The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 September 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 166 1 The Cruiser Hawke and the Atlantic Liner Olympic have been m collision, but little hurni was done, even to the twenty millionaires who were on board the Olympic Page 7. Better councils are prevailing m regard to the Irish Railway Strike. In France dear food demonstrations are
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  • 121 1 Typist and Shorthand Clerk wanted for Malacca Page ">. Type-writer for sale Page (ioveiiiineut of Johore call for tenders for road tracing and also for the revenue farms Page 2. Fraser and Neave close except for orders on Haii lla\ a Page 2. Last night of St Helena
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  • 123 1 Friday 22nd. High Water— lo-43 a.m.. 10-27 p.m. P. A (>. Mail Owtwitid due. New Moon. BungeJ Ba^an netttag noon. HijijHKlroim- and Circus. Tantilin Club Dance. t*U p.m. Saturday 23rd. High Water— 11-x a.m.. Us p.m. Lodj4e St. George Regular, t-ll p.m. Sunday 24tli. Hi^jh Water— ll 32
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  • 146 1 To-Day. Intermediate and local mails will be found In list below Penang. Malacca. F.M.S. A Johore. (Overland) (Daily by Train) 6 a.m A 6 P.M. Europe to lv>lta 6 a.m. Pulau Batam Hock T«W 0 a.m. Kino A Siagkep [aabclla I a.m. Ouooll Hock (ian 10 a.m. Batavia
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  • 1205 1 SSFTBIOftEB, IMH(i Continuing our survey of what took place m Singapore v quarter of a centurx ago. as set forth m tin- newspapers of th» day. aided by such light as yet remains to us. the failure of Renter to send us the result of the St.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 460 1 LAST NIGHT! AT THK MARLBOROUGH Cinematograph. Beach Road. TO-NIGHT St. Helena' OR THE LAST DAYS OF NAPOLEON (1815 1821). Duration t hoir. In conjunction with the following choice Pictures. 2nd Show, 9-30 to II p. m. 1. Japankpe Landscape (Impertam) 2. A GAMBIA*! Eni> (American Kimma.) 3. Uacu WIFFLEs M.
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  • 235 2 A Purdah Party. In the columns* of the Englishman the following suggestion is put forward by An Indian Woman": "Preparations are being made for a fitting reception of the King when he wsits Calcutta. We have not yet heard anything about the Qiwmu'i reception by the
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  • 117 2 A resident of Chiengmai, who travels xbensively over the Nortli. writes on the 17th August to a Bangkok business rinn stating the situation m Montkon Jiayap is becoming very serious. He goes on to A gloomy state of affairs exists m Monthon Bayup at present. For two
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 5 2 A Matter of Common Interest.
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    • 406 2 Hair W BUS Grow We are talking about Ayer's Hdr Vigor. Just note that wore! "Ayer's." You are perfectly sale with it. No harm to you Of to your hair. Makes the haii grow It certainly does. Stops falling hair, too. Remember, it's "Ayer's" we are talking about. Ask your
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    • 640 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. FRASER A NEAVE LIMITED. (Aerated Water Dept.) ORDERS ONLY will be received up to noon on Monday September 25th, Hari Raya. NO DELIVERY. Sept 22 24-9 THE GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE REVENUE FARMS. 16th January, 1912, to 31st December, 1914 Tenders will be received it the Office of the
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    • 497 2 TO LET. TO LET. Nos. 18- a, and 18-c, Wilkie Roatl. Apply to LOH LAM, 001. North Bridge Road. Aug 23 23-10 TO LET FURNISHED. 8-E, Oxley Road four bed rooms, two hath rooms, etc. Rent moderate. Apply M. CAZALAS, 7, Oxley Rise. Sept 16 TO LfcT The beautifully situated
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    • 408 2 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL- MAATSCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824. CAPITAL fl 40,000,000, (aboat £3,750,000) RESERVE fi 7,124,317, (about £593,693) Head Office m Amsterdam. Head Agency m Batavia. BRANCHES Penang, Hongkong, Shanghai, Rangoon, Koerabaya, Bemarang, Weltevreden, Bandoeng (Java), Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Tjilatjar, Djember, Medan (Deli), Kota-Radja (Acheen), Faleinbang, Padang. Bandjermasin and .Macassar.
