs Gilles. Garside. Beiiis. Todd. Marsh and l>avidson. Discussion
    328 words
  • 326 10 To |>A\s TIES Championship. Capt. H. O. Pinch— !>..«. st.v d Parve. A. SlNi.l.i >. K. Eichenberg Dr. A. <•. Butler. H, H. (VilftOO i .\m. How-. I;. Sin*. l. 1 ;>. H. Freeman '^uli. Kleinmann. h. K. Xitliur Yoong R. H. Sharpe. C. Holland v K.
    326 words
  • 50 10 There seems to be an enormous Increase m the cases of opium MDUgfling in Burma. Judging from the mwpapm rePOTU liarclly a da> pmn without a leisure ot contraband opium. Recently pus«eu«cr was irmtod on board the Coconada for having 840 tolas of O piuti. BMttra nwa> in nv.rniy l
    50 words
  • 567 10 C'alchas is Collision On Sept. H the underwriters had a severe fright by news of a collision between the Holt liner C'alchas and an An.--trian vessel. Says th*' Times. Underwriters yesterday. »»th. had reason to leave the market uneasy in mind, for further uews of the collision
    567 words
  • 119 10 The monthly medal was played tor on Saturday BOtk September and Bnndaj l>t October. Thirteen cards were taken out. The following > were returned s. Codrington 17 n S] 16 7* H. w. PirmstosM 40 Ett) H 78 R. l» Keith 4.'. 88 »8 8 7.',
    119 words
  • 160 10 Xo play in the S.C.C. lawn tennis tournament was possible yesterday. Owing to the heavy rain. Mr and Ifn Alma Baker and their daughter are expected to arrive In Kinta Bgain about the end of this week. They are coming out from home by the P. and O. "Devanha due
    160 words
  • 588 10 The outward bound Blue Funnel steamer Aleinous arrived from U. K. ports yesterday morning. >h»- uutda a quantity Of general cargo ;-t the wharf, and takes in bunker coal. The .Tinsen Mam from .Japan and China lands general catgO at the wharf. and sail» this (Wednesday) mocninsT. This
    588 words
  • 209 10 Tin- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Dundee, Launched screw -t.ainer nuiiu'd Kiuilii. which t li have huili to the ordei of thf Strait* Steamship Co.. Singapore. This if the >i\th vessel const meted i>y the Caledon Co, tor the same owner. She U built to the highest
    209 words
  • 23 10 I'enun-. Brit 586, Cook. 8-10 P. Sweft S.S.S. Co. Tosa Mam, Jap 8,610, Suto. ;:-lo colombo, P. 8. A Co.. Kobe
    23 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 257 10 HAMS BACON "PINEAPPLE" BRAND. Singapore Cold Storage Co, Ltd. SOLE AGENTS FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS NETHERLANDS GUTTA PERCHA Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Matting and Floor-Tiles Specially Suitable for Shipboard, Banks, Insurance-Offices, Churches, Hospitals, and all Public Buildings. NOISELESS, VERY DURABLE, WATER-PROOF «fc SANITARY. Works and Offices -PASSIR PAN JANG, Singapore.
      257 words