The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 April 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 123 1 Reuters Snv<ce to-dnv is almost entirely dtvottd to the war m Mtiico. A battle is proceeding which is dangerous for spectators Page 7 Wilding, the English Tennis Champion, biis beta beaten m the final for the Frmch ChampiiLfehip ly a sixteen ytar eld boy Page 7. Indtagiri
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  • 1727 1 PARI I Brora an Aa oui roi rine 1 ikimq m I• 1 1 < i I'm v k Hidden amoi gst, tie t ii«t\ Blf <ur Government aichsvts aie imuv rupidlvdeoayiwg rtcnrds of tlie old fl ibaateriag d>ty» when wm ?avaced il.e.e wholes ut_der
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 563 1 NIW HCTOftBI NtW PKtWiSI! WHERE? r AT THE ALHAMBRAI TO-NIGHT SELECT PROGRAMME OE HIGH CLASS FILMS From Pathe, American Kinema, and Gaumoiit. 44 An Arizona Romance." M The Carnival on the Cote Azur 1911.' American Kinaina. "Bobby is Deaf. Gmmont) 'The Cattle Ghost." M Ihe Sunshade M (Comic Play by
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    • 177 1 ARE YOU SENTIMENTALLY INCLINED? OR ARE YOU FOND OF FUN? IF SO TRY THE MARLBOROUGH cinematograph, peach road. Where you get the kind of entertainment you vant and yoar moneys worth of amusement and enjoyment. 2nd Show 9-30 to 11 p.m. 1. The Rice Festival m Kyoto (Impeiium Film). 2.
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    • 78 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. New sailings of the Hamburg Amerika Live Page 8 On the Barth, Rintarg for Havre, Kutsang for Hongkong, Fooksang for Penang Page 8. Ocean S S. Co's new sailings Page 8 Continental tyres to he depended on P 12. New Programme for the Marlborough Page 1. Auction sales
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 417 1 THE WEEK. Wbdn_sday. 19th Hijjh W»ter. 051 v, 2.4 p Little's Sale Ends Thursday, 20th ligb Water— l.l 9 s 2 p PAO Mail Homeward due Friday, 21st 3igh Water.— l 52 a., 1 p P ft O Mail Outward due Legislative Council 2 30 p CATuR-AY. 220 d Flh*b
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  • 182 2 Cinematograph pictures of living microbes magnified about 50,000 times were shown at a lecture by Sir E Ray Linkester before the Natonal Health Society at Burlingtongardens. The occasion was the first of the Lady Priestley memjiial lectures. Pictures of good -the red and white cor puscles being a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 13 2 foods' Great Peppermint Cure for all inter ■U enmslainto dysentry cougha colds *o.
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    • 785 2 40 TEARS OF RHEUMATISM. Patient could not übb her Fingers, or Raise her Abms. For nearly forty years I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism," says Mrs. S. Coward, of 6, Nile Row Poole, Et gland. Sometimes an attack wonld last nearly three months at a stretch. The pain was
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    • 478 2 TO LET. TO BE LET. 14 DALVEY For particulars apply to Messrs Powell A Co., or to Messrs. Tomlinson A Lermit. Api 14_ 294 TO BE LET. St. Helens 26 a, Syed Ali Road. Apply St. Mary's Dispensary, 75, Hill Street. AplJ7 7 5 COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET. From Ist
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    • 596 2 NOTIGES. notice Mr. Lachlan Rose Macphail has been admitted a partner m the firm of Saunders and Horsfall as from 15th April 1911. J. D. SAUNDERS. G. G. HORSFALL. Singapore, 15th April 1911. Api 17 23.4 KONG HING CHEONG AND COMPANY. NO. 104, NORTH BRIDQE3RD_D. Cameras, of the various kinds
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    • 445 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. Established 1887. Policies are "WORLD WIDE," "DNRII TRICTED," "INDISPUTABLE" and NOb FORFEITABLE." Claims, loans, cash -surrenders, etc., at promptly settleo by the General Agents Singapore without the delay of reference t Head Office. The Reserves for protection of Poiiot holders are over 920,000,000 (S.S.C.)
