The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 April 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 130 1 The Admiralty «re experimenting with fifteen inch guns Page •">. Lord Crewe has gone to Italy for his health Page 5. Mr Emery Stark, a well-known traveller, has arrived m Singapore Page 5. The Merlimau share case was continued m the Supreme Court yesterday Page 5. The
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  • 188 1 The B I. '»aT«m to day. «*>•- London M*y 6. The N D L. leaven Apl 14, due Hongkong Apl 19, Shanghai Apl 'J;i, Yokohama Apl 30 Intermediate and .oc»l unlit mh v .on,ia litt i-xsio* To-day. Penang, Malacca, Federated Malay States A Johore (Overland) (By Train,' 7
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  • 862 1 There may be philos. phv at the bottom of the old belief that mn^icine which is nasty is thereby all the more powerful. It ia a wide-spread tendenrv, aryhow, ranging from the child's desir* to walk io the mud to the religious anchorite 'a mortificition of the ttrsh Bit
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 641 1 YOU WANT GOOD MUSIC j along with the pictures thrown on the serf en I to enhance the entertainment not passable music" or "something that wiil do for music" but something that is really good as an accompaniment. We have gene to the trouble and expense of getting ow, an
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    • 124 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Bankruptcy notice re Lim Choon Guan Page 2 Laet few days of Hartnaton's Circus Page 1 Mr W. N Willis has some valuable race horses for sale P^ge 2. Wanted i European nurse for two children For charter, small steamship Page 2. Shipping S. S S K. P.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 159 1 THE WEEK THUBBHA.Y, 13tb Sigh Water —10 32 10 49 p B. I. Mail Homeward closes 3 p Passover (Jewish Festival). Hindu New Year commences. Full Moon. Harmston's Circus, 9 p Friday, 14th High Water— ll.lo a., 11.13 p Good Friday. Public and Bank Holiday. S G.C. Competitions. N. D.
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  • 446 2 a writer m th-* Kid goon Gr*s jtte Over every man who eLt-is a ju-y box there steals a subtle, imperceptible change. There is something m 'he atmosphere of a lawcourt which iffdOti fill who have the m'sfor tune to be iv one, from the judge <1 mm
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  • 232 2 The following are the particulars of services luring Easter. ■D FBIDAT, April 14th. 7 am. Matins and Litany. 7.30 nm. Ante Communion Service. 9 am. to 12 Ttie Three Hours' Benriot. 6 pm. Evensong and Sermon. Easter Eve. '> pm. Processional Hymn 131 Respon-' Festal Psalms XXIII
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1003 2 AOTJGES. NOTICE. Messrs. Fraser and Neave's Aerated Water Establishment will be closed on Good Friday, April 14th. Orders for delivery on Thursday should be sent m before 1 p.m. on that day. Apl 13 The Bankruptcy Ordinance 1888. In the BaprtßM Court of the Straits Settlements Setti.kmevt ck Sin<;apo3K. IN
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    • 765 2 NOT WES. Compagnie Generale dePhonographes, Cinematographes and Appareils de Precision of Paris. CINEMATOGRAPH PATHS, Singapore General Agency. During my absence from the Colony, Mr. I. N. MOBAIED holds my Power of Attorney and will be m full charge of our interests. L. H. COURANT, General Agent. _Apl 11 14-4 NOTICE.
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    • 456 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. Established 1687. Policies are WORLD WIDE," UNRBt TRICTED," "INDISPUTABLE" and NO> FORFEITABLE." Claims, leans, cash -surrenders, etc., ar promptly set.tJeo by the General Agents Singapore without the delay of reference t Head Office The Reserves for protection of Polio? holders are over $20,000,000 (S.S.C.)