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    • 353 2 MANUFACTURERS LiFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. Established ih«7. Policies are "WORLD W I)F BTRICTED," INDISPIJTAIU i Ni;^FORFEITABLE. urA «LL ;lllt N JJ Claims, loans. caHh-surronJ* rs f promptly settltnl by tho OenoraJ ao<l Singapore without the delay M HeadOmce. y to The Reserve- for protection of holders are over $-2iJ,ooo,<x>iJ
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  • 274 3 Bombay. September 7 This morning about 73 Jews sailed from Bombay for the Persian Gulf where ih«»\ will be landed at Husreh and then sent on to Bagdad. This unfortunate lot Milled m Bombay on Sunday. They originally came from the neighbourhood of Shira'. They
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  • 278 3 A FOBMEB P.ANtiKOK RESIDENT Walking into Mr J. W. Hosier s jjunsmith's shop m Bourke-street on Saturday morning, without penny m his pocket, Demetrius Hiropedes. a Greek engineer, asked to he shown an automatic pistol thai was m the window, and after trying it at a
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  • 208 3 The possibility of the oil of the Soya Bean becoming a substitute for Coconut t>il ha> not given rise to much anxious thought among those Interested la the Coconut Industry m Ceylon. The Soya Oil cannot be pal to many of the uses for which our
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  • 169 3 A'i Eastern States bishop decided to take np golf, and as he wished to begin bis practice where Ik 1 w;is unknown he sough! (says liie Argonaut "i public links instead of one of the many clubs arflftich would have been joyously opened to him. He provided
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  • 249 3 M. Edouard Naville, who was one of our few defender* OH Urn Continent dating the Boei- War, has lately devoted several leaders m the Journal de Geneve to OUT Constitutional crisis. In the last of these, written after the fateful division m the
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  • 246 3 hr.i. stensou Hook maintains that over feeding is at the root of the physical evils of today, and su<»^ests a reform m our dietary that would eliminate disease, the average human frame m sound health. Advocating tim moal a daj plan, he says 'It we
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  • 186 3 Doing exercises (whatever system one may follow' aimlessly does very little good. Judicious training i> everything. It is only when the brain i^ fully watching over the, muscles that they are exercised and controlled to their lull extent. Even if one is only playing cricket or tennis one
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  • 150 3 The Saturday afternoon musicians on a Staten Island terry boat wcic labouring over "Rigoletto," when the harpist e\ claimed to the lirst violin: "Cut it out. Here come the. Sutfraget tes The\ "cut it out" iind struck up Home, Sweet Home" I knew they would do that.'" said
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  • 50 3 When her child is m danger a woman will risk her life to protect it. No great act of heroism or risk of life is necessary to protect a child from croup. Give Chamberlain* Cough Remedy and all danger is avoided. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1002 3 f ""tme^ells its tale I of ike eviF-mersasing success of the 1 great natural nerv£ and brain food 1 %< -*4 J^__ t*"^^^*^ j& si !>J -1&2 r^-v^ »'v->t»»yyo»» 1 ">vy»vTV >yrn»» *W*VV<* *£%>'£ g€ j tV'^Jiw^ fj I The Matchless Wine-Tcnic. a V) you Sxifiii from siecploanpess, debility languor,
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    • 792 3 Singapore Sporting Club. THE AUTUMN RAGE MEETING (UNDER S. R. A. RULES^OF RACING.) WILT. BK HELD ON Tuesday 7th, Thursday 9th, Saturday 11th November. PROGRAMME j Tuesday, 7th November, 1911. 1. THE OPENING STAKES. 2.30 p.m. Value $600. A Handicap far Horses that have never wou n Stake of more
