The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 April 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 120 1 Wiie rtwd enres ih»t Tuikfv h«s hfen fcuccestful in htr war in Yemen Page 5. A gieat refoim scheme for China's CurTtncy ser niB to be iu a fair way to eventuate, loacs haviug already bten negotiated Page 5. The revolt ir. Mexico is said to be
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  • 64 1 When a medicine must be given to yoang children it should be pleasant to take. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is made from loaf sugar, and the roots used in its preparation give it a tlavor similar to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It ban no
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  • 765 1 There are thre«> g— rallj nccpted saviuga about name-holders in thu making: that a prophet is not without honour save in his own c< QBtn that r.o man is a hero to his valet at.d that sain'9 aie not cineniz.J till the? have breu Lucdred years.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 459 1 N THE PREMIER PICTURE PALACE. MWAFimRIAIMNG.StPIES A THE WEEKV MAK N&W^ I U TO-NICHT t\ of the World in H ■j 2nd shew 9-30 to ii p.m. t Pathe s Anima^ Bazette 30th Edition. L^ Transporting Long Tom weigh- A El. Overture iDg 4 toDS from Dover to Hong- koug.
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    • 239 1 MARLBOROUGH CINEMATOGRAPH, BEACH ROAD. The Show at which yon get. REGULAR CHANGES OF PROGRAMME which are always advertised PICTURES TO ENTERTAIN. Comprising High-Class Dramatic, Humorous, and Art Subjects pleasant musical accompaniment by trained professionals For which you are charged The Lowest AdnussirM Prices. Facts that have induced large members to
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    • 250 1 Telephone No. 191. ROBINSON PIANO, COMPANY, LIMITED PIANOS! FOR HIRE $10 per month. ALL THE LEADING MAKERS. C. H. WILLIS IS HERE And doing business on the forthcoming SINGAPORE RAGES Run My 9, 11 13. TREBLE EVENT HUNDRED TO ONE 100 TO 1. R.XZS 3, 4 6. 100 TO 1.
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    • 53 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RoUneon Fiano Co have instruments on hire Page 1. Empire Type writer for Bale Page 3. Wsiterbury's Metabolized Oil Page 2. Notice re Trade Mark Salvarsan Page 2 Lai and Gohar at the Star Opera Co Fiige 1. Auction sale r,f razors, Ae Piige 8. Charon for Western
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 362 1 THE WEEK TUBSDVY, 18th Indrsgiii Rubber Meeting, noon. High Water.— o 2."> a.. 1.26 p Wednesday. 19tb fTiph Water. O.U 24 p Little's Sale Ends. Thursday, 20th H «h Watw-1.19 252 p P O Mail Homeward due Friday, 21st High Water.— l :,i 1.5 p P A O Mail Outward
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  • 456 2 In reference to an appeal made by Lieut. Col. Chcipuidn, commandant of the Hongkong Volunteers for a greater degree of support by the young meu of that Colony the China M<iil, mentioning the fact that the numbers are tending to decrease than other wise, makes these
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  • 272 2 Makv'-j Flower The Express is informed oflijially that the Queen ha.* intimated to the <i^rdeners' Company her wish tbat the Coronation bouquet which the Company is to present to her Majesty should be composed of pink carnations. The flowers from which it is understood her Majesty's choice will
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  • 116 2 In the Divorce Court on M*rch 17ch Sir Samuel Evans granted a decree nisi to a Chinaman, bearing the name of Charles King, carrying on business as a lodginghouse keeper in Limehouse, London, and Liverpool. There was no defence. Petitioner in H9B married an Eaglishwoman, by whom
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  • 4 2 Better than a Plaster
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 504 2 NOTIGES. notice to Sportsmen. RACING STOCK FOR. SALE. I beg to notify Gentlemen that I have for sale the following bighciasH racing stock. STAGELIGHT. Who already holds an Australian record and has put up fine performances at Penang and Kuala Lumpur, which prove she is an excellent mare in her