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    • 532 2 International •Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000, HEAD Omci r— oo Wall Street, New Yo», Lokooh Opficb :~Threadneedie H UOae Bißho»B£ate Street Within, London IC,1 C Londoh Bankkrs :-Natioaa! ProviK itJ Bank o! England Ltd. General Foreign Buiineu Trantacted DEPOSITS. COBBBNT DllPOfilT AcOOOBte Ofmt-6 I*l Interest aUowed on the
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  • 369 3 a> *v 15th March. At the auctions just concluded there was •omy a small quantity offered, namely about 195 tons anj although th.3 demand was rather slow pryeiicallv everything sold Prices opeMd about 8d to lOd per Ib down on th«> l*,st males' rate*, and
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  • 160 3 RUSSIA EXPRESSES SATISFACTION. Pkince Ke'.kn: DjTHAPPT. Peking, March 81. At a meeting held before the Throne jebterday, Piirce Cuing and H. E. Wai. Teung pn duced the reply of the Russian Minister, who said that the Russian Govern went were <|dite satisfied with China's reply to the ultimatum and tha
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  • 86 3 Shanghai, April 3rd. The Rev. John Murray, of the American Presbyterian Mission Tainan-fu (Shantung) was attacked by ruffians on March 28th a hund~ed li north of Tsinnnfu and was badly wounded on the head, arms and legs. The cause of the attack was a silly rnmour
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 F. CLARKE CO. 207, QUBEN-BT, SINGAPOPB. Livery Stable Keepers Fodder Merchant*. For Rabbert-yred Gharries and Rabbet t?red carriagoe, ring np Telephone 918. FODD2S delivered to any part of the Island SPECIALITY: FURNITURE REMOVALS m our own vans, by our own men. GENERAL CARRIERS. J»n 18
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    • 547 3 FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Tin Mining Land. Tbe owner is prepared I to accompany tbe intending purchaser over tne property and tnrn over the soil anywhere desired as proof of deposits. For terma and lurtner particulars apply to Deposits "co Free Press. A P I 3 27.4 FOR SALE. A
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    • 600 3 WANTED. SHIPPING. \V^nted for charter, SMALL STEAMSHIP, cabin accommodation for three. Time required about three m >nths. Apply with full particulars to No. 07:5, Singapore Free Press. Apl 18 18£_ NURSE WANTED. Wanted European nurse to take charge of two children. Good references indispensable. Aprly V. H. c o Singapore
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    • 689 3 A UGTIONS MORTGAGE*. S SALE. Valuable Leasehold Land and Bouses AT MINTO RO*D AT CHING KENG LEE COS SALE-ROOM. On Monday, April 24th, at 2-30 p m. 1. Two pieces of Valuable Leasehold Land for 99 years comprised m East India Company's Leases Nos. 586 and 587 containing the total
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    • 535 3 4 fT 1 9 ft Hazeline Snow (trade mark) \jr^ i snow -i Greatly reduced I for Prickly Heat I Its soothing and healing properties produce a delicious feeling of coolness and comfort. V The ideal balm for painful sunburn, it instantly relieves the smarting sensation and removes the redness
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  • 17 4 Domestic Occurrences. Birth. Pountney— On the 9th inst. the wife of A. M. Pountney, of a daughter.
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  • 1974 4 As the weeks slide past, the time of the assembling of the Imperial Conference draws nearer, and that is now less than six weeks hence. That Conference, far more than any of its predecessors, is pregnant with the destiny of the Empire;
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  • 396 4 AN ENCOURAGING REPORT. Money Plentiful and Trade Good. I\mang, April 12. At the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce here, the report which was pr sentel notes inter alia tint the Committee have carefully considered the bringing f or ward of a bill to deal with
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  • 26 4 At Messrs H. L. Coghlan A Co'a salerooms on Wednesday the following pncet were retlised. No. 1 Shnet HI No. I Sheet $j;
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  • 47 4 Agents P.W Barta A 00, Sesawan.. •'.,000 ItM; A^ li lbs; Total two months 15. 9,599 lbs. The Sandycroft returns *ere by mistake faieometlj "published vr^-.'r!,. Tb« tifirures should be Mirch 8,762 l >- Ajunsi 6^Bo lb<. ToUl two months 18,894 lbs; Against 2,718 lbs.