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    • 692 3 4. THE K8O? STAKES. (3-« p. iT i \.,rr fI.OCO. A Ham'.itaii f<>« nil Horses (Lai kaveiaual Hi^ m« K CutranoeFee NO. J'isf ;t .'jc« Sciiirv oatae. 8. THE ROCHORE PLITE. (5-45 p. m.) Value $400 A Handicap Un all Hoi net* that have ran at this Meeting and not
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  • 516 4 Bench Epigrams. Judge Willis died at his residence at Blackheath m his seventy seventh year. Hie expectation that he would die suddenly was not realised, for he had been ill for some time. He once stated that ever since he. was a schoolboy, when he conceived
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  • 235 4 Nothing doing, nothing doing, Is the cry on every hand. For the cursed boom has left us. High and dry upon the strand. Yea, the cursed boom has left us. And of many things bereft us. And there's hunger m the hind. And the while our wealth we're sizing
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  • 36 4 to^lSSS!!!^ according the sth n Rt CrS .T Ye eVCry mdi ™tion on to understand'the tL unless It "wTTt Langkats, m dropping down and 8^ wsmm monthly oil output of the compun,
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  • 505 4 A correspondent sends to the Rangoon Gazette a letter received from her brother dated SpringtJed, Mo., August 3, 1911, as follows. Have just got home from a three days' trip to Joplin, and must tell you of a happening there that gives one new belief m the
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  • 213 4 It is authoritatively stated that yet another invention with the gyroscope as it-, main feature is about to be introduced into the British Navy. Things are still m the experimental »tage. and for this reason, to suv nothing of the fact that the invention is protected by a
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  • 163 4 After their experiences sit IWt Arthur, the Russians are convinced that night attacks will play it ji important part m future campaigns. The dct isirxi to totM illuminating appliances on a Urffl scalp was arrived at immediately after the war, l>ut its execution has been delayed
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  • 101 4 Every family should at all times be provided with a good reliable liniment and those who have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm will admit that there is nouc better. Even as slight an injury as the scratch of a pin has resulted m blood poisoning and caused
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 296 4 n>nCQF A P% CELEBRATED tffi^tft IZ&R OILMEN'S BLACKWELL^^ w D stores. C&ES^!Sb PiCKLES, SOUPS, JAMS. I 1 B»JI^HL JELLIES. POHLD MEATS. I T4.BTF 1 I «=sli§li* If MALI VINEGAR. 1 I Fi^T TP A r<TI?C3 I2££^lLJ| SAUB IL I iiiiiljlL/ALlrib. I^^^JJX" I Agtnta for Lea Pcrnr.i' 2 A ksV* WORCESTERSHIRE
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    • 128 4 Singapore Gold Storage Co., Ltd. Near Entrance to Borneo Whan. Telephone 1026. Sea stocks of all kinds of Frozen Meats etc., can be delivered to shipping at the Wharves, or m the Singapore Roads on short notice. OFFICE HOURS. Weekdays 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays I a>m t0 am
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    • 615 4 THE Singapore Free Press. Morning Daily. To Our Readers. The Smcapore Free Pre«.- i« D iW Morning Daily, and is on ta)« ;i r ..mjx,,from an cvirlv hour e«ch morniag (Boa<U*i exoepted). O.tsh prioe T«u OtataaooiN Subscribers' copies will be dtlifcrii ii their private residences, (or town off oes godowns
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  • 1391 5 CI.YLON AND HKR COMPETITOR* A prominent Ceylon planter write*, a letter to the "Ceylon Observer' on the labour difficulty and compares that with the readiness with which Tamil cool us flock to the Straits. These are portions of his letter The latent figures showing the Stmits bave
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  • 245 5 Thi Ri»\ vi. Parm n \m> thkh LOVB of THE Si v. The risti of th*' King and Qoocn so IVe Britannia NavaJ College si hartmouth, daferred for this year on iiccount of the epidemic amongst the cadets, is expected to take place during next Kaster term.