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    • 550 2 International Ranking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Head Office i— tt Wall Street, New _ca_ London Office Threadneedle House, Bishopsgate Street Within, Londob le London Bankbeb j— National Proviaci^ Bank of England Ltd General Foreign Business Transacted. DEPOSITS. Cobbbnt Deposit Accounts opened aad Interest allowed on the daily balanoe3
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 363 3 PERMANENT READY ROOFING. Cheaper than Attaps. No Renewal being Required. (--mm-. Specially Suitable for Estate Buildings r lilli#£~l?i* _HB_st:*^^' X ,^_H 9 7 B_S V Jyi^3g>j; .j^** mh .m B^ JIB 9_i Mcy^fM__i **'^^^__S[.->S_'' _Pb ffjftgflP tt f!p_S ._flH_L v v tt TB Sn_P ,fV l__ tv t •v *V
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  • 708 4 A VIEW ON THE LAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF HAMBURG'S SHIPPING TRADE. In May of this year it will be a quarter of a century that He;r Albert Ballin stands at the head of the Hamburg America Line or aa It was formerly called the "Himburg Amerika Packe fahrt Aktien Gesellsehaft."
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  • 209 4 The year 1011 is likely to heir an iv delible in-tik iv Chinese history. There are man grave p blems to be wresled with, chu fly those of domestic policy, and al though w <\ i not d al)' that many of them will be successfully overcame, the
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  • 80 4 The Matin declares, says a Reuter message from Pari*, that during the last 15 months the following non-effective ships were sold out of the French Navy Five battleships, one cruiser, four coastguard vessels, six gunboats or despatch boats, six transport--, 15 destroyers, a large number of bulks and
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  • 42 4 For pains m the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over the teat of pain. There is nothing better. For r&1 c by all Dispen sariea and Dealers*
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  • 888 4 An Easy Metjod o? Overcoming it. Of all the subtle and depres-ing effects of heat, none is more trying to the re-ident m j the tropica than the way it disturbs sleep. Even those who have never kn ,wa what it is co lie with unclosed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 328 4 J" _m-M ~\~_\___rm- >^* mmm*_m___m_*T t__9B^lOT>'' "^4 i sF^ 1 ■if yy^T%»\*^MtY^«***_l_y> j T /rxWWjjß C^— k ~~X^^__^__^__^__B__^__^B__B L AT S /-I 1 VAN A j Tonic Wine THE IDEAL NVIGORATOR FOX £30 f NERVE ANO BRAIN The eriect of its bloccU enriching constituents becomes evident after the first few
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    • 49 4 F. OLARKE QO, '207, QCKEN-BT, SINGAPOPH. Livery St>able Keepers Fodder Merchant*. For Rnbbert-yred Gharries and Beat Rabbst tyred carriages, ring up TBIiBrHONH 918. FODDES delivered to any part of the Island SPECIALITY FURNITURE REMOVALS m our own vans, by our own men. GENERAL CARRIERS. ZIffiMERMANN, Proprietor. JAB. 1Q QQ
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    • 417 4 THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Governor.— His Grace the DUKE OF BUCCLEL'CH AND QUUNSBKRBY, K.Q g x Deputy-Governors.— His Grace the DUKE OF ABERCORX. K.G., C.B. The Right Hon. the LORD DUNEDIX, X.C.V.0., Lord Justk e-Genekal. K_M_a_i mmm^mmmmmm mmmmm m EDINBURGH, 3 GEORGE STREET (Head Office) CLAIMS PAID -327,000,000. ADAMSON,
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  • 834 5 The Passing ok aHoTAB&I Max. Oeer a week apo tbe Shanghai eorrespon d»mt cf the China Mvi telegraphed the melancholy Dews of the death of Mr \V C. Murray. To day the Mail brings theobi-u _ry notices printed m our nothern contun
    Ed. S. F. P  -  834 words
  • 198 5 Valuable suggestions are offered by Dr. H. Grant Sigman m regard to bicycling as a pastime. His advice may be summarised as follows 1. Ride m moderation and avoid all such excertionsas st*»ep hill climbing, fast riding, This moderation must be established m each ease by the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 572 5 FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Tin Mining Land. TLe owrer is prepared to accompany the intending purchaser over the property and tnrn over the soil anywhere desired as proof of deposits. For terms and further particulars apply to Deposits co Free Press. Api 8 27.4 1 MOTOR CYCLE FOR SALK. 2i