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  • 68 4 The crop of rubber h.irvestei «>n the estates of this Comp mv f»r six t <>nd«d 28'h Februiry, 11*11, \n .s .tpproiuu.itelv 100,025 lbs. Sold to <] i»*> il i groMfti of 5s 7,' i per 1b 50,996 lbs. 01 tbe current crop 49,622 Ibt. ot lt(
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  • 108 4 The Directors inform us that the crop harvested m the half year endine Sill I*" cember 1910 amounted to 1,097 28 I against 499,487 nuts for the siine pt>r the year before. (M. M) The death has tak*n place at Mtn of Lieut.-Colonel L-jslie, Indian sauiUi/ conituissioner. An
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 85 4 No Home is Complete Without A Gramophone THE BEST CHEAPEST MEANS OF PURE ENJOYMENT. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. THE ARCADE. mth LEE BROTHERS! 58-4, Hill Street, (off Stamford Road.) HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. Enlargements a Speciality PRICE LIBT OH APPLICATION. BILLIARDS. The Anglo- Australian Cushion. (Alcock's
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  • 214 5 GUNS DAILY GROWING. I(Bv Subraann* Telegraph.— Reuter'e) vest has been aroused m naval circlei innouuceraent that the Admirals m experimenting with fifteen inch guns which are believed to ba Great Britain. v to the fourteen inch guns proposed or nations. I? is only now that for the newer
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  • 50 5 Closer Union. Lite Api 12, 9.V> i m. Bf'l correspondent at St Petersburg that the Minister of Commerce ha* Bitted a bill to the Cabinet for the esta*ut m St Petorsburg o f a Rasso--uese company, to develop closer revs between Russia and Japan commer> md generally.
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  • 146 5 -re young Chinese faced Mr Robinson magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on a W of attempting to 'murder a young Kien girl. irt luhpector Bourne appeared for the prosecution and the accused were reprtsentv Messrs Campbell and Johannes. Complainant said that she was employed >ervant m a Chiuese
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  • 83 5 The action between Tan Mong Tho and A'ee Bjon Hean, m which 2,0«'0 Merlimau ere involved was continued before the acting Chief Justice, Sir A. r, a w vester when the cross-exdmination of the -Wendant- was continued at lemrh by Mr Defendant m reply stated that the Merlimau
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  • 192 5 This entertainment will be here for only a few daji more the last performance being \ed for Monday evening. The circus will re by the French Mail for Batavia on .Tuesday. Mr If. X. Ridley is on a visit to the I.S. With a view to getting into
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  • 67 5 Keep it at Hand. Keep Chamberlain 'B Pain Balm at band, ecome acquainted with it« many uses and intrinsic merits and it will save mach suffer'Bg as well as time and money. It promptly lieves the pain resulting from cats, bruises, sprains or injuries from any cause and the nd
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  • 20 5 A UNIONIST GAIN. (^•Submarine Tel^raph—Eeuter-. deceived at 8.40 pm At the result of the petition for a r,
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  • 41 5 Railway Companies' Courtesy. April 1*6.15 pm. AH the great R tilway Companies hay, agreed to i S9U c free p iBBeB over their line to the ColouUl delegates to the Imperia Conference, and to the ladies accompanying them.