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    • 637 2 NOTIGES. SALVARSAN Notice is hereby given that the mark depicted above is the property of Farbwerke vorm. Meister Lucius and Bruning, of Hoecbst a/Main, Germany, and is used as a trademark in respect of medicines for diseases of the blood for human use. The above mark is duly registered in
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    • 727 2 not teas. NOTICE Mr. Lachlan Rose Macphail has been admitted a partner in the firm of Saunders and Horsfall as from l">th April 1911. J. D. SAUNDERS. G. G. HORSFALL. Singapore, 15th April 1911. Apl 17 53.4 PAJAM, LIMITED. Notice of Closing of Transfer Books. Notice is hereby given that
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    • 495 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. Established 1887. Policies are "WORLD WIDE," "UNRIS TRICTED," INDISPUTABLE and NOK FORFEITABLE." Claims, loans, cash-snrrenders, etc., ai promptly settleo by the General Agents Singapore without the delay of reference ft< Head Office, The Reserves for protection of Poliof holders are over 920,000,000 (S.S.C.) The
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    • 538 2 International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000, H.AD OFPici :-60 Wall Street, Niw Yci. Londoh Opficb Tbroadneedle Honar BishoFagate Street Withia, Losdob C Lohdoh Bankbbb :-Nation*l Pr O?UekJ Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Bwineu Tranuc^ DEPOSITS. Cdbbent Deposit Accounta opened Interest allowed on the dailf balanoea ai? rate
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  • 536 3 FxR-REAt hin.; Proposals Juat la,d on the table of tb e House of Commons, the report of a Departmental Committee of the Board of Trade coutains proposals which will, ,f ,ff. c t b* tfivon fo them largely revolutionise the pilotage *v* tern of the country. At
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  • 300 3 Most Complicated Board Gamk Known to Man- Though Japan has adopted many Western games in cor. junction with other fruits of civilisation, it tuust not be supposed that 9he does not possess games of her own. Go, originally a Chinese pastime, has for centuries been the most popular
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  • 132 3 A curious fact is described in the paper II Tdbaceo," quoted by a writar in the "S'raDdMa^zue," regardmg the taniing of wild camels by the natives of Morocco. A three-cornered piece of wood, through which a hole is drilled, is placed in the mouth of the camel,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 556 3 FOR SALE. EMPIRE TYPEWRITER. For Sale a Second hand Empire Typewrite m Rood working order. Price $40. Apply t< Chief Clerk, Singapore Free Press. A P I 19 26-4 FOR SALE. Tin Mining Land. The owner is preparec to accompany the intending purchaser ovei the property and tnrn over the
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    • 576 3 AUQTIONS. By Crder of the Ch ef Police Officer S. S, AUCTION SALE OF Unserviceable Police Stores, Confiscated and Unclaimed Gcods, Intestate Estate Property &r. j TO HE HELD AT THE CENTRAL POLICE I Station South Bridge Road On Friday, 28th April, at 2 p. m. Por Particulars see Catalogues.
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    • 690 3 A UGTIONS. ■■■■■•■-^■■■^^■i^^^^^ mm^^^,,^^^ m^^^^^^_____^____^__ m mm > mim AUCTION SALE OF AUTOSTROP SAFETY RAZORS Etc., At Cur Saleroom, Ko. 3, Raffles Flace ON Wednesday, 19th April, at 10-30 a. m. Gold-pla:ed Razors and Fittings in Pigskin Cases, and Ciiver-pJated Razors in Sterling ball marked Cases. Very useful for Planters
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    • 894 3 AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Teak and European Male Household Furniture and Effects. (The property of L. Engel, Ksq., at present in the occupation of G. J. HontBma, Esq.) AT "STRATHMORE, No 9, TANGLLV HILL. On Saturday, 22nd April, 19*1* at 2 pm. Comprising: TEAK DINNER WAGONS; TEAK DINING TABLE; TEAK
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 27 4 At the Presbyterian Church, Singapore' on the 15th inst, by the Rev. W. Runciman, m.a., li.D., Alkwndbk Gray MacDouqall to Elizabeth Anderson Sheaber, of Greenoca, Scotland.
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    • 20 4 At the Royal Infirmary, Dundee, Scotland, at 2.30 a.m. on 21st March, 191 I.John Keddik Wir.hiE, late of Singapore.