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    • 629 5 aUtHTIONS. SALE OF JOHORE SAW MILLS] Omar Alsag( ff has received instructions to sell by auction On Sunday, /*prii 30th, 1911. AT THE MILLS, JOHORE BAHRU. At 3 30 pm All the machinery, steam crane, three extra boilers, and several tons cf old metal. Removal within 8 months from date
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    • 568 5 AUGTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF AUTOSTROP SAFBTY RAZORS Etc., At fur Saleroom, No. 3, Raffles Flace ON Wednesday, 19th April, at 10-30 a. m. Gold-plated Razors and Fittings m Pigskin Cases and Ciiver-plated Razors m Ster- ling hall marked Cases. Very useful for Planters and Tourists. Also Sundry Goods, Porcelain Ornaments,
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    • 877 5 SPECIAL AUCTION SALE. Attention is drawn to an advertisemont of a sale of silver Wire md household fancy goods t> be sold at Messrs H. L. Coghlan and _o's salerooms on FRIDAY, 21st instant. The goods are exceptional m style and must be sold to the highest bidders without reserve
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  • 22 6 Domestic Occurrences. Birtn. Allen.— On the 18th instant at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, the wife of F. G. Allen of a son.
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  • 51 6 Fairw bather— Kemp.— At the Baptist Mission Church, Dacca, by the Key. J. I). Williams, on March 27th, Charles Edward Stuart Pairweather, Indian Poline, eldest son of David Watt Fairweather, of Pandaran Forfar, Scotand, to Alice Emily, 2nd daughter of F. E. Kemp, Deputy InspectorGeneral, Police, E. Bengal and
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  • 21 6 Cartwiught.— On the 16th March, at Mentone, of heart failure following pleurisy, William Cartw^iqhp, formerly Commissioner of Chinese Maritime Customs.
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  • 17 6 W-\ k fekl .>,..ini:iir>, I roth hei r'orioui ;«re< ejit PMatd .P< I
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  • 1842 6 While it is impossible to withhold a certain sympathy with the fiae sentiments enunciated by President Taft, on behalf of the Uuited States of America, and Sir Ed ward Grey, on behalf of Britain, over their entirely well meaning aspirations for reference to arbitration and
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  • 751 6 BIG FALL AT LAHAT. throm vu* MMM <'>tre\/> 1 ,n./*:,tf.) Ipob, April Mth. There was a big fall of earth m the lorn. bong of Uiu Piah, Ltd which buried ali-<> five coolies who were working m the mine Oj their recovery from the fallen earth, four of
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  • 63 6 Good fo r Weak Digestion. Chamberlain's Stonuich and Liver TfcMtAl do not sicken or gripe, and u,ay bt t ikon wit perfect safety by the moat delicate woman or tho yonngest child. The old and feeblr wi.l also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their we»ken»«l
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 "EMBASSY." MMEBummmmM MmMAEEMAMLmMmmmmmmmMmEmimMAmmt W. D. H. 0. WILLS'S Latest Smoking Mixture. Patent Air-tight tins Price 75 cents per tin. Obtainable at Jq^ Little ft CO., Robinson Co. JOHN LITTLE GO.J LIMITED. I Show of Hew Seasons MILLINERY 000TS SHOES DRESS MATERIALS. These will be shown m the Sections usually set
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    • 104 6 I Mrs J. L. HOPE. i p.pc. j S. MOUTRIE ANO CO., LTD. THE PIANOFORTE AND MUSI J WAU-rDU-E. THE ARCADE. MOUTRIE IS A Synonym of Good Faith. Moutrie's Guarantee Satisfaction. Moutrie's Sell the Best Quality Goods only at the Lowest Prices. wf LEE BROTHERS. 58-4, Hill Street, (off Btamfbrd
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  • 266 7 A FURIOUS BATTLE. U. S- Government's Anxiety. (By Submarine Telegraph. Reuter's.) April 18th, 9.49 a.m. A telegram from New York states that anxiety is being felt, at events m and that is intensified by a great battle DOW proceeding between the FederalI and the Insurgents near the