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  • 501 5 Per P. >v o. str. MaosdoaJa, oosaseottßg with the str. Delhi ar Colombo, due Sept. 2J. Miv^ Holding, Mf Murphy, Mr 11. W. Kingston. Mr Kiiig, Mr Boborteoß, Mr A Mrs Taylor, Mr n. Clodd, Mr Besdey, Mr- Williams, Mrs Browa sad child, BfraadMiss LorUner, Mr Preemaa, Mi-,
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  • 279 5 HOW TO RECOVER IT BASIL?. It is a matter of considerable iiuiMtrtan.ce I when, for some reason, known or unknown, an individual loses his appetite. i While this loss of api>etite may be purely temjKmiry. it may. nevertheless, be so protracted that it may lead to a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 441 5 WANTED. WANTED FOR MALACCA. A Typist and Shorthand Clerk. Good pros peotß for good man other kinds need uot apply* Apply Ex-Wisehead. co "Fiee Press." Sept 22 24-9 ANGLO CHINESE FREE SCHOOL. Lad) teachers vraated tor the Priinarj Classes. QuaiMsrd teachers preferred. Other applicants must at hast ha\c passed Standard
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    • 960 5 REMINDER. This Day, Friday, at 4p. m. AUCTION SALE OF Household Furniture, Full-Grand Piano, &c. AT "WOODBYILLE", UPPER SERANGOON ROAD. w ;h c n Utifnl toned full raiui riano h y Ibach m excellent condition asßattshed teak T .«L t g i Ufean c k CcnUe Tal)le with niail)le to
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    • 448 5 APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. Flic undeinuut ioiud !i:;.il UtwoMm ,»f the above Live maintain a it -.^urii mttlm l)»tw»'eu Calcutta and Japan, cftlliiig ;u Penaag, Singapore, Hougkoug and Shanghai en roaft*. FLEET. Tons. ('oiiuiiiuilct 8H Japan 6,013 A. Stewart. 88 Gregory Apcar 4Mm S. H. Belson. as Arratoon A pear
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  • 2343 6 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, Sept. 22, 1911. Hera (ball th* Prt-.» ttn f'eopfe 'ii.r.-t .nair.tail*. Turn* > i\ }>\ mSa**N aiii Mbtitad iv z*'n j i]"f>l Tri;«h ilf) jjl.T|.»!K pre «J>t. «JT9W« PMtfi <o Pffif ion I.'ivaux .i^lt^. Alt In >u-! i it was generally believed that when
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  • 85 6 A COLLISION. Without Serious Result to Millionaires I?ElTKlfs SkRVKE London, v, ;i \>,,. m The Second Class cruiser H undergoing strain m ,U. collided nj Olympic. The cruiser, ove, -hanli,,,, Olympic, tried to pass to st ;1 h (MI ,f v the stern WWtrmi and ffftt t>
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  • 593 6 Known and Unknown. Tki N. I). L Lwlm i Amsterdam is dis< -barging '"T < Thm "(.'.itiiiiina'" ii.i^ Four of tli.- injur.-l on th, have di«*d. FMa> the li.niir been I p game m firing ln^ nama and add That Ins commuiiicai ion can lished. The ongfejnamnl is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 255 6 RIPPINGILLE'S COOKING STOVES MADE IN 5 SIZES Complete wtth Utensils as shown PRICES: flT^I M* PRICES: $1900 $37.00 523 00 Hf'^^^lK $40.00 $25.00 V 'Pte spercent. Discount. JOHN LITTLE Co. Ltd. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. >* 5\ < t \l~* fJpiU(7yQ K^^BPW/1 J^., vOt 4V j^ V The following Cars are
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  • 94 7 An Even Contest. Reuter's Service. London, via Bombay. Renter*! correspondent at Ottawa, wiring on the eve of the polling, says he iids both sides confident of victory. Enthusiasm is running high. Sir Wilfred Laurier m addressing a meeting at Montreal yesterday evening, appealed to the electors not
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  • 41 7 Reuter's Service. London, via Bombay. A telegram from Mombasa (Reuter's respondent) says that memorial, signed by many settle*! is bt>ing,sent to England through (he Governor, doprecst ing t lie deportation of Colt' as over riding R legal trial.
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  • 434 7 RftUXß'l Service. London, via Bombay. The death is announced of sir Robert Hart, she Inspector-General of Unperial attorns, China. Hart, sir Robert, Id lit.: <•»-. 1808; H.G., (r. 1889] K.C.M.G., CT. Ims-_> m..\.. liisp.-(un. of Customs m China. 1908, and of Post*, 1896-1909; b. Milltown.