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  • 2018 4 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, April. 18, 1911. There are eigns that the minds of miny men, chit Hy those who know something of the Empire of Greater llitain, are being moved by the sentiments aroused bv the appro ich of the Imperial Conference, to a contemplation of ways and
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  • 333 4 The Milay Miil prints the itporta «t number of local Companies from which extract the following particulars Ka.MA> AN. First nnnu-0 meeting held April 19 Daring 1910, 150 acre* w«re brought 1^ cu iwuon These toother w7th oW* fields which will om« m to bearing *Z year,
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  • 10 4 Chkndkkian.. VWpkk 1 DAI HviiK.Ulir K* pkls.
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  • 375 4 March I PARA. Since our last Report we have had a fluctuating and very difficult Market la one day prices ros« 3d. to 4d. per Ib., and dropped down 3d. Hard Fin jpto 67* I r May to June and June to July at the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 77 4 CALL AT 'MOUTRIET FOR THE PIANO t PROVEN BY 38 YEARS EXPERIENCE. GUARANTEED FOB. 5 YEARS OVER 1,200 Distributed in all Parts of China and the Straits. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. THE AROADE. t BILLIARDS. The Anglo- Australian Cushion. (Alcock's Patent with Improvements by John Rohebts, RETiREDWoBiiD's Champion) ABSOLUTELY
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  • 216 5 IRE AT REFORM SCHEME. Details of loans. (Bv Submarine Telegraph. Reuter's.) A Poking telegram bays that the loan of „u millions sterling for the davelopment of huria, and the reform of the Chinese \v, bas been negotiated with British, \inericin, French and German groups, and on signed. The
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  • 71 5 Following Ministerial Changes. Received 5.10 pm. The Hon. Frederick Guest, Member for Bast Dorset, has been appointed a Junior •rJ of the Treasury, vice Mr E. J. 3 ares, who has been appointed an assistant of the National Dibt, and has oeen knighted. This will involve two bye-elections,
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  • 105 5 Sing out fair morning stars, as erst you eung »Vith all the sons of God to greet Hia birth, For lo from out the cradle of the earth He ri^es, and His tomb is open fluDg. Sing out a respond ocean, loud and deep' Te mountains bow
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  • Corrcspondence.
    • 110 5 k Editor. r, For some nights past there has been i band of Native or Malay musicians paradng the Streets, tinging and clapping hands, uiuch to the annoyance of people in their "'umbers. List night, or rather this mornng, they disturbed the neighbourhood of Sele^ie Road, Niven Road,
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    • 147 5 A number of new films that arrive by .he French mail to-day will be shown at -he Harinn. Hall to-night. The early morning train on Thursday Port Swettenham ran over a buffalo on :he line about two miles out. Mr E. C. H. Wolff, who will be the re "ipient
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  • 61 5 Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets io not sicken or gripe, and u.ry be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened iigestion and
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  • 122 5 SUCCESS IN THE YEMEN. Rebels Beaten. (By Bubmarm« Telegraph— Renter's) A Reuter message from Sanaa, dated April 7, says that Riz* B 3 y after defeating and dispersing the rebels at Matneb, entered Sanaa on April 4. The Turkish casualties were small, including two officers killed, but the
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  • 53 5 Said To Be Growing. Received 5,15 pm. The New York Times Correspondent at Mexico City siyg that the Federal power is weakening in practically every Mexican State. The rising tide of revolt is shown in the appearance of numerous marauding bands not connected with the followers of the
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  • 26 5 For the Scottish Association Cup, in the final replay between the Celtic and the Hamilton Academicals, the former won by two goals to nil.
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  • 37 5 Passengers Saves Pilot. April 17th, 7 50 a.m. At Nice, M. Dufour, an aviator, Hying with an English passenger, fell into the sea. The Euglishrnan kept Dafour, who was unconscious, afloat till they were rescued.
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  • 21 5 Kec. April 17, 10 a.m. A telegram from Paris states that President Fallieres has left for Tunis.
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  • 13 5 Mr Lloyd George hopes to introduce the Workmen's Bill on Wednesday.
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  • 202 5 Annual Meetin;. On April 11 at the Club House of above, Mr Justice Thornton presided over the annual meeting of members. The report, which had beeu circulated, was presented by the Hon. Secretary, Mr Durward, and adopted. It reads as follows: The financial position of the Club
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  • 100 5 An extraordinary general meeting of the Penang Khean Guan Insurance Coy., Ltd., was held on April 11 at the Company's premises, No. 34 Beach Street, to confirm the resolution passed at a previous meeting for winding up the business. There were more than fifteen shareholders present.