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  • 41 7 Champion Of Sixteen. K^ceived 4.10 pm. RTildiog, the All Eagland Tenni* Cham pioD, has been defeated m the final of of the French Championship by a French boy cf &ixteeu years old, Liurentz. who showed wonderfull all round form.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 346 7 To The Dear Sir, This moruing an accident, which fortunately was not serious, happened to a student ol the Raffles Institution. This on his way m a rikisha to the School and just opposite the building a motor car bearing No. '2-)0, and driven by
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  • 66 7 Keep Cliambrrlain's Pain Balm at hand, become acquainted with it« many uses and intrinsic merits and it will save much suffering as well as time and money. It promptly relieves the pain resulting from cats, brnises, sprains or injuries from any cause and the wound is
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  • 137 7 Forty-four Cards were taken out for the Eister B >gey Competition which Mr Emerson wou alfsquare with Bogey. The foilowing were the best scores returned C Eaierson All square Capt G N Humphreys 1 down H St J. Braddell 4 down C»pt B R Dmnis 7 down
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  • 90 7 The following were the League results up to April 14 h. W L D Prs. A Coy. Buff. 2 0 0 4 ***** D 1 0 t 6666 H 1 1 0 4 6666 41tt Ooj. RE. 2 115 ''.-iOO 7^ RGA. 1 0 3 5 62-50
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  • 378 7 It will bs noticed that the China 71 an charged with shooting the Tartar-General at Canton at once confessed and said that nothing mattered so long as he had ridded the country of one of the hated Manchurians. The man said h's name was Wan Sang
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  • 238 7  -  H. M. the King. Opened ry Says the Siam Observer tbe Agricultural and Commercial Exhibition was formally opened by His Majesty the King on April 10 m the presence of a large and distinguished leathering, comprised of Princes of the B ood Royal and Nobles,
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  • 21 7 Sir Eldon Gorst is leaving E^vpt to undergo a cure at an Italian watering place. His health has seriously broken down.
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  • 40 7 Mary, Mary, Most contrary, How does yoar garden grow 1 'Tis not," said she, "Ah it used to be I had catarrh, you know Bnt now I am a« right as the b*nk. And Woods' Great Peppermint Cure I thank
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  • 1030 7 The Colony mu*t be accounted to have done well to have succeeded m pulling off both the Easter cricket matches, although m each case the Settlements were at Home to the State's teams. The weather proved splendid throughout, and speaking for the Singapore game the conditions were all
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  • 13 7 For all internal complaints* dysentry cuogh colds Ac, take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure
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  • 248 7 There was a large muster at the Course yesterday morning and some good gallops were seen. Santos worked alone over a mile at strong half pace, coveriog the ground nicely. Prince Plausible Good Rose, Tom Lees, Too Late, Bruce, Strome, Stagelight, Sentinel, Dark Rmald and Nacifera did work
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  • 198 7 The Derhysiiire Plate. London, Ist April. Derbyshire Plate, a handicap of 30 j soya Oae mile and a half. Victory Mr A. Stedall, *»yrs, *>st 131 b, Evans 1 Vastern, Mr R. Buckworth, lyrs, Tst, Rees 2 j Game Fowler, Mr J. Whelan, tiyrs, Bst, 21b, Trigg
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  • 243 7 A sky meeting was held at Sipatoam on April 11 at which the following races have a local interest. 3 Horse Race. Value Tcs. 200. Presented by R B. S. C. 5 furlong handicap. Amateur Riders. Hamburg Kongseo's Trouble (Mr Hanncke) 18.0 1 Phya Ngam Muang's Knist (Boon)
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  • 61 7 The Greatest Depth m the Indian Ocean is 8.828 fathoms, m the Warton Deep be tweou Christmas Island and the coast or Java. We now know (says Sir John Mur ray m Hirper's Magazine) 56 of these deeps where the depth exceeds three geographical miles, ten areas where the depth