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  • 70 7 m->tkhi>ay's PLAY. O. t'l.\SS. vl» Iville bent Stockfish 7— r, 4— C <> 2. Lntholi beat Hargrave 6— 1 4 6 B—o. bertaon beal Home w.o. Thokkssion l \ii{s. I. 2. .Jenkins and Stretton beat lied. Croucher and Simpson 2 7 5 6 4. iectm l. K«inp
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  • 55 7 TO- DAY'S TIES. I). Snouts. Tow ill v Todd. oberteon v Antholz. Walker v Pash. J'hofkssiox Pairs. lew HI and Fell v Lyall and Robinson *To finish. C. S. 8. Threlfall and Melville v Acets Kemp and Ransford. longratulations to Sir Ernest Birch on *»-.roming a grandfather, Mrs Cardew fcuvitig
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  • 203 7 FRANCE AND GERMANY. MORE RUMOURS AND DENIALS. Belter's Service. [By Submarine Cable]. London, via Bombay. Yesterday*! semi-official note at Paris has evoked a semi official communique at Berlin to the effect that German demands on matters on which Germany cannot yield are also involved. Nevertheless verbal exchange! and negotiations m
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  • 30 7 Bsomfl Service. London, via Bombay. A telegram from Paris states that the Premier has prohibited anti-war and deal food demonstrations m the streets arranged for Sept. 24.
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  • 32 7 Nc "Boy Scouts". lUiter's Service. London, via Bombay. The Governor of Finland has dissolved the Boy and Girl Scouts, numbering ei^ht thousand after s letter from the Senate condemning the movement.
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  • 82 7 licpbbjai N*wa skhvice. London, via Durban. Renter's correspondent at Bmden says two Englishmen ha\e i>< en arrest od, it leased and then re SJTestfld <»n instructions from Berlin. I; i> stated that Mipv have :i yacht lying at l)t'l/>l. Holland, and a camera and three developed plates ol
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  • 61 7 Imiiihial Nlws Service. I^ondon, via Pu>-l)<in. Tin* Manchester Evening Chronicle says that Mr. linxtoti has invit«'«l lOpffHSCil tatives of masters and nen m the great national trades to form an Arbitration Board often employers and ton men, from which a court couhl l>«» formed to deal with
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  • 36 7 Eeuteh's Skkvice. London, via Bombay. Though requested bj the Irish Railwaymen on stiik«- to call out ;tll their follow workers, tli«> men's execatire resdhred not to enforce a general strike pending negotia' tions.
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  • 33 7 Imperial Xews Soticb. London, via Durban. Th«« Melbourne House of Representatives has giren first reading to hill providing for the construction of a trans continent railway tram Kalgoorlie to Port Augusta.
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  • 150 7 The directon of the United Malacca Robber Ltd., whoso report for the year ended April 80 la^t is to Ik> pveeented at 1 1 1 annual meeting on Tuesday, next, at Malacca, recommend that no dividend he paid as it is necessary to utilize the
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  • 804 7 L.^st Night's Concert. Before a very tine audience. Including i H. E. the (iovernor, Laxly Evelyn Young, f and party from Government House, the j Cathedral (Uee Society made its first 1 appearance m an excellent programme, consisting largely of part -songs, given at the Teutonia Club
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  • 188 7 FRASER Co.'s Business m shares during the past week has been almost at a standstill and, but for a few dealings In local Rubbers, and a small amount of investment buying, there is very little to record. BUBBBJL Sterling shares have been neglected, though London advices shew an
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  • 28 7 Agents. Welsh A Co. Bembrong, total to end of financial year Vi.Hll. Tongkab Harbour declares dividend of ten per cent, payable on Oct. 21.