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  • 13 5 Woods' Great Peppermint Core for all inter cal complaints dyteatry coughs colds &O.
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  • 886 5 SINGAPORE vs. SELANGOR. Home Side Win Easily. This match was resumed-yesterday morning and opened rather inauspiciously for the visitors Campell putting Beven's third up in the slips where Rooke secured it. Three down for six, B^ven's analysis reading three for two. Bincroft came in and cut the second for
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  • 333 5 PERAK V. PENANG. Colony's Win. iFrom our own Cor>espon,ient} Penang, April 17. The cricket match between Perak and Penang was resumed in splendid weather to-day. Penang was six wicket9 down in the second innings with 73 runs to the good. The not outs Durnford Wood aud W. H.
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  • 28 5 WALKER TROPHY. The following are the collected scores for April for the above Trophy. Taping 185 Penang 180 Selangor 17,; North Kinta 164 Singapore 157
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  • 165 5 The opening day of the above was held on April (S, unfortunately inclement weather to some extent spoiled the proceedings, notwithstanding this there a large "attendance of ladies, a photograph waB taken, a copy of which will be kept iu the archives of the club. The
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  • 55 5 Danger Avoided. There is little danger from a cold except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable enres of colds and can be relied npon with implicit confidence. For sale
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 376 5 ROBINSON Co. ANNOUcNCE THEIR FIRST DISPLAY OF New Spring Dress Goods in all the newest shades fabrics, INSPECTION INVITED. Patterns posted frez 01 request. ROBINSON Co. Player's navy pxtiire, j In i !b. Patent Air-Tight Tins. Price 55 cts. obtain- able at 1 Robinson Co. IKATZ BROS., LTD. HARNESS SADDLERY
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 664 6 M U LfJCL TO BE LET. DALVEY For particulars apply to Messrs. Powell k Co., or to MESSRB. TOMLINSON A L.ERMIT. Apl 14 29-l_ TO BE LET. St. Helens 26 a, Syed Ali Road. Apply St Mary's Dispensary, 75, Hill Street. Apl 7 75 COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET. From Ist
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    • 743 6 OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and Liverpool
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    • 684 6 N.D.L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ol this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connect) a* Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa} Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nagasaki and Kobe
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    • 669 6 P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Foi China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Ameri can Ports. Steamers will leave Singapor on or about MAIL LINES. Outward for China) 1911 1911 Delta April
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    • 774 6 HOLIDAY-TICKETS. Between 15th April and 15th July, 1911 Holiday-Tickets to a from all the places of the Netherlands-India Archipelai (Singapore and Penang included) will be issued. These tickets entitle the passenger to make a return vova against payment of single fare and are available for steamer of the following lines
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    • 125 6 and Marseilles OUTWARD BOMBWUtD 1911. Australien Apl. 17 I'o!ynt<iin Nera May 1 Y.doiaCiotat May Yarra May l."> Toa Dumbt'a May M Auj-lralim E. Simons Juno LI N«n A. Behic June M Yarra V.delaCiotatJuly 10 DumWa Tourane July 24 E. BfaMM Singapore-Batavia. s.s. Haiphong mu fortnight in connection with the Out
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  • 3 7 Feb
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  • 661 7 JFeb Mar Total 4,2-25 4,150 8,375 3,749 .{,791 11,348 611 285 1,638 1,600 1,6' 0 4,650 58,932 42,290 158,200 550 560 1,711 3,044 6,371 1995 1,685 5,647 2,132 2,182 Balgownie 1O,O:.O 8,026 30,e61 Batak Rabit 2,479 2,725 5,204 3anteng 3,332 8,467 10,139 3atu Caves 17.741 15,-381 52,220
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  • 1373 7 Oaf I«8U«. Paid. L,ast Div. Buyim. Sillers 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estate* Ltd 44 411 150,000 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 100% for 1910 116 130 50,000 2/- 2'- BatangMalaka 2 6 3 0 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 185%int.15 0 0 16 0 0 80,000 1 1 Batu Tiga