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  • 64 7 When a medicine mast b« given to yourg children it should bo pleasant to take. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy i«* made from loaf sugar, and the roots used m its preparation give it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has no
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 102 7 ROBINSON Co. 'ANNOUNCE THEIR FIRST DISPLAY OF New Spring Dress Goods m all the newest shades fabrics. INSPECTION INVITED. I Patterns posted fre_ on. request. ROBINSON Co. tfBBHHHHMaHaMaBHn_BH^^M-H_^_^H-__i^_H^HH_HßH_^_H-D--STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Devoes Imperial Brilliant I Sylcan Arrow. j Wholesale selling agents HAI GUAN Go., U, South Ganal Road,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 669 8 WANTED. WANTED For Deli, Sumatra, a Chinese Amah." Wages 927. Food allowance. Can any lady recommend one. Apply No. 675 c o Singapore Free Press. Apl 17 20-4 NURSE WANTED. Wanted European nurse to take charge of two children. Good references indispensable. Apnly V. H. co" Singapore Free Press." Apl
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    • 743 8 OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' Bteamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and Liverpool
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    • 688 8 N.D.L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail Bteamers ol this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connective Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nagasaki and Kobe to
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    • 662 8 P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Foi China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for Chins Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Ameri can Ports. Steamers will leave Singapor- on or abont MAIL LINES. Outward for China) 1911 1911 Delta April
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    • 933 8 HOLIDAY-TICKETS. Between 15th April and 15th July, 1911 Holiday-Tickets to and from all the places of the .Netherlands-India Archipelagc (Singapore and Penang included) will be issued. These tickets entitle the passenger to make a return voyage against payment of si ogle fare and are available for an\ steamer of the
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  • 504 9 A meeting of the Anglo-Dutch Plantations of Java (Ltd was held on March 17th nit to hear a paper read by Mr Hammond, one of the directors but recently returned from a visit to Java. The Hon. 0. H. Strutt presided, and m introducing Mr H-iiumond
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  • 319 9 The world wis taken by surprise, and a n<>w era in n-.vtl gunnery »aa started, when Petty Officer of the! Wit.-r Qroundi uit'le c hits with cv L ;Ut rt rounds m oue micute from a > m quick-firing tun mouufe don board tho
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  • 155 9 DneTßucTion *.>r thi _oshi~i \i:.v, MANY CABUALTII I. Tokyo, April 10. One of tbe most disMtn ai cudi igrations known m receut years took plioo iv tbe Voshiwara quarter of Tokyo at noon yeeter< day. All tbe houses m tbe neighbourhood, extending to the Senju lobuib
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  • 55 9 There is little danger from a cold except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by itß remarkable cares of colds and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For sale
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 811 9 Singapore Sporting Club. The Spring Race Meeting' (Under S. R. I. Rules cf Racing.) WILL BI HKLD ON Tuesday, the 9th, Thursday, the (11th and Saturday, the 13th May, 1911. PROGRAMME FIRST DAY. Tuesday. 9th May, 1911. H e Oppning Stakes. Vml A Handicap for Hones that von a Stake
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    • 471 9 Entries close at noon on Saturday the 29th j April, except for Race No Bon the Third Day, Entries for Race No 8 on the Third Day must be made before Six o'clock pm, on Thursday, 11th May, at the Race Course. In all races the advertised Second Prise will
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    • 966 9 SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. From Ist February, 1911, and until farther notice. TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. UP TRAINS. 1284 6 6 789 10 am. am. am. am. am. am. pin, pm. pm. pm. P.ivtir Panjang •*> 7.37 4.40 Borneo Wharf 7.45 9.03 4.43 People's Park 7.54 9.12 4.57 Tank