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  • 128 7 A Malay was walking along Bali Lane I few days aigo when a young Chinaman ■Watched three ten guilder notes from his band and took to his heels. A couple of detectives were m the neighbourhood and they Joined m the chase. The thief ran into a house
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  • 64 7 Two novel performances will be given at the Circus, one to-night, the other to morrow night. To-Bight there will be thirty-five clowns m the ring, and tomorrow every ad tbat goes m the mi;,' will be double. Instead of one rider m the arena there will be two
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  • 378 7 ii rajgftrds, the ol»j»cts ami tormatioa of the Society itself, whirli gATC a mcccmfol concert last ni^'bt. som«- iuforiiiation ngarding deteili will of Utterast. It i> divided into two sections. Active Mid Ordinary members. At present only three or four ordinary member! have joined, hut when
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 289 7 ROBINSON'S CASH SALE OPPORTUNITIES. FOUR SPECIAL LINES SELECTED FROM THE GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT. White Neglige Singlets. ShirtS. M White India Gauae AY 4 Singlets of British If Mmfaetureu With sort hodics mid narrow *i i i i a tliomu</])ly sound and dependstiff linen cuffs. able garment. Priced at $5.25 F REE
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 609 8 RUSSIAN VOLUNTEER FLEET I The s.s. "YORONEJ" will be despatched about 20th September for Nagasaki and Vladivostock. To be followed by s.s. "KOSTROMA" about 25th September for Hongkong, Nagasaki and Vladivostock. For Freight *c. apply to THE BORNEO Co.. Ltd.. Commercial Agents Sept 13 24.9 OCEAN S.S. Co., ltd. AND
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    • 673 8 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYLD. FOR EUROPE. THE IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL STEAMER, BUELOW 9.0'2n tons, Captain Former left Hon^kon^ on Thursday, the 21st instant, at 10 a.m., and may be expected to arrive here on Monday afternoon the '2">th instant, at about 4 p.m. She will probably Ik? despatched for Europe on Tuesday
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    • 729 8 FAR EAST OXYGEN ACETYLENE COMPANY, LTD., SINGAPORE BRANCH. Oxygen Gas Dissolved Acetylene. Oxy-acetylenic blowpipes and blow pipe cutters] for quick cutting Iron and Steel AUTOGENOUS WELDING OF ALL METALS All kinds of repairs to Ships, Boilers, Motor-cars etc. Application of the Dissolved Acetylene gas for lighting Motor-cars, Launches, Steamers, etc.
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    • 624 8 P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issned for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore ou or about MAIL LINES. 1911 Outward (for China) Delhi Sept 22 Arcadia
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    • 564 8 N D J Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremea IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well known mail *r, this Company sail fortnightly from 1 Hamburg via Rotterdam. Antwerp, > ton, Gibraltar, Genoa. Naples, (conn< Marseilles, Naples, Alexan-iim and Port Said, Suez. Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hongkong. Bhanghai, 15,,, Nagasaki and Kobe to
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  • 2256 9  -  DOROTHEA CONYERS [All Right* Reseioei-] ISM 'Author oi rhe Strajingi oi Saudy," etc.). Mr. Bohaa disagreed, blandly. He *at m the smoking reosnoi the I lveras she tlnaeh- i»-; waj across a choppy -e<i, and airtd hi» vi.-vrs uj.oii the Iri-ii Question. Tlie <m- \va;.^<i to beat
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 234 9 Tansan The Gold Medal Mineral Water, certified by authorities to be highly beneficial to health, especially m the tropics. Tansan is a particularly crisp and invigorating mineral water Packed m cases of 100 splits or 48 pints. Buchanan's Whiskies Are all matured and bottled m Scotland. We guarantee our stocks
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    • 64 9 "What's iv a name T* doth ShakeH^are's Juliet cry, "Much, van much", we venture to reply. Name but the British Empire, at that word The tyrant cowers, the bondnman's hope is stirred, It stands for Freedom, Honour, methods junt. And there's another name, as safe to trust, A name insisted