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  • 121 7 I Under Contract with the Nethkblands India Government. Agents at Singapore, The *hipsa*ency, Limited, 2-3, Collyer Quay TH» UND.BMBNTIONID DAT.S OP D.PABTUB. 4RI ONLY APPBOXIMAtI. VAX DEK ITS", S l PaD t ASahaD dß iST-5 Mengoala Prigi-Kadja and Rengat P Brouwer Moeara-Saba, Simpang, Djambi i Tongkal
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  • 66 7 Keep Chamberlain's Pain Balm at band, become acquainted with it« many uses and intrinsic merits and it will save mnch suffering as well as time and money. It promptly relieves the pain resulting from cuts, bruises, sprains or injuries from any eause and the wound is
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  • 81 7 VESSELS A T TANJONG PAGAR AND KEPPEL HARBOUR. Wkarvet and Dnckt at which different vess*Jt were berthed yesterday. East Wbarf (Ba«in)—Min, Manila. East Wharf Sec 1 Teesta. Sheers Wharf—Nil. Maia Wharf Sec 2—Baron Cawdor. ti 3 —Lightning. 4— Nil. i, s—Charon.5 —Charon. 6 —Cyclops. Ltgoon Dock Sec 7—(Under construction West
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 255 7 WANTED. TEACHERS. Qualified Teachers needed for St. Joseph's Institution. Apply to the Director. Apl 8 tti 23-4 WANTED For Deli, Sumatra, a Chinese Amah." Wages $27. Food allowance. Can any lady recomoaend one. Apply No. 675 c o Singapore Free Press. Apl 17 20-4 NURSE WANTED. Wanted European nurse to
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 434 7 VESSELS IN POKT. Flag and Tom Commanden Arrived From For When Hai Chen Chinese crnis. C. C. Yang Apl 1 Deli Java Kurame Jap cruis. ***** G. Ishir Apl H Yokosuka London 19 ii ?T3 i ap Crui8 41G0 Yam »««chi Apl 14 Yokosuka London 1.9 De J Provincien Dut
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  • 235 8 FULL DETAILS OF THE PLAY. (From "id- i>"n C<>rr>sj>omhitt Peuang, April 17. The Gulf meeting here turned out very successfully there being a larger number of -visitors present than usual. The weather was suitable and the course through the greens was in fiue condition, though the greens themselves
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  • 116 8 Singapore won by six holes. A meeting of the delegates from the various centres w»g held at which it was decided thftt the 1912 cliH.ujpioLship should be held at Ipoh. Three a side eighteen hole?, meJal play. SlN<..\r<»RE. Crabb Watt 36 40 78 Winter 44 40 -1 Dr
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  • 329 8 Earn m Mm wo. Sdveral very successful competitions were decided at the Rice CourM i tiring the Easter holidays, the weather being perfect and the entries good. At the c the various competition! Utt evening the pr^-i---dent, Mr E. F. H. EJlin, anuounced the results as follows
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  • 1347 8 {Front Our Sj>ecial Correspondent March 23. That curiously assarted group, the Scottish Home Rulers, have l>een treated to a warm bath and then a cold douche by the Government of which they are such strenuous supporters. A deputation of their number waited privately upon Mr Asquith to press
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  • 601 8 How our Interests ake QmowufO a Java Mr K J. Hammond, who has just return ed to London after a lorjg visit to the East, in an interview with a representative of the Standard had some interesting remarks to make as to the development of British
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  • 503 8 The M. M uvni! steamer Australien passed MtLtooa *■'< 8 pw. yesterday. The P. Hid O. II tneward Mail e. s. Delhi" ltft Hoigkoftg at 1 p.m. on Snurday, aud is duo here ut 6 o'clock on Thursday ixiornirg, the 20th instant. The P. and O. Outward Mail
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 276 8 W f^ 1^ TOi s^i s af^ iA# 8 i\i it v^ Eli w V I It CL rH IDEAL :V!/ fGORA TO R FOR CODY i VE AND BRAIN The vitalising erfect of its bloodenriching constituents becomes evident after the first few doses* Appetite is restored t digestion is
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 366 8 PASSENGERS. Per Kinta Mr and Mrs Maulefinch, Mr J. J. de Sou/a, Mr G. J. Bell, Mrs Routeled<e, Mr A. J. Morris, Lidy Lawrence, Mr Young, Mr and Mrs Simpson, Mr Morgan, Mr E EL Rigby, Mrs Kemp. Per Lama Mr E. Fielder, Mr E B. D.u i>, Mr W.
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