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  • 24 5 LORD CR EWE'S HEALTH Rec April 12, (Uo pm. Lord Crewe has gone to luly m the hope* of an early restoration to health. > <
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  • 221 5 Dr. W. L. Abbott, well known as a El7 P T 1 aD( C ll6Ctor who h 8 contributed largn y to the Smithsonian Museum 77 also be Q friend to the Ktf-11*-Museum, has been spending the winte. has not been good for his health, and
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  • 345 5 Before Mr Firmstone, m the Distrid Court, yesterday, a Javanese was convicted ot housebreaking at Btrker Road H« broke into a store-room belonging to Mrs Buxton and was ciptured by Master Vivian buxton after a chase. Accured was then charged with stealing alien from a kebun living
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  • 55 5 Danger Avoided. There is little danger from a cold except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cares of colds and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For sale
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  • 902 5 MR W. EMERY STARK IN SINGAPORE. •t those who have consistently applied rears of leisure after a successful professional career to the fine art of travel as an end m itself, there can have been few who have 'lone that more successfully thin Mr W bmery
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  • 61 5 Good for Weak Digestion Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and nay be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngeHt child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion and
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  • 953 5 Murder Trial of Secret Society SEome, March 12. «c great criminal trial, m which thirty nembers of the Camorra, the dreade. t society which for long years has ter >d Italy, are charged with being con d m a double murder, opened at Viterb< jrch I!.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 For all internal complaints! dy sentry cuogh I cclds Ac, take Woods' Great Peppermint Our* v
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    • 176 5 IROBINSON Co. I ANNOUNCE THEIR I FIRST DISPLAY OF New Sprjn^Dress Goods I m all the newest shades fabrics, I INSPECTION INVITED. 1 Patterns posted free on request, |ROBINSON Co. THE GARRICK. CIGARETTES'"* jjUJj^Hl PJckM m 50s A r Tight Tins. 1 Obtainable at MESSRS. JOHN LITTLE Co LTD ROBINSON
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 535 6 NOTICE. THE JUNGLE CLEARING COMPANY, LTD. AUTHORISED CAPITAL $200,000. The Company undertakes contracts to cleai Jungle, clean, improve, plant, drain, cultivate develop any land control, superintend tbt clearing, planting of lanbdand plantations erect, construe 1 repair, nngalows, coolie lines, hospital sheds, houses and other build ings. Contract fcr the supply
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    • 761 6 tl OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. I AND M China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. s N The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China A and Japan every week, and from Japan home- t< wards for London Amsterdam and Antwerp r every fortnight for Genoa,
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    • 705 6 N.D.L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers of ihis Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connective Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) C Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, ci Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsiugtau, Nagasaki and
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    • 698 6 P. O. 1 STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Fox China, Japan, Penang, Ceylpc t Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China J Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Ameri can Ports. Steamers will leave Singapor on or abont MAIL LINES. Outward for China) 1911
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    • 869 6 HOLIDAY-TICKETS, between 15th April and 15th July, 1911 Holiday-Tickets to from all the places of the .Netherlands-India Archirjebi (Singapore and Penang included) will be issued. Chese tickets entitle the passenger to make a return von against payment of single fare and are available foi steamer of the following lines Koninklijke
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 591 7 TIN RETURNS. F-b. M ar Total. •I 529 1,176 Sraaug 17 7 75 252 ieriang viopeng 625 650 1,875 Heawood 628 628 Aamuning *8,590 6,287 17,729 Aac 110 47S Kinta 445 910 Kinta Association 220 745 Kle«iang 86 133 299 Kramat Pulai 167 167 Kuantan Wo 481 l,7|a _iembuLode 307
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    • 624 7 Rantau Panjang 66t 810 ISS^ <:«•• ;5 IV 6rSide :>,TOB 8,108 S U f bana 25,000 25,000 50,000 1^ 3,250 8 ,.i00 9 750 Kubber Growers ABen. 4.701 3,707 12,421 is S2SJ 9,510 7,4C0 28,319 !^l aba H^2l 11,763 34,799 settong qq 7 Q 2gr SangeiChoh 6|h7o 3,130 16,'sX) I
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    • 1282 7 SHAREB. RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. P 2/ ID Alla*ar Rubber E.tate. T,H la'aw i 1 i 1 satU5 atU S aye 185%int.15 0 0 16 0 0 ImSS 1 Batu iSelangor) t|€ 412 6 526 l 2 J Bukit Kajanc; s %tat 214 0 216 0 30.000 1 Bukit Lintang 3u%