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    • 53 9 Pneumonia Starts with a Cold. You are probably aware that pneumonia always results fnm a cold, but yon never heard of a cold resulting in pneumonia wben Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. Why take the risk when thin remedy may be had for a trifle f For sale by all
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    • 744 9 A Clergyman Nervous Collapse, Brain Fag, Neuralgia For getting things dom t making things ?o. the hnrigtorating stimulus of Pho6terine c injjot be equalled, pays the Key. A. H. Field Fully aware thai as a clergyman he U hound to make wmn ot ihe Accuracy of Ins estimation of I'ho-lerine,
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  • 351 10 It may be taken as somewhat significant that during the month of July only t.MO chests of opium were shipped from Calcutta to the Further Kast, and that of these only thirty were consigned to China direct, though Hongkong took 1.2.";0. The Straits Settlements took 82f> chests
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  • 279 10 loo.tioo People Repobted Dbowned A member of the American Church Mission at Wuha write* to the "Central China Post thrilling ACCO«n< Of the Bood there m a letter flatod Aug 80. Hie Hi s The water is higher thaa it was baa yean a^o. and it has
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  • 239 10 Whai will be the ultimate outcome of the Admiralty*! recent orderfor destroyer to be fitted with Internal combustion engines it is difficult to determine, but should the experiment* prove a success it is possible to foresee an alteration pi great magnitude m warship construction. The sivinjj m
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  • 202 10 Etuum ok Capital and Laboct to m KXAMINKI). New York. Wednesday. Aug. 2*;. A Select Committee of the Senate, headed by Mr Cummins, of lowa, is to begin the most momentous investigation ever undertaken m America into the relationship of capital, labour, and consumer, for the purpose
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  • 261 10 a nangliii correapoodmil sends to the Hamburger Nachrichten an appreciative aCOOUBt Of the new military moveimnt set on foot m Siam hy th<- Kin^j. Ht> points out that the name of 'Wild Tigers" given to the volunteer corps was borne m earlier centuries by a specially
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  • 164 10 Wild !.};>> OPEBATORH'H HkROIKM New York, Aug. 80. telegram from Charleston, m South Carolina, states than the steamer Lexington was wrecked m a quicksand bed ofl Hunting Island >e^ terday. When the vessel got into difficulties the passengers became tenor striken and sought to abandon her. A
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 The up-to-Date Woman. illliiil M. lor Kale l, s iU Dfap««rie. »SdSSS
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    • 144 10 CELESTINS VICHY TABLE WATER. This most celebrated and Incomparable table water m Older to meet the rising de inands of the public h;is been now Introduced here m small bottles, I»einj4 formerly ouh imed m large ones. The VICHY WATERS are throe m Dumber. Grande Orille, Hospital and Celes tin's.
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    • 528 10 Teachers Scotch Whiskies Dr. John Clark, Public Analyst for the City of Glasgow, and the Counties of Lanark Renfrew, says m his Analysis under date January 24th, 1905. I find Teacher's Extra special Old Scotch Whisky is a Pure High-Class Whisky of unusually fine quality, and I am of opinion
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    • 631 10 RUBBER ESTATE RETURNS. The Total where given represents the output since Jun. 1011. except where aj figure m brackets is given, representing so many months. When a month's return is missed, this total represents the last available total. July Aug. Total. Allagar 4.200 .0.000 29,655 Alor Pougau 4,880 5.0r>7 81,8*1
      631 words
    • 426 10 Trolafc 900 Taiping Tnipiag Plan«K 4,91*9 1 Wnßjndan 959 M tinted S poro. 6300 United Beidang ***** Uniiad Bnaaattn 6.000 United Temiang .-.umo U. Boa Belong Vallambcbat ;'.4.700 Vigomia Ona k.'». 410 M Oalang 7.770 i., Gedon 6 (l <» 57, jlleneely i,.m, i 9 Olenahiel Oold.'ii Hona 6,769 1
      426 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 210 11 ANT EXTERMINATORS (UNIVERSAL) and Sulphur Powder ARSENITE OF SODA for spraying lalang and other weeds BOILERS (Spenser-Hopwood) 6 H.P. 8 H.P. 10 H.P. m stock. BOILER COMPOSITION (D.M.) For preventing scale and pitting CEMENT "Eagle" Brand I 8 these are of the CEMENT "Borneo" Brand I Fresh s^tTs ra onth,y.