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    • 510 9 fe Q. What is good for my cough? A. Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Q. Mow lor.£ has it been used? A. Seventy years. Q. Do doctors endorse it A. If not, we would not make it. Q. Do ycu publish the formula? A. Yes. On every bottle. Q. Any alcohol m
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 202 10 J3 U V^ XX Xjl XN XjL J^l f\\ 1 11 il iM To H.M. THI KiNG jl ll 1% r DLilvll KM liLil/ A IN D yJ_^T '^^^s. vW WHITF wm *am SEAL ■f -Am'^-MF _B1— _^^ffj^y «rt ft Br^^^. A* j. ~-m-*.*'Sj BU L M E R S
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  • 141 11 Feb. Mar. Total Btiat 62y 1,176 Bruang 177 75 252 Brueeb Cbenderiang 440 440 Sopeng 625 650 1,875 Heawood 623 628 Xainuning $8,590 6,287 17,729 Kanaboi 110 478 Kinta 445 9^o Kinta Association 525 220 74 5 Xledang 86 133 299 Kraruat Pulai 167 167 Koaataa I.abat 505
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  • 682 11 Fob Mar Total 4.225 4,150 8,375 Alor Pongßn 3,749 3,791 11,848 Alcr Gajah 611 285 1,688 Alma 1,600 l,Bi 0 4.H50 An«^lo Malay 53,932 42,290 158.2 )0 Kyex Kuning 550 560 1,711 Ayer Mclck 3,04 1 6,371 Ayer Panas 1,995 1,685 5,647 Bakap 2,132 2,182 Balgownie 10,053
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  • 496 11 April 15. Van Heetnskerk, Dut str, Potjewijd, for Moluccas via ports. De Klerk, Dut str. Chevalier, for Muntok. Reijniersz, Dut str, Noort, for Bandjermasin. Ranee, Ger. str., Mollermann, for Deli and Asahan. Hye Leong, Brit, str., Morrell, for Kuantan via ports. Sumatra, Brit str, Le Mare, 'for Hongkong, Shanghai
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  • 1423 11 Gap. Usui. Paid. Last Dry. Bursas. Sbllkrs 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estate* T*M 4 4 411 150,000 21- 21- Anglo-Malay 100% for 1910 116 130 50,000 2/- 2'- Batang Mai'aka 2 6 3 0 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 185%int.15 0 0 16 0 0 80.000 1 1
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1387 11 VESSELS IN POKT. Flax and Tone Commanden ArrlTed From |Por When Hai Chen Chinese cruis. C. C. Yang Apl 2 Deli Java Kurame Jap cruis. ***** G. Ishir Apl 14 Yokosuka London 19 Tone J*P cruis. 4100 Yamaguchi Apl 14 Yokosuka London 19 De J. Provincien Dut cruis. 6500 Vasq
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  • 3799 12 INVESTIGATION COMMITTEES REPORT. MR. WINKELMANN EXPLAINS. An extraordinary meeting of the Indrag'ui (Sumatra) Rubber aud Guttapercha Co, Ltd, was held at the registerei ofiflßfl of the company, the Arcole, yesterday, to consider the repot t of the committee of shareholders appointed at the annual general meeting, aud to
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  • 80 12 The "Mm" is loading tiu plates for Lmgkat. A full cargo of Japanese coal was landed from the"Btrou Cawdor" yesterday. The otatward bound Trench mail "Aastrahen" called yesterday, taking on bunker coal and some cargo, sailing for Saigon m the evening. The outward bound Blue Funnel steamer 'Cyclops"
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  • 98 12 A Teeeiblb Cataeteophb. Bombay, April 11th. Shocking details are to hand concerning the Selumbre The number ot dead is believed to exceed 900. Whole 1 tmilies were burnt, and there w-re pitiable scenes amongst the survivors. All the village! iv the dir'trict were affected, us they
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  • 149 12 Government to Provide Their ownPower. The Government Electrical FJn^ineer, Mr Ry lauds has been fluently seen m Lower Maskeliya making observations at the E'tiue Falls during the last V 2 months r It is perhaps not generally known, as they are m such a remote and inaccessible
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 107 12 _l i^\. WjEmß_«B___E_W j_f v.; lv _T^ I ____mm__)J*i* m ti} EM'Ew^A^EmEMf'^mSmm^A J'^'fl m J^ m* m* Continental Tyre Rubber COMPANY, LIMITED. 17, COLLYER QUAY. Telegrams: CONTINENT*. Telephone: No. 290. ml HAMS BTieON. 1 "PINEAPPLE" BRAND. Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. SOLE AGENTS FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. I~~" IIII■»H II Netherlands
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