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    • 756 7 VESSELS IN POK-T. «*R«dTons Commanders Arrived From For When Hai Chen Chinese emis. C. C. Yang Apl 2 Deli Java ?T.^^ W U k *"S£ Dock Charon Brit l«60 Bell AnMI r Consignee H'or When s II ir life ipip.. Teesta B, it 3 438 Willis Apl 8 M-idria
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  • 133 8 Easter Competitions. The draw for the Singles competition of the above whs made at the Club last evening. Members will hive seen the conditions at the Club house, but'we are asked to state that these conditions will be carried out with the utmost rigour and any players
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  • 153 8 Two miles of moviug pictures every evening, reads the Alhambra advertisement and after witnessing the peiiorinance it is not difficult to realise that this extraordinary length of film is presented during the hour and a half the show lasts. This week the change of programme includes a varied
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  • 183 8 In another column will be found an advertisement \y Mr W. N. Willis regarding racing stock tor sale. There is one thing quite certain about Mr Willis, and that is tha* he has brought up a better lot of horses here m their class than anyone
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  • 373 8 Calcutta, March 29. A public meeting was held this afternoon at the Town Hall to consider steps to he taken for according a fitting {reception to the King Emperor nnd C^u-en Empress on their visit to Calcutta. The Lieutenant Governor presided and there was large
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  • 86 8 Somebody has been suggesting that a likely souice of Mr As-quith's Wait, and See" was the memoirs of the Rev Robeit Hall. A correspondent of the Giaegow Herald, on the other hand, thinks the Prime Minister had the expression from 44 D >mbey and Son." When the Doinbey household are
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  • 1595 8 London, March Lord Lansdowne moved his address to day aking the King's sanction for the introducion of the Lords' Reform Bill. He explaind that the reformed House of Lords might be I xpected to consist of certain qualified peers I md of nominated and popularly elected ele- I
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  • 46 8 i George Washington, who (so they say), Could never tell a lie, Was m the larder feeling gay, With cake and apple-pie. "What have you taken asked his dad You'll tell the truth, I'm sure! I took," replied the famoas lad, Some Woods' Great Peppermint Care."
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  • 252 8 Si we interesting leminiscencea concerning theitceipt eft lie news of the death of the Prince Imperial, who w :m killed while reconnoitring iii ZululaLd m I>7:', are given m the Journal de» Debuts by the well-known dramatic author, M. Jacque Normand. H« relates how the
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  • 37 8 The Giarg Beog is undergoing general epairs and ote*Bit>g nt Sheers Wharf. The"Cbaoa" w»«* vnsterday landing a eneral cargo from Ftemantle aud West Lustralian ports. Sue sails on the return oyage on the 19th inst.
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  • 317 8 Effect of the McKinlev Tariff on England. Messrs. Bradley and Burch (Ltd.), iron and inplate merchants, write to us m regard to the ixports and home consumption of tinterne a d )lackplate<». They point out that the United States, who used to be our chief buyer, taking
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  • 235 8 RECEPTION ON THE LAMA." When the B. I. vessel Lama," the first turbine steamer m the local trade, arrived m Penang a week ago the Gazette published an account of its leading features. But the general public, who are possible passes ijor:-. between this port aud Singapore, awaited an opportunity
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  • 155 8 Meesrs Caird and Co, of Greenock, on Mirch 14th launched the twin screw mai! and passenger steamer Mndina for the Teninsular aud Uiental Company. Her dimensions aie: Length *>70 feet.; Iwam 68 ft. depth, 4S ft. gross tonnage, 18,000 tons. The Medina" is fitted
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  • 37 8 Sirie Borneo, Dut 648, Koek, April 12, B'massin, Thio Soon To, B'tnassin 16. Yugala, Siain 473, Jessen, April If, Bang--1 kok, E. A. Co. Bangkok 15. Sea Mew, Col yacht ",00, Murphy, April I*2, Tringganu
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  • 6 8 Per Yugala: Mr N. Stolt/..
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  • 106 8 From Europe.—Per N. D. L. Goeben, tomorrow, with mails of Mar 22 Per B. I. Tara, on Saturday next, with mails of Mar 24. From China. —Per M. M. Polyneeien, on Monday next. MAILS ALREADY DBSPATCHED FOR LONDON. Left Due Arrived. M M Mar 6 Mar 30
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 363 8 Netherlands Gutta Percha COMPANY LIMITED. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, Rings, Valves Tubes, Endless Belts, Hose Suction, Stear^, Hy.' draulic, Armoured) etc. etc. Ebonite, Vulcanite and Hard Rubber articles. Works and Offices —Pass ir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents Hooglandt and Co Singapore. <&^% B. P.
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