      210 words
    • 1313 11 SHARES. RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. Cap. Issue. Paid. Labt Dry. Buyers. Sellers 8.%000 28 28 Allagar 10% h 6 3 9 150,000 2s 28 Anglo-Malay 15% int 17 0 17 9 50.000 28 2s Batang Malaka i g 2 0 30,000 1 1 Batn Caves 150% 11 o 0 11 10
      1,313 words
    • 1251 11 VESSELS IN PORT. Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Muratha Siam gb. 500 Thanom Bangkok, 7-9 S. Consul Tncertain Waterwiteh H.M.S. 620 Hancock. 15-9 Rhio S ur iTt 25 Steamers Nat. Tonnage A Mafiter From Consignees For £nf?nn? Uan 5S VA w"^ Maoag«ar, 6-9 H. Eng Moh Macassar
      1,251 words

  • 1348 12 The 1.-G.'s Romantic Lifk Story Sir Robert Hart, who has returned home. as people m the East call it. after a residence of nearly fifty years m the Chinese capital, has had for years past the giving away of more handsome incomes with comfortable houses and good
    1,348 words
  • 237 12 Hongkong Ann ingemen m The s. c. m. post sa\> The interport shooting committee ha\e a great desire to revive Interest In rMe shooting generally, and with this •>! d m view, have made arrangements for j reliminary practices* ia order to pick the leant to Compete m
    237 words
  • 171 12 \xotheb Opinion The Jiist lesson is not ,\ej ended and with all due deference to Mr H. J. larrer. president Of the local Football League. and Mr F. J. Wail, secretary of the English Football Association, we give the opinion of Mr John Lew is, vice president Of
    171 words
  • 62 12 The mentality returns for Singapore for the week ended Sept Kith show 22H deaths, a ratio per mXOm of population of :ST:; Miiluria caused B% deaths, fever Ml specified 2:;. total 61, more than a <iwnit. r of the total. .V_> deaths f lO i» phthsis, 15 from
    62 words
  • corresponoence.
    • 753 12 AN Al'l'KAL. To The Editor. Sir. You" might have heard, before this reaches you, that very heavy falls of rain during the last few days have covered with water hundreds of villages m the three districts of Hai-Yeo, Ting Hai. and Jao-Piutf, m this Prefecture
      753 words
    • 331 12 To Thk BdiTOB, Dear Sir, In reading your tins morn ing's issue of the "Free Press my attention wnm drawn to notice from the London "Times" signed by Matthew .larvis. Solicitors, Finsbury Park. London. The notice m question spoke of an offer of One Thousand Pounds open for
      331 words
  • 450 12 The Dilwara loads some cargo for Rangoon and Calcutta, and sails for those ports this 'Friday' afternoon. The Indo China Company's steamer Lai Sang" arrived from Calcutta yesterday (Thursday), she lands a quantity of genei:il cargo at the wharf, loads for Hongkong, and sails this afternoon. The B.
    450 words
  • 122 12 Swimming Club launches will run as under Sunday 2Mb instant, leaving at H.lO and ii a.m.. 2.Bo and B.S0 p.m. j returning at 0.80 and 10.80 a.m.. 11.15, and p.m. Monday IMb instant, laming at 9.10 and 11 a.m.. 2.;K» and 8.80 p.m.: return big at 9.80
    122 words
  • 45 12 Locksun, Ger 1 (>;*<> Taubert, 21 9. Swa sow, Behn Meyst DUwara, Brit MOO Hodgson, 21-9, Soer abaya. Boustead, Calcutta. 22. ii. (I. Meyer. Dut 444. Flak, 21 10. Bata via. Hock Seng. Batavia Omapere.Brit U2O, Lyons, 21-10 Penang. E. Sh. Co, Penang 2g,
    45 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 349 12 m? The. Ideal p -^j INVIGORATOR -'VANA' 11 10 10 mark v r-v i /-v Wine I VITALISES: [A A :> BeneAcMlhr THE BLOOD Bpoß j 'Vanx' helps to form pure pt i vitalising DmXML THE BRAIN I 'V.\n\' fortifp-s tin; brain SAIS^KR^ I 1 agaiiiNt the t-lk< t> «,t
      349 words